65 - Renton Police Department Public Records

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I am working on a release so stop the presses.

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8/16/2012 2:46 PM

RE: Internal investigation media

Subject: RE: Internal inves ga on media From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 8/4/2011 12:18 PM To:
I got this one.. I am going to put in for PIO pay though.

From: Terri Vickers Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 12:08 To: Kevin Milosevich Subject: FW: Internal investigation media


From: Terri Vickers Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 12:07 PM To: Katie McClincy Cc: Floyd L Eldridge; David W Skelton Subject: Internal investigation media


I do not feel that I have enough experience as a P.I.O to handle an event of this magnitude. If a comprehensive media strategy is developed in which my skill set would be of use, I would be glad to contribute as instructed by my chain of command.

Terri Vickers Community Programs Coordinator Renton Police Department 425-430-7520

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

RE: Internal investigation media

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

FW: Open Records Request

Subject: FW: Open Records Request From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 8/4/2011 12:45 PM To:
Katie: I have acknowledged this request. Thank you. Bonnie, x6502 Would you please followup as indicated?

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 12:32 PM To: 'Benson, Bill (CMG-Seattle)' Subject: RE: Open Records Request

Mr. Benson: I am in receipt of your request for public records. We will check to see if we have any records responsive to your request. If we do, we will provide you with an estimate as to how long it may take us to produce them. You will be contacted on or before Thursday, August 11, 2011 with an update on the status. Bonnie Walton City Clerk & Public Records Officer City of Renton 425-430-6502

From: Benson, Bill (CMG-Seattle) [mailto:BBenson@kirotv.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 4:47 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Open Records Request Importance: High

Please see attachment.

Bill Benson

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

FW: Open Records Request

Investigative Producer KIRO-TV (206)728-5064

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

FW: Public Disclosure Request

Subject: FW: Public Disclosure Request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 8/9/2011 4:51 PM To:
For the file. Already handled.

From: Bill Judd Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 13:59 To: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: Public Disclosure Request

That would be great!

I guess I am making a public disclosure request then.

Thanks again, I appreciate your help.

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 13:56 To: Bill Judd Cc: Katie McClincy Subject: Re: Public Disclosure Request

I am down in Clark Co. for a meeting. Am in the rest of the week. You are more than welcome to review the documents, and if you are also making a public disclosure request, which is how I interpret your first two email, then I will be delighted to release it to your possession on the same date as all the other entities making that request. My current target date for release is August 13th. _____ From: Bill Judd To: Katie McClincy Sent: Wed Aug 03 13:46:03 2011 Subject: RE: Public Disclosure Request I would like to view everything that the requester is getting. I am assuming they are all getting the same thing? Do I need to be more specific in my request? Is it possible to view the requests? Are you in today?

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 13:43 To: Bill Judd Subject: Re: Public Disclosure Request

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

FW: Public Disclosure Request

That references you? _____ From: Bill Judd To: Katie McClincy Sent: Wed Aug 03 13:41:15 2011 Subject: RE: Public Disclosure Request Thank you, I would like to request a copy of everything that is released referenced this internal investigations CO-03-11. CD or PDF is sufficient. Is this email sufficient or do I need to complete something else? Thank you in advance.


From: Katie McClincy Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 14:06 To: Bill Judd Cc: Katie McClincy Subject: Public Disclosure Request

Bill a Public Disclosure request has been made for internal investigation CO 03 11. This request may affect your right to privacy. I intend to release this document by August 5th, 2011 unless you obtain an injunction. If you intend to seek an injunction, please notify me immediately, and please notify the following requestors:

Linda Byron Investigative Reporter KING 5 News lbyron@king5.com Cell: Desk: 206 604 0564 206 448 3894

Jennifer Austin Producer, KOMO 4 News 140 Fourth Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109


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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

FW: Public Disclosure Request

206 404 - 4425

If you have any questions, or would like to review the documents I intend to release, please let me know.

Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

FW: Open Records Request

Subject: FW: Open Records Request From: "Bonnie Walton" <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 8/4/2011 12:45 PM To: "Ka(e McClincy" <Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov>

Subject: FW: Open Records Request From: "Bonnie Walton" <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 8/4/2011 12:45 PM To: "Ka(e McClincy" <Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov>


ForwardedMessage.eml Renton Internal.pdf

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

Release of the additional videos

Subject: Release of the addi onal videos From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 8/4/2011 3:51 PM To:
We will be releasing to the media copies of all of the videos that were posted on YouTube. They have already made the request, and I just want to give you the heads up.

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

Public Disclosure Request

Subject: Public Disclosure Request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 8/11/2011 11:05 AM To:
We have received a Public Disclosure request that in part asks for all written correspondence, letters, emails, internal memorandum, video or audio recordings, lists, notes, personnel logs, phone logs or any other unmentioned media that are responsive to the following issues or concepts:

Officers sleeping while on duty

If you are aware of any documentation in any form involving such an occurrence from January 1, 2001 to August 7th, 2011, please provide a copy or notify me of the location of such a document/record. If you do not, please respond also by emailing me back with I have no knowledge of records that are responsive to this request.

Thanks in advance!

Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

List of requestors

Subject: List of requestors From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 8/4/2011 3:55 PM To:
JenniferA@komotv.com Jenning.Manning@patch.com bbenson@kirotv.com kcheadle@king5.com dradford@rentonreporter.com

Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

RE: Public Disclosure Request

Subject: RE: Public Disclosure Request From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 8/12/2011 8:48 AM To:
I have no knowledge of records that are responsive to this request.

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 11:06 To: Michael D Luther; Charles Karlewicz; Kent M Curry; Kevin Milosevich; Timothy L Troxel; David W Skelton; Todd Frazier; Jon M Schuldt; Charles Marsalisi; Daniel C Figaro; Paul Cline; Floyd L Eldridge; Bill Judd; Tracy D Merrill; Tracy L Wilkinson; Ed VanValey; Steven G Ritchie; Paul D Summers; Jeffrey L Eddy; Russell R Radke; Christine Mathews; Craig W Sjolin; David A Leibman; Clark E Wilcox Cc: Katie McClincy Subject: Public Disclosure Request

We have received a Public Disclosure request that in part asks for all written correspondence, letters, emails, internal memorandum, video or audio recordings, lists, notes, personnel logs, phone logs or any other unmentioned media that are responsive to the following issues or concepts:

Officers sleeping while on duty

If you are aware of any documentation in any form involving such an occurrence from January 1, 2001 to August 7th, 2011, please provide a copy or notify me of the location of such a document/record. If you do not, please respond also by emailing me back with I have no knowledge of records that are responsive to this request.

Thanks in advance!

Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

RE: Public Disclosure Request

Renton, WA


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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

Video Investigation

Subject: Video Inves ga on From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 8/5/2011 7:29 AM To:
First of all, I apologize for not emailing the press release yesterday. fault. That was my

As public employees, much of what we do is a public document and subject to release under public disclosure laws. The press under public disclosure has requested copies of all videos associated with the on-going investigation and we had to release them. Unfortunately, this supports the creator of the videos desire to further embarrass the Department. The press has also requested the internal investigation regarding the original or first SCORE video. I would anticipate that this information will be in their hands in the coming weeks.

While I know we have to work on some leadership issues within the department, this is a good department, staffed by hard working members, that provide outstanding service to the community. I am proud of this organization and I know these issues will soon pass and we can move on. These videos and recent internal investigations does have an impact on the morale of the Department. This is an area that I need to resolve. Leadership begins at the top, so it is my responsibility to fix it.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask them.

Thanks for your patience,


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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

Public Disclosure Request

Subject: Public Disclosure Request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 8/8/2011 3:47 PM To:
We have received a Public Disclosure request that in part asks for all written correspondence, letters, emails, internal memorandum, video or audio recordings, lists, notes, personnel logs, phone logs or any other unmentioned media that are responsive to the following issues or concepts:

Officers throwing someone off of anything

If you are aware of any incident involving such an occurrence from January 1, 2001 to August 7th, 2011, or documentation in any of the forms listed above, to include case reports and use of force reports, please provide a copy or notify me of the location of such a document. If you do not, please respond also by emailing me back with I have no knowledge of records that are responsive to this request.

Thanks in advance!

Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

Employee Survey Results

Subject: Employee Survey Results From: Denis Law </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=DLAW> Date: 8/9/2011 12:56 PM To:
Thanks for taking the employee survey! The results are in and can be found in the attached pdf document (the results will also be posted on E-grapevine). Nearly half of our workforce took the time to fill out the survey. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us.

The findings from the survey revealed some positive and valuable feedback and some areas to look at further. Here is a high-level summary of selected results: Many (88%) believe the City of Renton is a great place to work. Co-workers, professionalism, pay and benefits were some of the top reasons cited. In most dimensions of communications, employees agree that information is provided in a timely way (81%), and there are high marks for access (88%) and trust for open communication (72%). From a job satisfaction standpoint, most (over 90%) strongly or mostly agree that job responsibilities and expectations are clear, along with the mission and customer focus of the city. More than three-quarters of respondents felt the City is moving in the right direction (79%), has a respectful atmosphere (85%), a strong customer service ethic (90%) where employees give extra to be responsive (85%), and would recommend working for the City to a friend (89%).

Employees offered some critical and valuable feedback regarding areas that require some attention. Survey results showed that interdepartmental communication, employee involvement in decisions that affect them, and recognition for collaboration could be improved. A number of respondents reported that they mostly or strongly disagreed with the statement that there is a high level of mutual trust in the department. For some departments, areas of improvement include planning, anticipating issues and problems, and effective management.

This survey gives City leaders important insights to how our employees feel about working in Renton. In the coming months, next steps will include departmental discussions to follow up and learn more about what the results mean, likely leading to some positive changes that will work to bring about city-wide improvements. Thanks again for your feedback!

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

Employee Survey Results

Mayor, City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 425 430-6500 rentonwa.gov

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

RE: Police Chief

Sir thank you for sending this. I sincerely appreciate both your thought process and your willingness to share it with us; thank you.

From: Denis Law Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 15:36 To: Katie McClincy; David A Leibman; Floyd L Eldridge; Paul Cline; Michael D Luther; Charles Karlewicz; Clark E Wilcox Cc: Kevin Milosevich; Timothy L Troxel; Kent M Curry; Jay B Covington Subject: Police Chief

Dear Commanders,

I have heard a couple people within the department have expressed concerned that Kevins position may be in jeopardy due to the controversy surrounding recent internals and the cartoon videos.

I want you to know that this is not the case and that replacing the chief is not in any way under consideration by me. These have been difficult times for the department and especially for Kevin, who has managed the internal investigation in a thorough and very professional manner. Nobody has been more disappointed in the actions of a couple members of this department than Kevin, and I know he is committed to working with you and others in leadership roles to work through any issues during the period of time needed to rebuild confidence and trust throughout the organization.

The continued public scrutiny has understandably led to Monday-morning quarterbacking, and we would likely do some things differently if given the chance. And frankly, I have had plenty of outsiders giving me advice on what needs to be done. That comes with the territory and I feel Kevin, the command staff, HR and our city attorneys are working hard to deal with these issues in the best possible way.

Kevin has my full support and trust as we work together to get through these difficult times.


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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

RE: Police Chief

Mayor, City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 425 430-6500 rentonwa.gov

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

RE: Police Chief

You bet, Katie. Thank you.

Mayor, City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 425 430-6500 rentonwa.gov

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 3:38 PM To: Denis Law Subject: RE: Police Chief

Sir thank you for sending this. I sincerely appreciate both your thought process and your willingness to share it with us; thank you.

From: Denis Law Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 15:36 To: Katie McClincy; David A Leibman; Floyd L Eldridge; Paul Cline; Michael D Luther; Charles Karlewicz; Clark E Wilcox Cc: Kevin Milosevich; Timothy L Troxel; Kent M Curry; Jay B Covington Subject: Police Chief

Dear Commanders,

I have heard a couple people within the department have expressed concerned that Kevins position may be in jeopardy due to the controversy surrounding recent internals and the cartoon videos.

I want you to know that this is not the case and that replacing the chief is not in any way under consideration by me. These have been difficult times for the department and especially for Kevin, who has managed the internal investigation in a thorough and very professional manner. Nobody has been more disappointed in the actions of a couple

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RE: Police Chief

members of this department than Kevin, and I know he is committed to working with you and others in leadership roles to work through any issues during the period of time needed to rebuild confidence and trust throughout the organization.

The continued public scrutiny has understandably led to Monday-morning quarterbacking, and we would likely do some things differently if given the chance. And frankly, I have had plenty of outsiders giving me advice on what needs to be done. That comes with the territory and I feel Kevin, the command staff, HR and our city attorneys are working hard to deal with these issues in the best possible way.

Kevin has my full support and trust as we work together to get through these difficult times.


Mayor, City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 425 430-6500 rentonwa.gov

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

Re: Public Disclosure Request

Subject: Re: Public Disclosure Request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 8/10/2011 8:29 AM To:
Michael - thank you. Many of the search warrant requests would have been for child pornography/child victims of sex crimes, and would have required quite a bit of scrutiny, on top of the time it took to locate the documents, prior to release because of laws protecting children/child victims. If you have any questions or other requests, please don't hesitate to contact me. I think you have my desk phone. My cell is 206.999.5127. Katie _____ From: Stanton, Michael To: Katie McClincy Cc: Bonnie Walton Sent: Wed Aug 10 08:15:15 2011 Subject: RE: Public Disclosure Request Katie,

I didnt realize that it would be that labor intensive. serve as a request to cancel our reqest.

Go ahead and let this email

Thanks, Michael

Michael Stanton Assignment Editor, Q13 FOX News ( 206.674.1305 | * mstanton@tribune.com

From: Katie McClincy [mailto:Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov]

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Re: Public Disclosure Request

Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 4:20 PM To: Stanton, Michael Cc: Katie McClincy; Bonnie Walton Subject: Public Disclosure Request

Mr. Stanton I received your Public Disclosure request of August 9th, 2011 thank you. Can you clarify what you mean by search warrant requestsent to any Internet Service Provider? We do not send search warrant requests to internet providers.

Also, we do not have a search engine of any kind to search for search warrant requests, and so would have to print a list of cases assigned to the positions to which cases are assigned, and then search each case to see if a warrant is associated, and if so, what type of warrant. Considering the work load of the department members engaged in a function in which search warrants are routinely written (primarily detectives), and the fact that they will have to essentially hand search each case, followed by my review of each document, and in the context of my current work load, and other assignments, I do not anticipate completing your request in less than eighteen months.

I prefer to send documents via email in PDF. Please let me know if this format is acceptable. And, please contact me if you have any questions.


Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

FW: City to Suspend Further Action on Search Warrant - Police to Con...

Subject: FW: City to Suspend Further Ac on on Search Warrant - Police to Con nue Internal Inves ga on From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 8/11/2011 4:10 PM To:

From: Preeti Shridhar Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 16:04 To: Preeti Shridhar Subject: City to Suspend Further Action on Search Warrant - Police to Continue Internal Investigation

website: www.rentonwa.gov

Renton Police Department - 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

August 11, 2011

For more information contact: Preeti Shridhar, Communications Director 425-430-6569 Larry Warren, City Attorney 425-430-6480

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

FW: City to Suspend Further Action on Search Warrant - Police to Con...

City to Suspend Further Action on Search Warrant Police to Continue Internal Investigation

Statement from Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington

There has been no relevant information that we have uncovered to date on the Cyberstalking case to further a criminal investigation. As a result we have decided to forego any further action on the search warrant. As we stated earlier, we believe that the person who created and posted these videos is a current police officer. This case is now about harassment and discrimination, and it is our duty to protect those who might have been harassed. It is our responsibility to prevent a hostile work environment and we will continue to conduct an internal investigation. Wed also like to emphasize that most of the allegations and stories depicted in the videos are fabricated, not true, officers were exonerated, or the videos depict rumors that date back over 20 years. Where merited, appropriate action was taken. Let me also assure you that this does not have anything to do with violating first amendment rights. We are committed to protecting free speech and the rights of any individual to express their opinions. Our primary responsibility is to the citizens of Renton. It is our goal to continue to ensure that we are serving the citizens of Renton and that our officers are acting within the law and following the policies of our department. ###

Preeti Shridhar Communications Director, City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way, Renton WA 98057 425-430-6569; cell = 206-491-8158 rentonwa.gov

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

Records Request Response Letter

Subject: Records Request Response Le er From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 8/12/2011 8:54 AM To:
The draft response letter is ready for your review. I made double-spaced hard copies so you can easily write edits. Should I bring them to you? bw

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

Police Chief

Dear Commanders,

I have heard a couple people within the department have expressed concerned that Kevins position may be in jeopardy due to the controversy surrounding recent internals and the cartoon videos.

I want you to know that this is not the case and that replacing the chief is not in any way under consideration by me. These have been difficult times for the department and especially for Kevin, who has managed the internal investigation in a thorough and very professional manner. Nobody has been more disappointed in the actions of a couple members of this department than Kevin, and I know he is committed to working with you and others in leadership roles to work through any issues during the period of time needed to rebuild confidence and trust throughout the organization.

The continued public scrutiny has understandably led to Monday-morning quarterbacking, and we would likely do some things differently if given the chance. And frankly, I have had plenty of outsiders giving me advice on what needs to be done. That comes with the territory and I feel Kevin, the command staff, HR and our city attorneys are working hard to deal with these issues in the best possible way.

Kevin has my full support and trust as we work together to get through these difficult times.


Mayor, City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 425 430-6500 rentonwa.gov

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Police Chief

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Fw: Police Disciplainary Files

Subject: Fw: Police Disciplainary Files From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 8/15/2011 6:07 PM To:
Can you take care of this? Thanks

_____ From: Reaves, Christopher To: Kevin Milosevich Sent: Mon Aug 15 17:59:25 2011 Subject: Police Disciplainary Files

Hi Chief Milosevich,

I just say KIROs article that says the Renton Police Department has released some internal documents that are police disciplinary files that detail how a sergeant was disciplined in June for unbecoming conduct after admitting he created an animation and posted it online.

Is it possible for me to get copies of those documents as well?

Thank you for your time,

Christopher Reaves Assignment Editor Q13 FOX News Desk: 206.674.1305 Fax: 206.674.1713 cmreaves@kcpq.com <http://www.q13fox.com> www.Q13FOX.com

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

RE: Police Disciplainary Files

Subject: RE: Police Disciplainary Files From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 8/15/2011 6:13 PM To:
U bet

From: Kevin Milosevich Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 18:07 To: Katie McClincy Subject: Fw: Police Disciplainary Files

Can you take care of this? Thanks _____ From: Reaves, Christopher To: Kevin Milosevich Sent: Mon Aug 15 17:59:25 2011 Subject: Police Disciplainary Files Hi Chief Milosevich,

I just say KIROs article that says the Renton Police Department has released some internal documents that are police disciplinary files that detail how a sergeant was disciplined in June for unbecoming conduct after admitting he created an animation and posted it online.

Is it possible for me to get copies of those documents as well?

Thank you for your time,

Christopher Reaves Assignment Editor Q13 FOX News Desk: 206.674.1305 Fax: 206.674.1713 cmreaves@kcpq.com

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RE: Police Disciplainary Files


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Has IT mentioned anything to you about Unlimited Mailbox search program not working or being available now? I'm not able to log in and have a bunch of requests stacking. Rick Butler was not answering, but thought you might know. Bonnie, x6502

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Nope. I left Rick a voicemail about something else, and no response. raid IT. ----- Original Message ----From: Bonnie Walton To: Gay Boyer; Katie McClincy Sent: Thu Aug 18 13:12:27 2011 Subject: UMB Has IT mentioned anything to you about Unlimited Mailbox search program not working or being available now? I'm not able to log in and have a bunch of requests stacking. Rick Butler was not answering, but thought you might know. Bonnie, x6502 Do what I do -

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8/16/2012 2:48 PM

Get with me

A couple of issues when you get a chance..


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8/16/2012 2:48 PM

Re: Get with me

On my way,

_____ From: Kevin Milosevich To: Katie McClincy Sent: Thu Aug 18 14:29:36 2011 Subject: Get with me

A couple of issues when you get a chance..


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8/16/2012 2:48 PM

FW: Public Records request

Subject: FW: Public Records request From: "Bonnie Walton" <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 8/19/2011 8:57 AM To: "Zane)a Fontes" <ZFontes@Rentonwa.gov>, "Ka,e McClincy" <Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov> CC: "Kevin Milosevich" <Kmilosevich@Rentonwa.gov>, "Jay B Covington" <Jcovington@Rentonwa.gov>, "Marty Wine" <MWine@Rentonwa.gov>

Subject: FW: Public Records request From: "Bonnie Walton" <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 8/19/2011 8:57 AM To: "Zane)a Fontes" <ZFontes@Rentonwa.gov>, "Ka,e McClincy" <Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov> CC: "Kevin Milosevich" <Kmilosevich@Rentonwa.gov>, "Jay B Covington" <Jcovington@Rentonwa.gov>, "Marty Wine" <MWine@Rentonwa.gov>


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FW: Public Records request

Subject: FW: Public Records request From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 8/19/2011 8:57 AM To:
I am out of the office today, but wanted to get this forwarded to you now, since it takes a little of the pressure off. Will let you know when/if I receive a follow-up request from him. Bonnie Walton City Clerk

_____ From: Ben Schroeter [benschroeter@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 10:33 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Public Records request

Ms. Watson,

I will submit a clarified, amended (and much more brief) request next week.

Since I am not trying to be too burdensome to you and the City, take a break on my request until you hear back from me with my amended request and please allow this email to act as an acknowledgment and request to halt the Public Records clock that is ticking.

Thank you.

Ben Schroeter Not sent from a Blackberry or iPhone Visit me @ www.facebook.com/seattlebenjammin Cell: _____ From: Bonnie Walton [mailto:Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 7:15 PM To: 'Ben Schroeter' Subject: RE: Public Records request 206.228.2917

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FW: Public Records request

Dear Mr. Schroeter:

I am in receipt of your Public Records Request. Attached please find copy of the City's acknowledgement. As you will see, I have also asked for clarification on several items and have indicated that some records are available for you to view now. I believe the letter is pretty self-explanatory, but if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you after you have had a chance to go through the entire response letter.


Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk/Public Records Officer City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

Phone: 425-430-6502 Fax: 425-430-6516 www.rentonwa.gov

Web site: email:


From: Ben Schroeter [mailto:benschroeter@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 1:49 PM To: Bonnie Walton Cc: 'Ben Schroeter' Subject: Public Records request Importance: High

Ms. Walton,

I had a wonderful time reviewing the Renton Police cartoons online and have decided that I must find out what is really going on so as to properly inform the public as to the state of the City of Renton..

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FW: Public Records request

This is a Public Records request as per Chapter 42.56 of the RCW. documents for review and possible copying.

I am seeking these

The following requests are for responsive documents found in any City of Renton office or archive system including but not limited to:

* The * The * The * The * The * The * and task forces

office of the Mayor office of the Renton Police Chief office of the Renton City Attorney Renton Police Department (including internal affairs and all sub offices) Renton City Jail Renton City Archivist any other Renton City named or unnamed offices, officers or committees or

The documents should be within a date range of 1/1/2001 to 8/7/2011 (and ongoing as this request continues..)

Documents shall include, but not be limited to all written correspondence, letters, emails, internal memorandum, video or audio recordings, lists, notes, personnel logs, phone logs or any other unmentioned media that are responsive to the following issues or concepts:

* Cyberstalking. * All interactions with King County prosecutors seeking a warrant or charges against or to investigate a cartoon animator * Prosecutor shopping and/or all interactions with the King County Prosecutors office or City Attorneys office concerning cyberstalking * Officers having Sex on duty or in a patrol car * Officers having Sex with citizens they have contacted through their job. * Officers arguing with anyone from an outside agency while drunk * Officers sleeping while on duty * Officers throwing someone off of anything * City corrections officers calling in sick * Contentious issues between police officers and corrections officers * Inmate customer satisfaction surveys * The unknown score as described in cartoon #4 about the city jail (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNnoJw6iOlM) * Appointments for booking prisoners * Inappropriate officer relationships with coworkers * Anything mentioning an IHOP employee and Officers * Officers having sex with people in crime prevention or prosecutors * Officers getting caught having sex * Police policies that are inefficient, expensive or waste resources * Police investigations of Officer boyfriends/girlfriends or other family members of city employees * Personal use of city vehicles by Officers * Collisions with any city vehicles while on or off duty

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FW: Public Records request

* Officers putting fin or overtime to cover up a vehicle accident * Officers time spent on jaywalkers or metal thieves * Officers out of state training and associated costs thereof * Officers and female informants * Police motorcycle officers hanging out with criminal bikers or in bars * Officers traveling to Seattle for equipment * All costs associated with the canine unit * Inappropriate interactions with dispatchers and Officers * Any incident represented by the Renton Police Guild * Any mention of hot tubs or the word cunt * Officers adultery * Any items going missing * Officers having sex for promotions * Unqualified Officers promotions * Officers parodies * Cartoons * Uploading anonymous videos to the internet * Officers rules or policy violations * The US or State Constitution as it relates to the actions of the Police department * Officers conduct unbecoming * All internal affairs investigations

I am happy to respond to requests for clarification. I seek all responses and communication to be in a written form (email is preferable) no telephone calls whatsoever please!

Benjamin S. Schroeter 4722 18th Avenue NE Suite #6 Seattle Washington 98105 Cell: 206.228.2917

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RE: Public Records request

Subject: RE: Public Records request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 8/19/2011 9:56 AM To:
Thanks have a good weekend!!

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 08:57 To: Zanetta Fontes; Katie McClincy Cc: Kevin Milosevich; Jay B Covington; Marty Wine Subject: FW: Public Records request

I am out of the office today, but wanted to get this forwarded to you now, since it takes a little of the pressure off. Will let you know when/if I receive a follow-up request from him. Bonnie Walton City Clerk

_____ From: Ben Schroeter [benschroeter@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 10:33 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Public Records request Ms. Watson,

I will submit a clarified, amended (and much more brief) request next week.

Since I am not trying to be too burdensome to you and the City, take a break on my request until you hear back from me with my amended request and please allow this email to act as an acknowledgment and request to halt the Public Records clock that is ticking.

Thank you.

Ben Schroeter

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RE: Public Records request

Not sent from a Blackberry or iPhone Visit me @ www.facebook.com/seattlebenjammin Cell: _____ From: Bonnie Walton [mailto:Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 7:15 PM To: 'Ben Schroeter' Subject: RE: Public Records request 206.228.2917

Dear Mr. Schroeter:

I am in receipt of your Public Records Request. Attached please find copy of the City's acknowledgement. As you will see, I have also asked for clarification on several items and have indicated that some records are available for you to view now. I believe the letter is pretty self-explanatory, but if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you after you have had a chance to go through the entire response letter.


Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk/Public Records Officer City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

Phone: 425-430-6502 Fax: 425-430-6516 www.rentonwa.gov

Web site: email:


From: Ben Schroeter [mailto:benschroeter@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 1:49 PM

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RE: Public Records request

To: Bonnie Walton Cc: 'Ben Schroeter' Subject: Public Records request Importance: High

Ms. Walton,

I had a wonderful time reviewing the Renton Police cartoons online and have decided that I must find out what is really going on so as to properly inform the public as to the state of the City of Renton..

This is a Public Records request as per Chapter 42.56 of the RCW. documents for review and possible copying.

I am seeking these

The following requests are for responsive documents found in any City of Renton office or archive system including but not limited to:

* The * The * The * The * The * The * and task forces

office of the Mayor office of the Renton Police Chief office of the Renton City Attorney Renton Police Department (including internal affairs and all sub offices) Renton City Jail Renton City Archivist any other Renton City named or unnamed offices, officers or committees or

The documents should be within a date range of 1/1/2001 to 8/7/2011 (and ongoing as this request continues..)

Documents shall include, but not be limited to all written correspondence, letters, emails, internal memorandum, video or audio recordings, lists, notes, personnel logs, phone logs or any other unmentioned media that are responsive to the following issues or concepts:

* Cyberstalking. * All interactions with King County prosecutors seeking a warrant or charges against or to investigate a cartoon animator * Prosecutor shopping and/or all interactions with the King County Prosecutors office or City Attorneys office concerning cyberstalking * Officers having Sex on duty or in a patrol car * Officers having Sex with citizens they have contacted through their job. * Officers arguing with anyone from an outside agency while drunk * Officers sleeping while on duty * Officers throwing someone off of anything

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RE: Public Records request

* City corrections officers calling in sick * Contentious issues between police officers and corrections officers * Inmate customer satisfaction surveys * The unknown score as described in cartoon #4 about the city jail (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNnoJw6iOlM) * Appointments for booking prisoners * Inappropriate officer relationships with coworkers * Anything mentioning an IHOP employee and Officers * Officers having sex with people in crime prevention or prosecutors * Officers getting caught having sex * Police policies that are inefficient, expensive or waste resources * Police investigations of Officer boyfriends/girlfriends or other family members of city employees * Personal use of city vehicles by Officers * Collisions with any city vehicles while on or off duty * Officers putting fin or overtime to cover up a vehicle accident * Officers time spent on jaywalkers or metal thieves * Officers out of state training and associated costs thereof * Officers and female informants * Police motorcycle officers hanging out with criminal bikers or in bars * Officers traveling to Seattle for equipment * All costs associated with the canine unit * Inappropriate interactions with dispatchers and Officers * Any incident represented by the Renton Police Guild * Any mention of hot tubs or the word cunt * Officers adultery * Any items going missing * Officers having sex for promotions * Unqualified Officers promotions * Officers parodies * Cartoons * Uploading anonymous videos to the internet * Officers rules or policy violations * The US or State Constitution as it relates to the actions of the Police department * Officers conduct unbecoming * All internal affairs investigations

I am happy to respond to requests for clarification. I seek all responses and communication to be in a written form (email is preferable) no telephone calls whatsoever please!

Benjamin S. Schroeter 4722 18th Avenue NE Suite #6 Seattle Washington 98105

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RE: Public Records request



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Media Request

Subject: Media Request From: Halsne, Chris (CMG-Sea le) <CHalsne@kirotv.com> Date: 8/23/2011 2:30 PM To:
Attached is a new request for information on the destruction of some police files. Thank you.

Chris Halsne Lead Investigative Reporter KIRO-TV (CBS) Seattle 206-718-9663 cell 206-728-8517 desk

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Re: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Subject: Re: Exemp on/Redac on Logs From: Jenny Manning </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=JENNYMANNING> Date: 8/23/2011 3:52 PM To:
Thanks, Katie. I'd like to request another record (that I learned about during my meeting with the Mayor, Chief, City Attorney, City Administrator and Communications Director), which has to do with a city employee who filed a harassment complaint. Larry said it was somewhat related to the cyberstalking case, but not really. Do you need any more specific identifying information, or are you able to locate what I'm talking about? Thanks!

On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Katie McClincy <Kmcclincy@rentonwa.gov> wrote:

Jenny here is the exemption/redaction log for the Marsalisi/Judd internal investigation. I now consider your Public Disclosure request of July 20th, 2011 closed. As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!


Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 <tel:%28425%29%20430-7566> Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

-Jenny Manning Editor, Renton.Patch.com jenny.manning@patch.com 425.283.2880

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Re: Exemption/Redaction Logs

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FW: Media Request

Another for your department. I responded only to acknowledge receipt. You will need to let him know within five days how you think it will take to provide the records. Let me know if I can provide assistance.

Bonnie, x6502

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FW: Media Request

Subject: FW: Media Request From: "Bonnie Walton" <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 8/23/2011 4:01 PM To: "Ka$e McClincy" <Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov> CC: "Sandi Weir" <SWeir@Rentonwa.gov>, "Gay Boyer" <Gboyer@Rentonwa.gov>

Subject: FW: Media Request From: "Bonnie Walton" <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 8/23/2011 4:01 PM To: "Ka$e McClincy" <Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov> CC: "Sandi Weir" <SWeir@Rentonwa.gov>, "Gay Boyer" <Gboyer@Rentonwa.gov>

Subject: Media Request From: "Halsne, Chris (CMG-Sea2le)" <CHalsne@kirotv.com> Date: 8/23/2011 2:30 PM To: "Bonnie Walton" <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov>


Media Request.eml ForwardedMessage.eml image001.jpg Shredding foia.pdf

16777216 bytes 16777216 bytes 16777216 bytes 0 bytes

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Re: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Subject: Re: Exemp on/Redac on Logs From: Jenny Manning </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=JENNYMANNING> Date: 8/24/2011 12:01 PM To:
And, I also meant to request the employee (work satisfaction?) survey and results. It was sent out on or around May 25. Thanks!

On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 3:54 PM, Katie McClincy <Kmcclincy@rentonwa.gov> wrote:

Let me check with my chief. From: Jenny Manning Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 15:53 To: Katie McClincy Subject: Re: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Thanks, Katie. I'd like to request another record (that I learned about during my meeting with the Mayor, Chief, City Attorney, City Administrator and Communications Director), which has to do with a city employee who filed a harassment complaint. Larry said it was somewhat related to the cyberstalking case, but not really. Do you need any more specific identifying information, or are you able to locate what I'm talking about? Thanks! On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Katie McClincy <Kmcclincy@rentonwa.gov<mailto:Kmcclincy@rentonwa.gov>> wrote: Jenny - here is the exemption/redaction log for the Marsalisi/Judd internal investigation. I now consider your Public Disclosure request of July 20th, 2011 closed. As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!


Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 <tel:%28425%29%20430-7566> <tel:%28425%29%20430-7566> Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

-Jenny Manning Editor, Renton.Patch.com<http://Renton.Patch.com> jenny.manning@patch.com<mailto:jenny.manning@patch.com> 425.283.2880

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Re: Exemption/Redaction Logs

-Jenny Manning Editor, Renton.Patch.com jenny.manning@patch.com 425.283.2880

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FW: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Subject: FW: Exemp on/Redac on Logs From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 8/24/2011 12:46 PM To:
FYI I believe the Mayors office or H/R was handling the survey.

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RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Subject: RE: Exemp on/Redac on Logs From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 8/24/2011 1:02 PM To:
Thanks. Bonnie I will handle this one from here, too.

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 12:47 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: FW: Exemption/Redaction Logs

FYI I believe the Mayors office or H/R was handling the survey.

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Re: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Subject: Re: Exemp on/Redac on Logs From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 8/24/2011 1:04 PM To:
Thank you!!

_____ From: Bonnie Walton To: Katie McClincy Sent: Wed Aug 24 13:02:51 2011 Subject: RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Thanks. Bonnie

I will handle this one from here, too.

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 12:47 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: FW: Exemption/Redaction Logs

FYI I believe the Mayors office or H/R was handling the survey.

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RTC - Public Disclosure Request

Subject: RTC - Public Disclosure Request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 8/24/2011 4:21 PM To:
Weve received a Public Disclosure request for:

Any information concerning guidance, in any form, provided to Renton law enforcement personnel related to a zero-tolerance policy in or near the Renton Transit Center.

Any information concerning guidance, in any form, provided to Renton law enforcement personnel related to violation of speed limits on trails that are intended for use by bicyclists and/or pedestrians.

Any information provided by City of Renton employees to print and television news media during 2011 concerning security at the Renton Transit Center.

Can you check your notes, email, memorandum, media releases, etc., related to these above three items and forward them to me by September 5th? Much appreciated - Thanks!

Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

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RE: RTC - Public Disclosure Request

Subject: RE: RTC - Public Disclosure Request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 8/24/2011 4:41 PM To:
Copy that. Right.

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 16:40 To: Preeti Shridhar Cc: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: RTC - Public Disclosure Request

I believe Katie is gathering records from the Police Dept. only. all other departments. bw

I am gathering for

From: Preeti Shridhar Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 4:32 PM To: Katie McClincy; Charles Karlewicz; Todd Frazier; Kevin Milosevich; Timothy L Troxel; Kent M Curry; Tracy L Wilkinson; Charles Marsalisi; Floyd L Eldridge; David A Leibman; Clark E Wilcox; Terri Vickers; Paul Cline; Craig W Sjolin Cc: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: RTC - Public Disclosure Request

I already sent media releases on this to Bonnie's office _____ From: Katie McClincy To: Charles Karlewicz; Todd Frazier; Kevin Milosevich; Timothy L Troxel; Kent M Curry; Tracy L Wilkinson; Charles Marsalisi; Floyd L Eldridge; David A Leibman; Clark E Wilcox; Terri Vickers; Preeti Shridhar; Paul Cline; Craig W Sjolin Cc: Katie McClincy; Bonnie Walton Sent: Wed Aug 24 16:21:36 2011 Subject: RTC - Public Disclosure Request Weve received a Public Disclosure request for:

Any information concerning guidance, in any form, provided to Renton law enforcement personnel related to a zero-tolerance policy in or near the Renton Transit Center.

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RE: RTC - Public Disclosure Request

Any information concerning guidance, in any form, provided to Renton law enforcement personnel related to violation of speed limits on trails that are intended for use by bicyclists and/or pedestrians.

Any information provided by City of Renton employees to print and television news media during 2011 concerning security at the Renton Transit Center.

Can you check your notes, email, memorandum, media releases, etc., related to these above three items and forward them to me by September 5th? Much appreciated - Thanks!

Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

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Subject: PDR From: JENNIFER WARDEN <dsbjlw@hotmail.com> Date: 8/25/2011 11:50 AM To:
I am submitting a PUBLIC DISCLOSER REQUEST (per. RCW 42.56 et seq) for the following: All police, incident, dispatch, witness, reports, statements, or documents' relating to ( Joshua Hoersch ) Please respond at your earliest convince via electronic format to my E-mail Thank You Very Much for your time Jennifer Warden

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Katie: I have not acknowledged the attached or asked her for a time period, etc. that all up to you and your dept. to handle. Thanks. Bonnie, x6502 Will leave

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I forwarded to our records folks. Thanks for sending it down!

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 13:14 To: Katie McClincy Cc: Sandi Weir Subject: FW: PDR

Katie: I have not acknowledged the attached or asked her for a time period, etc. that all up to you and your dept. to handle. Thanks. Bonnie, x6502 Will leave

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Fw: Public Disclosure Request

Subject: Fw: Public Disclosure Request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 8/25/2011 6:01 PM To:
_____ From: Christopher Hupy To: Dana M Dipola Cc: Katie McClincy; Gay Boyer; Seattle Times Mike Carter ; Timothy L Troxel; Denis Law Sent: Thu Aug 25 17:00:54 2011 Subject: Public Disclosure Request

Please Provide the following documents per the Washington State Public Records Act; 1. Any and all documents relating to the investigation of Saiyin Phasavath starting from 8-05-2011 until today. 2. Any and all documents which reflect the Rule/policy/procedure/RCW relied upon by the RPD to decide to NOT provide Thomas "TJ" Haggerty Domestic Violence Advocacy Services 3. Any and all documents which relate to any communication to or from Karma Zaike and to or from any employee of the Renton Police Department starting from 08-05-2011 and today 4. Any and all handwritten or other documents prepared by Detective/Officer Pete Kordel and presented to Shawn Arthur and/or Tricia Grove prior to 08-09-2011 5. Any and all versions of the police report relating to the Saiyin Phasavath investigation include any and all "supplemental" or similar type documents whether included in the final report or not 6. Any and all electronic documents (emails) sent/received/and/or deleted which in anyway reference Saiyin Phasavath, Thomas Haggerty and/or Christopher Hupy. 7. Any and all documents which the subject line included the following words "COMMENTS OF CONCERN RENTON POLICE DEPARTMENT 14 YEAR OLD VICTIM OF STRANGULATION" for any and all employee's of the City of Renton. Please include all documents whether sent/saved /received/deleted. 8. Any and all rule/policy/RCW relied upon by the RPD to determine the Degree of Assault to charge Saiyin Phasavath with Assault 4 9. Any and all rule/policy/proceedure/RCW relied upon by the RPD to follow "Filing Guidelines" as published by the KCPAO instead of the Washington RCW's (what authority does the RPD rely on when following KCPAO Filing Guidelines in lieu of Washington RCW's) 10. Any and all documents which detail and/or describe the act of Strangulation relied upon by the RPD as a legal definition. 11. Any and all documents the RPD has regarding the use of a "Choke Hold" or "Headlock" maneuver by Officers and or Detectives in controlling a person; or a member of the RPD would rely upon to carry out his or her job duties. Include any other documentation which demonstrates the possible adverse effects of using such maneuvers and what

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Fw: Public Disclosure Request

medical aid may be appropriate to counted act the adverse effect of such maneuvers. Also any and all RPD Policy concerning the use of such maneuvers by Law Enforcement personnel, whether published by RPD or not.

Based on the electronic document retention settings on the Servers and/or data storage devices many of the requested documents may be in danger of intended and/or unintended permanent destruction, specifically the "Deleted" emails, I assume the City servers/data storage/data back-up devices are set for a 7-21 day purge or deleted emails. I also understand some of these documents may still be involved in an open Police Investigation if so please place this PDR as received but not able to fulfill until case closure, but any attempts (intentional or otherwise) to allow documents to be destroyed will be viewed as a violation of the Public Records Act, and I will response accordingly. If part of this request falls into another PDO at the City of Renton please forward this to that agent for production of Documents. Please make documents available in electronic format (.pdf) and electronic delivery if possible otherwise I will come and pick them up.

Christopher J. Hupy Edmonds, WA 98026

This email communication may contain CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WHICH ALSO MAY BE LEGALLY PRIVILEGED and is intended only for the use of the intended recipients identified above. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication, you are hereby notified that any unauthorized review, use, dissemination, distribution, downloading, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify me by reply email, delete the communication and destroy all copies.

_____ From: Ddipola@Rentonwa.gov To: amakirkland@hotmail.com CC: Ddipola@Rentonwa.gov; Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov; Gboyer@Rentonwa.gov Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 16:52:43 -0700 Subject: Public Disclosure Request

In your Public Disclosure request of August 17, 2011, you requested the following:

1. Any document referred to as Filing Guidelines published by the King County Prosecutors Office and supplied to RPD which would reference classification of degree of Assaults, these documents would be relied upon by the Officer/Detective issuing citations and/or charging documents.

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Fw: Public Disclosure Request

Attached in PDF and sent to you as email, as you requested, is a copy of the King County Prosecutors Office filing guidelines as provided by that office to the Renton Police Department.

I now consider your Public Disclosure request of August 17th, 2011 closed as of todays date.


Dana Dipola Lead Specialist Renton Police Department 425-430-7626 or 425-430-7500

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FW: UMB is now on the new Drive

Subject: FW: UMB is now on the new Drive From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 9/6/2011 8:53 AM To:
fyi bw

From: Rick Butler Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 8:24 AM To: Bonnie Walton; Gay Boyer Cc: Mehdi Sadri; Ronald Hansen Subject: UMB is now on the new Drive

Bonnie/Gay, UMB is now up and running on the new Drive.

FYI, If your searches will include emails received/sent from last Friday afternoon (Sep 2), please be advised that several thousand emails are currently being processed. During the move to the new Drive, all services were stopped, but all emails (sent & received) were still being accumulated in the Vault Mailbox. Those emails are now being processed, along with all of the emails currently coming into and out of the city, and I expect that later today, all emails in the Vault Mailbox will be processed and available in your searches.

Please let me know if you have any issues with UMB.

Thanks for your patience during this process.

Rick Butler Senior Network Systems City of Renton rbutler@rentonwa.gov Specialist

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FW: UMB is now on the new Drive


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RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Subject: RE: Exemp on/Redac on Logs From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 9/8/2011 12:08 PM To:
You know, I think the right answer to this, just in case it is still open, is that we have no records responsive. I dont know that an employee has really done this, and it was not related to the cyber stalking case, had one been filed.

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 12:52 To: Jenny Manning Cc: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Jenny: Your request has been forwarded to me for processing. As the City's Public Records Officer, I will be getting back to you with further information on this within the next few days.

Bonnie Walton City Clerk & Public Records Officer City of Renton 425-430-6502

From: Jenny Manning Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 3:53 PM To: Katie McClincy Subject: Re: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Thanks, Katie. I'd like to request another record (that I learned about during my meeting with the Mayor, Chief, City Attorney, City Administrator and Communications Director), which has to do with a city employee who filed a harassment complaint. Larry said it was somewhat related to the cyberstalking case, but not really. Do you need any more specific identifying information, or are you able to locate what I'm talking about? Thanks!

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RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Katie McClincy <Kmcclincy@rentonwa.gov> wrote: Jenny here is the exemption/redaction log for the Marsalisi/Judd internal investigation. I now consider your Public Disclosure request of July 20th, 2011 closed. As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!


Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 <tel:%28425%29%20430-7566> Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

-Jenny Manning Editor, Renton.Patch.com jenny.manning@patch.com 425.283.2880

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RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Subject: RE: Exemp on/Redac on Logs From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 9/8/2011 12:14 PM To:
I already responded to this request based on the suggested language supplied by Zanetta and information you supplied. So this one is closed. Thanks, tho! Bonnie

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 12:08 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

You know, I think the right answer to this, just in case it is still open, is that we have no records responsive. I dont know that an employee has really done this, and it was not related to the cyber stalking case, had one been filed.

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 12:52 To: Jenny Manning Cc: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Jenny: Your request has been forwarded to me for processing. As the City's Public Records Officer, I will be getting back to you with further information on this within the next few days.

Bonnie Walton City Clerk & Public Records Officer City of Renton 425-430-6502

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RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

From: Jenny Manning Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 3:53 PM To: Katie McClincy Subject: Re: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Thanks, Katie. I'd like to request another record (that I learned about during my meeting with the Mayor, Chief, City Attorney, City Administrator and Communications Director), which has to do with a city employee who filed a harassment complaint. Larry said it was somewhat related to the cyberstalking case, but not really. Do you need any more specific identifying information, or are you able to locate what I'm talking about? Thanks! On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Katie McClincy <Kmcclincy@rentonwa.gov> wrote: Jenny here is the exemption/redaction log for the Marsalisi/Judd internal investigation. I now consider your Public Disclosure request of July 20th, 2011 closed. As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!


Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 <tel:%28425%29%20430-7566> Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

-Jenny Manning Editor, Renton.Patch.com jenny.manning@patch.com 425.283.2880

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RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Subject: RE: Exemp on/Redac on Logs From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 9/8/2011 12:14 PM To:
Thank you, Maam!

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 12:14 To: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

I already responded to this request based on the suggested language supplied by Zanetta and information you supplied. So this one is closed. Thanks, tho! Bonnie

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 12:08 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

You know, I think the right answer to this, just in case it is still open, is that we have no records responsive. I dont know that an employee has really done this, and it was not related to the cyber stalking case, had one been filed.

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 12:52 To: Jenny Manning Cc: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Jenny: Your request has been forwarded to me for processing. As the City's Public Records Officer, I will be getting back to you with further information on this within the next few days.

Bonnie Walton

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RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

City Clerk & Public Records Officer City of Renton 425-430-6502

From: Jenny Manning Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 3:53 PM To: Katie McClincy Subject: Re: Exemption/Redaction Logs

Thanks, Katie. I'd like to request another record (that I learned about during my meeting with the Mayor, Chief, City Attorney, City Administrator and Communications Director), which has to do with a city employee who filed a harassment complaint. Larry said it was somewhat related to the cyberstalking case, but not really. Do you need any more specific identifying information, or are you able to locate what I'm talking about? Thanks! On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Katie McClincy <Kmcclincy@rentonwa.gov> wrote: Jenny here is the exemption/redaction log for the Marsalisi/Judd internal investigation. I now consider your Public Disclosure request of July 20th, 2011 closed. As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!


Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 <tel:%28425%29%20430-7566> Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

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RE: Exemption/Redaction Logs

-Jenny Manning Editor, Renton.Patch.com jenny.manning@patch.com 425.283.2880

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Request for Public Records

Subject: Request for Public Records From: Grace Olson <Grace@lawgate.net> Date: 9/9/2011 3:48 PM To:
Dear Records Custodian,

Please see attached records request form. If you have questions, or need additional information to complete the request, please let me know. Thank you.

Grace A. Olson Assistant to Ms. Zaike & Ms. Soltan-Qurraie Michael W. Bugni & Associates, PLLC. 11300 Roosevelt Way NE, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 206-365-5500 98125 FAX: 206-363-8067


Confidentiality Notice:

This Electronic Message contains

information belonging to the Law Offices of Michael W. Bugni & Associates, PLLC. (206-365-5500), which is confidential and/or privileged information. The information is intended only If you are

for the use of the individual or entity named above.

not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this message is strictly prohibited. Please notify us immediately by replying to this

message or telephoning us if you have received this message by mistake. Thank you.

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Request for Public Records

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FW: Request for Public Records

Subject: FW: Request for Public Records From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 9/12/2011 9:08 AM To:
Katie, I am forwarding this records request to you for processing. I have acknowledged receipt of it, but have not yet given an estimate of how long it will take to provide the records. Not realizing at first that these would all be Police records, I have, however, already completed an email search using keyword of "Hupy" and have those copies here, ready for you to pick up and process.

Bonnie Walton City Clerk, x6502

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Chris Halsne, the fellow who interviewed Larry Warren last week, would like to interview you this week. His cell is 206 718 9663. fyi

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RE: Meeting

10-4 -----Original Message----From: Kevin Milosevich Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 14:39 To: Katie McClincy Subject: Meeting Preeti will call his executive producer to find out what the issue is. that should he call. Don't tell him

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FW: Request for Public Records

Subject: FW: Request for Public Records From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 9/13/2011 5:49 PM To:
Katie: The following is the acknowledgement I sent regarding the request that is attached. I'm sure I left you a voicemail about this, but anyway here it is now. Bonnie, x6502

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 9:06 AM To: 'Grace Olson' Cc: Karma Zaike Subject: RE: Request for Public Records

Dear Ms. Olson: I am in receipt of your request for records, and have begun the process of notifying the appropriate City Department. You will be hearing from the City department soon providing an estimate as to how long it will take to produce the records. Bonnie Walton City Clerk City of Renton 425-430-6502

From: Grace Olson [mailto:Grace@lawgate.net] Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 3:48 PM To: Bonnie Walton Cc: Karma Zaike Subject: Request for Public Records

Dear Records Custodian,

Please see attached records request form. If you have questions, or need additional information to complete the request, please let me know. Thank you.

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FW: Request for Public Records

Grace A. Olson Assistant to Ms. Zaike & Ms. Soltan-Qurraie Michael W. Bugni & Associates, PLLC. 11300 Roosevelt Way NE, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 206-365-5500 98125 FAX: 206-363-8067


Confidentiality Notice: This Electronic Message contains information belonging to the Law Offices of Michael W. Bugni & Associates, PLLC. (206-365-5500), which is confidential and/or privileged information. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this message is strictly prohibited. Please notify us immediately by replying to this message or telephoning us if you have received this message by mistake. Thank you.

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FW: Public Records Request

Subject: FW: Public Records Request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 9/15/2011 3:48 PM To:
For you files goes with the response I ccd you on.

From: Mark Dougan [mailto:mdougan@insurexecs.com] Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 15:18 To: Katie McClincy Subject: Public Records Request


Per our discussion:

I would like a log of all Internal Affairs investigations completed from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010.

I am requesting these documents under Washington States Public Records Act 42.56. Per this act: I know you advised you are backlogged approximately five(5) years, or until after your retirement, however, according to this statute: agencies are required to respond promptly to your request. Within five business days after receiving a request, the agency must either: 1. Provide the record(s)

2. Acknowledge your request and give you a reasonable estimate of how long it will take to fully respond; or 3. Deny the request in writing, with reasons for the denial (this could also include a denial of part of your request and granting of the remainder). The agency must tell you the specific exemption or other law it relies upon for its denial. I do not believe your statement that I am at the end of the line and my request may not be filled until after your retirement is necessarily telling me you are going to prevent giving me the requested records in violation of Washington State Statutes, however, I will have you know I have considerable means and resources and I do not mind a legal battle to obtain these records in the reasonable amount of time as dictated by statute. I have often found these battles are won in the media before a court challenge ensues and I dont think the tax-paying citizens of Renton would appreciate finding out on the news the Renton Police Department (whom is supposed to uphold the law) is purposefully violating state statute in a concerted effort to keep internal dirt hidden

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FW: Public Records Request

from the public eye.

I wish for me and my collogues to have a good-working relationship with your department, despite what may come to light. The public, after all, has a right to know for what their tax dollars are paying.

Please provide me with a bill of the total amount I shall owe for this request.

Good day to you.

Mark Dougan

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FW: Public Records Request

Subject: FW: Public Records Request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 9/15/2011 3:48 PM To:
Andthe middle

From: Mark Dougan [mailto:mdougan@insurexecs.com] Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 15:39 To: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: Public Records Request

Oh, good. I thought you were blowing me off there. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Feel better soon? Did I advise I was ill?

If you care to check out my pet project, please feel free to visit:

www.pbsotalk.com or visit the document repository at http://docs.pbsotalk.com . You think your department has problems or is embroiled in controversy? It cant match what weve uncovered at the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office.

This particular site gets about 360,000 hits per month and my developer utilized the code for the new www.Rentontalk.com site. I dont really plan on keeping the site up forever; there is a mission behind the site (youll have to read it to understand).

Have a great day and should I not hear from you today or tomorrow, have a fantastic weekend.


From: Katie McClincy [mailto:Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 6:28 PM To: Mark Dougan Subject: RE: Public Records Request

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FW: Public Records Request

Mark this is to acknowledge your public disclosure request below. What I actually said was that I have accumulated about 5 years worth of work in the last few weeks, but that even though you are my most recent requester, that did not mean that it would take five years. I am fairly certain I said that timelines depended upon the volume of any given request. That said, your request is easily completed, and I believe I can provide the document you seek this afternoon. I am in fact happy to send it PDF at no cost to you. I hope you feel better soon best of luck to you!


Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

From: Mark Dougan [mailto:mdougan@insurexecs.com] Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 15:18 To: Katie McClincy Subject: Public Records Request


Per our discussion:

I would like a log of all Internal Affairs investigations completed from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010.

I am requesting these documents under Washington States Public Records Act 42.56. Per this act: I know you advised you are backlogged approximately five(5) years, or until after your retirement, however, according to this statute:

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FW: Public Records Request

agencies are required to respond promptly to your request. Within five business days after receiving a request, the agency must either: 1. Provide the record(s)

2. Acknowledge your request and give you a reasonable estimate of how long it will take to fully respond; or 3. Deny the request in writing, with reasons for the denial (this could also include a denial of part of your request and granting of the remainder). The agency must tell you the specific exemption or other law it relies upon for its denial. I do not believe your statement that I am at the end of the line and my request may not be filled until after your retirement is necessarily telling me you are going to prevent giving me the requested records in violation of Washington State Statutes, however, I will have you know I have considerable means and resources and I do not mind a legal battle to obtain these records in the reasonable amount of time as dictated by statute. I have often found these battles are won in the media before a court challenge ensues and I dont think the tax-paying citizens of Renton would appreciate finding out on the news the Renton Police Department (whom is supposed to uphold the law) is purposefully violating state statute in a concerted effort to keep internal dirt hidden from the public eye.

I wish for me and my collogues to have a good-working relationship with your department, despite what may come to light. The public, after all, has a right to know for what their tax dollars are paying.

Please provide me with a bill of the total amount I shall owe for this request.

Good day to you.

Mark Dougan

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FW: Request for Public Records - Police report

Subject: FW: Request for Public Records - Police report From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 9/20/2011 5:31 PM To:
Forwarding for you to acknowledge and process. Thanks. Bonnie, x6502

From: Ratu [mailto:v2keli@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 4:48 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Request for Public Records - Police report

Please refer request form attached. Please advise cost for copies of the police report. Thank you. -Ratu Vosailagi

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MRSC Publication No. 32 Revised

Subject: MRSC Publica on No. 32 Revised From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 9/21/2011 4:22 PM To:
Attached for your information is copy of MRSCs recently updated publication, Appearance of Fairness. If you would like a hard copy ordered, please let me know.

Bonnie Walton City Clerk, x6502

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Fw: Shredding of police documents

Subject: Fw: Shredding of police documents From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 9/22/2011 9:37 AM To:

_____ From: Denis Law To: Don Persson; Don Persson 2 ; Greg Taylor; Greg Taylor 2 ; Julia Medzegian; King Parker; King Parker 2 ; Marcie Palmer; Marcie Palmer 2 ; Randy Corman; Randy Corman 2 (racorman@comcast.net) ; Rich Zwicker; Terri Briere; Terri Briere 2 Cc: April Alexander; Jay B Covington; Kevin Milosevich; Larry Warren Sent: Thu Sep 22 08:23:19 2011 Subject: Shredding of police documents

I know some of you either watched or have heard about the coverage on one of the television stations last night, dealing with the police departments shredding of old disciplinary records several months ago. Its being tied to the coverage involving the YouTube videos and discipline of four our officers.

I hope to provide you with details regarding this process before noon today.

Mayor, City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 425 430-6500 rentonwa.gov

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Re: Shredding of police documents

Subject: Re: Shredding of police documents From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 9/23/2011 10:43 AM To:
Do you need a call or anything?

_____ From: Kevin Milosevich To: Katie McClincy Sent: Thu Sep 22 09:37:35 2011 Subject: Fw: Shredding of police documents


_____ From: Denis Law To: Don Persson; Don Persson 2 ; Greg Taylor; Greg Taylor 2 ; Julia Medzegian; King Parker; King Parker 2 ; Marcie Palmer; Marcie Palmer 2 ; Randy Corman; Randy Corman 2 (racorman@comcast.net) ; Rich Zwicker; Terri Briere; Terri Briere 2 Cc: April Alexander; Jay B Covington; Kevin Milosevich; Larry Warren Sent: Thu Sep 22 08:23:19 2011 Subject: Shredding of police documents

I know some of you either watched or have heard about the coverage on one of the television stations last night, dealing with the police departments shredding of old disciplinary records several months ago. Its being tied to the coverage involving the YouTube videos and discipline of four our officers.

I hope to provide you with details regarding this process before noon today.

Mayor, City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 425 430-6500 rentonwa.gov

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RE: Shredding of police documents

Subject: RE: Shredding of police documents From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 9/23/2011 10:56 AM To:
No. we are working our way through this issue.

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 10:44 To: Kevin Milosevich Subject: Re: Shredding of police documents

Do you need a call or anything? _____ From: Kevin Milosevich To: Katie McClincy Sent: Thu Sep 22 09:37:35 2011 Subject: Fw: Shredding of police documents FYI _____ From: Denis Law To: Don Persson; Don Persson 2 ; Greg Taylor; Greg Taylor 2 ; Julia Medzegian; King Parker; King Parker 2 ; Marcie Palmer; Marcie Palmer 2 ; Randy Corman; Randy Corman 2 (racorman@comcast.net) ; Rich Zwicker; Terri Briere; Terri Briere 2 Cc: April Alexander; Jay B Covington; Kevin Milosevich; Larry Warren Sent: Thu Sep 22 08:23:19 2011 Subject: Shredding of police documents I know some of you either watched or have heard about the coverage on one of the television stations last night, dealing with the police departments shredding of old disciplinary records several months ago. Its being tied to the coverage involving the YouTube videos and discipline of four our officers.

I hope to provide you with details regarding this process before noon today.

Mayor, City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 425 430-6500

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RE: Shredding of police documents


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FW: Request for Public Records - Police report

Subject: FW: Request for Public Records - Police report From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 9/23/2011 2:01 PM To:
the attached is fyi bw

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Renton Public Records Request.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Professional

Subject: Renton Public Records Request.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Professional From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 9/26/2011 2:00 PM To:
You may have already received the attached request and processed it, but I am sending it now to be sure. Bonnie, x6502

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FW: Public Records Request

Subject: FW: Public Records Request From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 9/27/2011 12:59 PM To:
The attached records request is being forwarded to you for acknowledgement and processing. Thanks. Bonnie Walton City Clerk, x6502

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Status of PDR

Beth was wondering where you were with Chucks attorneys request. busy just let me know. Thanks I know you are

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Re: Status of PDR

I am accumulating materials. He has asked for quite a lot. Thanks for the reminder though that she needs copies.

_____ From: Kevin Milosevich To: Katie McClincy Sent: Thu Sep 29 12:26:52 2011 Subject: Status of PDR

Beth was wondering where you were with Chucks attorneys request. busy just let me know. Thanks

I know you are

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Attached you will find a new special order covering social networking. This new special order has been discussed at the last two Labor-management meetings. If you have any questions regarding this order or how it is applied please let me know. A more formal policy will be created in the near future and again we will be soliciting input from the Guild.


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Just a reminder, you should send out an org all email pertaining to item #6 of the request from Chucks attorney.


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Org all police, or org all?

From: Kevin Milosevich Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 12:49 To: Katie McClincy Subject: PDA

Just a reminder, you should send out an org all email pertaining to item #6 of the request from Chucks attorney.


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Public Disclosure Request

Subject: Public Disclosure Request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 10/3/2011 1:26 PM To:
We have received a Public Disclosure request that asks in part for the following:

6. Any other documents or complaints made in writing against members of the Renton Police Department Command Staff, whether investigated or not.

If you are aware of or possess such documents, please provide me a copy or notify me of the location of such documents.

If you do not, please respond also by EMAILING ME BACK with I have no knowledge of records that are responsive to this request.

Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

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Well it is your call, but it asks for any other documents or complaints made in writing against members of the Renton Command staff.

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 13:10 To: Kevin Milosevich Subject: RE: PDA

Org all police, or org all?

From: Kevin Milosevich Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 12:49 To: Katie McClincy Subject: PDA

Just a reminder, you should send out an org all email pertaining to item #6 of the request from Chucks attorney.


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RE: Public Disclosure Request

Subject: RE: Public Disclosure Request From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 10/3/2011 2:10 PM To:
I have no knowledge of records that are responsive to this request other than what I have already provided.

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 13:27 To: ORG_POLICE_ALL Subject: Public Disclosure Request Importance: Low

We have received a Public Disclosure request that asks in part for the following:

6. Any other documents or complaints made in writing against members of the Renton Police Department Command Staff, whether investigated or not.

If you are aware of or possess such documents, please provide me a copy or notify me of the location of such documents.

If you do not, please respond also by EMAILING ME BACK with I have no knowledge of records that are responsive to this request.

Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

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DRAFT - Dougan 5-day letter10-11-11 (2).doc

Subject: DRAFT - Dougan 5-day le er10-11-11 (2).doc From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 10/11/2011 3:58 PM To:
<<Dougan 5-day letter10-11-11 (2).doc>> Here's my spin on my response. See if it meets your needs. Feel free to change or critique. (I can change anything back to the way you had it before, too, if you want.) I have a meeting now, but will get back to this and still plan to get this out tonight. Bonnie

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Re: DRAFT - Dougan 5-day letter10-11-11 (2).doc

Subject: Re: DRAFT - Dougan 5-day le er10-11-11 (2).doc From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 10/11/2011 4:36 PM To:
Perfect!! ----- Original Message ----From: Bonnie Walton To: Katie McClincy Sent: Tue Oct 11 15:58:33 2011 Subject: DRAFT - Dougan 5-day letter10-11-11 (2).doc Here's my spin on my response. See if it meets your needs. Feel free to change or critique. (I can change anything back to the way you had it before, too, if you want.) I have a meeting now, but will get back to this and still plan to get this out tonight. Bonnie

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FW: Public Records Request Received

Subject: FW: Public Records Request Received From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 10/11/2011 6:40 PM To:
fyi... bw

-----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 6:40 PM To: 'mdougan@insurexecs.com' Subject: Public Records Request Received Dear Mr. Dougan: Your records request received by the City of Renton via email on Friday, October 7, 2011, has been forwarded to me for processing. Attached you will find my letter acknowledging receipt of your request, and requesting further clarification. I will look for your response. Sincerely, Bonnie Walton City Clerk and City Records Officer City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6502

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RE: Blackberry

Just talked to IS server had an issue. They rebooted at about 0930.

From: Kevin Milosevich Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 10:46 To: David A Leibman; Charles Karlewicz; Clark E Wilcox; Floyd L Eldridge; Katie McClincy; Kent M Curry; Michael D Luther; Paul Cline; Timothy L Troxel Subject: RE: Blackberry

I havent received an email on my BB since 0606 today.

From: David A Leibman Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 10:39 To: Charles Karlewicz; Clark E Wilcox; Floyd L Eldridge; Katie McClincy; Kent M Curry; Kevin Milosevich; Michael D Luther; Paul Cline; Timothy L Troxel Subject: Blackberry

Is anyone elses BB no receiving e mails today?

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For letting Sandi come down. Got it working and I am all giggly this is so cool! is going to save hundreds of hours. It

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RE: Thanks!

You're welcome! bw We need to look for any break we can get!

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 12:39 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Thanks!

For letting Sandi come down. Got it working and I am all giggly this is so cool! is going to save hundreds of hours.


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RE: Thanks!

Thats the truth!

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 13:40 To: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: Thanks!

You're welcome! bw

We need to look for any break we can get!

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 12:39 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Thanks!

For letting Sandi come down. Got it working and I am all giggly this is so cool! is going to save hundreds of hours.


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FW: Second RPA Request


From: Alexander Higgins [mailto:alexjhiggins@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 11:00 To: Katie McClincy Cc: Beth Kennar Subject: Second RPA Request

Ms. McClincy, Please advise whether you will accept service of this PRA request via email. have it faxed or hand-delivered if that is required. Thank you, Alex J. Higgins -Law Offices of Alex J. Higgins Labor & Employment Law 2200 Sixth Ave, Suite 835 Seattle, WA 98121 206.340.4856 206.518-3698 (cell phone) 206.260.8803 (fax) alexjhiggins@gmail.com www.alexjhiggins.com CONFIDENTIALITY: This communication is intended for the sole use of the individual and entity to whom it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or duplication of this communication by someone other than the intended addressee or its designated agent is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify this firm immediately by reply to this communication. I can

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Attached for your information is a listing of written public records requests received and processed through the City Clerk/Public Records Officer during the period January through September 2011. This listing does not include all City Clerk Office in-person or verbal-only requests that get quickly filled, information requests that do not involve an actual City record, Subpoena Duce Tecum process service received, or requests that may have gone directly to other City divisions without being received by the City Clerk. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Bonnie Walton City Clerk x6502

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Bonnie, Is there any way that we track the amount of time spent on individual requests? I'm thinking that it would be beneficial to identify the nuisance requests and calculate what this costs taxpayers.

Mayor, City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 425 430-6500 rentonwa.gov -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 4:16 PM To: Denis Law; Jay B Covington; Marty Wine Cc: Larry Warren; Zanetta Fontes Subject: Attached for your information is a listing of written public records requests received and processed through the City Clerk/Public Records Officer during the period January through September 2011. This listing does not include all City Clerk Office in-person or verbal-only requests that get quickly filled, information requests that do not involve an actual City record, Subpoena Duce Tecum process service received, or requests that may have gone directly to other City divisions without being received by the City Clerk. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Bonnie Walton City Clerk x6502

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RE: PRR Log thru Sept 2011

Subject: RE: PRR Log thru Sept 2011 From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 10/25/2011 10:46 AM To:
I agree it would be very beneficial. (I even revised our Request form the last time to add a whole section to document the amount of time spent on each records request.) The problem in actually tracking, though, is that in processing a records request after I receive it initially, it can often pass through several different staff people, in more than one department/division, and each person may work on it on several different occasions. So getting an accurate reading on the true and total amount of time being spent city-wide is time-consuming and labor intensive in itself, and then collecting the data back from everyone for one final comprehensive number is another task. Many of my Clerk colleagues and I have talked about this and the amount of time and cooperation it requires city-wide to accurately capture those numbers. For the requests that I handle from start to finish, or those that get handled in my office solely, I can certainly estimate our time spent. For the others that include both my office and one or more departments, though, we would really need to get the administrators and all their staff members on board to help track those numbers accurately and then supply them back to me promptly for compilation. I will revisit this and see if I can implement a system for city-wide records request time tracking. If you have any suggestions or would like to discuss further, I am available at your convenience. Bonnie Walton City Clerk, x6502

-----Original Message----From: Denis Law Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 9:27 AM To: Bonnie Walton Cc: Jay B Covington Subject: RE: Bonnie, Is there any way that we track the amount of time spent on individual requests? I'm thinking that it would be beneficial to identify the nuisance requests and calculate what this costs taxpayers.

Mayor, City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 425 430-6500 rentonwa.gov -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 4:16 PM To: Denis Law; Jay B Covington; Marty Wine Cc: Larry Warren; Zanetta Fontes Subject: Attached for your information is a listing of written public records requests received

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and processed through the City Clerk/Public Records Officer during the period January through September 2011. This listing does not include all City Clerk Office in-person or verbal-only requests that get quickly filled, information requests that do not involve an actual City record, Subpoena Duce Tecum process service received, or requests that may have gone directly to other City divisions without being received by the City Clerk. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Bonnie Walton City Clerk x6502

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RE: PRR Log thru Sept 2011

Subject: RE: PRR Log thru Sept 2011 From: Denis Law </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=DLAW> Date: 10/25/2011 11:02 AM To:
I would not want to add additional time to an already onerous process. Let's hold-off for now. I would like to have some discussion with AWC leadership to see if they are doing anything in particular to bolster their communication efforts with the Legislature in identifying impacts public records requests have on cities. I'll let you know if we want to try doing something different than we currently do. Thanks Bonnie.

Mayor, City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 425 430-6500 rentonwa.gov

-----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:47 AM To: Denis Law Cc: Jay B Covington Subject: RE: PRR Log thru Sept 2011 I agree it would be very beneficial. (I even revised our Request form the last time to add a whole section to document the amount of time spent on each records request.) The problem in actually tracking, though, is that in processing a records request after I receive it initially, it can often pass through several different staff people, in more than one department/division, and each person may work on it on several different occasions. So getting an accurate reading on the true and total amount of time being spent city-wide is time-consuming and labor intensive in itself, and then collecting the data back from everyone for one final comprehensive number is another task. Many of my Clerk colleagues and I have talked about this and the amount of time and cooperation it requires city-wide to accurately capture those numbers. For the requests that I handle from start to finish, or those that get handled in my office solely, I can certainly estimate our time spent. For the others that include both my office and one or more departments, though, we would really need to get the administrators and all their staff members on board to help track those numbers accurately and then supply them back to me promptly for compilation. I will revisit this and see if I can implement a system for city-wide records request time tracking. If you have any suggestions or would like to discuss further, I am available at your convenience. Bonnie Walton City Clerk, x6502

-----Original Message----From: Denis Law Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 9:27 AM To: Bonnie Walton

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RE: PRR Log thru Sept 2011

Cc: Jay B Covington Subject: RE: Bonnie, Is there any way that we track the amount of time spent on individual requests? I'm thinking that it would be beneficial to identify the nuisance requests and calculate what this costs taxpayers.

