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Assignment # 05 EE 324: Control Systems Semester: Spring: 2013

Due Date: 18.05.2013 at 8a.m.

The following concepts have been tested in this homework
Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators
Note: Some Problems are provided with solutions to give you some insight.
Lead Compensator Design
Lag Compensator
1 Homework-5 Solution
2 Homework-5 Solution
Lead-Lag Compensator Design
3 Homework-5 Solution
A-'7-6. Consider a system with an unstable plant as shown in Figure 7-34(a). Using the root-locus
approach, design a proportional-plus-derivative controller (that is, determine the values of K,
and T ~ ) such that the damping ratio of the closed-loop system is 0.7 and the undamped natural
frequency w, is 0.5 radlsec.
Solution. Note that the open-loop transfer function involves two poles at s = 1.085 and s = -1.085 ..
and one zero at s = -l/Td, which is unknown at this point.
Since the desired closed-loop poles must have w, = 0.5 rad/sec and f = 0.7, they must be
located at
s = 0.5/180 f. 45.573"
(6 = 0.7 corresponds to a line having an angle of 45.573" with the negative real axis.) Hence, the
desired closed-loop poles are at
The open-loop poles and the desired closed-loop pole in the upper half-plane are located in the
diagram shown in Figure 7-34(b). The angle deficiency at point s = -0.35 f j0.357 is
Figure 7-34
(a) PD control of an
unstable plant;
(b) root-locus
diagram for the
Example Problems and Solutions
4 Homework-5 Solution
Some Solved Problems on Compensators
Figure 7-35
Control system.
This means that the zero at s = -l / Td must contribute 11.939", which, in turn, determines the
location of the zero as follows:
Hence, we have
The value of T, is
The value of gain Kp can be determined from the magnitude condition as follows:
By substituting the numerical values of Td and Kp into Equation (7-12), we obtain
which gives the transfer function of the desired proportional-plus-derivative controller.
A-7-7. Consider the control system shown in Figure 7-35. Design a lag compensator G,(s) such that the
static velocity error constant K, is 50 sec-' without appreciably changing the location of the orig-
inal closed-loop poles, which are at s = -2 d~ j f i .
462 Chapter 7 / Control Systems Design by the Root-Locus Method
5 Homework-5 Solution
Solution. Assume that the transfer function of the lag compensator is
Since K , is specified as 50 sec-', we have
Now choose K, = 1. Then
Choose T = 10. Then the lag compensator can be given by
The angle contribution of the lag compensator at the closed-loop pole s = -2 + jV6' is
v' 6 v%
/Gc(s) I
= tan-' - - tan-' -
s=- 2+j G -1.9 -1.995
which is small.Thus the change in the location of the dominant closed-loop poles is very small.
The open-loop transfer function of the system becomes
The closed-loop transfer function is
To compare the transient-response characteristics before and after the compensation, the unit-step
and unit-ramp responses of the compensated and uncompensated systems are shown in Figures
7-36(a) and (b), respectively.The steady-state error in the unit-ramp response is shown in Figure
Example Problems and Solutions 463
6 Homework-5 Solution
Figure 7-36
(a) Unit-step
responses of the
compensated and
systems; (b) unit-
ramp responses of
both systems; (c)
unit-ramp responses
showing steady-state
Unit-Ramp Responses of Compensated and Uncompensated Systems
9 -
Uncompensated system has
steady-state error of 0.4
Un~t-Step Responses of Compensated and Uncompensated Systems
1 2 . , , , , , , , , , -
J Compensated system
Uncompensated system
t Sec
0 4
0 2
Unit-Rarno Resoonse (35 < t < 40)
. .
39 5
3 3 8 5 Compensdted system
8 38
2 3 7 5
5 37
5 365
- Uncompensated system
35 5
3535 35 5 36 36 5 37 37 5 38 38 5 39 3 9 5 40
~ / i i i i i i i i ; , o
t Sec
t Sec
( c )
464 Chapter 7 / Control Systems Design by the Root-Locus Method
7 Homework-5 Solution
A-7-44. Consider a unity-feedback control system whose feedforward transfer function is given by
Design a compensator such that the dominant closed-loop poles are located at s = -2 f @V"3
and the static velocity error constant K, is equal to 80 sec-'.
Solution. The static velocity error constant of the uncompensated system is K, = # = 0.625.
Since K, = 80 is required, we need to increase the open-loop gain by 128. (This implies that we
