Anti-Thought-Control Dictionary - Guide To Deceptive Words and Terms (Christian)

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AntiThought-Control DICTIONARY A Guide to Deceptive Words and Terms Used to Neutralize Christians INTRODUCTION People can be controlled if their

thoughts can be controlled. Since words are thoughts in physical form, they can become manipulative tools for controlling thoughts and thereby change the way people think about certain things. To accomplish this, the controllers only need to change the MEANINGS of important words to fit their particular political view, and invent NEW EMOTIONALLY-CHARGED TERMS to keep us confused and ignorant. Eventually, all important words said by anyone will automatically convey the controllers biased political/religious view. At this point it will become increasingly difficult for the opposition to construct an effective opposing argument because the words being used have been changed, defused, and/or made unpopular. If we carelessly acquiesce to meaning changes in this war of words, then we will become _thought-controlled people_. However, if we constantly define words, terms and phrases and insist others give us their definitions, we can frustrate their attempts to control our mind and spirit. FREEDOM GOVERNMENT MEANING: Freedom to establish and defend "government." Majority rule via central government. The privilege to participate in choosing what form of government will rule you. CHRISTIAN MEANING: Owing no debt or obligation to any man, or institution of men, except that which is owed to all men i.e., to respect their freedom and rights equally with your own. "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another; for he that loves another has fulfilled the law." - Romans 13:8 Freedom begins with a concept - a state of mind. The mind, once freed, then goes on to pursue physical freedom as well. In John 8:32, Jesus states: "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." Freedom comes from truth, and cannot come from central government - itself being a fraud, and its methods primarily lies, tricks, and deceit. God, by teaching us His law (truth), gave us the means for freedom. Jesus reiterated it. "Truth" leads us towards freedom and away from slavery. Freedom, like truth, is not inherited. It must be sought out by each generation and garnered bit by precious bit. The pursuit of freedom and happiness is every man's birthright and individual responsibility. It cannot be transferred or deferred to another, or a government. People who don't accept individual responsibility, and wont' fight for their own freedom, are known as slaves. LICENSE CONTROLLED MEANING: Lawful authorization to do something. Licenses are necessary for the protection of the public and to maintain orderly society. Licenses prevent us from hurting ourselves and other people. CORRECT MEANING: License is permission to do something that is otherwise deemed unlawful. A license is an

indulgence, issued by government and purchased by anyone wanting government approval to do something which the government would otherwise consider illegal. Licenses are a device created by government to control the activities of citizens and raise revenues. A licensed man is a slave, either voluntarily or involuntarily. ONE NATION UNDER GOD CONTROLLED MEANING: "Pluralism." Many worldreligions joined together in America, all worshipping their god, each in his own way. All religions work together. TRUE MEANING: One nation, under ONE God - as defined by the Christian Bible. There are many world-religions coexisting along with Christianity, but they are each worshipping some other god. For Christians to live in "one nation under God," that "God" must be the one and only true God of the Christian Bible. Other gods in the land are forbidden. God calls them "a snare" (Ex. 23:3233) PROPHET CHURCH MEANING: One who predicts the future. ACTUAL MEANING: From the Greek - (prophetes: 1. pro before, and 2. phemi - to make known, i.e. one who explains before.) While the origin of the word indicates "a foreteller," the term actually came to mean "one who speaks for God." Thus, a "prophet," may foretell a future event, deliver a message (admonition) from God, or interpret its meaning. A "false prophet," then, is one who claims to speak for God but actually speaks for someone else. He may be speaking for a church, for another man, or for himself...while claiming to speak for God. Or, he may just be a fool and/or a liar, misrepresenting God's word with no pattern or apparent motive. In scripture, false prophets are considered dangerous. God demands the death penalty for them. Thus, to accuse someone of being a false prophet is a very serious charge - no less than murder. Of course, in our society where the system precludes God's law, all we can do is identify false prophets, expose them, and avoid them. GUN CONTROL CONTROLLED MEANING: Guns are unnecessary and dangerous. They create criminals and facilitate crime. Therefore, the government must control and/or eliminate private gun ownership, which will, in turn, control and/or eliminate danger and crime. The public is safer and happier when no one has guns except the government. CORRECT MEANING: An Orwellian term used to disarm the people. As used by central governments, "gun control" means "gun elimination." This is the method used by central governments to deprive the conquered citizens of their natural right to keep and bear arms. Thus, they lose the means to protect themselves and their property. A disarmed citizenry is vulnerable to damage from crooks. That leaves the people dependent upon government policemen for protection. This leads to larger police forces, more government control, and higher taxes. A disarmed citizenry with a large, wellarmed, government police force guarantees incontestable government sovereignty over its people. A gun is an "equalizer." It gives the "small guy" the means to defend himself against the "big guy." Thus, a gun can provide

protection against bullies and crooks. Guns constitute a danger to no one else. When government legislates against guns, that means they fall into the category of bullies and crooks. GAY CONTROLLED MEANING: Homosexual; an alternate viable lifestyle. Some people are born homosexual and this is perfectly natural. TRUE MEANING: Sodomite or Queer. The Bible terms this type of moral deviant an abomination: Lev. 18:22, Romans 1:27, I Cor. 6:9. The term "gay" was adopted to try and escape the moral stigma associated with the terms "sodomite" and "queer." Remember, God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve! SALVATION CHURCH MEANING: The means of escaping this life without going to hell. It is a coveted condition sought after by churchgoers who follow rituals, or series of prescribed performances, for the purpose of gaining access to "heaven" at the time of death, or at "the resurrection." "Salvation" is accomplished _during_this_life_ but enjoyed only _after_death_. CORRECT MEANING: The act of being saved or rescued from something. To be given the means to avoid, or be delivered from, a bad predicament. Christ saves us by enabling us to escape from ignorance, depravity and sin - and ultimately, death. The benefit of this salvation is realized IN THIS PRESENT LIFE as well as in the future life. It is meaningless to speak of "the salvation of Christ" except in the context of those problems He is saving us FROM. IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHURCH MEANING: An expression used at the end of prayers to induce God's approval and to make sure Jesus is not excluded. CORRECT MEANING: An idiomatic expression meaning, "by the authority of Jesus." To do something "in the name of Jesus" is to declare that your actions have the authority and approval of Jesus. Praying in Jesus' name is not just adding a phrase to the end of a prayer, but rather aligning your needs with His will and authority. KING CONTROLLED MEANING: An absolute ruler over a people or nation. The supreme sovereign who owns the entire land and has power to make his own laws and command the people. CORRECT MEANING: From Teutonic origin (cynn) having to do with race, or "kin." It has come to be associated with a male, sovereign ruler, but it didn't carry that specific meaning originally - i.e., as used in the Bible. A "king" was the preeminent male of a tribe, or the "anointed one" recognized jointly by a family of tribes. A "king" is the highest leader among a "kin" (a race/family of people). The term has been used figuratively to mean "rulers" in general, but the original intent must not be overlooked. Originally, a king was a leader; a patriarch of a tribe. A king was once a man who led his soldiers into battles, setting the example instead of sitting in palaces and ordering troops to go die to protect him, as the modern kings we've seen. The concept of rulers creating and enforcing their own laws came from origins other than the Bible. Christ, as our "King," is much more than just a ruler. He

