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Unofficial Referee Observers Report Unofficial Referee Observers Report

The Third Team (

UEFA Under-21 European Championship 2013 (ENG) England 1:3 Norway (NOR)

08 June 2013, 18:00 CET HaMoshava, Petah Tikva, Israel

Match Officials Referee Assistant Referee 1 Assistant Referee 2 Additional AR 1 Additional AR 2 Fourth Official UEFA Delegate UEFA Referee Observer Blog Referee Observer
1 2

Name Serhiy Boiko Haralds Gudermanis Dmitry Zhuk Ivan Kruzliak Halis zkahya Sandro Pozzi Kazimierz Oleszek Vlado Sajn Edward A.


Mark1 8.3 8.5 8.4 8.0 8.3 8.0

Mark2 -------------------------

Difficulty3 Challenging Challenging Challenging Normal Challenging Normal

Final mark according to evaluation scale. Expected level for AARs and fourth official is 8.0, crucial mistake 7.7! Mark if the final mark had not been influenced by a crucial mistake (only in case of a crucial mistake, to be held empty if no crucial mistake occurred). 3 Difficulty has to be integrated into the final mark. Levels of difficulty are: normal, challenging and very challenging. 4 Blog-Referee Observer =Inofficial referee observer appointed by the blog administrator.

Evaluation scale 9.0 10.0 8.5 8.9 8.3 8.4 8.2 8.0 8.1 7.9 7.8 7.5 7.7 7.0 7.4 6.0 6.9

(for referee and assistant referees only)

Description of the Marks Excellent. Very good. Important decision(s) correctly taken. Good. Expected level. Satisfactory with small areas for improvement. Satisfactory with important areas for improvement. One clear and important mistake, otherwise 8.3 or above. One clear and important mistake, otherwise 8.0 8.2. Below expectation, poor control, significant point(s) for improvement. Disappointing. Below expectation with one and clear important mistake or a performance with two or more clear and important mistakes. Unacceptable.

Unofficial Referee Observers Report

The Third Team (

1) Description of the match: Second matchday of U21 Tournament. After the 1st matchday both teams wanted to win in order to gain the advantage in the qualification process. Match was played at HaMoshava stadium which produced attendance of 6.500 spectators who created a good atmosphere. The match was quite fair without many physical duels especially in the first half but with a good level of football. There were some difficult situations for the referee so overall match difficulty can be described as challenging.

2) Knowledge, Application and Interpretation of the Laws of the Game, Disciplinary Control and Technical Management of the game with special reference to the situations and the minutes when they occurred. (Crucial decisions, if available, have to be explicitly mentioned in the grid and highlighted). Comments: Serhiy Boiko showed a good application and interpretation of the LoTG. He had a clear line in foul/no foul detection providing a total of 28 fouls. His intention was not to punish every little contact and that worked well for him. Furthermore he displayed a good knowledge of Law 8 (restart of play) since in 3 situations asked from the players to repeat a foul since the ball wasnt either placed properly or it was moving before the foul was taken. Card management was very good with 3 yellow cards in total [min. 57 to Berge (NOR) for the penalty, min. 82 to Henderson (ENG) for simulation and min. 91 to Chalobah (ENG) for protesting]. Advantage was applied regularly and when needed. Except from all this he had 2 difficult situations to cope with. The first one happened in min. 29 when after a corner kick inside Norways penalty area, Hendersson (ENG) is being slightly pushed by Jonansen (NOR). Referee sees clearly the situation since he is in a position 2 m. from it so I dont have a reason to disagree with him. The second one is the awarded penalty to England. In min. 56 Dawson (ENG) tries to get the header inside Norways penalty area and is being hold by his waist by Semb Berge. Boiko immediately points to the spot (upon consultation with AAR2. The call is justified since the English player clearly wants to play the ball and his opponent only tries to stop him. So correct call. Minute 29 Description of the situation Penalty appeal by England. After a corner kick inside Norways penalty area, Hendersson (ENG) is being slightly pushed by Jonansen (NOR). Referee sees clearly the situation since he is in a position 2 m. from it so I dont have a reason to disagree with him. Awarded penalty to England. Dawson (ENG) tries to get the header inside Norways penalty area and is being hold by his waist by Semb Berge. Boiko immediately points to the spot (upon consultation with AAR2. The call is justified since the English player clearly wants to play the ball and his opponent only tries to stop him.


Unofficial Referee Observers Report

The Third Team (

3) Tactical approach and its Degree of Consistency, Personality, Match Control and Management of the Teams and Players with special reference to the situations and the minutes when they occurred. Comments: His tactical approach was not to punish every little contact. This has worked well for him since we had only 28 fouls and especially no foul for the first 12 minutes of the game. Match control was never an issue but he should pay a little more attention on some duels since we are talking about 20-21 years old kids. Summary of 2) and 3): Positive Points 1. 2. 3. 4. Not meeting requirements, points that need improvement Tactical Approach and Consistency Match control and management of the players Match making decisions. He showed courage and strength to take some difficult decisions. Application of Law 8 (restart of play). Movement after a given free kick. In some situations he was immediately leaving the scene of play with his back turned at the ball. This is a very dangerous thing since many things can happen behind your back. Alertness-awareness are both needed after a given foul. In some duels players can be a little more agitated and all this can lead to a big riot and several Red Cards. He should anticipate these incidents.



