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Wood Elves 8th edition

About this list : keeping what people seem to like in the wood elves army was compulsory : no war machines or long range devastating shots, but lots of short range and quality shots, a very mobile elite army, with a few units usually lightly armoured, expensive but with tons of nice and catchy special rules. Characters are not brutal army slayers as can be seen in others armies but rather a nice addition to units working in synergy with them, pushing soldiers to their best. The idea was to set the book in a 8th edition way of gaming, finding inspiration in what was done with official army books. Giving Wood Elves back the animalism/native american flavour it had in the 4th edition as well as developing the dark side of the 6th was an important objective while working on it. For Wood Elves are warrants of Universal Balance and Natural Cycles, so take part both in night and light, life and death. Lots of people helped in balancing everything, testing, offering new ideas, and I really thank them for helping. Discussions and choices have been made so I'm aware that it can not be perfect for everyone but hey...I made my best, at least I hope so. Xlatoc

GENERAL RULES and EQUIPMENT......................................................................................................3 MAGIC........................................................................................................................................................5 GUARDIANS OF ATHEL LOREN............................................................................................................7 Glade Guards..........................................................................................................................................7 Glade Riders............................................................................................................................................7 Meadows Chariots..................................................................................................................................8 Scouts......................................................................................................................................................8 Eternal Guard..........................................................................................................................................9 Spring Runners........................................................................................................................................9 Wild Riders and Wild Hunters of Kurnous...........................................................................................10 Wardancers of Loec...............................................................................................................................11 Waywatchers.........................................................................................................................................12 Warhawk Riders....................................................................................................................................13 Forest Beasts Routs...............................................................................................................................14 Alters.....................................................................................................................................................15 Dryads...................................................................................................................................................16 Tree Kins...............................................................................................................................................16 Tree Men...............................................................................................................................................17 Great Eagles..........................................................................................................................................18 Dreamwalkers.......................................................................................................................................18 Wandering Herds...................................................................................................................................19 Spites Swarms.......................................................................................................................................20 Great Stags............................................................................................................................................20 Unicorns................................................................................................................................................21 Athel Loren Dragons.............................................................................................................................21 Elven Steeds..........................................................................................................................................22 Warhawks..............................................................................................................................................22 Glamourweaves.....................................................................................................................................22 Spellcrafters..........................................................................................................................................23 Oracles..................................................................................................................................................24 Branchwraiths.......................................................................................................................................24 Treemen Ancients.................................................................................................................................24 Elven Nobles and Highborns................................................................................................................25 Riftblades..............................................................................................................................................28 SPITES OF ATHEL LOREN.....................................................................................................................30 Seasons Spites.......................................................................................................................................30 Solitary Spites.......................................................................................................................................30 HEIRLOOMS OF THE ASRAI................................................................................................................32

SPECIAL CHARACTERS........................................................................................................................34 Orion, King in the Woods.....................................................................................................................34 Ariel, Queen of Athel Loren.................................................................................................................35 Drycha, the Dark-Hearted.....................................................................................................................36 Naeth, the Prophetess...........................................................................................................................37 Scarloc, the Ranger...............................................................................................................................38 Wychwethyl, the Wild...........................................................................................................................39 Skaw, the Falconner..............................................................................................................................40 Gruarth, the Saber-Fanged....................................................................................................................41 Naestra and Arahan, sisters of Twilight and Dawn...............................................................................42 Sceolan, the Winter Warden..................................................................................................................44 Durthu, the Fury of Old........................................................................................................................45 Daith, chosen of the White Hart............................................................................................................46 ARMY LIST..............................................................................................................................................48 Lords.....................................................................................................................................................48 Heroes...................................................................................................................................................53 Core Units.............................................................................................................................................57 Special Units.........................................................................................................................................59 Rare Units.............................................................................................................................................62 REFERENCE............................................................................................................................................64


Wood-Seer Glamourweaves are the warrants of the oath between the Elves and Athel Loren. They are the ones who gather the armies together, the link between all their components. Those Elves merged in Athel Loren, even if they do not command armies, are the ultimate link between the soldiers and the reason they are fighting. Every Wood Elves army has a Wood-Seer, the Glamourweave who gathered the Kindreds and the Spirits to battle, the one who saw and identified the threat. Your army must include at least one wizard from the Kindreds of Yenayla to be the Wood-Seer. She is the one responsible for the call to arms, mandated by either the Asrai or wood spirits to destroy any threat witnessed. She doesnt need to be your general nor your highest level wizard. If you have more than one, nominate one to be the Wood-Seer of your army. The Wood-Seer receives a 4+ Look-Out Sir! against shootings and spells even is she is not of the same troop type as the unit she is in. They are so precious to the Wood Elves that everyone would do anything rather than risking to loose her. If your Wood-Seer is killed, at the beginning of every friendly subsequent phase, every unengaged unit of your army that want to act must take a Leadership test. If failed, it wont do anything during that phase. Their will to fight withers as grows the sorrow of loosing their guide. Woodlands Wardens Wood Elves armies are gathered for only one purpose : to protect natural settings. That is to say : mostly ancient and strong forests. When the terrain pieces are rolled, the Wood Elf player can choose to replace one (and only one) roll by a Forest. If terrain pieces are chosen, at least one forest must be elected. Forests Walker Wood Elves live in the forests, for them and by them, so they are not concerned like other destroying races by the hazards of woods. Appart from Chariots, models with the Forests Walker ability have the Strider(forests) special rule and do not lose Steadfast in woods. Chariots with this special rule lose only 1W when failing a dangerous terrain test in forests. Every model with the special rule may also re-roll the dice determining what kind of forest is a Mysterious Forest when deployed in or entering it. Forest Spirit Pendant of the Elves, Forest Spirits complement the strengths of the Asrai with their own abilities, drawn from the eternal will to live of Athel Loren. Models with the Forest Spirit special rule have the following special rules (applied to both mount and rider for cavalry and monstrous cavalry) : * Their attacks count as being magical, this includes special or ranged attacks. * They are Immune to Psychology * They have a 5+ Ward save. Woodland Ambush : Units with this ability have the Ambushers special rule, with the following exception : when these units enter the battle in the Remaining Moves sub-phase, they do not move to the board as reinforcement in the normal way. Instead, they must be completely deployed in a wood, anywhere on the battlefield, and no closer than 1 to an enemy unit. Talismanic Tattoos Most Asrai warriors adorn themselves with tattoos and warpaint, both as a reminder of their duty to Athel Loren and a prayer to their gods. They respond to their vows by giving them protection.

A model with Talismanic Tattoos gains a 6+ ward save and Magic Resistance (1) Asrai Longbows Asrai are by far the best archers in the world. Always moving around their prey, elude but still accurate. Moreover, they make the finest bows, since they are allowed to use the oldest and purest woods to craft them. In order to make it simple and group the quality of the bow and the ability of the shooter, conider Asrai Longbows to have the following profile : Name Asrai Longbow Range 30'' Strenght 3* Special Rules Quick to Fire Volley Fire

* At Short Range, the Strenght of the Asrai Longbow is 4. Hunters' Talon Those blessing are often given to Asrai in reward for high deeds like protecting a sacred place while outnumbered or killing a ennemy officier. A Sprite merges with the longbow of the Asrai, guiding its shoots and allowing him to bane foes invulnerable to mundane arrows. Asrai Longbow. This magic bow allows the bearer to use the Sniper special rule. Treesinging Awakening the essence of verdant by talking to them is the very base of any Athel Loren wizard. In fact, Spellsingers and Spellweavers are recognised thanks to this hability that, generation after generation, endows the pact between Asrai and Forest Spirits. This capacity works like a Bounded Spell with a power level of 3. Branchwraiths, Tree Men, Spellcrafters may use it once per magic phase. Treemen Ancients and Glamourweaves may use it twice per magic phase. A single forest can be target The spell may be cast on any wood up to 18 away from the caster as long as there are no enemy models in it. It moves D3 + 1 in a direction chosen by the player before rolling. Any friendly unit completely in the wood is moved with it, but the wood will stop if the unit comes less that 1 to an enemy unit. If any model of the friendly unit is not in the wood, it can not move. The wood will stop if contacting an enemy unit or any piece of terrain. Alternatively, the spell can be cast on any wood with an unengaged enemy unit partially or totally in it. Every unengaged enemy unit at least partially in the wood suffer 1D6 S5 hits. The same wood can be affected by Treesinging any number of times per turn.

LORE OF ATHEL LOREN Born from the mixing of Asra magical powers and the old natural and mystical energies of Athel Loren, this Lore of magic is the ultimate attribute of Glamourweaves. It encompasses the magic of the ancient forest, disturbing any other kind of magic, altering the ones touched by it, and spreading his dominative mind. Because ultimately, Athel Loren seeks to protect its children, and to make any living being in the world his child. Evergrowth (Lore attribute) In the deepth of Athel Loren, the Winds of Magic flow differently. They are altered, changed. As the power of Athel Loren grows on the battlefield, it feeds on the Winds, altering them, making enemy sorcerers loose their control on powers they thought they had seized, but that the do not understand anymore.. Each time a spell from the Lore of Athel Loren or Treesinging is successfully cast, the enemy loses one dissipation dice on a result of 3+. Gaze of Athel Loren (signature spell) cast on 8+ This simple spell remember its victims of his primitive state, when it was one with the land and not tamed by civilization or magic. The soul then can just shiver in shame of what it has abandoned and cover in fear of the revenge for this treason. Magic missile with a 24 range. Can only target War Beasts, Monstrous Beasts, Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry, mounted Monsters and Chariots. The unit must pass a Leadership test using the current mount value if possible or be unable to move for any reason until the begining of the next magic phase of the caster. The Hold your ground! and Inspiring Presence rules can not be used if the test is made using the mounts Leadership value. Units Immune to Psychology or Unbreakable must pass the test too, since it's not a Panic test. This spell can be improved to make the unit roll 3D6 keeping the two highest, the casting value is then 12+. Dawn of the Land cast on 6+ This spell awakens Nature, calling It to take revenge on the ones who spoil it. Direct damage spell that can target any enemy unit no more than 18'' away or no more than 6 from a wood, river, swamp or hill. It suffers 1D6 S4 hits. If the unit is at least partially in the required terrain setting, then it suffers 2D6 S4 hits. Hidden Path cast on 8+ One of the most dreaded power of Glamourweaves, this spell allows the wood elves to move instantly from place to place, using secret paths that linked all pieces of the world in ancient times. Augment spell with a range of 12. The unit can make a move using the Fly special rule as if it where in the Remaining Moves sub-phase. The wizard may extend the range of this spell up to 24. The casting value is then 11+. Ariels Blessing cast on +9 Calling on the powers of Life and its always regrowing capacity, the Glamourweave protects the bodies of her warriors from the tools of death. Augment spell with a range of 12. The target unit gets the Regeneration special rule until the next magic phase of the caster. If cast on a unit which already has the Regeneration special rule, then it has a 4+ Ward Save until the next magic phase of the caster. The wizard may extend this spell to every friendly unit up to 12. The casting value is then 18+. Kurnous Blessing cast on 10+ As the Glamourweave owls to the sky like a mythical primal wolf, the eternal will of Kurnous to endlessly run and hunt fuses into the bodies and souls of the warriors of Athel Loren. Augment spell with a range of 18. The targets Attacks are increased by 1 until the next magic phase of the caster (this includes mount, chariot, monster, model crewing a war machine). If not engaged, then

it moves immediately 2D6 towards the nearest visible enemy unit. If there is no enemy unit on sight, it just moves straight forward. If that move brings the unit into contact with an enemy, it counts has having charged in the next combat phase. An enemy charged in such a way can only stand as a reaction, and must take any Psychological test incurred as normal. The wizard may extend this spell to every friendly unit up to 12. The casting value is then 20+ The Twilight Host cast on 12+ By melting her warriors in the essence of Athel Loren, the Glamourweaves makes them a part of the forest dreams, protecting them from the material born threats of their foes. Augment spell with a range of 18. The unit is considered as being Ethereal until the next magic phase of the caster. The range of this spell can be improved to 36, the casting value is then 15+. Wrath of Athel Loren cast on 15+ This fearsome spell invokes the fury of the Sacred Forest on its foes, effectively awakening It, for It to claim what originally belonged to Athel Loren. The enemies are covered in a green, luminous mist and progressively return to their pure original state as Athel Loren makes them once again its children. Remains in play. Direct damage spell that has a range of 24. The unit suffers a number of Wounds equal to 3D6 minus its current Leadership value when the spell resolves and at the beginning of every subsequent magic phase. Use the most common value if needed, the unit can not benefit from Inspiring Presence. Note that this is not a Leadership test. No armour save nor Regeneration allowed. The wizard can choose to increase the number of dice rolled to 4D6. The casting value is then 20+.


GLADE GUARDS Kindreds of Lakoys (from the Elven word Lacoi : power, glory and fear of death) Asrai from the Lakoys Kindreds are the most numerous of all. Nearly every elf has spent several years or decades in those Kindreds, before joining another Kindred less opened but closer to his own way of thinking and his aspirations. A lot still stay in those Kindreds, and some come back after a while. Glade Guards form the backbone of any Athel Loren army, a core of deadly archers that will often put a foe to flight before the battle can even start. A life in the land makes the Glade Guards pretty adaptable, swift and always changing, following as much their instinct as the orders of their officers. Freedom with the orders and personal initiative are encouraged, leading to an overlapping line of battle, confusing the enemy as it dies covered by arrows shoot from Glade Guards advancing and retreating, all around him, like leaves in the storm. M Glade Guard Lord's Bowman TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES: Forests Walker GLADE RIDERS Kindreds of Sehenlu (from the Elven word Senlui : swiftness and accuracy) Also known as the Kindreds of Equos, Horse-Master, Saddleborn or Ridderkin, elves from those Kindreds encompass the communication and harmony between Asrai and Nature. The horse is not a property of the elf, for it is born out of liberty. Its even more than a friend or a brother, for the elf and the horse spend decades together, forging a deep and true connection, on the subconscious level. The bond between the horse and the rider is so deep it makes them just one entity, allowing them to communicate on a level far beyond the understanding of any onlooker. There is no order or command, just the need and the act. This connection is what makes the strength of the Glade Riders, for thanks to it, they can perform all manner of seemingly reckless acts beyond the ability of any other race. They can fight and shoot backwards, all running through bushes and trees, and turning around the enemy battleline, infiltrating them like a running wind, hitting it on its weakest spot. Trough this formidable combination of graceful skill, unflappable confidence and lightning reflexes, Glade Riders often survive their escapades unscathed. M Glade Rider Horsemaster Elven Steed 5 5 9 WS 4 4 3 BS 4 5 0 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 5 5 4 A 1 2 1 Ld 8 8 5 5 5 WS 4 4 BS 4 5 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 5 5 A 1 1 Ld 8 8

TROOP TYPE : Cavalry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Fast Cavalry, Shoot and Flee Shoot and Flee : Whenever a Stand and Shoot and a Flee charge reaction are possible, Glade Riders can use the Shoot and Flee reaction. Simply resolve a normal Stand and Shoot reaction as with any other unit, then perform a Flee reaction. This does not prevent them from making a Feign Flight.

MEADOWS CHARIOTS Kindreds of Sehenlu (from the Elven word Senlui : swiftness and accuracy) When they find their soulmate, elves from the Kindreds of Equos become less attracted to the reckless tactics of the Glade Riders. Meanwhile, their connection with their horse-brother grows even deeper allowing them to commune without permanent contact. A mere touch from the hand, the head or the tail is enough to pass the needs, the questions, the ideas and the thoughts between the two. This, and the growing need for protection in battle, drive the Asrai couples to unite themselves by forming a chariot, the elves being the crew and the steeds carrying it. The additional armour, as well as the raw power provided by the chariot, is enough to protect the couple from most foes. The chariot itself is made with the utmost respect to the horses which freely choose to pull the engine. Fully alive, it is carved in light wood and earth, covered with moss, ivy linking the steeds to the core. It barely hampers their movements, allowing them to run freely, passing along trees and on tree stumps without risks of hurting their elven brothers. For they know where to pass to protect them, and are perfectly able to. Sehenlu chariots patrol the meadows and glades on the fringe of Athel Loren, assisting Scouts and Glade Riders in their missions to protect the borders. They are often the first to engage the enemy at close range, usually storming from grass, bushes and woods on a foe already distracted by the unassailable Asrai. When they run like this through an enemy caught of-guard, Sehenlu chariots only leave blood and corpses behind them, fertilizing the meadows and so perpetrating the eternal life of Athel Loren. M Chariot Elf crew Elven Steed TROOP TYPE : Chariot SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker SCOUTS Kindreds of Arahain (from the Elven word Arhain : shadows, night, stealth, secrets, perfidiousness) Sometimes called Sentinels, Wayfarers or Hawkeyes, elves from this Kindred are usually from Lakoys Kindreds. Groups of avdenturous, fearless or experimented warriors who feel more and more attracted to the woods and the wild side of the Asrai spirit. Most of them will end following the Way of the Waywatcher, so Arahain Kindreds are often seen just as a milestone before settling in the Waywatchers Kindreds. But its not. Both certainly infiltrate the enemy battle line and sow disruption in their wake but the similarity ends there. As much as they are linked to the forest, Scouts still feel at ease in their home and among their brothers and sisters. Every Arahain Kindred is linked to its native Lakoys. So, its mission is to protect it from dangerous foes, luring them to their death, and to keep its mother Kindred informed of anything penetrating the woods. Being less independent than Waywatchers, Scouts are a vital element of the preservation of Athel Loren through observation, information, distraction and alerting the other Kindreds. M Scout Sentinel 5 5 WS 4 4 BS 4 5 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 5 5 A 1 1 Ld 8 8 9 WS 4 3 BS 4 S 5 3 3 T 4 W 4 I 5 4 A 1 1 Ld 8 -

TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES: Forests Walker, Skirmishers, Scouts, Bonded to the Lakoys Bonded to the Lakoys : You can not have more Scouts units than Glade Guards units.

ETERNAL GUARD Kindreds of Selathoi (from the Elven word Sarathai : unyielding defense) The Eternal Guard has but one duty : to protect Athel Loren during the months of winter, when most Forest Spirits are asleep or sluggish and slow, at best. They are the elite of the Asrai, for a place in the Eternal Guard can only be earn on the battlefield. In exchange for their bow, they receive a spark of the everlasting life of Athel Loren, the promise of eternal life surviving every wound and trial, making them those nearly immortal warriors feared by every foe of the forest. Their weapons, carved from the hardest woods and the sharpest ice crystals, sing with the sound of the winter ice wind as they relentlessly cut and thrust through their foes, whatever its shape : undead, knight, beastmen or even dwellers of the Wildwood. Phalanx of Eternal Guards are steadfast as death, disciplined as rock and graceful as snow. Even if the most essential of their duty is in winter, they can be summoned all year round, as watchmen or arbiter for the Elven Halls or bodyguard and escort for the precious Glamourweaves and Asrai Mages. Whatever their duty is, they will fight without thought for their own safety, never giving their foes a feet of retreat. M Eternal Guard Guardian 5 5 WS 5 5 BS 4 4 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 6 6 A 1 2 Ld 9 9

TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Regeneration, Stubborn, Bodyguard Bodyguard : For every 10 models with the Bodyguard special rule in an Eternal Guard unit, one members of Elenrai, Kel-Isha or Yenayla Kindreds who joins the unit gains the following benefits : they always count as being Infantery by enemy spells and shoots. If on foot, they may be placed on the second rank. If not, they have a 4+ Look Out Sir! in contact range. Sarath : Sarath are the designated weapons of the Eternal Guard. They look like spear-staves with singing iceblades at each end. So great is the weapon mastery of an Eternal Guard it can use it for both parrying and attacking. Name Sarath Range Combat Strenght As user Special Rules Extra Attack Fight in Extra Rank* Armour Piercing +1 to armour save

* Does not apply on the turn the wielder charges. SPRING RUNNERS Kindreds of Haroith (from the Elven word Harathoi : youth, boundless energy, jealousy) Many young Asrai are attracted by those kindreds. Its members are impatient, impulsive and rude. They are easily angered and driven to fight, as they are nothing if not short-tempered. To many elves, it seems that the sole purpose of Haroith folks is to live only guided by its most basic instincts, with no afterthoughts nor thinking about the consequences or about the balance. As a consequence, they are regarded as misguided, unreliable and dangerous. Dangerous they are, indeed, but only to their foes. They roam freely around the battlefield, shooting, charging and cutting as one giant screaming beast escaped from the past. They feel no pain, no fear, no scheme. It is a very weird sight for everyone having faced elves once, those bunches of shouting, insulting and raging young elves, jumping out of the forest with no apparent sense of discipline. But misguided they are not, for some of the wilder Asrai stay in those Kindreds while most others, when they grow older and quieter, leave the Haroith. They understand that, while not fulfilling their duties to balance like other Asrai and not thinking about it, they are,

indeed, part of the balance, and accomplish their duties in a different way. Glamourweaves know that too, thats why those Kindreds have always existed and will exist forever. M Spring Runner Spring Screamer 5 5 WS 4 4 BS 4 4 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 5 5 A 1 2 Ld 8 8

TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Frenzy, Skirmishers, Shoot and Charge, Scornful and Scorned at. Shoot and Charge : In the spring of their youth, if elves let their inner impulses run their mind, their body can act so quickly that it can cope with an amount of task barely conceivable by other mortal. Before rolling for their charge distance and after the charge reactions have been resolved, a charging Spring Runners unit who did not redirect its charge can shoot at the unit it's charging if it's at firing range. This attack suffers a -1 to hit, do not use Volley Fire special rule and may trigger a Panic Test. Should the target be killed by the shooting, Spring Runners may redirect their charge normaly. Scornful and Scorned at : No Asrai would dare to trust Haroith, and Haroith dont care about it. They are free in their minds and in their bodies, happy to roam and simply live. Only characters from the Kindred of Haroith can join a unit of Youth Runners. A unit of Youth Runners can never benefit from the Inspiring Presence of the General, and can not use the Hold Your Ground Rule from the Battle Standard Bearer. WILD RIDERS AND WILD HUNTERS OF KURNOUS Kindreds of Auryaur (from the Elven word Oriour : blood and birth) Also known as the Spears of Kurnous, the Brethren of Orion or Pyrewardens, those kindreds are Orions personal guard. They are as aggressive and impulsive as him. To be a member of this Kindred is not a choice, but one of the highest honour a male Asrai can receive. Most of them come from the Haroith or Sehenlu Kindreds, but anyone can be chosen. To be a part of the Kindreds of Auryaur means to be severed from the Asrai society and become more a Fey and a Forest Spirit than an Elf. Revered and honoured, their aura of sheer power and authority and the faerie glow in their eyes still make them intimidating for the Asrai, who avoid dealing with them whenever possible. Wild Riders lead the ceremony of Orions rebirth on the spring equinox, binding themselves anew to the king, chosen among themselves. They then all answer the call of Orion to join the Sacred Hunt running with him, driven even more strong and ferocious by the call of their Lord. No mercy can be expected from the Wild Riders, as their horns invokes the fear of the prey in anyone who hears them. Anyone foolish enough to be espied by them is ridden down without mercy, their death a sacrifice to the purity of the hunt and glory of the King in the Woods. M Wild Rider Wild Hunter Elven steed 5 5 9 WS 5 5 3 BS 4 4 0 S 4 4 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 5 5 4 A 1 2 1 Ld 9 9 5

TROOP TYPE : Cavalry SPECIAL RULES : Fast Cavalry, Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, The Wild Hunt, The Fury of Kurnous The Wild Hunt : The otherworldly braying of the warhorns of the Wild Riders causes a tremor in the heart of all who hear them. A unit of Wild Riders with a Musician causes fear on the turn they charge. The Fury of Kurnous : In combat, the spirit of Kurnous imbues the Wild Rider with deadly vigour. If the Wild Hunt happens to be slowed just for one second, Its wrath will make them strike with

unparalleled savagery to let them run free, for trying to stop the Sacred Hunt is the utmost sacrilege. Wild Riders have the Devastating Charge special rule. On any round of combat they didnt charge, they may re-roll any failed roll to wound. Once a Wild Rider as achieved acts of bravery, he may become a Wild Hunter. The bravest and strongest of Wild Hunters will usually be blessed with a Great Stag offering itself as a mount to the former Asrai. Honoured Wild Hunters are even more ferocious and eager to run in the trail of Orion during the Great Hunt, for it is among themselves that the next Orion will be chosen on the next spring. And to become Him requires two things : the slaughtering of numerous enemies and survival. Lost in their run for the first condition, most Wild Hunter seem to forget about the second one, though when they perish, it's never without lefting a long road of dead bodies between their tomb and the Forest. M Wild Hunter Brother of Orion Great Stag 5 5 9 WS 5 5 5 BS 4 4 0 S 4 4 5 T 3 3 4 W 1 1 3 I 5 5 4 A 2 3 2 Ld 9 9 7

TROOP TYPE : Monstrous Cavalry SPECIAL RULES : Fast Cavalry, Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, The Wild Hunt, The Fury of Kurnous, Impact Hit (1D3), Pride of the Hunt Pride of the Hunt : Wild Hunters may answer to challenges like champions, even though they can not issue one. After all, the whole unit if made of Kurnous' Champions ! WARDANCERS OF LOEC Kindreds of Caidath (from the Elven word Cadaith : grace, power, music of the stars) Also known as the Shadow Dancers of Loec, Bladesingers, Deathdancers or Feast Masters, those Kindreds are a cult to the Elven trickster god of Loec, the god of laughter, dance and music. Conventions of this cult are unknown to other elves, and so Kindreds of Caidath are often viewed as wild and unpredictable. Still, they are a vital part of the Asrai society, leading music and rejoicing the elves during festivals, as well as performing the intricate dance re-enacting the history of Athel Loren. This form of storytelling, a particularity of the Asrai society, is just as important to them as writing or songsmithing. Every gesture made by a Wardancer flows into the next, without thought or counscious, like an infinite tide of flawless moves. They are the pinnacle of elven grace and for so they forgo armour relaying on the ones who inspire their dance for protection, to whom they pay homage in everything they do, from their choice of fighting style and movement to the bright colour they dye their hair in or the symbols they paint on their bodies. At war, Wardancers are terrifying foes to fight. They leap over the enemy, twisting mid air to strike them from behind or from the inside of their ranks. Dancing around the enemy, they strike fatal blows and evade from any tentative of retaliation. To many, they seem like forest demons, intangible and unassailable beings unable to be touched be steel, stone of strength of will. But what make the heralds of Loec such formidable warriors are their sacred dances, rituals of the trickster god. No rhythm is called, no instruction is issued, but every dancer instinctively settle upon the correct pattern to strengthen and complement the whole group. This creates a web of movements as beautiful and graceful as it is deadly. War dances are not only a discipline of battle, but also an affirmation of faith and a re-enactment of a past victory. This way, Wardancers celebrate great triumphs of the past, while carving a new one upon the bones of their enemies. M Wardancer Bladesinger 5 5 WS 6 6 BS 4 4 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 6 6 A 1 2 Ld 8 8

TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Skirmishers, Immune to Psychology, The Enemy Within, Evasive, Shadow Dances of Loec. The Enemy Within : Wardancers do not fight regularly. The jump in the enemy unit, disturbing the rigid and slow blocks of soldiers and strike from the inside. There, the foes are caught of-guard, unprepared to fight but ready to be killed by a swift graceful blow. In close combat, Wardancers are not limited to one supporting attack, they can make as many supporting attacks as they have. In addition, Wardancers can disrupt enemy units like regular infantry units, although they are Skirmishers. Evasive : Wardancers never stay at the same place for more than time than a heartbeat. It is nearly impossible to predict where they are or will be. Slow and fixed blows cant really catch them. Whenever a Wardancer unit suffers automatic hits from Impact Hits, Stomp or Thunderstomp, roll a D6 for every hit. On a result of 4+, the hit is discarded, finding only wind. Shadow Dances of Loec : At the beginning of each round of combat that they fight, Wardancers must choose one of the following dance to perform. They can not choose the same dance in two consecutive rounds of the same engagement. Wirling Death : this dance encompasses the precision and purity of each strike making it able to pierce a heart or sever a head with one deceptively elegant stroke. This dance gives the Wardancers the Killing Blow special rule. Storm of Blades : while performing this dance, Wardancers push their ability to make every move a part of the previous one to the pinnacle. Different cuts can not be distinguished by normal eyes, only by the pain of the rain of blows. Wardancers have +1 Attack on the round they choose this dance. The Shadow Coil : this dance focuses on the evasiveness and alluring moves of Wardancers, making their foes clumsy and unable to strike at the graceful heralds of Loec. While performing this dance, Wardancers have a 4+ Ward Save. Woven Mist : the most beautiful dance of all, this ritual dazes everyone contemplating its sinuous movement, allowing the Wardancers to strike the weak spots of their foes before they can react. While performing this dance, Wardancers have the Always Strike first special rule. Wardancers Weapons : Wardancers use a mix of weapons in their units, swapping between them as they fight. The legend even speak of a Wardancer who, his right arm severed by a Thane, managed to juggle with three swords, luring him before trusting a blow in his heart. Name Wardancer Weapons Range Combat Strenght +1* Special Rules Extra Attack

* Only applied on the first round of combat. WAYWATCHERS Kindreds of Nimraif (from the Elven word Minaith : skill in arms, spirituality, the lost way) Waywatchers, Wood haunters, Pathwatchers, Shadow Striders or Mist Walkers, all these words refer to one thing : the masters of the bow. If Asrai are the best archers in the world, then Kindreds of Nimraif are the best among the Asrai. Silent sentinels of the paths leading to Athel Loren, Waywatchers are experts in the art of concealment, able to lie unmoving for days, waiting to spring on their prey and slay hit,returning to the shadow before its body even hit the ground. Most Asrai become Waywatchers as a natural progression from the Kindreds of Arahain, though some feel the call of the forest early in their youth. Taciturn and solitary, Waywatchers dont have any formal form of training, making everyone of them different from any other. Each is taught by their trials and experiences in the forest, where they live alone and at ease. Their day to day actions are their way of honouring the ancient Spirits of Athel Loren and so they feel more closely related to the forest than other Elves. As time passes, they feel more and more at ease in the woods, drifting away from the halls and more into the deepth of Athel Loren, in places dangerous even to the Elves. Those who return from these places are skilled and hardened beyond compare. For war, Waywatchers gather in small groups, their skills leading them to the arts of

disruption and surprise, appearing silently to a enemy officer or unit who thought it was safe here, then vanishing as quickly as they came, leaving only corpses to feed the crows. Those foolish enough to pursue the Waywatchers will find themselves cut down by their cunning traps, or pierced by an unerring stream of black-shafted arrows shot with a supernatural rate of fire. M Waywatcher Shadows Strider 5 5 WS 5 5 BS 5 6 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 5 5 A 1 2 Ld 9 9

TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Skirmishers, Camouflage, Traps, Way of the Bow, Scout, Woodland Ambush. Camouflage : Waywatchers knows how to use their surroundings to hide quickly and to melt into it. Any enemy unit shooting at a Waywatchers suffers an additionnal -1 to hit. Traps : Waywtachers are never caught off-guard and always secure their position. Every enemy unit charging them suffers D6 S4 hits when declaring the charge reaction. If Waywatchers are in a forest, the enemy unit suffers an additional D6 hits. This works even if the Waywatchers flee as a charge reaction. Way of the Bow : The bows of Waywatchers are just an extention of his mind and arms. Their skill is unmatched, being in accuracy or rate of fire. Few who have not seen their talent believe the truth of theses tales, and few who see it live long enough to speak of it. Shoots from Waywatchers do not suffer cover penalties from forests. When firing at Short Range, they may also choose to use either the Multiple Shots (X2) special rule, or the Killing Blow special rule. Shadow Striders and characters from this Kindred may either choose to use the Sniper special rule at short range WARHAWK RIDERS Kindred of Sethayla (from the elven Sethai : wind, fly, cry in the far mountains) Also called Brethen of Seth or Dawn Riders, those Kindrded live at the fringe of the Grey Mountains. There, the canopy is sparse, with fem bushes and shrubs, mostly composed of huge Pines touching the clouds and covering the sun. The empty place between this dark green roof and the silent needle soil, sewed by huge naked branches, is the hunting place of giant hawks. These animals, boasting wingspan that can average fifteen to twenty feet, are far bigger than any similar specie of the Old World. Whether they are the remains of an old specie or have been changed by Athel Loren is a mystery. Their nests are secured in the rocky spires of the mountains, protected by the Asrai from the Kindreds of Sethayla who live upon the middle slopes of the mountains. Every young Elf raises a hawk from egg to death, creating a powerful, unbreakable connection between the bonded children. Each one of them is bound over to the needs and care of the other and as this relationship grows deeper and deeper, while hunting and flying under the Athel Loren sky, they almost become one creature. The lives and essences of both rider and hawk entwined in a unique soul and mind, living only for the call of the hunt and the thrill of chase. Flying above the treetops or beneath the canopy, Warhawk Riders scouts the mountain borders of Athel Loren, diving through the trees, gliding between branches at incredible speed to strike at intruders should the situation demand it. Displaying phenomenal agility and balance, Wind Riders are secure in the knowledge that their mount can carry them unharmed through any danger, allowing themselves to wield strange weapons that would lead anyone else other than them to death, should they try to use it. M Warhawk Rider Wind Hunter Warhawk 5 5 1 WS 4 4 4 BS 4 5 0 S 3 3 4 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 2 I 5 5 5 A 1 2 1 Ld 8 8 5

TROOP TYPE : Monstrous Cavalry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Fast Cavalry, Fly, Hit and Run. Hit and Run : Warhawk Riders dive from the sky, strike and leave in the blink of an eye, leaving their foes completely mesmerized. On any turn that Warhawk Riders charge, work out the combat as usual. If the enemy doesnt flee as a result of a failed Break Test, Warhawk Riders automatically fall back. This special move works like a flee except the enemy can not pursue and Warhawk Riders are automatically rallied at the end of this move. Should this move take them out of the table, they stop 1 before the edge. If the enemy flee, they may choose to pursue or fall back (they cant restrain). Fall back requires to pass a Ld test in this case. The Hit and Run special ability can only be used on a turn that Warhawk Riders charge. Talons Whip : Signature weapon of the Warhawk Riders, this equipment is composed of dozens of very fine strings (made from dried bowels) attached with gigantic talons from dead Warhawks. When they strike from above, Warhawk Riders use them to ensnare and lash several enemies at a time. Victims find themselves ripped by the claws or dismembered by the thin lashes cutting more and more through their bodies as they gesticulate to escape and the Asrai take them to the sky. Name Talons Whip Range Combat Strenght +1* Special Rules Extra Attack

*Apply only on the turn the wielder charges. FOREST BEASTS ROUTS Kindreds of Laith-Kourn (from the elven Lathain : strom, wrath, gently falling rain that bring eternal sleep plus the name of the Even god Kournous) While most Asrai take special interest in trees an every verdant living being, some of them prefer to dedicate their lives to forest animals. Those elves, while not at all rejected by the Asrai society, are more isolationist that any other Kindreds. They are rare and have a hard task taking care of every beast. Wandering through the forest, they study, help, protect some species from vanishing while preventing others from taking to much importance. Most of the animals return to their lives after the Laith-Kourns intervention, but some of them stay with the Elf, assisting him in his task in return for the help. But every animal remembers of the Asrai, and will answer his call, should they ask for assistance. This way of life drive them to live alone from other elves, surrounded by their rout, composed of every kind of creature living in Athel Loren, whether they are mammals, insects, reptiles, birds, predator or prey. As a reward and an asset for taking care of its children, Athel-Loren grants them its protection, making them more a part of her than most elves would never be. Laith-Kourn perfectly recognize themselves as a Kindred. They are, indeed just as much needed than the others. But their particular task prevent them from living among them, and so much time with beasts makes them closer to them than to elves. In their minds and bodies, they belongs to the forests and its inhabitants. When they return to the halls, they can barely cope with Asrai society. On these moments, they form a distinct group and stay alltogether, for only a Laith-Kourn can really understand a Laith-Kourn. In times of war, those called Routleaders unite themselves, calling their routs and all their allies, leading them to defend the natural world. For protecting Athel-Loren is the duty of all its children, whether Asrai, Trees, or animal. The mixed packs of every beast under the canopy run along the battlefield, leaded by the oldest routs members relaying the orders of the Packmasters. The sight of those heteroclite assemblages of animals is just as surprising as it is deadly, for they run on one basic instinct : to kill. M Packmasters Forest Beast 3D6 3D6 WS 4 4 BS 4 0 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 5 4 A 1 * Ld 8 5

TROOP TYPE : War Beast SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Monster and Handlers A Forest Beasts Rout is but a bunch of Beasts from dozens of species which requires to be handled like one unique giant animal. A Forest Beasts Rout is a regular War Beasts unit, treated like a Monster with Handlers (the unit is the monster). In close combat, it has 1D6+1 Attacks per rank of at least five Beasts, up to 4D6+4 (with a minimum of 1D6+1). If deployed as a horde, it has 2D6+2 Attacks per rank of at least ten Beasts, up to 8D6+8. Bolas : Packmasters cant attack at close range because of the animals surrounding them. Instead, at the beginning of every combat turn, every Beastmaster throws bolas to the enemy. It is a special attack resolved as a close range shooting attack with light cover. If touched, it reduces the Attacks of one enemy model in base contact with the unit by 1 (up to a minimum of 0). UPGRADES NB : These upgrades only apply to the Beasts. Packmasters do not benefit from them. Roaring, shouting and howling : Most Beasts have a terrifying roar or frightening scream. The unit causes fear. Tusk, antlers and horns : Most Beasts have dangerous appendices, allowing the unit to have +1S when charging. Leather, scales and chitin : Most Beasts have a hardened skin, giving the unit a Scaly skin (6+) Venom and rabies : Most Beasts have a poisonous bite, giving the unit the Poisoned Attacks ability. ALTERS Kindreds of Laith-Kourn With time, Packmasters become more and more like the animals they take care of. At first, the change is only behavioural. But as time passes, with the transforming influence of Athel Loren, they start changing physically. It might just be horns or claws at the beginning, however it will ultimately shapeshift their all bodies in another creature, usually the predator they are closest to. Then starts the hardest trial an Asrai can take : not losing himself or herself to the power of Athel Loren and the spirit of the Beast, but instead tame it, keep the two souls separated, but be able to draw into the power of one or the other, depending of the need. This time, the animal the Packtmaster must take care of and study is not close to him/her, but within him/her. To those who fail the ordeal, their elf spirit disappear, and they become just another beast in the forest requiring the cares from ones of its former kind. Those who pass, however, are rewarded by power beyond imagination, revered and feared by every Asrai and Forest Spirit. The innate magical power of elves and their knowledge of the animal world allows them to not only pass from their elves bodies to the shape of all sorts of dangerous predators, but also to make them even more big, deadly and smart. Some say theses forms are not present predators modified by elven minds, but primal beings long lost to the world, and that Alters (also called Shifters or Wild kins) are merely a way for Athel Loren to bring them back to life. M Alter Master of Forms 7 7 WS 4 4 BS 0 0 S 5 5 T 4 4 W 3 1 I 4 4 A 3 4 Ld 8 8

TROOP TYPE : Monstrous Beast SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fear, Skirmishers, Primal Aspects Primal Aspects : At the beginning of each friendly turn, a unit of Alters must choose the shape it will take. Every model in the unit must take the same shape, and the same shape can be assumed for any number of following turns. Aspect of the Bear : Assuming the shape of giant bears, the models gain +1T, +1 A and the Armour Piercing special rule. Aspect of the Wolf : While in this dire wolves form, the models gain the following benefits : M9, I+2,

Devastating Charge Aspect of the Spider : Giant vermin used to roam the world. While assuming their shape, the Alters gain the following benefits : Wall-Crawler, Scaly Skin (5+), Poisoned Attacks Aspect of the Snake : Those huge constrictor snakes Alters like to shapeshift in might be the ancestors of Dragons. True or not, their senses are incredibly accurate, and they can crush tree trunks or metal within their tail. Alters assuming this shape have a Scaly Skin (4+), and may re-roll any failed to hit dice. They have only one Attack, causing Multiple Wounds (1D3). Wall-Crawler : Models with this rule treat ungarrisoned buildings as open terrain for the purpose of movement. They may not finish their movement inside or on top of an ungarrisoned building they cannot linger. DRYADS Dryads are the most common and lively kind of Tree Spirit, but that doesnt make them any less dangerous. These spiteful and deadly creatures know no compassion nor mercy. In their iced hearts, there is only room for their uncompromising dedication to Athel Loren. To harm the forest is to incur their wrath, leading to an unyielding vengeance that will only end with the final cracks of their victim bones at their hands. These female spirits have shape-shifting abilities, which allows them to stay awake during winter, though few apart from Asrai know of it. They often take the form a beautiful elf maiden, unearthly and lithe, with a greenish hue to their skin and twigs knotted in their long cascading hair. The Dryad then entices her foe into the forest with an otherworldly charming voice, the mesmerized profaner following her to the shadowy depths of the forest. There, full of desire, his mind lost to the spell, it can not even flinch when the beautiful face distorts into a terrifying and savage visage full of hatred and spite, the hair grows into a twisted mass of thorns and briars and the limbs turn long and wood-like, with vicious fingers easily capable of rending its defenceless body. Too late : its blood is split upon the forest, its body ripped limb from limb with implacable savagery, and then the Dryad abandon her war-aspect to turn back to her tree-aspect, until someone damages Athel Loren again. When its time for war, there is no time for those tricks however. Dryads answer the call of the Branchwraiths and Glamourweaves by taking their war-aspect and running into battle. Their lithe and swift nature allows them to cover great distance at speed, while their shape-shifting ability allows them to ambush their foes while they think themselves safe from harm. A surprise attack by hissing and darting Dryads is often the first warning an enemy will have that Athel Loren marches against it. That, or their general disappearing from camp in the still watches of the night only to be found lifeless and shredded at the dawn of the next day, exactly where there was a small wood the day before M Dryad Branch Nymph 5 5 WS 4 4 BS 0 0 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 1 1 I 6 6 A 2 3 Ld 8 8

TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Hatred, Fear. TREE KINS What mortals call Tree Kins are not Tree Spirits like Treemen or Dryads. In fact, they are husks of dead trees and fallen branches, melted into a powerful shell and animated by a spirit bound into them to oppose interlopers. Those old spirits, some as ancient as Athel Loren itself are insubstantial beings that usually barely appear as something more than a glowing sphere of light. They create their physical bodies with dead wood, making it appear like a horrifying eight feet tall parody of man on rare occasions, only to interact aggressively with the profaners of Athel Loren. Since they lack any external signs of true life, these beings are indistinguishable from the usual lifeless husk. This makes them perfect guardians, for they are fully aware of their surroundings and will strike with deadly ferocity should any foe dare to cross the boundary or profane the place they protect. Their killing office done, they take back to their immobile stance and will keep it for as long as need, days, months, years or centuries. When the Sacred Hunt begins, lots of Tree Kins are drawn to the call of Orion, running in its

way with a terrible hunger for death. All over the Old World, there are legends about running dead trees crushing through every construction or living being. They say it seems like the forest itself has come to reclaim the lands stolen from it in past centuries, and thats why in Bretonnia, great caution for not foraging firewood from living trees is taken. When the Hunt subsides, the spirits abandon their physical bodies and return to Athel Loren, leaving ghostly forests of dead trees in their wake. Actually, those carcasses, fertilized with blood and magic, will eventually give birth to new living forests, bounded to Athel Loren. M Tree Kin Tree Kin Elder 5 5 WS 4 4 BS 0 0 S 5 5 T 5 5 W 3 3 I 3 3 A 3 4 Ld 8 8

TROOP TYPE : Monstrous Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fear, Flammable, Scaly Skin (4+), Dispensable Body Dispensable Body : Tree Kins bodies are made of dead wood and so can be easily repaired. When an unengaged unit of Tree Kin is less than 3'' away from a forest at the end of its Movement Phase, it can use the raw material in it to regain 1D3+1 W, distributed the same way as the Regrowth Spell from the Lore of Life. UPGRADE : Woodland Ambush TREE MEN As powerful and impressive the animated husks called Tree Kins are, they are greatly limited to the eyes of the spirits. They can not grow nor talk to the trees and have no memory. So, on especially rare occasions, a spirit will entwine its essence with that of a living tree. This decision is not to be taken lightly, for they become irrevocably merged, and only death can severe the bound between the two. From the moment the connection is made, the spirit shapes and drives the tree, using knotted bark and gnarled branches to serve the needs of both where unsubstantial or immobile bodies could not. Treemen can live for millennia, growing in size, strength, and wisdom. They are the living memory of the forest, and so are revered by all its inhabitants. So long-lived are these creatures that in can take them months to take what mortals would consider a simple decision. But Treemen understand the flow of time, its past and its consequences more than every other beings, and nothing is to be taken lightly to their eyes. When they have made their decision, however, nothing can stop them from accomplish it. Their will to act and destroy their foes is made even bigger by the knowledge of all the offenses to Athel Loren they have made along the centuries. Terrifying to behold, these behemoths smash apart all who stand against them and are almost impervious to harm. Gaping mouths open in their trunk, swallowing corpses, providing nourishment for the years to come. Most of the time, Treemen are just staying dormant, tended by Dryads, Glamourweaves and the Kindreds of Kel-Isha. A lot of Spites make their nests in their roots, branches and hollows, making them living cities for lesser spirits. While dormant, they permanently communicate with the soil, the sun and all the trees in the forest, they accumulate the knowledge and grow the wisdom that makes them the most revered beings in Athel Loren. In times of need, those who attend to his body will awake them by their songs supplicating themselves before these slumbering forest lords, entreating them to the defence of Athel Loren. M Treeman 5 WS 5 BS 0 S 6 T 6 W 6 I 2 A 5 Ld 8

TROOP TYPE : Monster SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Terror, Flammable, Scaly Skin (3+), Stubborn, Hatred, Large Target, Treesinging.

UPGRADES Strangle-root : The long roots of Treemen can plunge into the ground and erupt elswhere, clutching and tearing at the foe. This is a shooting attack with a range of 6 than can be used even if the Treeman has marched and without line of sight. Other targeting restrictions apply. The unit targeted takes an Artillery dice of S4 hits, S5 if at least partially in a wood. On a misfire, nothing happens. Tree-whack : At the beginning of any combat phase, a Treeman can choose to stand firmly his ground and whack at its foes, pushing all his weight and branches in the move. The Treeman makes one single S10 Attack that has the Multiple Wounds (1D6) ability. GREAT EAGLES Since the birth of the Elven race, a great bond of kinship has been formed between the Elves and the Great Eagles. When the Asrai settled in Athel Loren, some Great Eagles chose to make their home in the heights of the Grey Mountains, close to the borders of Athel Loren. Living for centuries, wise and intelligent, stronger than the smaller Warhawks living in the lower mountain slopes, Great Eagles watch the movements of ground dwelling creatures from their high eyries. They have an abiding loathing for creatures of evil heart and an incredible instinct to spot them and detect malign thoughts behind a faked friendly behaviour. No evil creature can escape from their truthseeing sixth sense, and these unceasingly vigilant guardians carry news to Glamourweaves and Elven nobles or mages about everything dwelling below them. This gives the Wood Elves a welcome and often crucial advance warning of invasion or strife, for their armies take a long time to gather, kindreds and spirits being scattered all over the forest, often hard to contact, treemen and dreamwalkers taking days to awaken. As an essential part of Athel Lorens defence, Great Eagle are particularly close to Kindreds of Yenayla, Kel-Isha, Elenrai, Lakoys, Arahain, Sehenlu and Sethayla. On very rare occasions, a Great Eagle may offer the honour of being a mount to an especially trusted Elf. This starts a bond of friendship that lasts beyond death. M Great Eagle TROOP TYPE : Monstrous Beast SPECIAL RULES : Fly DREAMWALKERS Athel Loren is a living entity, composed and reinforced by all the creatures living in its verdant body. Thus, like every living being, it has dreams. Dreams made of its own desires, loves, hates, wishes, nourished and made even stronger by all the dreams dreamed in its lap. Sometimes, the conjugated power of all those melted dreams is so strong it takes a sensible, will-driven ethereal body. These phantasmatic, vaporous and alluring entities are called Dreamwalkers, or sometimes Mountsmiths. Their shape is a levitating blind wyrm with no mouth, translucent with a green and yellow bright colour lighting gently from within. From the main body, hundreds of pure light limbs sprout like branches, allowing the Dreamwalkers to reach far away, appearing as a ghostly dragon whose wings would be a mix of bushes and ivy. Most of the Dreamwalkers are peaceful entities whose only desires are to see the stars, contemplate the sun rising from atop the moutains or flying all around the world. But, as amazingly beautiful they are, to see one on the battlefield is a promise of certain death. Glamourweaves know how to gather the dreams of hate, spite, revenge, murder and anger, usually distilled in the much more numerous and powerful dreams of love and care of Athel Loren and its inhabitants. There very name comes from this ability to concentrate these dangerous dreams, to summon the incarnations of all the most obscure and frightening desires ever wished by thousands of souls. Their bodies, tainted by black ribbons, are lead to battle by the desire for revenge for billions of crimes perpetrated since the birth of the world. Every living being touched by their light limbs has its soul drained, leaving an empty shell driven from its very essence and will to live, its wishes and desires feeding the ones of the Dreamwalker. When the battle ends, Dreamwalkers vanish, the cause of their spite being destroyed. Only remains a young Asrai maiden, on the verge of madness for being melted in the body of the Dreamwalker during the summoning to give him just enough reason and mind to be controlled. Then, Glamourweaves tend to her and unweave the frame of dangerous dreams, and losing them once more in 5 WS 5 BS 0 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 4 A 2 Ld 8

the ocean of peaceful swevens of Athel Loren. M Dreamwalker 9 WS 4 BS 0 S 0 T 4 W 6 I 2 A 5 Ld 8

TROOP TYPE : Monster SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Hatred, Large Target, Unbreakable, Unstable, Frenzy, Terror, Multiple Wounds (D3), Dreams Entity, Reach. Dreams Entity : Being made of dreams, a Dreamwalker is not subject to the same rules as other beings. It follows those specific rules : - It is Ethereal - It always pass any characteristic test it has to take. It wishes it can, it do. Characteristics are showed as indicators for interacting with other models. - A Dreamwalker is considered to be permanently under the effect of Okkam's Mindrazor spell from the Lore of Shadows. It can not be dispelled. - No Armour Save can be taken against Wounds caused by a Dreamwalker. - A Dreamwalker can not grow tired or forget their grudge : they never lose Hatred. - It can not really crush things with their absent of mass. So, while being a Monster, it doesnt have the Thunderstomp ability. - A Dreamwalker nourishes itself with the greed and spite from the ones they kill. Every time it kills a model, it may make an additional attack against the same unit. These additional attacks do not allow him to make additional attacks again. - Light ends dreams. Though a Dreamwalker is not evil or demoniac, it is sensitive to the Lore of Light. It is subject to the Lore of Light Exorcism attribute and can not benefit from any augment spell from the Lore of Light. A unit under the effect of a spell from the Lore of Light can Wound a Dreamwalker normally. Should any spell from the Lore of Life make it take a characteristic test, it has to roll. Should a Dreamwalker suffer a Wound from a Lore of Light spell or a unit under the effect of a Lore of Light spell, it loses its Dreams Entity special rule until the end of the phase. Reach :. Dreamwalkers can charge over units and terrain like a flying model. They can also extend their light limbs to attack their foes at distance. If a Dreamwalker hasnt moved in the Movement phase and is not engaged, it can attack enemy units at distance during the Close Combat phase. Separate the attacks of the Dreamwalker between all the unengaged enemy units up to 18 around it (for example, if there are 3 units, one may receive two Attacks, one other four and the last one zero). Then, resolve them exactly like any Close Combat Attacks from a Dreamwalker. WANDERING HERDS It is far from uncommon for animals to sense disaster and battle before them happening. Anger, hate, magic, powder, all this together in a small area is perceived as an upcoming doom by wilderness dwellers. Driven mad by fear, they will gather and flee from their homes as fast as possible, paying little attention to what they stomp on or encounter, just willing to get out of this not safe anymore place. On these occasions, predators and preys forge a truce to save the most of both their kinds. Rabbits, wolves, dears, lynxes, snakes, squirrels, badgers, boars, bears and so on seek for a new home and would help each other to survive, or just run alongside hoping that whatever the danger is it will take another one from the group. The only way to stop the mad beasts is to kill them all, no reason can be spoken to them, thought they will recognise their allies and try not to stomp on them. Sometimes, the source of the threat is not very clear and the band will just scatter, losing its unity and so becoming harmless. However, they usually roam in a straight line until reaching a safe place, ravaging fields, cruching humans, elves, dwarves and any other creature encountered on the way under their hooves or claws. M Wandering Herd * WS BS S 5 T 4 W 10 I 4 A 0 Ld 0

TROOP TYPE : Unique (circular base the size of the large template) SPECIAL RULES : Swiftstride, Striders, Woodland Ambush, Unbreakeable, Driven by fear, Unstoppable. Driven by fear : A Wandering Herd will always arrive in game using the Woodland Ambush special rule, even if not allowed by the scenario. Upon arriving, place the model anywhere in contact with a wood. Then make it flee normally to the closest other wood, or table edge if there is no other forest. On subsequent turns, the model will move the same way (take into account that woods may move) and will disappear upon reaching a table edge or another forest than the one they came in game through. If rolling a triple 1 , the beasts scatter and the model is removed from play. Any model touched by the base during its move suffers a S5 hit. If fleeing trough Asrai units, it will not generate a Panic test for having a friendly unit fleeing through them (though in can generate one if killing more than 25 % of the unit). A Wandering Herd will stop 1'' before touching a unit with the Forest Spirit special rule or a unit joined by a Glamourweave. If it begins its move up to 12'' away from a Glamourweave or a unit from the Laith-Kourn Kindred, you can decide the direction of the move and reroll the dice when moving it. Unstoppable : Wandering Herds can not be charged, except by units Immune to Psychology (others have enough survival instinct to avoid them). Should a unit come in contact to a Wandering Herd for any reason, every model in the unit suffers a S5 hit. Then, the Wandering Herd is removed from play. To get the Victory Points from a Wandering Herd, your opponent must detroy it (this way or another). Letting it flee from the battlefield will not give him the Victory Point. Friendly unit do not take Panic tests if a Wandering Herd is destroyed within 6''. SPITES SWARMS Spite is a generic term for all kind of capricious and unpredictable nature spirits infesting Athel-Loren. Their truest form is a shinning sphere of light or a ghost like aura if the Spite is attached to something or somebody, whose colour depends on the kind of Spite. They can change form at will, though they do have a favourite physical form, allowing them to be recognised and more or less categorized. Pure from any kind of evilness, they have the mind of an amoral mischievous and playful children, being as likely to help a lost traveller out of the forest as to lead him to his doom. However, this is not like the Unicorn way of playing and showing off, they just dont know what they do, take joy in everything and laugh with equal sincerity at the relief of a traveller seeing the edge of the forest or at its horror screams while being thorn apart by wandering beasts. Like Unicorns, Treemen and Great Eagles they have an innate sense to detect evil and will gather by hundreds to keep it out of their home, should the sense it. Though they barely are more than a few inches, they feel no fear and fight fiercely with anything the have : teeth, claws, gore, stings, and even small spears and bow. Foes will usually give up and break from those uncatchable and uncountable foes torturing them on every place of their skin. M Spites Swarm 1 WS 2 BS 0 S 2 T 2 W 5 I 4 A 5 Ld 5

TROOP TYPE : Swarm SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Hover, Poisoned Attacks UPGRADE Muster of Malevolents : a Spites Swarm with this upgrade can make a shooting attack. It unleashes 1D6 S2 shoots at a range of 6''. These shoots always hit on 4+. GREAT STAGS Of all the beasts in Athel Loren, none is as treasured as the Great Stags. Wood Elves believe they represent the true soul of the forest and whether it is true or not, Great Stags are unquestionably magical creatures. One sometimes appears during great celebrations or when important decisions are taken, contemplating the Asrai or Tree Spirits from afar. Depending on the situation, this can be seen as a great blessing, meaning the forest approves of the deeds or as a very potent warning. A Great Stags

means Athel Loren takes a special interest in what is being done, be it out of joy and happiness or out of wariness. Great Stags themselves appoint Asrai to join the highest rank in the Kindreds of Auryaur. Given the time and precaution they take in electing their riders, seeking the right one for years, this is a boon beyond all others. It means, in fact, that the Great Stag and Athel Loren through it see in the Asrai the potential to incarnate the King in the Woods one day. Such inspiring is the presence of a Great Stag that their riders fight with the greatest heights of bravery. M Great Stag 9 WS 5 BS 0 S 5 T 4 W 3 I 5 A 2 Ld 7

TROOP TYPE : Monstrous Beast SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fast Cavalry, Impact hits (1D3) UNICORNS Unicorns resemble very large horses, with hooves as hard as iron and a pure golden ivory swirling horn protruding from their forehead. They form part of the web of consciousness that weaves the forest and its inhabitants together, incarnating both purity and pride. This makes the Unicorns somewhat less noble than Great Stags to the eyes of Asrai, for they act even more aloof, but also a bit selfishly and can be very tricky. Lots of Bretonnian knights have met their end chasing a Unicorn, who was just tempting him with her horn and luring him to the most dangerous parts of the forest, disappearing just before the poor man gets killed by Spites, Tree Spirits or Asrai. Even though, there is no evil nor malice in the behaviour of a Unicorn. They just play with lives and sins, proving to the world the purity of their nature. Unicorns despise evil creatures and have an especially strong aversion for unnatural and magical beings. The pure nature of a Unicorn makes its mere presence harmful to them. On the other side, Unicorns have an underlying affinity to those women that possess knowledge of the arcane arts. It is when a Unicorn approaches her to tread the same path in life that a Glamourweave knows she has fulfilled her training and understandood both the forest and her duties. No other trial is required, Unicorns appoints Glamourweaves, recognizing them as true wardens of the Natural World. M Deepwood Unicorn Royal Unicorn 10 10 WS 4 5 BS 0 0 S 3 4 T 3 4 W 1 3 I 5 5 A 1 2 Ld 8 8

TROOP TYPE : War Beast (Deepwood Unicorn), Monstrous Beast (Royal Unicorn) SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fast Cavalry, Magic Resistance (2), Impale Impale : Thanks to its horn, as Unicorn receive +2S when she charges. ATHEL LOREN DRAGONS In the Chasm Glades of Athel-Loren, dragons have made their nests, in immemorial times. There, protected by the forest canopy and the sheer rock face from all sides, their nests couldnt be found by young heroes, predators or Dwarf Dragonslayers. They thrived and multiplied, and as everything that dwells in Athel-Loren, they have slowly changed, becoming an entire new race representing an aspect of the forest, more an extension of its will to survive and prosper than beings in their own right. Thought still voracious predators, Athel Loren Dragons also feed themselves with roots and branches of gigantic trees, using their saw-like fangs to chop and grind the most nourishing parts. Most of the time, however, they hibernate in the depths of the Chasm Glades, awakened only by hunger or the urge to protect Athel-Loren from a powerful foe. No Glamourweave is needed to awaken an Athel-Loren Dragon, the Forest itself appoints its great mottled green sky wyrm to a worthy Highborn, for even Athel-Loren abide to the bond that entwines Dragons and Elves since their birth. Here, under the green canopy, both races find themselves natural allies in protecting the forest and what remains of the young pure ages of the world.

M Athel Loren Dragon 6

WS 6

BS 0

S 6

T 6

W 6

I 3

A 5

Ld 8

TROOP TYPE : Monster SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fly, Large Target, Terror, Scaly Skin (3+), Forest Breath. Forest Breath : The breath of an Athel-Loren Dragon is a cloying green vapour that induces a raging fever in all who breathes it, sapping their will and driving them into a coma from which there is no awakening. Every model hit by an Athel-Loren Dragon Breath suffer one Wound with no armour save allowed on a result of 5+ on 1D6. ELVEN STEEDS Elven steeds are not born in slavery like human horses. The Asrai let them live freely in the woods, play and mate with any steed they want. They join Asrai out of friendship, not fear, education or duty. Asrai observe, join, play with the wild steeds herds sincerly, without second thought. When an elf is judged trustworthy enough by a steed, it naturally offers its back as a ride. That's all. Humans wonder how is it possible for elven steed to be so graceful and quick. The answer is easy : they keep bending horses to their will and desires with their breading and selection, cutting them off their natural qualities. Whereas Asrai let their friends develop their natural abilities and just try to enjoy the most of them. And what are the most natural abilities for a steed if not swiftness and speed ? M Elven steed TROOP TYPE : War Beast SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Fast Cavalry WARHAWKS Any Asrai born in the Kindreds of Sethayla or willing to joing them must find an egg from a Warhawk. Then, the elf must take care of the egg and the newborn after hatching to prove themselves worthy of entering the Kindred. The relationship between a warhawk and its Asrai is the base of every law and tradition among the kins of Sethayla. So strong is the bond between the two races that Warhawk do not tend to their eggs anymore. They build a nest, lay eggs in it and wait for an elf to find it. It just seems that they have coordinated their births with the upcoming for young Asrai to pass their trial. But it is not that then abandon their children, for whenever an elf comes close to a Warhawk egg, they are observed and judged by both Asrai and Warhawks. To win the honor of riding one of these graceful bird of pray, the approval must be get from both races. Those who do not get it are either banished from the Kindred or teared appart and feed to hungered younglings... M Warhawk TROOP TYPE : Monstrous Beast SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Fly, Fast Cavalry GLAMOURWEAVES Kindred of Yenayla (from the Elven word Yenlui : balance, harmony and chaos) The rarest of all the wizards in Athel Loren, Glamourweaves, also known as Shapers, Tree-Singers, Skein-weavers, Shadow-walkers, Changelings, Grove-kin and Wood-shapers are an allfemale Kindred. When an Asrai daughter shows a deep and close connection to Athel Loren, it is taken in charge by this Kindred, where she will learn to speak with the forest, and become one with It. At the end of this 1 WS 4 BS 0 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 5 A 1 Ld 5 9 WS 3 BS 0 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 5

education, her soul and body will change to merge with the powers of Athel Loren, leaving her as much a Forest Spirit as an Asrai. A Glamourweave is one of the few beings able to understand a grasp of the forest will, and a warrant of the oath between Asrai and Forest Spirits. Indeed, Glamourweaves have a unique relationship to the forest, being a part of a greater intelligence like the wood spirits yet retaining their individuality. As such, they are revered by all the people of Athel Loren. Its her duty to identify the threats to the forest and the natural world, and to act as in intercessor to gather enough warriors to protect it. In times of peace, she is an ambassador between the elves and the forest, a judge and advisor. M Tree Singer Wood Shaper 5 5 WS 4 4 BS 4 4 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 2 3 I 5 5 A 1 1 Ld 8 9