originated from our "kin," and has inherited the pre-eminent position of Example and Leader. As a true "King," He does not make up new and different laws, but rather abides by the laws of his Father. A CHRISTIAN NATION CONTROLLED MEANING: Dictatorial, religious tyranny. TRUE MEANING: A nation founded on the principles of selfgovernment and liberty with national laws based on God's laws found in the Christian Bible. The (u)nited States of America was originally founded upon these principles. IDOL CONTROLLED MEANING: A wooden or metallic statue worshipped by the masses. A primitive form of worship in which the people had the undeveloped religious idea that statues could be gods. CORRECT MEANING: Anything worshipped or idolized. It can be a statue, a person, or even a concept. However, contrary to common thought, "idols" are almost never the direct objects of worship, but rather a symbol through which a "god" is identified. Idols symbolize pagan concepts of gods whose only way to reach the people is through statues (statutes), icons, relics, etc.. This concept comes from the pagan idea that a "god" is locked into a separate dimension from the people, and must "possess" or "go through" a physical medium of some sort in order to effect mankind. GOOD-BYE CONTROLLED MEANING: A closing expression given at parting of company. Normally means, "I'm leaving," or "I'll see you later." CORRECT MEANING: An old English contraction meaning "God be with ye" (God be w'ye). It is obviously a Christian salute or farewell wish of blessing from God. The idea being that "if God be with you, you will do well." BANK ACCOUNT CONTROLLED MEANING: A safe and convenient depository for your money which relieves you of the personal burden of possible loss or theft. An advanced feature of modern society which makes it possible to trade interstate, or internationally, without gold or cash. Anyone who does not have a bank account, and a bank credit card, is considered a second-class citizen - unfranchised and without the business privileges of modern society. Everyone needs a bank account! CORRECT MEANING: A bank account is a tool used by the System to make it possible to keep extensive records on all their subjects (citizens). Your Bank Account Number, and your Social Security Number (required in order to open a Bank Account) are used to track your private business transactions. Most folks, today, are beginning to realize that it is impossible to conduct business publicly unless you have a Bank Account and accept the systems number - thus, giving the system access to your records and private life. This, of course, was its motive all along. With your privacy abolished, and your life records available to all agencies of banking and government, they have the means to enslave and control you through taxation, investigation, and intimidation via the IRS, the police and the courts.

Actually, bank accounts (and banks, as we know them) are totally unnecessary. Local transactions are more easily conducted with cash. Interstate, or international, transactions can be handled by notes purchased from any reputable house of currency. This, however, would not serve the system's purpose of getting a dayto-day record of your total cash flow - which records are then tallied and shared with the IRS via central computers tied in with all member banks throughout the world. If you have a bank account, your daily cash flow and tax liability is known to every bank and credit institution in the world - as well as every tax institution. Contrary to common brainwash, a bank account is NOT safe! It subjects you to legalized theft, loss of privacy, and total slavery. Bankers have convinced the public that it is not safe to store, carry or take care of your own cash. Thus, most people carry checkbooks instead of cash. However, less than 1% of the people get robbed of their cash in their entire lifetime. And, very few people lose any substantial amount of money by misplacing it. Compare that with the fact that 100% of the people who hand their cash over to a bank lose a percentage of their money every day through fees, interest and taxation. They are not only getting robbed - they generally become thieves themselves by participating in usury (interest) accounts. The slave system could be dealt a severe blow if everyone would deal in cash as much as possible, purchase money orders for long distance transactions, and QUIT KEEPING RECORDS. MAGNA CARTA LIMITED USURY (Interest) The Magna Carta (The Great Charter) was signed at Runnymede in 1215 by King John, at the demand of his barons. This Great Charter was a landmark for the preservation of the rights of Englishmen. The Magna Carta is said to contain the origins of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. Written in Latin, its English translation reveals to Americans the struggle that is not new to our people. In 1215, the struggle against government's tyranny and oppression was no different than today. The main grievance redressed by The Magna Carter was the administration's policy of extortionate taxation and financial plunder of the citizens. It also addressed the English Freeman's rights to trial by jury, Habeas Corpus, no arbitrary search and seizure, and equality before the law. Articles ten and eleven addressed usury and gave protection against foreclosure by ruthless usurers: 10. If anyone who has borrowed from the JEWS any amount great or small, dies before the debt is repaid, it shall not carry interest as long as the heir is under age, or whomsoever he holds; and if that debt fall into our hands, we will take nothing except the principal sum specified in the bond. 11. And if a man dies owing a debt to the JEWS, his wife may have her dower and pay nothing of that debt; and if he leaves children under age, their needs shall be met in a manner in keeping with the holding of the deceased; and the debt shall be paid out of the residue, saving the service due to the lords. Debts owing to others than Jews shall be dealt with likewise. Our ancestors warned us about Jewish usury 770 years ago. From these two articles we see that there is nothing new under the sun. Banking and usury is synonymous with Jewry. In 1215 the non-Jews who indulged in usury were put in the same category as Jews in terms of their standing before the law.