Mayor, City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 425 430-6500 rentonwa.gov -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 4:16 PM To: Denis Law; Jay B Covington; Marty Wine Cc: Larry Warren; Zanetta Fontes Subject: Attached for your information is a listing of written public records requests received and processed through the City Clerk/Public Records Officer during the period January through September 2011. This listing does not include all City Clerk Office in-person or verbal-only requests that get quickly filled, information requests that do not involve an actual City record, Subpoena Duce Tecum process service received, or requests that may have gone directly to other City divisions without being received by the City Clerk. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Bonnie Walton City Clerk x6502

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FW: Records Request


From: Mark Dougan [mailto:mdougan@insurexecs.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 12:19 To: Katie McClincy; Denis Law Subject: Records Request

City of Renton Public Records Officer Mayor Denis Law Commander K. McClincy 1055 S Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055

This letter clarifies my initial public records request. Please let me know if there is anything else you require. Also, please let me know the revised time frame for production. I also prefer contact via email with this email address to better facilitate contact and reduce fees for mailing costs.

Item 1.a Per the recent Washington Supreme Court decision relating to the release of all internal investigation files, I am requesting all internal investigation records to be produced, not only sustained internal investigations. I am clarifying that I am requesting all existing internal investigation files, not those limited by any dates, which includes any files that are currently marked for destruction. I still request all logs noting destruction of public documents.

Items 2 & 4 I am again repeating my request for the criminal investigation on the parody cartoons. I am requesting clarification as to this criminal investigation being an active case. Specifically, has the police department determined a crime occurred? From multiple media interviews, some noted below, it appears the criminal case has been closed. If a criminal investigation of Cyberstalking is ongoing, my intention is to involve the ACLU and private legal firms to bring the matter in front of a courtroom for 1st Amendment

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rights violation, public records acts violations, and to ask the court to make the entire case a non-exempt public record (if the court determines that this case is being kept active in only an attempt to prevent public disclosure). Please refer to WAC 44-14-05005 and WAC 44-14-07003 for preservation of any records you choose to claim exemption that may be demanded in a court proceeding.

I am aware that there is one cyberstalking investigation (being claimed active) and several internal investigations related to the parody cartoons. I am also aware that information in the internal investigation is most likely duplicated in the criminal investigation. I am asking that information not be retracted from either investigation for production, that they be produced fully as stated by law.

The following are the public statements made relating to a closed, suspended, or no evidence to further an investigation. I have found none that indicate an investigation is ongoing, will be fruitful, will identify a suspect, or has any likelihood of success. I am also aware that the King County Prosecutor Office declined charges based on being legally insufficient and request that this notification from the prosecutor's office be produced, or preserved if not produced.

Per Jay Covington, "This case is now about harassment and discrimination, and it is our duty to protect those who might have been harassed," Covington said. "It is our responsibility to prevent a hostile work environment and we will continue to conduct an internal investigation." http://www.kirotv.com/news/28840940/detail.html

While the department has stopped pursuing criminal charges, investigators will continue to review the cartoons internally for possible harassment and discrimination, Convington said. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/127559673.html

Per Renton Spokesperson Preeti Shridhar, "The information that we were getting from the search warrants made us think it's much better to focus on an internal investigation," said city of Renton spokeswoman Preeti Shridhar. http://www.seattlepi.com/local/article/Renton-police-dropscartoonist-cyberstalking-1884538.php

Per Larry Warren, We're a long ways from a criminal charge and it doesn't look likely at this point." http://renton.patch.com/articles/city-wraps-up-investigation-of-

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FW: Records Request


Item 5 You are correct on the start date of January 1, 2011. I am clarifying that I want all emails related to the parody cartoons, including all attachments, from all persons stating anything related to the parody cartoons, including sent to or from personal email accounts.

I also want a search of emails for listed search terms to the cartoon parody, whether or not the emails state reduce the number of emails and time for production, I below list, even if they do not appear to be directly in the emails, I am requesting those emails as well:

which I believe will be related that relation in the emails. To will reduce the terms to the related to the parody cartoons

a) Shredding or shred or shredded b) acid queen c) Youtube d) tellinthetruth e) parody f) fuddlesticks or mrfuddlesticks or mrfiddlesticks or fiddlesticks g) whothehellispenny h) cyberstalking i) xtranormal j) internal investigation files

Item 6 I am requesting copies of all requests for public disclosure received by the City of Renton since January 2010 to the date of this request (not only 2011), related to the Renton Police Department but regardless of any specific topic.

Regarding cost and production, I prefer the production be placed on a City server for download as this would be the least costly and most effective for public disclosure. Please refer to WAC 44-14-07003 and RCW

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42.17.270/42.56.080 as it is the Washington Legislative intent that agencies provide public disclosure in this manner.

The time of production stated you stated is 2 or more years. I requested a rolling production of the public documents. Are you saying that it will be 2 years before I receive anything and that it may take even longer than that? RCW 42.17.270/42.56.080 provides for installments to be produced. Can you provide me with the reason for the long delay and method used to create this estimate for production?

I am aware that the city employs an electronic email system, that it s current to today's technology standards and can be searched electronically and quickly across the city network. I also understand that the department employs an electronic case management system, which can also be searched electronically and quickly. I also understand that the internal investigation (IA) files are now fewer since July 2011, including only one criminal investigation file requested that is being claimed exempt from public disclosure. Please clarify the long delay in the production of these few items.

As email is stored electronically, per WAC 44.14.050 and 44-14- 07003, these can be provided electronically in the same format, or if redacted, reasonably translated into another format. An example is PDF. The cost being the cost of the media to store the files, such as a CD or nullified if placed online (per the WAC, de minimis regarding cost, too small to matter).

Furthermore, RCW 43.105.250 provides: "It is the intent of the legislature to encourage state and local governments to develop, store, and manage their public records and information in electronic formats to meet their missions and objectives. Further, it is the intent of the legislature for state and local governments to set priorities for making public records widely available electronically to the public."

Per WAC 44.14.07003, Providing copies of electronic records usually costs the agency and requestor less than making paper copies. I also understand that the city has a shared network for file storage, in which the Information Services department can search for the terms and related documents. I know that this capability exists and is effective, as IS was tasked with searching emails related to the parody cartoon by Chief Milosevich for multiple search terms in which IS completed the task within 15 days.

If the public records cannot be placed online for download, per multiple RCWs and WACs, I am available to confer with the IS department as this is a reasonably effective, cost effective, and simple method for production that benefits the public at large.

As there is the claimed exemption of the criminal investigation not being produced (pending further clarification), and that involving legal counsel may ensure to have a court ruling on the alleged crime, I am requesting that appropriate holds on all

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related physical files and electronically stored information (emails, electronic documents, etc...) be employed until the fulfillment of this public disclosure request is completed.

I am requesting that if any records under this request have the potential of falling under any destruction time frame, that those records be produced before any destruction takes place. RCW 42.17.290/42.56.100.

I am requesting a revised time-line of production on a rolling/installment based on this narrowing and clarification of my original request.

Thank you very much for your effort in fulfilling this public request.

WAC 44-14-07003

Charges for electronic records. Providing copies of electronic records usually costs the agency and requestor less than making paper copies. Agencies are strongly encouraged to provide copies of electronic records in an electronic format. See RCW 43.105.250 (encouraging state and local agencies to make "public records widely available electronically to the public."). As with charges for paper copies, "actual cost" is the primary factor for charging for electronic records. In many cases, the "actual cost" of providing an existing electronic record is de minimis. For example, a requestor requests an agency to e-mail an existing Excel spreadsheet. The agency should not charge for the de minimis cost of electronically copying and e-mailing the existing spreadsheet. The agency cannot attempt to charge a per- page amount for a paper copy when it has an electronic copy that can be easily provided at nearly no cost. However, if the agency has a paper-only copy of a record and the requestor requests an Adobe Acrobat PDF copy, the agency incurs an actual cost in scanning the record (if the agency has a scanner at its offices). Therefore, an agency can establish a scanning fee for records it scans. Agencies are encouraged to compare their scanning and other copying charges to the rates of outside vendors. See WAC 44-14- 07001.

WAC 44-14-05001

Access to electronic records. The Public Records Act does not distinguish between paper and electronic records. Instead, the act explicitly includes electronic records within its coverage. The

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definition of "public record" includes a "writing," which in turn includes "existing data compilations from which information may be obtained or translated." RCW42.17.020(48) (incorporated by reference into the act by RCW 42.56.010). Many agency records are now in an electronic format. Many of these electronic formats such as Windows products are generally available and are designed to operate with other computers to quickly and efficiently locate and transfer information. Providing electronic records can be cheaper and easier for an agency than paper records. Furthermore, RCW 43.105.250 provides: "It is the intent of the legislature to encourage state and local governments to develop, store, and manage their public records and information in electronic formats to meet their missions and objectives. Further, it is the intent of the legislature for state and local governments to set priorities for making public records widely available electronically to the public." In general, an agency should provide electronic records in an electronic format if requested in that format. Technical feasibility is the touchstone for providing electronic records. An agency should provide reasonably locatable electronic public records in either their original generally commercially available format (such as an Acrobat PDF file) or, if the records are not in a generally commercially available format, the agency should provide them in a reasonably translatable electronic format if possible. In the rare cases when the requested electronic records are not reasonably locatable, or are not in a generally commercially available format or are not reasonably translatable into one, the agency might consider customized access. See WAC 44- 14-05004. An agency may recover its actual costs for providing electronic records, which in many cases is de minimis. See WAC 44- 14-050(3). What is technically feasible in one situation may not be in another. Not all agencies, especially smaller units of local government, have the electronic resources of larger agencies and some of the generalizations in these model rules may not apply every time. If an agency initially believes it cannot provide electronic records in an electronic format, it should confer with the requestor and the two parties should attempt to cooperatively resolve any technical difficulties. See WAC 44-14-05003. It is usually a purely technical question whether an agency can provide electronic records in a particular format in a specific case.

WAC 44-14-05005

Relationship of Public Records Act to court rules on discovery of "electronically stored information." The December 2006 amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provide guidance to parties in litigation on their respective obligations to provide access to, or produce, "electronically stored information." See Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 26 and 34. The obligations of state and local agencies under those federal rules (and under any state-imposed rules or procedures that adopt the federal rules) to search for and provide electronic records may be different, and in some instances more demanding, than those required under the Public Records Act. The federal discovery rules and the Public Records Act are two separate laws imposing different standards. However, sometimes requestors make public records requests to obtain evidence that later may be used in non-Public Records Act litigation against the agency providing the records. Therefore, it may be prudent for agencies to consult with their attorneys regarding best practices of retaining copies of the records provided under the act so there can

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be no question later of what was and what was not produced in response to the request in the event that electronic records, or records derived from them, become issues in court.

RCW 43.105.250 Electronic access to public records Findings Intent.

*** CHANGE IN 2011 *** (SEE 5931-S.SL) ***

Based upon the recommendations of the public information access policy task force, the legislature finds that government records and information are a vital resource to both government operations and to the public that government serves. Broad public access to state and local government records and information has potential for expanding citizen access to that information and for improving government services. Electronic methods for locating and transferring information can improve linkages between and among citizens, organizations, businesses, and governments. Information must be managed with great care to meet the objectives of citizens and their governments.

It is the intent of the legislature to encourage state and local governments to develop, store, and manage their public records and information in electronic formats to meet their missions and objectives. Further, it is the intent of the legislature for state and local governments to set priorities for making public records widely available electronically to the public. [1996 c 171 1.] Notes: Captions not law -- 1996 c 171: "Section captions used in this act do not constitute any part of the law." [1996 c 171 16.] Effective dates -- 1996 c 171: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [March 28, 1996], except for section 8 of this act, which takes effect June 30, 1997." [1996 c 171 19.]

WAC 44-14-07003

Charges for electronic records.

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Providing copies of electronic records usually costs the agency and requestor less than making paper copies. Agencies are strongly encouraged to provide copies of electronic records in an electronic format. See RCW 43.105.250 (encouraging state and local agencies to make "public records widely available electronically to the public."). As with charges for paper copies, "actual cost" is the primary factor for charging for electronic records. In many cases, the "actual cost" of providing an existing electronic record is de minimis. For example, a requestor requests an agency to e-mail an existing Excel spreadsheet. The agency should not charge for the de minimis cost of electronically copying and e-mailing the existing spreadsheet. The agency cannot attempt to charge a per- page amount for a paper copy when it has an electronic copy that can be easily provided at nearly no cost. However, if the agency has a paper-only copy of a record and the requestor requests an Adobe Acrobat PDF copy, the agency incurs an actual cost in scanning the record (if the agency has a scanner at its offices). Therefore, an agency can establish a scanning fee for records it scans. Agencies are encouraged to compare their scanning and other copying charges to the rates of outside vendors. See WAC 44-14- 07001.

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FW: Records Request


From: Mark Dougan [mailto:mdougan@insurexecs.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 12:19 To: Katie McClincy; Denis Law Subject: Records Request

City of Renton Public Records Officer Mayor Denis Law Commander K. McClincy 1055 S Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055

This letter clarifies my initial public records request. Please let me know if there is anything else you require. Also, please let me know the revised time frame for production. I also prefer contact via email with this email address to better facilitate contact and reduce fees for mailing costs.

Item 1.a Per the recent Washington Supreme Court decision relating to the release of all internal investigation files, I am requesting all internal investigation records to be produced, not only sustained internal investigations. I am clarifying that I am requesting all existing internal investigation files, not those limited by any dates, which includes any files that are currently marked for destruction. I still request all logs noting destruction of public documents.

Items 2 & 4 I am again repeating my request for the criminal investigation on the parody cartoons. I am requesting clarification as to this criminal investigation being an active case. Specifically, has the police department determined a crime occurred? From multiple media interviews, some noted below, it appears the criminal case has been closed. If a criminal investigation of Cyberstalking is ongoing, my intention is to involve the ACLU and private legal firms to bring the matter in front of a courtroom for 1st Amendment

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rights violation, public records acts violations, and to ask the court to make the entire case a non-exempt public record (if the court determines that this case is being kept active in only an attempt to prevent public disclosure). Please refer to WAC 44-14-05005 and WAC 44-14-07003 for preservation of any records you choose to claim exemption that may be demanded in a court proceeding.

I am aware that there is one cyberstalking investigation (being claimed active) and several internal investigations related to the parody cartoons. I am also aware that information in the internal investigation is most likely duplicated in the criminal investigation. I am asking that information not be retracted from either investigation for production, that they be produced fully as stated by law.

The following are the public statements made relating to a closed, suspended, or no evidence to further an investigation. I have found none that indicate an investigation is ongoing, will be fruitful, will identify a suspect, or has any likelihood of success. I am also aware that the King County Prosecutor Office declined charges based on being legally insufficient and request that this notification from the prosecutor's office be produced, or preserved if not produced.

Per Jay Covington, "This case is now about harassment and discrimination, and it is our duty to protect those who might have been harassed," Covington said. "It is our responsibility to prevent a hostile work environment and we will continue to conduct an internal investigation." http://www.kirotv.com/news/28840940/detail.html

While the department has stopped pursuing criminal charges, investigators will continue to review the cartoons internally for possible harassment and discrimination, Convington said. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/127559673.html

Per Renton Spokesperson Preeti Shridhar, "The information that we were getting from the search warrants made us think it's much better to focus on an internal investigation," said city of Renton spokeswoman Preeti Shridhar. http://www.seattlepi.com/local/article/Renton-police-dropscartoonist-cyberstalking-1884538.php

Per Larry Warren, We're a long ways from a criminal charge and it doesn't look likely at this point." http://renton.patch.com/articles/city-wraps-up-investigation-of-

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FW: Records Request


Item 5 You are correct on the start date of January 1, 2011. I am clarifying that I want all emails related to the parody cartoons, including all attachments, from all persons stating anything related to the parody cartoons, including sent to or from personal email accounts.

I also want a search of emails for listed search terms to the cartoon parody, whether or not the emails state reduce the number of emails and time for production, I below list, even if they do not appear to be directly in the emails, I am requesting those emails as well:

which I believe will be related that relation in the emails. To will reduce the terms to the related to the parody cartoons

a) Shredding or shred or shredded b) acid queen c) Youtube d) tellinthetruth e) parody f) fuddlesticks or mrfuddlesticks or mrfiddlesticks or fiddlesticks g) whothehellispenny h) cyberstalking i) xtranormal j) internal investigation files

Item 6 I am requesting copies of all requests for public disclosure received by the City of Renton since January 2010 to the date of this request (not only 2011), related to the Renton Police Department but regardless of any specific topic.

Regarding cost and production, I prefer the production be placed on a City server for download as this would be the least costly and most effective for public disclosure. Please refer to WAC 44-14-07003 and RCW

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42.17.270/42.56.080 as it is the Washington Legislative intent that agencies provide public disclosure in this manner.

The time of production stated you stated is 2 or more years. I requested a rolling production of the public documents. Are you saying that it will be 2 years before I receive anything and that it may take even longer than that? RCW 42.17.270/42.56.080 provides for installments to be produced. Can you provide me with the reason for the long delay and method used to create this estimate for production?

I am aware that the city employs an electronic email system, that it s current to today's technology standards and can be searched electronically and quickly across the city network. I also understand that the department employs an electronic case management system, which can also be searched electronically and quickly. I also understand that the internal investigation (IA) files are now fewer since July 2011, including only one criminal investigation file requested that is being claimed exempt from public disclosure. Please clarify the long delay in the production of these few items.

As email is stored electronically, per WAC 44.14.050 and 44-14- 07003, these can be provided electronically in the same format, or if redacted, reasonably translated into another format. An example is PDF. The cost being the cost of the media to store the files, such as a CD or nullified if placed online (per the WAC, de minimis regarding cost, too small to matter).

Furthermore, RCW 43.105.250 provides: "It is the intent of the legislature to encourage state and local governments to develop, store, and manage their public records and information in electronic formats to meet their missions and objectives. Further, it is the intent of the legislature for state and local governments to set priorities for making public records widely available electronically to the public."

Per WAC 44.14.07003, Providing copies of electronic records usually costs the agency and requestor less than making paper copies. I also understand that the city has a shared network for file storage, in which the Information Services department can search for the terms and related documents. I know that this capability exists and is effective, as IS was tasked with searching emails related to the parody cartoon by Chief Milosevich for multiple search terms in which IS completed the task within 15 days.

If the public records cannot be placed online for download, per multiple RCWs and WACs, I am available to confer with the IS department as this is a reasonably effective, cost effective, and simple method for production that benefits the public at large.

As there is the claimed exemption of the criminal investigation not being produced (pending further clarification), and that involving legal counsel may ensure to have a court ruling on the alleged crime, I am requesting that appropriate holds on all

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related physical files and electronically stored information (emails, electronic documents, etc...) be employed until the fulfillment of this public disclosure request is completed.

I am requesting that if any records under this request have the potential of falling under any destruction time frame, that those records be produced before any destruction takes place. RCW 42.17.290/42.56.100.

I am requesting a revised time-line of production on a rolling/installment based on this narrowing and clarification of my original request.

Thank you very much for your effort in fulfilling this public request.

WAC 44-14-07003

Charges for electronic records. Providing copies of electronic records usually costs the agency and requestor less than making paper copies. Agencies are strongly encouraged to provide copies of electronic records in an electronic format. See RCW 43.105.250 (encouraging state and local agencies to make "public records widely available electronically to the public."). As with charges for paper copies, "actual cost" is the primary factor for charging for electronic records. In many cases, the "actual cost" of providing an existing electronic record is de minimis. For example, a requestor requests an agency to e-mail an existing Excel spreadsheet. The agency should not charge for the de minimis cost of electronically copying and e-mailing the existing spreadsheet. The agency cannot attempt to charge a per- page amount for a paper copy when it has an electronic copy that can be easily provided at nearly no cost. However, if the agency has a paper-only copy of a record and the requestor requests an Adobe Acrobat PDF copy, the agency incurs an actual cost in scanning the record (if the agency has a scanner at its offices). Therefore, an agency can establish a scanning fee for records it scans. Agencies are encouraged to compare their scanning and other copying charges to the rates of outside vendors. See WAC 44-14- 07001.

WAC 44-14-05001

Access to electronic records. The Public Records Act does not distinguish between paper and electronic records. Instead, the act explicitly includes electronic records within its coverage. The

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definition of "public record" includes a "writing," which in turn includes "existing data compilations from which information may be obtained or translated." RCW42.17.020(48) (incorporated by reference into the act by RCW 42.56.010). Many agency records are now in an electronic format. Many of these electronic formats such as Windows products are generally available and are designed to operate with other computers to quickly and efficiently locate and transfer information. Providing electronic records can be cheaper and easier for an agency than paper records. Furthermore, RCW 43.105.250 provides: "It is the intent of the legislature to encourage state and local governments to develop, store, and manage their public records and information in electronic formats to meet their missions and objectives. Further, it is the intent of the legislature for state and local governments to set priorities for making public records widely available electronically to the public." In general, an agency should provide electronic records in an electronic format if requested in that format. Technical feasibility is the touchstone for providing electronic records. An agency should provide reasonably locatable electronic public records in either their original generally commercially available format (such as an Acrobat PDF file) or, if the records are not in a generally commercially available format, the agency should provide them in a reasonably translatable electronic format if possible. In the rare cases when the requested electronic records are not reasonably locatable, or are not in a generally commercially available format or are not reasonably translatable into one, the agency might consider customized access. See WAC 44- 14-05004. An agency may recover its actual costs for providing electronic records, which in many cases is de minimis. See WAC 44- 14-050(3). What is technically feasible in one situation may not be in another. Not all agencies, especially smaller units of local government, have the electronic resources of larger agencies and some of the generalizations in these model rules may not apply every time. If an agency initially believes it cannot provide electronic records in an electronic format, it should confer with the requestor and the two parties should attempt to cooperatively resolve any technical difficulties. See WAC 44-14-05003. It is usually a purely technical question whether an agency can provide electronic records in a particular format in a specific case.

WAC 44-14-05005

Relationship of Public Records Act to court rules on discovery of "electronically stored information." The December 2006 amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provide guidance to parties in litigation on their respective obligations to provide access to, or produce, "electronically stored information." See Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 26 and 34. The obligations of state and local agencies under those federal rules (and under any state-imposed rules or procedures that adopt the federal rules) to search for and provide electronic records may be different, and in some instances more demanding, than those required under the Public Records Act. The federal discovery rules and the Public Records Act are two separate laws imposing different standards. However, sometimes requestors make public records requests to obtain evidence that later may be used in non-Public Records Act litigation against the agency providing the records. Therefore, it may be prudent for agencies to consult with their attorneys regarding best practices of retaining copies of the records provided under the act so there can

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be no question later of what was and what was not produced in response to the request in the event that electronic records, or records derived from them, become issues in court.

RCW 43.105.250 Electronic access to public records Findings Intent.

*** CHANGE IN 2011 *** (SEE 5931-S.SL) ***

Based upon the recommendations of the public information access policy task force, the legislature finds that government records and information are a vital resource to both government operations and to the public that government serves. Broad public access to state and local government records and information has potential for expanding citizen access to that information and for improving government services. Electronic methods for locating and transferring information can improve linkages between and among citizens, organizations, businesses, and governments. Information must be managed with great care to meet the objectives of citizens and their governments.

It is the intent of the legislature to encourage state and local governments to develop, store, and manage their public records and information in electronic formats to meet their missions and objectives. Further, it is the intent of the legislature for state and local governments to set priorities for making public records widely available electronically to the public. [1996 c 171 1.] Notes: Captions not law -- 1996 c 171: "Section captions used in this act do not constitute any part of the law." [1996 c 171 16.] Effective dates -- 1996 c 171: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [March 28, 1996], except for section 8 of this act, which takes effect June 30, 1997." [1996 c 171 19.]

WAC 44-14-07003

Charges for electronic records.

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Providing copies of electronic records usually costs the agency and requestor less than making paper copies. Agencies are strongly encouraged to provide copies of electronic records in an electronic format. See RCW 43.105.250 (encouraging state and local agencies to make "public records widely available electronically to the public."). As with charges for paper copies, "actual cost" is the primary factor for charging for electronic records. In many cases, the "actual cost" of providing an existing electronic record is de minimis. For example, a requestor requests an agency to e-mail an existing Excel spreadsheet. The agency should not charge for the de minimis cost of electronically copying and e-mailing the existing spreadsheet. The agency cannot attempt to charge a per- page amount for a paper copy when it has an electronic copy that can be easily provided at nearly no cost. However, if the agency has a paper-only copy of a record and the requestor requests an Adobe Acrobat PDF copy, the agency incurs an actual cost in scanning the record (if the agency has a scanner at its offices). Therefore, an agency can establish a scanning fee for records it scans. Agencies are encouraged to compare their scanning and other copying charges to the rates of outside vendors. See WAC 44-14- 07001.

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RECORDS MANAGEMENT NOTICE - FW: Changes to Destruction Afte...

Subject: RECORDS MANAGEMENT NOTICE - FW: Changes to Destruc on A er Digi za on Process From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 10/31/2011 11:15 AM To:
Administrators: As you know, unless a City, through its Records Officer, has applied for and received approval from the State, paper records cannot be destroyed just because they have been scanned into a digital image. The paper original must still be retained and disposed of according to the retention schedule or as directly approved by the State. The state gives that approval in writing only after assuring that the digital record meets their standards and allows for proper retention. (Renton has received no such approvals to date.) While it is very important that we continue to follow this regulation, please be aware that some of these records management mandates will likely be changing early in 2012, as indicated in the notice below.

My office will help keep you informed of forthcoming changes that may affect your department directly. In the meantime, however, in an effort to maintain city-wide records management compliance, please continue to stress to your department staff the importance of following the current public records regulations and of coordinating with the City Clerk office as your department records move from one stage of their life-cycle to the next. (As you know, by policy the only department that handles records independently is Police. All other departments are to coordinate their records management stages through the City Clerk office.) If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Bonnie Walton City Clerk and Public Records Officer x6502

On Behalf Of Koziara, Leslie Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:40 AM Subject: Changes to Destruction After Digitization Process

State and Local Government Agencies,

Due to budget cuts, Washington State Archives has made the following changes to the process for seeking approval for the Early Destruction of Source Documents after Digitization (DAD):

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1. Effective immediately Washington State Archives will not be accepting any new DAD applications;

2. Agencies with existing approvals will continue to have authority to destroy source documents after digitization;

3. Washington State Archives is currently developing a new standard/guideline to outline recommended best practices in the digitization of public records and the subsequent management of the digitized images. This is planned to be released early in the new year;

4. It is planned that in March 2012, the State Government General Records Retention Schedule and the Local Government Common Records Retention (CORE) will be revised to grant all agencies the authority to destroy source documents that have been digitized provided they have been done so in accordance with the new best practices standard/guideline without needing to seek individual approval.

If anyone has any questions, please email recordsmanagement@sos.wa.gov or telephone (360) 586-4901.

Russell Wood State Records Manager Washington State Archives Office of the Secretary of State Phone: (360) 586-4900 Fax: (360) 586-0368 Email: russell.wood@sos.wa.gov <mailto:rwood@secstate.wa.gov>

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Public Records Request

Subject: Public Records Request From: Jenny Manning </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=JENNYMANNING> Date: 10/31/2011 5:04 PM To:
I'd like to request all documents related to the settlement of Chuck Marsalisi's retirement. Thanks, -Jenny Manning Editor, Renton.Patch.com jenny.manning@patch.com 425.283.2880

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FW: Public Records Request

Subject: FW: Public Records Request From: "Bonnie Walton" <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 10/31/2011 5:21 PM To: "Nancy Carlson" <NCarlson@Rentonwa.gov>, "Kevin Milosevich" <Kmilosevich@Rentonwa.gov> CC: "Larry Warren" <LWarren@Rentonwa.gov>, "Zane.a Fontes" <ZFontes@Rentonwa.gov>

Subject: FW: Public Records Request From: "Bonnie Walton" <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 10/31/2011 5:21 PM To: "Nancy Carlson" <NCarlson@Rentonwa.gov>, "Kevin Milosevich" <Kmilosevich@Rentonwa.gov> CC: "Larry Warren" <LWarren@Rentonwa.gov>, "Zane.a Fontes" <ZFontes@Rentonwa.gov>

Subject: Public Records Request From: "Jenny Manning" <Jenny.Manning@patch.com> Date: 10/31/2011 5:04 PM To: "Pree2 Shridhar" <PShridhar@Rentonwa.gov>, "Bonnie Walton" <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov>


Public Records Request.eml Public Records Request.eml

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FW: Public Records Request

Subject: FW: Public Records Request From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 10/31/2011 5:21 PM To:
Attached is a new Public Records request to be processed. Please let me know how much time you will need to compile and forward to me the requested documents. I will provide the response to the requester after reviewing the records for appropriate exemptions/redactions. Thank you for your attention to this.

Bonnie Walton City Clerk/Public Records Officer x6502

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Department Information

Subject: Department Informa on From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 11/1/2011 11:58 AM To:
Some department members have questioned why did they hear about Sgt Marsalisis retirement in the news rather than from official department communication. After the agreement was determined last week, a discussion was held with the parties involved and the decision was to not publicly release the information until after Chucks last day. (October 31st) The purpose of this was to reduce the numbers of phone calls and distractions during his last day.

I agreed to abide by this decision. I was not privy to the discussion that Preeti Shridhar had with the Renton Reporter.

Chuck will retire February 29, 2012 and will use his accrued leave until that date.

Effective December 1, 2011, both Kent Curry and Mike Luther will return to their previous assignment. We will operate with only one deputy chief until a decision is made to determine if the position will be filled. This decision will hopefully be announced in the next week or so.

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RE: Attorney Client Privileged

Subject: RE: A orney Client Privileged From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 11/1/2011 12:37 PM To:
Would you think it fitting if I respond to say we estimate two weeks for production of discloseable records? That would give time after this Friday for exemption/redaction review. Let me know. Bonnie, x6502

From: Zanetta Fontes Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 8:24 AM To: Bonnie Walton; Nancy Carlson; Kevin Milosevich Cc: Larry Warren Subject: Attorney Client Privileged

Bonnie: technically, the settlement is not final until after this Friday. I am told Chuck signed last Friday, and he would have until this Friday to change his mind. So, technically, the settlement is not final at this time. I guess we need to evaluate how we want to respond, given this nuance and the WAC provision about the status of the record on the day of the request. Zanetta

Zanetta L. Fontes Senior Assistant City Attorney City of Renton P.O. Box 626 Renton, WA 98057 100 South 2nd St. Renton, WA 98055 Phone: (425) 430-6486 | Fax: (425) 255-5474 e-mail: zfontes@rentonwa.gov

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RE: Attorney Client Privileged

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail, including any attachments, is confidential and may include privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe you have received this e-mail in error, please do not copy, print, forward, re-transmit, or otherwise disseminate this e-mail, its contents, or any of its attachments. Please delete this e-mail. Also, please notify the sender that you have received this e-mail in error. Thank you. Advisory: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record.

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 5:22 PM To: Nancy Carlson; Kevin Milosevich Cc: Larry Warren; Zanetta Fontes Subject: FW: Public Records Request

Attached is a new Public Records request to be processed. Please let me know how much time you will need to compile and forward to me the requested documents. I will provide the response to the requester after reviewing the records for appropriate exemptions/redactions. Thank you for your attention to this.

Bonnie Walton City Clerk/Public Records Officer x6502

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Re: Records Request of 10/25/2011

Subject: Re: Records Request of 10/25/2011 From: Mark Dougan <mdougan@insurexecs.com> Date: 11/1/2011 12:58 PM To:
Ms. Walton, Thank you for your response. I believe that the request is clear enough to begin production at this point to avoid further delay. Id like to reiterate all requests in this clarification to ensure no requests are overlooked. In light of Charles Marsalisis retirement, I have added one item to this request (#7). I also restate the request for the criminal investigation files and have read your response regarding the Citys argument of exemption as an active investigation. As a courtesy to the City, I am personally aware of specific emails to/from investigating officers, supervisors, and administration officials that the Parody cartoons are protected speech and not a crime, as well as these emails being created prior to and after the application and service of search warrants. I expect these emails to be provided in production along with emails I do not have otherwise. It is my intention that receipt of additional emails showing RPD never had a criminal case, that I intend to have a 3rd party hearing for an argument that the City intentionally, purposely, and with malice, withheld documents from public disclosure by maintaining an exemption of an active criminal investigation. 1) Personnel records, specifically: a) All existing sustained internal investigation records (unredacted) b) All existing unsustained internal investigation records (per recent WA Supreme Court decision, this are publicly available, redacted) c) All existing unfounded internal investigation records (per recent WA Supreme Court decision, this are publicly available, redacted) d) All logs related to internal investigation files and complaints with regards to tracking, destruction, and retention. This is for all years currently existing. e) Personnel files and evaluations for; Christy Mathews, Tanya Gardaner (Ventris, Hanks), Craig Sjolin, Chad Karlewisz, Bill Judd, Charles Marsalisi, Kent Curry, Cyndie Parks, James Gould, Ryan Rutledge, Greg Wilson, Paul Summers 2) Communications, specifically electronic communications and printed communications related to the SCORE Parody internal investigation and subsequent criminal investigation to include the associated metadata of emails. 3) Policy of records retention and destruction, to include but not be limited to General Orders and SOP policies.

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4) Documents, printed and electronic, specifically related to the internal and criminal investigation of the SCORE Parody YouTube cartoons and subsequent cartoons, to include search warrant affidavits, reports, and supporting notes. 5) Emails containing any of the following terms created, modified, accessed, sent, received, or drafted after January 1, 2011 to present date of this request, to include being sent/received from personal email accounts. a) Shredding or shred or shredded b) acid queen c) Youtube d) tellinthetruth e) parody f) fuddlesticks or mrfuddlesticks or mrfiddlesticks or fiddlesticks g) whothehellispenny h) cyberstalking i) xtranormal j) internal investigation files 6) Copies of all public disclosure requests from January 1, 2010 to present related to the Renton Police Department. This includes any public disclosure requests that were either cancelled or withdrawn by any party. I understand that these requests are only required to be maintained for one year, however, I am requesting currently existing 2010 records as well. If any have been been destroyed, if not included in production of public records destruction, I request the dates of destruction of past public records requests be provided. 7) A copy of the settlement agreement between Charles Marsalisi and the City of Renton. Thank you also for the revised timeline, understood as below: * 15 days Copies of internal investigation files that have already been copied and reviewed. * 3 weeks Copy of responsive records and emails that may have already been searched, copied and reviewed for redaction * 4 weeks Copies of public records destruction logs for the years 2010-2011 * 2 months Emails responsive to the keywords as well as emails related to the Parody cartoons. * 4 months Copies of previous public records requests since January 2010 * 12 months Remainder of internal investigation files

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Re: Records Request of 10/25/2011

Sincerely Sent from my iPhone

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PD Request-Dougan-Police Records.xls

Subject: PD Request-Dougan-Police Records.xls From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 11/3/2011 11:34 AM To:
<<PD Request-Dougan-Police Records.xls>> To help you with the Dougan request, we made a copy of our Clerk's log showing the Public Records requests that came through my office in 2010 and 2011 for Police Dept. records. Your dept. probably has your own copy of these same requests plus many more, but if you need copy of any of these from my office, let me know which ones and we can make a copy for you. Bonnie, x6502

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RE: PD Request-Dougan-Police Records.xls

Subject: RE: PD Request-Dougan-Police Records.xls From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 11/3/2011 12:33 PM To:
Thank you - much appreciated. -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 11:35 To: Katie McClincy Subject: PD Request-Dougan-Police Records.xls To help you with the Dougan request, we made a copy of our Clerk's log showing the Public Records requests that came through my office in 2010 and 2011 for Police Dept. records. Your dept. probably has your own copy of these same requests plus many more, but if you need copy of any of these from my office, let me know which ones and we can make a copy for you. Bonnie, x6502

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Department Organization

Subject: Department Organiza on From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 11/3/2011 4:52 PM To:
The following decisions have been made and shared with the Departments Leadership team this afternoon.

