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TOWN OF FAIRMOTINT HEIGHTS Mayor and Town Council TuesdaY, JanuarY 10,2012 Town Worksession


Mayor Lillie Thompson Martin Meeting calleclto Orcler: Prayer - Councilmember Aaron Wilson Town Manager - Loretta GaffneY are now on-line' Searching for Applications ror guiiing permits and Business licenses, is due in the ,turt working on internal controls' Mr' Godfrey personnel polices ,o I "u removal' There is a lot more to explore office qn Thursday, to finish pup"r*ork for snow information, I am hoping we can make about the speed cameras. Received some election the election is properly trained and up to date sure our judges and everyone affiliated with on what need to take Place. dated public Works - Received a bill from Gateway Tractor, they sent an invoice approved this invoice' I asked for a September a ana tney rfortea Carlton Whitiingham with Mr' Whittingham' he copy of bill and they complied. After a discussion the ut it. But he did not know it would cost acknowledged he did tell ihem to take a iook the tractor would cost Town atotalsum of $ i,000.00. carlton reports to repair then wittr frim today, the truck costs more to repair $10,000.00. Mr. Rick il*.r, I spoke touch will sevage the truck' I've been in it,s really worth. mwe turn o,r"1. ih" title they with regard to the Code Enforcer' with Monica ohnson, it".at of Social Services iog, it has to be filled out by the clerk or receptionist' Also starteA u "o*piuin, carried more people then it should have' I United Health Care -notic on an invoice it called the broker to discuss some particulars' mgr-fairmountheights@comcast'net' Email address - ,.,of for Town \iurrug.r. It is if that's okay with the tucker ioann'corncast'net Mrs. Tucker said *J"*tf remove Council. for no cost, " .rrrorcement job _ listed on the Maryland Excla.nge which would provide on the job A program the Town may be able to partiipate in itA"ittg Grant thatmay pay a peLson's salary for six months' that by the end o-f tryt month we I received a letrer rro* i" Clerk of the Circuit Court, taxes that arc due for businesses in the need to send a list of outstanding and clelinquent 44 vacant homes in the Town' municipality and for business permits. Ther arc for inspection of municipal center due to the per'son LGIT _ reschedur" "pp"l"tment being ill. amount of tirne we spend with the Attorney' Attor-ney - need to consicler the cost for the


1 OF 5

cluring some research I have been reaching out to our Municipality liaison. I have been that' on ou garage. Have been given a name to contact regarding of Environmental Resource, Gary Cinnirgham fi'om Prince George's County Departme't he will be helping us get back up to date'

Mayor Martin

PG I-Net there will be a -have been receiving e-mails from the office of Mary Anthony I sent a response Special Meeting on-Monday 23, Iantaty at the Marriott in Greenbelt, RSVP if you want to go' bck to them. They are negotiating a contract with Comcast. the phone number is 410-294-0844. Historic designation' It would be very significant to do something special because of our 'We have an official certif,rcate that came today' Program, they want -In March, the Historic African America Museum Women's History sing some songs' and come me to sperhead this. Fairmont Heights High School want-to will all be w; 'u" Eagle Harbor, North Brentwood, Fairmount Heights and Glen Arden call to March' I will in it. I am not sure of ihe date. We will host it and it will be in
recommend them to do here' io1^ 62nd Avenue property, but auditor was not -Attomey's Bili - the attorney "uro. court' -PGCMA sent a special notice on the 19th January 7:00 pm aI'9201Basil on the PGCMA Meeting hosted by County Executive office' There are 3 vacancies election will be on The Board of Directors. B-ml fssmall@laurel.md.us - Mr. Smalls. i6th February 2012. informed us they -Mrs. Gaffny and myself met with Mr. Melvin Robert's 2 sons. They IHOP' own IHOp in Southest, The only African American owned They are going to company' bus a to it around Thev were leasing the lot with the fence to do something ;;rf,;h "-ffi"i"uty. They are willing to work with the Townto keep it up because productive for the Town. They may need variance for the fence in agreement for it,s illegal. They also mentioned the renaming of the street' I wasn',t back. come can renaming the street. Mrs. Gaffney will call them so they Councilmember Saxon lot where Melvin's I would like to look at something for urban Renewal for the Crabhouse is located.

it on a SundaY.

Mayor Martin

Mr. Price talked about what Cheverly dicl but you need resources' these people down' when We neecl to brainstorm to see what we can do. it's harcl to track you pull the signs down they go right back and put them up again' Treasurer - Mrs. Wallcer It is time to sit We're six months irrto th" year, you will see a dtaftin your mailboxes' of businesses that ar.e down and start planning a draftfor the budget. Recejv_ed a list bitl is wrong' The accnrate. Receivecl uopy of letter aboutihe Health Insurance' The for them to adjust the bill' person was femoved from'the health insurance in enough time need to be updated' we need to do anothef suVey, the coverage is based on percentage it paid January bill, only paid for individuals who ale on coverage.

-iiit", on lightpoles -



Police Department - Chief Brooks the car sit for ayear Engine has been put in the white charger. We corrected the wheels, price was un'hutf. Blue ddge needed tires, we got the tires from Albert's tires, Thompson, who Will training. the field in 5442.00. Reserve Officer, Jarmel Gibson is I'm still waiting to hear final conflrrmation from the training commission. Two others just entered the pipeline. Talked to Captain Grant concerning the prostitution, tt t** traffickiing and Courtney house, the owner try to help young ladies was sent who are on the streets. Presented 20II 4th quarter crime statistics. UCR report being officers 3 more we have to FBI. My vision for the Town is that by springtime visible.

