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17. Setup Sheets

17. Setup Sheets

All the data in a PowerMILL project such as cutter definitions, overall toolpath sizes and images of the toolpaths can be automatically documented and then printed out. This is useful for CNC Operators who will be running run the programs. Creation of Setup Sheets is accessed via the NC program area in Explorer.

Select Delete All and Reset Forms. Open the Project called Tapefile_1 from PowerMILL_data/projects. This project contains a number of toolpaths.
An NC program needs to be created before the Setup sheets are generated

In the explorer, RMB on NC Program Preferences

Click on the folder icon to bring up the Select Machine Option Filename form.

Select the heid.opt

Issue PMILL 6


17. Setup Sheets


In the explorer, RMB on NC Program

Create NC Program Enter the name Job_650_top and Accept the form.

RMB on Toolpaths

Select Add to NC Program.

This adds all the toolpaths into the NCprogram


Issue PMILL 6


17. Setup Sheets

Rmb on the NC program and select Settings which will bring up the form below.

Some areas like the project name are already filled in. Fill in the remaining details

Make sure none of the toolpaths are active and that the model is shaded. Rmb on the NC program and select Current view as shown.

An image of the model has now been captured and will be automatically used for the front page of the setup sheet.

Issue PMILL 6


17. Setup Sheets


Rmb on the NC program. This time select All Toolpaths

Images of all the toolpaths in the selected NC program have now been captured. Each toolpath will have its own page on the setup sheet.

Rmb on the NC program again. This time select Preview

On the left side of the screen is the index. On the right side is the front page of the setup sheet.

Click on some of the toolpath sheets Click on the Summary sheet


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17. Setup Sheets

Rmb on the NC program. Select Export

Export stores all the setup sheets as HTML documents in the current Project Folder.

Setup sheets can be printed out from within PowerMILL or if they have been exported, from the HTML documents.

Customising Setup sheets

By editing the HTML templates it is possible to customize the output of the setup sheets to the users requirements. To edit these templates it is useful to have some HTML editing software. There are free downloads available from the web. Microsoft Word can also be used but this can give uppredictable results. Tip :- Always create a copy of the template document so that the original is still available if things go wrong.

Rmb on the NC program and select Settings which will bring up the form below.

Select Paths

Issue PMILL 6


17. Setup Sheets


Select Paths

Browse to E:\Users\Training\setup-sheets\

Select Toolpath2.html which is a customized template

Rmb on the NC program. Select Preview again to re-run the setup sheets using the new template.


Issue PMILL 6

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