We will not be promoting a 2nd Deputy Chief We will promote a 8th Commander effective 3/1/12 Duties will include CALEA, Grants Management, Internals, and Special Projects

We will promote a new sergeant to fill the hole created by the new commander effective 3-1-12 Some Commanders will rotate to new positions more to follow on this

Four Commanders will report to me Patrol Operations, Patrol Services, and the newly developed position Four Commanders will report to Tim Special Operations, Investigations, Administrative Services, and Staff Services

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

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Public Disclosure Request

Subject: Public Disclosure Request From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 11/7/2011 10:12 AM To:
The settlement agreements seven day period passed last week. I assume that Nancy has a signed copy. Before this gets released to the press, I would like to release it to the department at the same time. So. Is this going to be released through Katie or through Bonnie?

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Settlement Agreement

Subject: Se lement Agreement From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 11/7/2011 1:29 PM To:
I have heard from some department members that they would prefer hearing department issues from me rather than reading it in the local paper. The city has received a public disclosure request for the settlement agreement between Sgt Marsalisi and the city. In the near future, the local press will receive a copy as required under public disclosure. While I do not intend to release the details of the agreement, I cannot stop the media under our states public disclosure act.

If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to me.


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Re: washington public records request

Subject: Re: washington public records request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 11/20/2011 12:58 PM To:

_____ From: Kevin Milosevich To: Katie McClincy Sent: Sun Nov 20 12:22:50 2011 Subject: Fw: washington public records request

_____ From: 'Steve Trubow' To: Kevin Milosevich Cc: trubow1@gmail.com Sent: Sun Nov 20 11:50:26 2011 Subject: washington public records request

Olympic Behavior Labs is doing a civil rights investigation of the Renton Public Schools. We wish to learn if there were any school referrals or school related arrests to the Renton Police Dept during the 2009-2010 school year at Dimmit, McKnight, and Nelsen Middle Schools, and Renton, Lindbergh and Hazen High Schools. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you. Steve Trubow Olympic Behavior Labs 360-928-1139 This email request originated from the following link: http://rentonwa.gov/news/default.aspx?id=1922&mid=72

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FW: Records Request of 10/25/2011

Subject: FW: Records Request of 10/25/2011 From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 11/22/2011 3:37 PM To:
Katie: Will you be responding to this? If so, please be sure to cc me. have some documents ready that can be sent, right? Thanks. Bonnie _____ From: Mark Dougan [mdougan@insurexecs.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 2:57 PM To: Bonnie Walton Cc: Katie McClincy Subject: Re: Records Request of 10/25/2011 Last I remember, you

Hi Bonnie, I am checking in on the progress of the public records production - we are already behind schedule.

Based on your last correspondence, I should starting receiving documents by now, specifically; Copy of the Police Department internal investigation records as irequested will be provided. Those that have been already been copied and reviewed will be provided within fifteen working days. You have requested copy of all emails city-wide, for the period January 1 through October 25, 2011, regarding parody cartoons, and those containing specific keywords that you have listed as items a through j. Copy of responsive records that may have already been searched, copied and reviewed for redactions, will be provided within three weeks. Also, I am expecting the following to be produced shortly thereafter as well. Regarding your request for all logs noting destruction of public records, it is my understanding that you are requesting logs identifying disposition of records in 2010 and 2011 from the Police Department only Is that correct? Assuming so, it is estimated it will take approximately four weeks to copy and provide those records. Please let me know if the City intends to keep to the estimated scheduled release of documents as provided in your last response. Thank you very much.

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FW: Records Request of 10/25/2011

Sent from my iPhone On Oct 31, 2011, at 6:18 PM, "Bonnie Walton" < <mailto:Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> wrote:

Dear Mr. Dougan: Attached please find a pdf file, which is the City of Renton's letter in response to your records request email of 10-25-2011. Also attached are two electronic files that are referenced in the letter. Please contact me if I can provide further clarification or assistance. Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6502

<10-31-11 ltr resp to dougan.pdf> The length of time required for a few man-hours worth or work is absurd. Please disregard my request; I have retained an attorney to make them and file a complaint with the appropriate agencies. Regards, Mark Dougan

<Records Request Form 09-10.pdf>

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New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011

Subject: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011 From: Jeremy Schwartz <jschwartz@insurexecs.com> Date: 12/2/2011 4:49 PM To:
Ms. Walton, I am requesting to review the employee personnel files of the Renton Police Department of all commissioned and non-commissioned members. I request to review the files (of redacted copies thereof) personally or by proxy of another designated person, without cost at the City of Renton, and that if any files are decided to be copied, that costs incurred be paid prior to copying of selected documents. I request that if any pages or separate files or other information currently existing in the personnel files that may be subject to removal per any retention policy, that the policy be suspended until fulfillment of this records request. I request that if any files that currently exist in any personnel file which are requested to be removed by employees after the date of this request, be maintained and produced until this request is fulfilled. This records request is not for commercial purposes. I prefer contact via my email address above. Thank you very much. Jeremy Schwartz

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Public Records Requests

Subject: Public Records Requests From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 12/6/2011 4:37 PM To:
Hey, how are you doing with all of your records requests? Are you needing search results/emails from me? If so, let me know. I'm still playing catch up after being gone, but don't want to keep you waiting longer than necessary. Bonnie

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Re: Public Records Requests

Subject: Re: Public Records Requests From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 12/6/2011 5:10 PM To:
Been doing email searches searches. Anyways, totally your checking in. Say, did sent an email indicating so K ----- Original Message ----From: Bonnie Walton To: Katie McClincy Sent: Tue Dec 06 16:37:38 2011 Subject: Public Records Requests Hey, how are you doing with all of your records requests? Are you needing search results/emails from me? If so, let me know. I'm still playing catch up after being gone, but don't want to keep you waiting longer than necessary. Bonnie pretty easy, although I did get 20,000 hits on one of the swamped of course, but plugging away at it. I appreciate our fellows in Florida make a new request to you? They - a very large request, too, I might add!

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Re: Public Records Requests

Subject: Re: Public Records Requests From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 12/6/2011 5:11 PM To:
Was home sick, by the way, today. ----- Original Message ----From: Bonnie Walton To: Katie McClincy Sent: Tue Dec 06 16:37:38 2011 Subject: Public Records Requests Hey, how are you doing with all of your records requests? Are you needing search results/emails from me? If so, let me know. I'm still playing catch up after being gone, but don't want to keep you waiting longer than necessary. Bonnie See you at the training tomorrow.

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RE: Public Records Requests

Subject: RE: Public Records Requests From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 12/6/2011 5:17 PM To:
Yes, I received another request. It's on my "to do soon" list. Did IT help you get going on the email searches? How about the searches I did for you (for cm's attorney) that are still on my computer--will you need those, or did IT retrieve them for you? I just tried to do a search myself and UMB is limiting the number of search results to only 1000. Sent an email to IT to see why and what is wrong, but no response. Aggravating to have those kind of ongoing glitches and problems, since I've got a lot of catch up work to do. Have you or Gay had problems? See you tomorrow. Bonnie

-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 5:11 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: Public Records Requests Been doing email searches searches. Anyways, totally your checking in. Say, did sent an email indicating so K ----- Original Message ----From: Bonnie Walton To: Katie McClincy Sent: Tue Dec 06 16:37:38 2011 Subject: Public Records Requests Hey, how are you doing with all of your records requests? Are you needing search results/emails from me? If so, let me know. I'm still playing catch up after being gone, but don't want to keep you waiting longer than necessary. Bonnie pretty easy, although I did get 20,000 hits on one of the swamped of course, but plugging away at it. I appreciate our fellows in Florida make a new request to you? They - a very large request, too, I might add!

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Re: Public Records Requests

Subject: Re: Public Records Requests From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 12/6/2011 5:47 PM To:
I think it is 1000 per page? them... I got 20000 on one search - only up to 4000 reviewing

I would hang on to the cm email until February 28th. All good on the email searches. ----- Original Message ----From: Bonnie Walton To: Katie McClincy Sent: Tue Dec 06 17:17:23 2011 Subject: RE: Public Records Requests Yes, I received another request. It's on my "to do soon" list. Did IT help you get going on the email searches? How about the searches I did for you (for cm's attorney) that are still on my computer--will you need those, or did IT retrieve them for you? I just tried to do a search myself and UMB is limiting the number of search results to only 1000. Sent an email to IT to see why and what is wrong, but no response. Aggravating to have those kind of ongoing glitches and problems, since I've got a lot of catch up work to do. Have you or Gay had problems? See you tomorrow. Bonnie

-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 5:11 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: Public Records Requests Been doing email searches searches. Anyways, totally your checking in. Say, did sent an email indicating so K ----- Original Message ----From: Bonnie Walton To: Katie McClincy Sent: Tue Dec 06 16:37:38 2011 Subject: Public Records Requests Hey, how are you doing with all of your records requests? Are you needing search results/emails from me? If so, let me know. I'm still playing catch up after being gone, but don't want to keep you waiting longer than necessary. Bonnie pretty easy, although I did get 20,000 hits on one of the swamped of course, but plugging away at it. I appreciate our fellows in Florida make a new request to you? They - a very large request, too, I might add!

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Re: Public Records Requests

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RE: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011

Subject: RE: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011 From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 12/9/2011 6:08 PM To:
Dear Mr. Schwartz: Your Request For Public Records as referenced is acknowledged. In accordance with RCW 42.56, responses to requests for public records shall be made promptly by public agencies. Within five business days of receiving a public records request, an agency must respond by either: 1) providing the record; 2) acknowledging that the agency has received the request and providing a reasonable estimate of time the agency will require to respond to the request; 3) denying the request or 4) requesting further clarification.

Please note that the City is not obligated by law to compile information from various records into a specific form, and that certain records are legally exempt from disclosure. Also, as a matter of information, the City charges $.15 per letter-sized, single-sided copy in accordance with State law.

Because this request will require City staff having to review and prepare redactions/exemptions logs for each Police personnel file, it is estimated that it will take over eighteen months to completely fulfill your request. Further clarification may be required, and records will be provided in increments, as allowed by law.

You may plan that the first increment of records responsive to this request will be available for your review in this office on Friday, December 16, 2011. You, or your representative may come to the City Clerk office, 7th floor of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, any time between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, to review the first records increment. (It would be helpful if you would call ahead to let us know when we can expect you or your representative so we have the files out and ready.) After you have completed review of the first increment, we will then prepare the second increment. After you have come in to finish reviewing the second increment, we will then proceed to prepare the third increment, and so on, until all responsive records have been produced.

To clarify: Please know that we will interpret your request to include all Police commissioned and non-commissioned personnel files that exist with the City of Renton, regardless of whether it is for a current or a former employee, and regardless of when or how long the employee was or has been employed. If I am mistaken on that point, and you want active employees only, please let me know as soon as possible.

Sincerely, Bonnie I. Walton

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RE: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011

City Clerk City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6502

From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 4:50 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011

Ms. Walton, I am requesting to review the employee personnel files of the Renton Police Department of all commissioned and non-commissioned members. I request to review the files (of redacted copies thereof) personally or by proxy of another designated person, without cost at the City of Renton, and that if any files are decided to be copied, that costs incurred be paid prior to copying of selected documents. I request that if any pages or separate files or other information currently existing in the personnel files that may be subject to removal per any retention policy, that the policy be suspended until fulfillment of this records request. I request that if any files that currently exist in any personnel file which are requested to be removed by employees after the date of this request, be maintained and produced until this request is fulfilled. This records request is not for commercial purposes. I prefer contact via my email address above. Thank you very much. Jeremy Schwartz

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FW: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011

Subject: FW: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011 From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 12/9/2011 6:21 PM To:
Katie: As we discussed, I have acknowledged receipt of the attached records request and indicated we will have a first increment ready for them in a week. After that the increments will go slower, as we get them prepared for review. I estimated over 18 mo. to complete everything.

Kevin and Nancy: Please hold off on purging any Police personnel files while this records request is active. Katie or I will let you know as soon as it is okay to resume regular retention/disposition of the files as allowed under the Public Records Act.

Because of the amount of work potentially involved, I am hopeful that after an increment or two, the requester will narrow the scope of the request so it is more manageable.

Katie, I am available to assist with this to the extent possible.

Bonnie Walton Renton City Clerk & Public Records Officer x6502

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Re: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011

Subject: Re: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011 From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 12/9/2011 6:53 PM To:
Bonnie - thanks so much for helping with this. I really appreciate it.

_____ From: Bonnie Walton To: Katie McClincy Cc: Kevin Milosevich; Nancy Carlson; Zanetta Fontes Sent: Fri Dec 09 18:21:01 2011 Subject: FW: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011

Katie: As we discussed, I have acknowledged receipt of the attached records request and indicated we will have a first increment ready for them in a week. After that the increments will go slower, as we get them prepared for review. I estimated over 18 mo. to complete everything.

Kevin and Nancy: Please hold off on purging any Police personnel files while this records request is active. Katie or I will let you know as soon as it is okay to resume regular retention/disposition of the files as allowed under the Public Records Act.

Because of the amount of work potentially involved, I am hopeful that after an increment or two, the requester will narrow the scope of the request so it is more manageable.

Katie, I am available to assist with this to the extent possible.

Bonnie Walton Renton City Clerk & Public Records Officer x6502

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RE: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011

Subject: RE: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011 From: Jeremy Schwartz <jschwartz@insurexecs.com> Date: 12/10/2011 11:24 AM To:
Hi Bonnie, Thank you for your response. For clarification; 1) I am requesting all police employee personnel files, current and past, regardless of length of employment. Questions regarding production; 2) Due to the length of time to produce the files, I would like to prioritize (per WAC 44-14-03006) the production to decrease the amount of time to produce the files as well as alleviate time and City expense of searching/reviewing the files. May I first be emailed a list of names of those employees (past and present) whose personnel files still exist? From that list, I would like to prioritize names for review. This will most likely will result in less files being requested as information I am looking to review may be found first and will decreased the 18 months time-frame dramatically. 3) Regarding letters of any form of discipline, such as Review Board letters or letters of reprimand or other discipline files contained within, will these be provided in their respective personnel files with the subject member's name not redacted? Or will these letters be redacted and/or separated from their respective file? This would be an argued issue if the subject members are not identified in discipline files/letters as current case law supports disclosing names of officers in sustained investigations and discipline documents as it is directly related to the public interest. 4) December 16, 2011 is very soon, can you tell me how many files will be ready for review and how often this should occur? I will be able to plan for review by local citizens and media given the number of files and number of times required to review but certainly don't want to make it a weekly event to review only a few personnel files each time. That would be unreasonably burdensome for review. I also do not want to have any issues of not being able to review documents within a 30 day time frame to avoid my request being closed. If necessary, to avoid any potential of having this public records request closed, any instances of not being able to physically review the files will result in a request to have those particular files copied and/or scanned for production. I will make every attempt to meet my responsibilities for all public records requests in the most economically feasible method to the City of Renton and myself when possible and believe having a priority list will assist in that endeavor. 5) I also want to clarify that any documents that may be subject to employee request or document retention removal/destruction policies be suspended until the completion of all reviews of all personnel files. Thank you very much for your effort in fulfilling this public records request. Jeremy _____ From: Bonnie Walton [Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 9:08 PM

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RE: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011

To: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: RE: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011

Dear Mr. Schwartz: Your Request For Public Records as referenced is acknowledged. In accordance with RCW 42.56, responses to requests for public records shall be made promptly by public agencies. Within five business days of receiving a public records request, an agency must respond by either: 1) providing the record; 2) acknowledging that the agency has received the request and providing a reasonable estimate of time the agency will require to respond to the request; 3) denying the request or 4) requesting further clarification.

Please note that the City is not obligated by law to compile information from various records into a specific form, and that certain records are legally exempt from disclosure. Also, as a matter of information, the City charges $.15 per letter-sized, single-sided copy in accordance with State law.

Because this request will require City staff having to review and prepare redactions/exemptions logs for each Police personnel file, it is estimated that it will take over eighteen months to completely fulfill your request. Further clarification may be required, and records will be provided in increments, as allowed by law.

You may plan that the first increment of records responsive to this request will be available for your review in this office on Friday, December 16, 2011. You, or your representative may come to the City Clerk office, 7th floor of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, any time between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, to review the first records increment. (It would be helpful if you would call ahead to let us know when we can expect you or your representative so we have the files out and ready.) After you have completed review of the first increment, we will then prepare the second increment. After you have come in to finish reviewing the second increment, we will then proceed to prepare the third increment, and so on, until all responsive records have been produced.

To clarify: Please know that we will interpret your request to include all Police commissioned and non-commissioned personnel files that exist with the City of Renton, regardless of whether it is for a current or a former employee, and regardless of when or how long the employee was or has been employed. If I am mistaken on that point, and you want active employees only, please let me know as soon as possible.

Sincerely, Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk City of Renton

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RE: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011

1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6502

From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 4:50 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: New Public Records Request, 12/02/2011

Ms. Walton, I am requesting to review the employee personnel files of the Renton Police Department of all commissioned and non-commissioned members. I request to review the files (of redacted copies thereof) personally or by proxy of another designated person, without cost at the City of Renton, and that if any files are decided to be copied, that costs incurred be paid prior to copying of selected documents. I request that if any pages or separate files or other information currently existing in the personnel files that may be subject to removal per any retention policy, that the policy be suspended until fulfillment of this records request. I request that if any files that currently exist in any personnel file which are requested to be removed by employees after the date of this request, be maintained and produced until this request is fulfilled. This records request is not for commercial purposes. I prefer contact via my email address above. Thank you very much. Jeremy Schwartz

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Katie, fyi... In the advanced search feature, select "PDAll" to search Police Department only emails. Call me if I can show you how to do it. Bonnie

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I might need a refresher! Tried to play with it yesterday, and kept missing a step couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. Thanks!!! ----- Original Message ----From: Bonnie Walton To: Katie McClincy Sent: Tue Dec 13 16:43:00 2011 Subject: UMB Katie, fyi... In the advanced search feature, select "PDAll" to search Police Department only emails. Call me if I can show you how to do it. Bonnie

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Glad to help. Bonnie I can either write out the steps for you, or show you again.

-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 7:12 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: UMB I might need a refresher! Tried to play with it yesterday, and kept missing a step couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. Thanks!!! ----- Original Message ----From: Bonnie Walton To: Katie McClincy Sent: Tue Dec 13 16:43:00 2011 Subject: UMB Katie, fyi... In the advanced search feature, select "PDAll" to search Police Department only emails. Call me if I can show you how to do it. Bonnie

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FW: Reduction in public records request

Subject: FW: Reduc on in public records request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 12/15/2011 4:08 PM To:

-----Original Message----From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 14:24 To: Katie McClincy Cc: Mark Dougan Subject: Reduction in public records request Katie, I believe we can reduce the request even further, given I have been given correct information. Regarding previous public records request, if there is a request that was submitted by Charles Marsalisi, then I would like to specifically ask only for that PRA request and only the PRA requests from local media for the past year (2011). All other requests can be postponed until a review of these specific PRA requests. I believe this reduction may further reduce the effort and time needed and may fulfill the needs of that aspect of the request. Jeremy

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Records Request

Subject: Records Request From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 12/29/2011 5:09 PM To:
I have a records request from Walters Law Firm for copy of personnel files for Tany Gardanar, Christine Mathews and Cyndie Parks. Is that something you have on file in pdf from a prior request, or do I need to go to HR for those? Bonnie, x6502

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RE: Records Request

I should have that stuff, although after the WAPRO training there are a couple more things I need to add. Can you five day letter them and I will handle next week? -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 17:10 To: Katie McClincy Subject: Records Request I have a records request from Walters Law Firm for copy of personnel files for Tany Gardanar, Christine Mathews and Cyndie Parks. Is that something you have on file in pdf from a prior request, or do I need to go to HR for those? Bonnie, x6502

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RE: Records Request

Subject: RE: Records Request From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 12/29/2011 6:14 PM To:
Yes, next week is fine! (I assume you have both your department and HR's personnel files so I can get it all from you.) Happy New Year! Bonnie

-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 6:12 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Records Request I should have that stuff, although after the WAPRO training there are a couple more things I need to add. Can you five day letter them and I will handle next week? -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 17:10 To: Katie McClincy Subject: Records Request I have a records request from Walters Law Firm for copy of personnel files for Tany Gardanar, Christine Mathews and Cyndie Parks. Is that something you have on file in pdf from a prior request, or do I need to go to HR for those? Bonnie, x6502

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UPDATE - RE: Records Request

UPDATE: I do not need copy of the personnel files after all. What I need instead is copy of all Records Requests received by the City from other parties requesting personnel files for those 3 employees. So it is a copy of records requests only (forms, emails, letters, etc.) that I need. So if you can make me a copy of any and all records requests you have received from any party this year asking for the personnel files of Tanya Gardanar, Christine Mathews and/or Cyndie Parks, please send me a copy. I will then compare it to what I have and can then fulfill this request. Thanks. Bonnie

-----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 6:14 PM To: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: Records Request Yes, next week is fine! (I assume you have both your department and HR's personnel files so I can get it all from you.) Happy New Year! Bonnie

-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 6:12 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Records Request I should have that stuff, although after the WAPRO training there are a couple more things I need to add. Can you five day letter them and I will handle next week? -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 17:10 To: Katie McClincy Subject: Records Request I have a records request from Walters Law Firm for copy of personnel files for Tany Gardanar, Christine Mathews and Cyndie Parks. Is that something you have on file in pdf from a prior request, or do I need to go to HR for those? Bonnie, x6502

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Re: UPDATE - RE: Records Request

Copy that. ----- Original Message ----From: Bonnie Walton To: Katie McClincy Cc: Bonnie Walton Sent: Fri Dec 30 09:53:56 2011 Subject: UPDATE - RE: Records Request UPDATE: I do not need copy of the personnel files after all. What I need instead is copy of all Records Requests received by the City from other parties requesting personnel files for those 3 employees. So it is a copy of records requests only (forms, emails, letters, etc.) that I need. So if you can make me a copy of any and all records requests you have received from any party this year asking for the personnel files of Tanya Gardanar, Christine Mathews and/or Cyndie Parks, please send me a copy. I will then compare it to what I have and can then fulfill this request. Thanks. Bonnie

-----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 6:14 PM To: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: Records Request Yes, next week is fine! (I assume you have both your department and HR's personnel files so I can get it all from you.) Happy New Year! Bonnie

-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 6:12 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Records Request I should have that stuff, although after the WAPRO training there are a couple more things I need to add. Can you five day letter them and I will handle next week? -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 17:10 To: Katie McClincy Subject: Records Request I have a records request from Walters Law Firm for copy of personnel files for Tany Gardanar, Christine Mathews and Cyndie Parks. Is that something you have on file in

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Re: UPDATE - RE: Records Request

pdf from a prior request, or do I need to go to HR for those? Bonnie, x6502

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PRR - McClure of VJM

Attached is your copy of a records request received along with my acknowledgement of receipt and estimated time to fulfill. I am turning this over to you for processing. Please note that I have estimated 10 weeks to fully respond to this, and I have also indicated the City would be providing an update or increment by January 23rd. If you would like my assistance in any way, please let me know. (I am not planning on tracking this and am leaving it in your hands unless informed otherwise.) Thanks. Bonnie Walton City Clerk x6502

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Time Spent on Public Records Requests

Subject: Time Spent on Public Records Requests From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 1/3/2012 12:25 PM To:
Iwen Wang has requested that we start tracking the time spent in 2012 on Public Records Requests---particularly the time spent in gathering the records themselves. Sandi, for the City Clerk's office, that means that whenever we forward a request to another department for searching, we need to add a sentence to our transmittal message to indicate: "Please tally the amount of time your department spends on gathering records responsive to this records request and provide that total back to me along with the requested records. Your cooperation is appreciated." If the request is for our office to handle, then we need to remember to track the amount of time we spend on it ourselves. Then all the numbers we gather will need to be noted on our request form in the individual file, as well as in a new column we add to our tracking log. Katie, for Police records that you process, please track the time you spend on gathering records responsive to any of the records requests you handle, and then provide that information to me once a month, shortly after the end of each month. (Please tally the amount of time spent on each of the requests that you are handling yourself or where you have recruited others to assist. You don't need to track time for the routine police records requests that are handled by Gay and company, though it might be wise to do so anyway.) Thank you for assisting and ensuring that we gather these numbers. Bonnie, x6502

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Schwartz - personnel iles

Subject: Schwartz - personnel les From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 1/4/2012 2:21 PM To:
Katie: I want to make sure that you have the request, my acknowledgement, and the clarification received. I believe I already sent it to you, but want to be sure. Let me know if I can assist. Bonnie, x6502

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Public disclosure

Subject: Public disclosure From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 1/4/2012 2:29 PM To:
I have been asked to determine the amount of hours annually that you two spend on public disclosure. This is only for public disclosure requests, not providing police reports for trial.

Just give me your best bet.


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RE: Public disclosure

For 2012, right?

From: Kevin Milosevich Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 14:29 To: Katie McClincy; Gay Boyer Subject: Public disclosure

I have been asked to determine the amount of hours annually that you two spend on public disclosure. This is only for public disclosure requests, not providing police reports for trial.

Just give me your best bet.


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RE: Public disclosure

Subject: RE: Public disclosure From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 1/4/2012 3:22 PM To:
Guess what you spent in 2011

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 15:20 To: Kevin Milosevich Subject: RE: Public disclosure

For 2012, right?

From: Kevin Milosevich Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 14:29 To: Katie McClincy; Gay Boyer Subject: Public disclosure

I have been asked to determine the amount of hours annually that you two spend on public disclosure. This is only for public disclosure requests, not providing police reports for trial.

Just give me your best bet.


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RE: Public disclosure


From: Kevin Milosevich Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 15:22 To: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: Public disclosure

Guess what you spent in 2011

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 15:20 To: Kevin Milosevich Subject: RE: Public disclosure

For 2012, right?

From: Kevin Milosevich Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 14:29 To: Katie McClincy; Gay Boyer Subject: Public disclosure

I have been asked to determine the amount of hours annually that you two spend on public disclosure. This is only for public disclosure requests, not providing police reports for trial.

Just give me your best bet.


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FW: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Subject: FW: Public Records Request - City of Renton From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 1/4/2012 3:42 PM To:
Katie, I think you received some records requests from Mark Dougan in October that would also be responsive to this request. When you send them to Mr. Walters, would you mind copying me, too? That way I can close this out in my log. Thank you. Bonnie, x6502

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 5:25 PM To: 'Mark Walters' Cc: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Dear Mr. Walters: Attached in response to your records request (the pdf file attached) are two emails that I received requesting public records from the City of Renton as you have specified.

By cc of this email, I am also notifying our Police Department who will be able to check and confirm whether or not they received any separate Public Records Requests as you have specified that are in addition to these two emails.

Sincerely, Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk & City Public Records Officer City of Renton 425-430-6502

From: Mark Walters [mailto:mark@walterslawfirm.com] Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 10:35 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: Public Records Request - City of Renton

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FW: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Happy to clarify and I'm glad we're on the same page now.

Happy New Year! -Mark Walters <http://www.walterslawfirm.com/> Walters Law Firm PLLC 800 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ph: 425.688.7620 | Cell: 206.669.6986

NOTICE: The information contained in this email is confidential and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at 425.688.7620. Thank you.

From: Bonnie Walton <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2011 09:36:49 -0800 To: Mark Walters <mark@walterslawfirm.com> Subject: RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Mr. Walters: I apologize for any misunderstanding. I am so glad you have clarified this. You want copy of the Public Records Requests (forms, letters, or emails) received by the City where someone requested records regarding the three employees as named. You do not want the records actually supplied to the other requester; only the request document itself as received by the City.

This clarification is very helpful. I will gather the records received over the past year that are responsive and will get those to you by the end of next week. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk/Records Officer City of Renton

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FW: Public Records Request - City of Renton

From: Mark Walters [mailto:mark@walterslawfirm.com] Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 9:09 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: Public Records Request - City of Renton

I'm not asking for the files. that requested their files.

I'm asking for public records requests (i.e the letters)

Please do not copy their files, just send me the requests.

Thanks. -Mark Walters <http://www.walterslawfirm.com/> Walters Law Firm PLLC 800 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ph: 425.688.7620 | Cell: 206.669.6986

NOTICE: The information contained in this email is confidential and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at 425.688.7620. Thank you.

From: Mark Walters [mailto:mark@walterslawfirm.com] Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 9:55 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Hello Ms. Walton -

Thanks for the email below.

I understand that there were public records requests sent to the City of Renton or the City of Renton Police Department from other parties asking for personnel files or other public records of the three officers listed in my Public Records Request. These are the public records I am seeking.

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8/16/2012 2:51 PM

FW: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Does this help you? -Mark Walters <http://www.walterslawfirm.com/> Walters Law Firm PLLC 800 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ph: 425.688.7620 | Cell: 206.669.6986

NOTICE: The information contained in this email is confidential and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at 425.688.7620. Thank you.

From: Bonnie Walton <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 18:33:59 -0800 To: Mark Walters <mark@walterslawfirm.com> Subject: RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Dear Mr. Walters: Your request for public records as referenced is acknowledged. You have indicated that you wish to inspect or receive copy of public records for three City of Renton Police Department employees. In order to process this request I need to clarify which identifiable public records you are requesting. We have many records, including training records, payroll records, etc. etc. I will be happy to process your request as soon as you clarify the specific records you seek. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk & Records Officer City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 425-430-6502 98057

From: Mark Walters [mailto:mark@walterslawfirm.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 12:18 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Public Records Request - City of Renton

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FW: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Bonnie Walton ( <mailto:bwalton@rentonwa.gov> bwalton@rentonwa.gov) Public Records Officer City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

Dear Ms. Walton Please accept this Public Records Request.

Thank you. -Mark Walters <http://www.walterslawfirm.com/> Walters Law Firm PLLC 800 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ph: 425.688.7620 | Cell: 206.669.6986

NOTICE: The information contained in this email is confidential and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at 425.688.7620. Thank you.

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8/16/2012 2:51 PM

RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Subject: RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 1/4/2012 3:59 PM To:

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 15:43 To: Katie McClincy Subject: FW: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Katie, I think you received some records requests from Mark Dougan in October that would also be responsive to this request. When you send them to Mr. Walters, would you mind copying me, too? That way I can close this out in my log. Thank you. Bonnie, x6502

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 5:25 PM To: 'Mark Walters' Cc: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Dear Mr. Walters: Attached in response to your records request (the pdf file attached) are two emails that I received requesting public records from the City of Renton as you have specified.

By cc of this email, I am also notifying our Police Department who will be able to check and confirm whether or not they received any separate Public Records Requests as you have specified that are in addition to these two emails.

Sincerely, Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk & City Public Records Officer City of Renton

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RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton


From: Mark Walters [mailto:mark@walterslawfirm.com] Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 10:35 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Happy to clarify and I'm glad we're on the same page now.

Happy New Year! -Mark Walters <http://www.walterslawfirm.com/> Walters Law Firm PLLC 800 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ph: 425.688.7620 | Cell: 206.669.6986

NOTICE: The information contained in this email is confidential and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at 425.688.7620. Thank you.

From: Bonnie Walton <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2011 09:36:49 -0800 To: Mark Walters <mark@walterslawfirm.com> Subject: RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Mr. Walters: I apologize for any misunderstanding. I am so glad you have clarified this. You want copy of the Public Records Requests (forms, letters, or emails) received by the City where someone requested records regarding the three employees as named. You do not want the records actually supplied to the other requester; only the request document itself as received by the City.

This clarification is very helpful. I will gather the records received over the past year that are responsive and will get those to you by the end of next week. Thank you.

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8/16/2012 2:51 PM

RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Bonnie Walton City Clerk/Records Officer City of Renton

From: Mark Walters [mailto:mark@walterslawfirm.com] Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 9:09 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: Public Records Request - City of Renton

I'm not asking for the files. that requested their files.

I'm asking for public records requests (i.e the letters)

Please do not copy their files, just send me the requests.

Thanks. -Mark Walters <http://www.walterslawfirm.com/> Walters Law Firm PLLC 800 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ph: 425.688.7620 | Cell: 206.669.6986

NOTICE: The information contained in this email is confidential and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at 425.688.7620. Thank you.

From: Mark Walters [mailto:mark@walterslawfirm.com] Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 9:55 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Hello Ms. Walton -

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RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Thanks for the email below.

I understand that there were public records requests sent to the City of Renton or the City of Renton Police Department from other parties asking for personnel files or other public records of the three officers listed in my Public Records Request. These are the public records I am seeking.

Does this help you? -Mark Walters <http://www.walterslawfirm.com/> Walters Law Firm PLLC 800 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ph: 425.688.7620 | Cell: 206.669.6986

NOTICE: The information contained in this email is confidential and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at 425.688.7620. Thank you.

From: Bonnie Walton <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 18:33:59 -0800 To: Mark Walters <mark@walterslawfirm.com> Subject: RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Dear Mr. Walters: Your request for public records as referenced is acknowledged. You have indicated that you wish to inspect or receive copy of public records for three City of Renton Police Department employees. In order to process this request I need to clarify which identifiable public records you are requesting. We have many records, including training records, payroll records, etc. etc. I will be happy to process your request as soon as you clarify the specific records you seek. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk & Records Officer City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

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RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton


From: Mark Walters [mailto:mark@walterslawfirm.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 12:18 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Bonnie Walton ( <mailto:bwalton@rentonwa.gov> bwalton@rentonwa.gov) Public Records Officer City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

Dear Ms. Walton Please accept this Public Records Request.

Thank you. -Mark Walters <http://www.walterslawfirm.com/> Walters Law Firm PLLC 800 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ph: 425.688.7620 | Cell: 206.669.6986

NOTICE: The information contained in this email is confidential and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at 425.688.7620. Thank you.