Councilmember Saxon When is Lindsey and Associates coming to give update? given them Mrs. Walker - replied when they have finished everything for 2010' I have what they need for 2011 internal control purposes' Councilmember Downing people I met with Mrs. Walker foiconsultation, I would like to increase salaries for the numbers' who work in the Town. I went to the Treasurer to have her work up Some Mayor Martin to that' We woulcl need that to be submitted in time for the budget, you can hold on Councilmember Saxon 4 and our Glover,s Garage is historic was built between 1955 - 1964. We are in Region Glen and Councilperron i, in Region 5. We afe supposed to collaborate with Cheverly will Arden. Data on Marblewood Lane concrning speed cameras. The Town Manager discuss when she get further information on it' Mayor Martin - do they have anything in writing on Glover's Garage. Concilmember Saxon - I will ask when I go to the next meeting. Mrs. Gaffney I am in touchwith the Prince George's County liaison' Councilmember Saxon Concorns about public meeting for bag tax' Mayor Martin We are during a second reading tonight. Councilmember Wilson clarification' Concems about bagtaxbeing a resoiution or Ordinance, I need Mrs. Gaffney It is a resolution. Mayor Martin the sign placed Mr.. Ulckundo'Oohrvaka delivered a stop sign, to the building. He want stop. br-rs at the 700 Block of 59th Avenue, the corner where the school Mrs. Gaffney I am still r'esealching information. It appears to be a three way stop' The 4tl' corner has to find no controlling sign,iraffic goes straight tlilough. There is a process and we have out what it is.

Mayor Martin We will put an explanation in the writing for him. Councilmember Wilson Would like someone to explain to me about how the signs are marked, the white lines? Also can we get some clarification of the process. Mrs. Gaffney That was part of my discussion at Prince George's County, that we have a ride along, so that we can identify things in the Town we want to do. Councilmember Downing Question about signs for snow emergency. Mrs. Gaffney Dealing with placement of the signs, in most jurisdictions the sign is posted that this a a snow emergency route. If you park on this side of the street your car will be towed. Mayor Martin Did we get the Attorney's response to the VFW and the minutes related to the space

Mrs. Gaffney
The information has been sent to the Attorney. Councilmember Saxon This is a Community Hub and there should, be another key, in case something happens. I don't see what's wlong with them coming in they asked if they could use it and put their files here. The VFW was in Cedar Heights. it is Fairmount Heights and Cedar Heights. We got this building for $100.00 and it's supposed to be Fairmount Heights Municipal Center. Why does it not say we are renting the Senior Center, we are not renting the building.

Mr. Jordan
Asking the Mayor ancl Council to consider turning over the complete downstairs to the Civic Association. The citizens have no place to go. Vy'e don't have any committees. I would like to have meetings for the citizens downstairs and the Councilmembers can 'We would like the Town to move forward. have meetings with their constituents. Public works job is to open and close the building. Councilmember Downing Lighting update, the lighting is completed, I'm waiting on an e-mail relating to the contractor, will have to reply back so they can ftnalize and get their money. Would iike to get some grant money, so Pepco could get involved though out the whole Town. Stated concerns of how seniors can update with enersy efficient.

come back.

pepco missed n", uooo*ment with

*,;" will have ro call here to


Councilmember'Wilson I want to formalize something for the Historic Presentation. I want to

input from the Civic Association, some citizens ancl various people.

if I can get



Mrs. Syphax

Ask CiiiZens Against Prostitution (CAPS) to do this with the Town in a friendly cooperative spirit. I guaranty we will have productivity. Councilmember Wilson V/ould like to have acommunity garden, with certain lots divided in certain parts of the Town, it would be open to people who live in the Town' Mrs. Syphax Is there any areas at Melvin's Crabhouse not paved? Mr. Jordan I have some history, there are oil tanks still in the ground at Melvin's Crabhouse' Councilmember Downing Asking the Civic Association if they would sponsor or gather information about a Town
vegetable stand.

Civic Association Earmarkd date for Prayer Breakfast, February 18,2012. Time 9:00 - 12:00. Fairmount Heights said they would love to come an sing. Triecl to invite people who have made history in this Town. Councilmember Wilson

Mrs. Caperq

Another concefft is trash PickuP' Works have putogether a holiday calendar for the whole year, in the hands of Public holiday manager. The tiash won't have to be left out, he will designate days around the to put trash up.

Mrs. Gaffney

Mrs. Syphax
Want t know about the house on62nd Avenue. Mayor Martin We can't discuss details because it's still being worked on' Mrs. Tucker read Resolution FHR 05-11 by Motion made by Councilmember Wilson to go into Executive Session and seconded Councilmember Saxon

Meeting adjourned

rur Tucker,







rs-35 )a *


6100 Jost Street Fairmount Heights, Maryland 20743 (301) 925-8585 or 8586 Fax: (301) 925-8977

Monthly Report - January/February 2Ot2

Historical Preservation * Town Historical District Designation on the County Level Historic Preservaton Frederick Stachura, P|anning Coordinator, Planning Department, M-NPPc and
Section, M-NCPPC Council in Fairmount Heights Establishment of a Historic Preservation


General Meetings .l Town Manager Loretta GaffneY

Garden Program and Personnel Discussed Logistics with Community Program Esther V. Mitchell, Maryland Extension



Program within the Town Establishing a Community Garden

Planned Meetings/Objectives

Marvland MuniciPal League

r .:. *

Prince Georges

(oMo) Orientation for Municipal officials e Training Session for Newly Elected Municipal Officials County Municipal Association Meetlng

Meeting M-NcPPC Hstortcal Preservaton Commission

Reoresent the Town before the Commlssion



su!.f tie!.;;r

-. ':tr,',,,,i;:,it:'!|,'tfr{Aaron M. Wilson, Council Member

"A Government that serves its People"


Town Meeting
January t8,20]'2

Present: MayorMartin,CouncilmemberDodson,CouncilmemberSaxon,CouncilmemberDowning,CouncilmemberWilson, Councilmember Leftwich, Councilmember Saunders

Callto Order: Mayor Lillie Thompson Martin Prayer - Councilmember Downing

Flag Salute

Approvql of Minutes - Worksession December t6,2OI1- and Town Meeting December 2L,20L1-. Motion made by Councilmember Wilson to approve minutes for Worksession December 1-6, 20LL and Town Meeting Decemb er 21", 2O!1,, motion second by Councilmember Dodson. Councilmember Saunders Aye, Councilmember Leftwich Aye, Councilmember Wilson Aye, Mayor Martin Aye, Councilmember Dodson Aye, Councilmember Downing Aye, Councilmember Saxon Nye. Minutes have been approved for Worl<session December 16'n and Town Meeting December 2L,201-1'. Treasurer's Report - Mrs. Walker Report on file Received quarterly report from Police Aid Lexus Nexus Month December $5.00 Month of January Lexus Nexus sent additional money 525.00 for a copy of report. It is time to start working on the budget. Motion to accept the Treasurer's Report made by Councilmember Downing, second by Councilmember
Wilson. Councilmember Saunders Aye, Councilmember Leftwich Aye, Councilmember Wilson Aye, Mayor Martin Aye, Councilmember Dodson Aye, Councilmember Downing Aye, Councilmember Saxon Nye' Motion approved. Police Department - Chief Brooks 30 day warning for speed camera will be taking effect. Report on file for October, November and December This site will show you what the calls for service were - www.spgtcrime.net Chief Brooks - Our biggest issue were thief, Captain Grant gave me some information that there is an uptake of burglaries in District 3. We have been added to their data base so when we get

information about burglaries we can feed lt to them.