Usury economics, otherwise called "Capitalism" in its early stages, and "Communism" in its more advanced stages, was planted in Christendom by Jewish merchants who had inherited the trade from Babylon. Today we need to renew the principles behind the Great Charter and being to learn again how to protect ourselves against Babylonian usury! The Bible (God's Law) condemns usury and forbids it in Christian nations. Read Exodus 22:25, Lev. 25:36,37; Deut. 23:19-20, Prov. 28:8, Ezek. 18:13). JEW CONTROLLED MEANING: An Israelite. The seed of Abraham. The Chosen People of the Bible. Jews are perpetually persecuted by all other people on earth. Someone who practices the religion of the Old Testament, which is called Judaism. God judges the nations primarily by measuring each nation's relationship with the Jews. God blesses the nations which support the Jews, but He curses the nations which do not support the Jews. The Christian faith owes its existence to the Jewish culture from whence it was spawned. INTENT: To bribe and prejudice bible-ignorant Judeochristians into passively granting the Jews a carte-blanche (license) to do anything they please with impunity. TRUE MEANING: The word "Jew" did not appear in actual use until over 1000 years after the resurrection of Jesus. It means someone who adheres to the religion of Judaism (modern Pharisaism), or in some way considers himself a part of "Jewish culture." For the modern Jew it has absolutely NO RACIAL SIGNIFICANCE. "Jews" are some of the most racially mixed people on earth due to their multi-national history, their practice of interracial marriage, as well as their contemporary international bias. Down through the ages, they've moved from nation to nation as they were rejected (due to their immoral religion) by every land they've inhabited. Over 90% of "Jews" today are descended from the ancient Khazars - a racially non-Semitic people from East Europe and Asia. It is estimated that, of those who claim to be "Jews," less than 5% have the slightest claim to the blood line of Abraham. In our English translations of the Bible, the word "Jew" was incorrectly used to replace: 1. "Judahite" in the OLD SCRIPTURES, which referred to someone from the tribe of Judah, or a citizen of the land of Judah, and 2. "Judean" in the NEW SCRIPTURES which meant a resident of Judea, or a follower of the corrupted Babylonian religion of that area. GENTILE CONTROLLED MEANING: Anyone who is not a Jew, and thus a potential "anti-Semite." CORRECT DEFINITION: From the Latin word "gentillis," meaning "of the same gens, clan or race." In the Bible, the word "gentile" is a mistranslation of the Old Testament Hebrew word "goy," and the Greek New Testament word "ethnos" - both meaning "NATION OR PEOPLE" (ANY nation or people) and should have been translated as such. It does not mean "nonJewish!" (Get the file "Gentile_Defined" from /pub/SF/SFA/Bible for an in-depth analysis).

SPEAKING IN TONGUES CHURCH MEANING: The divine gift of uttering unknown, uncontrollable sounds. A secret, heavenly language of angels of angels shared with select mortals. Speaking in "unknown tongues" is proof of a person's acceptance with God. Sometimes called "glossolalia" in charismatic circles. CORRECT MEANING: "Tongues" is an old English term for "dialects" or "languages." "Speaking in tongues" indicates the ability to converse and communicate in a dialect other than your own native tongue. The disciples who spoke in tongues, in the Book of Acts, were communicating in foreign languages. Whether their ability was due to their own learning, or due to a temporary supernatural gift received from God, the result was the same: they communicated with men of other nations and dialects. Churches have wrongly equated "speaking in tongues" with frenzied religious babbling and ecstatic mumbling. In fact, the true "tongues" of Scripture has nothing in common with the popular ecstasy religions seen in churches, which is only delusion and make believe. Before the time of Christ, both Plato and Virgil described ecstatic speech among the Greeks and Romans which compares with the modern charismatic "church" experience. Ecstatic religion is very old. Fits of "ecstasy," accompanied by irrational babbling and loss of control, were common in pagan cultures, as it is in churches in America. Superstitious cultures have always tended to regard public demonstrations of "spirit possession," seizures, insanity, and forms of dementia as being manifestations of divine influence. NEW WORLD ORDER CONTROLLED MEANING: A new term used by President George Bush in reference to an improved state of international peace and unity. The term was popularized during the war in the Persian Gulf. Bush has not publicly defined the term, but the general assumption is that the NWO enhances Americanism and is a good thing. CORRECT MEANING: The "New World Order" is NOT a new term. It has been used as a generic, perhaps cultic, term by several regimes whose goals were to establish some form of "improved society." A version of this term was adopted by the United States Government, not long after its inception. This term, "Novus Ordo Seclorum" (The New Order of The Age), remains with us today. It is on the back of the one-"dollar" Federal Reserve Note. In more recent history, Hitler promised to established a "New World Order" in Germany. However, this reference is rarely mentioned due to unpopularity. The term, itself, is the Masonic counterpart to the churches' "millennium." Masonic religion looks to a state of international bliss in which Masons have complete control. A preoccupation with the NWO reflects a fascist, Marxist and Masonic bent for world government. LAND OWNERSHIP CONTROLLED MEANING: Sole title and control of land, including the right to profiteer on the buying, selling and trading of that land. CORRECT MEANING: To hold land for your personal use. However, in the U.S. Constitutional system, private ownership of