MAGIC : A Glamourweave is a wizard, that can cast spells from the Lore of Athel Loren. TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Herald of the Forest, Treesinging Herald of the Forest A Glamourweaves connection to the trees and natural world is so deep that she can invoque their protection. A lone Glamourweave has a 4+ Look Out Sir! when she is no more than 3'' from a forest. SPELLCRAFTERS Kindreds of Kel-Isha (from the Elven word Quyl-Isha : tears of Isha, sorry, mercy, endurance, mourning for lost children) Handmaidens of the Everqueen, Priestesses of Athel Loren, Spellsingers and Spellweavers are Elven Mages without the deep connection with the forest Glamourweaves have. It doesnt mean they have none, for its web of consciousness forms both a conduit and shield to them who draw upon this potent force. It doesnt mean they have less power neither, for their mind can open to different Lores of magic, depending on their affinities. If the Glamourweaves's duty is to see to the preservation and extension of Athel Loren, the one of the Kindreds of Kel-Isha is to carry their advises and directives and to see them to be done. In fact, both Kindreds have but one duty : to protect the natural balance and harmony and entertain all the natural cycles of life and death. To see where the balance is threatened or severed, gather the armies to protect it and understand how to restore it is the duty of Glamourweaves. Kindreds of Kel-Isha are to restore it, reinforce it and purify it. At first, Spellsingers only understand the need for life, protecting plants and animals. They also see to the protection of wandering groups of Wood Elves by weaving illusions around them, so they will avoid mundane hazards, when they march for war or enter into rare discourse with other races. But as they become wiser, they understand the need for death in the natural balance and cycles, and open themselves to the knowledge that it is also their duty to strike and banish what is unnatural. Avoiding is not always the good answer, protecting sometimes requires wrath and annihilation of the threat, as much as shadow requires light. Then, they become Spellweavers, true wardens of the Great Balance and the original natural world. M Spellsinger Spellweaver 5 5 WS 4 4 BS 4 4 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 2 3 I 5 5 A 1 1 Ld 8 9

MAGIC : Spellsingers and Spellweavers are wizards. Spellsingers can use the Lore of Beasts, Life or Shadow. Spellweavers can use the Lore of Death, Light, Beasts, Life and Shadow. TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES :Forests Walker, Treesinging

ORACLES Kindred of Elenrai (from the Elven word Elthrai : doom, inexorable fate, hope) Every Elf experiment visions and foresight during its childhood. These occasional hunches tend to disappear with age, but they are those among the Asrai gifted enough to be able to shape this natural talent into a tool of great power. The great mission of every guardian of Athel Loren is to keep an advance on every move of its enemies, in order to always be able to counter-attack in the best time. More important, there is the small band of mages called Oracles that indulges in the art of divination, allowing the Wood Elves to know where the enemy will be before even it knows it. The great stones carved with arcane spirals surrounding Athel Loren have been erected to their instruction, Oracles using them along their skill to feel the magic flows under the ground. These stones create a web of protection around Athel Loren, allowing the Oracles to sense the presence of approaching intruders through the changes in the flows of magic. This way, the enemy is denied the use of Scouts or ambushing troops that could take the forces of Athel Loren by surprise. Oracles are so a vital part of the defence of Athel Loren, guiding the ones devoted to its watch. When the Wood Elves move, the skills of Oracles are also welcomed, for knowing where the enemy will be, its traps and the outcome of some tactics is indeed an undeniable asset. M Oracle 5 WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 5 A 1 Ld 8

MAGIC : Oracles are wizards. They use the Lore of Heavens. TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Divination Shield Divination Shield : Before the deployment, every enemy unit with a deployment special rule ( scout, vanguard, ambush, underground advance and so on) must roll one dice per Oracle in the Wood Elves army. If one of the dice rolls a 4+, then the unit must be deployed like a regular unit. BRANCHWRAITHS Branchwraiths are the oldest of Dryads. The sylve daughters revere to them, for they are quick to act, even more hateful than them, but also more cunning and intelligent. In fact, Dryads are organised around a Branchwraith like a small tribe of shrubs around their mother shrub. Branchwraiths command the Dryads who tend to sleeping Treemen, speak to Glamourweaves in the name of her sisters, lead them to battle in the ambushing surprise tactics that make the fearsome reputation of Dryads. Alone, these wood spirits do not really have an ability to plan actions on a great scale, least understanding of anything beyond their daily tasks, basic instincts and essential duties. Branchwraiths provide them for that, for as decades passes, the mind of a Dryads opens to a certain type of consciousness and thinking, the same way a child realises that he is a different being from his mother and the whole world surrounding him. M Branchwraith 5 WS 6 BS 0 S 5 T 4 W 2 I 8 A 4 Ld 8

TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fear, Hatred, Treesinging, Dryads leader. Dryads Leader : Branchwraiths can only join units of Dryads. A unit of Dryads joined by a Branchwraith gains the Woodland Ambush special rule. TREEMEN ANCIENTS Before the coming of the Asrai, the oath bonding them to the wood spirits and the birth of Ariel, the first Glamourweave, it was the duty of Treemen Ancient to watch over the forest and its intruders. Indeed,

when the Elves first came in Athel Loren, they were fully aware that they were observed. But never before the Great Council have they been able to see the ones watching them. Treemen spent decades, centuries studying the Asrai, waiting to decide if they where good or bad, harmful or friendly to the forest. Those that were already old before the creation of Elves, those that have seen entire races raise and fall, who understand the passing of time like no other being, prevented the wood spirits from attacking the Elves, out of curiosity for their strange way of being respectful to all natural creatures. It is them who decided to lead the Dwarves on the Asrai, then gradually opening the depths of their land to the Asrai, all as tests for their reliability, their awe and reverence to natural world and cycles. In the Great Council, it is them who spoke on behalf of the forest and even now, Glamourweaves keenly see after their wisdom. Every Treemen Ancient has a name, though some have taken a more important part in the history of Wood Elves. Adanhu is the oldest and wisest of them, its him who led the discourse which forged the great alliance. Durthu, scarred many centuries ago by the Dwarves has been driven to the brink of madness by his hate of all who would harm the forest and everyone is wary in his presence. Rhydysann is a mystere to the Elves and rarely seen, for since the Great Council he has walked alone, never fighting alongside the others, seeing to the needs of the forest in its own way and refusing to be distracted from its unknown purpose. Coeddil has been corrupted by Morghur, when he seized it while Ariel destroyed the nemesis of Wood Elves for the first time. He his held captive in its home, the Wildwood, but still conspire against the King in the Woods and the Queen of the Forest, sending his restless servant attack the Oak of Ages and the Kings Glade on winter, where wood spirits are asleep or weakened. M Treeman Ancient 5 WS 7 BS 0 S 7 T 7 W 7 I 1 A 6 Ld 9

TROOP TYPE : Monster SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Terror, Flammable, Scaly Skin (3+), Stubborn, Hatred, Large Target, Treesinging, Infuse Hatred. Infuse Hatred : The connection between all forest spirits allows the Treeman Ancient to give the Hatred special rule to every Forest Spirits unit (including himself) up to 18. If they already have Hatred, then they do not lose it after the first combat phase. UPGRADES Tree Whack Strangle-root ELVEN NOBLES AND HIGHBORNS The lords and ladies of the Asrai have led their people in peace and war since they came to the forest. Nobles command small kinbands, leagues of them being under the authority of a Highborn. Each Highborn, no matter his or her relative rank, is required to keep his domain free of intruders, and is bestowed the responsibility over the area of the forest in which his followers dwell by Glamourweaves. The Highborn is to see that every Asrai of his kindred, from the new born child to the elder on the fringe of death carries his duty to Athel Loren in the ways of their kindred. In case an Asrai starts to act differently, they decide whether they must be punished or leaded to another kindred closer to his or her heart. They even have the power to report a member of the kindreds of Kel-Isha or Elenrai, if they appear to act wrong. Nobles, while not as potent, can propose Asrai to the Highborn Elves to be send to other kindreds and have to keep him informed of those who decide to go on their own way. They also can call for a truce on suspicious Oracles and Mages. Among Asrai, rank is commonly inherited by birth, thought valorous individual can be elevated to higher duty. The one claimed to become Orion by the Wild Riders every year is the most common example. On the other side, those who fail in their duties will be striped of them and forced to hand them to another. It is important to note that Asrai make no distinction between male and female when it comes to all duties, whether they find their calling in war or peace, on the lowest or the highest rank. In fact, the ultimate leaders of Wood Elves, Glamourweaves and Ariel above them, are all women. Female Mages, though as numerous as their male counterpart, are often more powerful than them, certainly because they have a strongest bond to the Queen of the

Forest. As a consequence, in the noble houses of the Asrai, daughter and son have equal chances of inheriting the title, though in some houses were the belief that females make less impulsive leaders or where the reverence to Ariel is nearly fanatical, the odds are usually in favour for the daughter. On the battlefield, Nobles and Highborns are the ultimate authority of Athel Loren forces. Even the oldest wood spirits bow to their knowledge and mastery on the arts of war. Glamourweaves may gather the forces, but they usually appoint General one from the noble houses. The nature of armies assembled depends largely on the quickest kindreds to answer the call. This means the compositions and strategies of Wood Elves forces are not at all fixed by a rigid code and as diverse as the creatures living in the forest the y defend. An enemy facing a Wood Elves army can not really know what to expect from its foes, and that is surely one of the greatest advantages of the Guardians of Nature. The very organisation of the Wood Elves and Asrai society allows them to be flexible, adaptable and unpredictable. Thats why the Kindreds will stay more or less separate from others, only revering to one highest authority and uniting themselves punctually, in times of great need called by this very Queen or her ambassadors. M Noble Highborn TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker UPGRADES : An Asrai Noble or Highborn MUST choose a Kindred to be a member of. They can only join a unit from their Kindred. Add to the bonuses for the character, a character may grant special abilities to the units they join. They, of course, benefit from them as long as they are in the unit. Only models from the same Kindred as the character can benefit from them. Lakoys/Glade Guard: Characters from this Kindreds must be on foot or ride a Great Eagle. Highborns may also ride an Athel Loren Dragon. Abilities granted by these characters are : * A character from the Lakoys Kindred allows one of your Glade Guard unit to take a Magic Standard worth up to 25pts. * An unmounted Lakoys Highborn allows its unit to use the Feigned Flight tactic like a Fast Cavalry unit. * An unmounted Lakoys General applies the Armour Piercing special rule to the shoots of the unit it joins (this bonus may not be applied on shoots from magic bows or arrows). Sehenlu/Glade Rider : A character from the Sehenlu Kindreds must ride an Elven Steed, gaining the Shoot and Flee special rule, or a Meadows Chariot, replacing one of the crew. Abilities granted by these characters are : * A Sehenlu Noble gives the Scout special rule to one of your Glade Riders unit (which it may join). * A Sehenlu Highborn gives the same bonus to two units and allows those same two to reroll Enemy Spoted! and Feigned Flight tests. * A Sehenlu General makes Meadows Chariots a Core Unit and Warhawk Riders a Rare Unit. These Kindreds live on opposite sides of Athel Loren, so its hard to gather both of them at the same time. Arahain/Scout : Characters from this Kindreds have the Skirmishers and Scout special rules. They can not wear heavy armours nor use great weapons, and must be on foot. Abilities granted by these characters are : * An Arahain character allows you to take one more Scouts unit than normally allowed. * An Arahain Noble makes its unit provoque Ennemy Sighted! tests up to 12'' instead of 8''. * An Arahain Highborn also gives its unit the Woodland Ambush special rule. * An Arahain General allows you to take as many units of Scouts you want. Selathoi/Eternal Guard : Characters from this Kindreds loose their Asrai Longbow (they can not take a magic bow) and must be on foot. They are equipped with a Sarath or a Sarath and a shield (in which case, they do not benefit from the Extra Attack special rule given by the Sarath). they can not take a magical weapon. They have the Regeneration, Stubborn and Bodyguard special rules. Abilities granted 5 5 WS 6 7 BS 6 6 S 4 4 T 3 3 W 2 3 I 7 8 A 3 4 Ld 9 10

by these characters are : * A Selathoi Noble makes its unit roll 3D6 for Leadership tests keeping the two lowest. * A Selathoi Highborn also adds +1 to combat resolution for its unit. * A Selathoi General makes Eternal Guard a Core Unit and Spring Runners a Rare Unit (they count in the maximum Rare points allowed of course). Selathoi kindreds are even more suspicious to Haroith than other Kindreds, and Haroith avoid them because of their rigid mind. Haroith/Spring Runner : Characters from this Kindreds must be on foot. They can not be General nor Battle Standard Bearer. They have the Frenzy, Skirmishers, Shoot and Charge, Scornful and Scorned at special rules. Abilities granted by these characters are : * A Haroith makes the unit of Spring Runners it joins count towards the minimum points for Core Unit. * A Haroith Highborn gives its unit the Swiftstride special rule. Auryaur/Wild Rider : An Auryaur character loses its Asrai Longbow (and can not take a magic bow), has Talismanic Tattoos, gains +1S, and must ride a Great Stag. He also has the Forest Spirit, The Wild Hunt and The Fury of Kurnous special rules. Abilities granted by these characters are : * An Auryaur Noble allows is unit to re-roll its charge distance dice. * An Auryaur Highborn also give its unit the Always Strike First special rule (this applies only to the riders). * An Auryaur General makes Wild Riders aCore Units and Wardancers a Rare Unit. These two Kindreds being zealots of two different deities, they tend to not having a lot in common. Caidath/Wardancer : A Caidath character must be on foot, looses its Asrai Longbow (and can not take a magic bow), can not take any kind of armour, has Talismanis Tatoos, gains +1 WS and the following special rules : Skirmishers, Immune to Psychology, The Enemy Within, Evasive, Shadow Dances of Loec. A Caidath character must always use the same dance as its unit and must take Wardancer Weapons if not using a Magic Weapon. Abilities granted by these characters are : * A Caidath Noble gives its unit +1M. * A Caidath Highborn, also allows its unit to charge trough friendly units. * A Caidath General makes Wardancers a Core Unit and Wild Hunters a Rare Unit. Nimraif/Waywatcher : A Nimraif character gains +1BS, has Talismanic Tattoos, can not use a Great Weapon nor any kind of shield or armour except for magic helms. They can not take a magic bow either. They gain the Skirmishers, Scout, Woodland Ambush, Camouflage, Traps and Way of the Bow special rules. A Nimraif character can not be the General nor the Battle Standard Bearer. Abilities granted by these characters are : * A Nimraif Noble makes its unit roll +1D6 when inflicting hits with Traps. * A Nimraif Highborn also gives its unit one of the following benefit : they may be deployed as Scout but no less than 1'' away from any enemy unit or be deployed using the Woodland Ambush special rule but without rolling the dice for entering the board : they enter on the Remaining Moves sub-phase on any turn they want starting Turn 2. Sethayla/Warhawk Rider : A Sethayla character must ride a Warhawk, gaining the Hit and Run special rule, and can join a unit of Warhawk Riders even if the rules normally prevent it. They can wield a Talons Whip. Abilities granted by these characters are : * A Sethayla Noble gives its unit the Ambushers special rule. * A Sethayla Highborn also allows its unit to roll for arriving at the Start of Turn sub-phase (so they can charge upon arrival). * A Sethayla General makes Warhawk Riders a Core Unit, Glade Riders a Special Unit and Meadows Chariots a Rare Unit. Laith-Kourn/Alter : Laith-Kourn characters have the following profile : M Alter Noble Alter Highborn 7 7 WS 6 7 BS 0 0 S 6 6 T 4 5 W 4 5 I 6 7 A 4 5 Ld 8 9

TROOP TYPE : Monstrous Beast SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fear, Skirmishers, Primal Aspects Laith-Kourn characters can not be the General or the Battle Standard Bearer. They cant have any kind of equipment, except for Spites (one Solitary Spite, and one Seasons Spites if deployed in a unit). LaithKourn characters must assume the same Aspect as the unit they are in. Abilities granted by these characters are : * A Laith-Kourn Noble gives its unit the Vanguard special rule and make it a Special Unit. * A Laith-Kourn Highborn also allows you to take up to two Forest Beasts Rout units as a Core choice. Battle Standard Bearer : Except noted otherwise, a Battle Standard Bearer can be from any Kindred. The Battle Standard Bearer can join a unit from any Kindred, except noted otherwise of forbidden by the rules. Note that they can not join units of Dyrads or Tree Kins, since they are from no Kindred. RIFTBLADES Kindred of Talu (from the elven Talui : hatred, vengeance) The smallest Kindred of all is entirely dedicated to revenge for acts or particular harms against Asrai, natural places, animals or, worse, Athel Loren. Its members, known as Purgebearers, Atonement Seekers, Banshees, or Moursingers, join it to fulfill a vendetta, repair whatever harm has been done and restore their honour. An Asrai who fails in its duty not because of personal incompetence or mistake but because of a powerful foe may ask for atonement and revenge against the one responsible for its failure. If a Glamourweave finds the cause worthy and justified, she will lead the penitent to the darker place of the forest, where the pathways twist in upon themselves and malicious spirits dart between the trees : the Wildwood. There, alone and naked, they must survive and commune with the forest in a completely different and new way. They will pass tons of trials, including finding his or her inner self, the true cause of their grudge, autos da fe and trust trials. Most will die there, joining the long list of departed Asrai only appearing in dreams or memories. Some acquire knowledge and wisdom with forgiveness from Athel Loren, returning to their Kindred a few hour later, but aged like several decades had passed. They are still striped of their duties as it was intended, but their mind is at peace. A very few return transcended, born again as avatars of revenge and wrath of Athel Loren against who has been proved to be an insult to the world and an major threat to the Forest. They form the Kindred of Talu and will leave it only after fulfilling the reason they entered it : extermination of the threat. Then, they return to their previous Kindred, their rank restored, forever reinvigorated and filled with renewed devotion. For they have seen and survived what few can handle : the dark side of Athel Loren, have fused with it, become its host and its hand. Some say that the Kindred of Talu is the only reason the Wildwood and its dangerous inhabitants exist and are left to live in peace. Riftblades, because of their essence melted with the Wildwood, can not be called Elves. Height feet tall, quick as lightning and painless, they seem like the embodiment of traits from both wood spirits and Asrai, pushed to their paroxysm. Their eyes are burning furious flames the same colour the vaporous fire igniting their bodies and exhaling their mouths. Their whole skin is tattooed in aggressive marks, flashing this very colour symbolising the nature of their vengeance. In their arms, they wield a great halberd, the only axes allowed in the forest, for Athel Loren strikes its most dangerous and hatred foes with what it considers the most menacing weapon. These halberds are passed from Riftblade to Riftblade since aeons, have seen seas of blood, but their finely arabesque-covered blades has never been dulled. They exhale a blazing spiritual fire alike the one emanating from their wielders bodies. M Riftblade 9 WS 8 BS 0 S 5 T 4 W 4 I 9 A 4 Ld 10

TROOP TYPE : Monstrous Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Skirmishers, Fear, Hatred, Anointed Avenger. A Riftblade can not be the General, nor join any kind of unit.

Talu Halberd : Attacks made with these mystical weapons are Flaming (attacks from Riftblade are so both magical and flaming). In addition, any successful Ward Save against Wounds caused by their wielder must be re-rolled. Anointed Avenger : At the beginning of the game, before deployment, nominate an enemy character as the Nemesis of your Riftblade. The Riftblade can issue a challenge specifically to its Nemesis, which can not be refused. Against its Nemesis, the Riftblade has the Terror and Unbreakable special rules, and never loose its Hatred. If the Nemesis is killed, the Riftblade disappears, transported to Athel Loren (no Victory Points are marked) to rebirth again as an Elf. As the wrath fire dissipates, its killing energy becomes life, allowing every Wood Elf character and unit to regain 1D3 Wounds (1D6 if the Nemesis is killed by the Riftblade), attributed the same way as the Regrowth spell from the Lore of Life. Should the Riftblade be killed, the painfull wrath from Athel Loren rages through the battlefield, scaring and ashaming the Wood Elves. Every not fleeing Wood Elf unit (even those Immune to Psychology) must pass a Leadership test (with a -1 to Ld if it was killed by the Nemesis) or flee, breaking from combat if necessary (they might be pursued and caught). Fleeing units immediately make a fleeing move. In addition, you must choose the type of revenge the Riftblade is looking for : Lightning revenge : The yellow fire indicates the Nemesis caused harm to the Asrai, calling for a kill as swift and graceful as its noble race. The Nemesis usually dies without even seeing its enemy. The Riftblade has the Swiftstride, Always Strike First and Killing Blow special rules. Savage revenge : With a greenish glowing cloud around remembering them of the natural places spoiled by its Nemesis, the Riftblade strikes relentlessly, trying to root its weapon in its Nemesis then push it as deep as possible. The Riftblade has the Multiple Wounds (1D3) and Armour Piercing special rules and may re-roll failed To Wound dice. Furious revenge : The pure red flames igniting the Riftblade evoke the blood of the animals murdered by the Nemesis. The Riftblade has the Devastating Charge and Frenzy special rules and ignores Armour Save. The foes is just being repeatedly stroke with wild stubbornness until it shatters. Shadows revenge : This purple fire indicates the foes has perpetrated exactions against Athel Loren directly. The Riftlade becomes a blurring displacer ghost. The Riftblade is Ethereal, Unstable, and imposes a -1 penalty to be hit in close combat and a -1 Leadership penalty to his or her Nemesis.