Mrs. Capers -Today I heard on Wtop, they were during a survey to see if people wanted a GPS alarm that will notify you when you go into a high crime areas. Chief Brooks - they would probably come here, we are not considered a high crime area. Councilmember Saxon - do you notify County when you leave. Chief Brooks we do collaborate with them about our manpower. Motion to accept Police Department Report made by Councilmember Wilson and second by Councilmember Leftwich. All Ayes. Police Department Report has been approved for the month.
Mrs. Tucker - read third reading of the Bag Tax Resolution FHR 05-11.

Mayor Martin
We need to add Tiffany Alston's name to Resolution FHR 05-11. Mr. Jordan - | have an issue with government taxing us for bags when they use non-profiteers to clean

the Bay I say no. Councilmember Saxon -the comment lwant to make is, the County Executive Baker is for it, and some of the others. They said they want to use the money for a school and to clean the Chesapeake. Councilmember Wilson - | have spoke with several citizens in this Town and the majority say no to the
bag tax.

Mrs. Patricia Waiters - what did some of the other Councilmember's find out and bring back to the table in regard to the Bag Tax?

Mayor Martin I have talked to a few people about the bag tax and they have said no also' I would like to know the pleasure of the Council. Councilmember Dodson - most people have said no, some people show they are against the bag tax by walking out the store carrying groceries in their hands, they don't want to pay a bag tax. Motion made by Councilmember Wilson to accept Resolution FHR 05-11 and make correction to add Tiffany Alston's name on resolution, second by Councilmember Saunders. Councilmember Saunders Aye, Councilmember Leftwich Aye, Councilmember Wilson Aye, Mayor Martin Aye, Councilmember Dodson, Councilmember Downing Nye, Councilmember Saxon Nye. Chief Brooks - Our biggest issue were thief, Captain Grant gave me some information that there s an uptake of burglaries in District 3. We have been added to their data base so when we get information about burglaries we can feed it to them.



Town Manager's Report - Mrs. Gaffney in search for a Code There are a lot of loose ends. we have a number of things going on, we are permits and there are some Enforcement officer, we have had some success with issuing business there are many things that challenges we had to work on as well. We continue to utilize our building, putting out fires' need repair, we continue to work on the infrastructure. I have been basically

Mayor Martin cameras in the back and on a daily basis I want to add there is a meeting with Beckford on the speed so we can have a good she has done so many things. She's trying to get everything organized on Monday, w e have meeting infrastructure. That is a goO accomplishment, we have another Meeting' another meeting tomorrow at 7:00 pm with the sustainable community to know what you are want I citizens the you before stand Mrs. waiters - | expected a report, when

Councilmember Downing -asked about the snow removal' for the person's signature' Mrs. Gaffney - we have put together a contract, we are waiting you had a question about the stop sign? Mayor Martin - next on the agenda Mr. ukkundo'oohwaka forthe stop sign' We wanted to make There are 3 stop signs there and we discussed safety concerns to the county to make sure our regulations sure it was put up correctly. The Town Manager called down the first of next week the were insync with the county and what was stlpposed to be done. Around
sign should be uP.

and children are waitingfor Mr. Ukkundo,Oohwaka-the reason why is because people are speeding the bus and there is no stoP sign. lhave nothing againstthe stop councilmemberwilson- lam stillconcerned aboutthe rightof way' make sure it's properly put up' to sign. I ask that some type of report be given the council. I still want my child and Mrs. Shelton's child Councilmember Dodson -the reason I want the stop sign is because slrelton's child's leg was broke when he was hit by cars there. My child was knocked airborne and Mrs. corridor Mr' Sonny was little. A person thatiive at 606 was hit and recent on the 59th granddaughter was hit. They turn the corner on 2 wheels every morning' Swan's

Mayor Martin's RePort first 4 Historical Towns' Last Saturday at 5:oo p.m., I attended a grand opening for the InMarchtheywi||behostinganeventhere,atFairmountHeights. neighborhood to commemorate Monday past I went to capitol Heights, they marched through the Martin Luther King's BirthdaY' Museum event' Councilmember Saunders - | also attended the African America way, and I received a request councilmember Leftwich- the Newsletter for the spring edition is under fromanon-profittrainingsourcetodoasma||advertisement. people LaVern McCall who Councilmember Wilson - attended a funeral for one of our late Town ' Preservation l'm requesting each organization ;;;;;;;il"-zz,o orDecember. In regardsto Historc as a Historic District. help have a formal celebration in recognizing the Town to get a little more information' Also, I would like to have a co-op Farm within the Town. I am trying would like to see if there are citizens willing to wort< on it to reap the benefits'


Mrs. Gaffney
MD Co-Operative Extension , they are set up to help individuals as well as Towns with projects such as these. They are on the website. Councilmember Dodson -attended African American Art Museum event -participating with the Civic Association -on Saturday February 1"8,2012 we will be during a Prayer breakfast -set aside March 2, hopefully we will develope a Social Club for dancing for adults to come out on Friday nights.
- attended homegoing of two of our citizens that were hit by the car Mildred Freeman Thomas and MichaelThomas. Everyone was at this homegoing from 80 year olds to infants' to bring I mentioned that we are on the Historic Register and if they have any pictures or Xeroxed copies Day May participating in our to forward looking are we can see how far we have come today. They


