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ACTIVITIES Chapter 1-2 Before you read 1. Phillip Marlowe is a famous fictional detective.

Think of other fictional detectives you know. What type of people are they? What do they all have in common? What individual features does each one have? Mysterious 2. Check these words in your dictionary. Bill cop gin and lime millionaire pal Which of these words is: a) An informal word for policeman? cop b) A kind of drink? Gin and lime c) An American word for money-note? Bill d) A rich person? Millionaire e) An informal word for friend? Pal After you read 3. What is the relationship between Terry Lenox and a) Harlan Potter? Father-in-law b) Randy Starr? Friend that lives in Las Vegas c) Phillip Marlowe? A detective that tries to help him 4. Complete the sentences on the let using one of the place names on the right. a) Lennox once lived in England b) Randy Starr lives in Las Vegas c) Marlowe has a flat in Laurel Canyon d) Marlowe drives Lennox to Hollywood Bus Station e) Lennox and Sylvia were married in Las Vegas f) Lennox leaves a suitcase in Tijuana g) Lennox prefers Victors Bar to his big house. 5. Lennox asks for help from strangers, but not from friends. Do you agree with his reasons? Why/Why not? Im kinda agree because I can tell my problem to a stranger and he/she will give me an unbiased point of view. Chapters 3-4 Before you read 6. The police are waiting for Marlowe when he gets back. What questions are they going to ask him, do you think? Wheres your friend Lennox?

Do you know how was the relationship with his wife? Do you know if the couple were having problems? After you read 7. Math the people on the left with the correct descriptions a) Morgan is a writer b) Sewell Endicott is Marlowes friend c) Dayton offers Marlowe work d) Green offers to help Marlowe e) The police captain tells Marlowe that Lennoxs wife has been murdered f) Menendez has mental problems, according to Marlowe g) Silvano Rodriguez throws coffee at Marlowe h) Howard Spencer is an old friend of Lennox i) Rogger Wade is Lennox in disguise 8. Find examples of Marlowes a) Loyalty b) Toughness c) Intelligence d) Sensitivity Using information from these chapters, what other words could you use to describe his character? Good friend, sincere, and maybe good person. Chapters 5-6 Before you read 9. Which of the people Marlowe meets in the last chapter would he most like to meet again? Why? Sewell Endicott, because hes a lawyer and seems to be a correct one. After you read 10. What is the connection between Terry Lennox and a) Roger Wade? He knew Sylvia Lennox b) Linda Loring? His sister-in-law 11. Work in pairs. Organize a dinner party for the following people

12. What information does Peters give Marlowe? He gave him the names of the three doctors under the letter V, and also told him that one of their men knew a guy in NY five or six years ago, hes certain it was Lennox, except his name wasnt Lennox then. It was Marston. 13. How are the following things important in helping Marlowe to trace Roger Wades doctor? a) Wades desk Wade left a note saying I do not like you, Doctor V, but now youre the man for me b) And old friend he worked for a big detective agency so he had access to a lot of information. c) A small office the size of the office means that the Dr. Vukanich didnt have nothing more than that. d) Old, weak patients it means that the Dr. Varley wasnt tough enough to handle real trouble. Chapters 7-9 Before you read 14. Check these words in your dictionary Soda Suicide Which other drinks can be mixed with soda? Vodka, Ron, Fernet Some people commit suicide because they are unhappy. Can you think of any other reasons? Economic problems, psychological disorders, 15. At the begging of Chapter 7, Wade gives Marlowe an urgent phone-call. Do you think Marlowe is pleased to hear from him again? Why, or why not? What do you think Wade might want? No, because he already had some problems with Wade. Maybe his wife has disappear. After you read 16. These people all feel angry. Who with, and why? a) Marlowe- Dr. Loring because he didnt wanted to help him. b) Candy-Marlowe, because he knows too much about his boss. c) Eileen Wade It seems to be that she hates her husband because he cheated on him. d) Bernie Ohls Police, because they didnt do well their job e) Roger Wade Candy, because he knows about the other woman. 17. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false ones. a) Wade had an affair with Linda Lorings sister. b) Eileen Wade finds Marlowe very attractive. c) Harlan Potters house is ugly.