need a lag compensator.) The root-locus plot of the uncompensated system reveals that it is not
possible to bring the dominant closed-loop poles to -2 -+ j 2 s by just a gain adjustment alone.
See Figure 7-37. (This means that we also need a lead compensator.) Therefore, we shall employ
a lag-lead compensator.
Let us assume that the transfer function of the lag-lead compensator to be
where Kc = 128. This is because
Root-Locus Plot of G(s) = 10/[s(s+2)(s+8)]
Figure 7-37
Root-locus plot of
G( s ) = 101
[ S ( S + 2) ( s + 8)). Real Axis
v, 2 -
Do 0
- -2
Example Problems and Solutions
- Des~red closed-loop
- l ol 0 -5 0 5 10
8 Homework-5 Solution
Figure 7-38
determination of the
zero and pole of
the lead portion
of the compensator.
and we obtain Kc = 128. The angle deficiency at the desired closed-loop pole s = -2 + j 2 f l is
Angle deficiency = 120" + 90" + 30" - 180" = 60"
The lead portion of the lag-lead compensator must contribute this angle.To choose Tl we may use
the graphical method presented in Section 7-5.
The lead portion must satisfy the following conditions:
The first condition can be simplified as
By using the same approach as used in Section 7-5, the zero ( s = 1 1 ~ ~ ) and pole ( s = PIT,) can
be determined as follows:
See Figure 7-38. The value of P is thus determined as
/3 = 14.419
466 Chapter 7 / Control Systems Design by the Root-Locus Method
9 Homework-5 Solution
For the lag portion of the compensator, we may choose
Figure 7-39
(a) Root-locus plot
of compensated
system; (b) root-
locus plot near the
Noting that
the angle contribution of the lag portion is -1.697" and the magnitude contribution is 0.9837.This
means that the dominant closed-loop poles lie close to the desired location s = -2 & j 2 G . Thus
the compensator designed,
is acceptable. The feedforward transfer function of the compensated system becomes
A root-locus plot of the compensated system is shown in Figure 7-39(a).An enlarged root-locus
plot near the origin is shown in Figure 7-39(b).
Real Axis
Root-Locus Plot of Compensated System
Example Problems and Solutions
- ............ i. . . . . . . . .;. . . . . . . . . . . .
........ ..;. ........... .;. ...........
q o x ; i
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .:.
-. . . . .:. . . . . . . . .;, . . . . . . . .
-40 -20 0 20 40 60
10 Homework-5 Solution
Figure 7-39
Figure 7-40
(a) Unit step
responses of
compensated and
systems; (b) unit-
ramp responses of
both systems.
To verify the improved system performance of the compensated system, see the unit-step
responses and unit-ramp responses of the compensated and uncompensated systems shown in
Figures 7-40 (a) and (b), respectively.
Root-Locus Plot of Cqmpensated System near the Origin
Unit-Step Responses of Compensated and Uncompensated Systems
a ? ,
" -2
t Sec
Chapter 7 / Control Systems Design by the Root-Locus Method
-5 0 5 10
Real Axis
- Desired closed-Io ,p
11 Homework-5 Solution
Figure 7-40
Un~t-Ramp Responses of Compensated and Uncompensated Systems
Uncompensated system -
t Sec
Figure 7-41
Control system.
A-7-9. Consider the system shown in Figure 7-41. Design a lag-lead compensator such that the static
velocity error constant K, is 50 sec-' and the damping ratio 5 of the dominant closed-loop poles
is 0.5. (Choose the zero of the lead portion of the lag-lead compensator to cancel the pole at
s = -1 of the plant.) Determine all closed-loop poles of the compensated system.
Solution. Let us employ the lag-lead compensator given by
where p > 1. Then
K, = lim sG,(s)G(s)
K,(T,S + 1)(T2s + 1)
= lims
'-' (5, + 1)(pT2s + 1) S ( S + 1) ( s + 5)
- Kc
- -
The specification that K, = 50 sec-' determines the value of Kc, or
Kc = 250
Example Problems and Solutions
12 Homework-5 Solution
We now choose Tl = 1 so that s + ( 1 1 ~ ~ ) will cancel the (s + 1) term of the plant. The lead
portion then becomes
For the lag portion of the lag-lead compensator we require
where s = s1 is one of the dominant closed-loop poles. For s = sl , the open-loop transfer func-
tion becomes
Noting that at s = sl the magnitude and angle conditions are satisfied, we have
where k = 0,1,2,. . . . In Equations (7-13) and (7-14), P and s, are unknowns. Since the damping
ratio 5 of the dominant closed-loop poles is specified as 0.5, the closed-loop pole s = s1 can be writ-
ten as
where x is as yet undetermined.