Spites commonly attach themselves to individuals, places, or groups, being benevolent helpers and caretakers most of the time. Most of the time, because they like to steal food and pieces of jewellery, tie hair in knot and play lots of practical jokes. Elves try to distract them from their mischief-making by leaving them offering of food and shining baubles, though its usually illusory. However, Spites are swift to anger and very protective to their hosts. They will shift to more aggressive forms and will lash out with any power they have at any who wish harm on them or their hosts. SEASONS SPITES These Spites are quite gregarious, living in large bands. Their life cycles, aspects and powers are closely related to seasons, being pretty active when their own is on, and lethargic when the opposite is running. They attach themselves to entire groups or a big creature. They pass the qualities of the season they incarnate to their hosts, acting more like a symbiont than a protector. Some units can take a Season Spite as a kind of special equipment. A single unit can only be accompanied by one kind of Season Spite. A same Season Spite can be taken several time in an army, the only restriction is that you must make a full seasons cycle before beginning a new one. I.e. you cant take a second Winter Spite if you dont have at least one of each other, or you want to take a third Spring Spite you must have at least two of each other. Autumn Blighters These spirits take the form of falling leaves, looping graciously around their hosts, or decomposing organisms like mushrooms, worms and all kind of crawlers. The fresh smell of humus and wet soil accompany them. This might seem nice, but they are deadly dangerous, for everything they touch starts to wither instantly. Close combat attacks made by units accompanied by Autumn Blighters are Poisoned. Winter Chillers Winter spites are even less individual than other Seasons Spites. It is nearly impossible to define one of them, for their usual form is an ice vaporous cloud, cold as death and white as snow. They might take the form of snowflakes, little ice-pikes or frost. Those who dare touching them freeze at their contact. Units accompanied by Winter Spites are always considered as being in Soft Cover. In addition, every enemy unit attacking them in close combat has the Always strike last special rule. Spring Blossomers This spites take the form of colourful flowers, dispersing their exhilarated pollens all around, or brisk insects like ladybirds and dragonfly. Their forever enthousiastic hosts perpetually feel the joy from the renewing of life, the energy of youth, the insouciance of childhood. Units accompanied by Spring Blossomers add +1 to their charging, pursuing, overruning and fleeing distance. This bonus also apply to units following the Random Movement Special Rule Summer Enlighters These warm and bright Spites usually take the form of a ray of light, haloing their host with a god-like glow. Red fruits or small flames forms are rare but not unheard of. Their hosts have the sheer power of light, smiting anything unnatural and few dare to look at them directly. All attacks made by units with Summer Enlighters are magical and flamming. In addition, every enemy unit attacking them in close combat suffers a -1 to hit penalty. SOLITARY SPITES These Spites live alone, or mostly alone. They attach themselves to gifted, strong or important individuals and once chosen, will never leave it safe for death. People blessed by this marvellous Spites can always count on their help in times of need. As well as on their pranks and tricks all of the time Only characters can have Solitary Spites. Each particular Solitary Spite can only by taken once in an army.

Midnight Screamer 50pts : This ghostly spite resembling a widely-opened mouth surmounted by two empty eyes swirls around its host, screaming like a lost soul. A model with a Midnight Screamer causes Terror and inflicts a -1 Leadership penalty to every enemy unit up to 6. A Treeman Ancient wearing this spite makes enemy units re-roll successfull Fear and Terror tests provoqued by him. Zenith Radiant 25pts (Kel-Isha and Yenayla only): This extremely shy Spite hides within sparks and bright light, showing their small Elven bodies of colourful light only to their chosen. These spites are the embodiment of Athel Loren warm and protective magic, sapping the power of enemy mages. A model with a Zenith Radiant may add one extra dice to their Dispel pool in their opponents Magic phase. Deepwoods Hexer 25pts (Branchwraiths, Treemen Ancient and Glamourweaves only) : This hateful spite resembles a hideous leaves covered porcupine. When in woods, it unrolls and speaks to the trees in a quick high-pitched voice, exhorting them to strike down all intruders with the bitterest words of vengeance. A model with a Deepwoods Hexer may re-roll the dice determining the effect of Treesinging (whether for moving a wood or striking an enemy). In addition, all enemy models wholly or partially in the same wood as the bearer take a Strength 5 hit at the beginning of each Magic Phase. Edgewoods Watcher 25pts (Elenrai only) : This spite typically takes the form of a snake, frog or rodent with enormous eyes. With its supernatural senses, it can feel the flows of magic with great accuracy, an ability that has proven to be very useful to Oracles it attaches itself to. A model with an Edgewoods Watcher add +1 to its channelling attempts and Divination Shield rolls. Wisdom Warden 25pts (Glamourweaves only) : This majestic spite usually takes the form of an owl, sitting on the shoulder of its chosen host. It bears the knowledge of the forest and shares it with the Fey. A model with a Wisdom Warden has the Loremaster (Athel Loren) special rule. Verdant Bodyguard 25pts : This gnarled mossy and fungus covered Spite protects its host by growing him a sheath of bark and ivy, securing its home from both sight and hazards. A model with a Verdant Bodyguard has a Scaly Skin (6+), or improves its Scaly Skin by 1. Enemies shooting at the model suffer an additional -1 to hit penalty, increased to -2 if the model is within a wood. A Treemen Ancient protected by a Verdant Bodyguard can choose to grow cork and be so verdant that it is not Flammable anymore, but the Spite costs 35pts. Careful Weaver 25pts: This spider-like Spite hides in the hair of its hosts, and reacts to its emotions, scurrying over him frenetically when its tension rises, casting a web of magical filament to snag any incoming threat. A model with a Careful Weaver can only be hit on 6s during a challenge. Hungry Render 25pts : This spite look like a giant worm or millipede, hiding in the clothes or bark of its hosts. When it feels blood, it suddenly jumps out of its lair, crawling to the source of blood with lightning speed, foraging the flesh, breaking even scales and iron to feed on the wound. A model with a Hundry Render has the Killing Blow Special Rule. A Treeman Ancient can have a gigantic Hungry Render giving him the Heroic Killing Blow instead, but the cost is 50pts.


Bow of Loren Magic Weapon 70pts This ancient and enchanted longbow, made from the wood of the long disappeared Wythel trees, is strung with a single hair from the head of Ariel, Queen of Athel Loren. The wielder of this longbow is appointed as the Forest Queen champion. Asrai Longbow. The wielder may shoot as many times they have Attacks on their profile, without penalty for multiple shoots. The Strength of the hits is equal to the bearers Strength at long range, to the bearers Strength +1 at short range. Spirit Sword Magic weapon 55pts The crystal blade of this sword if made of yowling and nebulous spirits seeking to ensnare other souls in their iridescent prison. Wielding this sword requires a strong will, for the spirits take the weakest mind of all, making no difference between friend or foe. Hits by the Spirit Sword wound automatically. Every model wounded by the Spirit Sword must compare its current Leadership to the bearers (out of Inspiring Presence). The one with the lowest Leadership takes additional wounds equal to the difference between their Leaderships with no save of any kind allowed. In case of equality, roll a D6 : the lowest loses one wound with no save of any kind allowed. Helm of the Hunt Magic Armour 15pts This enchanted helm adorned with antlers imbues the wearer with the spirit an fury of Orion. The wearer counts his armour save as being one point higher than normal. When charging, they receive +1 Attack and +1 Weapon Skill for that round of combat. Stone of Rebirth Talisman 50pts This stone made of melted black and white crystals carries the promise of life springing from death and death lurking in life, the bond between light and shadow, each one depending on the other. This item bestows to its wielder a Ward Save based upon its remaining Wounds. Roll a dice for every wound suffered. On a roll strictly superior to the character's remaining Wounds, the wound is ignored. Moonstone of the Hidden Ways Enchanted Item 30pts Though the world si much changed from the early days, to the wise there are still paths that link all forest together. Yet sometimes, simple knowledge it not enough, for the pathways are locked only with one of the Moonstones can the sealed routes be travelled. One use only. If the character and any unit they have joined is wholy within a wood at the end of a friendly Move phase, the character and the unit may be removed from the table and replaced anywhere that is also within a wood (another one), facing any direction and in any formation. Hail of doom Arrow Enchanted Item 30pts Created by bounding and twisting together a number of shafts by spells as old as the Asrai, this magical arrow split into a cloud of death whistling shards in flight. One use only. The bearer fires 3D6 magical Strength 4 arrows. Note that shooting this arrow with a magic bow prevents the use of the special properties of this bow. Acorns of the Oak of Ages Enchanted Item 25pts Each autumn, Ariel collects the sheds of the venerated tree, giving them to the Glamourweaves. Her messengers often offer one has a reward for noble acts. When scattered to the ground, they instantly sprout into oak saplings which grow at a phenomenal rate to become mighty trees in a moment. One use only. Must be used at the beginning of the Wood Elves player's turn. This creates a normal wood of any shape up to 12 of diameter, centred on the character.

Wand of life and death cycle Arcane item 75pts The whole purpose of life is to spring from death, always recycling and reusing its material so that nothing is lost, reappearing some time later in another form. It is the same with magic, this wand merely symbolizes it, taking the used energies to make other ones later. Wielding this wand is a symbol of respect and authority, showing its bearer has fully understood the balance and interdependence principles. For every spell successfully cast by the bearer, the wand will generate a bonus dispel dice in your dice pool on the next opponent Magic Phase. For every spell the bearer successfully dissipates, the wand will generate a bonus power dice in your dice pool on the next Magic Phase. Using Bond Spell or likewise (such as Treesinging) does not trigger the power of the Wand. Forest Song Banner Magic Standard 25pts. Woven from leaves from Treemen by Spites using Glamourweaves's hair as strand, carried by Asrai, these banners embody the whole Athel Loren, speaking to the trees around them. A unit wearing a Forest Song Banner may use the Treesinging once per magic phase. You can have one Forest Song Banner for every thousand point in you army, rounding any fraction up. Royal Standard or Ariel, Queen of Athel Loren Magic Standard 150pts (NDA : the first Standard of Ariel was worth 50pts, the second 100pts so, following its history, 150pts for the third) This gossamer flag is woven from the fey-queens own hair. Each generation, new strands are added, making it more magnificent and enchanted as before. It bears all the powers of Athel Loren : the power of life upon death and the unique selfish magic that imbue its servants and protects its children. Every friendly wizard up to 12 of the standard add +1 to channelling. Every friendly unit up to 12 of the standard has it Magic Resistance improved by one (up to a maximum of 3). The bearer, and the unit they join, cause Fear and make magical attack at close combat. In addition, at the end of each round of combat, after Break Tests, the bearer and the unit they are in regain as many wounds as they have inflicted upon enemy units contacting them. The Wounds regained may allow the unit to recover models with the same rules as the Regrowth Lore of Life spell, in this order : Wood-Seer (if in the unit), General (if in the unit) Battle Standard Bearer, other characters in decreasing Leadership values, Champion, Musician, and then rank and file models.

ORION, KING IN THE WOODS On the first day of Spring, Orion is reborn from the Oak of Ages, chosen among his Wild Riders. The celebration last all night long, and when the moon is on its highest point, Orion emerges from the sacred tree, ready to reign on the forest along with its consort Queen, Ariel. The first day of Summer is the beginning of the Wild Hunt : Orion is at the height of his power, more than ten feet tall, growing antlers, barely containing its savagery and anger in his green tinged body. Before him is placed the great horn of the Wild Hunt and on his shoulders, a cloak crafted by the Queen is draped. As he takes his weapons from the shrine in the Oak of Ages, the forest becomes utterly silent, waiting for the Great Hunt signal. As Orion sounds the Horn, every living being in the forest feels savage excitement, endless vigour and the need to hunt down every foe around the world. Forest Spirits and Asrai gather around Orion, as with every beast of the forest, crawling out of their places join him. As saplings topple and stone crack open, crows and raven fly up in the trail of the Hunt to glut themselves on the bodies of the enemy. The cloven hooves of Orion may tear apart every foe foolish enough to stand before this storm of life embodied with the primal urge to ride and let free its savagery, however this fire burns briefly. On the first day of Autumn, the Wild Hunt ends, Orion and his followers return to the Athel Loren; guarded by those able to resist the urge, by will or duty. On the first day of Winter, his ashes will be reverently deposed on the Oak of Age, offering himself as a sacrifice to the cycle of existence. The life of Orion is but the way of all things, a continuation of the never-ending process of death and rebirth the Wood Elves protect. M Orion Hound 9 9 WS 8 4 BS 6 0 S 5 4 T 5 3 W 6 1 I 9 4 A 6 1 Ld 10 6

TROOP TYPE : Monstrous Beast (Orion), War Beast (Hound) SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Terror, Unbreakable, Unstable, The Wild Hunt, The Fury of Kurnous, Spirit of Kurnous, Hounds of the Hunt, King in the Wood, Divine Aura. Orion is a Lord, considered from the Auryaur Kindred. He must be the General, and used as presented. Spirit of Kurnous : Even if on foot, Orion is considered as Fast Cavalry and do not make the units he joins loose this special rule. Orion is Unstable. However, if he is within 6 of a wood, the number of wounds he loses because of Unstability is reduced by one. Effects of several woods within 6 stacks. Hounds of the Hunt : Instead of joining a unit of Wild Riders or Wild Hunters, Orion may be accompanied with Hounds. Hounds have the Forest Spirit and Spirit of Kurnous special rules. While in a Hounds pack, for every unsaved wound suffered by Orion (even because of Instability), you may roll a dice. On a 4+, a Hound suffers the unsaved wound instead of him. King in the Wood : Though Orion is not a Large Target, his Inspiring Presence has a range of 18. In a Wild Riders or Wild Hunters unit, he is considered as being from the same troop type as them. Divine Aura : The divine essence of Orion protects him against magic. Every time an enemy spell affects him, roll a dice. On a 4+, the spell has no effect on Orion and his unit. It is not dissipated. MAGIC ITEMS Orion carries the Horn of the Wild Hunt, the Spear of Kurnous, the Cloak of Isha and the Hawks Talon. Horn of the Wild Hunt A gigantic wild ox of the forest gave its horn to carve this huge hunting horn. Every one hearing its sound is filled with fear. One use Only. The first time Orion declares a charge, he blows the horn, causing every enemy unit within 18 to take a Panic test. The test is made before declaring charge reaction.

Spear of Kurnous Only Orion has the strength and stature to wield this gigantic hunting spear. He takes it from its secret shrine in the Oak of Age before going forth to battle. Spear. When he charges, Orion add +2 to its Strength thanks to this weapon. In addition, he may direct its attack (not Stomp) to a model in the second row directly in base contact with a model in base contact with him. Cloak of Isha Woven from the leaves of the sacred rowan trees in the Grove of Isha by Queen Ariel herself, this cloak ward of evil magic. The Cloak of Isha adds two Dispel Dice to the Dispel pool. Hawks Talon This immense and powerful longbow is used by Orion to slaughter any foe fleeing before his wrath. Asrai Longbow. This weapon is treated like a bolt thrower, except it can move and fire, with a +1 Strength at short range. ARIEL, QUEEN OF ATHEL LOREN The Queen of Athel Loren, the Fey Queen, the Fey Mother presides over the realm together with Orion. Through the strange magic of the Oak of Ages, Ariel acquired the Aspect of Isha, the ancient Elven goddess of nature, while Orion gained the Aspects of Kurnous. Nevertheless, as the embodiment of nature, the magic flowing through Ariel never ends, giving her immortality with time like Isha herself. Direct superior of all Glamourweaves, theacher and leader of their Kindred, Ariel wields immense natural forces and weaves them according to her will. She commands the trees of the forest to grow and move, vegetation to spring forth from the ground, beasts to dwell and migrate in the best places for them. It is Ariel who weaves enchantments around the Forest of Loren to delay and mislead intruders, or lure them onwards to their doom ! Moth-like antenna emerge from Ariel's head, but her face remains that of a beautiful she-Elf with piercing eyes. The upper part of her body is clad in shimmering scales of incandescent green, while the lower part trails away into infinity like an ethereal or elemental being. She appears to glow with an inner light like the moon and trails raw magic in a shower of glittering stardust. Ariel rarely enters battle, but when she does so, she shifts shape into her sylph-like War Aspect. She grows almost twice the height of an ordinary Elf and unfolds huge wings like those of a gigantic moth, covered in tiny scales of shimmering, iridescent colours. The wafting of those huge wings over the heads of the enemy fills them with both dread and awe. Marks and patterns known as the Eyes and Spirals of Isha can be seen on them. If Ariel is particularly enraged or vengeful, those markings change to the deaths head moth, showing that there will be no mercy or pity against the foes, that none shall be left alive, every one of them hunt down to death. No enemy of Athel Loren has ever survived after seeing these markings. Should Ariel perish in battle, though pretty unlikely, her body will be sealed within the Oak of Ages to be reborn again in the spring. Ariel, just like Isha and Nature she embodies, can never be slew. M Ariel 5 WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 4 I 7 A 3 Ld 10

MAGIC : Ariel is a level 4 Glamourweave. She knows all the Spells from the Lore of Athel-Loren, TROOP TYPE : Monstrous Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Terror, Fly, Strider, Herald of the Forest, Divine Aura, Fey Mother, Queen of Athel Loren, Aura of the Fey Queen, Earthbind, Treesinging Ariel is a Lord that must be used as presented here. She must be the General and the Wood-Seer of your army, unless Orion has joined the army too, in which case he is the General. Fey Mother As the teacher and mother of all Glamourweaves, Ariel gets a +1 bonus to cast any spell from the Lore of Athel Loren, along with Treesinging.

Queen of Athel Loren : Though Ariel is not a Large Target, her Inspiring Presence has a range of 18. Aura of the Fey Queen : As one of the truly legendary individuals in the world, Ariel inspires incredible bravery to her followers. All friendly units within 6" of Ariel are Immune to Panic and Stubborn. Earthbind : Being the embodiment of Nature herself and her protector, Nature will rise to protect Ariel when she is endangered. Every enemy unit intending an action (charge, shoot, close combat) against Ariel is considered as being under the Curse of Anraheir spell from the Lore of Beasts. MAGIC ITEMS AND SPITES Ariel carries the Wand of Wych Elm and the Hearstone of Athel Loren. She is always accompanied by a Muster of Netlers. Wand of Wych Elm This long twisted and gnarled staff has been fashioned from the innately magical and rare Wych Elm Tree. To conserve its power, it must be carved from a full branch, with no removing at all. Only Ariel is able to handle such a long staff and withstand its magic. Thanks to it, she can bend the winds of magic much more freely to her will. This staff allows Ariel to re-roll any Dispel or Casting attempt. Heartstone of Athel Loren A physical representation of the many ties that bind all living beings dwelling in the forest of Athel Loren, this gemstone is a piece of Athel Loren shelter against evil magics, covering its children from hostile magic. This item grants Ariel a Magic Resistance of 2. In addition, if she successfully dispel a spell, the casting Wizard must immediately take a Leadership test. If he fails, he immediately loses a magic level and may not cast that spell for the remainder of the game. Muster of Netlers These spites are similar to the Careful Weaver, instead they live in group and can only be found in the Oak of Ages. A family has settled down in the faerie hair of Ariel, protecting its nest with both their magic web and the enchanted hair from the Queen. In Close Combat, Ariel can only be touched on 5+, unless she would be hit on a worse score. DRYCHA, THE DARK-HEARTED Drycha is the oldest Dryad in Athel Loren. On the day of the Great Alliance, she watched Asrai and wood spirits take the Oath at a distance and spent most of the early years of the alliance observing the Elves for any sign of betrayal. Even though evidences that the Alliance saved Athel Loren are uncountable, she believes that it has brought little but destruction to the forest. Drycha is bound to the Glade of Woe, deep in the Wildwood, exactly where Morghul has been slayed for the first time. Most believe that since that day, Drycha has lost her mind, pushing her already capricious and hostile behaviour out of control. Since that day, she has mostly stopped speaking, instead chanting, mantralike, the names of all those fellow spirits she believes to have fallen because of the Elves. As old as she is, with a memory still perfectly clear, it is really doubtful that she will ever reach the end of her tally, for new names are added with every battle between Athel Loren and its foes. Though she has separated herself and her handmaiden from Ariels court and authority, she serves has the herald of Coeddil, with whom she is known to commune. Indeed, they are both bounded to the same Glade, and Coeddil is restricted to the Wildwood. That these two powerful embittered spirits, possessing knowledge as old as the world, known for their distrustful attitude towards the Asrai, have found a commune cause, can only provoke unease, at best. Their motivation are unknown, though throwing to disarray the balance of Athel Lorenis certainly one of their goals. The recent Asrai-like attacks all over the Old World, but not investigated by Ariels court are certainly a sign that Drycha and Coeddil have started their moves. They seem random and senseless, though there certainly is a purpose behind them. Nevertheless, even Naieth the Prophetess can not see the destination to which they strive, to much blood drench the way of their future

M Drycha 5

WS 7

BS 0

S 5

T 5

W 3

I 9

A 5

Ld 9

MAGIC : Drycha is a level 2 Wizard. She uses the Lore of Athel Lore. TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fear, Treesinging, Hatred, Scout, Infuse Hatred, Fanatism, The Sylve Daughter, The Branchwraith Army Drycha is a Lord and must be used as presented here. She must be the General of your army even if she's not the one with the highest Ld. She will also be the Wood Seer of your amry. This is an exception to the general rule. Treesinging : Few can challenge the power of Dyrcha. She can cast Treesinging twice per Magic phase as a bound spell (power level 3). Wild Leader : Drycha will always join a unit of Dryads, to wich she gives the Scout special rule instead of Woodland Ambush. Fanatism : Drychas only fear is to perish before accomplishing her duty. Her wrath will only grow as Death comes nearer. For each Wound suffered, Drycha gains one Attack until the end of the game. Those additional Attacks are kept if Drycha is healed. The Sylve Daughter : If Drycha is in a wood during the remaining moves sub-phase she can be placed in another wood on the table, within her unit, facing any direction and in any formation. No other move can be made by her or her unit this turn. The Branchwraith Army : With the hate Drycha nourishes against strangers, her army can only be composed of units with the Forest Spirit special rule, save for wizards from the Kindreds of Kel-Isha converted to her cause. In addition, every unit in the army may use the Woodland Ambush special rule with the exception that they may refuse to enter after succefully rollling for joining the battle. If so, they enter on any subsequent turn without rolling. Drycha is powerful enough to choose the time to start calling them. Note that Drycha (and her unit) must be deployed at the beginning of the game. In the case of an Alliance, an army lead by Drycha can not be a Trusted Ally. Suspicious Ally is the best that can be expected from her. SPITES Drycha is accompanied by a Midnight Screamer, a Deepwoods Hexer and a Zenith Radiant. NAETH, THE PROPHETESS Naeth is the leader of the Elenrai Kindred, the most wise and respected Oracle in the forest. She is one of the few Oracles still alive who actually took part in the erection of the Divination Shield surrounding the forest, though she was just an apprentice at that time. Her unsurpassed ability to feel the changes in the Shield and to predict the future, while long supposed, where revealed when she saw the link between the surviving of the Bretonni and the future or Athel Loren. At that time, the disrupting power of the Green Skins Waaagh made difficult the use of the protective stones and the prediction of enemys moves. But Naeth managed to overcome that, certainly saving both Wood Elves and Bretonni in the process. Thanks to Ariels trust in Naeth, the humans united themselves and Athel Loren forces followed the predictions of the Oracle, keeping the necessary advance on their foes they needed, and both put an end to the Green Skin threat. Since then, Naeth has lead the Kindred of Elenrai, instructs the young Oracles and became the closest advisor of the Queen. A task not easy, for one mistake could bring the doom on both Asrai and Forest Spirits, but a task she has fulfilled with great dedication and has never failed in. Every major threat to the Forest has been foreseen, avoided, diverted or destructed thanks to her uncanny divination powers. Naeth has had a blink of the Death of Athel Loren, and now, all her energy and time are dedicated to putting an end to whatever frightening threat she saw.