Councilmember Downing -attended a Legislative Reception, that was held in Annapolis' -met with Fepco about energy efficient lights for the parking lot and how to light our Town better -attended African American Museum -speed cameras on 59th and 61st, the lady from Beckford said we couldn't put a box on the street because of parking situation, suggested we outfit a police carforthe interim period. Councilmember Saxon our town I don't do reports. Marblewood Lane want us to annex with them water is running through Town. around flows River Anacostia and those potty John people knock things into the river. The Marblewood Lane is used as a dumping ground. They say Neal with the Junk yard is illegal over there' 24th municipality have a legislative board and I sit on that Board' Councilmember Saxon I have been going to Annapolis every Friday 9:00 am - 12:OO to the Delegation for Prince Georges meeting. They are trying to put us in 6 or 7 which is bad. They are not going to do anything for us' L0 houses on 62nd and 61't, the easement is in 6. Seat Pleasant is taking all our taxes. Councilmember Wilson - attended a funeral for one of our late Town people , LaVern McCall who passed on the Z3'd of December. In regards to Historic Preservation l'm requesting each organization help have a formal celebration in recognizing the Town as a Historic District' Civic Association - Mrs. CaPers I am very pleased to be here thanks to someone we are on the histor:ical register. going I really came here to invite you to the Prayer Breakfast. lt will be here on the lower level' I am in livng about possible. I am excited prayer as breakfast to try to put as much history out in this Fairmount Heights.



Mrs. Waiters - Homeless Veterans I want to thank the citizens for their contributions to the Homeless Veterans. The numbers were much
higher this year.

Mr. Jordan - Your President has turned VA around. Obama is helping the vets. Tell any vets you know to get medical care, and to apply for jobs, the funds are coming in. Election Board - Mrs. Shelton The Election willbe on May7, three candidates positions are available. On February 4or lLtn we will have registration, deadline is April 6'n Good Friday. Application for Permit Applied for Business permit for Convenient Store at5426 Addison Road Not sure what store hours will be maybe 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM. I want to open on March Lst. Mrs. Gaffney - you are scheduled to be on Worksession. Citizen Participation L. Explain Town's Plan for Snow Removal There was an insurance issue, we have someone else here that will be bidding. We have a

contract and a proposal. 2. Details about Town snow truck. It was towed to County, would cost SL5,000 to repair. 3. Status of Town Center Roof and Air Conditioner Unit? It will be covered under CDBG Grant, 4. Explain status of fingerprinting problem? Need to discuss with Chief to give live scan update. 5. Explain status of new police radios that started with Pat Waiters? They are back in the safe as far as I know. 6. Explain status of new tag readers? We were supposed to get that grant, we missed it for that year. We will try again in upcoming year. 7. What is Ethics Committee status on complaint filed against Councilmember Saxon demanding money from Tattoo Parlor? We have a new Ethics Committee and it would have to be submitted again. lt was not addressed by the previous Administration. 8. What is status of 5500.00 that is owed to VFW commander, Mr. Parker? We addressed that in the last meeting. The paperwork that accompanied that went to Park and Planning has been notarized by me and it's been mailed off by our Town Clerk. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM





Worksession TuesdaY, FebruarY 14, 2012


present: Mayor Martin, councilmember Dodson, councilmember saxon, councilmember Downing, Councilmember Wilson' Councilmember Saunders

Open Prayer

MaYor Lillie ThomPson Martin Councilmember Aaron Wilson Police Department Report - Chief Donoven Brooks There is an issue with crs being stolen and dropped off here in Fairmount


) Repiesentative from Dr. Tignorls Office - Edith Chapman and Karl Sullivan From Prince George's county office of committee Relations To file a complaini, call 301-8 83-6170, www.princeseorgesmd.gov - for mediations or to prevent discrimination claims'

5710 Kolb Street Fairmount Heights, 20743 Dip & Sons, they asked what the Town was going to do with those parcels? hey went to the County, they said it was zoned commercial and it could not revert back to R55. Councilmember Saxon - stated it converts back to R55 after it's vacant for 18 months, it need to go back to Park and Planning' Mayor Martin - stated that was not true. councilmember Downing - I thought if we agree we can change this back to residential. councilmember Saxon - they said we are grandfathered in. Mayor Martin - If we agreethana letter need to go to that office to the coniact person, Mr.White, to staft the process to revert to residential' The letter said it doesn't automatically revert back to R55' Motion made by Councilmember Downilg to change commercial lot at 5710 Kolb Street to residential, motion seconded by Councilmember



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Mayor Martin Aye, Councilmember'Wilson Aye, Councilmember Saunders Aye, councilmember Downing Aye, councilmember Dodson Aye. Councilmember Saxon Abstain. Ayes have it. Councilmember Leftwich absent due to birth of baby girl'

Mayor Martin - asked what is the concern about the fencing at 5710 Kolb Street? Dip & Sons - would like a letter stating they need to take the black
sheeting around the fence down. The Council Agree by Common Consent that the black sheeting around the fence need to be removed. Treasurer's Report - Mrs. Walker Report on file. Th Mayor has the first draft of the working document of the budget. Time to look at Budget for 2013. Last year we didn't do furloughs. The auditors asked for follow-up information, I have sent it to them. They can't do fiscal year 2011 until they finish 2010. There was outstanding debt with The worthy Team and also outstanding debt with L&M Marketing. Everything is caught up, I would like to talk about paying off long term debts. Mayor Martin - I received this letter today from the State of Maryland, Dejartment of Taxation. The 2012 and 2013 constant yield tax rate, this is for the budget. Mrs. Capers - made an announcement about the Black History Prayer Breakfast. It will start at 10:00 AM, the guest speake will be Judge Alexander V/illiams, the first back federal judge in Prince George's County' We sent those businesses names down to the County and they will be flagged.

Line of credit, }/;ay 25,2012tkuough May 25,2073 Bank of America - we need to keep this line of credit $50,000.00. We want to charge $500.00 for line of credit.