Notice that the magnitude condition, Equation (7-13), can be rewritten as
Noting that Kc = 250, we have
The angle condition, Equation (7-14), can be rewritten as
Chapter 7 / Control Systems Design by the Root-Locus Method
13 Homework-5 Solution
We need to solve Equations (7-15) and (7-16) for P and x. By several trial-and-error calculations,
it can be found that
The lag portion of the lag-lead compensator can be determined as follows: Noting that the pole
and zero of the lag portion of the compensator must be located near the origin, we may choose
That is,
With the choice of T2 = 6.25, we find
( 3.3002 ) ( 3.3002 )
= tan-' ---
- tan-' ----- = -1.937" (7-18)
-1.74515 -1.89054
our choice of T2 = 6.25 is acceptable. Then the lag-lead compensator just designed can be writ-
ten as
Therefore, the compensated system has the following open-loop transfer function:
A root-locus plot of the compensatedsystem is shown in Figure 7-42(a). An enlarged root-locus
plot near the origin is shown in Figure 7-42(b).
Example Problems and Solutions 47 1
14 Homework-5 Solution
Real Axis
Figure 7-42
(a) Root-locus plot
of compensated
system; (b) root-
locus plot near the
The closed loop transfer function becomes
Root-Locus Plot of Compensated System near the Origin
The closed-loop poles are located at
Chapter 7 / Control Systems Design by the Root-Locus Method
-I -0.5 0 0.5 1
Real Axis
- .............. i . .
-. . . . . . . . . . . . j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . ;
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:.. ................ -
....: ............
................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
.:. ..................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .
- . . . . . . . . . . j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . -. .:
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i ................. -
: ................ .-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...-
15 Homework-5 Solution
Unit-Step Response of Compensated System
Figure 7-43
(a) Unit-step
response of the
compensated system;
(b) unit-ramp
response of the
compensated system.
t Sec
Unit-Ramp Response of Compensated System
t Sec
Notice that the dominant closed-loop poles s = -1.8308 f j3.2359 differ from the dominant
closed-loop poles s = hs, assumed in the computation of P and T,. Small deviations of the dom-
inant closed-loop poles s = -1.8308 h j3.2359 from s = f s, = -1.9054 + j3.3002 are due to the
approximations involved in determining the lag portion of the compensator [See Equations (7-17)
and (7-18)].
Figures 7-43(a) and (b) show the unit-step response and unit-ramp response of the de-
signed system, respectively. Note that the closed-loop pole at s = -0.1684 almost cancels the
zero at s = -0.16025. However, this pair of closed-loop pole and zero located near the origin
produces a long tail of small amplitude. Since the closed-loop pole at s = -17.205 is located
Example Problems and Solutions 47 3
16 Homework-5 Solution
very much farther to the left compared to the closed-loop poles at s = -1.8308 + j3.2359, the
effect of this real pole on the system response is very small. Therefore, the closed-loop poles
at s = -1.8308 f j3.2359 are indeed dominant closed-loop poles that determine the response
characteristics of the closed-loop system. In the unit-ramp response, the steady-state error in
following the unit-ramp input eventually becomes 1/K, = $ = 0.02.
A-7-10. Figure 7-44(a) is a block diagram of a model for an attitude-rate control system.The closed-loop
transfer function for this system is
The unit-step response of this system is shown in Figure 7-44(b). The response shows high-
frequency oscillations at the beginning of the response due to the poles at s = -0.0417 & j2.4489.
The response is dominated by the pole at s = -0.0167. The settling time is approximately 240 sec.
It is desired to speed up the response and also eliminate the oscillatory mode at the beginning
of the response. Design a suitable compensator such that the dominant closed-loop poles are at
s = -2 + j 2 a .
t Hydraulic servo Aircraft
Rate gyro
Unit-Steo Res~onse of Uncom~ensated System
Figure 7-44
(a) Attitude-rate
control system;
(b) unit-step
I t
50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (sec)
Chapter 7 / Control Systems Design by the Root-Locus Method
17 Homework-5 Solution
. ..
, .