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King 5

Seattle is suing James Eagan over his request for police cam videos. the story on King 5. You can see

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Re: King 5

Interesting - I will take a peak. it. ----- Original Message ----From: Kevin Milosevich To: Katie McClincy Sent: Wed Jan 04 18:33:50 2012 Subject: King 5 Seattle is suing James Eagan over his request for police cam videos. the story on King 5. You can see I still owe him a document - 'bout halfway done with

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8/16/2012 2:51 PM

Public Records Request - AP

Subject: Public Records Request - AP From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 1/6/2012 3:39 PM To:
Attached please find copy of a new public records request received from the Associated Press asking for copies of certain correspondence from 1/1/2007 through 12/22/2011 that is either to or from certain named current and past officials and staff. The named individuals are from both the Mayor's office (2) and from the Fire Department (8). Please check your records for any correspondence you may have for your department from this period of time that would be responsive to this request. You do not need to check your City Outlook emails, as that will be done centrally. As soon as you have completed your search, please forward those records to me as soon as possible. Please know that the e-mail records and any other correspondence produced for this request will be reviewed for possible exemptions prior to disclosure. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk/Records Officer x6502

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8/16/2012 2:52 PM

UPDATE/REVISION - FW: AP request 12/12

I have an update on the Public Records Request I just sent most of you.

I spoke with Mr. Baker of the AP regarding his request and he decided to narrow down the scope as noted below. So your search for correspondence would be to/from the same individuals previously named, however the criteria for the content is much less, since he has now limited this to only the three words/phrases stated just below. (retire, retirement or LEOFF)

If you have any questions, please let me know. Bonnie Walton x6502

From: Baker, Michael R. [mailto:mbaker@ap.org] Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 4:50 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: AP request 12/12

Following up on our phone conversation from today:

We would like to limit our request to emails that mention the following phrases: "retire" or "retirement" or "pension" or "LEOFF"

Feel free to call with any questions. Thank you. Best, Mike

----Mike Baker, Associated Press o: 360-753-7222

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UPDATE/REVISION - FW: AP request 12/12

_____________________________________________ From: Baker, Michael R. Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 3:38 PM To: 'bwalton@rentonwa.gov' Subject: AP request 12/12

Please see the records request attached and copied below:

<< File: Renton request.pdf >> RECORDS REQUEST

Dec. 12, 2011

Pursuant to the state open records law, Wash. Rev. Code Secs. 42.56.001 to 42.56.904, The Associated Press requests access to and copies of records at the City of Renton:

_ All correspondence sent to and from the following employees from January 2007 until present that reference the terms salary or retire or retirement or pension or pay or longevity or contract or raise or LEOFF or PERS or percent. -Charles Coffin -Kenneth McInnis -Henry Dykes -Johnny Bell -Robert Deines -Greg Bergquist -Michael Moeller -Kris Hanson -Denis Law -Kathy Keolker

The AP agrees to pay reasonable duplication fees for the processing of this request. The AP requests that the records be provided in electronic format, such as a DVD-R.

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UPDATE/REVISION - FW: AP request 12/12

If the request is denied in whole or part, The AP asks that you justify and specify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the act.

If you have any questions, you can reach me by phone or email listed below. Thank you for your assistance.


Mike Baker

Associated Press-Olympia P.O. Box 607 Olympia, WA 98507 360-753-7222 mrbaker@ap.org

The information contained in this communication is intended for the use of the designated recipients named above. If the reader of this communication is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this communication in error, and that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify The Associated Press immediately by telephone at +1-212-621-1898 and delete this email. Thank you. [IP_US_DISC]

msk dccc60c6d2c3a6438f0cf467d9a4938

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8/16/2012 2:52 PM

Public Records Request to City of Renton c/o City Clerk

Subject: Public Records Request to City of Renton c/o City Clerk From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 1/10/2012 8:57 AM To:
Terry, Kevin, Gregg, Larry, Nancy: Attached is a public records request received from MBC Law Firm requesting records regarding implementation of the trail-safety program. My office will search and compile the Council meeting minutes and agenda material, and all current emails in the electronic system that are responsive to the request. Please have your department search and compile all other responsive records that may exist. My office will provide the records to the requester in increments after reviewing them for possible exemptions, so as soon as you have a some of your records ready, please forward those to this office. ALSO, PER DIRECTIVE, PLEASE TRACK AND TALLY THE NUMBER OF HOURS SPENT IN YOUR DEPARTMENT COMPILING RECORDS FOR THIS REQUEST. THEN TURN THAT INFORMATION IN TO THIS OFFICE ALONG WITH THE RESPONSIVE RECORDS THEMSELVES. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk, x6502

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FW: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Subject: FW: Public Records Request - City of Renton From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 1/18/2012 1:16 PM To:
Do you have anything for this? Let me know if I can help. Bonnie Have you sent him a response yet?

From: Mark Walters [mailto:mark@walterslawfirm.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 12:40 PM To: Bonnie Walton; Katie McClincy Subject: Re: Public Records Request - City of Renton Importance: High

Bonnie and Katie

It's been quite sometime since our Public Records request and we're still waiting to received the records we requested from the City of Renton Police Dept.

Please let me hear from you ASAP.

Thank you. -Mark Walters <http://www.walterslawfirm.com/> Walters Law Firm PLLC 800 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ph: 425.688.7620 | Cell: 206.669.6986

NOTICE: The information contained in this email is confidential and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at 425.688.7620. Thank you.

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8/16/2012 2:52 PM

FW: Public Records Request - City of Renton

From: Bonnie Walton <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2012 17:25:11 -0800 To: Mark Walters <mark@walterslawfirm.com> Cc: Katie McClincy <Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Dear Mr. Walters: Attached in response to your records request (the pdf file attached) are two emails that I received requesting public records from the City of Renton as you have specified.

By cc of this email, I am also notifying our Police Department who will be able to check and confirm whether or not they received any separate Public Records Requests as you have specified that are in addition to these two emails.

Sincerely, Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk & City Public Records Officer City of Renton 425-430-6502

From: Mark Walters [mailto:mark@walterslawfirm.com] Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 10:35 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Happy to clarify and I'm glad we're on the same page now.

Happy New Year! -Mark Walters <http://www.walterslawfirm.com/> Walters Law Firm PLLC 800 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ph: 425.688.7620 | Cell: 206.669.6986

NOTICE: The information contained in this email is confidential and may be subject to

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FW: Public Records Request - City of Renton

the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at 425.688.7620. Thank you.

From: Bonnie Walton <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2011 09:36:49 -0800 To: Mark Walters <mark@walterslawfirm.com> Subject: RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Mr. Walters: I apologize for any misunderstanding. I am so glad you have clarified this. You want copy of the Public Records Requests (forms, letters, or emails) received by the City where someone requested records regarding the three employees as named. You do not want the records actually supplied to the other requester; only the request document itself as received by the City.

This clarification is very helpful. I will gather the records received over the past year that are responsive and will get those to you by the end of next week. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk/Records Officer City of Renton

From: Mark Walters [mailto:mark@walterslawfirm.com] Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 9:09 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: Public Records Request - City of Renton

I'm not asking for the files. that requested their files.

I'm asking for public records requests (i.e the letters)

Please do not copy their files, just send me the requests.


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FW: Public Records Request - City of Renton

-Mark Walters <http://www.walterslawfirm.com/> Walters Law Firm PLLC 800 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ph: 425.688.7620 | Cell: 206.669.6986

NOTICE: The information contained in this email is confidential and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at 425.688.7620. Thank you.

From: Mark Walters [mailto:mark@walterslawfirm.com] Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 9:55 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Hello Ms. Walton -

Thanks for the email below.

I understand that there were public records requests sent to the City of Renton or the City of Renton Police Department from other parties asking for personnel files or other public records of the three officers listed in my Public Records Request. These are the public records I am seeking.

Does this help you? -Mark Walters <http://www.walterslawfirm.com/> Walters Law Firm PLLC 800 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ph: 425.688.7620 | Cell: 206.669.6986

NOTICE: The information contained in this email is confidential and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at 425.688.7620. Thank you.

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8/16/2012 2:52 PM

FW: Public Records Request - City of Renton

From: Bonnie Walton <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 18:33:59 -0800 To: Mark Walters <mark@walterslawfirm.com> Subject: RE: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Dear Mr. Walters: Your request for public records as referenced is acknowledged. You have indicated that you wish to inspect or receive copy of public records for three City of Renton Police Department employees. In order to process this request I need to clarify which identifiable public records you are requesting. We have many records, including training records, payroll records, etc. etc. I will be happy to process your request as soon as you clarify the specific records you seek. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk & Records Officer City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 425-430-6502 98057

From: Mark Walters [mailto:mark@walterslawfirm.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 12:18 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Bonnie Walton ( <mailto:bwalton@rentonwa.gov> bwalton@rentonwa.gov) Public Records Officer City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

Dear Ms. Walton Please accept this Public Records Request.

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FW: Public Records Request - City of Renton

Thank you. -Mark Walters <http://www.walterslawfirm.com/> Walters Law Firm PLLC 800 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ph: 425.688.7620 | Cell: 206.669.6986

NOTICE: The information contained in this email is confidential and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at 425.688.7620. Thank you.

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8/16/2012 2:52 PM

Redaction Log Forms

Subject: Redac on Log Forms From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 1/20/2012 4:04 PM To:
At the teleconference meeting the other day, it was mentioned that you had a newer version of a City Redaction Log. I am attaching copy of the log form that I have been using since 2009. (I think I gave you a copy of it in June 2010, Zanetta.) If you have a newer version of the form to share, though, I would appreciate a copy. I'm always looking for improvement! Thanks. Bonnie, x6502

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RE: Redaction Log Forms

This kind of looks like an email redaction log. I free-lance a bit more on mine - will hook up with you next week and show you what I've been doing. -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 16:04 To: Zanetta Fontes; Katie McClincy Subject: Redaction Log Forms At the teleconference meeting the other day, it was mentioned that you had a newer version of a City Redaction Log. I am attaching copy of the log form that I have been using since 2009. (I think I gave you a copy of it in June 2010, Zanetta.) If you have a newer version of the form to share, though, I would appreciate a copy. I'm always looking for improvement! Thanks. Bonnie, x6502

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Public Disclosure/Litigation Hold

Subject: Public Disclosure/Li ga on Hold From: Shawn Tierney <shawnt244@hotmail.com> Date: 1/29/2012 12:04 PM To:
Dear Mrs. Walton, Attached are documents requesting Public Disclosure and notification requesting Litigation Holds. I have also sent you hard copies of both. Please respond back if you need any further documentation. Sincerely, Shawn Tierney 425-985-1219

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8/16/2012 2:52 PM

RE: PRR - McClure of VJM

Katie, HR just provided me with some records responsive to this request. to stop by my office for them? Bonnie Do you want

-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 3:08 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: PRR - McClure of VJM Copy that - thanks!! ----- Original Message ----From: Bonnie Walton To: Katie McClincy Cc: Zanetta Fontes Sent: Fri Dec 30 14:40:15 2011 Subject: PRR - McClure of VJM Attached is your copy of a records request received along with my acknowledgement of receipt and estimated time to fulfill. I am turning this over to you for processing. Please note that I have estimated 10 weeks to fully respond to this, and I have also indicated the City would be providing an update or increment by January 23rd. If you would like my assistance in any way, please let me know. (I am not planning on tracking this and am leaving it in your hands unless informed otherwise.) Thanks. Bonnie Walton City Clerk x6502

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RE: PRR - McClure of VJM

Sure. -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 16:06 To: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: PRR - McClure of VJM Katie, HR just provided me with some records responsive to this request. to stop by my office for them? Bonnie Do you want

-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 3:08 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Re: PRR - McClure of VJM Copy that - thanks!! ----- Original Message ----From: Bonnie Walton To: Katie McClincy Cc: Zanetta Fontes Sent: Fri Dec 30 14:40:15 2011 Subject: PRR - McClure of VJM Attached is your copy of a records request received along with my acknowledgement of receipt and estimated time to fulfill. I am turning this over to you for processing. Please note that I have estimated 10 weeks to fully respond to this, and I have also indicated the City would be providing an update or increment by January 23rd. If you would like my assistance in any way, please let me know. (I am not planning on tracking this and am leaving it in your hands unless informed otherwise.) Thanks. Bonnie Walton City Clerk x6502

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RE: Records Request of 1/31/12

Subject: RE: Records Request of 1/31/12 From: Shawn Tierney <shawnt244@hotmail.com> Date: 2/2/2012 7:36 AM To:
Bonnie- Thank you for getting back to me on the clarification. employees city wide from 1995 to January 31, 2012. Thank You Shawn Tierney The request is for all

From: Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov To: shawnt244@hotmail.com Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 11:20:08 -0800 Subject: Records Request of 1/31/12 Dear Shawn: I am in receipt of the public records request you submitted to the City Clerk's office on Jan. 31st. At first I thought it was a duplicate of the request previously submitted, but upon closer examination, realize it is different. I need clarification on this request. You have asked for "any and all investigations conducted by the City regarding employee complaints of harassment and threats". Are you referring to complaints made by Police Dept. employees, only? If yes, then what time period are you interested in? If not limited to Police Dept. employees then which department employees do you want included or excluded, and what time period would you like this to cover? Would this be formal complaints filed within the last 12 months? 24 months? Once you have clarified this, we can proceed to process the request. Also, as you might expect, the narrower the scope of the request, the quicker we will be able to fulfill it. Also, please know that certain records may be exempt from public disclosure, and copy fees will apply. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk City of Renton 425-430-6502

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RE: Records Request of 1/31/12

Subject: RE: Records Request of 1/31/12 From: Shawn Tierney <shawnt244@hotmail.com> Date: 2/2/2012 7:36 AM To:
Bonnie- Thank you for getting back to me on the clarification. employees city wide from 1995 to January 31, 2012. Thank You Shawn Tierney The request is for all

From: Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov To: shawnt244@hotmail.com Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 11:20:08 -0800 Subject: Records Request of 1/31/12 Dear Shawn: I am in receipt of the public records request you submitted to the City Clerk's office on Jan. 31st. At first I thought it was a duplicate of the request previously submitted, but upon closer examination, realize it is different. I need clarification on this request. You have asked for "any and all investigations conducted by the City regarding employee complaints of harassment and threats". Are you referring to complaints made by Police Dept. employees, only? If yes, then what time period are you interested in? If not limited to Police Dept. employees then which department employees do you want included or excluded, and what time period would you like this to cover? Would this be formal complaints filed within the last 12 months? 24 months? Once you have clarified this, we can proceed to process the request. Also, as you might expect, the narrower the scope of the request, the quicker we will be able to fulfill it. Also, please know that certain records may be exempt from public disclosure, and copy fees will apply. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk City of Renton 425-430-6502

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RE: Meeting with IT today?

They wanted to this morning. I will fill you in!

-----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 14:28 To: Katie McClincy Subject: Meeting with IT today? Are we? bw Or did you already do that?

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FW: Email Update


From: Katie McClincy Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 17:04 To: 'Jeremy Schwartz' Subject: RE: Email Update

I just spoke with IT. If there is a string, and in one email in that string is a search term, then yes, the entire string should be there. Without the email in front of me that you are referring to (between Mathews and myself), I recall that particular email being a follow-up to either a phone or face-to-face conversation. So, while it seems like there should be a string, I am confident, if we are talking about the same email, that in that case, there is not. If you remind me next week, I can check on that. And, I can also make that term search again, if that will make you more comfortable.

I have several stacks of printed email on my desk. The cost is $.15 per page. I sent the total number of pages to you last month. Make the check payable to City of Renton. The address is 1055 South Grady Way, Renton WA 98057. If you put ATTN Commander McClincy on the envelope, I will get it and take it down to Finance. If you dont, they will not know why you sent them a check, and will not let me know it arrived so that I know to PDF the email to you.


From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 14:56 To: Katie McClincy Cc: Mark Dougan; Kevin Milosevich; Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Email Update

Disregard the Patch's page count.

I am more concerned with getting any emails at all.

Is there any reason that the 247 pages of emails you have had ready since January 18 cannot simply be dragged into the ftp folder? It should only take less than 10 seconds. I am at a loss at to why you have refused to ftp any emails since you informed me they were completed on January 18 and I have repeatedly asked to be provided those emails since that day and forward.

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FW: Email Update

Regarding the email conversations (threads or chains), the emails provided to Kiro TV included email threads. Some of the emails in the threads did not have a 'shred' word in them. There was one thread in particular between yourself and Christy Mathews, in which one or more preceding emails was not included in that thread. The question I have is, you can only find and produce an email if it has one of the search words, and that even if another email in that same thread is directly relevant to the fuddlesticks case, I wont get it because I don't know the words in that email? Let me clarify again, if there has been any misunderstanding on the emails and threads. We have requested all emails related to the fuddlesticks investigations. We have also requested any emails that contained the search terms provided (which has been reduced in number). This request for emails includes the entire thread of the emails. One person send an email to another person and the second (or third or fourth) person replies. We want that entire string of emails. Are you saying that there is no way that we cannot ever have access to those public records, that the City of Renton does not have the capability to find and produce those public records? _____ From: Katie McClincy [Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 5:03 PM To: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: RE: Email Update I cant find the cyberstalking investigation on their website.

Wont be able to get email to you today, as I am working on other assignments, and have a meeting that will take me to end of shift. I have taken tomorrow and Monday off fyi and have little connectivity.

I plug a search term into the email search program. It produces email with the search term or variants in it. That is what I can tell you. I can re-do the shred search term search, but again, wont be able to get to that until next week.


From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 13:53 To: Katie McClincy Cc: Mark Dougan; Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Email Update

I'll disregard the Patch's page numbers for now, I'll have to consider that many page numbers of difference. (1) For the emails that are readied, the 247 pages, are those going to be ftp'd now since they are done? Since those have been finished, there is no need to put them back into a PST file if they are already to go.

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FW: Email Update

So if an email does not have one of the search words in it, yet it is clearly part of a thread where the other emails have that word (meaning, an entire email conversation about the subject), we are not going to get any of those emails. (2) Is that right? Jeremy _____ From: Katie McClincy [Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 4:31 PM To: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: RE: Email Update I cant tell you why the Renton Patch says anything, other than they may have it formatted differently.

The only thing I can think of on the email thread issue is that if the previous part of the thread didnt have the word shred or variants in it, then it would not be captured. I am throwing that out without having what I sent you in front of me.

Working on the PST with IT as it relates to the email.

From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 18:06 To: Katie McClincy Cc: Mark Dougan; Kevin Milosevich; Bonnie Walton; Denis Law Subject: RE: Email Update

No no no. Nothing altered at all. Everything stands as submitted. I believe I have reduced the email records search by well over 99% by eliminating words, Google alerts, spam and duplicate email. "Youtube" by itself was 20,000 emails and with the reduced words, being half way completed now, is less than 250 pages. The request is stable, nothing that was already completed will ever be altered. Any suggestions has only been applied to work that has yet to be done and at that, the suggestions have always been to substantially reduce the work asked. I've not added a single word or request, and only reduced it constantly. As to clarifying the email request, not changing anything; 1) I am requesting the entire email thread from the search words. There are complete emails missing from even the 'shred' production you provided, as some emails started in the middle (or after the beginning of an email chain). As that production was from another (Kiro TV) request, that is not my issue to argue of not receiving the emails, since you were redoing that search anyway. So even if in a thread or chain of emails (replies and forwards), if one of them have a relevance to the case or search words, then the entire thread of emails was requested. As a simple example, if Person A sends an email asking if she saw the parody cartoons and Person B only replies with a "yes",

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FW: Email Update

I want both emails, not just the email with "parody". 2) Concerning charges, if cost is going to become an issue, then I only suggested just sending the emails in the native form through the ftp site to avoid you having to print then scan the printed email back to electronic PDF form to ftp and charge per page printed or scanned. I have Microsoft Outlook and can open msg and eml email files. I can open pst files too. 3) And concerning the emails that were completed on January 18th, can you just ftp those now since they are done already (that's half the email request completed already, no sense in keeping them for another 2 weeks)? As they are already done, can they not be ftp'd now? 4) Can also you tell me why the Renton Patch says the criminal investigation is 435 pages long and we received less than 400 pages? So nothing has been changed or altered, other than, to reduce my cost and your time, the emails can just be ftp'd without printing to hard copy to scan to PDF and that would only be the emails you have not done yet. Again, that only reduces your time and my cost, in having this request completed faster, easier, and cheaper. I am sincerely just trying to get these records in the most expedited manner at the least cost to the City of Renton and us. Like I mentioned, we have reduced our own request by over 99% with emails alone, and potentially, by keeping to the priority list (which was not done), we could possibly close the request before completion. That could eliminate the personnel files and most of the IA files. But at this point, nothing to reduce the request has reduced the timeframe for production, rather, it seems to have extended timeframes. The faster documents are received, the faster we can review the documents and decide ourselves if we are satisfied enough to close the request. We wont know until we receive the files with installments.

Jeremy _____ From: Katie McClincy [Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 8:09 PM To: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: RE: Email Update So, to confirm, you are altering your request and do then want all the google alerts, spam, and duplicate email? And, you are altering the request to request the documents in native form? I only ask, because Id sorted, printed, and counted based on our prior correspondence, and had worked through several of the search terms. This was the reason I had hoped we could stabilize the request in order that I not spend time on some aspect of it to then have it change.


From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 16:41 To: Katie McClincy Cc: Mark Dougan Subject: RE: Email Update

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FW: Email Update

To clarify the search words,

acid queen - only emails that have exactly acid queen, not any other variation, such as only "acid" tellinthetruth parody only emails that have exactly tellinthetruth

all emails with parody all emails with fuddlesticks all emails with mrfuddlesticks all emails with mrfiddlesticks all emails with fiddlesticks all emails with whothehellispenny

fuddlesticks mrfuddlesticks mrfiddlesticks fiddlesticks

whothehellispenny cyberstalking xtranormal -

all emails with cyberstalking

all emails with xtranormal

I would expect emails not related to the investigation to be have one or more of these words, but I have requested those emails as well. And as mentioned, some of my control emails sent to us are from outside the police department, therefore, all city email to be included in order to capture those emails too in order to show a reasonable search was conducted. And to reiteriate, the entire thread of emails are requested. As an example of a thread, in the "shred" production of emails, there are emails that were produced that started at some point in a thread of emails, in which the prior emails were not produced.

As mentioned in a prior email when you said that 5 search words were completed, can be sent already, as agreed upon for installments, rather than waiting for all the email to be produced. Otherwise, more than half of the work is done, yet not being produced when it is finished. (1) Can these be ftp'd now?

Also, as you have mentioned a cost to the emails, (2) I am requesting that emails that are in the native form, that is, not PDF'd, be produced in the native form. The WA AG Office website also suggests native files be produced natively to avoid costs and save on production time. We can import .msg and .eml files into Outlook on our end here. For emails that you are PDF'ing, you have yet to respond to the same question (3) as to why the electronic mail is being printed, then scanned into PDF, to be simply dragged to a ftp site at $ .15 a page, when it can simply be PDF'd and dragged to the ftp site. Even redactions can be made electronically, therefore, emails never have to hit the physical paper with ink.

My interpretation of the charges per page is to cover the cost of ink and paper,

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FW: Email Update

whereas electronic files do not require either.

Jeremy _____ From: Katie McClincy [Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 5:50 PM To: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: Email Update Jeremy as I stated in an email on January 18th, 2012, I have completed the following email searches for the listed email search terms, using the clarifications you provided previously (sort out duplicate email, spam, Google alerts, and Marks original request that was sent to Mayor Law and me):

Search Term Fiddlesticks 64 pages Search Term Xtranormal 83 pages Search Term Acid Queen 18 pages Search Term Tellinthetruth 42 pages Search Term Mr. Fiddlesticks 20 pages

This week I plan to complete email searches for the remaining email search terms, using the clarifications you provided previously (sort out duplicate email, spam, Google alerts, and Marks original request that was sent to Mayor Law and me):

Search Term Parody Search Term Fuddlesticks Search Term Mrfuddlesticks Search Term Cyberstalking

Once that is completed, I will provide you total cost of email, so that you can send payment and I can get these documents to you.


Commander Katie McClincy

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FW: Email Update

(425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

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FW: Public Disclosure/Litigation Hold

Subject: FW: Public Disclosure/Li ga on Hold From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 2/2/2012 5:14 PM To:
If you have not, please review the attached public disclosure request, and please do not delete or destroy any documents created prior to 1/30/12. We are in the process of analyzing and clarifying this request.


Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 10:09 To: Larry Warren; Zanetta Fontes Cc: Katie McClincy; Sandi Weir Subject: FW: Public Disclosure/Litigation Hold Importance: High

This Records Request involves both Police and Executive Dept. records. Do you want Police to take the lead to do the followup to this request? Also, do you want to place the litigation hold notice yourselves, and notify HR, Jay, etc? At this point I have only acknowledged receipt as shown below and sent this email. me know if you need me to do anything further. Bonnie Walton City Clerk Public Records Officer 425-430-6502 Let

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 9:59 AM To: 'Shawn Tierney' Subject: RE: Public Disclosure/Litigation Hold

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FW: Public Disclosure/Litigation Hold

Dear Mr. Tierney: I am in receipt of your email and attachments. We will review this and get back to you within five days with an update on the status and any further questions. Sincerely, Bonnie Walton City Clerk & Public Records Officer City of Renton 425-430-6502

From: Shawn Tierney [mailto:shawnt244@hotmail.com] Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 12:04 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Public Disclosure/Litigation Hold

Dear Mrs. Walton,

Attached are documents requesting Public Disclosure and notification requesting Litigation Holds. I have also sent you hard copies of both.

Please respond back if you need any further documentation.


Shawn Tierney 425-985-1219

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RE: Records Request of 1/31/12

Subject: RE: Records Request of 1/31/12 From: Larry Warren </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=LWARREN> Date: 2/3/2012 12:33 PM To:
We know that we have some records and will produce them. Bonnie, you should still be point on this.

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 9:21 AM To: Larry Warren; Zanetta Fontes; Nancy Carlson Cc: Katie McClincy; Sandi Weir Subject: FW: Records Request of 1/31/12

Attached is a second public records request received from Shawn Tierney, and below is the email exchange thereafter showing my acknowledgement of it, my clarification questions, and his response to that. This request ties to the first request, however is different in that he is requesting records city-wide regarding complaints for the period 1/1/95 - 1/31/12. I can check to see if the Clerk's office has any responsive records, but primarily I believe these records would be located in HRRM, City Attorney, and Police Depts. I could also check with each Administrator to see if they may have any responsive files, also. Or, Larry, does the City Attorney office want to take the lead on this in order to coordinate and follow through along with the Police part of the prior request? Please advise as to how you would like to proceed, otherwise I will assume I should take the lead on this one. If I am doing the 5-day letter, then please let me know how much time you feel you will need, Nancy, to produce these records, since I assume your research task will require the most time. Thanks. Bonnie Walton City Clerk/Public Records Officer x6502

From: Shawn Tierney [mailto:shawnt244@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 7:36 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Records Request of 1/31/12

Bonnie- Thank you for getting back to me on the clarification. employees city wide from 1995 to January 31, 2012.

The request is for all

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RE: Records Request of 1/31/12

Thank You Shawn Tierney From: Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov To: shawnt244@hotmail.com Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 11:20:08 -0800 Subject: Records Request of 1/31/12 Dear Shawn: I am in receipt of the public records request you submitted to the City Clerk's office on Jan. 31st. At first I thought it was a duplicate of the request previously submitted, but upon closer examination, realize it is different. I need clarification on this request. You have asked for "any and all investigations conducted by the City regarding employee complaints of harassment and threats". Are you referring to complaints made by Police Dept. employees, only? If yes, then what time period are you interested in? If not limited to Police Dept. employees then which department employees do you want included or excluded, and what time period would you like this to cover? Would this be formal complaints filed within the last 12 months? 24 months? Once you have clarified this, we can proceed to process the request. Also, as you might expect, the narrower the scope of the request, the quicker we will be able to fulfill it. Also, please know that certain records may be exempt from public disclosure, and copy fees will apply. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk City of Renton 425-430-6502

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RE: Records Request of 1/31/12

Subject: RE: Records Request of 1/31/12 From: Larry Warren </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=LWARREN> Date: 2/3/2012 12:33 PM To:
We know that we have some records and will produce them. Bonnie, you should still be point on this.

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 9:21 AM To: Larry Warren; Zanetta Fontes; Nancy Carlson Cc: Katie McClincy; Sandi Weir Subject: FW: Records Request of 1/31/12

Attached is a second public records request received from Shawn Tierney, and below is the email exchange thereafter showing my acknowledgement of it, my clarification questions, and his response to that. This request ties to the first request, however is different in that he is requesting records city-wide regarding complaints for the period 1/1/95 - 1/31/12. I can check to see if the Clerk's office has any responsive records, but primarily I believe these records would be located in HRRM, City Attorney, and Police Depts. I could also check with each Administrator to see if they may have any responsive files, also. Or, Larry, does the City Attorney office want to take the lead on this in order to coordinate and follow through along with the Police part of the prior request? Please advise as to how you would like to proceed, otherwise I will assume I should take the lead on this one. If I am doing the 5-day letter, then please let me know how much time you feel you will need, Nancy, to produce these records, since I assume your research task will require the most time. Thanks. Bonnie Walton City Clerk/Public Records Officer x6502

From: Shawn Tierney [mailto:shawnt244@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 7:36 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Records Request of 1/31/12

Bonnie- Thank you for getting back to me on the clarification. employees city wide from 1995 to January 31, 2012.

The request is for all

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RE: Records Request of 1/31/12

Thank You Shawn Tierney From: Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov To: shawnt244@hotmail.com Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 11:20:08 -0800 Subject: Records Request of 1/31/12 Dear Shawn: I am in receipt of the public records request you submitted to the City Clerk's office on Jan. 31st. At first I thought it was a duplicate of the request previously submitted, but upon closer examination, realize it is different. I need clarification on this request. You have asked for "any and all investigations conducted by the City regarding employee complaints of harassment and threats". Are you referring to complaints made by Police Dept. employees, only? If yes, then what time period are you interested in? If not limited to Police Dept. employees then which department employees do you want included or excluded, and what time period would you like this to cover? Would this be formal complaints filed within the last 12 months? 24 months? Once you have clarified this, we can proceed to process the request. Also, as you might expect, the narrower the scope of the request, the quicker we will be able to fulfill it. Also, please know that certain records may be exempt from public disclosure, and copy fees will apply. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk City of Renton 425-430-6502

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Records Request of 1/31/12

Subject: Records Request of 1/31/12 From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 2/6/2012 11:09 AM To:
Department Heads: A public records request has been received asking for all investigations conducted by the City regarding complaints of harassment and/or threats for the period 1/1/95 through 1/31/12. In addition to records with HRRM and City Attorney offices, I need to gather from you, and possibly from your Directors/Deputies, Managers, if you so determine, any records from your department that are responsive to this request. A pdf file of the request itself is attached. I have also attached two email exchanges regarding this request, to help give you clarification/direction.

I ask that you please provide the records directly to me. I will be gathering the records from all departments, and they will then be examined for exemptions prior to disclosure.

At this time, please provide me with an estimate of how soon you think you will be able to find and produce your departments records responsive to this request. As you know, I remind you that when there is an open records request, all existing records must be produced and may not be destroyed, even if they have already reached or gone past their legal disposition date.

If you have any questions regarding this request , please feel free to contact me. I would appreciate your time estimate within the next two days as I need to notify the requester. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk/Public Records Officer x6502

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Records Request of 1/31/12

Subject: Records Request of 1/31/12 From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 2/6/2012 11:09 AM To:
Department Heads: A public records request has been received asking for all investigations conducted by the City regarding complaints of harassment and/or threats for the period 1/1/95 through 1/31/12. In addition to records with HRRM and City Attorney offices, I need to gather from you, and possibly from your Directors/Deputies, Managers, if you so determine, any records from your department that are responsive to this request. A pdf file of the request itself is attached. I have also attached two email exchanges regarding this request, to help give you clarification/direction.

I ask that you please provide the records directly to me. I will be gathering the records from all departments, and they will then be examined for exemptions prior to disclosure.

At this time, please provide me with an estimate of how soon you think you will be able to find and produce your departments records responsive to this request. As you know, I remind you that when there is an open records request, all existing records must be produced and may not be destroyed, even if they have already reached or gone past their legal disposition date.

If you have any questions regarding this request , please feel free to contact me. I would appreciate your time estimate within the next two days as I need to notify the requester. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk/Public Records Officer x6502

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RE: Records Request of 1/31/12

Subject: RE: Records Request of 1/31/12 From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 2/6/2012 3:27 PM To:
I need to wait until Katie is back in the office.

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 11:09 To: Denis Law; Jay B Covington; Larry Warren; Nancy Carlson; Kevin Milosevich; Mark Peterson; Iwen Wang; Gregg A. Zimmerman; Alexander Pietsch; Terry Higashiyama; Joseph McGuire Cc: Katie McClincy; Sandi Weir; April Alexander; Debra Mikolaizik; Dorothy Stickney; Jason Seth; Jo Olson; Judith Subia; Linda Moschetti; Mary Ann Anthony; Melissa Day; Sandra J Pilat; Sharon D. Martin Subject: Records Request of 1/31/12 Importance: High

Department Heads: A public records request has been received asking for all investigations conducted by the City regarding complaints of harassment and/or threats for the period 1/1/95 through 1/31/12. In addition to records with HRRM and City Attorney offices, I need to gather from you, and possibly from your Directors/Deputies, Managers, if you so determine, any records from your department that are responsive to this request. A pdf file of the request itself is attached. I have also attached two email exchanges regarding this request, to help give you clarification/direction.

I ask that you please provide the records directly to me. I will be gathering the records from all departments, and they will then be examined for exemptions prior to disclosure.

At this time, please provide me with an estimate of how soon you think you will be able to find and produce your departments records responsive to this request. As you know, I remind you that when there is an open records request, all existing records must be produced and may not be destroyed, even if they have already reached or gone past their legal disposition date.

If you have any questions regarding this request , please feel free to contact me. I would appreciate your time estimate within the next two days as I need to notify the requester. Thank you. Bonnie Walton

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RE: Records Request of 1/31/12

City Clerk/Public Records Officer x6502

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RE: Records Request of 1/31/12

Subject: RE: Records Request of 1/31/12 From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 2/6/2012 4:14 PM To:
Okay. bw

From: Kevin Milosevich Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 3:28 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Records Request of 1/31/12

I need to wait until Katie is back in the office.

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 11:09 To: Denis Law; Jay B Covington; Larry Warren; Nancy Carlson; Kevin Milosevich; Mark Peterson; Iwen Wang; Gregg A. Zimmerman; Alexander Pietsch; Terry Higashiyama; Joseph McGuire Cc: Katie McClincy; Sandi Weir; April Alexander; Debra Mikolaizik; Dorothy Stickney; Jason Seth; Jo Olson; Judith Subia; Linda Moschetti; Mary Ann Anthony; Melissa Day; Sandra J Pilat; Sharon D. Martin Subject: Records Request of 1/31/12 Importance: High

Department Heads: A public records request has been received asking for all investigations conducted by the City regarding complaints of harassment and/or threats for the period 1/1/95 through 1/31/12. In addition to records with HRRM and City Attorney offices, I need to gather from you, and possibly from your Directors/Deputies, Managers, if you so determine, any records from your department that are responsive to this request. A pdf file of the request itself is attached. I have also attached two email exchanges regarding this request, to help give you clarification/direction.

I ask that you please provide the records directly to me. I will be gathering the records from all departments, and they will then be examined for exemptions prior to disclosure.