land is impossible since all land is claimed by the government. Individuals are permitted to live on the land by paying rent (taxes) to the owners (gov't). In Scripture, however, the LORD (Yahweh) is the owner/controller of all land by virtue of His _power_, and the fact that He created the earth (Exodus 19:5; Lev. 25:23). Man is granted _un-taxable_ use of the land from Yahweh. Western culture has developed two legal terms defining the holding of property: 1. "Allodial" 2. "Fee simple." These two terms can be used to define the relative roles of God and man in the ownership of land. 1. "Allodial" ownership is the holding of land _by power_. This ownership rests strictly upon strength and determination (i.e., the effort and ability to take, and forcibly keep, the land). It is the most basic expression of ownership. Among men, allodial land holdings are won, and kept, by force. 2. "Fee simple" ownership is the holding of land granted FROM A HIGHER POWER (usually a king). "Fee simple" means "without fees, taxes or payments." This land title is good as long as the grantor remains in power. God is the "allodial owner" of the land (Lev. 25:10 & 23-4). He grants a renewable "fee simple" land title to families for 50 years. At the end of 50, the grant is re-evaluated to make sure it is still suitable. Man cannot lawfully speculate for profit on land. It cannot be transferred out of the family. Thus, the next generation does not lose its inheritance. PARADISE CONTROLLED MEANING: 1. Heaven; 2. A holding place for disembodied souls awaiting transport to heaven. 3. Place of bliss and pleasure. CORRECT MEANING: From Greek paradeisos, and Hebrew pardace. Literally, a park, or protected area, kept safe, as a garden (a guarded place) with walls (hedges) and a guardian (husbandman). The park/garden (paradise) figure is used in Scripture in connection with cities, kingdoms, etc. as areas "kept" and guarded (e.g., Tyre in Ezekiel 28:13; Zion in Isaiah 1:8, 51:3; Joel 2:3; Israel in Isaiah 5:1-7). Cities often incorporate the "garden" or "paradise" theme (e.g., Stutt(gart) & Wein(garten). Germany; Lenin(grad) & Novo(gardia), Russia). Israel is "a vineyard" "kept" (protected) by God's laws (i.e., walls or hedges) as a garden. "Kinder(garten)" means "child care or protection." The "paradise" kingdom of Eden, was figuratively called "a garden" ("kept" by God's laws). In Genesis 3:24, angels "kept THE WAY" of the tree of life (God's laws) in Eden. Again in Acts 19:9, 23:22:4, THE WAY refers to Christ's Ecclesia System, in which Jesus is the Husbandman of the "vineyard" of God: thus, a "paradise." "Paradise," in scripture, is a community or kingdom that is protected and kept. It is not a mythological utopia of "bliss and pleasure." MILITIA CONTROLLED MEANING: Citizens enrolled temporarily as government soldiers in times of emergency or when the regular army is insufficient. The militia is called, organized and controlled exclusively by the government, at the government's discretion, and for the government's purposes.

CORRECT MEANING: The militia is "the people's army," not to be confused with "the government's army." The government's army is called "the regular army." Its purpose is to protect the government (not the people). "Militia" means "those who struggle; fight; make war" - from the Greek "molos," war [mal(bad), molest, mall, malign, malady, etc.] The militia concept predates the U.S. Government. When central government took over in America, it assumed control of all armed forces - including the militia. To protect its position of power, it prevented the people from having their own armies. The first and foremost obstacle to any central government is the people over which it intends to rule. The people must be overcome and reduced to slaves FIRST. The people cannot be allowed to have organized and working militias with which to protect themselves and guard their freedoms. Thus, in today's constitutional government vernacular, "the militia" is described strictly as a constitutional tool of the government - nothing more. However, in order for any society to be free (free from internal conspiracies to enslave, as well as encroachment from outside) the people must organize voluntarily among themselves. Land owners will fight when necessary to keep their freedom and protect their land - and their family heritage. Fighting for one's own land, property and family is quite different from being paid (and/or forced) by the government to fight for the right of multinational corporations to control and plunder the people of the world. Any militia that is a tool of the central government must be viewed as the enemy of the people. LEADER CONTROLLED MEANING: Someone with the ability to control people. Great leaders must have the charisma to excite and move great numbers of people for any particular cause. Natural leaders are born with this ability. With the potential power of today's printed and electronic media, leaders have more power than ever at their disposal. One short broadcasted speech from the President can excite and move millions for any chosen goal. Such leaders are necessary to maintain government and progress. CORRECT MEANING: A true leader is someone who LEADS - not someone who calculates, manipulates and controls from a position of power. A leader must be first to do whatever he is asking others to do. Rulers and dictators are not leaders. Gurus and con men are not leaders. Preachers, politicians and news broadcasters are not leaders. Leaders do not charm, brainwash, manipulate, excite and use people. Neither do they deceive, milk and bleed the people for gain. Wars could be virtually eliminated simply be demanding that our "leaders" go before us into the battle. EONIAN LIFE CONTROLLED MEANING: Eternal life. The status we achieve upon going to heaven or being resurrected. CORRECT MEANING: An eon is an age. "Eonian" means "of the age" (any age being considered). The "eonian life" (wrongly translated "eternal life") taught by Jesus, Paul and John, is "the life (spirit)" sent through Jesus that invigorates mortal bodies in this eon (Rom. 8:11). Also called "new birth," and "1st resurrection." "Eonian" does NOT mean "eternal." The Bible speaks of immortality, but NOT "eternal life.

LIBERAL CONTROLLED MEANING: The political Left, generally favoring the Socialist/Communist wing of politics. Also, anyone who subscribes to, and/or promotes, amoral, undisciplined behavior. Since changes in politics and morals always move from good to bad, the sin of Liberalism is its abandonment of traditional, moral, national Establishments. CORRECT MEANING: "Liberal" actually means "abundant; generous; free." In politics or ethics it means large-minded; openminded; generous; not afraid to consider all the data before judging; not insecure. Modern political jargon notwithstanding, "national Establishments are NOT moral!!! Abandoning the Establishment does not constitute "sin." "Liberalism" does NOT connote restrictive ideologies like Socialism, Communism, A-Moralism, etc. A "Liberal" mind is secure; not fearful of exposure. A "Liberal" mind widens his search for truth rather than narrowing it. The controlled (popular) use of the word "liberal" to apply to those on the "left" is wishful thinking and incorrect. CONSERVATIVE CONTROLLED MEANING: A political Rightist who generally favors freedom, Capitalism and strong government. Anyone who is antiSocialist/anti-Communist. Also, anyone who subscribes to morality and discipline. CORRECT MEANING: "Disposed to conserve or preserve." In politics or ethics, it means "disposed to conserve and preserve existing conditions and traditions; resisting change." Whereas "Liberal means open-minded, "Conservative" means narrowminded. Conservatism assumes the Establishment is always right. Therefore, Conservatives favor the Institutions of the Establishment (State; King; Church; War; etc.) Again, notwithstanding modern political jargon, "Conservative" does NOT imply morality. NOR does it imply contempt for Socialism and Slavery. There are both conservative and liberal, moral and immoral proponents of all government systems including Communism, Monarchism, Buddhism, Islam, Republicanism, etc. For example, former Pres. George Bush, the CIA, and the FBI are all "Conservative." Nonetheless, they help create and subsidize Socialist and Communist immorality around the world while systematically destroying freedom and morality in the U.S. "Conservatives" always uphold the current system - especially when it is THEIR SYSTEM. The Christ-murdering Pharisees were "Conservatives." RAISING THE DEAD CHURCH MEANING: Physical resurrection. Restoration from the state of biological death to biological life. BIBLICAL MEANING: A Bible term which can refer to restoration of biological life, AS WELL AS to the giving of new spiritual life. Also called "rebirth," "resurrection," "reformation." The salvation of Christ was a social/political reformation - not a church system. He gave new life to slaves. Jesus (and apostles) declared God was "raising the dead" implying Israel was dead under the Roman/Pharisee system, and a new system was being born. This is revolution! the Establishment can never accept it so must limit "resurrection" to an other-worldly event.