M Naeth 5

WS 4

BS 4

S 3

T 3

W 2

I 5

A 1

Ld 8

MAGIC : Naeth is a Level 2 wizard. She uses the Lore of Heavens. TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Divination Shield, The Prophetess, Othu the Owl Naeth is an Oracle (Hero) and must be used as presented here. The Prophetess : Naeths ability to predict the future and the flow of magic is far beyond the power of any other Elf. She can re-roll all her failed Divination Shield and channelling tests. Othu the Owl : Othu the Owl is Naeth faithful companion. While not a spite, the animal is certainly magical, having a strange wisdom passed on to Naeth trough its twitterings. Some say that many of Naeth prophecies where inspired, even dictated by the all-seeing owl. On the battlefield, Othu will perch upon the standard of a regiment or the shoulder of its leader. While under this omen of good luck, Wood Elves seem to gain the uncanny sureness of sight of the owl. At the start of the shooting phase, declare on what unit Othu has settled. This unit may re-roll any failed dice rolls to hit with their Asrai Longbows this turn. The Owl never settle on the same unit twice in a succession unless only one unit is available. Magic bows and arrows do not benefit from Othus re-roll bonus. MAGIC ITEMS AND SPITES Naeth carries the Rod of Divination and is always accompanied by an Edgewoods Watcher. The Rod of Divination This long rod is mlade of the willow twigs of many magical trees woven and entwined tightly together. It has the power to feel the underground flow of magic and tap it to the surface when thrust into the ground. The Rod of Divination give a +2 bonus to all channelling attempts of Naeth. SCARLOC, THE RANGER Scarloc is certainly the most famous Asrai around the Old World. His band of Scouts often ventures far from Athel Loren to gain advance warnings of impending threats or to help a temporary ally. In facts, he often warns Bretonnian barons or even other races of approaching common enemies, be it as a message from Naeth and the Oracles or his own spotting and tracking. Because of this, he is a trusted friend of many humans and welcomed at their castles, even more when he brings a famous venison of Loren as a gift. Scarlocs renown has made him an excellent emissary of the King and Queen in the Wood when dealing with new and suspicious allies who would not welcome a kin of Kel-Isha. In the same way, it is usually Scarloc who escort the extremely rare and lucky individuals allowed to enter the forest and meet the Ariel and Orion. Members of Scarlocs kin are spread all over the forests in the Old World, secretly dwelling there, unknown by the temporal rulers of these lands, befriending the wood spirits that may still live there and protecting them should they be asleep. This is why on many occasions, Scarlocs men have been known to turn up unexpectedly on far flung battlefields, aiding those surrounded or ambushed in the woods by evil forces. Scarlocs greatest exploit is without doubt the third slaying of Morghur, when after weeks of hunting him around the Old World he died, pierced with hundreds of arrows from Scarloc and his men. M Scarloc 5 WS 6 BS 6 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 7 A 3 Ld 9

TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Scout, Skirmishers, Warden of All Woods

Scarloc is a Noble (Hero) from the Arahain Kindred, and must be used as presented here. Warden of All Woods : When Scarloc and his unit are in a wood, enemy units up to 12'' away from them can not March. MAGIC ITEMS Scarloc carries the Hunters Bane and the Horn of the Asrai. The Hunters Bane This bow is one of the few remaining which have been carved from a Wythel Tree. Rumours say that Scarloc received it as a gift from the Lost Kindred, in exchange for his silence about their location. Hunter's Talons produced by Asrai in Athel Loren are but a poor immitation of this one. Asrai Longbow. The Hunters Bane has a Strenght of 4 at long range, 5 at short range. In addition, it gives the Sniper special rule to Scarloc and allows him to re-roll failed to hit dice when shooting. The Horn of the Asrai This horn has been given to Scarloc so that he could carry the spirit of Athel Loren everywhere he goes. Those who hear its beautiful sound see their will eroded by the Forest glamour weaved inside, luring them to their doom. One use only. Can be used at the beginning of any enemy turn. All enemy units able to charge Scarloc and his unit must pass a Leadership test or declare a charge against him. WYCHWETHYL, THE WILD Though not the most wise, knowledgeable or honourable member of the Kindreds of Caidath, Wychwethyl is the greatest dancer of all and among their best swordsmen. On the first day of spring, when Ariel awakes and Orion is reborn, he leads the ritual dances, performing the hardest and most obscure ones, known only by him. He may be without equal at dancing, but when he leads the sacred rituals, his fellows are pushed far beyond their limits, accomplishing nearly supernatural feats seemingly impossible even to other Feast Masters. Such is Wychwethyl charisma and ability as a conductor that he inspires is savagery and trances to those around him, who feel like wings have sprouted from their backs and ankles. In combat, he uses his exceptional skills and agility in order to lead reckless assaults, using strategies that seem total madness to regular fighters. Nevertheless, Wychwethyl and his dancers can easily vanish a far more numerous and hardened regiment, while he passes between blades like wind, striking directly at his target, for there is no escape to his blades. He does not even seem to care for his safety, so perfectly confident he is in his ability to escape unscathed. His killing records and the bright smile that illuminates his face after each battle tend to prove him right. This very behaviour earned him his title The Wild, and prevent him from being appointed as a Highborn : to tricky he is, even for a follower of Loec. M Wychwethyl 5 WS 7 BS 6 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 7 A 3 Ld 9

TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Skirmishers, Immune to Psychology, The Ennemy Within, Evasive, Shadow Dances of Loec, Unseizable, The Wild, Dance of Doom. Wychwethyl is a Noble (Hero) from the Caidath Kindred, and must be used as presented here. Unseizable : The moment a foe hits Wychwethyl is often too late. Where he was when the slow-minded enemy prepared his thrust is no more where he is when the blow comes out. For every hit Wychwethyl suffers in close combat, roll a dice : on a result of 5+, the hit is discarded. This ability also works against Breath weapons used in contact. The Wild : Wychethyl swings around blades, pikes and any threat to reach his true target, the heart of the enemys regiment. In close combat, Wychwethyl can choose to direct his attacks against any enemy

model in the unit, not just those in base contact with him. Dance of Doom : This ancient and secret war dance is known only by Wychwethyl, and only him can inspire enough feat to other Wardancers to perform it. The dance pushes to the extreme the Wardancers ability to fight from inside enemys regiment, allowing them to repulse, disorganize and destroy the cohesion of the unit, giving to every member the sensation of being isolated and outnumbered. When performing this dance, if the Wardancers can disrupt an enemy unit at the end of the close combat round, then this unit also loses Steadfast and suffers a -1 penalty to its Break test. Wychwethyl must be alive at the end of the combat round for this dance to take effect. MAGIC ITEMS Wychwethyl carries the Blades of Loec and the Drum of Orcskin. The Blades of Loec These sacred blades are given to the one recognised as the true heir of Loecs spirit. These matched swords are as beautiful, deadly and deceiving as the laughing god. The swirling and delicate pattern on these swords seems to have a life of their own, tricking anyone looking at them to his doom. Wardancer Weapons. Wychwethyl may re-roll any failed rolls to wound in close combat. The Drum of Orcskin This drum is made from the stretched skin of an Orc Warboss Wychwethyl slew in duel at the battle of the Glade of Woe. The drumstick is made from his rib-bone. Beating the drums gives Wychwethyl and his unit the Swifstride special rule. In addition, if the combat result is a draw, the unit of Wychwethyl wins with a +1. This takes precedence on the presence of musicians in any of the units. SKAW, THE FALCONNER Skaw was a kin of Sethayla before losing his beloved warhawk. Instead of ending his life like most Asrai would do, he chose to leave the Elves society and to live alone, spending the remaining of his life taking care of birds of prey, from the smallest falcon to the mightiest eagle. In so doing, he walked the path of the Laith-Kourn Kindred, though unconsciously. However, while Packmasters give their attention to every kind of animal and tend to favour mammals, ending being able to shape-shift in them, Skaw is only dedicated to birds. Maybe this is why he could never master the shape-shifting abilities of LaithKourn Kindreds, or maybe it is just because he never tried or wished to become like them. As for him, he thinks that the pain he feels for his past warhawk protects him against the primal urge other Packmasters feel. Skaw is even more isolated from Asrai society than any other Laith-Kourn member. He shuns the company of other Elves, speaking only to his birds. Actually, most believe him to have forgotten the Elven mode of speech, so long has it been since anyone heard Skaw utter a word in another tongue than that of the birds. He may be solitary and aloof, but he still shares with Elves the desire to protect the forests and Athel Loren. Kindreds of Arahain or Laith-Kourn will sometimes seek for him in an eyrie in the topmost branches of an old pine tree, hidden away on the slopes of the Grey Mountains. In battle, Skaw directs his falcons as they fly , controlling them with birdcalls, transforming them in deadly weapons, swooping out of the sky into the attack. These keen-eyed living missiles are more dangerous than arrows and always return to their master with blood dripping from their wicked hooked beaks and razor sharp talons, tearing away gobbets of flesh with each strike. After the battle, Skaw always returns to his mountain perch without a word. For there are more important things to do than burying the dead :to prevent birds from feeding on them M Skaw 5 WS 6 BS 6 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 7 A 3 Ld 9

TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Skirmishers, The Falconer, Hawks. Skaw is a Noble (Hero) that must be used as presented here.

The Falconer : Skaw is a Noble from the Laith-Kourn Kindred, but so away from the Asrai society that he can not join any kind of unit, can not use the General Leadership nor the Hold your ground! Battle Standard Bearer special rule. He allows you to take one Forest beasts Rout unit as a Core Unit or one unit of Scouts more than you have of Glade Guards, representing the ones who sought for him. Hawks : Skaw has three birds of prey that he uses as missile weapons and as weapons in close combat The range of each bird is 24", and they will always hit on a 2+ at a Strength of 4. In close combat, the birds give Skaw an additional 3 Attacks at a Strength and Weapon Skill of 4. MAGIC ITEMS Skaw carries the Cape of Feathers and the Lash of Claws. The Cape of Feathers Crafted by Skaw himself from the feathers of his dead warhawk, it gives him the sensation of never having lost him. Indeed, while wearing the dead skin of his friend he can still feel its spirit and protection like when he was one with him. He is neither a hawk, nor an Elf, but the combination of both. This item grants Skaw a 4+ Armour Save against and the Hover special rule. The Lash of Claws This weapon is the old Talons Whip of Skaw, enchanted with the claws of his warhawk and those of every bird of prey he saw killed by forest enemies. Wielding this weapon makes Skaw even closer to the birds he lives with, for it is as quick and precise as if it were his real claws. Talons Whip. In addition, is gives the Always strike first rule to Skaw and any model hit by the flail, even if not wounded, loses one Attack (down to a minimum of 0) for the remainder of that turn. GRUARTH, THE SABER-FANGED Most Asrai have forgotten the true name of The saber-fanged, so long has it been since the leader of all Laith-Kourn Kindreds has taken back its original form, or even spoken in the Elven tongue. Actually, seeing the immense feral Alter and its followers join a battle do not require speaking. They are not summoned, they join the battles they want, fight alone with their packs, stalking their foes and neutralizing them uncalled with their long, dagger-like fangs. During Asrai assemblies and ceremonies, another Laith-Kourn translate his calls and gestures and speak in his name, should he want to intervene.Hethis is in fact an assumption based on his impulsive and savage behaviour, but only Gruarth knows the truth about it. For he is really a she, but Gruarth doesnt care anymore about this. She is the one who discovered the form of the primal saber-fanged tiger, after being attracted to a cat mind in her trial. Few have been able to master this form since, and none has discovered it by himself. Gruarth is the only Alter actually linked to cats on a basic and subconscious way. Some saberfanged tigers still live in Athel Loren, along with some more common cats such as lynxes, all of them actually revering Gruarth as some sort of Mother-Queen of the animal reign. But Gruarth is humble and wise, and do not treat any of her subject lightly. In fact, like every Alter, she lives with her feral brethren, sharing prey and lair with them. M Gruarth Cat Initiate 9 9 WS 7 4 BS 0 0 S 6 5 T 5 4 W 5 3 I 9 6 A 6 4 Ld 9 8

TROOP TYPE : Monstrous Beast SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fear, Skirmishers, Ambushers, Aspect of the Cat, Fang and Claw, Cat Initiates. Gruarth is a Laith-Kourn Highborn (Lord) that must be used as presented. Aspect of the Cat : The Aspect of the Cat gives Gruarth the following bonuses M9, +2 I, +1A, Ambusher (all this already included in the profile), and a +2 Strength bonus when charging. Gruarth must use this Aspect every turn.

Fang and Claw : Fang and Claw are a pair of saber-fanged tigers that has lived with Gruarth for decades. They have a natural ascendant on other animals, giving them much more cohesion as a group while they gather around them and listen to their growls. The two Forest beasts Rout units you can take as Core Choices with Gruarth are automatically joined each by Fang or Claw. These units can re-roll all the dice for their Random Movement. The second result must be accepted. Cat Initiates : The Alter unit you can take as a Special Choice with Gruarth is always one of Cat Initiates, and the only one Gruarth can join. These are the chosen one feeling close enough to cat spirits to be able to assume the Cat Aspect. They are the devoted students and bodyguards of Gruarth. They must always assume the Cat Aspect (characteristics changes already done on their profile) and may accept challenges. SPITES Gruarth is accompagnied by a Hungry Render. NAESTRA AND ARAHAN, SISTERS OF TWILIGHT AND DAWN The tale of these two mysterious twins is a very pledged dance through Athel Loren. The story begins with a Elven child named Naestrahan who wandered deep into the woods. Alone, she stumbled through the undergrowth, following faeries lights and darting spites. Deep into the darkness she was led, where even Waywatchers fear to go. Lost she was to her distraught family, who had no choice but accepting that she had been claimed by Athel Loren. Many years later, foul Beastmen lit great pyres at the feet of the Grey Mountains. The trees cried out silently in pain as they where torn from the earth and heaved to the blaze, calling for help from the Wood Elves. On the next morning, arrows slaughtered hundreds of Beastmen, Wychwethyl and his Wardancers cut a bloody path through them, but they had came too numerous for the Asrai to handle. They couldnt be stopped and soon the brutal Gors counter-attacked, ignoring the bowfire, reaching the Glade Guard and hacking apart many Asrai, spilling their precious blood on the snow. Then amidst the carnage, two Elven maiden appeared, crouched upon the back of an ancient Athel Loren dragon, piercing through the winter fog into the cold light. One of the maiden had hair of the purest white, the other had hair dark as night. In every other way, they where identical. As they fired their bows, entangling briars sprung up to halt those who sought to flee while magical fire consumed those who fought on. The dragon crushed the Beastmen, scattering corpses or ripping them apart limb from limb. Soon, all was silent in the clearing, only the melody of snowflakes covering the remains of the battle could be heard. The dark-haired Elven maiden leapt to the ground, silent as breathe, to tend the wounded. The white-haired stayed on the back of the dragon, chasing the fleeing, determined to slay them to the last one. It was soon evident to every Glamourweave that in the depths of the dark woods, Naestrahan had become something new, altogether different and strange, something linked to these two war maidens. Ariel discovered the one child had been split into two separate beings, each a part of the divided yet balanced nature of the Wood Elves and Athel Loren. One is the light, filled with anger, desire for lethal destructiveness and domination. One is the dark, calm, serene, caring and filled with a desire for protection, love and beauty. They are the reflect of the opposing yet harmonious aspects of Athel Loren, Asrai and Nature as a whole. As such, they are a constant reminder of the necessity for balance in everything, life and death, light and dark. So that Glamourweaves and Spellcrafters wont forget that their role is not to preserve Life at all cost, or destroy everything a bit dangerous, but to preserve the natural cycles and balance, which require both. As a consequence of their nature, they are both natural leaders for Elves and beasts, each one encompassing a way of leading. Living beings adore Naestra and will do as she wishes out of love, while they fear Arahan and do her will out of fright. High in the alpine slopes of the Pine Crags, the home of the twin-sisters, the Eyrie of Twilight and Dawn, dominates the skyline. They live in the margin of Asrai society, participating in events and wars, but only on their free will. They are sometimes summoned but they usually intervene where and when they want, always refusing to lead great armies or ceremonies. Nevertheless, each one has her own followers attracted or subjugated by the strange and beautiful nature of the maiden. From their clouds-touching home, they spot places and times of need, and ride upon the back of their faithfull ancient Dragon, Ceithin-Har. Arahan takes savage pleasure in cutting down her foes, while Naestra does so with tears rolling down her face.

M Naestra Arahan Ceithin-Har 5 5 6

WS 6 6 7

BS 6 6 0

S 4 4 7

T 3 3 7

W 2 2 7

I 7 7 2

A 3 3 6

Ld 9 9 9

TROOP TYPE : Infantry (Naestra and Arahan), Monster (Ceithin-Har) SPECIAL RULES (Naestra and Arahan) : Forests Walker, Sister-twins, Masters of the Wild, Skirmishers (while on foot). SPECIAL RULES (Ceithin-Har) : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fly, Large Target, Terror, Scaly Skin (3+), Ceithin-Har Breath. Naestra and Arahan count as a single Highborn from the Kindred of Lakoys. None of them can be the General. They must be used as presented here. Sister-twins : The sisters are bound by ancient and unknown magic, old as the forest itself. While one still draws breath, both endure, no matter the harm inflicted upon them. If either Naestra or Arahan is slain, do not remove the model from play unless the other sister is killed in the same phase. If either sister is still alive at the end of a phase, both are restored to their starting number of Wounds. In the event of a challenge, both sisters must fight. Masters of the Wild : For shooting, any shots that would normally hit the rider are split between Arahan and Naestra. For each hit that hits a rider (that is, usually on the roll of a 5+), roll a further dice : on a 1-3, Arahan is struck, on a 4-6, Naestra is struck. If their mount is slain, they will form into a Skirmishing unit consisting of the two of them. If both sisters are slain, Ceithin-Har will always react as if it had rolled a 5-6 on the Monsters Reaction Table. Ceithin-Har Breath : Ceithin-Har Forest Breath wounds on 4+ (instead of 5+), with no armour save. MAGIC ITEMS Naestra carries the Bow and the Spear of Twilight, while Arahan carries the Bow and the Spear of Dawn. Bow of Twilight Wherever this bow strike, the ground come alive with entangling briars and roots, immobilizing the foe but leaving him unharmed. Until someone else takes advantage of a slow weakened target Asrai Longbow. This weapon does not deal any damage, but any unit hit by its arrows suffers a -2 penalty to its Movement value and its fleeing, pursuing and overruning rolls for that turn. Naestra may shoot at a different target from Arahan's and Ceithin-Har's if she wishes. Spear of Twilight When this spear strikes, the desire to end the fight the quickest possible way and to hurt the least possible of Naestra is channelled into the body of the foe, giving him a quick and painless death. Spear. Confers the Killing Blow special rule on Naestra. Bow of Dawn The arrows of this bow explode in iridescent displays of magic fire, like a small sun rising before falling on the evil beings unworthy of its light. Asrai Longbow. Hits by this longbow are magical and flaming. If the shot hits, place the small template over the target (the model on the centre of a unit if necessary), and resolve it as you would for a Stone Thrower, except all hits are at Strength 3 (4 at short range) and none of them has the Multiple Wounds ability. If it does not hit, the template scatters an artillery dice. Use the small arrow if the scatter dice indicates a Hit. On a Misfire, nothing happens (the arrow does not explode and so is totally harmless). Arahan may shoot at a different target from Naestra's and Ceithin-Har's if she wishes.

