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TEST PAPER I. Comment upon the formation and use of the Present Continuous. Give suitable examples. II.

Put the verbs in brackets into: a) Present Simple /Continuous: 1. It (get) colder and colder. 2. What you (do) tonight? I (not know) . Maybe I will go to the cinema. 3. John (not work) anymore for the Smiths. 4. Diana (love) watching old movies. b) Present Perfect Simple/Continuous: 1. I (call) for you for half an hour. Where you (be) ? And why are your clothes so dirty? I (tidy) up the shed in the garden. 2. (you/do) your homework yet? 3. Tony (not read) this book, but Mary has. III. Describe your living-room. (7-9 lines)

TEST PAPER I. Comment upon the formation and use of the Present Perfect Simple. Give suitable examples. II. Put the verbs in brackets into: a) Present Simple /Continuous: 1. She (not think) she is a very good dancer. 2. I hate it. He always (leave) early from work. I wonder why! 3. School (start) on September the 15 th. 4. They usually (go) to school by bus, but today someone (take) them to school. b) Present Perfect Simple/Continuous: 1. (you/walk) the dog yet? I (work) all day. I (just/come) home from work and I (not have) the time yet to walk the dog. 2. My brother (not study) hard enough. Thats why he failed the exam. III. Describe your living-room. (7-9 lines)

TEST PAPER I. Comment upon the formation and use of the Present Continuous. Give suitable examples. II. Put the verbs in brackets into: a) Present Simple /Continuous: 1. It (get) colder and colder. 2. What you (do) tonight? I (not know) . Maybe I will go to the cinema. 3. John (not work) anymore for the Smiths. 4. Diana (love) watching old movies. b) Present Perfect Simple/Continuous: 1. I (call) for you for half an hour. Where you (be) ? And why are your clothes so dirty? I (tidy) up the shed in the garden. 2. (you/do) your homework yet? 3. Tony (not read) this book, but Mary has. III. Describe your living-room. (7-9 lines)

TEST PAPER I. Comment upon the formation and use of the Present Perfect Simple. Give suitable examples. II. Put the verbs in brackets into: a) Present Simple /Continuous: 1. She (not think) she is a very good dancer. 2. I hate it. He always (leave) early from work. I wonder why! 3. School (start) on September the 15 th. 4. They usually (go) to school by bus, but today someone (take) them to school. b) Present Perfect Simple/Continuous: 1. (you/walk) the dog yet? I (work) all day. I (just/come) home from work and I (not have) the time yet to walk the dog. 2. My brother (not study) hard enough. Thats why he failed the exam. III. Describe your living-room. (7-9 lines)

TEST PAPER I. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form: Kinsale may be one of 1) (small) towns in Southern Ireland but its also one of 2) (famous). It is well known for its 3) (wonderful) fish restaurants. Some of 4) (good) known chefs in the world have trained in the restaurants there. The town itself is one of 5) (picturesque) in Southern Ireland. II. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets: 1. Train run (FREQUENT) throughout the day. 2. Our (ELECTRIC) was cut off because we hadnt paid the bill. 3. They use very (SOPHISTICATE) machinery in this factory. 4. He has changed (DRAMATIC) since the last time I saw him. 5. Young children need their parents (PROTECT). III. Make up sentences with:

TEST PAPER I. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form: Its situated by the sea, which ensures that it is 1) (cool) in the summer than other inland towns. A 2) (huge) cathedral overlooks the town and is one of 3) (breathtaking) in the whole area. To the north of the town lies one of 4) (high) mountain ranges in the country. The town is very 5) (beautiful), with its many craft shops and narrow cobbled streets. II. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets: 1. The weather is (CONSIDERABLE) better today than it was yesterday. 2. The companys (PRODUCE) of shoes has doubled in the past year. 3. Many (SCIENCE) are working on finding a cure for cancer. 4. Thailand is a (BEAUTIFUL) country which is worth visiting. 5. The police responded (QUICK) to the emergency call. III. Make up sentences with:

TEST PAPER I. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form: Kinsale may be one of 1) (small) towns in Southern Ireland but its also one of 2) (famous). It is well known for its 3) (wonderful) fish restaurants. Some of 4) (good) known chefs in the world have trained in the restaurants there. The town itself is one of 5) (picturesque) in Southern Ireland. II. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets: 1. Train run (FREQUENT) throughout the day. 2. Our (ELECTRIC) was cut off because we hadnt paid the bill. 3. They use very (SOPHISTICATE) machinery in this factory. 4. He has changed (DRAMATIC) since the last time I saw him. 5. Young children need their parents (PROTECT). III. Make up sentences with:

TEST PAPER I. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form: Its situated by the sea, which ensures that it is 1) (cool) in the summer than other inland towns. A 2) (huge) cathedral overlooks the town and is one of 3) (breathtaking) in the whole area. To the north of the town lies one of 4) (high) mountain ranges in the country. The town is very 5) (beautiful), with its many craft shops and narrow cobbled streets. II. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets: 1. The weather is (CONSIDERABLE) better today than it was yesterday. 2. The companys (PRODUCE) of shoes has doubled in the past year. 3. Many (SCIENCE) are working on finding a cure for cancer. 4. Thailand is a (BEAUTIFUL) country which is worth visiting. 5. The police responded (QUICK) to the emergency call. III. Make up sentences with:

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