JURY CONTROLLED MEANING: A body of people impaneled to hear a case in court and render a verdict on it. The jury is a Godly institution, necessary to balance the power of the courts and maintain freedom in society. CORRECT MEANING: The jury is a creation of man's system - not God's. It is designed to take the heat off the court system by sharing the guilt for its cruelty and sin. Nowhere in the Bible is there instruction from God telling us to impanel a jury in court cases. God's instruction to man was to set up honest, responsible JUDGES and ELDERS to judge cases at law. "Judges and officers (bailiffs) shall you arrange in all your gates (courts) which the LORD your God gives you, throughout your tribes: and they shall judge the people with just judgement." (Deut. 16:1). The jury is hailed as a great and godly institution by many with power to create and/or annul law - just like the legislature. Thus, the intent is to usurp the position of God just like legislators. Not only is the jury without foundation in the Word of God, it is in fact a spineless puppet of the court. The jury is created by the court, selectively chosen and impaneled by the court, authorized by the court, threatened and controlled by the court, instructed by the court on how to view evidence, prevented by the court from using common sense, not allowed by the court to consider the law of the case... and when the court is through using it for its own purposes, it is then dismissed by the court - all under the delusion of being a free, sovereign jury. Juries do the bidding of the courts - convicting innocent people routinely. Anyone who relies upon the jury to stand up to the court and uphold truth and justice is in for a sad surprise. The only advantage of the jury is in that rare instance when a man who still has a brain and can think for himself manages to slip through the tests designed to eliminate him from sitting on the jury, and manages to hang the jury (by refusing to vote like the rest). This can trip up the court. It isn't a cure, but it makes you feel better. NEIGHBOR CONTROLLED MEANING: The person who lives in the house next door. One who resides close to you. BIBLICAL MEANING: Jesus stated two "great commandments in the law": "You shall love the Lord your God," and "You shall love your NEIGHBOR" (Matt. 22:37-40). While the word "neighbor," in Scripture, means literally "someone who is near," it usually connotes CLOSENESS tin the spiritual sense (i.e. a friend) rather than physical proximity. Thus, the commandment to "love your neighbor" refers not to one who resides close to you, but rather to one whose heart is close to yours. Spiritual neighbors share a common spirit. In Luke 10:29-37, Jesus explains it to mean one who is concerned for your well-being. The intent is obvious. Jesus commands us to love our fellow ecclesians. An Ecclesia is a spiritual community, and our spiritual "neighbors" are the members of that community. WE are commanded to love THESE neighbors. We are NOT commanded to unconditionally love everyone in our physical proximity. LOVE CONTROLLED MEANING: Sexual attraction or

"unconditional" acceptance towards (and/or sexual engagement with) another person, regardless of sex, race or age. CORRECT MEANING: There are THREE concepts generally confused under the single heading of "love" in our modern vernacular. "Love" is inadequate to express all three. Using the Koine' Greek language, as used in the New Testament, we can clarify it is modern-day English. The three Greek words usually translated "love" are: 1. EROS: Sexual lust/drive. 2. PHILIA: Camaraderie or friendship. Attraction and dependence. 3. AGAPE [a-gah'-pay]: Selfless altruism and devotedness irrespective of personal desirability or one's own well-being. To prevent confusion, the concepts in English should remain separate terms. For example: 1. "lust"; 2. "friendship"; 3. "love." (or etc.) Obviously, "EROS" cannot qualify as "love" since millions of people commonly lust after one another without devotion or altruism. Nonetheless, EROS often accompanies "love/devotion" as in the husband & wife relationship where ALL THREE factors come together. "PHILO" is the camaraderie and mutual respect between brethren with common needs and preferences. The need for, or dependence upon, a thing. "...Greet them that love (philia) us in the faith..." (Titus 3:15) "AGAPE" is the selfless altruism shown toward family, community, and/or the needy: "For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me." (Matthew 25:35-36) "Greater love (agape) has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13) "Love (agape) works no ill to his neighbor; therefore love is the doing of the law." (Romans 13:10) THE PUBLIC INTEREST CONTROLLED MEANING: The common good of the people. The objective for which government enacts and enforces its laws. "The government protects the public interest." CORRECT MEANING: A euphemism for "whatever is profitable for politicians." It is the will of the government forced down the people's throats. It is central-government aggression perpetrated under the guise of "protecting the people against themselves." In the public interest...politicians tax us, lie to us, imprison us, put us in debt and increase their own salaries to five times that of the average American. A politician's ONLY real interest in the public is in finagling votes. FAITH CHURCH MEANING: Blind belief in the unknown. A "spiritualness" which replaces the need for reason and God's Law. ACTUAL MEANING: In the Bible, the word comes from the Greek (pis'-tis): persuasion; credence. The root word is (pi'-tho): to convince. Thus, faith comes from reasoning and logic; from being intelligently _persuaded_ and _convinced_ by a _credible_ proposition. Trusting the unknown is not "faith" - it is gambling. Faith is: assurance of things expected; contemplation of things not yet in sight. (Hebrews 11:1).