Spear of Dawn Just like Arahan, this spear lusts for blood. Each time it tastes it, it unleashes a pulse of brilliant light, blinding Arahans foes and claiming for easier blood to drink. Spear. If Arahan causes a unsaved wound on a enemy, then that model and any models in the unit that have not attacked yet suffer a -1 to hit for that Close Combat phase. SCEOLAN, THE WINTER WARDEN Sceolan is the oldest and most cunning Asrai warrior alive. He may not be the best all-round fighter, but his mastery of the Sarath is without equal. His elven reflexes added with his incredible fight-analysing capacities allow him to take advantage of any single slightest mistake made by his opponents, retaliating instantly thank to the easy handling of his weapon and his centuries expertise with it. It is said he was also an excellent bowman in his youth, but he chose to abandon it when a place in the Eternal Guard was offered to him. He said he likes to contemplate the battle from afar and analyse it, moving little but decisively, a way of fighting not very compatible with the swirling, fluctuant Glade Guard battleline. His force of will, the respect and trust he inspires earned him the Winter Warden title, for he is as strong, merciless and unavoidable as the winter wind. He leads his Kindred of the Oak Glades with wisdom but without concession once a decision has been made. Sceolan and his followers are usually summoned when a very critical place is endangered, for they are the best and ultimate rampart of Athel Loren kingdom. Moreover, Sceolan is an accomplished bodyguard, able to protect both him and his sheltered one with his single, long and freezing weapon, slowing enemies down while his skill do the rest. M Sceolan 5 WS 6 BS 6 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 7 A 3 Ld 9

TROOP TYPE : Infantry SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Regeneration, Stubborn, Bodyguard, Retaliate, The Winter Warden. Sceolan is a Noble (Hero) from the Kindred of Selathoi, and must be used as presented here. Retaliate : The speed, expertise and special weapon of Sceolan make him a master of close-combat, difficult to touch and repaying every blow. When any enemy model rolls to hit Sceolan in contact, for every 1 the dice roll for hitting, Sceolan immediately strike back with as many attacks at his own WS and S. These attacks are in addition to his normal attacks, are made before the opponent rolls to wound and each must be directed against the model who scored the 1s generating this counter-attack. If a model is slain by Sceolan counter-attacks, they can not roll to wound and may not be replaced this turn. The Winter Warden : Sceolans moves create a sort of freezing wind around him, covering those he as sworn to protect. In close combat, no attack can be directed to a friendly character in base contact with Sceolan. MAGIC ITEMS Sceolan carries the Staff of Eternal Winter and the Railarans Mantle. Staff of Eternal Winter The ice edges of this weapon create a freezing snow wind when swung in the air. Those caught in this blow are dulled, slowed and inept for fighting. Sarath. Any enemy model in base contact with Sceolan has the Always strike last special rule, and must re-roll any successful to hit dice. Railarans Mantle Woven and bound by the oldest of Branchwraiths for the first Elven guardian of the sacred trees, this mantle is transmitted from generation to the most reliable and trusted warden of the groves. This cape improves Sceolans armour save by one. In addition, if he his within 6 of a wood, he and his unit replace their Regeneration with a 4+ Ward save.

DURTHU, THE FURY OF OLD Durthu resembles a wizened and gnarled old oak tree. He is immensely old and has endured in the depths of the forest for untold ages. On rare occasions he is glimpsed among the shadowy glades or even found by wandering mages. If the Forest of Loren is invaded, Durthu will become disturbed by shouts and wanton destruction of the invaders. Enraged, he will lurch through the forest seeking out the intruders and attack them with savage fury that defies description. He was once forced to flee from the axes of dwarves, a weakness he never forgave himself. Since that day, he is consumed by the desire for revenge against every foe, some say maddened by his lust for paying back and his hate for every intruders. He is the most vindictive of all wood spirits and is very easy to convince to strike, since he identifies particular foes whom he remembers specific forest-despoliation acts in every force approaching Athel Loren. The fact that even Elves wary in his presence does not bother him. He knows that they will not cause any harm to the forest, but the mad image he gives of himself please s him. In his mind, he laughs a lot when he sees Asrai tremble at every move before him, confounding themselves in excuses for minor things they think are mistakes. For Durthu, while as old as the forest is exactly like it, with the mind of a child : tricky and playful with the ones he likes and cold hearted and hate driven with those who dare hurt him and his beloved ones. M Durthu 5 WS 7 BS 0 S 7 T 7 W 7 I 1 A 6 Ld 9

TROOP TYPE : Monster SPECIAL RULES : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Terror, Scaly Skin (2+), Stubborn, Hatred, Large Target, Treesinging, Strangle-root, Tree Whack, Infuse Hatred, Tough Hide, One Tree short of a Forest. Durthu is a Treemen Ancient (Lord) and must be used as presented. Tough Hide : Durthu's 'skin' is gnarled and dense, even by the standards of Treemen. Whenever Durthu is wounded, he treats the armour save modifier of the attack as one less than it would normally be (ie; , a Strength 5 attack would only confer a -1 save modifier). One Tree short of a Forest : Durthu has seen incursion after incursion lay waste to his beloved groves. His eagerness to lay revenge upon particularly vile forest-despoilers often leads Durthu to fixate upon one particular enemy who he identifies as the most responsible or an ancient unpunished despoiler. A the begining of the game, the opposing player may nominate one of his own units or character as ruthless, treekilling individuals who have been guilty of earning Durthu's ire. Against this unit, Durthu is has the Frenzy special rule. This may lead him to declare a charge against this unit, of course. SPITES Durthu is inhabited by Spring Blossomers, a Verdant Bodyguard (bonus to already included in his profile) and an Unburden of Thieflings. Unburden of Thieflings These small wood-men spites riding wasps and beetle seem inhabited by a inexhaustible energy but also a kleptomaniac streak a league or so wide. When they swarm over their target they stab him with countless little poisoned spears then use their razor sharp claws to filch anything that takes their fancy (peculiarly, these tend to be all manner of clasps, buckles and pins, although it has been known for several to work together in acquiring a particularly shiny helmet). These spites act as a missile weapon with a range of 12" that fire D6 Strength 2 shoots (this may target a different unit to Durthus Strangle Roots attack) that always hit on 4+with the Poisoned special rule. In close combat, these spites give an additional D6 Strength 2 attacks which count as Poisoned. Any enemy units that suffer wounds from the Unburden of Thieflings is considered as being subject to the effects of the spell Transmutation of Lead from the Lore of Metal for the rest of the game.

DAITH, CHOSEN OF THE WHITE HART When Lady Findol refused to pay the master smith Daith for the Spirit Sword, he called for the testimony and anger of the wood spirits to chase her out of his home and force her to apologise and pay. The wise Oracle did not flinch at this mere intimidating manoeuvre and just waved away, claiming this was just proof she was right concerning the flaw in the blade. Astonished and deeply hurt in his proud, Daith contemplated the Spirit Sword. Sharpened, strong, light, well-balanced, is was perfect. As always. But then, Daith understood. The flaw was not in the shape of the blade but in its spirit, in the heart he had he had forged it with, and reflected in it. He had given the blade his overwhelming proud, his selfsatisfaction and his exaggerated trust in himself. So, the blade was selfish, proud and would be a danger to its wielder. Understanding that Lady Findol asked for the blade just to make him realise his sin of proud, he went to the forest, seeking for a purity of soul and heart as perfect as the blades he forged. In his quest for humility, he took nothing but his first worn out smith-hammer, from when he was just an apprentice. There, he discovered again how little and insignificant he was compared to the world. Once again, he was awed by the perseverance of insects neglecting their own safety and life so that they could build a house or mating to ensure the future of their kind. He was mesmerized seeing how beasts decide to let a prey go if it escapes them to many times, understanding it is better than them and change their target. One day he caught the sight of a pure white animal and stopped in awe. It was the White Hart of Athel Loren, the one stag of unsurpassed nobility and grace. The unique and eternal aspect of the forest encompassing the immortality of perfection in body and soul. The White Hart was looking at him through the shrubs. Once able to move, Daith came nearer to the magnificent animal, who darted away then stopped, looking again at the Asrai with his warm friendly golden eyes. Daith came again, and the chase lasted for weeks, the White Hart leading him, losing him in the forest, until one day, Daith found him waiting quietly near Vauls Anvil. At that time, Daith knew the White Hart at put him on a trial, his gaze was clear and commanding, though still friendly. So he forged here the pinnacle of his art, out of his childhood hammer, with no other materials than his own spirit and heart crystallized by the ancient forest magic. What came to life was the most perfect blade and armour ever made in the woods, immortal tools of purity and death, perfect both in shape and soul, for Daith heart was now pure as snow. Then, the White Hart offered himself as a steed to the Asrai, forging an immortal bond, making the pair an everlasting symbol of purity, grace and beauty, intertwined in shape, soul and deed. The pair is mostly solitary but will occasionally join Wild Hunters to purify their thoughts. Wild Hunters are chosen for the perfection of their bodies, but the White Hart chose one for his perfection in both flesh and mind. M Daith The White Hart 5 9 WS 7 6 BS 6 0 S 5 5 T 3 4 W 3 4 I 8 0 A 4 3 Ld 10 8

TROOP TYPE : Monstrous Cavalry SPECIAL RULES (Daith) : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, The Wild Hunt, The Fury of Kurnous. SPECIAL RULES (The White Hart) : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fast Cavalry, Impact hits (1D3), Purity of Strike Daith is a Highborn (Lord) from the Kindreds of Auryaur and must be used as presented here. Purity of Strike : The proximity of the White Hart cleans the souls of Wild Hunters. With a mind clear as crystal and pure gestures, they strike with unparalleled perfection. Wild Hunters in the same unit as Daith and the White Hart have a +1 bonus to hit in close combat and the Killing blow special rule. This also applies to Daith, but not on the Great Stags or on the White Hart. MAGIC ITEMS Daith carries the Daiths Reaper and the Oaken Armour Daiths Reaper This unequalled blade is so pure it seems to guide the hand of its wielder. Fouls flawed armour are of no use against the perfection of its very nature Great Weapon. Daith may re-roll any failed to hit dice in close combat. In addition, any foe wounded by this sword must reroll successful Armour Saves.

Oaken Armour This armour binds the life force of Daith to its own, making him as everlasting as a millennial oak, perfect in toughness and body, laughing at the weak flawed attacks. Heavy armour. The Armour Save of Daith can never be reduced because of Strength bonuses or special rules or effect (like Armour Piercing), though it can be negated by an attack ignoring armour saves. In addition, an attack causing Multiple Wounds loses this special rule when wounding Daith.

LORDS ORION, KING IN THE WOODS (KINDREDS OF AURYAUR) Profile M WS BS S T W I Orion Hound Equipment Horn of the Wild Hunt Cloak of Isha Spear of Kurnous Hawks Talon 9 9 8 4 6 0 5 4 5 3 6 1 9 4 600PTS A 6 1 Ld 10 6 Troop Type Monstrous Infantry War Beast

Special rules Unbreakable Forests Walker Forest Spirit Terror The Fury of Kurnous Divine Aura

Unstable The Wild Hunt Hounds of the Hunt King in the Wood Spirit of Kurnous

Orion must be your General if aligned and may be deployed in a unit of up to 10 Hounds, each costing 10pts. If accompagnied with Hounds, he can not leave the unit. ARIEL, QUEEN OF ATHEL LOREN (KINDRED OF YENAYLA) Profile M WS BS S T W I Ariel 5 4 4 4 4 4 7 600PTS A 3 Ld 10 Troop Type Monstrous Infantry

Magic Ariel is a Level 4 Wizard. She knows all the spells from the Lore of Athel Loren. Equipment Hand weapon Wand of Wych Elm Hearstone of Athel Loren Muster of Netlers Special rules Forests Walker Terror Fly Strider Earthbind Divine Aura Forest Spirit Fey Mother Queen of Athel Loren Aura of the Fey Queen Herald of the Forest Treesinging

Ariel must be your Wood-Seer if aligned, and the General if Orion is not aligned.


380PTS S 5 T 5 W 3 I 9 A 5 Ld 9 Troop Type Infantry

Magic Drycha is a Level 2 Wizard. She may use spells from the Lore of Athel Loren. Equipment Razor sharp talon (hand weapon) Midnight Screamer Deepwoods Hexer Zenith Radiant Special rules Forests Walker Fear Wild Leader Treesinging Hatred Scout Forest Spirit Infuse Hatred Fanatism The Sylve Daughter The Branchwraith Army

Drycha is always in a unit of 10+ Dryads, at 14pts each. Drycha must be your General and your Wood Seer if aligned and can not join an army leaded by Orion. GRUARTH, THE SABER-FANGED (KINDREDS OF LAITH-KOURN) Profile M WS BS S T W I A Gruarth Cat Initiate 9 9 7 4 0 0 6 5 5 4 5 3 9 7 6 4 285PTS Ld 9 8 Troop Type Monstrous Beast Monstrous Beast

Equipment Rooaaaarrrr (hand weapon) Hungry Render

Special rules Forests Walker Forest Spirit Fear Skirmishers

Ambushers Aspect of the Cat Fang and Claw Cat Initiates

Gruarth must join a unit of 1+ Cat Initiates, at 70pts each. The unit may take one Season Spites for 40pts, like a normal Alters unit. DURTHU, THE FURY OF OLD Profile M WS BS Durthu 5 7 0 470PTS S 7 T 7 W 7 I 1 A 6 Ld 9 Troop Type Monster

Equipment Gnarled fists (hand weapon) Spring Blossomers Verdant Bodyguard Unburden of Thieflings

Special rules Forests Walker Forest Spirit Terror Treesinging Scaly Skin (2+) Stubborn One Tree short of a Forest

Hatred Large Target Strangle-root Tough Hide Tree Whack Infuse Hatred

NAESTRA AND ARAHAN, SISTERS OF TWILIGHT AND DAWN (KINDREDS OF LAKOYS) Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Naestra Arahan Ceinthin-Har 5 5 6 6 6 7 6 6 0 4 4 7 3 3 7 2 2 7 7 7 2 3 3 6 9 9 9 Infantry Infantry Monster


Equipment Naestra : Bow and Spear of Twilight Arahan : Bow and Spear of Dawn Both : light armour Ceithin-Har : great fangs (hand weapon) Mount Ceithin-Har

Special rules (Naestra and Arahan) Forests Walker Skirmishers (while on foot) Sister-twins Masters of the Wild Special rules (Ceithin Har) Forests Walker Large Target Forest Spirit Terror Fly Scaly Skin (3+) Ceinthin-Har Breath

Naestra and Arahan count as a single Highborn. Ceithin-Har is an Athel Loren Dragon. DAITH, CHOSEN OF THE WHITE HART (KINDREDS OF AURYAUR) Profile M WS BS S T W I A Daith The White Hart Equipment Daiths Reaper Oaken Armour Talismanic Tattoos Mount The White Hart 5 9 7 6 6 0 5 5 3 4 3 4 8 6 4 3 420PTS Ld 10 8 Troop Type Monstrous Cavalry -

Special rules (Daith) Forests Walker Forest Spirit

The Wild Hunt The Fury of Kurnous

Special rules (The White Hart) Forests Walker Purity of Strike Forest Spirit Fast Cavalry Impact hits (1D3)

The White Hart is a Great Stag. Daith and the White Hart can only join a unit of Wild Hunters.

ELVEN ARCHMAGE Profile M Wood Shaper Spellweaver 5 5

200PTS WS BS 4 4 4 4 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 3 3 I 5 5 A 1 1 Ld 9 9 Troop Type Infantry Infantry

Magic Elven Archmages are level 3 wizards. Wood Shapers use spells from the Lore of Athel Loren, Spellweavers may use spells from the Lore of Beasts, Life, Shadow, Death or Light. Equipment Hand weapon Asrai Longbow Special rules (Wood Shaper) Forests Walker Forest Spirit Herald of the Forest Treesingin A Wood Shaper can be your Wood-Seer Special Rules (Spellweaver) Forests Walker Treesinging Options MUST join a Kindred at the cost indicated Kel-Isha/Spellcrafter free Yenayla/Glamourweave 20pts May be upgraded to a level 4 wizard 35pts A Wood Shaper must ride either : a Deepwood Unicorn 16pts a Royal Unicorn 60pts A Wood Shaper may take Magic Items and Solitary Spites up to 100pts A Spellweaver may be mounted on one of the following : Great Eagle 50pts Elven Steed 18pts If on foot, a Spellweaver may be given the Scout and Skirmishers special rules 15pts. A Spellweaver may take Magic Items and ONE Solitary Spite up to 100pts A Spellweaver may have Talismanic Tattoos 20pts 330PTS WS BS 7 0 S 7 T 7 W 7 I 1 A 6 Ld 9 Troop Type Monster

TREEMAN ANCIENT Profile M Treeman Ancient 5

Equipment Gnarled fists (hand weapon)

Options May take a Season Spite May take Solitary Spites up to May take any of the following Tree whack Strangle root

40pts 100pts 10pts 20pts

Special rules Forests Walker Forest Spirit Scaly Skin (3+) Terror Hatred Treesinging Stubborn Large Target Flammable Infuse Hatred

HIGHBORN Profile Highborn Alter Highborn Equipment Hand weapon Asrai Longbow Special rules Forests Walker

145PTS M 5 7 WS BS 7 7 6 0 S 4 6 T 3 5 W 3 5 I 8 7 A 4 5 Ld 10 9 Troop Type Infantry Monstrous Beast

NB : Remember that some Kindreds may add other special rules

NB : remember that some of these options might be forbidden or compulsory depending on the Kindred the Highborn joins, and that they may lose their Asrai Longbow.

Options MUST join a Kindred at the cost indicated Lakoys/Glade Guard free Sehenlu/Glade Rider 15pts Arahain/Scout 25pts Selathoi/Eternal Guard 35pts Haroith/Spring Runner 35pts Auryaur/Wild Rider 50pts Caidath/Wardancer 50pts Nimraif/Waywatcher 45pts Sethayla/Warhawk Rider 15pts Laith-Kourn/Alter 100pts May be armed with one of the following Great weapon 6pts Additional hand weapon (unless mounted) 3pts Spear 3pts Talons whip (Sethayla only) 6pts May take a shield 3pts May take light armour 3pts May be mounted on one of the following Elven steed 18pts Great Stag 65pts Warhawk 30pts Great Eagle 50pts Athel Loren Dragon 350pts Meadows Chariot (replaces one of the crew)85pts May take Magic Items and ONE Solitary Spite up to 100pts May have Talismanic Tattoos 20pts If not wearing a Magic Bow, may have a Hunters' Talon 25pts 270PTS S 5 T 4 W 4 I 9 A 4 Ld 10 Troop Type Monstrous Infantry

RIFTBLADE (KINDRED OF TALU) Profile M WS BS Riftblade Equipment Talu Halberd Talismanic Tattoos Special rules Forests Walker Forest Spirit Hatred Fear Skirmishers Anointed Avenger 9 8 0

Options MUST choose one, at no additional cost, between : Lightning revenge Savage revenge Furious revenge Shadows revenge May take ONE Solitary Spite up to 50pts

HEROES NAETH THE PROPHETESS (KINDREDS OF ELENRAI) Profile M WS BS S T W Naeth 5 4 4 3 3 2 230PTS I 5 A 1 Ld 8 Troop Type Infantry

Magic : Naeth is a Level 2 wizard. She may use spells from the Lore of Heavens. Equipment Hand weapon Asrai Longbow Rod of Divination Talismanic Tattoos Edgewoods Watcher Special rules Forests Walker Divination Shield Scout Skirmishers Othu the Owl The Prophetess 180PTS I 7 A 3 Ld 9 Troop Type Infantry

SCARLOC, THE RANGER (KINDREDS OF ARAHAIN) Profile M WS BS S T W Scarloc Equipment Hand weapon Light Armour Talismanic Tattoos Hunter's Bane Horn of the Asrai 5 6 6 4 3 2

Special rules Forests Walker Skirmishers Scout Warden of All Woods

WYCHWETHYL, THE WILD (KINDREDS OF CAIDATH) Profile M WS BS S T W Wychwhethyl Equipment Blades of Loec Drum of Orcskin Talismanic Tattoos 5 7 6 4 3 2

210PTS I 7 A 3 Ld 9 Troop Type Infantry

Special rules Forests Walker Skirmishers Unseizable Immune to Psychology The Ennemy Within

Evasive Shadow Dances of Loec Dance of Doom The Wild

SKAW, THE FALCONER (KINDREDS OF LAITH-KOURN) Profile M WS BS S T W Skaw Equipment Cape of Feather Lash of Claws Talismanic Tattoos 5 6 6 4 3 2

160PTS I 7 A 3 Ld 9 Troop Type Infantry

Special rules Forests Walker Forest Spirit Skirmishers

Hawks The Falconer

SCEOLAN, THE WINTER WARDEN (KINDREDS OF SELATHOI) Profile M WS BS S T W I A Sceolan Equipment Staff of Eternal Winter Railarans Mantle Light armour 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3

180PTS Ld 9 Troop Type Infantry

Special rules Forests Walker Regeneration Stubborn

Bodyguard Retaliate The Winter Warden

MOUNTS Profile Elven Stead Warhawk Meadows Chariot Great Eagle Great Stag Athel Loren Dragon Deepwood Unicorn Royal Unicorn M 9 1 2 9 6 10 10 WS BS 3 4 5 5 6 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 3 4 5 4 5 6 3 4 T 3 3 4 4 4 6 3 4 W 1 2 4 3 3 6 1 3 I 4 5 4 4 3 5 5 A 1 1 2 2 5 1 2 Ld 5 5 8 7 8 8 8 Troop Type War Beast Monstrous Beast Chariot Monstrous Beast Monstrous Beast Monster War Beast Monstrous Beast