Mayor Mal'tin


02/14/2012 PAGE 2 OF

Town Manager's Report - Mrs. Gaffney We have a snow contract, the winner of the contract didn't have all his credentials So we chose another contractor, U.S. Lawns from Montgomery

Councilmember Dodson - how long is the contract for? Mrs. Gaffney - Snow Contract It,s a 3 year contract $3,500.00, you have 30 days to write a lettel if your want to resolve the contract. We have $5,000 in the budget for snow removal. They have been out once. Mr. Richard Hilmer, from the County office called about the dump truck, to dispose of the truck you will need to do a resolution, to lepair dump truck it would cost $15,000. Disposal of dump truck - I have written a resolution an will email it to each of you for comment. Code Enforcement position - received 2I applications for the Code Enforcement position. Picked the top three and have made a decision and will talk about that in Executive session. Councilmember Saxon - how much did we get from the insurance for the pickup truck? 'Carltn Whittingham - $4,300.00 was received for the pickup truck from LGIT. Motion made by Councilmember Saxon to agree to dispose of the Town dump truck and Councilmember Dodson second the motion' All Ayes. Motion approved.

Mrs. Gaffney - we had our LGIT inspection, we did pretty good with LGIT, the only problem was the f,rre extinguishers we have f,tre extinguishers, but they had not been checked for a while' 'we have 3 bids from (i) Trippe (2) Atlantic Fire and Safety and (3) Maryland fire Equipment. Muyor Martin, councilmember saxon and myself attended the I-Net
strategic meeting that was held. WSSC -replacing infrastructure pipes, they are asking for a waiver.




Need a signed letter for them to move forward on fxing the pipes. They are waiting for our word before they come in and f,rx the pipes. Had a work stop order on 5509 Addison Road. Mrs. Virgil want to open a business called "This and That". She was here on January 11,2072. The address is 5426 Addison Road. It is leased to P & G Enterprise. What is the pleasure of the Council? Mayor Martin - Common Consent, is everyone in agreement? Council agreed by common consent. Received complaint from Mr. Ukkundo'Oohwaka that the Town need a leash and pooper scooper ordinance. -Councilmember Dodson - we would need to put signs up that there is a leash law in the Town. Councilmember Downing - we would also need to put flyers out' Mrs. Gaffney asking the council approval to get a file cabinet for the

Town Clerk. Approval was given by the Council' Mrs. Gaffney I talked to Maurice and Tania from Beckford, in the original contract, paragraph3, bullet 4, credit card transaction fees. Beckford said they *o,tld pass through all of the credit card fees directly to the Town' I said no we re not going to do that. What I proposed was that all convenient fees associated with the use of the credit card will remain with the credit card holder They also talked about 3 notices: First notice, would be actual citation, Second notice, would be late notice, Third notice, occurs when citation holder fails to respond to any ' notices Fourth notice, citation holder notified of flag status
We are lacking speed lirnit signs to notify residents of the speed lirnit. Requesting Beckford to send 6 signs for 35 mile speed limit, and also requesting 7 signs for 30 mile speed limit.


02/14/2012 PAGE 4 OF

MMLSummerConference_weneedanaccuratecountwho'sgoingto per ( MML Summer conference, there is $5,000.00 in the budget' $714
person). LGIT Board LGIT agreemenr-need signing off on. This is the 3'd time the 30' 20lI' of Governors have sent agreement out, it's dated June

pm' in honor of A Place of Our Own - Suday, March 25th 3:00 -6:00 budget for special Women's i-Iistory Month. We have $3,500 in the

aside at least $250'00 councilmember Downing made a motion to set Saunders' toward women's History-, motion second by councilmember Councilmember Mayor Martin Aye, Councilmember Saunders' Aye' il'o" Aye, councilmember Dodson Aye, councilmember Downing Aye, Councilmember Wilson Abstain'

MayorMartin-yesterdayalltheheathadgoneoutinthebuilding,I Slade from Slade Heating called Mr. Slade in on un.l-n.l.g.n"y basis' Mr. andAirConditioning.$l0,000inLineltemforbuildingmaintenance'
CouncilmemberDo"wning_statedtheCouncilneecltomakesome decisions concerning the roof' with the Countv' ;;;;ii;.mber Wihon - First, Historic designation get on at the county level' Mr. Tumer think we should start the process to 11:00 - 1:00 pm' African American Grant Writing - March 10' a five person group' Second, Town Preservation Council want for community garden' ffi; M;;yland co-operative Extension Project garden' Would like to have a rigtt-"p sheet for the community
Executive session' Motion made by councilmember wilson to go into second by Councilmember Downing' Meeting adjourned at 11:15 PM





TOWN OF F'AIRMOUNT HEIGHTS Mayor and Town Council Town Meeting Wednesduy, February 15, 2012
Present Mayor Lillie Thompson Martin

is a major emergency like a According to the Charter the Town Meeting is scheduled for tonight, unless there etc. snowstorm, earthquake


Mayor Lillie Thompson Martin

Flag Salute Minutes - will be aPProved in March. that Mayor Martin - theowo Manager, is in the back working on a trial newsletter' in ,r**rl.tt"r, it does talk about the program the civic Association will have this saturday, he started right at 10:00 AM. The guest speaker tt* a historic nature with the Town, here in the Town of Fairmount Heights. He was ow fust attorney' Civic Association - Mrs. Ukkundo'Oohwaka Breakfast' We want everyone to come out and really erdoy themselves, atthe Prayer Ethics Committee - It4rs. Ukkundo'Oohwaka We have talked and we have heard of no problems' Treasurer's Report - Mrs. Walker Police Department's Report - Sgt. John Morris Chief Broks apologized for not being here, his wife was ill. Report for January: parking 2 airests, 3 stolen vehicles, 5 impounds, 10 state citations, 72 warrttngs, 5 citations, 3 repair orders, Addison The Town put up a stop sign on 59th Avenue. Be carefill on SheriffRoad and Road the police sit there writing tickets for speeding' The Speed limits posted are: 30 mies per houion Addison Road, 35 miles per hour on Sheriff Road and 35 miles per hour fi'om Balsamtree to Eastrn Avenue I also had 3 calls for seruice. Mayor Martin - you are doing a good job. We see you riding by and we can always call you. Mrs. Ukkundo'Oohwaka - the stop sign is mainly for the kids. it won't generate enough revenue for Mayor Martin - as far as the .p""d "a*"ras Bcckford. If you don't get a iot of traffic they won't take a contract. Mrs. Keith - In January, Sg, Morris is still very much involved in Citizens Against prostitution. Sgt. Morrs accompanied myself and other citizens to testifu in the District