IMPLIED CONTRACT IMPLIED MEANING: A contract not written or signed, but existing by tacit understanding of the parties, and reasonably inferred by their participation. Like any other contract, implied contracts, in order to be binding, must be entered into voluntarily. ACTUAL USAGE: In today's system, the government assumes jurisdiction over anyone, anywhere by simply declaring them under an implied contract to perform. Charges, by the state against a citizen, are based upon the assumption that the citizen is already under contract - and therefore he is considered guilty until proven innocent. Thus, the unwitting citizen doesn't know how to proceed in his own defense because he doesn't understand the charges. State and Federal agencies, bureaus, and departments have drawn citizens into contracts to receive "benefits" and "protections." After a number of citizens willingly accept explicit contracts, the government just treats all the rest of the people as if they have also given their tacit approval for "implied contracts." The implication is assumed through something as simple as voluntary participation on other levels such as voting, or hooking up to public utilities. Thus, everyone is assumed to be in contract to the government, and thus under contract law - with no consideration for individual rights. FRANCHISED RIGHTS CONTROLLED MEANING: The Constitutional rights granted by the government to a member/citizen. Enfranchised citizens are those who have acquired the rights granted under our system. CORRECT MEANING: The term is a misnomer. Rights cannot be franchised or granted. Rights are inherent. Franchises offer privileges - not rights. A franchise is a license to do business under the umbrella of a larger corporation. The U.S. Government (the largest corporation in America) enfranchises its member/citizens (places them under its jurisdiction) by means of IMPLIED CONTRACT (see above). PRO-CHOICE CONTROLLED MEANING: Refers to the right of women to have an abortion - based upon the legal premise that a living fetus is actually part of the woman's body. A woman can choose to do anything she wants to her own body - including killing part of it. CORRECT MEANING: "Pro-choice" is a euphemism for "Pro-death." it has nothing to do with the rights of women - but, rather, the rights of babies. The "choice" is not a question of the woman's rights, but a question of whether or not the rights of the baby are recognized. The "pro-choice" woman demands, not her own rights, but the abrogation of the rights of her baby. This transcends decency and reason. A woman's rights pertain to herself, not to others. A woman has the right to choose whether or not to participate in the conception of a baby. However, once the baby is conceived, that option no longer exists. SPIRITUAL CHURCH MEANING: Pertaining to "spirits" and the "spirit world," including God (a "spirit being"). Having to do with one's "spirit" or "soul." Also, inferring a quality of righteousness or holiness. CORRECT MEANING: Pertaining to motivation or

disposition. A "spiritual" person is one who is motivated or disposed toward a particular action. Or, he may be a motivator of others. Con men and salesmen are very "spiritual" in that they attempt to motivate action in others. A madman is very "spiritual" in that he, himself, is greatly motivated (albeit, in a wrong way). A "spiritual" man is one who deals with human energy and disposition. In Scripture, a "spiritual" man is often one who is motivated by the influence of God, by His Law, by reading Scripture, or by righteous peer pressure. A "spiritual gift" is one which motivates us to accomplish something. Romans 7:14 says that "the law is spiritual" ... meaning that the law motivates man, giving him a particular disposition. A "spiritual" song is one which motivates those who hear it. "Spiritual wickedness" is inherited disposition (motivation) to act wickedly. That which is "of the spirit" is produced by a particular motivation or disposition. "In the spirit," means in a state of being motivated or acting in accordance to a particular disposition. As you can see, the Bible contains many references to "motivation." Motivation (or disposition) is very important, and the writers of the Bible gave it much attention. Ill-directed motivation (evil spirit) carries us away into sin. Well-directed motivation (holy spirit) keeps us in the grace of God. "Spirit (motivation; disposition) shows a person's INTENT. Intent is very important. Since man is imperfect, he cannot be judged solely by performance. INTENT (i.e., one's heart; or spirit) is the thing God judges. See Hebrews 4:12; I Samuel 16:7; Proverbs 21:2. BODY OF CHRIST CHURCH MEANING: The church with its members. Some churches view "membership" differently than others. To be a member of some churches, you need only attend their services and accede to their doctrines - thus, becoming a member of the Body of Christ. In other churches, one must officially join by swearing allegiance and taking out a document of membership - thus, being accepted into the Body of Christ. CORRECT MEANING: The collective, societal community of called-out followers of Christ. A corporate the sense of incorporating and synchronizing various parts which work together (however, not "corporate" in the sense of being franchised under the power of the State). The term, "Body of Christ," has been popularly perverted to refer to church membership. However, the "Body," as a living, functioning entity, encompasses every-day living, working, and co-operating. Churches stand in contrast to that, and are nothing but business of religion-for-profit. Like a stage show, they offer no solutions - only temporary indulgence. The community, on the other hand, is the instrument of God's Kingdom to receive "life" as the Body of Christ. In the community, "members" (ecclesians) voluntarily work, co-operate, and support one another. VIOLENCE CONTROLLED MEANING: Uncivilized, ungodly force. Mean, hurtful behavior. Any and all physical force used against another person. Violence is barbaric, and victimizes the weaker members of society. It is never appropriate because it hurts people and animals. Christians should never use violence to settle their problems.

