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Periodica Mathematica Hungarica Vol. 48 (12), 2004, pp.



Radu Miron (Ia si) Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Lajos Tam assy on his 80th anniversary

Abstract A short introduction of Hamilton, Cartan and Generalized Hamilton spaces is provided. The HamiltonJacobi equations are deduced by variational calculus.

A Hamilton space is a pair H n = (M, H ) formed by a dierentiable manifold M and a regular Hamiltonian H : T M . The notion was introduced by the present author in 1987 and published in the paper [1]. In the last ve years many geometers as: S. Watanabe, S. Ikeda, H. Shimada, M. Anastasiei, Gh. Atanasiu, D. Hrimiuc, M. Kirkovits and others have obtained new important results in this eld and its applications.

In my lecture I shall present the notion of Hamilton space, its relationship to Lagrange spaces, as well as to Cartan spaces (as duals of Finsler spaces) and generalized Hamilton spaces. Among the classes of these spaces and Riemann spaces we have the inclusions {Rn } {C n } {Hn } {G H n } which show the importance of these geometries. The variational problem is discussed, too. The recent book [3] contains part of these problems.

Mathematics subject classication number: 53C60. Key words and phrases: Hamilton spaces, metrical N -linear connection.
0031-5303/2004/$20.00 c Akad emiai Kiad o, Budapest Akad emiai Kiad o, Budapest Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht


r. miron

1. Nonlinear connections d-connections Let M be a real n-dimensional manifold and : T M M its cotangent bundle. If (xi , pi ) are the canonical coordinates of a point u T M, then a change of coordinates on T M is given by xi = xi (x1 , . . . , xn ),


xi xj

= n, (1.1)

x pj . pi = xi On T M there are globally dened the Liouville 1-form p = pi dxi and the natural symplectic structure = dpi dxi .



Let us denote by V = Ker T the vertical subbundle of the tangent bundle T T M. If the base manifold M is paracompact, then there exist horizontal subbundles N of T T M such that T T M = N V holds, with the Whitney sum on the right hand side. The bres of N determine a distribution N : u T M Nu Tu T M, which is supplementary to the vertical distribution V : u T M Vu Tu T M : Tu T M = Nu Vu . (1.4)

A horizontal distribution N, which veries (1.4) is called a nonlinear connection on T M. On a coordinate neighbourhood 1 (U ) T M there exists an adapted basis
xi , pi

to N and V, where



+ Nji p . j

The functions Nji (x, p) are the coecients of the nonlinear connection N. i Putting x i = i , xi = i , p = we can write i j. i = i + Nji With respect to (1.1) we have i =
i i = xj j x . i Let (dx , pi ) be the dual basis of (i , i ):


xj x i j ,

pi = dpi Nij (x, p)dxj . Then ij = Nij Nji

(1.5) (1.6)

is an antisymmetric d-tensor eld on T M. If ij = 0 we say that N is symmetric. When ij = 0 we can write the symplectic structure in the form = pi dxi .

the geometry of hamilton spaces an introduction


This proves the geometrical character of . Let us consider the d-tensor eld: Rkij = i Nkj j Nki . A necessary and sucient condition that the horizontal distribution N be integrable is Rijk = 0. Let h and v be the projectors on N and V. For a vector eld X (T M ) we can write X = X H + X V , X H = hX, X V = vX. A linear connection D on T M is called distinguished (briey a d-connection) if DX Y H We write
h v DX = DX H , DX = DX V V

= 0,


= 0.

and say that Dh and Dv are the h- and the v -covariant derivations determined by the d-connection D. Also, we denote by T h and T v the h- and v -torsions of D, respectively.

2. Hamilton spaces Definition 2.1. A Hamilton space is a pair (M, H ) = H n , where H : T M is a function (a Hamiltonian) of class C on T M = T M \ {0}, continuous on the null section, and having the metric tensor

ij (x, p) =

1 i j H 2


positively dened (or of constant signature and rank ij = n). H (x, p) is the fundamental function and ij (x, p) the fundamental tensor eld of H . From (2.1) it follows that

rank ij (x, y ) = n. We can consider ij (x, y ) and the tensor Gh = ij (x, p)dxi dxj . Gh is called the metric tensor of the Hamilton space. We get: Theorem 2.1. There exists a nonlinear connection N on T M determined only by the fundamental function H of the Hamilton space. N has the coecients 1 1 hH } + h i H . k {H, Nij = jh ik 2 4 (2.3) (2.2)


r. miron

This nonlinear connection is called canonical. In (2.3) the brackets { } are the Poisson brackets. The canonical nonlinear connection is symmetric. We remark that N was obtained from (2.3) by means of the Legendre transformation xi = xi , pi = 1 L 2 y i (2.4)

which transforms the Lagrangian L(x, y ) into the Hamiltonian H = L + pi y i , H= 1 1 H, L = L . 2 2

