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17:35 <WebMsill> re: toi sofaer-juttu niin se oli kyl yllttvn rankka ainaki omalla kohdalla, riippuu tietty varmaan et mist sen kans puhui mut iski tosiaan aika kovin ku kelailin sit myhemmin 17:36 <WebMsill> olin varautunu et se voi olla aika intensiivinen kokemus mut silti ylltti 17:37 <x> mists se sit hpisi 17:39 <WebMsill> no se oli niinku terapiasessio mut nieristetyss lasikopissa keskell museoo ja ihmiset tuijotti sinne koppiin ja sill oli semmonen ihme nippusiteist tehty sulkapuku ja sit sen kans keskusteltiin jostain asiasta mist ite halus mut mink piti liittyy jotenki teemaan relationships 17:39 <x> no mist sin juttelit 17:39 <WebMsill> eli vhn ku ois ollu jossain psykiatrilla mut periaatteessa julkisesti 17:39 <WebMsill> yhdest parisuhdeasiasta mik mua on vaivannu aika kauan 17:40 <x> ohhoh :') 17:40 <WebMsill> ja siis silleen vaiks oon taannoin kyny ihan normi psykoterapiassa kaks vuotta ja tiesin et millaista se on niin toi oli jotenkin vaan niin super intensiivinen 17:41 <x> oishan toi varmaan aika jnn kokemus 17:42 <WebMsill> ku joku psykoanalyytikko on kuitenki ihminen jonka tuntee ja jonka kans on muodostunu pitkkestoinen suhde ett voi puhua niist asioista niin toi oli silleen tysin vieras tyyppi jonka oon


tavannu kerran aikaisemmin ohimennen 17:42 <x> t oli sit joku uus tuttavuus joka osas vetst oikeista naruista 17:43 <x> vai oliks muuten vaan hurmaava mies 17:43 <WebMsill> tosi suosittu toi sen performanssi, sill oli torstaina nelj "sessiota" ja pe-la-su 7 joka piv ja kaikki varattiin aika nopeesti 17:43 <WebMsill> sehn siin just oli ku se oli tavallaan tosi etinen ku sill oli se puku ja naamio yms 17:43 <x> nin aiheutetaan henkisi traumoja 17:44 <WebMsill> mut sit se kuitenki kyseli ja johdatteli sit keskustelua ja antoi neuvoja

17:35 <WebMsill> re: that sofaer-thing, it was surprisingly harsh at least for me, I suppose it depends a lot on what you talked about with him but when I reflected back on it later, it hit me pretty hard 17:36 <WebMsill> I was prepared for it to be a pretty intensive experience but I was still surprised 17:37 <x> what did he babble about then 17:39 <WebMsill> well it was like a therapy session but in a soundproof glass box in the middle of the museum and people were staring into the box and he had this weird feathery costume made out of cable ties and then you talked with him about some issue that you wanted to but it had to have something to do with the theme of relationships 17:39 <x> well what were you chatting about

17:39 <WebMsill> so a bit like being at a psychiatrist's or something but in basically in public 17:39 <WebMsill> about a relationship thing that's been haunting me for quite a while :) 17:40 <x> ooh I see :') 17:40 <WebMsill> and you know even though back in the day I went to a normal psychotherapy for two years and I knew what's it going to be like, in some ways that was just so super intensive 17:41 <x> I guess it sounds like a pretty cool experience 17:42 <WebMsill> when a psychoanalyst is anyway a person that you know and you've formed a really long-term relationship with so you can talk about all the stuff, but this guy was like a total stranger whom I've met maybe once in passing 17:42 <x> and then this was a new acquaintance who knew how to pull on the right strings 17:43 <x> or was he just an otherwise charming fellow 17:43 <WebMsill> his performance was really popular, he had umm four "sessions" on thursday and fri-sat-sun 7 every day and they all got booked pretty fast 17:43 <WebMsill> that was just the point really, in a way he was very distant with the suit and the mask etc 17:43 <x> this is how you cause mental traumas 17:44 <WebMsill> but on the other hand he asked questions and steered the conversation and gave advice

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