At this time, please provide me with an estimate of how soon you think you will be able to find and produce your departments records responsive to this request. As you know, I remind you that when there is an open records request, all existing records must be

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RE: Records Request of 1/31/12

produced and may not be destroyed, even if they have already reached their legal disposition date.

or gone past

If you have any questions regarding this request , please feel free to contact me. I would appreciate your time estimate within the next two days as I need to notify the requester. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk/Public Records Officer x6502

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PRR-12-014 FW: source documents

Subject: PRR-12-014 FW: source documents From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 2/6/2012 4:57 PM To:
Regarding the public records request from S Tierney that I sent you earlier today Rather than me retyping the advice received from the City Attorney office, I am forwarding the following to you and ask that you please read and follow the public records request procedure as stated below. Regarding the second paragraph, I ask that you please send the recap to me once you have completed your research and compiled the records for my office. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk/Public Records Officer x6502

From: Zanetta Fontes Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 4:35 PM To: Bonnie Walton Cc: Larry Warren Subject: source documents

Bonnie: you and I spoke today about whether the city attorneys office has copies of documents from administrators regarding investigations any one of them might have conducted or had conducted on his/her behalf. If we have such documents, they are not the source documents and, it is my opinion that you should insist on getting those documents (their notes from the investigation, their reports, their discipline (if any) of the employee, their response to the complainant and anything else they might have that constitutes documents from the investigation) from the administrator. I am confident that we would not have the contents of the investigation that was done by an administrator or his/her designee.

By the way, I am also of the opinion that you should be asking the administrators to document WHERE they looked, as well as WHAT they looked for. There is that recent case that addressed the issue of whether the governmental entity had done enough to search for the responsive documents. The court spent some time considering exactly what the entity had done. The court determined it wasnt enough! From that, I conclude that we should document what we did, where we looked, what we looked for, as well as the amount of time spent.

I know I am asking for a lot here. But, in the final analysis, we have an obligation to be thorough in our effort to get public records to our citizens. If we know the where/what of the searches, maybe we can help the administrators and other employees do

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PRR-12-014 FW: source documents

their due diligence.


Zanetta L. Fontes Senior Assistant City Attorney City of Renton P.O. Box 626 Renton, WA 98057 100 South 2nd St. Renton, WA 98055 Phone: (425) 430-6486 | Fax: (425) 255-5474 e-mail: zfontes@rentonwa.gov

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail, including any attachments, is confidential and may include privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe you have received this e-mail in error, please do not copy, print, forward, re-transmit, or otherwise disseminate this e-mail, its contents, or any of its attachments. Please delete this e-mail. Also, please notify the sender that you have received this e-mail in error. Thank you. Advisory: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record.

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PRR-12-014 FW: source documents

Subject: PRR-12-014 FW: source documents From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 2/6/2012 4:57 PM To:
Regarding the public records request from S Tierney that I sent you earlier today Rather than me retyping the advice received from the City Attorney office, I am forwarding the following to you and ask that you please read and follow the public records request procedure as stated below. Regarding the second paragraph, I ask that you please send the recap to me once you have completed your research and compiled the records for my office. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk/Public Records Officer x6502

From: Zanetta Fontes Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 4:35 PM To: Bonnie Walton Cc: Larry Warren Subject: source documents

Bonnie: you and I spoke today about whether the city attorneys office has copies of documents from administrators regarding investigations any one of them might have conducted or had conducted on his/her behalf. If we have such documents, they are not the source documents and, it is my opinion that you should insist on getting those documents (their notes from the investigation, their reports, their discipline (if any) of the employee, their response to the complainant and anything else they might have that constitutes documents from the investigation) from the administrator. I am confident that we would not have the contents of the investigation that was done by an administrator or his/her designee.

By the way, I am also of the opinion that you should be asking the administrators to document WHERE they looked, as well as WHAT they looked for. There is that recent case that addressed the issue of whether the governmental entity had done enough to search for the responsive documents. The court spent some time considering exactly what the entity had done. The court determined it wasnt enough! From that, I conclude that we should document what we did, where we looked, what we looked for, as well as the amount of time spent.

I know I am asking for a lot here. But, in the final analysis, we have an obligation to be thorough in our effort to get public records to our citizens. If we know the where/what of the searches, maybe we can help the administrators and other employees do

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their due diligence.


Zanetta L. Fontes Senior Assistant City Attorney City of Renton P.O. Box 626 Renton, WA 98057 100 South 2nd St. Renton, WA 98055 Phone: (425) 430-6486 | Fax: (425) 255-5474 e-mail: zfontes@rentonwa.gov

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail, including any attachments, is confidential and may include privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe you have received this e-mail in error, please do not copy, print, forward, re-transmit, or otherwise disseminate this e-mail, its contents, or any of its attachments. Please delete this e-mail. Also, please notify the sender that you have received this e-mail in error. Thank you. Advisory: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record.

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Records Requests

Katie & Zanetta,

I know that the never-ending slew of public records requests have been overwhelming, and I want to compliment both of you for your continued ability to deal with these requests in a professional an courteous manner. I sincerely admire your tenacity and commitment to doing a thorough job. I can only imagine how stressful it must be to deal with this on a daily basis.

Thanks for all your efforts!

Mayor, City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 425 430-6500 rentonwa.gov

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FW: Email Update


From: Mark Dougan [mailto:mdougan@insurexecs.com] Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 12:13 To: Jeremy Schwartz; Katie McClincy Cc: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Email Update

Im not sure if you understand that when we ask how much do we have to pay means we need to know how much to physically write on a check. Apparently, that one simple (and ignored) question has cost us to wait even more weeks to receive the very files which have been sitting on your desk since January 18th.

Are these people mentally disadvantaged? This is why we have public-sector employees. There is no way in hell they would ever, ever, make it in the private sector where you have to compete for your position with diligence and competence.

Tell you what How about if you throw a ballpark number out there. Ballpark not meaning 1.5 gazillion. Ballpark meaning your estimate of pages multiplied by $.15. We will cut the check or I can give you my credit card number and if we are over, you can credit it towards other requests. If we are short, give us what it covers and I will send you another check for the remaining amount.

If you get it done quickly, I will even send your entire upper-level administration some of these nifty little things:



Jeremy, Where is the Seattle attorney in terms of getting off his ass? This is getting absurd.

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FW: Email Update

From: Jeremy Schwartz Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 2:45 PM To: Katie McClincy Cc: Mark Dougan; bwalton@rentonwa.gov Subject: RE: Email Update

Katie, payment will be immediately shipped to you to avoid any further delays.

We will, as you suggested, do the math ourselves since you have constantly refused to tell us exactly for what amount to write a check. Im not sure if you understand that when we ask how much do we have to pay means we need to know how much to physically write on a check. Apparently, that one simple (and ignored) question has cost us to wait even more weeks to receive the very files which have been sitting on your desk since January 18th.

You have refused to answer any question on how we can keep the cost at a minimum or no cost, even we have been providing you with the easiest, most cost effective means of providing electronic files through ftp and eliminating printing any file to paper, yet your tone in emails regarding cost has become short, terse, and borderline unprofessional.

To help you in your duties in providing public records, may I suggest that when you speak to your IT staff about emails, that they show you how to print an email to PDF, or that they show you how you can simply copy an email to the ftp site? Both of those methods completely eliminate any cost to us and will reduce your time substantially.

Jeremy _____ From: Katie McClincy [Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 8:04 PM To: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: RE: Email Update I just spoke with IT. If there is a string, and in one email in that string is a search term, then yes, the entire string should be there. Without the email in front of me that you are referring to (between Mathews and myself), I recall that particular email being a follow-up to either a phone or face-to-face conversation. So, while it seems like there should be a string, I am confident, if we are talking about the same email, that in that case, there is not. If you remind me next week, I can check on that. And, I can also make that term search again, if that will make you more comfortable.

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FW: Email Update

I have several stacks of printed email on my desk. The cost is $.15 per page. I sent the total number of pages to you last month. Make the check payable to City of Renton. The address is 1055 South Grady Way, Renton WA 98057. If you put ATTN Commander McClincy on the envelope, I will get it and take it down to Finance. If you dont, they will not know why you sent them a check, and will not let me know it arrived so that I know to PDF the email to you.


From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 14:56 To: Katie McClincy Cc: Mark Dougan; Kevin Milosevich; Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Email Update

Disregard the Patch's page count.

I am more concerned with getting any emails at all.

Is there any reason that the 247 pages of emails you have had ready since January 18 cannot simply be dragged into the ftp folder? It should only take less than 10 seconds. I am at a loss at to why you have refused to ftp any emails since you informed me they were completed on January 18 and I have repeatedly asked to be provided those emails since that day and forward. Regarding the email conversations (threads or chains), the emails provided to Kiro TV included email threads. Some of the emails in the threads did not have a 'shred' word in them. There was one thread in particular between yourself and Christy Mathews, in which one or more preceding emails was not included in that thread. The question I have is, you can only find and produce an email if it has one of the search words, and that even if another email in that same thread is directly relevant to the fuddlesticks case, I wont get it because I don't know the words in that email? Let me clarify again, if there has been any misunderstanding on the emails and threads. We have requested all emails related to the fuddlesticks investigations. We have also requested any emails that contained the search terms provided (which has been reduced in number). This request for emails includes the entire thread of the emails. One person send an email to another person and the second (or third or fourth) person replies. We want that entire string of emails. Are you saying that there is no way that we cannot ever have access to those public records, that the City of Renton does not have the capability to find and produce those public records? _____ From: Katie McClincy [Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 5:03 PM To: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: RE: Email Update I cant find the cyberstalking investigation on their website.

Wont be able to get email to you today, as I am working on other assignments, and have a meeting that will take me to end of shift. I have taken tomorrow and Monday off

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FW: Email Update

fyi and have little connectivity.

I plug a search term into the email search program. It produces email with the search term or variants in it. That is what I can tell you. I can re-do the shred search term search, but again, wont be able to get to that until next week.


From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 13:53 To: Katie McClincy Cc: Mark Dougan; Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Email Update

I'll disregard the Patch's page numbers for now, I'll have to consider that many page numbers of difference. (1) For the emails that are readied, the 247 pages, are those going to be ftp'd now since they are done? Since those have been finished, there is no need to put them back into a PST file if they are already to go. So if an email does not have one of the search words in it, yet it is clearly part of a thread where the other emails have that word (meaning, an entire email conversation about the subject), we are not going to get any of those emails. (2) Is that right? Jeremy _____ From: Katie McClincy [Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 4:31 PM To: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: RE: Email Update I cant tell you why the Renton Patch says anything, other than they may have it formatted differently.

The only thing I can think of on the email thread issue is that if the previous part of the thread didnt have the word shred or variants in it, then it would not be captured. I am throwing that out without having what I sent you in front of me.

Working on the PST with IT as it relates to the email.

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FW: Email Update

From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 18:06 To: Katie McClincy Cc: Mark Dougan; Kevin Milosevich; Bonnie Walton; Denis Law Subject: RE: Email Update

No no no. Nothing altered at all. Everything stands as submitted. I believe I have reduced the email records search by well over 99% by eliminating words, Google alerts, spam and duplicate email. "Youtube" by itself was 20,000 emails and with the reduced words, being half way completed now, is less than 250 pages. The request is stable, nothing that was already completed will ever be altered. Any suggestions has only been applied to work that has yet to be done and at that, the suggestions have always been to substantially reduce the work asked. I've not added a single word or request, and only reduced it constantly. As to clarifying the email request, not changing anything; 1) I am requesting the entire email thread from the search words. There are complete emails missing from even the 'shred' production you provided, as some emails started in the middle (or after the beginning of an email chain). As that production was from another (Kiro TV) request, that is not my issue to argue of not receiving the emails, since you were redoing that search anyway. So even if in a thread or chain of emails (replies and forwards), if one of them have a relevance to the case or search words, then the entire thread of emails was requested. As a simple example, if Person A sends an email asking if she saw the parody cartoons and Person B only replies with a "yes", I want both emails, not just the email with "parody". 2) Concerning charges, if cost is going to become an issue, then I only suggested just sending the emails in the native form through the ftp site to avoid you having to print then scan the printed email back to electronic PDF form to ftp and charge per page printed or scanned. I have Microsoft Outlook and can open msg and eml email files. I can open pst files too. 3) And concerning the emails that were completed on January 18th, can you just ftp those now since they are done already (that's half the email request completed already, no sense in keeping them for another 2 weeks)? As they are already done, can they not be ftp'd now? 4) Can also you tell me why the Renton Patch says the criminal investigation is 435 pages long and we received less than 400 pages? So nothing has been changed or altered, other than, to reduce my cost and your time, the emails can just be ftp'd without printing to hard copy to scan to PDF and that would only be the emails you have not done yet. Again, that only reduces your time and my cost, in having this request completed faster, easier, and cheaper. I am sincerely just trying to get these records in the most expedited manner at the least cost to the City of Renton and us. Like I mentioned, we have reduced our own request by over 99% with emails alone, and potentially, by keeping to the priority list (which was not done), we could possibly close the request before completion. That could eliminate the personnel files and most of the IA files. But at this point, nothing to reduce the request has reduced the timeframe for production, rather, it seems to have extended timeframes. The faster documents are received, the faster we can review the documents and decide ourselves if we are satisfied enough to close the request. We wont know until we receive the files with installments.

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FW: Email Update

Jeremy _____ From: Katie McClincy [Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 8:09 PM To: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: RE: Email Update So, to confirm, you are altering your request and do then want all the google alerts, spam, and duplicate email? And, you are altering the request to request the documents in native form? I only ask, because Id sorted, printed, and counted based on our prior correspondence, and had worked through several of the search terms. This was the reason I had hoped we could stabilize the request in order that I not spend time on some aspect of it to then have it change.


From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 16:41 To: Katie McClincy Cc: Mark Dougan Subject: RE: Email Update

To clarify the search words,

acid queen - only emails that have exactly acid queen, not any other variation, such as only "acid" tellinthetruth parody only emails that have exactly tellinthetruth

all emails with parody all emails with fuddlesticks all emails with mrfuddlesticks all emails with mrfiddlesticks all emails with fiddlesticks all emails with whothehellispenny

fuddlesticks mrfuddlesticks mrfiddlesticks fiddlesticks

whothehellispenny cyberstalking xtranormal -

all emails with cyberstalking

all emails with xtranormal

I would expect emails not related to the investigation to be have one or more of these

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FW: Email Update

words, but I have requested those emails as well. And as mentioned, some of my control emails sent to us are from outside the police department, therefore, all city email to be included in order to capture those emails too in order to show a reasonable search was conducted. And to reiteriate, the entire thread of emails are requested. As an example of a thread, in the "shred" production of emails, there are emails that were produced that started at some point in a thread of emails, in which the prior emails were not produced.

As mentioned in a prior email when you said that 5 search words were completed, can be sent already, as agreed upon for installments, rather than waiting for all the email to be produced. Otherwise, more than half of the work is done, yet not being produced when it is finished. (1) Can these be ftp'd now?

Also, as you have mentioned a cost to the emails, (2) I am requesting that emails that are in the native form, that is, not PDF'd, be produced in the native form. The WA AG Office website also suggests native files be produced natively to avoid costs and save on production time. We can import .msg and .eml files into Outlook on our end here. For emails that you are PDF'ing, you have yet to respond to the same question (3) as to why the electronic mail is being printed, then scanned into PDF, to be simply dragged to a ftp site at $ .15 a page, when it can simply be PDF'd and dragged to the ftp site. Even redactions can be made electronically, therefore, emails never have to hit the physical paper with ink.

My interpretation of the charges per page is to cover the cost of ink and paper, whereas electronic files do not require either.

Jeremy _____ From: Katie McClincy [Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 5:50 PM To: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: Email Update Jeremy as I stated in an email on January 18th, 2012, I have completed the following email searches for the listed email search terms, using the clarifications you provided previously (sort out duplicate email, spam, Google alerts, and Marks original request that was sent to Mayor Law and me):

Search Term Fiddlesticks 64 pages Search Term Xtranormal 83 pages Search Term Acid Queen 18 pages Search Term Tellinthetruth 42 pages Search Term Mr. Fiddlesticks 20 pages

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FW: Email Update

This week I plan to complete email searches for the remaining email search terms, using the clarifications you provided previously (sort out duplicate email, spam, Google alerts, and Marks original request that was sent to Mayor Law and me):

Search Term Parody Search Term Fuddlesticks Search Term Mrfuddlesticks Search Term Cyberstalking

Once that is completed, I will provide you total cost of email, so that you can send payment and I can get these documents to you.


Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

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RE: PRR-12-014 FW: source documents

Subject: RE: PRR-12-014 FW: source documents From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 2/10/2012 11:11 AM To:
One more reminder regarding this and all records requests:

If the primary records responsive to the request exist in electronic form, please provide them to this office in electronic form. If they exist in paper form, then please provide them to this office in paper form.

Also, in this particular request, the requester wants to review the records prior to purchasing any copies. That means that you can provide the "originals" of your records to this office and they will later be returned to you intact. Be sure to mark them as "originals" so we know. If you prefer to make a full and complete copy for us instead you can and then they will not be returned to you.

If you have others working on these requests for you, please pass this information on. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk, x6502

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 4:57 PM To: Denis Law; Jay B Covington; Nancy Carlson; Larry Warren; Iwen Wang; Kevin Milosevich; Mark Peterson; Alexander Pietsch; Gregg A. Zimmerman; Joseph McGuire Cc: Katie McClincy; Sandi Weir; April Alexander; Debra Mikolaizik; Dorothy Stickney; Jason Seth; Jo Olson; Judith Subia; Linda Moschetti; Mary Ann Anthony; Melissa Day; Sandra J Pilat; Sharon D. Martin Subject: PRR-12-014 FW: source documents Importance: High

Regarding the public records request from S Tierney that I sent you earlier today Rather than me retyping the advice received from the City Attorney office, I am forwarding the following to you and ask that you please read and follow the public records request procedure as stated below. Regarding the second paragraph, I ask that you please send the recap to me once you have completed your research and compiled the records for my office. Thank you.

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RE: PRR-12-014 FW: source documents

Bonnie Walton City Clerk/Public Records Officer x6502

From: Zanetta Fontes Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 4:35 PM To: Bonnie Walton Cc: Larry Warren Subject: source documents

Bonnie: you and I spoke today about whether the city attorneys office has copies of documents from administrators regarding investigations any one of them might have conducted or had conducted on his/her behalf. If we have such documents, they are not the source documents and, it is my opinion that you should insist on getting those documents (their notes from the investigation, their reports, their discipline (if any) of the employee, their response to the complainant and anything else they might have that constitutes documents from the investigation) from the administrator. I am confident that we would not have the contents of the investigation that was done by an administrator or his/her designee.

By the way, I am also of the opinion that you should be asking the administrators to document WHERE they looked, as well as WHAT they looked for. There is that recent case that addressed the issue of whether the governmental entity had done enough to search for the responsive documents. The court spent some time considering exactly what the entity had done. The court determined it wasnt enough! From that, I conclude that we should document what we did, where we looked, what we looked for, as well as the amount of time spent.

I know I am asking for a lot here. But, in the final analysis, we have an obligation to be thorough in our effort to get public records to our citizens. If we know the where/what of the searches, maybe we can help the administrators and other employees do their due diligence. Zanetta

Zanetta L. Fontes Senior Assistant City Attorney City of Renton P.O. Box 626 Renton, WA 98057 100 South 2nd St. Renton, WA 98055

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RE: PRR-12-014 FW: source documents

Phone: (425) 430-6486 | Fax: (425) 255-5474 e-mail: zfontes@rentonwa.gov

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail, including any attachments, is confidential and may include privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe you have received this e-mail in error, please do not copy, print, forward, re-transmit, or otherwise disseminate this e-mail, its contents, or any of its attachments. Please delete this e-mail. Also, please notify the sender that you have received this e-mail in error. Thank you. Advisory: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record.

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Public Records Training

Subject: Public Records Training From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 2/16/2012 9:58 AM To:
FYI... To see an example of Ramsey Ramerman's Public Records Act training for Councils, Boards & Commissions, go to: http://kirkland.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=13 <http://kirkland.granicus.com /MediaPlayer.php?view_id=13&clip_id=2209> &clip_id=2209) The City Clerk there tells me they received very good feedback from their Councilmembers and viewing Board members regarding the training. Bonnie Walton City Clerk, x6502

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Internal CO1202

Commander Dave Jokinen of the Mercer Island Police Department will investigate the allegation of misconduct regarding the information that Tierney provided to the Mayor and myself. He hopes to start on either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.

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RE: follow up re Public Records

Subject: RE: follow up re Public Records From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 2/21/2012 8:29 AM To:
Friday is the council workshop, unless we do it late in the afternoon.

From: Zanetta Fontes Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 08:29 To: Jay B Covington; Nancy Carlson; Iwen Wang; Larry Warren; Bonnie Walton Cc: Kevin Milosevich; Katie McClincy Subject: follow up re Public Records

We need to schedule a follow up meeting. This might come as news to Kevin and Katie. But, might I suggest Friday some time. That gives Bonnie and me some time to gather some information. Zanetta

Zanetta L. Fontes Senior Assistant City Attorney City of Renton P.O. Box 626 Renton, WA 98057 100 South 2nd St. Renton, WA 98055 Phone: (425) 430-6486 | Fax: (425) 255-5474 e-mail: zfontes@rentonwa.gov

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail, including any attachments, is confidential and may include privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe you have received this e-mail in error, please do not copy, print, forward, re-transmit, or otherwise disseminate this e-mail, its contents, or any of its attachments. Please delete this e-mail. Also, please notify the sender that you have received this e-mail in error.

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RE: follow up re Public Records

Thank you. Advisory: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record.

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8/16/2012 2:53 PM

RE: Public Disclosure Request

Subject: RE: Public Disclosure Request From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 8/8/2011 3:49 PM To:
I have no knowledge of records that are responsive to this request.

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 15:48 To: ORG_POLICE_ALL Cc: Katie McClincy Subject: Public Disclosure Request

We have received a Public Disclosure request that in part asks for all written correspondence, letters, emails, internal memorandum, video or audio recordings, lists, notes, personnel logs, phone logs or any other unmentioned media that are responsive to the following issues or concepts:

Officers throwing someone off of anything

If you are aware of any incident involving such an occurrence from January 1, 2001 to August 7th, 2011, or documentation in any of the forms listed above, to include case reports and use of force reports, please provide a copy or notify me of the location of such a document. If you do not, please respond also by emailing me back with I have no knowledge of records that are responsive to this request.

Thanks in advance!

Commander Katie McClincy (425) 430-7566 Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

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8/16/2012 2:47 PM

PRA Training Update

Update on the Public Records Training planning: Three groups of email notices/appointments for the Admin, Law & HR sessions, went out to the respective employee groups yesterday. The last email notice, for general "Employees," is to be sent out shortly. An overview and schedule of all the session types offered is attached as a pdf for your information and use. A notice and the above pdf file has also been sent to Beth to post on the e-Grapevine. Also attached for your information is an Excel file showing how I grouped employees by session type. I did this for work purposes only, in an effort to allow the maximum number of employees to be trained and to guide them toward the session type that, in my opinion, best fits. These listings are not set in stone, of course. If you want your employees to attend a different type of session, just let me know and we will work to make that happen. Though I am sending out the notices city-wide, your staff obviously will look to you for confirmation, guidance, etc regarding their attendance. I know some will need to switch sessions, and that's okay, too. Those who can't attend a longer session should be encouraged to at least attend a short session, and vice versa. And for those shift employees or others who cannot attend, a video tape will be made so your dept. can assure that every employee has indeed received the training as offered. Lastly, a mailing to the Boards and Commission members will be going out in the mail yet today or tomorrow, encouraging them to watch the Council Committee of the Whole training session on 3/5/12. Members of the following B&C will receive a notice: Municipal Arts Commission, Airport Advisory Committee, Civil Service Commission, Housing Authority, Library Advisory Board, Parks Commission, Planning Commission and Firemen's Pension Board. If other Boards and Commissions members should additionally be notified to watch COW on TV Mon night, please supply their contact information and I will let them know also. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please let me know. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk, x6502

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8/16/2012 2:53 PM

Signup - Mandatory Public Records Training - March 5, 8, 14

Subject: Signup - Mandatory Public Records Training - March 5, 8, 14 From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 3/2/2012 11:56 AM To:
Attached are links to the Public Records Act training sessions that will be taking place March 5, 8 & 14. Per the Mayor's office, all employees are required to attend one session. (Police and Fire employees who cannot attend in person because of shift work will be given an alternative training.)

If you previously "accepted" an invite to a particular session via email from the City Clerk, your name should already be included on the signup sheet as linked below, and your space is reserved.

If you did not receive an actual invite from the City Clerk or declined one, your name is likely not listed and you need to SIGN UP FOR A SESSION RIGHT AWAY to reserve a seat. Do this by accessing the link below for your preferred session, inputting your name and dept. and then saving and closing the file. Please do not keep the file open any longer than necessary!

All sessions are now open to anyone, so don't let the session title make you shy away from any of them. All sessions will have the necessary information and all sessions will need to be filled in order to accommodate all employees. So if you want your choice, don't wait! Attendance records will be kept and provided to HR, WCIA and Administrators, so sign up quickly so others can too.

March 5, 2012 - 2:15-2:45 pm Council Chambers - Employees <file:///\\Renton \data\piazza\ClassSignupFolder\March5_215Session.xls> March 5, 2012 - 3:00-3:30 pm Council Chambers \ClassSignupFolder\March5_300Session.xls> Employees March 5, 2012 - 3:45-4:15 pm Council Chambers \ClassSignupFolder\March5_345Session.xls> Employees March 5, 2012 - 4:30-5:00 pm Council Chambers \ClassSignupFolder\March5_430Session.xls> Employees <file:///\\Renton\data\piazza



March 8, 2012 - 7:30-8:00 am City Shops Conference Room <file:///\\Renton \data\piazza\ClassSignupFolder\March8_730Session.xls> Employees March 8, 2012 - 8:30-10:30 am Council Chambers - Human Resources <file:///\\Renton\data\piazza\ClassSignupFolder\March8_830Session.xls> March 8, 2012 - 10:45-12:45 am Council Chambers - Law Enforcement <file:///\\Renton\data\piazza\ClassSignupFolder\March8_1045Session.xls> March 14, 2012 - 8:00-8:30 am Council Chambers <file:///\\Renton\data\piazza

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Signup - Mandatory Public Records Training - March 5, 8, 14

\ClassSignupFolder\March14_800Session.xls> Employees March 14, 2012 - 8:45-12:45 am Council Chambers <file:///\\Renton\data\piazza \ClassSignupFolder\March14_845Session.xls> Administrators

Please note that clicking on a link above will open an Excel spreadsheet so, again, please add your name quickly, save, and close the spreadsheet so others can add their names as well.

Thank you! Bonnie Walton City Clerk 425-430-6502

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"Employee" Training Sessions - What's Full & What's Open

Subject: "Employee" Training Sessions - What's Full & What's Open From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 3/5/2012 1:22 PM To:

You can sign up for available seats "at the door" for seats not already reserved.

Here's the availability status as of an hour ago for the general Employee Public Records Training classes:

March 5, 2012 - 2:15-2:45 pm Council Chambers - Employees - 65% Full March 5, 2012 - 3:00-3:30 pm Council Chambers Employees - 33% Full March 5, 2012 - 3:45-4:15 pm Council Chambers Employees - 45% Full March 5, 2012 - 4:30-5:00 pm Council Chambers Employees - 18% Full

March 8, 2012 - 7:30 - 8:00 am

City Shops - Employees - 100% Full

March 14, 2012 - 8:00-8:30 am Council Chambers Employees - 85% Full

Unless you separately received an "invite" to an HR, Law or Administrator session (via email on 2/27/2012), you are expected to attend one of the above "employee" sessions. (There may be some available seating at the longer sessions as well.)

See you there.

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Possible Dates for Judd Arbitration

Subject: Possible Dates for Judd Arbitra on From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 3/7/2012 1:40 PM To:
Beth Kennar provided the dates below and list all of you as potential witnesses. Are there dates below that you know that you will be unavailable? Please let me know.

June 12/13 June 25/26 July 17/18 August 1/2


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RE: Possible Dates for Judd Arbitration

Subject: RE: Possible Dates for Judd Arbitra on From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 3/7/2012 1:57 PM To:
Will make available on any of these dates.

From: Kevin Milosevich Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 13:40 To: Jim Kelly; 'Penny Bartley'; David A Leibman; Kent M Curry; Clark E Wilcox; Katie McClincy; Charles Karlewicz Subject: Possible Dates for Judd Arbitration

Beth Kennar provided the dates below and list all of you as potential witnesses. Are there dates below that you know that you will be unavailable? Please let me know.

June 12/13 June 25/26 July 17/18 August 1/2


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Public Records Training Sessions Update

Subject: Public Records Training Sessions Update From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 3/9/2012 9:08 AM To:
Status Update: The remaining mandatory Public Records training sessions are full and signup is now closed. If an employee did not already attend a session and is not already signed up for a remaining class on March 14th, they will need to wait until contacted later on by the City Clerk or by the Administrator/Supervisor as to their options for fulfilling the mandatory attendance requirement. To see if someone has signed up or has already attended, you can go to Q:\ClassSignupFolder. The lists are posted, though no further signups are being accepted. Thank you to all those who have attended, or will attend, and are committed to supporting this essential training effort. Bonnie Walton City Clerk & Renton Public Records Officer x6502

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FW: Public Records Request

Subject: FW: Public Records Request From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 3/12/2012 3:18 PM To:
fyi... I have acknowledged this request and provided the requester with an estimate for producing the records in increments. Katie, are all of your communications with Schwartz & Dougan via UMB email? If so, I can search there to find and compare the records you have already provided. If you provided anything to them by postal mail or by ftp site, though, I'd appreciate a copy so I can take that into consideration as I process this. Thanks. Bonnie, x6502

-----Original Message----From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 8:08 PM To: Bonnie Walton; Katie McClincy Subject: Public Records Request Dear Public Records Officers, Per the Washington State Public Records Act, I am requesting all records listed below. I have made this request as narrow as possible, but please contact me if you need clarification on any part of the request. I request that the emails be provided in PST format, to be electronically transferred via FTP as currently set up on a current public records request. This request is not being made for any commercial purposes and I request to be informed of any charges over $25.00 before the charges are incurred. I am requesting the below, listed in priority of production. 1) I request all records related to the Untruthfulness Complaint filed by Deputy Chief Marsalisi regarding Deputy Chief Troxel. 2) Emails between Tim Troxel and Marty Wine between the dates of 03/01/2009 to 3/01/2011 3) Emails between Robert Onishi and Ryan Rutledge between the dates of: 10/01/2011 4) Emails between 09/01/2011 04/01/2011 to

Denis Law and Kevin Milosevich between the dates of 02/06/2011 and

5) Emails between Kevin Milosevich and Charles Marsalisi between the dates of: 01/01/2010 to 10/01/2011 6) Emails between Kevin Milosevich and Timothy Troxel, between the dates of: 01/01/2010 to 10/01/2011 7) Emails between to 10/01/2011 Tanya Gardanar and Christy Mathews between the dates of: 04/01/2011

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FW: Public Records Request

8) Emails between David Leibman and Charles Marsalisi between the dates of: 01/01/2011 to 05/01/2011 9) Emails between to 10/01/2011 Kevin Milosevich and Todd Frazier between the dates of: 01/01/2010

10) Emails between Charles Karlewisz and Todd Frazier between the dates of: 01/01/2010 to 10/01/2011 11) Emails between and 10/01/2011 12) Emails between to 02/01/2012 Kevin Milosevich and Nancy Carlson between the dates of 04/01/2011

Tanya Gardaner and Kevin Milosevich between the dates of 08/01/2011

It is possible that given the production of records per this priority request, the remainder of the request may be closed or adjusted. I prefer all communication via email to memorialize conversations and prevent miscommunication. Thank you very much. Jeremy Schwartz jschwartz@insurexecs.com

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RE: Public Records Request

Subject: RE: Public Records Request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 3/13/2012 9:00 AM To:
I will come up later today. -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 15:19 To: Katie McClincy Cc: Zanetta Fontes Subject: FW: Public Records Request fyi... I have acknowledged this request and provided the requester with an estimate for producing the records in increments. Katie, are all of your communications with Schwartz & Dougan via UMB email? If so, I can search there to find and compare the records you have already provided. If you provided anything to them by postal mail or by ftp site, though, I'd appreciate a copy so I can take that into consideration as I process this. Thanks. Bonnie, x6502

-----Original Message----From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 8:08 PM To: Bonnie Walton; Katie McClincy Subject: Public Records Request Dear Public Records Officers, Per the Washington State Public Records Act, I am requesting all records listed below. I have made this request as narrow as possible, but please contact me if you need clarification on any part of the request. I request that the emails be provided in PST format, to be electronically transferred via FTP as currently set up on a current public records request. This request is not being made for any commercial purposes and I request to be informed of any charges over $25.00 before the charges are incurred. I am requesting the below, listed in priority of production. 1) I request all records related to the Untruthfulness Complaint filed by Deputy Chief Marsalisi regarding Deputy Chief Troxel. 2) Emails between Tim Troxel and Marty Wine between the dates of 03/01/2009 to 3/01/2011 3) Emails between Robert Onishi and Ryan Rutledge between the dates of: 10/01/2011 4) Emails between 09/01/2011 5) Emails between 04/01/2011 to

Denis Law and Kevin Milosevich between the dates of 02/06/2011 and

Kevin Milosevich and Charles Marsalisi between the dates of:

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RE: Public Records Request

01/01/2010 to 10/01/2011 6) Emails between Kevin Milosevich and Timothy Troxel, between the dates of: 01/01/2010 to 10/01/2011 7) Emails between to 10/01/2011 Tanya Gardanar and Christy Mathews between the dates of: 04/01/2011

8) Emails between David Leibman and Charles Marsalisi between the dates of: 01/01/2011 to 05/01/2011 9) Emails between to 10/01/2011 Kevin Milosevich and Todd Frazier between the dates of: 01/01/2010

10) Emails between Charles Karlewisz and Todd Frazier between the dates of: 01/01/2010 to 10/01/2011 11) Emails between and 10/01/2011 12) Emails between to 02/01/2012 Kevin Milosevich and Nancy Carlson between the dates of 04/01/2011

Tanya Gardaner and Kevin Milosevich between the dates of 08/01/2011

It is possible that given the production of records per this priority request, the remainder of the request may be closed or adjusted. I prefer all communication via email to memorialize conversations and prevent miscommunication. Thank you very much. Jeremy Schwartz jschwartz@insurexecs.com

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8/16/2012 2:53 PM

FW: Public Records Act Dispute - request to WA AG

Subject: FW: Public Records Act Dispute - request to WA AG From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 3/14/2012 3:59 PM To:
Katie: I assume he is referring to one of the requests you are handling, but if you need anything from me, please let me know. bw

-----Original Message----From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 1:05 PM To: timf@atg.wa.gov Cc: Katie McClincy; Kevin Milosevich; Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Public Records Act Dispute - request to WA AG Mr. Ford, Again, today was another day of public records issues with the City of Renton. I had requested emails for "shred" and the emails were produced. Now Commander McClincy has found more emails, without a doubt extremely relevant to the records request, and has sent me an "installment". She hasn't (won't?) tell me when this request will ever be completed, nor any time frame of when future installments will occur, or even if they will occur. Even with today's production, it was last promised to be delivered 5 days ago, and promised to be delivered a week prior to that, and promised to have been delivered prior to that date and so forth. The emails provided today clearly should have been provided the first time (last year) with this same search of emails. Based on this production, it can be easily seen that either a negligent search was conducted or they may have intentionally been withheld. Can you please point me in the right direction as to how best to mediate this records request? At this point, I have no reason to believe that I have received or will receive records as requested. Neither the City of Renton Public Record Officer (Bonnie Walton), nor her designee (Commander Katie McClincy), or the Chief of Police (Kevin Milosevich) will answer the questions I have, even as to when the request will be filled. Respectfully, Jeremy ________________________________________ From: Jeremy Schwartz Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 7:48 PM To: timf@atg.wa.gov Cc: Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov Subject: RE: Public Records Act Dispute Question Mr Ford, I added Katie McClincy, the Renton Public Records Officer this email, as you can feel free to contact her for clarification. Jeremy

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FW: Public Records Act Dispute - request to WA AG

________________________________________ From: Jeremy Schwartz Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 6:32 PM To: timf@atg.wa.gov Subject: Public Records Act Dispute Question Mr Ford, I have several issues with the City of Renton and its response to a public records request. I would like to address some of these issues with you in this email and ask for your opinion on how to address the issues. On almost all of these points, the City of Renton Public Records Officer and Chief of Police either ignore questions or flat out delete emails without opening them (I have the return receipt stating as much). I have posted the records request and most emails between the City of Renton on a website, www.fuddlesticks.com, for further review if you need. The following are the unresolved issues. I am a stone throw away from asking for a judicial review, but really want to avoid that due to the distance to travel (I am in Florida) to resolve this in a court. The records request was for public records related to a criminal case ("Mr Fuddlesticks" cartoons). The request was finally reduced to emails only since the City of Renton had such a difficult time to respond or provide any records. Your suggestions on handling these would be greatly appreciated. As a side note, no one at the City of Renton will even respond to these questions or issues to me, either by not answering the questions in emails sent or by completely ignoring emails. Here are the bullet point issues: The requested criminal cases (2 separate cases) were withheld: -Detective Onishi's criminal case was withheld until December 2011 after it had been closed in July 2011 (Emailed questions to the City of Renton for the reason were opened, read, deleted, and ignored). I was told the case was still active, when in fact, it was not. -Officer Rutledge's criminal case withheld until December 2011 after it had been closed in August 2011 (Emailed questions to the City of Renton for the reason were opened, read, deleted, and ignored). I was told the case was still active, when in fact, it was not. Emails withheld: -At least one email and its attachment between the Public Records Officer, Katie McClincy and Sgt Mathews, was withheld from the media and this request for months, only produced after multiple requests to double-check the records. I only knew it was withheld as it appeared to be missing an attachment. I have no idea if other emails have been withheld but based on this email being withheld, and that it was McClincy's own email, I am highly suspicious. -Emails referenced on City of Renton email systems to personal email accounts were not searched or produced. No emails provided that were existing on personal email accounts. In records produced so far, there are numerous examples of known personal accounts of employees include; Chris Edwards, Bill Judd, Randy Corman, Steve Ritchie. Others are known to exist, to include emails sent and received on the Renton Police Officers Guild message board. None of these have been searched or produced. Missing records: -Internal investigation files, mentioned as evidence in the criminal case, were not produced. They are assumed to have been shredded (Emailed questions to the City of Renton for the reason were opened, read, deleted, and ignored).