Special rules Elven steed : Forests Walker, Fast Cavalry Warhawk : Forests Walker, Fast Cavalry, Fly Meadows Chariot : Forests Walker Great Eagle : Fly Great Stag : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fast Cavalry, Impact hits (1D3) Athel Loren Dragon : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fly, Large Target, Terror, Scaly Skin (3+), Forest Breath Deepwood Unicorn : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fast Cavalry, Magic Resistance (2), Impale Royal Unicorn : Forests Walker, Forest Spirit, Fast Cavalry, Magic Resistance (2), Impale

ELVEN MAGES Profile Tree Singer Spellsinger

90PTS M 5 5 WS BS 4 4 4 4 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 2 2 I 5 5 A 1 1 Ld 8 8 Troop Type Infantry Infantry

Magic Elven Mage are a level 1 wizards. Tree Singers use spells from the Lore of Athel Loren. Spellsingers use spells from the Lore of Beasts, Life or Shadow. Equipment Hand weapon Asrai Longbow Special rules (Tree Singer) Forests Walker Forest Spirit Herald of the Forest Treesinging A Tree Singer can be your Wood-Seer. Special Rules (Spellsinger) Forests Walker Treesinging Options MUST join a Kindred at the cost indicated Kel-Isha/Spellcrafter free Yenayla/Glamourweave 20pts May be upgraded to a level 2 wizard 35pts A Tree Singer must ride either : a Deepwood Unicorn 16pts a Royal Unicorn 60pts A Tree Singer may take Magic Items and Solitary Spites up to 50pts A Spellsinger may be mounted on one of the following : Great Eagle 50pts Elven Steed 18pts If on foot, a Spellsinger may be given the Scout and Skirmishers special rules 15pts. A Spellsinger may take Magic Items and ONE Solitary Spite up to 100pts A Spellsinger may have Talismanic Tattoos 20pts 80PTS M 5 WS BS 6 0 S 5 T 4 W 2 I 8 A 4 Ld 8 Troop Type Infantry

BRANCHWRAITHS Profile Branchwraith

Equipment Razor sharp talons (hand weapon) Special Rules Forests Walker Hatred Forest Spirit Fear Treesinging Dryads Leader

Options May take Solitary Spites up to


NOBLE Profile Noble Alter Noble Equipment Hand weapon Asrai Longbow Special rules Forests Walker

75PTS M 5 7 WS BS 6 6 6 0 S 4 6 T 3 4 W 2 4 I 7 6 A 3 4 Ld 9 8 Troop Type Infantry Monstrous Beast

NB : Remember that some Kindreds may add other special rules NB : remember that some of these options might be forbidden or compulsory depending on the Kindred a Noble joins, and that they may lose their Asrai Longbow Battle Standard Bearer One Noble (from any Kindred that does not forbid it) in the army can carry the Battle Standard for +25pts. They may carry a Magic Standard (with no point limit) but if he does so he may not choose any other Magic Item, though they can still have one Solitary Spite. and a Hunters' Talon. ORACLE (KINDREDS OF ELENRAI) Profile M WS BS Oracle 5 4 4

Options MUST join a Kindred at the cost indicated Lakoys/Glade Guard free Sehenlu/Glade Rider 10pts Arahain/Scout 15pts Selathoi/Eternal Guard 20pts Haroith/Spring Runner 20pts Auryaur/Wild Rider 35pts Caidath/Wardancer 35pts Nimraif/Waywatcher 30pts Sethayla/Warhawk Rider 15pts Laith-Kourn/Alter 85pts May be armed with one of the following Great weapon 4pts Additional hand weapon (unless mounted) 2pts Spear 2pts Talons whip (Sethayla only) 4pts May take a shield 2pts May take light armour 2pts May be mounted on one of the following Elven steed 12pts Great stag 65pts Warhawk 30pts Great Eagle 50pts Meadows Chariot (replaces one of the crew)85pts May take Magic Items and ONE Solitary Spite up to 50pts May have Talismanic Tattoos 20pts If not wearing a Magic Bow, may have a Hunters' Talon 25pts 80PTS S 3 T 3 W 2 I 5 A 1 Ld 8 Troop Type Infantry

Magic An Oracle is a level 1 wizard. They use spells from the Lore of Heavens. Equipment Hand weapon Asrai Longbow Special rules Forests Walker Divination Shield Options May be upgraded to a level 2 wizard May take Magic Items and ONE Solitary Spite up to May be mounted on one of the following Great Eagle Elven steed If on foot, may be given the Scout and Skirmishers special rules May have Talismanic Tattoos 35pts 50pts 50pts 12pts 15pts 20pts

CORE UNITS First Kindred to answer the Call A single unit of Glade Riders, Glade Guards or Scouts may be given a magic standard worth up to 25pts. GLADE GUARD (KINDREDS OF LAKOYS) Profile M WS BS S Glade Guard Lord's Bowman Equipment Hand weapon Asrai Longbow Special rules Forests Walker Unit Size : 10+ GLADE RIDERS (KINDREDS OF SEHENLU) Profile M WS BS S Glade Rider Horsemaster Elven Steed Equipment Hand weapon Asrai Longbow Spear Special rules Forests Walker Fast Cavalry Shoot and Flee Unit size : 5+ SPITES SWARMS Profile Spites Swarm 40PTS M 1 WS BS 2 0 S 2 T 2 W 5 I 4 A 5 Ld 5 Troop Type Swarm 5 5 9 4 4 3 4 5 0 3 3 3 5 5 4 4 4 5 3 3 11PTS T 3 W 1 I 5 A 1 Ld 8 Troop Type Infantry

3 1 5 1 8 Infantry Options Upgrade one Glade Guard to a Lords Bowman 10pts Upgrade one Glade Guard to a musician 10pts Upgrade one Glade Guard to a standard bearer 10pts The entire unit may take any of the following Talismanic Tattoos 2pts/model One Seasons Spites 40pts A Lord's Bowman may have a Hunters' Talon 25pts 22PTS T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 5 5 4 A 1 2 1 Ld 8 8 5 Troop Type Cavalry Cavalry -

Options Upgrade one Glade Rider to a Horsemaster 10pts Upgrade one Glade Rider to a musician 10pts Upgrade one Glade Rider to a standard bearer 10pts The entire unit may take any of the following Talismanic Tattoos 2pts/model One Seasons Spites 40pts A Horsemaster may have a Hunters' Talon 25pts

Equipment Small stings and weapons (hand weapon) Special rules Forests Walker Forest Spirit Hover Poisoned Attacks

Options The entire unit may have Musters of Malevolents 10pt/base Unit size : 2+

SCOUTS (KINDREDS Of ARAHAIN) Profile M WS BS Scout Sentinel Equipment Hand weapon Asrai Longbow Special rules Forests Walker Scout Skirmishers Bonded to the Lakoys Unit size : 5-20 DRYADS Profile Dryad Branch Nymph 5 5 4 4 4 5

15PTS S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 5 5 A 1 1 Ld 8 8 Troop Type Infantry infantry

Options Upgrade one Scout to a Sentinel Upgrade one Scout to a musician Upgrade one Scout to a standard bearer The entire unit may take any of the following Talismanic Tattoos One Seasons Spites A Master Ranger may have a Hunter's Talon

10pts 10pts 10pts 2pts/model 40pts 25pts

14PTS M 5 5 WS BS 4 4 0 0 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 1 1 I 6 6 A 2 3 Ld 8 8 Troop Type Infantry Infantry

Equipment Razor sharp talons (hand weapon) Special Rules Forests Walker Hatred Forest Spirit Fear

Options Upgrade one Dyad to a Branch Nymph The unit may have one Seasons Spites Unit size : 10+

10pts 40pts

SPRING RUNNERS (KINDREDS OF HAROITH) Profile M WS BS S T Spring Runner Spring Screamer Equipment Two hand weapons Asrai Longbow Special rules Forests Walker Skirmishers Shoot and Charge Scornful and Scorned at Frenzy 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3

11PTS W 1 1 I 5 5 A 1 2 Ld 8 8 Troop Type Infantry Infantry

Options Upgrade one Spring Runner to a Spring Screamer 10pts Upgrade one Spring Runner to a musician 10pts Upgrade one Spring Runner to a standard bearer 10pts The entire unit may take any of the following Talismanic Tattoos 2pts/model One Seasons Spites 40pts Unit size : 5+ Spring Runners do not count towards the minimum points you must spend on Core Units.

SPECIAL UNITS WILD RIDERS OF KURNOUS (KINDREDS OF AURYAUR) Profile M WS BS S T W I Wild Rider Wild Hunter Elven steed Equipment Spear Light armour Talismanic Tattoos Special rules Forests Walker Forest Spirit The Wild Hunt The Fury of Kurnous Fast Cavalry 5 5 9 5 5 3 4 4 0 4 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 5 5 4 26PTS A 1 2 1 Ld 9 9 5 Troop Type Cavalry Cavalry -

Options May upgrade one Wild Rider to a Wild Hunter 10pts MUST upgrade one Wild Rider to a musician free May upgrade one Wild Rider to a standard bearer 10pts A Wild Riders unit with a standard bearer may take a Magic Standard worth up to 25pts The unit may have one Seasons Spite 40pts The entire unit may replace its spears by great weapons 2pts/model Unit size : 5+ 80PTS A 2 3 2 Ld 9 9 7 Troop Type Monstrous Cavalry Monstrous Cavalry -

WILD HUNTERS OF KURNOUS (KINDREDS OF AURYAUR) Profile M WS BS S T W I Wild Hunter Brother of Orion Great Stag Equipment Spear Light armour Talismanic Tattoos Special rules Forests Walker Forest Spirit The Wild Hunt The Fury of Kurnous Fast Cavalry Pride of the Hunt Impact Hits (1D3) 5 5 9 5 5 5 4 4 0 4 4 5 3 3 4 1 1 3 5 5 4

Options MUST upgrade one Wild Hunter to a musician free May upgrade one Wild Hunter to a Brother of Orion 10pts May upgrade one Wild Rider to a standard bearer 10pts A Wild Riders unit with a standard bearer may take a Magic Standard worth up to 50pts The unit may have one Seasons Spite 40pts The entire unit may replace its spears by great weapons 2pts/model Unit size : 3+

TREE KINS Profile Tree Kin Tree Kin Elder

50PTS M 5 5 WS BS 4 4 0 0 S 5 5 T 5 5 W 3 3 I 3 3 A 3 4 Ld 8 8 Troop Type Monstrous Infantry Monstrous Infantry

Equipment Branchlike limbs (hand weapon) Special Rules Forests Walker Fear Flammable Scaly Skin (4+) Forest Spirit Dispensable Body

Options Upgrade one Tree Kin to a Tree Kin Elder The unit may have one Seasons Spite May upgrade the entire unit to have the Woodland Ambush special rule Unit size : 3+

10pts 40pts 10pts/model

WARHAWK RIDERS (KINDREDS OF SETHAYLA) Profile M WS BS S T Warhawk Rider Wind Hunter Warhawk Equipment Hand weapon Asrai Longbow Talons whip Special Rules Forests Walker Fly Fast Cavalry Hit and Run Unit size : 3-12 5 5 1 4 4 4 4 5 0 3 3 4 3 3 3

35PTS W 1 1 2 I 5 5 5 A 1 2 1 Ld 8 8 5 Troop Type Monstrous Cavalry Monstrous Cavalry -

Options Upgrade one Warhawk Rider to a Wind Hunter 10pts Upgrade one Warhawk Rider to a musician 10pts Upgrade one Warhawk Rider to a standard bearer 10pts A Warhawk Riders unit with a standard bearer may take a Magic Standard worth up to 25pts The entire unit may swap its Talons whips with spear and shield free The entire unit may have Talismanic Tattoos 2pts/model A Wind Hunter may have a Hunter's Talon 25pts

WARDANCERS OF LOEC (KINDREDS OF CAIDATH) Profile M WS BS S T W Wardancer Bladesinger Equipment Wardancers Weapons Talismanic Tattoos Special rules Forests Walker Skirmishers Immune to psychology The Enemy Within Evasive Shadow Dances of Loec 5 5 6 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 1 1

18PTS I 6 6 A 1 2 Ld 8 8 Troop Type Infantry Infantry

Options Upgrade one Wardancer to a Bladesinger Upgrade one Wardancer to a musician Upgrade one Wardancer to a standard bearer A Wardancers unit with a standard bearer may take a Magic Standard worth up to The unit may have one Seasons Spite Unit size : 5+

10pts 10pts 10pts 50pts 40pts

ETERNAL GUARD (KINDREDS OF SELATHOI) Profile M WS BS S T Eternal Guard Guardian Equipment Sarath Light Armour Special rules Forests Walker Regeneration Stubborn Bodyguard Unit size : 10+ 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3

15PTS W 1 1 I 6 6 A 1 2 Ld 9 9 Troop Type Infantry Infantry

Options Upgrade one Eternal Guard to a Guardian 10pts Upgrade one Eternal Guard to a musician 10pts Upgrade one Eternal Guard to a standard bearer 10pts An Eternal Guard unit with a standard bearer may take a Magic Standard worth up to 50pts The entire unit may take any of the following Talismanic Tattoos 2pts/model One Seasons Spites 40pts The entire unit may take shields, forfeiting their Extra Attack free

FOREST BEASTS ROUTS (KINDREDS OF LAITH-KOURN) Profile M WS BS S T W I Packmaster Forest Beast 3D6 3D6 4 4 4 0 3 3 3 3 1 1 5 4

A 1 *

Ld 8 8

Troop Type - 8pts/model War Beast 6pts/model

Equipment Knives, teeth, nails (hand weapon) Bolas (Beastmasters only) Special Rules Forests Walker Forest Spirit Monster and Handlers

Options All Forest Beasts may have any of the following Roaring, shouting and howling 1pt/model Tusk, antlers and horns 1pt/model Leather, scales and chitin 1pt/model Venom and rabies 2pts/model All Packmasters may have Talismanic Tattoos 2pts/model The unit may have one Seasons Spite 40pts

Unit size : 10+ (must have at least one Beastmaster for every 5 Forest Beasts) MEADOWS CHARIOTS (KINDREDS OF SEHENLU) Profile M WS BS S T Chariot Elf crew Elven steed Equipment Light Armour Asrai Longbow Hand weapon Spear Special rules Forests Walker 9 4 3 4 5 3 3 4 85PTS W 4 I 5 4 A 1 1 Ld 8 Troop Type Chariot (armour save 5+) -

Options The crew may have Talismanic Tattoos Unit size : 1 Crew 2 Elf Crew Drawn by 2 Elven steed


RARE UNITS WAYWATCHERS (KINDREDS OF NIMRAIF) Profile M WS BS S Waywatcher Shadows Strider Equipment Two hand weapons Asrai Longbow Talismanic Tattoos Special rules Forests Walkers Skirmishers Scout Woodland Ambush Camouflage Trap Way of the Bow ALTERS (KINDREDS OF LAITH-KOURN) Profile M WS BS S Alter Master of Forms 7 7 4 4 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 3 3 24PTS T 3 3 W 1 1 I 5 5 A 1 2 Ld 9 9 Troop Type Infantry Infantry

Options May upgrade one Waywatcher to a Shadow Strider 10pts The unit may have one Seasons Spite 40pts Unit size : 5-10 A unit of Waywatchers must always be deployed using the Scouts or Woodland Ambush special rule, even if the scenario does not allow it.

70PTS T 4 4 W 3 3 I 4 4 A 3 4 Ld 8 8 Troop Type Monstrous Beast Monstrous Beast

Equipment REALLY big claws (hand weapon) Special rules Forests Walker Forest Spirit Fear Skirmishers Primal Aspects GREAT EAGLE Profile Great Eagle

Options May upgrade one Alter to a Master of Forms If composed of more than one member, the unit may have one Seasons Spite Unit size : 1+

10pts 40pts

50PTS M 1 WS BS 5 0 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Troop Type Monstrous Beast

Equipment Powerful talons (hand weapon) Unit size : 1

Special rules Fly

TREEMAN Profile Treeman

200PTS M 5 WS BS 5 0 S 6 T 6 W 6 I 2 A 5 Ld 8 Troop Type Monster

Equipment Gnarled fists (hand weapon) Special rules Forests Walker Forest Spirit Terror Flammable Scaly Skin (3+) Stubborn Hatred Large Target Treesinging DREAMWALKERS Profile Dreamwalker

Options May have one Seasons Spite May take any of the following Tree whack Strangle root Unit size : 1

40pts 10pts 20pts

300PTS M 9 WS BS 4 0 S 0 T 4 W 6 I 2 A 5 Ld 8 Troop Type Monster

Equipment Light vaporous limbs (hand weapon) Special rules Forests Walker Forest Spirit Hatred Large Target Unbreakable Unstable Frenzy Terror Multiple Wounds (D3) Dreams Entity Reach WANDERING HERDS Profile M Wandering Herd *

Unit size : 1

100PTS WS BS S 5 T 4 W 10 I 4 A 0 Ld 0 Troop Type Unique

Equipment Hooves, gore, antlers...(hand weapon) Special Rules Swiftstride Striders Woodland Ambush Unbreakable Driven by Fear Unstoppable

Unit size : 1

LORDS Alter Highborn Ariel Daith -White Hart Drycha Durthu Gruarth -Cat Initiate Highborn -Ceithin-Har Orion -Hound Riftblade Spellweaver Treeman Ancient Wood Shaper HEROES Alter Noble Branchwraith Naeth Noble Oracle Scarloc Sceolan Skaw Spellsinger Tree Singer Wychwethyl CORE Dryads -Branch Nymph Glade Guard -Lord's Bowman Glade Rider -Horsemaster -Elven steed Scout -Sentinel Spring Runner -Spring Screamer Spites Swarm M WS BS 7 5 5 9 5 5 9 9 5 6 9 9 9 5 5 5 7 4 7 6 7 7 7 4 7 6 7 8 4 8 4 7 4 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 6 0 0 4 0 4 S T W I A Ld 6 4 5 5 5 7 6 5 4 4 7 5 4 5 3 7 3 5 4 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 3 7 5 3 4 3 7 3 5 7 5 9 4 7 3 10 Type MB MI (SC) MB In (SC) Mo (SC) MB (SC) MB In In (SC) Mo MI (SC) WB MI In Mo In Type MB In In (SC) In In In (SC) In (SC) In (SC) In In In (SC) Type In In In In Ca Ca In In In In Sw Page 27 35 46 36 45 41 25 42 34 28 23 24 22 Page 27 24 37 25 24 38 44 40 23 22 39 Page 16 7 7 8 9 20
Troop Type Key : In = Infantry, WB = War Beast, Cav = Cavalry, MI = Monstrous Infantry, MB = Monstrous Beast, MC = Monstrous Cavalry, Mo = Monster, Ch = Chariot, SC= Special Character, Sw = Swarm, U = Unique

SPECIAL Eternal Guard -Guardian Forest Beast -Packmaster Meadows Chariot -Elven crew -Elven steed Tree Kin -Tree Kin Elder Wardancer -Bladesinger Warhawk Rider -Wind Hunter -Warhawk Wild Hunter -Brother of Orion -Great Stag Wild Rider -Wild Hunter -Elven steed RARE Alter -Master of Forms Dreamwalker Great Eagle Tree Man Wandering Herd Waywatcher -Shadows Strider MOUNTS Athel Loren Dragon Deepwood Unicorn Elven steed Great Eagle Great Stag Royal Unicorn Warhawk

M 5 5 3D6 3D6 9 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 9 5 5 9 M 7 7 9 2 5 * 5 5 M 6 10 9 2 9 10 1

WS BS S T W I A Ld Type Page 5 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 0 4 4 0 0 4 4 4 5 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 4 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 1 6 1 1 6 2 1 4 * 1 5 1 4 - - 5 1 - 4 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 1 6 1 1 6 2 1 5 1 1 5 2 1 5 1 1 5 2 1 5 3 3 5 2 1 5 1 1 5 2 1 4 1 9 9 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 9 9 7 9 9 5 In In Ch MI MI In In 9 14 8 16 11 -

WB 14

3 8 4 10 In (SC) 4 6 3 3 9 5 7 1 6 5 9 6 3 7 4 2 7 3 7 2 6 8 9 9 9 8 9 9

3 8 4 10

Naestra & Arahan 5

MC 13 MC MC 11 MC Cav 10 Cav -

6 9 6 10 1 4 1 3 5 1 7 1 6 3 5 1 6 9 9 9

4 9 4 10

M WS BS 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 4 6 4 6 6 6 4 4 7 0 0 4 6 4 6 6 6 4 4 6

S T W I A Ld 6 5 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 6 4 2 8 4 2 5 1 2 7 3 2 5 1 2 7 3 2 7 3 2 7 3 2 5 1 2 5 1 2 7 3 8 8 8 9 8 9 9 9 8 8 9

WS BS S T W I A Ld Type Page 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 5 4 5 4 0 4 4 4 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 6 1 1 4 3 4 4 2 5 4 2 2 5 5 1 5 2 8 8 8 8 8 0 9 9 MB MB Mo MB Mo U In In 15 18 18 17 19 12 -

5 4 10 4 0

WS BS S T W I A Ld Type Page 6 4 3 5 5 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 6 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 5 5 1 4 1 4 2 5 2 5 2 5 1 8 8 5 8 7 8 5 Mo WB WB MB MB MB MB 21 21 22 18 20 21 22

M WS BS 5 5 5 5 5 5 9 5 5 5 5 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 0 0 4 5 4 5 0 4 5 4 4 0

S T W I A Ld 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 6 2 1 6 3 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 5 2 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 5 2 5 4 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 8 8 8 8 5

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