" !


8-7-7. 'lb9 801\21;ion to such a problem is not unique. "We"imzill _t tlI<>

to the problem in wI1at follows. Nots that frem the requ1remsnt
stated in the problem. the daD1nant clossd-100p po1BB mat; have 0.5 and Wn
:= 3, or
S=-I.S"j 2. Nel
Notice that the angle deficiency is
. '. . .
Angle deficiency = 180 - 120 - 100.894 - 40.894
Method 1, If 1I'B c:booes the zero the lead """I"""sator at a -1 80 that it
will cancel the pole at a -1, tIlen the ..............tor pole _ be l"""tecl
at 8 -3, or
(j. (s) = I<

'lb9 value It can be cIetem1ne<1 by Use the magnitude condition.
K = IS(S+.I)
'lb9 open-100p trlInafer _ion is
- 104 -
18 Homework-5 Solution
(j,,{r) t7/f) = s (s+ 3)
The closec!-loop transfer fun6tion C(s)!R(s) teoromI8 as follows:
crs-J _ --=",,,,,,,,,,,P__
K(s) - S I. +3SO +.f
Method 2: Referring to the figure shown below, if we bisect angle OPA and' take
20.447 each side, thep the locations of the zero and pole are found as follows:
zero at s -1.9432
pole at s -4.6458
Thus, Ge(S) can be given as
(iris) = I< 7i S-+/ =k I!... s+/.fP-.1Z =2. 'II K S+f.,,..1Z ,
72S T I T2. S T ,. * ~ rr .7 S'rf4/N"f
o I % ()-
The value of J( can be determined by 1188 at ~ EgnitueSe condiUCIl.
- 105 -
19 Homework-5 Solution
'DIe closed-loop tnDsfer functiClll is
eM _ S-./39 (P
!?(.) - SfSrl)(p.2/S-Z.S.,.. /)
= =2,..:' t;.:.,c.;..I'...;S:.....:T--=.S':.;.,;. .....,...
po2/J'z sJ +-/. Z/,sZ s" + + s: nF
It is interssting to ccmpare the ststic velocity error constants for the
two systems designed above.
For the system designed by MethDd 1.
=.Ii- s f = 3
S ..p S(St3)
For the system designee! by IIet!lod 2.
o.$"/ fZp.s+ I
'DIe system designed by MethDd 2 gives a 1s<ger value the static velocity
error ccnstant. '!his means that the. system designed by _ 2 will give
SIIIS1ler steady-state errors in following ramp inputs t:ban the system designed
In what follows., we c:ompare the unit-step respcnses Of the three systems:
the original unc:mpensated system, the system designed by _ 1, and the
system designed by _ 2. 'DIe HATLl\Il _am used to obtain the unit-step
response curves is given below. 'DIe resulting unit-step response curves are
shown on the next page.
" ........ Comparison of unlt-step responses for three systems ........
num - [0 0 10):
den - [1 1 10/:
num1 - (0 0 9]:
denl - [1 3 91:
num2 - (0 0 2.644 5.1381:
den2 - [0.2152 1.2152 3.644 5.138);
I - 0:0.02:8:
c - steplnum,den,tJ:
c1 - atep(num1.den1,t);
c2 - step(num2,den2,t);
plotlt,c, ',',t,c1,'.' ,t,c2, '-.')
tille('Comparlaon of Unlt-Slep Responses for Three Svotemo')
xleball'l sec',
ylabel('Outputo') .
textn.5, 1.6,'Uncompensated system')
leXlI1.1.0.5,'CompensetedOVOlem with K - 0.5138. Tl - 0.5148, T2 - 0.2152')
,exl(1.1,O.3,'Compenseted ovotem with K - 0;3, T1 - 1, T2 - 0.3333')
- 105 -
20 Homework-5 Solution



. I\...
, .

