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4 œ theSun | THURSDAY APRIL 30 2009

news without borders

Governments test
Farmers want immediate for H1N1 virus
MEXICO CITY: Governments “In the last few days there

approval of pig vaccinations

around the world tested patients has been a decline (in cases).
for the new H1N1 swine flu virus The death figures have remained
yesterday, hoping not to find it. more or less stable,” he said.
The World Health Organisation Cordova said the victims
doled out a steady toll of figures, ranged from children through
saying the virus had officially young adults and middle-aged to
been confirmed in Mexico, the the elderly, a different pattern to
by Giam Say Khoon United States, Canada, New Zea- common seasonal flu that mainly land, Britain, Israel and Spain. kills the elderly and people with
But at the same time officials other underlying conditions.
SUBANG JAYA: The Federation said the numbers were not a US officials confirmed 65
of Livestock Farmers Associations clear indicator of the threat cases, mostly mild, but acting
of Malaysia yesterday demanded posed by the virus, as it takes CDC director Dr Richard Besser
immediate approval from the days to confirm the new strain found little comfort in that.
Veterinary Services Department and most countries began taking “Numbers when it comes to an
(VSD) of a H1N1 vaccine for pigs action the moment suspected outbreak like this will change,”
to prevent the spread of a deadly cases turned up. he said. “As we continue to
strain of swine flu. The US Centres for Disease investigate cases here, I expect
The federation’s pig unit chair- Control and Prevention was we will see deaths.”
man Beh Kim Hee said after a working to distribute test kits for The WHO has edged up its
meeting with the VSD on Monday the virus, identified only last week pandemic warning to a stage 4
that the federation was waiting REUTERSPIX in the country. Without the kits, and said if it looked like people
only for approval as a company verifying infection can take days. with no connection to Mexico
had already applied to import the Eng Sun, a veterinarian, said that would adhere to all VSD directives Employees of a Mexico, the epicentre of the were infecting more than just
vaccine. although the vaccine had not been to keep farms free of the disease, pharmaceutical outbreak, has 159 reported deaths one other person, it would dec-
“We also hope that the govern- used on pigs locally, the federation he said. company in while US officials said a 23-month- lare a stage 5 alert, meaning a
ment will bear the cost of the vac- had applied for it five years ago as “The VSD is monitoring the Seoul, South old boy had died in Texas. pandemic was imminent.
cine,” he told a press conference experts had foreseen a possible health status of 797 pig farms in Korea give Mexico Health Minister Jose Mexico City was quiet with
at the federation’s headquarters outbreak of disease. the country and we will support out free Angel Cordova said on Tuesday schools closed. Many took their
here. Asked if it would be too late for and cooperate with them.” face masks that more than 1,300 people were children in to work, including
On Monday, VSD director- the vaccine now, Beh said he was Beh said the federation would yesterday to in hospitals, some “seriously” ill, a ruling party lawmaker whose
general Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz confident the vaccine could be support a ban on the import of promote the out of a total of around 2,500 young kids spent the day in Con-
Jamaluddin said pigs should be flown in promptly once approved live pigs, frozen pork and pork prevention suspected cases of the virus. gress. – Reuters
injected with the H1N1 vaccine as the H1N1 virus had yet to be products. of swine flu
as a preventive measure and that detected in pigs locally. “We urge the government to
the department was waiting for a He also said state VSDs had met be vigilant in preventing frozen further observation. – Bernama
directive from the Health Ministry with pig farmers nationwide yes- pork being smuggled in. We are S’pore raises alert
to vaccinate livestock. terday to brief them on preventive saddened that pork importers SINGAPORE: Fifteen more peo-
The federation’s market dev- measures to detect possible swine are still adamant in wanting ple, who mostly recently returned Klang Valley pork
elopment manager Dr Khaw flu infections. The federation to import pork products.” from the US, were referred to the sales down
Communicable Disease Centre PETALING JAYA: The swine flu
and a hospital here on Tuesday scare and poor public knowledge

for observation for swine flu. of how it is spread have caused


US reports first swine flu death 88

/ The Health Ministry said three some to shun eating pork, result-

of the cases including two ref- ing in a drop of more than 20% in
WASHINGTON: A Mexican toddler in Texas that while the death occurred here in ropean Union ban on erred on Monday had all tested sales in the Klang Valley.
has died of the H1N1 flu strain, the first Houston ... this child is a resident of Mexico flights to Mexico because negative for Influenza A, the Traditionally, the prices of
confirmed death outside Mexico from a who travelled to Texas to visit family,” said of the influenza outbreak. Argentina and virus type associated with swine pork go up ahead of the dump-
virus which health officials fear could Dr David Persse, Houston emergency Cuba have already banned them. flu and circulating strains. ling festival which falls on May
cause a pandemic as it spread to two more medical services director. The EU, the US and Canada have In a statement, it said the gov- 28, but daily news reports of the
countries in Europe. Another death in Los Angeles was also advised against non-essential travel to ernment had also raised its alert flu and a global alert are sending
Nearly a week after the threat emerged being investigated by US authorities. the popular tourist destination. Like the level from green to yellow yester- prices down, although there are
in Mexico, US officials said yesterday a The number of confirmed cases in the US toddler in the US, all seven new cases in day to better enable the handling no reported cases in Malaysia.
23-month-old boy had died in the state also rose to 91 in 10 states, the US Centres Europe had recently been in Mexico. of situations where there might Selangor and Federal Territory
bordering Mexico. for Disease Control and Prevention said, up They comprised a Bavarian couple in their be isolated imported cases but Butchers Association president
A Houston city health official said the from 65 cases in six states the day before. 30s, a 22-year-old woman from Hamburg, a no sustained local transmission. Lee Bing Fook told Oriental Daily
baby was Mexican, fell ill two weeks ago Germany reported its first three infec- 28-year-old Austrian, now recovering, and The ministry said that as of News that although the outbreak
in the US border town of Brownsville and tions and Austria one, taking to nine the three Britons with mild symptoms – adults in Tuesday, there were no human had cast a pall over the pig farm-
died in a Houston hospital. number of countries known to be affected. London and Birmingham and a girl aged 12 cases of swine flu although 17 ing industry, the impact on pork
“It is important for everyone to know France said it would seek today a Eu- in southwest England. – Reuters/AFP cases had been referred for sales was “not that big” yet.

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