T OF 3

and last month. It was great having an officer ther. During his time off he is helpful also attends meetings with us- Thank you. Mayor Martin - I saw Evette Alexander at the memorial service of Mrs. Jane ThomasTown Manger - Mrs. GaffneY First off we have atrall sample of aNewsletter' of Councilmember Wilson contacted Maryland Co-operative Extension at the University Maryland, community Garden Project, they are going to work with him' the Beckford is the compny handling the speed cameras. I have not finished all of to be paperwork, had a meting with thm thii afternoon, there is still a couple of things

iigneO. Will begin our 30 day waming period' going on' Nxt, we have new complaini forms in the offrce to correct and resolve what is come Animal control - Fairrnount Height's adopted Prince George',s county codes, they poop you under Title 3, it basically says yout animal has to be on a leash' If your animal haveto scoop. We will be sending out flyers' Reininder - Election is coming up soon. couple of WSSC will be coming through working on the infrastructure. The next,
months WSSC will be repairing pipes. grant. LGIT LGIT - the tempor*y ,"iling,l i remind them that we had applied for a gteat' did we lt us know wht we were doing right or \ryong. Except for the ceiling, at Addison Helena Virgil - applied for buslness license for "This andThat', store located Road- passed bY Courcil. I interviewed for a code Enforcer, had2l applicants. will be contacting the person we are going to ofler the job. for t-Nt tnrough strategic planning through Comcast and Comcast putting in Broadband the entire CuntyNtw*. Maybe will cost between $3,000 - $5,000. A Stop sign wilibe placed at 59ih Place. The Council has gone for training tonight. truck. Looking ior a smailr dump truck, need a resolution to dispense of the old dump Wiil b;tarring a new filing system, last night the Council did approve of a locking file

Councilmember Wilson's - Report on file. Mayor Martin f wfu summarize what Councilmember'Wiison left for his report. Contacted David Turner conceming Town Historic designation on the County level' ro He contacted Maryland Co-Operative Extension at the University of Maryland, *up sheet is available for those concerning establishing a Community Garden. A sign

va:ndalizedit abeady,they put graffiti all over the back of it' The shop, by the r*" oi fOtZO at the comer of Addison Road and Sheriff Road have moved out. I attended Grand Opening for the African American Culfural Center.

Mayor Martin's RePort they have put benchs up

at the bus stops and the one on Addison Road, someone has


Harbor, The first four African American Towns showcased were North Brentwood,Eag\e Glen Arden and Fairmount Heights. pm - 6:00 pm' They will have a Women's Program on Sunday, March 25,2072 at 3:00

Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 Pm


02/t512012 PAGE 3 OF 3

Monthly Report

February/March 2Ot2

Historical Preservation

Historical Preservation Com mittee

Aaron wilson, Adina Keith, John williams, Daisy capers, patricia waiters o Committee will focus on Planning for the Town's National Historic Register Ceremony and issues with Historical preservation with the town. First Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 22 aT7:3o PM in the Municipal Center t David Turner, Chairman of the Historical Preservation Commission of prince Georses

Planning Department, M-NPCC will be in attendance African American Heritage Preservation program Grant


Offers Grant funding for projects include acquisition, construction, capital improvement, and certain predevelopment costs for African American heritage properties.

projects that can qualify for the grant.

Attended Meeti ngs/Events * Maryland Municipal League Orientation for Municipal Officials


Fairmount Heights civic Association Black Historv praver Breakfast

African American Heritage Preservation program Grant Workshop


+ *

nned Meeti ngs/Objectives Meeting with Town Treasurer, Susan Walker

Farmount Heights Community Garden Meeting

Monday, October 10 at 7 PM

Respectfu lly Subm itted

Aaron M. Wilson



JohnnY Saxton Mayor Martin - announced Program Hair Story and A Crowning Affair at Fairmount Heights High School. I aqr happy we are going to be part of it. On June 9th Tommie roadwatet,T}th birthday party will be held at the Broadwater Mansion in Upper Marlboro. Tickets are $65.00 per person' Introduction of the Code Enforcement Officer - Mr. Sylvester Vaughns Mayor Martin - stated that in this weeks Gazette, there will be an article about the Code enforcer. Treasurerts Report- Mrs. Susan Walker Report on file Bon Bill - we expressed interest to pay bond off. Mr. Day would like to have a proposed payoff date. When we get a date he can then give an u-ouni or estimate. The levy notice has to be sent in a little earlier this year. Councilmember Downing - asked if we have an amusement tax? Mrs. Walker - replied no we don't have an amusement tax. Councilmember Downing - asked why is account payable negative? The accounts that are negative is due to prior postings, because of adjusting entries to clear out old accounts. Those accounts were addressed when 2009 audit was done. Aflac, the Town do not pay Aflac insurance. It's a fringe benefit that employees are entitled too. Intrnl controls, there 's been no recent acquisitions. There will always be recommendations from an auditor. I don't look at recommendations as negatives. We should be working on the budget for 2013 year.




Police Department's Report - Chief Brooks Statistics 9 stolen vehicles 4 impounds, 2 MV A,2 arrests on warrants, 27 traffic citations, 14 warnings, 8 parking citations fg neaer Program window was missed. It closed August t7,20II. Mayor that was an effor on their part in the governor's offiie. is up and TheV released $12,000, $3,000 at a time. Once speed aaffrera running, the tag reader will be able to pick tags up' Talked-io caplainGrant and Ms Keith they are going to make the detail permanent. UCR reports are uP to date. soon. Sapp Giant - we should be getting some money from them norpro-ing C9PS Granf-first 3 years they pay the officers, this year April 9' ttrey Witt institute this again. Will Thompson is having a hearing Officer Geeters is just about f,rnished training' for Councilmember u*on - mentioned Fairmount Heights have contract the Library. don't Mrs. Walker - we didn't have verbage for single soufce vendors, think we did a resolution.

