Kagapujundar Biography

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Kagapujundar is one of the most renowned Siddhars that the universe has known so far.

Of the so-called 18 (Pathinen kodi) Siddhars that this universe has seen, Kagapujundar is the so-called greatest or invincible Siddhars that time has ever seen. Popularly addressed as Ayya by all his devotees and loved ones. During Pralaya kala Kagapujundar is the only one who sees the ending of a Pralaya and the beginning of a new era. He has always been the one to decide who the next Shiva of this Universe will be and he is the one who gives Lord Shiva his upadesam. Kagapujundar reincarnated and was born to Mirazdar Muthaiah and Chinammal Ammayar in this yuga, as their 8th child on Ashtami, 30th October, 1957, in Pudukkotai, India. It had been raining for the last few days continuously before, Chinammal Ammayar has gone to the farms on this pouring day and fell down in a semi conscious state in labour just to see her newly born male baby come out with a sparkling light radiance on the face. Chinammal Ammayar fell unconscious seeing this sight; and the baby was washed away in the adjoining canal. On regaining consciousness Ammyar had shared the sight that she had seen with her family and was deeply filled with sorrow on her missing baby. However, later their maid found the child in a nearby ditch and brought him home. Home coming of the lost child was the happiest moment for everyone in the family; it continued raining non stop for the next 15 days. Ammayar was not able to feed the baby naturally with breast milk, and hence a harijan servant who was working in the house and that is how he grew for the next few years fed the baby. He had remained very compassionate all through his childhood loving and helping one and all. At the age of 5 he received initiation from Kalanginathar. Kagapujundar then performed miracles to change his fathers subjects who were doing a number of fraudulent activities. Noteable character was one Ponnaiyan who used to regulary indulge in adultery and malpractices, who then changed his ways under the guidance of the 5 year old and promised not to reveal until Ayyas 30th year. In the holy months of Purattasi Mirazdar Muthaiah used to regulary recite Ramayana with the temple priest to all the people of the village in a poetic manner. When Ayya was 6 years old, this year during Puratasi his father had fallen ill and so was the priest of the temple. Ayya had gone down to the temple that evening to light the lamps on his fathers instruction. When he landed at the temple he that the priest was not present either and hence volunteered to recite the whole Ramayana in all its glorious poetic manifestations. The people of the village was astounded by this prodigy act and offered young Ayya to take on the role of his father for the next one week to recite Ramayana and explain its essence too. At the age of 13 Saint Machendrar explained him the following and initiated him. He showed him the calculations and explained them, 8+2=0 & aa+ vu + im = ya

Aa Body, Vu Life, Im Ongaram, sound > 20 Mega cycles. Ya means Pathi, GOD. In Korattur he regulary delivered speeches at satsangas in Sri Jambukeshwarar aalayam the Samadhi of Sri. Kagapujundar. Every evening the people from the neighbourhood of the temple joined together and organized santhsangs, which was addressed by Ayya, where he had a message for everyone in the gathering. During these sathsangs speeches were delivered, predictions or arul vakku were shared with individuals and new songs were sung on the spot that had messages filled with gnyanam and predictions. On the day of Masi Magam, on the 24 th February 1991, with the goodwill of Ayya all the people who visited the temple had the greatest pleasure of their life when they saw Kagabujundar in the form of light. Ayya also set up an ashram in Sirkazhi, where he was challenged on the kind of people that he would accept as disciples. A year later a number of notorious characters in Sirkazhi was already devotees of Ayya and had changed their ways to turn a new life. A number of them were ex-convicts, peddlers etc. Medicine is not a new art to the Siddhars, as a Natha Ayya is one of the authorities in the field of medicine; he has cured a number of very serious illness with ease by his treatment. He is also a master in Rasavadham, one of which involves solidifying mercury retaining its inert property and then using it for innumerous purposes. Ayya can solidify liquid mercury within 3 minutes without any additives by just using his meditation powers. Being a master in the all the 64 secret arts of Siddhars and an authority in the 65 th art, The Deathless Art. He has been guiding and training his devotees in achieving all the 65 arts. In 1995, after years of struggle that he was staging in the world to guide his devotees to achieve the deathless art. He was swimming in a pond in the hills of Courtralam when Goddess Ambal had pulled him in the water (for Jala Samadhi). All the devotees saw the goddess in the form of light and cried asking for mercy. The goddess then spared Ayya for the sake of his disciples and to-days world. Ayya has shown a number of persons have seen God in the form of light in the sky on the wall etc. During one of the trips to visit all the 18 samadhis of Kagapujundar, he had taken two of his disciples SriRam and Mahesh by walk traveling hundred kilometers in a matter of 45 minutes. Showing them the art of astral travel or Gagana Margam. He has delivered various speeches in Singapore, Malaysia, in Radio on Gnyanam and Deathless Art.

He has also been delivering daily morning speeches in Sun TV, Jaya TV to the public to enlighten them with various spiritual aspects and explaining them the basics of Gnyanam and meditation. Ayya is currently settled at his ashram, Bujandar Vanam in Kolli Hills, where a number of Yagams (fire ceremonies) are done for prosperity and health of the entire world and rain. Arul vakku (future predictions) and Jeeva Nadi (this nadi is one where the predictions that come as letters on the palm leave actually changes continuously) Jyotidam services are also offered at Bujandar vanam at Kolli Hills. On Singapore Radio in June 1999, he had predicted that a serious illness that will be spread in air would terrorize the world in a few years, which is the current SARS situation. He has also predicted that in 2007 there will be an even more serious disease that will spread by air for which no cure will be found by todays medical experts. This is when only he will be able to save the world. Also in 2010 there will be a virus that will spread by electricity even lights and using electrical appliances will cause serious infections by the virus. Only Ayya will be able to save the world then. Regularly on all Full moon days are celebrated in full galore where a fire ceremony is followed by prediction for everyone in the gathering. At the ashram food is offered for any one who visits the ashram on any day, especially all the Sadhus and saints. Help is offered to the needy and poor in different forms at the ashram and other places too. Last but not the least is his untiring determination and undeterred effort in helping anyone and everyone in todays world to achieve all that you have achieved and help make their life more meaningful. It is very difficult in todays cruel world to see such an altruistic and compassionate person as you are. It is hoped that one and all in todays world benefit from his lords services.

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