AMC Recall Questions July 20101

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AMC recall questions July 20101. 8 year old boy presents to ED. ECG shows SVT.

Child is pale, SPo2 on air is96%, able to speak to dr and tell you that he has had several episodes of palpitations before but never needed to seek treatment. No BP given.What is the best treatment?a. IV Adenosineb. Cardiovert c. place ice on his faced. carotid massage2. 87 year old man was brought into ED. He was found face down in thegarden by his daughter. According to the man he had been lying in thegarden for several hours, unable to get up. His temperature was 34 c. ECGgiven shows heart block. BP 100/40. What is the cause of his collapse?a. hypothyroidismb. acute myocardial infarct c. transient iscahemic attack d. hypotension3. Woman presenting with DVT. What is the immediate treatment?a. IV heparinb. s/c enoxaparinc. warfarind. aspirin4. 55 year old man, chronic smoker who presents with weight loss,haemetemesis and prolonged cough. He has a history of installinginsulation in old buildings for the past 30 years. CXR shows left sidedpleural thickening. What is the most likely diagnosis?a. small cell CAb. mesotheliomac. squamous cell CA5. 6 year old boy comes to your clinic with his mother. His mother says that he has been complaining of frontal headaches for the past 1 year. Hismum says that after a nap in a dark room he is well again. Mum alsomentions that she had migraines when she was a

young teenager. Noother examination info given. (Very bad history taking!)What would beyour first treatment?a. Send for MRI brainb. Paracetamol6. Elderly woman with symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. What would beyour treatment?7. What is the most common presentation of S1 injury?a. foot drop b. depressed ankle jerk c. parasthesia over S1 distribution8. Accountant who presents with tingling and parasthesia over mediannerve distribution over both hands. What is your diagnosis?a. carpal tunnel9. Young man who presents with dysuria and erythema and swelling, painover testes. On examination has thickened cord. Urinalysis showsinfection. What is the most common organism responsible for thiscondition?a. E Colib. Chlamydiac. Proteus mirabilis10. Young man who presents with hematuria. He had sore throat 2 days ago.What is the most likely diagnosis?a. post strep glomerulonephritisb. IgA nephritis11. 40 year old man with a 2 cm stone in his kidney on x ray. What is thetreatment?a. ESWLb. Potassium citratec. Surgeryd. Conservative and the stone will pass12.

Same scenario. 4 mm stone at cystoureteric junction with megaureter.What is the treatment?13. Woman with SLE symptoms. Diagnosis.14. 40 year old with cough and fever. On examination has dullness onpercussion over lower lobe and crepitations. What does this clinicalfinding mean?a. pleural effusionb. consolidationc. pneumothorax15. 73 year old lady who presents with left iliac fossa pain for the past 6hours. Associated with frequency of micturition. Examination showsrebound tenderness and guarding over left iliac fossa. Bowel habitsnormal. What is your next investigation?a. abdominal USSb. sigmoidoscopyc. colonoscopyd. urinalysis 16. How do you treat endocervical CA stage 2B?17. Picture of young man, post trauma. Left squaring of shoulder. Diagnosis?a. dislocated glenohumeral joint.b. Dislocated acromioclavicular joint 18. Young woman comes to GP worried about 2 flat brown macules on lerlower leg. Has not noticed any changes over the past few years. Likelydiagnosis? No picturea. SCCb. BCCc. Benign junctional naevi19. teenager with very bad acne comes to you the GP. How would you treat him?a. topical retiniodsb. oral retinoidsc.

benzoyl peroxide20. 15 year old girl brought to hospital by police. Was involved in a caraccident with her 21 year old boyfriend, who was the driver. The car wasa stolen vehicle. She does not want you to inform her family. What do youdo?a. b. Let the police tell her parentsc. Convince her 21 year old boyfriend to inform her parentsd. Promise not to tell her parents unless she requires surgicalmanagement 21. 4 year old brought in with carbamazepine poisoning several hours ago.(not specified how long) He is abit drowsy but able to speak and answerquestions. What do you do?a. admit to ward for observationb. dischargec. give activated charcoald. give syrup ipecac1. OCP - when to use the different kind of OCP, they give all brand names only, soi didn't have a clue!2. HRT - when to use for osteoporosis3. acute cholecystitis treatment 4. meningitis - diagnosis and treatment 5. acute appendicitis6. 2 abdo CTs - no idea what it was at all. some liver pathology maybe metastaticor primary CA7. diagonosis of aortic dissection8. diagnosis of endometriosis

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