CORRECT MEANING: Strong, swift, physical force. Violence can be good, or bad - depending upon the situation. In many instances God's Law demands violence. Violence is an appropriate option for self defense against physical attack or harm. For a Christian man to be the protector of his family, violence must be an option at his disposal. A man must not be stripped of his means to provide for, and PROTECT, his family (I Timothy 5:8). In America, there has been a concerted movement toward "nonviolence." This propaganda, along with the "women's liberation" movement, has been programmed into the minds of American men. Acceptance of this doctrine of non-violence has cost American men their manhood. The true strength of Western and European culture has been the family unit - including communities of families (i.e., clans or tribes). Family-oriented society is based upon privacy, property, and the independence of each family unit - with the man as leader and protector of each unit. For this proven system to function and prosper, the man must be strong (both physically and spiritually) and thus capable of violence when required. When Christian men are responsible, and potentially violent, they are capable of defending their people against tyrannically and criminal political and religious wolves. The "women's lib" and "non-violence" movements were designed to undermine the above-described God-given protections. The "liberated woman" no longer views the man as leader and protector. And, the "non-violent" man has been emasculated. Removing the option of violence from the hands of the common man leaves responsibility for that society to women and children thus, they are vulnerable to religious/political thugs. While government tells us "violence is bad," apparently it considers itself exempt - for it uses violence, at will, as its answer for all things. CLAN CONTROLLED MEANING: An old Scottish form of society. An archaic culture which, after succumbing to British rule, subsequently became only a novelty tradition. In America, when spelled with a "k" (Klan) it refers to the Ku Klux Klan. CORRECT MEANING: "Clan" is another word for "tribe" (no connection to the Masonic fraternity, "Ku Klux Klan"). A clan is a society of independent families united by the common descent of the heads of each household. While Scottish culture had clans, the phenomenon was not limited to the Scots. Tribal cultures (clans) have existed on every continent. Ancient Hebrew culture, as well, was built around tribes (clans). As families have heads, clans also have heads - called patriarchs. Jacob was one such clan patriarch. This patriarchal form of ecclesian society and civil government is the culture of choice for godly people. DRUNKARDS OF EPHRAIM (Isaiah 28) CHURCH MEANING: Those of the kingdom of Ephraim who drank too much wine and thus incurred the wrath of God. CORRECT MEANING: Isaiah used the term "drunkards of Ephraim" primarily to refer to men addicted to "the wine of Babylon" (Rev. 17:2; 18:3) - not just alcoholic drink. The wine of Babylon dulls and perverts the spirit as fermented drink dulls and perverts judgment - thus the analogy. The rulers in Ephraim were drunk with greed, power and indulgence - traits acquired by

emulating the Babylonish government models in the nations around them. The common people were also in a state of drunken confusion from years of complicity under Babylonish church and state to which they had passively acquiesced - turning them into cowards and slaves. Today's counterparts to Isaiah's "drunkards of Ephraim" are: 1. Politicians, bureaucrats, and church leaders - drunk with greed and power - controlling and confusing the common people. 2. Common people who welcome spiritual inebriation in order to passively accept civil and religious slavery under central powers. THOSE NOT DEFILED BY WOMEN (Revelation 14:4) CHURCH MEANING: Men who avoid sexual contact with bad women. CORRECT MEANING: The "women" of this scripture were not ordinary flesh-and-blood women, but rather corporate entities churches, governments, schools, etc. These were "women" (i.e. daughters of Babylon). Men who avoided defilement (affiliation) with that system of harlot organizations did so by opting, instead to affiliate themselves with Jesus and His system (i.e. the ecclesia system). "These are they which follow the Lamb wherever he goes." In the world system, there are thousands of organizations (harlots) - both religious and political - pursuing and persuading you to affiliate (defile) yourselves with them. They pursue you like the Sodomite dogs pursued Lot's guests ... hoping to acquire fresh victims for their perverted appetites. (Gen. 19). If victims are already dull of spirit from the effects of the wine of Babylon they will likely fail to discern the danger. Once they have fallen prey and are defiled by these organizations (harlots) they are never the same again. They can be redeemed back by Jesus, but it is better to avoid these "women" in the first place and escape the spiritual scars of defilement. MARTIAL LAW POLITICAL MEANING: Temporary wartime military jurisdiction over enemy lands until a stable central government can be installed. CORRECT MEANING: Dictatorial rule by a military commander over a conquered people. The President of the United States is the Commander and Chief of all U.S. military forces. Thus, we are ruled over by central government and are under "martial law." All central governments rule by martial law - i.e., military force, or the threat of it. LEGAL PLUNDER "But how is legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime. "Then abolish this law without delay, for it is not only an evil itself, but also it is a fertile source for further evils because it invites reprisals. If such a law - which may be an isolated case - is not abolished immediately, it will spread, multiply, and develop into a system. "The person who profits from this law will complain bitterly, defending his "acquired rights."...Do not listen to this sophistry by vested interests. The acceptance of these arguments will build

legal plunder into a whole system. "...Thus we have an infinite number of plans for organizing it: tariffs, protection, benefits, subsidies, encouragements, progressive taxation, public schools, guaranteed jobs, guaranteed profits, minimum wages, right to relief, right to the tools of labor, free credit, and so on, and so on." - Fredric Bastiat (1801-1850) HOLOCAUST CONTROLLED MEANING: The annihilation of six-million Jews by the Nazis in World War II. INTENT: A Zionist propaganda term used to create a sense of guilt among non-Jews, and to promote indebtedness to, and sympathy for, all Jews. A form of psychological blackmail (brainwashing), especially among "Judeochristians," to reduce or prevent thoughts or actions against Jews and the oppressive state of Israeli -- thus, granting them carte blanche to kill the Palestinians with impunity and financially bleed Germany and America. TRUE MEANING: "Holocaust" comes from two Greek words: holos, meaning "whole" and kaustos, meaning "burnt." According to _Webster's 1828 Dictionary_, the word originally meant "A burntsacrifice or offering, the whole of which was consumed by fire." The term is used in the Bible to indicate "whole burnt offerings to God" (Heb. 10:6). Notice that a "holocaust" is not just ANYTHING burnt, but AN OFFERING burnt. Thus, the Jews are claiming "six-million burnt offerings." The fact that the Jews chose to use the word "holocaust" is strong indication that the so-called "six-million" were not burnt by the Nazis. In fact, they weren't burnt at all except in the inventive minds of the Jewish Priests and the pens of the Jewish writers of fiction and propaganda. This must be the case, because a Jewish "holocaust" could not be offered by alien enemies (Nazis). A Jewish "holocaust" must be offered to the Jewish god, by Jewish priests! Otherwise, they could not call it a "Jewish holocaust." GUN CONTROL CONTROLLED MEANING: Government regulation of guns for the safety of the public. Guns are dangerous. The people are apt to hurt themselves with guns. Also, the criminal element of society cannot be allowed to own guns. Thus, government regulation is necessary for the good of the people. TRUE MEANING: Suppression and forced pacification of the people by government. Public disarmament to protect government against dissent - insuring that government power and abuse cannot be seriously challenged. Gun control means removal of the last means - of self defense, thus making the people helpless against government tyranny and plunder. Guns are not dangerous to law-abiding people - any more than knives, cars, chain saws, swimming pools, or electrical outlets. Irresponsible handling of any one of these can prove deadly. The difference with guns is that they are highly efficient tools for selfdefense. Thus, the government's motive is NOT to protect citizens from harm, but to eliminate their ability to defend themselves. The government's motive is to protect itself - not the people. The truth is that guns in the hands of private citizens are DANGEROUS *ONLY* TO CRIMINALS (including those in government)! Politicians know this. Criminals naturally fear guns in the hands of their potential victims. That is why