d) Potter offers Marlowe money to find out who killed his daughter. Potter offers Marlowe money to stop all the investigation. e) Marlowe hears two gunshots in these chapters. Marlowe hears any gunshots in these chapters. f) Hernandez thinks Marlowe killed Wade g) Marlowe is upset about Wades death. 18. ---------------Chapters 10-12 Before you read 19. What do you think Marlowe wants to say to Eileen Wade when he next sees her? I think maybe hes going to complain about the accusation about Roger Wades death. After you read 20. What lies Eileen tell about a) A badge? That it was of an English Army group, the Artists Rifles they were called. The man who gave her it was lost right afterwards, in Andalsnes in Norway, in 1940. b) Paul Marston? She said that he was dead so she hadnt had the opportunity to see him again. c) Sylvias murder? First she said that Terry Lennox killed his wife and ran away and killed himself, and then she said that Roger Wade killed Sylvia Lennox. d) A suitcase? She told Marlowe that she drove to Chatsworth Beach on the other side of the lake and threw the suitcase in. e) A key? She forgot her key f) A fence? That she had a hard time with the high fence but she got over it. 21. What two things make Spencer suspicious of Eileen? I think that maybe its because Eileen changed her version about Sylvias death and also about the fence. 22. How did Lennox deceive the police and Endicott into thinking he was dead? Lennox was drugged and packed in ice and the lawyer saw him in a dark room, so the fingerprints were real enough but the truth was that Lennox wasnt dead. 23. Why did Lennox run away, even though he wasnt guilty? Because for him it was tough to let a woman be arrested for murder. 24. If you were Marlowe, would you tell the police about Lennox? Why, or why not? Why do you think Marlowe doesnt wish to remain friends with him? Do you think he is being fair? No, because if I were him, I would have considered Lennox my friend and he was considered dead so he was able to start a new life. I think that Lennox needs to start again in other country where nobody knows him. Yes, he is being fair. Theyre friends so they wanted the best for each other I think so. 25. Why is the book called The Long Goodbye?

I dont know maybe is because it takes too much time to figured out that the one that was supposed to be dead (Lennox), was alive, and the principal character (Marlowe) solved the puzzle to prove that his friend wasnt guilty. WRITING 26. Write paragraphs about three of these things, saying how important they are to the story. 1. Drink: Alcohol produces a lot of changes in our behavior, as you saw in character Roger Wade, when he was drunk he did sort of things and then he forgot it at all, he also become a little bit aggressive. Thats why his wife told some things that were invented by her about what he did, and everyone believes her. 2. Money: As you can see in the story if you have Money you have a lot of influence, but it doesnt control the world and also doesnt control what people do or say, unless they were corrupt, because when the truth come out anybody can stop it. 3. Drugs: You have to be careful when your doctor prescribe you some pills, because if you took to much it can cause you a lot of damage even the death. 27. You are Eileen Wade. Write your full confession. Include all details about your feelings and motives. Say why you killed your husband instead of just divorcing him. I couldnt handle my guilty thats why I resorted to do this. Now than my soul is free, and its not trapped in my body, this letter will explain you everything. I got married with the love of my life, Paul Marston, he was my soul mate, but then he died. I almost got crazy, it was devastating for me. Then I met Roger Wade, he proposed marriage, we never fall in love with each other, but were a couple. Few years later I noticed that he was getting happier, I knew that he was having an affair, so one day I decided to follow him, she was kinda pretty and very young, I didnt care until another day that I saw that slut with my Paul Marston, but he had changed, I know its her fault, he saw me, but didnt recognized anything. I decided to take revenge, that bitch cant be alive, she has changed everything of my sweet heart, I knew where they lived, so I went to their house, waited until she was alone and enter the house, and killed her, it was so easy, she deserved it. But then the man that used to be the love of my life escape and then committed suicide in Mexico, it was so painful, I hated my husband for getting involve with that slutty and for proposing marriage to me, I should have waited for Paul, I was thinking of divorced him, but I had a better idea, everything will be perfect, if it looks like Roger committed suicide, because he was feeling guilty, so I planned everything, and all was perfect until Mr. Marlowe started to solve everything, I didnt want to die in prison, so thats how I decided to end. 28. You are Terry Lennox. Look back at page 8. What would the story of your life have been if you told Marlowe? Write your story, from your early days and orphan in England to your second marriage to Sylvia.

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