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FW: Public Records Act Dispute - request to WA AG

Inexplicable extensions of production for emails: -Estimates of production was initially for December, then January, then February, now March. (Emailed questions to the City of Renton for the reason were opened, read, deleted, and ignored). The latest deadline self-imposed by the records officer was yesterday (March 9th), but nothing was produced. These extensions have been going on since December of last year. Ignoring of emails and specific questions related directly to the public records request: -Multiple emails have been read and ignored or simply deleted without reading. The emails contained only a few questions about the public records request for clarification of issues, yet, no answers ever given. -Clarification of the records request was hindered by a lack of cooperation in asking questions to clarify the records request. Priority List Ignored: -Multiple reminders emailed in order to have a priority list of production followed to simply and expedite the public records request. A priority list was created to ease the records request, but ignored on occasion. Redactions: -The names of officers were not redacted on IA files on prior media requests, but were made on my request, without reason or response for the redaction differences. (Emailed questions to the City of Renton for the reason were opened, read, deleted, and ignored) Possible conflict of interest: -Public Records Officer McClincy may have a personal and professional conflict of interest in fulfilling this reqeust. This may be seen with the one email discovered to have been withheld or 'inadvertently' overlooked. (Emailed questions to the City of Renton asking if there was a potential conflict were opened, read, deleted, and ignored) -McClincy's credibility is also at issue as she has a sustained untruthfulness internal investigation finding for not telling the truth to her commanding officer. (Emailed questions to the City of Renton for clarification were opened, read, deleted, and ignored). Already, I have found that she has withheld one of her own emails and her own attachment, for which in the email, she ordered a subordinate (Sgt Mathews) to "shred" the attachment. This instruction by a Police Commander and the department's Public Records Officer to shred public records is highly concerning to me. I'm sure I can look through my emails to find other smaller issues, but at this point, I am at a loss as to what to do to gain compliance with the City of Renton. As a side note, I have been informed that recently, Renton has had training in public records and document retention, so it is my belief that they are totally aware of what to provide. Yet, as I have also been informed, Katie McClincy has said in a training class, that she will do everything she can to NOT provide records, even against the legal advice of the presenter of the training. This information was given to me by an anonymous member of the Renton Police Department. Because of the shredding of public records (the IA files which were evidence in a criminal case), email being withheld, public records (the case files) being withheld for months, and the ignoring of questions to clarify these issues, I am afraid that I am not receiving the public records as allowed by law. Sincerely, Jeremy Schwartz

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Thanks to Nancy Carlson's good eye, I can tell you that you can probably HALT/CANCEL your search for these records.

Mr. Baker's comment (that I accidentally overlooked) from 1/6 below, narrowed not only the search terms, but he also now limits the search to "emails that mention.". So unless you have retained emails from 2007 in printed form or outside of Outlook, and those contain are to/from the named individuals using the three search terms, then you do not need to search your other correspondence, since we will be able to search 2008 through current email centrally.

Unless I hear from you by Friday, 1/13, I will assume you have no records responsive to the revised request.

Thank you. Bonnie, x6502

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 5:03 PM To: Denis Law; Mark Peterson Cc: April Alexander; Dorothy Stickney; Larry Warren; Zanetta Fontes; Nancy Carlson; Jay B Covington Subject: UPDATE/REVISION - FW: AP request 12/12

I have an update on the Public Records Request I just sent most of you.

I spoke with Mr. Baker of the AP regarding his request and he decided to narrow down the scope as noted below. So your search for correspondence would be to/from the same individuals previously named, however the criteria for the content is much less, since he has now limited this to only the three words/phrases stated just below. (retire, retirement or LEOFF)

If you have any questions, please let me know. Bonnie Walton x6502

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From: Baker, Michael R. [mailto:mbaker@ap.org] Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 4:50 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: AP request 12/12

Following up on our phone conversation from today:

We would like to limit our request to emails that mention the following phrases: "retire" or "retirement" or "pension" or "LEOFF"

Feel free to call with any questions. Thank you. Best, Mike

----Mike Baker, Associated Press o: 360-753-7222

_____________________________________________ From: Baker, Michael R. Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 3:38 PM To: 'bwalton@rentonwa.gov' Subject: AP request 12/12

Please see the records request attached and copied below:

<< File: Renton request.pdf >> RECORDS REQUEST

Dec. 12, 2011

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Pursuant to the state open records law, Wash. Rev. Code Secs. 42.56.001 to 42.56.904, The Associated Press requests access to and copies of records at the City of Renton:

_ All correspondence sent to and from the following employees from January 2007 until present that reference the terms salary or retire or retirement or pension or pay or longevity or contract or raise or LEOFF or PERS or percent. -Charles Coffin -Kenneth McInnis -Henry Dykes -Johnny Bell -Robert Deines -Greg Bergquist -Michael Moeller -Kris Hanson -Denis Law -Kathy Keolker

The AP agrees to pay reasonable duplication fees for the processing of this request. The AP requests that the records be provided in electronic format, such as a DVD-R.

If the request is denied in whole or part, The AP asks that you justify and specify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the act.

If you have any questions, you can reach me by phone or email listed below. Thank you for your assistance.


Mike Baker

Associated Press-Olympia P.O. Box 607

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Olympia, WA 98507 360-753-7222 mrbaker@ap.org

The information contained in this communication is intended for the use of the designated recipients named above. If the reader of this communication is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this communication in error, and that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify The Associated Press immediately by telephone at +1-212-621-1898 and delete this email. Thank you. [IP_US_DISC]

msk dccc60c6d2c3a6438f0cf467d9a4938

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RE: Public Records Act Dispute - request to WA AG

Subject: RE: Public Records Act Dispute - request to WA AG From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 3/14/2012 4:00 PM To:
Yes, and thank you. -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 15:59 To: Katie McClincy Cc: Zanetta Fontes; Larry Warren Subject: FW: Public Records Act Dispute - request to WA AG Katie: I assume he is referring to one of the requests you are handling, but if you need anything from me, please let me know. bw

-----Original Message----From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 1:05 PM To: timf@atg.wa.gov Cc: Katie McClincy; Kevin Milosevich; Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Public Records Act Dispute - request to WA AG Mr. Ford, Again, today was another day of public records issues with the City of Renton. I had requested emails for "shred" and the emails were produced. Now Commander McClincy has found more emails, without a doubt extremely relevant to the records request, and has sent me an "installment". She hasn't (won't?) tell me when this request will ever be completed, nor any time frame of when future installments will occur, or even if they will occur. Even with today's production, it was last promised to be delivered 5 days ago, and promised to be delivered a week prior to that, and promised to have been delivered prior to that date and so forth. The emails provided today clearly should have been provided the first time (last year) with this same search of emails. Based on this production, it can be easily seen that either a negligent search was conducted or they may have intentionally been withheld. Can you please point me in the right direction as to how best to mediate this records request? At this point, I have no reason to believe that I have received or will receive records as requested. Neither the City of Renton Public Record Officer (Bonnie Walton), nor her designee (Commander Katie McClincy), or the Chief of Police (Kevin Milosevich) will answer the questions I have, even as to when the request will be filled. Respectfully, Jeremy ________________________________________ From: Jeremy Schwartz Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 7:48 PM To: timf@atg.wa.gov

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RE: Public Records Act Dispute - request to WA AG

Cc: Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov Subject: RE: Public Records Act Dispute Question Mr Ford, I added Katie McClincy, the Renton Public Records Officer this email, as you can feel free to contact her for clarification. Jeremy

________________________________________ From: Jeremy Schwartz Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 6:32 PM To: timf@atg.wa.gov Subject: Public Records Act Dispute Question Mr Ford, I have several issues with the City of Renton and its response to a public records request. I would like to address some of these issues with you in this email and ask for your opinion on how to address the issues. On almost all of these points, the City of Renton Public Records Officer and Chief of Police either ignore questions or flat out delete emails without opening them (I have the return receipt stating as much). I have posted the records request and most emails between the City of Renton on a website, www.fuddlesticks.com, for further review if you need. The following are the unresolved issues. I am a stone throw away from asking for a judicial review, but really want to avoid that due to the distance to travel (I am in Florida) to resolve this in a court. The records request was for public records related to a criminal case ("Mr Fuddlesticks" cartoons). The request was finally reduced to emails only since the City of Renton had such a difficult time to respond or provide any records. Your suggestions on handling these would be greatly appreciated. As a side note, no one at the City of Renton will even respond to these questions or issues to me, either by not answering the questions in emails sent or by completely ignoring emails. Here are the bullet point issues: The requested criminal cases (2 separate cases) were withheld: -Detective Onishi's criminal case was withheld until December 2011 after it had been closed in July 2011 (Emailed questions to the City of Renton for the reason were opened, read, deleted, and ignored). I was told the case was still active, when in fact, it was not. -Officer Rutledge's criminal case withheld until December 2011 after it had been closed in August 2011 (Emailed questions to the City of Renton for the reason were opened, read, deleted, and ignored). I was told the case was still active, when in fact, it was not. Emails withheld: -At least one email and its attachment between the Public Records Officer, Katie McClincy and Sgt Mathews, was withheld from the media and this request for months, only produced after multiple requests to double-check the records. I only knew it was withheld as it appeared to be missing an attachment. I have no idea if other emails have been withheld but based on this email being withheld, and that it was McClincy's own email, I am highly suspicious. -Emails referenced on City of Renton email systems to personal email accounts were not searched or produced. No emails provided that were existing on personal email

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RE: Public Records Act Dispute - request to WA AG

accounts. In records produced so far, there are numerous examples of known personal accounts of employees include; Chris Edwards, Bill Judd, Randy Corman, Steve Ritchie. Others are known to exist, to include emails sent and received on the Renton Police Officers Guild message board. None of these have been searched or produced. Missing records: -Internal investigation files, mentioned as evidence in the criminal case, were not produced. They are assumed to have been shredded (Emailed questions to the City of Renton for the reason were opened, read, deleted, and ignored). Inexplicable extensions of production for emails: -Estimates of production was initially for December, then January, then February, now March. (Emailed questions to the City of Renton for the reason were opened, read, deleted, and ignored). The latest deadline self-imposed by the records officer was yesterday (March 9th), but nothing was produced. These extensions have been going on since December of last year. Ignoring of emails and specific questions related directly to the public records request: -Multiple emails have been read and ignored or simply deleted without reading. The emails contained only a few questions about the public records request for clarification of issues, yet, no answers ever given. -Clarification of the records request was hindered by a lack of cooperation in asking questions to clarify the records request. Priority List Ignored: -Multiple reminders emailed in order to have a priority list of production followed to simply and expedite the public records request. A priority list was created to ease the records request, but ignored on occasion. Redactions: -The names of officers were not redacted on IA files on prior media requests, but were made on my request, without reason or response for the redaction differences. (Emailed questions to the City of Renton for the reason were opened, read, deleted, and ignored) Possible conflict of interest: -Public Records Officer McClincy may have a personal and professional conflict of interest in fulfilling this reqeust. This may be seen with the one email discovered to have been withheld or 'inadvertently' overlooked. (Emailed questions to the City of Renton asking if there was a potential conflict were opened, read, deleted, and ignored) -McClincy's credibility is also at issue as she has a sustained untruthfulness internal investigation finding for not telling the truth to her commanding officer. (Emailed questions to the City of Renton for clarification were opened, read, deleted, and ignored). Already, I have found that she has withheld one of her own emails and her own attachment, for which in the email, she ordered a subordinate (Sgt Mathews) to "shred" the attachment. This instruction by a Police Commander and the department's Public Records Officer to shred public records is highly concerning to me. I'm sure I can look through my emails to find other smaller issues, but at this point, I am at a loss as to what to do to gain compliance with the City of Renton. As a side note, I have been informed that recently, Renton has had training in public records and document retention, so it is my belief that they are totally aware of what to provide. Yet, as I have also been informed, Katie McClincy has said in a training class, that she will do everything she can to NOT provide records, even against the legal advice of the presenter of the training. This information was given to me by an anonymous member of the Renton Police Department. Because of the shredding of public records (the IA files which were evidence in a

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RE: Public Records Act Dispute - request to WA AG

criminal case), email being withheld, public records (the case files) being withheld for months, and the ignoring of questions to clarify these issues, I am afraid that I am not receiving the public records as allowed by law. Sincerely, Jeremy Schwartz

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FW: record copies


From: Gay Boyer Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 09:55 To: Claudia R Johnson Cc: Katie McClincy Subject: FW: record copies


Please, thanks!

V. Gay Boyer, Supervisor Staff Services Division Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 425-430-7625 425-430-7630 FAX 98057

Advisory: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record.

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 09:54 To: Gay Boyer Cc: Bonnie Walton Subject: FW: record copies

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FW: record copies

Steph or Claudia?

Looks pretty routine.

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 08:35 To: Preeti Shridhar; Katie McClincy Cc: Beth A. Haglund; Gay Boyer Subject: RE: record copies

We'll see that it gets handled. Bonnie

From: Preeti Shridhar Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 8:26 AM To: Bonnie Walton; Katie McClincy Cc: Beth A. Haglund Subject: Fw: record copies

Bonnie, Katie, Can you please respond as appropriate. Thanks Preeti _____ From: Beth A. Haglund To: Preeti Shridhar Sent: Thu Mar 15 08:01:08 2012 Subject: FW: record copies Does this require a response?

From: 'oscar victoria' [mailto:osvicstone90@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:26 PM To: Beth A. Haglund Cc: osvicstone90@gmail.com Subject: record copies

Hi my name is Oscar Victoria and I would like to know what i need to do to optein a copy of the citation or police report and a copy of the final conviction report from the court.could you please let me know everything happen in september 11 2001.thank you very much This email request originated from the following link: http://rentonwa.gov

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FW: record copies


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FW: Public Records Request

Subject: FW: Public Records Request From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 3/19/2012 8:30 AM To:
Since Gay is out, do you want the records request I just sent to be forwarded to someone else? Bonnie

From: Gay Boyer Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 8:29 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Out of Office: Public Records Request

I will be out of the office from March 19 - April 27, 2012; returning Monday April 30, 2012 at 9AM.

If you need assistance prior to my return you may call 425 430 7500.

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RE: Public Records Request

Subject: RE: Public Records Request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 3/19/2012 10:24 AM To:
I will see that it is handled.

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 08:31 To: Katie McClincy Cc: Sandi Weir Subject: FW: Public Records Request

Since Gay is out, do you want the records request I just sent to be forwarded to someone else? Bonnie

From: Gay Boyer Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 8:29 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: Out of Office: Public Records Request

I will be out of the office from March 19 - April 27, 2012; returning Monday April 30, 2012 at 9AM.

If you need assistance prior to my return you may call 425 430 7500.

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FW: VNET: Quarter Stat information needed

Subject: FW: VNET: Quarter Stat informa on needed From: "Kevin Milosevich" <Kmilosevich@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 4/5/2012 1:23 PM To: "Ka e McClincy" <Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov>

Subject: FW: VNET: Quarter Stat informa on needed From: "Kevin Milosevich" <Kmilosevich@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 4/5/2012 1:23 PM To: "Ka e McClincy" <Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov>


FW: VNET: Quarter Stat informa on needed.eml

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Department News

In an effort to provide prompt, clear and accurate information within the Department, I am going to make every effort to send out a weekly email to discuss department related issues. The purpose of the communication is to control rumors by providing current information. Should you be aware of a rumor, please discuss it with your supervisor and forward it on so the rumor can be discussed and explained with accurate information.

Lexipol We are still heading down the path of implementing Lexipol as our standards manual. Lexipol will provide daily training bulletins in regards to our manual once it is adopted. Commander Paul Cline is in charge of this project and should be underway in the next week or two.

Public Disclosure Position Due to the large influx of public between Department members, a new assist in this process. This new position. This position is being disclosure request including email communication FTE will be hired in the City Clerks Office to position is scheduled to be w two-year limited term paid for by one of our vacant officer positions.

Posting of Sustained Internals/ Grievances In the near future, I will post sustained internals and other discipline matters on the bulletin board in the officers work room. The purpose of this is to limit the rumor mill in regards to discipline. The descriptions will not include names but will have a brief synopsis of the event and the discipline that was determined. I will also post a history of grievances between the Guild and the Administration. I will briefly describe the grievance and the current status of the grievance.

Budget Since I have been Chief, 2011 is the first time we have overspent our budget. Our 2011 authorized budget was $24,508,179 and we spent $24,737,346. The excess of $229,168 was taken out of our Jail Budget since that line item was under-spent. Currently in 2012, our spending is consistent with our budget. As the year progresses, we may have to tighten our spending on discretionary overtime to stay within our budget. In years past, we have used budget savings to purchase one-time items like Tasers.

The City is in the beginning stages of developing the 2013/14 budget. The City is facing an approximate $5,000,000 short fall in the 2013 budget. This does not include any anticipated cost of living adjustment. Citywide, efforts are being made to control

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Department News

spending and all vacancies have a soft hold.

Staffing Currently we have three commissioned positions vacant, and anticipate another vacancy in May and another in June. I do not plan on filling any of these vacancies until after the city budget has been determined. We should have a better idea of our financial picture by September. We are not the only department not filling positions, it is my understanding that the Fire Department has four vacancies that they are not filling. I am aware of a pending retirement of Specialist Claudia Johnson. I do anticipate filling her position along with adding a new specialist position by exchanging a current secretary position into a new specialist position. If you recall, when we annexed Benson Hill, we did not receive the two specialist positions due to financial reasons.

We have several members out on a couple of folks out on FM to share the vacancies throughout and will have a second vacancy anticipate in only filling one SET.

extended medical leave and/or light duty. We also have care for new additions to their families. I intend to the Department. We currently have once vacancy in SET, in the middle of April when Kevin Lane rotates back. I of those positions right away by sending Jason Solema to

We will have two vacancies in Investigations at the end of June. I intend to only fill one position in July. My hope is that by the Fall, we will have a substantial number of Officers back on duty so we can fill the other vacant positions.

Training Budget Decisions in Olympia may impact our training budget. Recently, we sent two officers assigned to our firearms committee to a basic firearms instructor course. In years past, the cost of this course of instruction was minimal. But that is no longer the course as each attendee was billed $750.00 to attend.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please forward them through your chainof-command.


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Department News

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FW: Public Records Request

Subject: FW: Public Records Request From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 4/9/2012 1:20 PM To:
Katie: I need to produce this: 1) I request the documents that have already been provided to Ofc Tierney up to today and not the documents he will be receiving in the future on any and all of his public records requests. Can you forward to me a copy of the records that you have provided to Tierney up to today (only)? Thank you. Bonnie, x6502

From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 12:00 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Public Records Request

Disregard the future records request (even though the records to be provided to Ofc Tierney have been created in the past). To clarify, please let me know which would be easiest for the City of Renton to provide and I will accept that option due to timeliness of receipt of the public records. 1) I request the documents that have already been provided to Ofc Tierney up to today and not the documents he will be receiving in the future on any and all of his public records requests. or 2) I request all items as requested on Ofc Tierney's most recent request, which certainly will need clarifications due to the immensity of the request. I can reiterate the request details, but I do not believe I may want to review everything he requested. Since there may be more than one request, I would add to this request (#2), that I receive a copy of every public records request submitted by Ofc Tierney so that I capture that which he requested in all of his public records requests. My preference is #1 above since it has already been completed and ready to produce.

Jeremy Schwartz _____ From: Bonnie Walton [Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov]

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FW: Public Records Request

Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 2:06 PM To: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: RE: Public Records Request Dear Ms. Schwartz: I am in receipt of your email of Friday, March 30th at 3:56 pm, and of your email inquiry from yesterday, Sunday, April 8, 2012. I apologize that I did not get back to you on Friday due to my observance of Maundy Thursday/Good Friday/Easter.

You have requested public records as produced to Renton Police Officer Tierney. Further clarification is needed.

Please provide the date of the Tierney records request and a description of the records you seek. Also, under state law please know that we can provide records that exist up to the date of a records request, but cannot apply a request to future records.

Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk & Public Records Officer City of Renton

From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 9:54 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: FW: Public Records Request

Ms. Walton, I have not received any response to this public records request within the required 5 business days. Can you tell me the status of this request? Jeremy Schwartz _____ From: postmaster@Rentonwa.gov [postmaster@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 3:56 PM To: bwalton@rentonwa.gov Subject: Delivered: Public Records Request Your message has been delivered to the following recipients: bwalton@rentonwa.gov

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FW: Public Records Request

Subject: Public Records Request

_____ From: Jeremy Schwartz Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 3:56 PM To: bwalton@rentonwa.gov Subject: Public Records Request Ms Walton, I am requesting public records as produced to Renton Police Officer Tierney under his current public records request. Additional information submitted to me shows Ofc Tierney has requested public records consisting of emails and other documents. Since I have a copy of his records request already, I am not requesting an additional copy. I am requesting only those documents Ofc Tierney has received to date and those documents which he will receive under his records request. And further narrowing this request, I am requesting only the emails which has been and will be provided to him. - I am assuming that since he has already received some emails and documents, which have already been reviewed, redacted, and produced to him, that I should receive a copy of those documents without delay, as there is no need to review them again for exemptions. - As email is electronic, I request electronic copies of the electronic emails. Commander McClincy is well versed in provided electronic copies of emails via a ftp site I have set up for her, which avoids packing, shipping, cost, and delay of production. I am very satisfied with her production of emails and documents using this method. - This records request does not overlap with any other request I have made, as I have zero emails with Ofc Tierney listed as receiving or sending, nor have I requested any information related to Ofc Tierney and his issues with the City of Renton. This is a completely separate matter of public records, unrelated to the persons involved in my other 2 requests. - As Ofc Tiernay's request is being fulfilled, and that I am only requesting electronic copies of what he receives, I do not suspect this to be an undue burden on producing the records in time or cost. To clarify, I am only requesting copies of emails which Ofc Tierney has already received and copies of emails he will be receiving, not the other documentation and records he requested. Potentially, depending upon the first production of records (that which Ofc Tierney was already produced), I may decide to consider this records request fulfilled. This depends upon the records sent will answer questions I have concerning leadership and management in the City of Renton. For your information, I have pasted a portion of information sent to me anonymously via my website below, but again, I am only asking for the emails Ofc Tierney has received and will be receiving, not the other issues noted to me in the anonymously submitted information below, nor most of the information he is requesting beyond the emails I state above. Sincerely,

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FW: Public Records Request

Jeremy Schwartz -------------------------------------------------------------------Feb 13, 2012 "Ofc. Tierney filed a threats and harassment complaint against Frazier with HR and the the police department. It all took place on city emailTierney is supposed to be suing the city as well..get the PR request...You need to request these city emails" Submitted anonymously via website

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RE: Public Records Request

Subject: RE: Public Records Request From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 4/9/2012 1:21 PM To:
Let me finish screening applications real quickly here.

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 13:20 To: Katie McClincy Subject: FW: Public Records Request

Katie: I need to produce this: 1) I request the documents that have already been provided to Ofc Tierney up to today and not the documents he will be receiving in the future on any and all of his public records requests. Can you forward to me a copy of the records that you have provided to Tierney up to today (only)? Thank you. Bonnie, x6502

From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 12:00 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Public Records Request

Disregard the future records request (even though the records to be provided to Ofc Tierney have been created in the past). To clarify, please let me know which would be easiest for the City of Renton to provide and I will accept that option due to timeliness of receipt of the public records. 1) I request the documents that have already been provided to Ofc Tierney up to today and not the documents he will be receiving in the future on any and all of his public records requests. or 2) I request all items as requested on Ofc Tierney's most recent request, which certainly will need clarifications due to the immensity of the request. I can reiterate the request details, but I do not believe I may want to review everything he requested. Since there may be more than one request, I would add to this request (#2),

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RE: Public Records Request

that I receive a copy of every public records request submitted by Ofc Tierney so that I capture that which he requested in all of his public records requests. My preference is #1 above since it has already been completed and ready to produce.

Jeremy Schwartz _____ From: Bonnie Walton [Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 2:06 PM To: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: RE: Public Records Request Dear Ms. Schwartz: I am in receipt of your email of Friday, March 30th at 3:56 pm, and of your email inquiry from yesterday, Sunday, April 8, 2012. I apologize that I did not get back to you on Friday due to my observance of Maundy Thursday/Good Friday/Easter.

You have requested public records as produced to Renton Police Officer Tierney. Further clarification is needed.

Please provide the date of the Tierney records request and a description of the records you seek. Also, under state law please know that we can provide records that exist up to the date of a records request, but cannot apply a request to future records.

Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk & Public Records Officer City of Renton

From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 9:54 AM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: FW: Public Records Request

Ms. Walton, I have not received any response to this public records request within the required 5 business days. Can you tell me the status of this request? Jeremy Schwartz

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RE: Public Records Request

_____ From: postmaster@Rentonwa.gov [postmaster@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 3:56 PM To: bwalton@rentonwa.gov Subject: Delivered: Public Records Request Your message has been delivered to the following recipients: bwalton@rentonwa.gov Subject: Public Records Request

_____ From: Jeremy Schwartz Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 3:56 PM To: bwalton@rentonwa.gov Subject: Public Records Request Ms Walton, I am requesting public records as produced to Renton Police Officer Tierney under his current public records request. Additional information submitted to me shows Ofc Tierney has requested public records consisting of emails and other documents. Since I have a copy of his records request already, I am not requesting an additional copy. I am requesting only those documents Ofc Tierney has received to date and those documents which he will receive under his records request. And further narrowing this request, I am requesting only the emails which has been and will be provided to him. - I am assuming that since he has already received some emails and documents, which have already been reviewed, redacted, and produced to him, that I should receive a copy of those documents without delay, as there is no need to review them again for exemptions. - As email is electronic, I request electronic copies of the electronic emails. Commander McClincy is well versed in provided electronic copies of emails via a ftp site I have set up for her, which avoids packing, shipping, cost, and delay of production. I am very satisfied with her production of emails and documents using this method. - This records request does not overlap with any other request I have made, as I have zero emails with Ofc Tierney listed as receiving or sending, nor have I requested any information related to Ofc Tierney and his issues with the City of Renton. This is a completely separate matter of public records, unrelated to the persons involved in my other 2 requests. - As Ofc Tiernay's request is being fulfilled, and that I am only requesting electronic copies of what he receives, I do not suspect this to be an undue burden on producing the records in time or cost. To clarify, I am only requesting copies of emails which Ofc Tierney has already received and copies of emails he will be receiving, not the other documentation and records he requested. Potentially, depending upon the first production of records (that which Ofc Tierney was already produced), I may decide to consider this records request fulfilled. This

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RE: Public Records Request

depends upon the records sent will answer questions I have concerning leadership and management in the City of Renton. For your information, I have pasted a portion of information sent to me anonymously via my website below, but again, I am only asking for the emails Ofc Tierney has received and will be receiving, not the other issues noted to me in the anonymously submitted information below, nor most of the information he is requesting beyond the emails I state above. Sincerely, Jeremy Schwartz -------------------------------------------------------------------Feb 13, 2012 "Ofc. Tierney filed a threats and harassment complaint against Frazier with HR and the the police department. It all took place on city emailTierney is supposed to be suing the city as well..get the PR request...You need to request these city emails" Submitted anonymously via website

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I set up a folder on the Q-drive called "PRRcc" If you could just save the PSTs (and the redaction logs there) and let me know right away, then I'll get them saved to my own area and delete them again from the Q-drive right away. bw

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FW: Public Records Request CLARIFICATION

This is just for your information. Call me if you have a chance. Bonnie

From: Mark Dougan [mailto:mdougan@insurexecs.com] Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 3:20 PM To: Bonnie Walton Cc: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: Re: Public Records Request CLARIFICATION

My mistake. Sometimes when I'm on the go I don't have the time to read as thoroughly as I should. I appreciate the clarification of your position.

You are a gem, thanks.

Mark Excuse any typoe's Sent from my iPhone!

On Apr 9, 2012, at 6:16 PM, "Bonnie Walton" <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> wrote: Dear Mr. Dougan: Thank you for providing this information and clarification.

Regarding your last paragraph below: I think you misunderstand. On the contrary, it is the City's position that the records must be disclosed. The reason we have to provide 3rd party notice is to make it the responsibility of the 3rd party to prevent the intended disclosure if they feel disclosure should be prevented. So please do not fault the City of Renton or the Records Officers for being the messengers, or for following the public records regulations set by the State of Washington. This is not personal by any means. Those of us who process records requests have no baddog in your fight, so to speak. We will proceed as stated. At this time I anticipate no change to the timeline for production of the records from what was previously stated.

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FW: Public Records Request CLARIFICATION

Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk & Public Records Officer City of Renton

From: Mark Dougan [mailto:mdougan@insurexecs.com] Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 2:35 PM To: Bonnie Walton Cc: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: RE: Public Records Request CLARIFICATION

Ms. Walton,

Please address your correspondence to me as the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation as Jeremy is merely acting on my behalf:

J. Mark Dougan Chief Executive Officer Insurance Executives Recruiting, Inc. 120 South Olive Avenue Suite 705 West Palm Beach, FL 33401

(561) 354-6336, Ext. 50

I appreciate your correspondence and confirmation that the City of Renton will stop at nothing to withhold these public documents. I will be providing your correspondence to the media so they may see how desperately you are trying to hide these items Good day.

Mark Dougan

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FW: Public Records Request CLARIFICATION


From: Bonnie Walton [Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 4:47 PM To: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: RE: Public Records Request CLARIFICATION Dear Mr. Schwartz: In processing your records request below, I find that the City is obligated to provide third party notice to certain individuals who may have an interest in the records being gathered for release. In order to provide that notice, I must provide the parties with copy of the records request as submitted and include you name and address so that you can be enjoined and served for injunction purposes.

To expedite this, please provide me with your verifiable residential and mailing address at your earliest convenience. If you are making your public records request on behalf of a company, rather than as an individual, then please provide me with the name and address of the company instead, along with a verifiable listing of the corporate officers for the company who can individually accept process service for the company.

I will appreciate your prompt response with this information. Bonnie Walton City Clerk City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057

From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:57 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Public Records Request CLARIFICATION

Ms. Walton, I understand that all records requested will be completed between 8 (May 7th) and 10 weeks (May 21st). I understand that it will be over one month before I am contacted just to be informed when the first installment will be provided. I've begun your comparison below. # 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8 have not had anything produced under any other request and therefore need no delay for comparison. Those requests with potential similar records are listed below. For these few emails

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FW: Public Records Request CLARIFICATION

that may have crossed over, few have any redactions, therefore, I am satisfied if they are provided again in the format Katie McClincy had been providing them. Those very few provided with redactions, not needed and I understand not required to be produced either.