"'\. I \

\ /
.... Ul .0.814 .....
.... ..n ....~ po.

8-7-8. The closed-loop transfer ~ i o n C(s)/l!(s) is given by
we obtain
whic!h results in
8-7-9. The an;le deficiency at the closed-l""" pole e'. -2 + j2 .[3ie
1SO-- 120 - 90-. - .30-
The lead O.I ........tor _ CXlDtri_ 30'.
IAIt U8 chooee -the zero of the lead. C'liJi'Iensatar at 8 -2. 'ft8l, t1w
pate .of the cc ili&lAter III18t be located at a = -4. 1bu8,
~ {r' = K Si"2
...,."/ 'S't ,.
The gain II: ie cIetem1nac1 fraa the _i_CCIldition.
- 1-1)7 -
21 Homework-5 Solution
K = IS(S+ 9-) I .' = /.,
. /0
s-t- SL
s- I .= I
S (o.s S +1) .5"- -2"j,g
=/.6 s+z
$+ 9-
Next, we shall obtain unit-step responses of the original system and the
. canpensated syst8D. '!be original system has the following Closed-loop trans- __
ter t1mctiOlu
efT) _ /t)
RfI) - +/0
'!be cuapensated system has the following Closed-loop transfer :f1.mCticn:
C{!) ._ /6
1S) - $&+-s+16
The un!t-step respmse curves of the original syst.em and canpensated system are
shown below.
'- \
1 Ui 2 2..5 3 3.15
4.5 5
B-7-10. The aDg1e deficiency is
ISO- - 135- -135- - go-
A lead. CUIIlensatar can CXIIltribute 90-. Let us choose tbe zero of the la4
- 108 -
22 Homework-5 Solution
23 Homework-5 Solution
24 Homework-5 Solution
UnIt_....-of"'_......'1''''-", ....,.,....
00 ,
The original uncaapensated system bas the follawiilg closed-locp traDe-
fer fUnCtiau
..f:2.. _
I?CS) - s
The two closed-locp' poles are located at B -2 j2,J3. Chcoee a lag
Bator of tI1e follawiilg fonu
The pole and zero of tI1e lag 0 "censator _ I1e located cloee to tI1e origill.
Let us chooee T 20. .'Iben, the lag Cillillensatar tecaa_
NoUoe t:bat
I = (J.
S+-D.() I ... -Z+jUl'
S+,.DJ"j = !-UJ"+-jz-/3 _ /-/.ff+;"25
S+D.DI - -
- 111 -
25 Homework-5 Solution
26 Homework-5 Solution
27 Homework-5 Solution
28 Homework-5 Solution
Figure 7-40
Un~t-Ramp Responses of Compensated and Uncompensated Systems
Uncompensated system -
t Sec
Figure 7-41
Control system.
A-7-9. Consider the system shown in Figure 7-41. Design a lag-lead compensator such that the static
velocity error constant K, is 50 sec-' and the damping ratio 5 of the dominant closed-loop poles
is 0.5. (Choose the zero of the lead portion of the lag-lead compensator to cancel the pole at
s = -1 of the plant.) Determine all closed-loop poles of the compensated system.
Solution. Let us employ the lag-lead compensator given by
where p > 1. Then
K, = lim sG,(s)G(s)
K,(T,S + 1)(T2s + 1)
= lims
'-' (5, + 1)(pT2s + 1) S ( S + 1) ( s + 5)
- Kc
- -
The specification that K, = 50 sec-' determines the value of Kc, or
Kc = 250
Example Problems and Solutions
29 Homework-5 Solution
We now choose Tl = 1 so that s + ( 1 1 ~ ~ ) will cancel the (s + 1) term of the plant. The lead
portion then becomes
For the lag portion of the lag-lead compensator we require
where s = s1 is one of the dominant closed-loop poles. For s = sl , the open-loop transfer func-
tion becomes
Noting that at s = sl the magnitude and angle conditions are satisfied, we have
where k = 0,1,2,. . . . In Equations (7-13) and (7-14), P and s, are unknowns. Since the damping
ratio 5 of the dominant closed-loop poles is specified as 0.5, the closed-loop pole s = s1 can be writ-
ten as
where x is as yet undetermined.
Notice that the magnitude condition, Equation (7-13), can be rewritten as
Noting that Kc = 250, we have
The angle condition, Equation (7-14), can be rewritten as
Chapter 7 / Control Systems Design by the Root-Locus Method
30 Homework-5 Solution
We need to solve Equations (7-15) and (7-16) for P and x. By several trial-and-error calculations,
it can be found that
The lag portion of the lag-lead compensator can be determined as follows: Noting that the pole
and zero of the lag portion of the compensator must be located near the origin, we may choose
That is,
With the choice of T2 = 6.25, we find
