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Week of June 9, 2013
JON JUNE 10, 2013

J ON J UNE 14, 2013

J ON J UNE 14, 2013

Featuring Articles from:

The Shepherd J ournal - Morg azine - http://themorg

J ON J UNE 14, 2013

J ON J UNE 14, 2013

Elijah at 3 Months Its safe to say that the third month of your life was the busiest of all, except maybe February when you were born. Over the last few weeks, youve

started to demonstrate a personality of your own. You are talking more and you are taking interest in the world around you.

J ON J UNE 14, 2013

Responsibilities This morning my wife was running late for work and Elijah hadnt finished his bottle, so I agreed to hold onto him to finish his feeding before taking him to daycare. My son and I settled back into the brown colored recliner in the living room, and I once again presented him with his mornings bottle. Bottle feedings have gotten more difficult while he has been fighting off a cold. This morning he had pushed the bottle out of his mouth after drinking 4 ounces, then refused to drink any more. Two ounces didnt seem like much, but weve been trying to get him to eat as much as we can.

J ON J UNE 14, 2013

Note to Elijah There arent words which can describe what it feels like to wake up to your smiling face every morning and to watch you drift off to sleep every night. The closest would be joy. It has been such a huge joy being your father, and you are only 3 months old.

J ON J UNE 14, 2013

Elijah at 4 Months Old The Saturday when you turned four months old was pretty typical. When you woke up, I changed you and started to feed you your morning bottle. The house stayed pretty quiet because your older brother, Josh, had spent the night at Noahs house. Kayla and Athena, who had spent the night here, slept in late (first rule of the sleepover: nobody sleeps, then you must sleep in as long as possible).

J ON J UNE 14, 2013

Girls on the Run of Central Michigan 5K Race 2013 The 5K run for Girls On The Run of Central Michigan was held on May 18, 2013. The run started inside the football stadium, headed down main street, around the walking trail, and then back into the stadium. The weather was optimal for the runners, with the skies overcast but no precipitation. One of the GOTR participants commented that the cooler temperatures made it easier to run the race.

J ON J UNE 14, 2013

Messages for Janet Members of of the community shared their goodbyes with Janet Silverthorn on Wednesday in honor of her retirement from the Shepherd

Community Library. Post your good luck message.

J ON J UNE 14, 2013

Janet Silverthorns Library Story A Retirement Open House for Janet Silverthorn, librarian in the community of Shepherd for many years, will be held on Wednesday, June 5 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at the Shepherd Community Library. Janet shared the following letter with the community. Share a message for Janet on this publicly viewable wall: - Ed.

J ON J UNE 14, 2013

Last day of the 2013 School Year Im not sure how it happens. One moment, the

school year is lumbering along at a snails pace and it almost seems like June will never get here, and then in the next Im looking at the calendar and realizing that the last day of school is only a couple of weeks away.

J ON J UNE 13, 2013

Question about YouTube in Schools Users on our site,, are able to share video by posting YouTube videos to their activity feed and/or a team library (they are like discussion groups). Since our site is used by a lot of students as a part of classroom studies, we sometimes run into issues when a school has blocked or restricted the use of YouTube on their network. We have tried to work with schools individually but this is time consuming and complex as it seems that each school follows their own procedures and policies. Read Full Article

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