Town Managerts Report - Mrs' Gaffney ! business rs As the Town Managei it is my business to make sure the Town's that's running the way it's suppose too. My business is- t^o know everything going n in the Town. Beckford I have not heard from. 1 more Chief Brooks - one step in the process, I failed to mention we have training session. at Councilmember Downing - I talked to Tangie, will meet here Friday'
3:30 pm conceming sPeed camera.




Town Manager

Tuesday, Feb.2l report and20l0 uniform Handout 1A - questions, Fiscal z}l},Financial 19 Sec' 40' I hope you get Financial Report, ,r" xu"mber 1, 2010 Article in the habit of meeting deadlines' you' When you miss 3 of these they want to discotporate

- Mrs' GaffneY

Wegot3I.C.E.q""t.'forphysicalneedsassessment.Theywilltellus was under $700'00 to do what,s wrong wiir the builing. Best estimate
entire building.

with I'c'E' we got three bids' councilmember Dodson - My question is

Mrs. Gaffn.V

were 4 councilmembers notified?

- t"pfied no. Didn't

be realize less than $700'00 need to

and councilmember wilson Public works - councilmember saunders pir"rr* purchasing a more up to date truck' worked hard to find us a truck.

because of the holidaY'

with the County' Mr. Cunningham need a Memorandum of Understanding need an ordinance and Town I learned Prince George's is self-insured. we
Codes as stringent as the CountY'

CouncilmemberDowning_Bulktrashfeesneedupdating. a 501C' Iiyou start charging for Former Mayor Mines - in. Town have you
to a business, then individual pickup you have converted Town attorney' jeopardiz. yor;t SOIC. That's an issue for year




Councilmember Saunders
be hauled on the truck.

- expressed concern food items and salt would

Former Mayor Saxton

Recommended the Council confer with Carlton for the needs of the truck. How often the truck will be used, what the use will be. Councilmember Leftwich - has been out due to the delivery of her daughter. Will have a report for the Town Meeting. Councilmember Wilson - reported on Historical Preservation'Workshop he attended. Councilmember Dodson - if you are interested you can attend a Committee Meeting next Tuesday at 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm to help with Mayday - Muy 19,2012 Reading of Resolutions - Mrs. Tucker FHR 0l-12, FHR 02-12' FHR 03-12 and FHR 04-12.

- explained prior use of the pick-up truck.

Motion made by Councilmember Dodson to approve FHR 03-12 Resolution for Reinvestment and under Sustainable Community, seconded by Councilmember Downing. Councilmember Saunders-4y., Councilmember Wilson-Aye, Mayor Martin- Ay., Councilmember Dodson-Aye, Councilmember Downing-Ay", Councilmember Saxon-abtained Councilmember Leftwich-had to leave meeting early.
Councilmember Saxon - update on historical money from the County. Had for school, we didn't give him any money. The County is getting ready to do work on Veterans Monument. They called me today. Grace Methodist got $38,000. Petro working with them. Pittman House we give her money'




Lgit -physical needs inspectioOn of building' LGIT is helping ,.ront"" for Personnel manual' Ms. Syphax- 523 Eastern Avenue

to provide

done on property around Hearing was held concerning an addition that was gave them an alley' 2007. It has not been resolved yet. Someone in Town resolve this' Ms. Syphax stated she is going to get an attorney.to to the coat drive' Mrs. Waiters - thanked ",r"ryonJfor their contributions should go back to the Former Mayor Mines - it was mentioned that money to address tund. Th;;; is no line item for Public Works' We need


issuewithTownManageroversteppingbounds.TownManagerand and Council not on same Treasurer not on the sare page. Town manager
pa1e, also the


FormerMayorSaxton-Ireinteratewhatthemansaidabout person here and they communication. It could have been some important light in the circle' would have said we are not together. we also need since attending Mrs. Waiters - asked if you ull huu" a vision or mission
those meetings on sustainable communities?


Road corridor' Mayor Martin - * vision is developing the sheriff Hamilton's building' Mrs. waiters -.on".* about trash uttt uy Mr. to the county' councilmember Downing - stated they belong old trees are falling Ms. syphax - the Town l,ook banen and run down, committee' over. vacant properties. we need a beautif,rcation





F mf r rct o

e ral { eg l s P s ff, c e ep {Erl se al 610t "fosr ,9reet Farnaan.t Eleigl''ts, iUI 2t743 Phone 301-883-9472 Fnu30I-883-952

Officer's l{ane:






T'otal calls for service; lVumler of i'epors;














CmATtN ilri LII:




fr Cs'


T'ofatr mumber of u'rests:

, .State Citaion:
Warnings: Vehicle frnpounds:
Tofal'hou's lvorked:

*/ -----T

._) -74-

SER0's: Farking Citations:



i i


pRESENT: Mayor Luie


councilmember Leftwich'

MaYor Lillie ThomPson Martin Prayer Councilmember Downing Flag Salute


Mayor's Moment it will be atFairmount would like to share information about Hair story, HeightsHighschool3:00pmto6:00pm.onJuneg,TommieBroadwater Mansion in lJpper ?;innJy celebration will be atthe Broadwater wefe well represented. I had an night,we 24 District cost $65.00. Marlboro, Historic Museum we will be interview March 12 atthe African Aerican
part of a documentarY' r"urur"r's RePort - lvlrs' Walker Report on file to approve the Treasurer's Report' Motion made by councilmember saxon 11 Ay"t. Treasurer's Report motion second uy corrn"ilmember Dodson.
has been aPProved

Guest - Mary AnthonY, I-Net Program work together' The Update on I-Net,*orrt, like the ZVfunicipalitiesto Need Public Hearing in April or May' needs assessment will start in April. Wednesday May 9,2012 at 12:30 Fairmount Heights will be interviewed on City Hatl' 120 days by Law' pm with third P;rty. ft *tlt be held at Greenbelt Comcast agreement 1999 '


0312112012 1 OF 9

Documents needed: 1. Current Comcast franchise agreement 2. pafcipation legislation 3. round June 2011 should have received a copy of letter from Comcast regarding franchise negotiations. Estimated costs to budget in FY 2013 Based on2010 census population and will include cost for attorneys and need assessment. Approximate cost for Fairmount Heights is $500' rc1% - when yor ro-. aboard, you should get 2 checks from all the cable providers 1%o ftanchise fee - money earmarked for network' 5Yo frdnchise fee - probably getting 5Yo now' Public access is free. Mr. Jordan - we need a list of what is being offered by Comcast. Mary Anthony - Comcast is not going to share certain information' gg agreement there are things that Comcast has not done. Mr. JoiOan - What liability does the Town have as an franchise authority? Mary Anthony - the power is you own the Right of Way Police Department Report - Chief Brooks Statistics for March We had 3 calls for servic e,2 arrests on warants, still having problems with stolen vehicles being abandoned here. 27 state citations, 14 waming,5 impounds. Still working on getting the speed cameras installed. I have been in contact with Governof's Ofn", the Cops grantwill be coming back' We will be bringing in an Administrative Assistant.