politicians don't want anyone, other than themselves and their hirelings (police), to have guns. It is natural for criminals to want to disarm their victims. First comes mandatory gun registration. Next, licensing the carrier. Then tighter and tighter restrictions. Finally, it becomes so difficult and dangerous to own and carry a gun that only criminals have guns and most people will just give up trying. Inevitably, the threat of police reprisal is greater than the threat of common street crime. Thus, in a police state, the police become the greatest public menace. BORN OF THE SPIRIT CHURCH MEANING: That which is composed of spirit, as opposed to that which is composed of physical matter (flesh, etc.). Invisible; supernatural. "...that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.." John 3:6 CORRECT MEANING: "Spirit" is 'that which inspires or motivates.' Therefore, being 'born of the spirit' means having one's direction and intent formed by inspiration (not just natural fleshly urges). One who is "born of the spirit", is inspired to follow a particular direction or pattern. His way of life reflects that which inspires him - which gave him that "life." With Christians, that "life" is the spirit (inspiration) of Christ and His Law. In contrast, one who is "born of the flesh" looks only to fleshly urges to direct and define his life. His path is low and debased. "But as many received Him, to them He gave authority to be the children of God, ... Those born not of blood, nor of the will of flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." John 1:12-13. "Unless a man is born from above (i.e, inspired by God) he cannot perceive God's kingdom" John 3:3. By the same token, "children of promise" (i.e., inspired children) and not just "children of the flesh," are counted for seed (Romans 9:6-8). "For as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God" (Romans 8:14). WAR CONTROLLED MEANING: A declared conflict or prolonged public battle between one people (nation) and another people (nation). Wars are fought to preserve the peace and make the world safe. CORRECT MEANING: The word "war" derives from a Teutonic root meaning 'to confuse; to embroil; to be in conflict.' War can be waged by anyone, and between any two or more parties. Typically, however, war is expressed at the level of terms of "national war." In the mind of the common man, "war" is generally equated with "all-out-war," or "total war" - meaning to the death, or until one side surrenders. The truth, however, is that "total war" (real war) is never waged by "advanced" nations. Rather, war is regulated, controlled and usually funded (both sides) from behind the scenes by its creators who alone profit from it. Our generation of American have abdicated personal responsibility with regards to wars. American parents allow their sons and daughters to be sent to war, at the behest of their government, against "enemies" they don't even know. They invade, kill (or get killed), destroy, and loot people and communities of whom they have no acquaintance or knowledge all because it is called "war." But what war? Whose war? And why?

Governments war against governments...for the benefit of those who control those governments. People don't war, they have disputes! Sometimes they even have feuds. These are settled between the principle parties in most cases- without involving their neighbors. Governments, however, war against other governments by forcing innocent third-party citizens, who know nothing about the conflict and have no stake in the matter, to fight for them. Citizens of one government system are pitted against citizens of another government system. They kill one another until one government system is depleted of citizens or resources to feed the war. Like pawns in a Chess game, citizens are invested (used and expended) to force one government's will upon another. Wars are between governments. They are fought, not for the people, but for governments. The people always suffer. Politicians, Bankers, Lawyers, and Undertakers prosper from wars, and they along should fight them! This would benefit us in two ways: 1. War would be brief, and 2. A true criminal class would diminish in numbers. In 1861, Yankee citizens were forced to kill, loot, and ravage the South so that Lincoln and his banker friends could ostensibly "preserve the Union and abolish slavery." Secretly the war architects chuckled because their real objective was not to emancipate the Negro, but to bring all races to a common level of slavery under enfranchisement and debt to these same bankers. The New World Order hated the South ... NOT because it had slavery, but because it had PLANTATIONS - independent communities with their own economies having no need of bankers or politicians. In one stroke, the New World Order crushed the South and virtually eliminated the future threat of independent communities. Private industry could no longer achieve independence from central banking and central government. PEACE GOVERNMENT MEANING: Silence. Pacification. The lack of rebellion, challenge, or dissent to government power. Wars bring peace by force. CHRISTIAN MEANING: In relation to people and community, "peace" means much more than "silence." Governments equate "peace" with suppression, or pacification -also death...the classic by-product of government-forced "peace." When Roman armies invaded and devastated Alba, in the 700's, Calgicus (a Celtic chieftain) stated: "They make a desert and call it peace." This statement was repeated again later by the Scots to describe the British military policy called "pacification" whereby British troops invaded and laid waste to the Scottish Highlands in the 1700's. Mao Tse-tung correctly stated that government authority "...comes from the barrel of a gun." By this principal governments (including "democracies") have gotten and kept power over people and nations. Thus, this form of "peace" is achieved by government when it develops enough gun power to suppress all dissent, domestic or foreign. State oppression, force, and hostility bring _silence_ by forcing the common people to live in fear. But FEAR IS NOT PEACE! TRUE peace requires that there be no masters and slaves; no nobles and commons; no class of men who are above the law, and no class of men systematically deprived of their natural rights. True "peace" is the lack of hostilities...a state which will never be

achieved so long as governments continue to be hostile to free men.

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