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Universal Lecture on the none academic, but rather moronic, pathetic , and always fundamentally wrong use of the

term circumcision when referring to the perverse act of forced circumcision aka the butchery of cutting the healthy foreskin from a child also known as: the child abuse in the perverse face of routine circumcision aka: RIC BRIT MILAH SUNNAT. Healthy Common Sense Knows this without research and without having been told so: There is a fundamental difference between A and B: between A) the act of medical warranted circumcision and this barbaric act: B) the act of forced circumcision Would you say: Intercourse is cruel while referring to rape (forced intercourse)? Would you say: Say no to intercourse while referring to rape (forced intercourse)? Would you say: Intercourse is a crime while referring to rape (forced intercourse)? Would you say: Parents against intercourse while referring to rape (forced intercourse)? Would you say: Doctors oppose intercourse while referring to rape (forced intercourse)? No, you would certainly not, but you would call it none academic at all, but rather moronic, pathetic and always fundamentally wrong, if someone would use the term intercourse when referring to forced intercourse ~ rape! So, why is it so difficult, to call this child abuse by what it is, namely Forced Circumcision?

Responsible for text and layout: Amen Ronald Oberhollenzer, School of Humanity,

Universal Lecture on the none academic, but rather moronic, pathetic , and always fundamentally wrong use of the term circumcision when referring to the perverse act of forced circumcision aka the butchery of cutting the healthy foreskin from a child also known as: the child abuse in the perverse face of routine circumcision aka: RIC BRIT MILAH SUNNAT. While rapists obviously deeply mentally and emotionally disturbed people - prefer to call the act of rape: intercourse; and while those who butcher the childs genital, and those who agree to this insane act to be done on the child obviously deeply mentally and emotionally disturbed people prefer to call this act of child mutilation, this infliction of non-accidental injury on a child, this obvious child abuse: circumcision; it is clear to the sane heart and mind, or in other words, it is clear to healthy common sense, that there is a fundamental difference between the act of rape and the act of intercourse, and that it is therefore moronic pathetic - fundamentally wrong - to use the term intercourse when referring to the perverse act of rape; just the same as it is moronic pathetic - fundamentally wrong - to use the term circumcision when referring to the perverse act of forced circumcision. Healthy Common Sense Knows this without research and without having been told so: There is a fundamental difference between A) the act of medical warranted circumcision, an act which if performed as the law on medical surgery requires - is a lawful act to be performed under current democratic rule of law, and B) the act of forced circumcision, which is the act of not medically warranted circumcision on children of any age and gender aka routine child circumcision also known as routine infant circumcision, and on any adult without this adults consent, where any of these acts is OUTLAWED under current democratic rule of law, regardless by who inflicted and regardless for whatever reason. Yet and even after having repeatedly informed the various intactivist-groups, including the academics amongst them, about this fundamental difference of both acts, and pointing out, that it is NOT academic at all, but rather moronic, pathetic and always fundamentally wrong to use the term circumcision when referring to forced circumcision I still see this blatant ignorance: Say no to Circumcision instead of: Say no to Forced Circumcision Circumcision is a crime instead of: Forced Circumcision is a crime Circumcision is a cruel instead of: Forced Circumcision is a cruel Doctors opposing Circumcision instead of: Doctors opposing Forced Circumcision Parents against Circumcision (etc.) instead of: Parents against Forced Circumcision Would you say: Say no to intercourse while referring to forced intercourse rape)? Would you say: Doctors oppose intercourse while referring to forced intercourse rape)? Would you say: Intercourse is a crime while referring to forced intercourse rape)? Would you say: Parents against intercourse while referring to forced intercourse rape)? Would you say: Intercourse is cruel while referring to forced intercourse rape)? No, you would certainly not, but you would call it NOT academic at all, but rather moronic, pathetic and always fundamentally wrong, if someone would use the term intercourse when referring to rape forced intercourse!

So, why is it so difficult for you, to call this child abuse by what it is, namely Forced Circumcision? If you would have been the victim of forced intercourse rape, you would certainly be INSULTED by someone saying you are a victim of intercourse. You would also see it as mildly spoken none academic, yet moronic, pathetic and fundamentally wrong and as insult, if someone would petition the rapist: please make your informed decision to whether or not you decide to have forced intercourse. Just the same, as it is an INSULT to the victim of forced circumcision, if someone says: you are a victim of circumcision. Just the same, as it is mildly spoken none academic, yet moronic, pathetic and fundamentally wrong and insult, if someone petitions those who inflict the child abuse of forced circumcision: please make your informed decision to whether or not you decide to mutilate the child. And how would you evaluate the state of mind of the rapist who demands more information, discussions, scientific research, to be persuaded, to be asked, in order to maybe stop forcing intercourse? And how would you evaluate the state of mind of those who act so as if information, discussions, scientific research, petitions, asking those who force intercourse to please make your informed decision to whether or not you decide to have forced intercourse, were the appropriate thing to do, in order to persuade the rapist to maybe stop forcing intercourse?

And how would you evaluate the state of mind of those who force intercourse (the rapists), would say: Forced intercourse on male children is not outlawed, or God has commanded us to have forced intercourse with male children, or Only forced intercourse on female humans is outlawed, but boys are accorded no such legislative (law) protection? And how would you evaluate the state of mind of those who force circumcision (the genital mutilators and those who agree this perversity be done to the child), would say: Forced circumcision on male children is not outlawed, or God has commanded us to force circumcision on male children, or Only forced circumcision on female humans (FGM is outlawed, but boys are accorded no such legislative (law) protection so as if MGM were not outlawed? And how would you evaluate the state of mind of those who A) speak and act against this obvious CHILD ABUSE of force circumcision (intactivists), but B) act so as if MGM were not outlawed, and circulate this ABSOLUTELY WRONG and therefore MISLEADING INFORMATION: Only forced circumcision on female humans (FGM is outlawed, but boys are accorded no such legislative (law) protection? Would you then not come to the conclusion that only the seriously disturbed mind is able to speak and act this way?

Is it not normal behavior of healthy common sense people, of the clear mind and heart, to be able to differentiate between the lawful act of medically warranted circumcision and the outlawed act of forced circumcision, and to use the correct terminology when referring to the one or the other and this without requirement of having to be told? told And is s it not normal behavior of healthy common sense people, of the clear mind and heart, to be able to react against this s daily and globally perpetrated child abuse, this national and global crime accordingly, which means: immediately, directly, decisively, on the base of existing law, beyond discussion, beyond research, beyond asking (petition), beyond compromise, thus: beyond wasting time? Well, if you find these questions easily answered, you know what to do. and if not you may find that reading the lecture again, helps a lot. Always remember: A = A; A = always A; A is never B; only B = B 1 + 1 = 2 and never 3; any form of medically warranted circumcision is legal ~ circumcision is not a crime; crime any form of forced circumcision is outlawed ~ ____________________________; b.t.w.: It is not required to be an academic, in order to understand all this, this, but shame on the academic who doesnt. Jerusalem, 14th June 2013 Paternoster Amen Ronald Oberhollenzer-Paternoster School of Humanity Intact Global Symposium for an Intact Humanity

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