1) I request all records related to the Untruthfulness Complaint filed by Deputy Chief Marsalisi regarding Deputy Chief Troxel. <This has not been requested before this request. ZERO records have been received. There is nothing to compare.> 2) Emails between Tim Troxel and Marty Wine between the dates of 03/01/2009 to 3/01/2011 <This has not been requested before this request. ZERO emails have been received. There is nothing to compare.> 3) Emails between Robert Onishi and Ryan Rutledge between the dates of: 04/01/2011 to 10/01/2011 <I have received ZERO emails between Onishi and Rutledge, inclusive of any dates. There is nothing to compare.> 4) Emails between Denis Law and Kevin Milosevich between the dates of 02/06/2011 and 09/01/2011 <I have received less than 10 emails between Milosevich and Law, including duplicates> 5) Emails between Kevin Milosevich and Charles Marsalisi between the dates of: 01/01/2010 to 10/01/2011 <I have received less than 15 emails between Milosevich and Marsalisi, including duplicates> 6) Emails between Kevin Milosevich and Timothy Troxel, between the dates of: 01/01/2010 to 10/01/2011 <I have received less than 15 emails between Milosevich and Troxel, including duplicates> 7) Emails between Tanya Gardanar and Christy Mathews between the dates of: 04/01/2011 to 10/01/2011 <I have received ZERO emails between Gardanar and Mathews, inclusive of any dates. There is nothing to compare.> 8) Emails between David Leibman and Charles Marsalisi between the dates of: 01/01/2011 to 05/01/2011 <I have received ZERO emails between Leibman and Marsalisi, inclusive of any dates. There is nothing to compare.> 9) Emails between Kevin Milosevich and Todd Frazier between the dates of: 01/01/2010 to 10/01/2011 <I have received ONE emails between Milosevich and Frazier, inclusive of any dates> 10) Emails between Charles Karlewisz and Todd Frazier between the dates of: 01/01/2010 to 10/01/2011 <I have received less than 5 emails between Karlewisz and Frazier, inclusive of any dates, including duplicates> 11) Emails between Kevin Milosevich and Nancy Carlson between the dates of 04/01/2011 and 10/01/2011 <I have received less than 10 emails between Milosevich and Carlson, inclusive of any dates, including duplicates> 12) Emails between Tanya Gardaner and Kevin Milosevich between the dates of 08/01/2011

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FW: Public Records Request CLARIFICATION

to 02/01/2012 <I have received less than 5 emails between Gardanar and Milosevich, inclusive of any dates, including duplicates>

Jeremy ________________________________________ From: Bonnie Walton [Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 6:03 PM To: Jeremy Schwartz Subject: RE: Public Records Request Dear Mr. Schwartz: Your Request For Public Records as emailed below is acknowledged. Please know that under the Public Records Act, records produced for a prior request do not need to be produced for the same requester a second time. For that reason we will need time to compare this request to your prior requests, determine which records have not previously been provided, perform the appropriate searches and then review the results for possible exemptions. It is estimated that it will take approximately eight to ten weeks to produce all records that may be responsive to this request. Further clarification may be required. The records will be provided in increments, as allowed by law. You will be contacted by April 16, 2012, or sooner regarding the first increment and the status of the records search. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Bonnie Walton City Clerk & Public Records Officer City of Renton 425-430-6502

-----Original Message----From: Jeremy Schwartz [mailto:jschwartz@insurexecs.com] Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 8:08 PM To: Bonnie Walton; Katie McClincy Subject: Public Records Request Dear Public Records Officers, Per the Washington State Public Records Act, I am requesting all records listed below. I have made this request as narrow as possible, but please contact me if you need clarification on any part of the request. I request that the emails be provided in PST format, to be electronically transferred via FTP as currently set up on a current public records request. This request is not being made for any commercial purposes and I request to be informed of any charges over $25.00 before the charges are incurred. I am requesting the below, listed in priority of production. 1) I request all records related to the Untruthfulness Complaint filed by Deputy Chief Marsalisi regarding Deputy Chief Troxel. 2) Emails between Tim Troxel and Marty Wine between the dates of 03/01/2009 to 3/01/2011

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FW: Public Records Request CLARIFICATION

3) Emails between Robert Onishi and Ryan Rutledge between the dates of: 04/01/2011 to 10/01/2011 4) Emails between Denis Law and Kevin Milosevich between the dates of 02/06/2011 and 09/01/2011 5) Emails between Kevin Milosevich and Charles Marsalisi between the dates of: 01/01/2010 to 10/01/2011 6) Emails between Kevin Milosevich and Timothy Troxel, between the dates of: 01/01/2010 to 10/01/2011 7) Emails between Tanya Gardanar and Christy Mathews between the dates of: 04/01/2011 to 10/01/2011 8) Emails between David Leibman and Charles Marsalisi between the dates of: 01/01/2011 to 05/01/2011 9) Emails between Kevin Milosevich and Todd Frazier between the dates of: 01/01/2010 to 10/01/2011 10) Emails between Charles Karlewisz and Todd Frazier between the dates of: 01/01/2010 to 10/01/2011 11) Emails between Kevin Milosevich and Nancy Carlson between the dates of 04/01/2011 and 10/01/2011 12) Emails between Tanya Gardaner and Kevin Milosevich between the dates of 08/01/2011 to 02/01/2012

It is possible that given the production of records per this priority request, the remainder of the request may be closed or adjusted. I prefer all communication via email to memorialize conversations and prevent miscommunication. Thank you very much. Jeremy Schwartz jschwartz@insurexecs.com

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Catch you Monday

Subject: Catch you Monday From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 4/10/2012 4:22 PM To:
Katie, got your voicemail. the redaction logs, etc. Bonnie Walton Enjoy your days away and we can connect on Monday regarding

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FW: Police Report Request (#2012-1041)

Subject: FW: Police Report Request (#2012-1041) From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 4/12/2012 8:38 AM To:

From: 'Hong Nguyen' [mailto:nguyenho@sao.wa.gov] Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 08:29 To: Kevin Milosevich Cc: nguyenho@sao.wa.gov Subject: Police Report Request (#2012-1041)

Hi, My name is Hong Nguyen with the State Auditor's Office. I am requesting a copy of Renton Police report #2012-1041. Reason for request: These incidents were reported to the State Auditors Office pursuant to RCW 43.09.185. I am requesting these reports to file in our records for the incidents. Please contact Hong Nguyen (206) 296-1751 with any questions regarding this request. When these reports are available, please fax to (206) 296-0518 Thank you, Hong Nguyen Assistant State Auditor Washington State Auditor's Office King County Administration Building 500 4th Avenue, Room 615 Seattle, Washington 98104 Phone: 206 296-1751 Fax: 206 296-0518 email:nguyenho@sao.wa.gov This email request originated from the following link: http://rentonwa.gov/government /default.aspx?id=1688

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Are you in?

Have a question if you are available today. Thx. bw Pls email and let me know.

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Are you in?

Subject: Are you in? From: "Bonnie Walton" <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 4/14/2012 1:07 PM To: "Kevin Milosevich" <Kmilosevich@Rentonwa.gov>

Subject: Are you in? From: "Bonnie Walton" <Bwalton@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 4/14/2012 1:07 PM To: "Kevin Milosevich" <Kmilosevich@Rentonwa.gov>


Are you in?.eml

16777216 bytes

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Re: Are you in?

At home but available ----- Original Message ----From: Bonnie Walton To: Kevin Milosevich Sent: Sat Apr 14 13:07:43 2012 Subject: Are you in? Have a question if you are available today. Thx. bw Pls email and let me know.

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I believe there will be some redundancy here the Dougan email request may well contain the other two attached docs. I think I conglomerated them, but wanted to send all three anyways.

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-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 18:22 To: 'Jeremy Schwartz' Subject: FW: Jeremy - none of these documents pertain to the cartoon videos or any related investigations. These documents are related to domestic violence investigations. These email contain redactions under the following citations:

NON-CONVICTION INFORMATION These records contain non-conviction criminal history information protected from disclosure and have been redacted or withheld in their entirety per the following citations: RCW 10.97.080 No person shall be allowed to retain or mechanically reproduce any nonconviction data except for the purpose of challenge or correction when the person who is the subject of the record asserts the belief in writing that the information regarding such person is inaccurate or incomplete. The provisions of chapter 42.56 RCW shall not be construed to require or authorize copying of nonconviction data for any other purpose. RCW 42.56.070(1) Each agency, in accordance with published rules, shall make available for public inspection and copying all public records, unless the record falls within the specific exemptions of subsection (6) of this section, this chapter, or other statute which exempts or prohibits disclosure of specific information or records. To the extent required to prevent an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy interests protected by this chapter, an agency shall delete identifying details in a manner consistent with this chapter when it makes available or publishes any public record; however, in each case, the justification for the deletion shall be explained fully in writing. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS These records contain social security numbers protected from disclosure and have been redacted per the following citations: Title 5, Section 552(a) United States Regulations, Annotated Secs 102, 301, 106(1) RCW 42.56.070(1) Each agency, in accordance with published rules, shall make available for public inspection and copying all public records, unless the record falls within the specific exemptions of subsection (6) of this section, this chapter, or other statute which exempts or prohibits disclosure of specific information or records. To the extent required to prevent an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy interests protected by this chapter, an agency shall delete identifying details in a manner consistent with this chapter when it makes available or publishes any public record; however, in each case, the justification for the deletion shall be explained fully in writing. Copy of Driver's License and driver's license photo were exempted:

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Revised Code of Washington 42.56.130 (2) Revised Code of Washington 42.56.120 (2) Revised Code of Washington 42.56.230 (7) - Personal Information -----Original Message----From: PDECopy Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 18:02 To: Katie McClincy Subject: This E-mail was sent from "RNPF5BCA2" (Aficio MP C3300). Scan Date: 02.15.2012 18:01:52 (-0800) Queries to: pdecopy@rentonwa.gov

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-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 16:43 To: 'Jeremy Schwartz' Subject: FW: Attached are three email from the search term "fuddlesticks" that have been redacted. In addition, three email dated 10/4/11 between Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes and a private attorney have been withheld in their entirety, all under the following citations: ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGE These records reflect privileged attorney-client communication, and/or attorney work product protected from disclosure and have been redacted or withheld in their entirety per the following citations: RCW 42.56.290 Records that are relevant to a controversy to which an agency is a party but which records would not be available to another party under the rules of pretrial discovery for causes pending in the superior courts are exempt from disclosure under this chapter. RCW 5.60.060(2)(a) An attorney or counselor shall not, without the consent of his or her client, be examined as to any communication made by the client to him or her, or his or her advice given thereon in the course of professional employment. RCW 42.56.070(1) Each agency, in accordance with published rules, shall make available for public inspection and copying all public records, unless the record falls within the specific exemptions of subsection (6) of this section, this chapter, or other statute which exempts or prohibits disclosure of specific information or records. To the extent required to prevent an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy interests protected by this chapter, an agency shall delete identifying details in a manner consistent with this chapter when it makes available or publishes any public record; however, in each case, the justification for the deletion shall be explained fully in writing. 2-ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGE These records reflect privileged attorney-client communication, and/or attorney work product protected from disclosure and have been redacted or withheld in their entirety per the following citations: The search term "fuddlesticks" resulted in 119 email. -----Original Message----From: PDECopy Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 16:36 To: Katie McClincy Subject: This E-mail was sent from "RNPF5BCA2" (Aficio MP C3300). Scan Date: 02.13.2012 16:35:40 (-0800) Queries to: pdecopy@rentonwa.gov

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Might be a dupe. -----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 16:19 To: Katie McClincy Subject: FW:

-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 16:09 To: 'Jeremy Schwartz' Subject: FW: I've pulled this email string from the following search term results so that I could redact it under the following citation(s): ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGE These records reflect privileged attorney-client communication, and/or attorney work product protected from disclosure and have been redacted or withheld in their entirety per the following citations: RCW 42.56.290 Records that are relevant to a controversy to which an agency is a party but which records would not be available to another party under the rules of pretrial discovery for causes pending in the superior courts are exempt from disclosure under this chapter. RCW 5.60.060(2)(a) An attorney or counselor shall not, without the consent of his or her client, be examined as to any communication made by the client to him or her, or his or her advice given thereon in the course of professional employment. RCW 42.56.070(1) Each agency, in accordance with published rules, shall make available for public inspection and copying all public records, unless the record falls within the specific exemptions of subsection (6) of this section, this chapter, or other statute which exempts or prohibits disclosure of specific information or records. To the extent required to prevent an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy interests protected by this chapter, an agency shall delete identifying details in a manner consistent with this chapter when it makes available or publishes any public record; however, in each case, the justification for the deletion shall be explained fully in writing. The search term "mrfuddlesticks" resulted in 106 email.

-----Original Message----From: PDECopy Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 16:09 To: Katie McClincy Subject:

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This E-mail was sent from "RNPF5BCA2" (Aficio MP C3300). Scan Date: 02.13.2012 16:09:05 (-0800) Queries to: pdecopy@rentonwa.gov

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-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 16:18 To: 'Jeremy Schwartz' Subject: FW: Here are two email generated by the search term "xtranormal" containing redactions. Below are the citation(s): ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGE These records reflect privileged attorney-client communication, and/or attorney work product protected from disclosure and have been redacted or withheld in their entirety per the following citations: RCW 42.56.290 Records that are relevant to a controversy to which an agency is a party but which records would not be available to another party under the rules of pretrial discovery for causes pending in the superior courts are exempt from disclosure under this chapter. RCW 5.60.060(2)(a) An attorney or counselor shall not, without the consent of his or her client, be examined as to any communication made by the client to him or her, or his or her advice given thereon in the course of professional employment. RCW 42.56.070(1) Each agency, in accordance with published rules, shall make available for public inspection and copying all public records, unless the record falls within the specific exemptions of subsection (6) of this section, this chapter, or other statute which exempts or prohibits disclosure of specific information or records. To the extent required to prevent an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy interests protected by this chapter, an agency shall delete identifying details in a manner consistent with this chapter when it makes available or publishes any public record; however, in each case, the justification for the deletion shall be explained fully in writing. The search term "xtranormal" generated 76 email.

-----Original Message----From: PDECopy Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 16:16 To: Katie McClincy Subject: This E-mail was sent from "RNPF5BCA2" (Aficio MP C3300). Scan Date: 02.13.2012 16:16:19 (-0800) Queries to: pdecopy@rentonwa.gov

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-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 16:09 To: 'Jeremy Schwartz' Subject: FW: I've pulled this email string from the following search term results so that I could redact it under the following citation(s): ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGE These records reflect privileged attorney-client communication, and/or attorney work product protected from disclosure and have been redacted or withheld in their entirety per the following citations: RCW 42.56.290 Records that are relevant to a controversy to which an agency is a party but which records would not be available to another party under the rules of pretrial discovery for causes pending in the superior courts are exempt from disclosure under this chapter. RCW 5.60.060(2)(a) An attorney or counselor shall not, without the consent of his or her client, be examined as to any communication made by the client to him or her, or his or her advice given thereon in the course of professional employment. RCW 42.56.070(1) Each agency, in accordance with published rules, shall make available for public inspection and copying all public records, unless the record falls within the specific exemptions of subsection (6) of this section, this chapter, or other statute which exempts or prohibits disclosure of specific information or records. To the extent required to prevent an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy interests protected by this chapter, an agency shall delete identifying details in a manner consistent with this chapter when it makes available or publishes any public record; however, in each case, the justification for the deletion shall be explained fully in writing. The search term "mrfuddlesticks" resulted in 106 email.

-----Original Message----From: PDECopy Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 16:09 To: Katie McClincy Subject: This E-mail was sent from "RNPF5BCA2" (Aficio MP C3300). Scan Date: 02.13.2012 16:09:05 (-0800) Queries to: pdecopy@rentonwa.gov

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-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 15:59 To: 'Jeremy Schwartz' Subject: FW: Here are two email from the search term "fiddlesticks" with redaction. I also withheld the attachment, both the redaction and the exemption under the following citation(s): ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGE These records reflect privileged attorney-client communication, and/or attorney work product protected from disclosure and have been redacted or withheld in their entirety per the following citations: RCW 42.56.290 Records that are relevant to a controversy to which an agency is a party but which records would not be available to another party under the rules of pretrial discovery for causes pending in the superior courts are exempt from disclosure under this chapter. RCW 5.60.060(2)(a) An attorney or counselor shall not, without the consent of his or her client, be examined as to any communication made by the client to him or her, or his or her advice given thereon in the course of professional employment. RCW 42.56.070(1) Each agency, in accordance with published rules, shall make available for public inspection and copying all public records, unless the record falls within the specific exemptions of subsection (6) of this section, this chapter, or other statute which exempts or prohibits disclosure of specific information or records. To the extent required to prevent an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy interests protected by this chapter, an agency shall delete identifying details in a manner consistent with this chapter when it makes available or publishes any public record; however, in each case, the justification for the deletion shall be explained fully in writing. There are 126 email generated by the search term "fiddlesticks".

-----Original Message----From: PDECopy Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 15:58 To: Katie McClincy Subject: This E-mail was sent from "RNPF5BCA2" (Aficio MP C3300). Scan Date: 02.13.2012 15:57:52 (-0800) Queries to: pdecopy@rentonwa.gov

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-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 15:39 To: 'Jeremy Schwartz' Subject: FW: I've pulled this email string from the following search term results so that I could redact it under the following citation(s): ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGE These records reflect privileged attorney-client communication, and/or attorney work product protected from disclosure and have been redacted or withheld in their entirety per the following citations: RCW 42.56.290 Records that are relevant to a controversy to which an agency is a party but which records would not be available to another party under the rules of pretrial discovery for causes pending in the superior courts are exempt from disclosure under this chapter. RCW 5.60.060(2)(a) An attorney or counselor shall not, without the consent of his or her client, be examined as to any communication made by the client to him or her, or his or her advice given thereon in the course of professional employment. RCW 42.56.070(1) Each agency, in accordance with published rules, shall make available for public inspection and copying all public records, unless the record falls within the specific exemptions of subsection (6) of this section, this chapter, or other statute which exempts or prohibits disclosure of specific information or records. To the extent required to prevent an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy interests protected by this chapter, an agency shall delete identifying details in a manner consistent with this chapter when it makes available or publishes any public record; however, in each case, the justification for the deletion shall be explained fully in writing. Search term "acid queen" - this search produced 16 email Search term "tellinthetruth" this search produced 23 email Search term "whothehellispenny" - this search produced 22 email

-----Original Message----From: PDECopy Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 15:36 To: Katie McClincy Subject: This E-mail was sent from "RNPF5BCA2" (Aficio MP C3300). Scan Date: 02.13.2012 15:35:33 (-0800) Queries to: pdecopy@rentonwa.gov

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-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 16:16 To: 'Jeremy Schwartz' Subject: FW: Jeremy - you requested a copy of an email that preceded an email between myself and Sgt. Mathews. Here is that email, and the attachment. I have redacted my home address, home phone number, city cellular phone number, and personal email from the attachment under the following citations: EMPLOYEE PRIVATE INFORMATION These records contain private information of an employee or volunteer of the agency maintained in personnel files, public employment related records or volunteer rosters protected from disclosure and have been redacted per the following citations: RCW 42.56.230(3) Personal information in files maintained for employees, appointees, or elected officials of any public agency to the extent that disclosure would violate their right to privacy. RCW 42.56.250(3) The residential addresses, residential telephone numbers, personal wireless telephone numbers, personal electronic mail addresses, social security numbers, and emergency contact information of employees or volunteers of a public agency, and the names, dates of birth, residential addresses, residential telephone numbers, personal wireless telephone numbers, personal electronic mail addresses, social security numbers, and emergency contact information of dependents of employees or volunteers of a public agency that are held by any public agency in personnel records, public employment related records, or volunteer rosters, or are included in any mailing list of employees or volunteers of any public agency. SPECIFIC INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION These records contain specific intelligence information protected from disclosure and have been redacted or withheld in their entirety per the following citation: RCW 42.56.240(1) Specific intelligence information and specific investigative records compiled by investigative, law enforcement, and penology agencies, and state agencies vested with the responsibility to discipline members of any profession, the nondisclosure of which is essential to effective law enforcement or for the protection of any persons right to privacy. -----Original Message----From: PDECopy Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 13:28 To: Katie McClincy Subject: This E-mail was sent from "RNPF5BCA2" (Aficio MP C3300). Scan Date: 02.10.2012 13:28:17 (-0800)

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Queries to: pdecopy@rentonwa.gov

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FW: Email "acid queen"

Subject: FW: Email "acid queen" From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 4/16/2012 5:54 PM To:

-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 16:45 To: 'Jeremy Schwartz' Subject: FW: Email "acid queen" Jeremy - I moved a folder of email in pst format to your ftp for the search term "acid queen". Attached in pdf are two email which contain redactions under the following citation(s): ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGE These records reflect privileged attorney-client communication, and/or attorney work product protected from disclosure and have been redacted or withheld in their entirety per the following citations: RCW 42.56.290 Records that are relevant to a controversy to which an agency is a party but which records would not be available to another party under the rules of pretrial discovery for causes pending in the superior courts are exempt from disclosure under this chapter. RCW 5.60.060(2)(a) An attorney or counselor shall not, without the consent of his or her client, be examined as to any communication made by the client to him or her, or his or her advice given thereon in the course of professional employment. RCW 42.56.070(1) Each agency, in accordance with published rules, shall make available for public inspection and copying all public records, unless the record falls within the specific exemptions of subsection (6) of this section, this chapter, or other statute which exempts or prohibits disclosure of specific information or records. To the extent required to prevent an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy interests protected by this chapter, an agency shall delete identifying details in a manner consistent with this chapter when it makes available or publishes any public record; however, in each case, the justification for the deletion shall be explained fully in writing. -----Original Message----From: PDECopy Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 16:38 To: Katie McClincy Subject: This E-mail was sent from "RNPF5BCA2" (Aficio MP C3300). Scan Date: 02.08.2012 16:38:14 (-0800) Queries to: pdecopy@rentonwa.gov

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FW: PRR-12-014

Mr. Tierney was in yesterday morning and reviewed the first increment of records responsive to his records request for: "any and all investigations conducted by the City regarding employee complaints of harassment and threats"

I will now proceed to prepare the next increment. If you or your department had previously not completed your search for responsive records and provided those to this office, please do so now so I have everything here. Based on the clarification given, as highlighted below, I will be preparing third party notices next week as needed.

If you have any questions on this, please let me know. Bonnie Walton City Clerk, x6502

From: shawn tierney [mailto:sjt244@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 2:22 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: PRR-12-014

Mrs. Walton- My apologies for the delayed response to your email; I've been extremely busy. I would like to view the documents this week on Tuesday 18th or Wednesday 19th if that time works for your office.

In response to your question for clarification regarding substantiated or unsubstantiated complaints, I would like to view both.

Kind Regards, Shawn Tierney

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FW: PRR-12-014


From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 17:19 To: Nancy Carlson; Zanetta Fontes; Kevin Milosevich; Jay B Covington Subject: FW: PRR-12-014

Mr. Tierney was in yesterday morning and reviewed the first increment of records responsive to his records request for: "any and all investigations conducted by the City regarding employee complaints of harassment and threats"

I will now proceed to prepare the next increment. If you or your department had previously not completed your search for responsive records and provided those to this office, please do so now so I have everything here. Based on the clarification given, as highlighted below, I will be preparing third party notices next week as needed.

If you have any questions on this, please let me know. Bonnie Walton City Clerk, x6502

From: shawn tierney [mailto:sjt244@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 2:22 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: PRR-12-014

Mrs. Walton- My apologies for the delayed response to your email; I've been extremely busy. I would like to view the documents this week on Tuesday 18th or Wednesday 19th if that time works for your office.

In response to your question for clarification regarding substantiated or unsubstantiated complaints, I would like to view both.

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FW: PRR-12-014

Kind Regards, Shawn Tierney

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UMB Export folders

Would you write up the names of the UMB export folders you received in error and how many emails were in each of those and email it to me? Then please go ahead and delete the folders entirely. I know I did not make a mistake and export these items to you. programmed incorrectly and I find that very very disturbing. Thanks. Bonnie, x6502 IT has something

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RE: UMB Export folders

Sure you don't want me to PST them on Monday? -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 17:48 To: Katie McClincy Subject: UMB Export folders Would you write up the names of the UMB export folders you received in error and how many emails were in each of those and email it to me? Then please go ahead and delete the folders entirely. I know I did not make a mistake and export these items to you. programmed incorrectly and I find that very very disturbing. Thanks. Bonnie, x6502 IT has something

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RE: UMB Export folders

Just delete them after you send me the list. Clearly the system integrity has been compromised so I don't think I can trust the results anyway. Though I do want to know what file names you received and number of emails. I know I never input your email address at all. So I am extremely bothered by this and don't really trust that IT will give me a straight answer. I am bummed. bw -----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 6:21 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: UMB Export folders Sure you don't want me to PST them on Monday? -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 17:48 To: Katie McClincy Subject: UMB Export folders Would you write up the names of the UMB export folders you received in error and how many emails were in each of those and email it to me? Then please go ahead and delete the folders entirely. I know I did not make a mistake and export these items to you. programmed incorrectly and I find that very very disturbing. Thanks. Bonnie, x6502 IT has something

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RE: UMB Export folders

Come on down! I am still here and you can look at them.

-----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 18:25 To: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: UMB Export folders Just delete them after you send me the list. Clearly the system integrity has been compromised so I don't think I can trust the results anyway. Though I do want to know what file names you received and number of emails. I know I never input your email address at all. So I am extremely bothered by this and don't really trust that IT will give me a straight answer. I am bummed. bw -----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 6:21 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: UMB Export folders Sure you don't want me to PST them on Monday? -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 17:48 To: Katie McClincy Subject: UMB Export folders Would you write up the names of the UMB export folders you received in error and how many emails were in each of those and email it to me? Then please go ahead and delete the folders entirely. I know I did not make a mistake and export these items to you. programmed incorrectly and I find that very very disturbing. Thanks. Bonnie, x6502 IT has something

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RE: UMB Export folders

No. I'm too pissed and for your sake I don't think I should be around anyone now. Just delete the folders. I have to redo the whole damn thing anyway. Sorry for the inconvenience to you, though. Not your fault. bw

-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 6:26 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: UMB Export folders Come on down! I am still here and you can look at them.

-----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 18:25 To: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: UMB Export folders Just delete them after you send me the list. Clearly the system integrity has been compromised so I don't think I can trust the results anyway. Though I do want to know what file names you received and number of emails. I know I never input your email address at all. So I am extremely bothered by this and don't really trust that IT will give me a straight answer. I am bummed. bw -----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 6:21 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: UMB Export folders Sure you don't want me to PST them on Monday? -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 17:48 To: Katie McClincy Subject: UMB Export folders Would you write up the names of the UMB export folders you received in error and how many emails were in each of those and email it to me? Then please go ahead and delete the folders entirely. I know I did not make a mistake and export these items to you. programmed incorrectly and I find that very very disturbing. IT has something

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RE: UMB Export folders

Thanks. Bonnie, x6502

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RE: UMB Export folders

I will hold them until Monday - we can make it work, so you don't have to replicate work. Easy-breezy! Go get a salted caramel martini in the meantime!! -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 18:29 To: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: UMB Export folders No. I'm too pissed and for your sake I don't think I should be around anyone now. Just delete the folders. I have to redo the whole damn thing anyway. Sorry for the inconvenience to you, though. Not your fault. bw

-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 6:26 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: UMB Export folders Come on down! I am still here and you can look at them.

-----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 18:25 To: Katie McClincy Subject: RE: UMB Export folders Just delete them after you send me the list. Clearly the system integrity has been compromised so I don't think I can trust the results anyway. Though I do want to know what file names you received and number of emails. I know I never input your email address at all. So I am extremely bothered by this and don't really trust that IT will give me a straight answer. I am bummed. bw -----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 6:21 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: UMB Export folders Sure you don't want me to PST them on Monday? -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 17:48 To: Katie McClincy Subject: UMB Export folders

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8/16/2012 2:54 PM

RE: UMB Export folders

Would you write up the names of the UMB export folders you received in error and how many emails were in each of those and email it to me? Then please go ahead and delete the folders entirely. I know I did not make a mistake and export these items to you. programmed incorrectly and I find that very very disturbing. Thanks. Bonnie, x6502 IT has something

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8/16/2012 2:54 PM

FW: Public Records Request 02-03-12/RPD Case 05-8073

Subject: FW: Public Records Request 02-03-12/RPD Case 05-8073 From: Ka e McClincy </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMCCLINCY> Date: 4/25/2012 5:26 PM To:

From: Neil Fox [mailto:nf@neilfoxlaw.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 15:47 To: Gay Boyer Cc: Katie McClincy; 'Leigh Hearon' Subject: RE: Public Records Request 02-03-12/RPD Case 05-8073

Please see attached letter and attachments.

A hard copy will be sent by US Mail.

Neil M. Fox Law Office of Neil Fox, PLLC 2003 Western Ave. Suite 330 Seattle WA 98121 USA

Phone: 206-728-5440 Fax: Email: 206-448-2252 nf@neilfoxlaw.com

This electronic message is confidential and is intended only for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify me by electronic message or telephone at 206-728-5440. and delete the message from your system.

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8/16/2012 2:54 PM

FW: Public Records Request 02-03-12/RPD Case 05-8073

From: Gay Boyer [mailto:Gboyer@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 10:14 AM To: 'nf@neilfoxlaw.com' Subject: Public Records Request 02-03-12/RPD Case 05-8073

Mr. Fox,

This email is to notify you that we have provided all records responsive to your public records request of 02-03-12. Your request is now closed.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


V. Gay Boyer, Supervisor Staff Services Division Renton Police Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 425-430-7625 425-430-7630 FAX 98057

Advisory: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record.

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8/16/2012 2:54 PM

When you get in, I need the Judd internal in regards to the Turkeybowl. If you have it electronic and unredacted that would work to. I need to send it to Beth. Thanks

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8/16/2012 2:54 PM

outlook folder

Just noticed another folder in outlook that isnt mine did? was that the test one that we

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8/16/2012 2:54 PM

RE: outlook folder

Subject: RE: outlook folder From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 5/1/2012 12:35 PM To:
What is it named? I don't actually recall doing a test export, but maybe we did. name might tell me. The

Also, don't forget about your flash drive.

Got your voice message, too. Bonnie, x6502

Yes, I have the Fox request in the queue.

From: Katie McClincy Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 12:15 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: outlook folder

Just noticed another folder in outlook that isnt mine did?

was that the test one that we

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8/16/2012 2:54 PM

Emergency Meeting

Subject: Emergency Mee ng From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 5/3/2012 11:45 AM To:
If you are available, I would like to meet with you in Conference Room B - now.


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Emergency Meeting

Subject: Emergency Mee ng From: "Kevin Milosevich" <Kmilosevich@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 5/3/2012 11:45 AM To: "Floyd L Eldridge" <Feldridge@Rentonwa.gov>, "Charles Karlewicz" <Ckarlewicz@Rentonwa.gov>, "Kent M Curry" <Kcurry@Rentonwa.gov>, "Ka e McClincy" <Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov>, "Clark E Wilcox" <Cwilcox@Rentonwa.gov>, "David A Leibman" <Dleibman@Rentonwa.gov>, "Paul Cline" <Pcline@Rentonwa.gov>

Subject: Emergency Mee ng From: "Kevin Milosevich" <Kmilosevich@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 5/3/2012 11:45 AM To: "Floyd L Eldridge" <Feldridge@Rentonwa.gov>, "Charles Karlewicz" <Ckarlewicz@Rentonwa.gov>, "Kent M Curry" <Kcurry@Rentonwa.gov>, "Ka e McClincy" <Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov>, "Clark E Wilcox" <Cwilcox@Rentonwa.gov>, "David A Leibman" <Dleibman@Rentonwa.gov>, "Paul Cline" <Pcline@Rentonwa.gov>


Emergency Mee ng .eml

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8/16/2012 2:54 PM

Mandatory Public Records Training

Subject: Mandatory Public Records Training From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 5/8/2012 5:49 PM To:
Chief: Attached are the listings compiled to show who all from the Police Dept. signed in their attendance at a mandatory Public Records Training class led by Ramsey Ramerman in March. The other list attached shows who from Police, according to the sign-in sheets, has not yet completed the training and still needs to do so via the 30- min. video.

How would you like to have the training administered for those from your dept. who have not yet taken it? Would you prefer I provide you with a copy of the 30-min. all employees training video and the corresponding training materials so that your dept. can administer it through your own meetings and processes? Or should I set up some make-up sessions in Chambers where your people and others can attend? (I have the video available in both mpg format, to play on the computer in media player, and as a DVD.) Either way is fine with me as long as I end up getting a record of who all has completed the training via the video.

Please let me know your preference. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk, x6502

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8/16/2012 2:54 PM

Org All Email

This afternoon, an Org Police All email was sent to the Department from an anonymous source. I have spoken with Mehdi in IS and there is a flaw in our system that allows that. I was told by Mehdi that they would immediately close this loophole in our system.


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8/16/2012 2:54 PM

RE: Mandatory Public Records Training

Subject: RE: Mandatory Public Records Training From: Kevin Milosevich </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KMILOSEVICH> Date: 5/9/2012 4:08 PM To:
Send the DVD to me and we will make sure the others watch the training. provide you with an updated list. thanks We will then

From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 17:50 To: Kevin Milosevich Cc: Melissa Day Subject: Mandatory Public Records Training

Chief: Attached are the listings compiled to show who all from the Police Dept. signed in their attendance at a mandatory Public Records Training class led by Ramsey Ramerman in March. The other list attached shows who from Police, according to the sign-in sheets, has not yet completed the training and still needs to do so via the 30- min. video.

How would you like to have the training administered for those from your dept. who have not yet taken it? Would you prefer I provide you with a copy of the 30-min. all employees training video and the corresponding training materials so that your dept. can administer it through your own meetings and processes? Or should I set up some make-up sessions in Chambers where your people and others can attend? (I have the video available in both mpg format, to play on the computer in media player, and as a DVD.) Either way is fine with me as long as I end up getting a record of who all has completed the training via the video.

Please let me know your preference. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk, x6502

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8/16/2012 2:54 PM

Stop by when you get in

Subject: Stop by when you get in From: "Kevin Milosevich" <Kmilosevich@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 5/14/2012 10:27 AM To: "Ka&e McClincy" <Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov>

Subject: Stop by when you get in From: "Kevin Milosevich" <Kmilosevich@Rentonwa.gov> Date: 5/14/2012 10:27 AM To: "Ka&e McClincy" <Kmcclincy@Rentonwa.gov>


Stop by when you get in.eml

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8/16/2012 2:55 PM

RE: Hiring Panel

Yes, I do. It is scheduled for this Friday, May 18th. time yet. Welcome back! Bonnie I have to confirm the start

-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 1:03 PM To: Bonnie Walton Subject: RE: Hiring Panel Do you have a date? -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 14:09 To: Katie McClincy; Gay Boyer Subject: Hiring Panel Would you be able to serve on a hiring panel for me to help evaluate the Limited Term (2 year) Deputy City Clerk position that I am going to fill? I don't have the interview dates and times yet, but it would be within the next week or two most likely. I know how busy you are, but thought I would ask. The position we are considering will be primarily focused on Public Records Request processing, including requests for Police administration records, redactions, exemptions, etc, though will also share some duties currently covered by my regular FT Deputy Clerk Jason Seth and myself. Let me know if you think you might be able to squeeze this in. Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk 425-430-6502

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8/16/2012 2:55 PM

RE: Interview Questions - Dep City Clerk Records

Subject: RE: Interview Ques ons - Dep City Clerk Records From: Bonnie Walton </O=RENTON/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BWALTON> Date: 5/15/2012 1:20 PM To:
Good one. bw I'll add it.

-----Original Message----From: Katie McClincy Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 1:06 PM To: Bonnie Walton Cc: Gay Boyer Subject: RE: Interview Questions - Dep City Clerk Records I'll bet he is. How about: Do you have any experience handling confidential records, and if so please describe your work with them. -----Original Message----From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 11:10 To: Katie McClincy; Gay Boyer Subject: Interview Questions - Dep City Clerk Records For Friday's interviews, do you have one or two questions specific to Police administrative records work that should be included? Let me know soon if you do as Brian is anxious. Thank you. Bonnie, x6502

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8/16/2012 2:55 PM

Next Week

As a follow up from staff

We discussed on Tuesday to identify some of the problems department-wide and begin a problem analysis process to develop an approach to resolve the issues. I will be back to work on the 29th to hear what progress was made. Thanks

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