Minute 44

Description of the situation Given foul for Norway. Referee starts running towards the center line with his back turned on the ball. Lack of concentration and a point for improvement.

4) Physical Shape, Stamina, Positioning, Movement as well as Mental Awareness, if needed, with reference to the minutes when they occurred, always in case of a -. Physical Condition (very good, good, average, poor): Very Good Further Aspects: + Expected X X X Always close to play, follows play at all times with a flexible diagonal system and impedes interference with play Efficient positioning (at set pieces e.g.) and movement to be ready to take a (crucial) decision (specially in the box; be able to enter the box in some cases when it is necessary) Shows awareness and is able to anticipate the action

Unofficial Referee Observers Report

The Third Team (


Description of the situation Efficient positioning at set pieces since he was following the instructions and he was able to correctly detect all infractions and no infractions especially inside the penalty areas. Furthermore he applied a flexible diagonal system which allowed him to detect players who were trying to gain his whistle (YC for simulation in 91).

All match.

5) Teamwork (co-operation with (A)ARs and fourth official with reference, if needed, to special situations and the minutes when they occurred) Comments: Teamwork was good. Assistants helped him with the fouls and they both had a very good offside/onside detection. AAR1 wasnt particularly involved but AAR2 helped him in the awarded penalty for England.

6) If needed: General comments or advices for improvement; explanation of the chosen mark; further matters (can be let empty). Comments: Since it is the first time I watched him my whole impression is more than positive. He is a referee who can develop of course (since he is the most inexperienced of all) but one to keep an eye for the future. My mark is 8.3 (expected level).

Unofficial Referee Observers Report

The Third Team (

Assistant Referee 1
7) Assistant Referee 1s performance (please mention some important decisions either by integrating them into a coherent comment or mentioning them in the grid below; mandatory if a - (negative point) is selected) Relevant Aspects: + X X X X X Expected Correct offside decisions by means of a good application of the wait and see-technique Good positioning and movement Mental alertness and reaction to incidents in his area of vicinity Reasonable degree of co-operation with referee (not flagging too much / too little; being able to support referee in crucial decisions) Efficient control at set pieces

Comments: He had the most difficult situation of the whole match. He disallowed a goal to England for offside and the replay proved him totally correct. It was a hard situation to see since the attacking player was only 0.5m ahead. An excellent call. Minute 43 Description of the situation Disallowed goal for England. After a foul Caulker is ahead of the defense for about 0.5m and scores with a header. Excellent call by AR1.

Unofficial Referee Observers Report

The Third Team (

Assistant Referee 2
8) Assistant Referee 2s performance (please mention some important decisions either by integrating them into a coherent comment or mentioning them in the grid below; mandatory if a - (negative point) is selected) Relevant Aspects: + X X X X X Expected Correct offside decisions by means of a good application of the wait and see-technique Good positioning and movement Mental alertness and reaction to incidents in his area of vicinity Reasonable degree of co-operation with referee (not flagging too much / too little; being able to support referee in crucial decisions) Efficient control at set pieces

Comments: The second assistant had more offside/onside situations than his colleague. He solved them all correctly so his performance is expected level. Minute 15 23 30 34 65 95 Description of the situation Nielsen (NOR) is in offside position but doesnt intervene with play. Norway scores. Pedersen (NOR) is flagged for offside. Correct decision but he didnt have to wait so long since it was pretty straight-forward. Pedersen (NOR) is onside and has an effort on goal. Berget (NOR) scores after being onside. Flag stays down. Very good. Wickham (ENG) is flagged for offside. Correct. Chalobah (ENG) is flagged for offside. Correct.

Unofficial Referee Observers Report

The Third Team (

Additional Assistant Referee 1

9) Additional Assistant Referee 1s performance (please mention some important decisions either by integrating them into a coherent comment or mentioning them in the grid below; mandatory if a - (negative point) is selected) Relevant Aspects: + Expected X X X Good positioning and movement Mental alertness and reaction to incidents in his area of vicinity based on a reasonable degree of co-operation with referee Efficient control at set pieces

Comments: No visible involvement. He was alert and had a good movement but he didnt have to help. Minute Description of the situation

Additional Assistant Referee 2

10) Additional Assistant Referees performance (please mention some important decisions either by integrating them into a coherent comment or mentioning them in the grid below; mandatory if a - (negative point) is selected) Relevant Aspects: + Expected X X X Good positioning and movement Mental alertness and reaction to incidents in his area of vicinity based on a reasonable degree of co-operation with referee Efficient control at set pieces

Comments: He must have helped the referee in the awarded penalty for England. Other than that no major calls for him. Minute Description of the situation Awarded penalty to England. Dawson (ENG) tries to get the header inside Norways penalty area and is being hold by his waist by Semb Berge. Boiko immediately points to the spot (upon consultation with AAR2. The call is justified since the English player clearly wants to play the ball and his opponent only tries to stop him.


Unofficial Referee Observers Report

The Third Team (

Fourth Official
11) Fourth Officials performance (reference to technical management like substitutions or signalling of additional time, dealing with benches in case of conflicts) Comments: Nothing to report. All procedures were executed properly.

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