( 3.3002 ) ( 3.3002 )
= tan-' ---
- tan-' ----- = -1.937" (7-18)
-1.74515 -1.89054
our choice of T2 = 6.25 is acceptable. Then the lag-lead compensator just designed can be writ-
ten as
Therefore, the compensated system has the following open-loop transfer function:
A root-locus plot of the compensatedsystem is shown in Figure 7-42(a). An enlarged root-locus
plot near the origin is shown in Figure 7-42(b).
Example Problems and Solutions 47 1
31 Homework-5 Solution
Real Axis
Figure 7-42
(a) Root-locus plot
of compensated
system; (b) root-
locus plot near the
The closed loop transfer function becomes
Root-Locus Plot of Compensated System near the Origin
The closed-loop poles are located at
Chapter 7 / Control Systems Design by the Root-Locus Method
-I -0.5 0 0.5 1
Real Axis
- .............. i . .
-. . . . . . . . . . . . j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . ;
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:.. ................ -
....: ............
................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
.:. ..................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .
- . . . . . . . . . . j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . -. .:
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i ................. -
: ................ .-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...-
32 Homework-5 Solution
Unit-Step Response of Compensated System
Figure 7-43
(a) Unit-step
response of the
compensated system;
(b) unit-ramp
response of the
compensated system.
t Sec
Unit-Ramp Response of Compensated System
t Sec
Notice that the dominant closed-loop poles s = -1.8308 f j3.2359 differ from the dominant
closed-loop poles s = hs, assumed in the computation of P and T,. Small deviations of the dom-
inant closed-loop poles s = -1.8308 h j3.2359 from s = f s, = -1.9054 + j3.3002 are due to the
approximations involved in determining the lag portion of the compensator [See Equations (7-17)
and (7-18)].
Figures 7-43(a) and (b) show the unit-step response and unit-ramp response of the de-
signed system, respectively. Note that the closed-loop pole at s = -0.1684 almost cancels the
zero at s = -0.16025. However, this pair of closed-loop pole and zero located near the origin
produces a long tail of small amplitude. Since the closed-loop pole at s = -17.205 is located
Example Problems and Solutions 47 3
33 Homework-5 Solution
very much farther to the left compared to the closed-loop poles at s = -1.8308 + j3.2359, the
effect of this real pole on the system response is very small. Therefore, the closed-loop poles
at s = -1.8308 f j3.2359 are indeed dominant closed-loop poles that determine the response
characteristics of the closed-loop system. In the unit-ramp response, the steady-state error in
following the unit-ramp input eventually becomes 1/K, = $ = 0.02.
A-7-10. Figure 7-44(a) is a block diagram of a model for an attitude-rate control system.The closed-loop
transfer function for this system is
The unit-step response of this system is shown in Figure 7-44(b). The response shows high-
frequency oscillations at the beginning of the response due to the poles at s = -0.0417 & j2.4489.
The response is dominated by the pole at s = -0.0167. The settling time is approximately 240 sec.
It is desired to speed up the response and also eliminate the oscillatory mode at the beginning
of the response. Design a suitable compensator such that the dominant closed-loop poles are at
s = -2 + j 2 a .
t Hydraulic servo Aircraft
Rate gyro
Unit-Steo Res~onse of Uncom~ensated System
Figure 7-44
(a) Attitude-rate
control system;
(b) unit-step
I t
50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (sec)
Chapter 7 / Control Systems Design by the Root-Locus Method
34 Homework-5 Solution

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