Now we take in H n the canonical nonlinear connection N from (2.3) and consider the canonical Hamiltonian vector eld on T M : i = dH. In the adapted basis is expressed by i. i H)i (i H) = ( The integral curves t c(t) of the vector eld are the integral curves of the HamiltonJacobi equations dxi H = , dt pi The law of conservation
dH dt

H pi = i. dt x


= 0 is valid on the curves (2.5).

Theorem 2.2. 1) There exists a unique d-connection D on T M with the property

h h v DX G = 0 , DX Gh = 0, T h = T v = 0.

2) In the adapted basis the coecients of Dh and Dv are given by H ijk = and Ci respectively. From here we can obtain the structure equations, geodesics, parallelism, hpaths, v -paths and the almost K ahlerian model on the bundle T T M. We study in a recent book, [3], the variational problem for spaces H (k)n = (M, H ), k > 1. Up to now this problem has not been studied in Hamilton spaces.

1 ih (j hk + k jh h jk ), 2


1 j hk + k jh h jk , = ih 2

the geometry of hamilton spaces an introduction


Let us consider a curve c : t [0, 1] (xi (t), pi (t)) T M . For a dierentiable Hamiltonian H (x, p) we dene the integral of action I (c) by

I (c) =

pi (t)

1 dxi H x(t), p(t) dt 2


A variation c(1 , 2 ) = (xi + 1 i , pi + 2 i ) of the curve c leads to the integral of action I (c). The necessary conditions in order that I (c) be an extremal value of I (c) are I (c) I (c) = = 0. () 1 1 =2 =0 2 1 =2 =0 So we have: The necessary condition that I (c) be an extremal value of the function I (c) is that the curve c be a solution of the HamiltonJacobi equations 1 H dxi = , dt 2 pi 1 H dpi = . dt 2 xi

The law of conservation holds: The Hamiltonian H is conserved along the integral curves of the HamiltonJacobi equations. The Jacobi method of integration of the HamiltonJacobi equations can be applied. A N other theorem for Hamilton spaces can be proved.

3. Cartan spaces A particular case of Hamilton spaces are the Cartan spaces. A Cartan space C n = (M, K ) is a Hamilton space H n = M, K 2 , where K > 0 and positive 1homogeneous with respect to the momenta pi . All previous theory is particularized for this case. For Cartan spaces C n the canonical nonlinear connection and the canonical N -metrical connection have some interesting analytical expressions and some important properties. Cartan spaces are dual to Finsler spaces via the Legendre transformation. As one can see in the book [4], the Cartan spaces C n have the same importance and beauty as Finsler spaces. Professor Dr. Lajos Tam assy has studied in [5] the deep relationship between Cartan spaces and the areal spaces introduced by Elie Cartan. Generalized Hamilton spaces are given by a pair G H n = (M, g ij (x, p)) where ij g (x, p) is a nonsingular d-tensor eld with constant signature. In some particular cases G H n is reducible to a Hamilton space H n or a Cartan space C n . Consequently, the sequence {Rn } {C n } {Hn } {G H n } holds. By Hamiltonian geometries we mean the study of this sequence. The geometry of G H n is presented in the book [4].


r. miron

[1] R. Miron, Sur la g eom etrie des espaces Hamilton, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I,

306, No. 4, (1988), 195198.

[2] R. Miron, Variational problems in Hamilton spaces, Proc. Non-Euclidean Geome-

try in Modern Physics, 2003.

[3] R. Miron, The Geometry of Higher-Order Hamilton spaces Applications to Hamil-

tonian Mechanics, Kluwer, FTPH no. 132, 2003. u, The Geometry of Hamilton [4] R. Miron, D. Hrimiuc, H. Shimada and V. S. Saba and Lagrange Spaces, Kluwer Acad. Publ., FTPH no. 118, 2001. ssy, Area and metrical connections in Finsler spaces, Finslerian geometries [5] L. Tama (Edmonton, AB, 1998), Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2000, 263280. (Received: September 18, 2003)
Radu Miron Faculty of Mathematics University Al.I.Cuza Ias i Ias i Romania

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