Mayor Martin

weekends they have been leaving large amounts of trash.


- concerns about people using the park, for the last couple of

urrd ro*. were playing tennis, had to ask some of them to move cars off grass. M... Waiters stated we don't have any control of the park, if there is a teamplaying it's first come, first serve. There are restrictions but you have

Sgt. Morris

- stated they were having a Kick Ball Tournament in the park

to contact Park and Planning. Mr. Jordan - asked if the police ever thought about establishing a partnership with some real estate offices like Remax, FILID or some morrgage company like that for police to spot check vacant properties so gef $50.00 or $100.00 police -Cni.f can Brooks - stated no, he had never thought of tha1. Would have to seek approval from the Mayor and Council to explore and get some legal advice. Mtion made by Councilmember Saxon and second by Councilmember Leftwich. Approval of Police Department's report Minutes for approval Councilmember Saxon - when they went to training the minutes should reflex the correction - February 15. Motion to approve January and February minutes. Mayor maiiin- Minutes approved for January'Worksession and Town Meeting and February Worksession and Town Meeting' Motion to approve Minutes for January and February. Motion tnu. by Councilmember Dodson and second by Councilmember Downing. Board of Elections - made an announcement in the Worksession , Election is on }r/ray 7 - date for Election. There will be 3 Councilmember vacancies for the Town Council. Civic Association Mr. Jordan- the Civic Association has met, we had a dance Saturday night. The most important thing we talked about was providing space for citizens of the Town to meet on a regular basis. We are talking about downstairs,
03t21/2012 PAGE 3 OF 9

making that space available to the seniors. So we are laboring the Mayor and Council to consider allowing the Civic Association to have a key to the downstairs. When can we expect a determination? Mr. Jordan - the Civic Association is interested in acquiring Glover's Garage,Kenneth Glover, who was an Attorney donated the building to the Town of Fairmount Heights in 1999. Today, nothing has happened to the building. It's an eye sore. We think the Civic association cart do something with the building. Mrs. Ukkundo'Oohwaka - we would like to stress the fact that we want to open it up to the community. We have no Community Center here. That's our biggest objective, is to open it up as a Community Center. Mayor Martin - we have not received anything in writing to see what the pro's and con's are. Ethics Committee - Mrs. llkkundo'Oohwaka My colleagues and I submitted a complaint. We received a complaint submitted by Councilwoman Saxon where she is seeking reimbursement from u lvnL payment out of pocket. So in order to make a recommendation to you as to what need to be done, I'm asking for 2009 - 2010 Wworksession minutes, So we can review them So we can come back to you with our recommendations. Mrs. Ukkundo'Oohwaka - I would like atape of the March'Worksession. Town Managerts Report - Loretta Gaffney Introduction of Code Enforcement Offrcer - Mr. Sylvester Vaughns Mr. Vaughns Discussion on replacing a chain link fence. Your Code prohibits leplacing a chain link fence.


0312U2012 PAGE 4 OF 9

Mrs. Ukkundo'Oohwaka

outdated you suggest to the Mayor and Council that we change that' input' also would like to give the citizens the opportunity to give their

or - if you find something that's not suitable We

Mrs. Loretta GaffneY 5' On April 6, Good Friay the trash will be picked up on Thursday April part of Sustainable Communitis application will go in on March 30, we are
the Blue Line Project. Mr. Jordan - I though it was a standing order that the trash truck was supposed to be hosed down every Friday. Cuncilmember Downing - I did ask that we do that' Resident - asked who's postions are up. Mayor Martin - answered councilmember wood-Dodson, council Leftwich -"*b", Saxon and Councilmember Reading of Resolutions - Mrs. Tucker FHR }|-I2,FHR 02-I2,FHR 03-12 and FHR 04-12

Questions on Resolutions

Mr. Jordan - referrin to FHR 03-1.2- Reinvestment and Revitalization

under sustainable communities, the issue is the council has already signed it, so why are You reading tonight Also (last Paragraph) ge it further resolved that, Mayor Lillie Martin is to hereby authorizedto execute documents and take any action necessary arytut the intent of these resolutions, you do not give the Mayor authority to sgn any document without the Council's approval. This is unacceptable' If the Council didn't read it you need to read it' Mrs. UkkundorOohwaka - could we consider amending that, because it's totally open for interpretation. It would also be for your safety and well being. Mayir Martin - putting one block or one sentence would be assertive, but
0312t/2012 PAGE 5 OF 9

the resolution itself has gone because of the fact the 15'n was the day that it was due. It had to be approved in the Worksession in order to have it ready by this deadline. There was no negative intention ' Mr. Jordan - asked if the attorney reviewed the resolutions? Mayor Martin - stated I'm not saying whether he did or didn't, he don't review every document that come through here. Councilmember Dodson - that same verbage will be amended in each resolution where Mayor Lillie Martin's name is mentioned, you would make change with permission of the Council. Mayor Martin - should it be of each resolution or that one resolution? Mr. Jordan - each resolution Councilmember Dodson - verbage will be changed and a copy will be given at next meeting. il{uyo. Martin -Will have by the next meeting so every one can take a look and see where addition is put in or we could print the whole resolution. Carlita Bryant normally don't you read at'Worksession and approve it at

Town Meeting.

Councilmember Saunders - have been looking for a tr'uck, now that I have clarity of what would best suit the Town, there are a couple of dealers I will

"",i1.,,-ember Leftwich - picking up where I left off in January after birth of daughter. The National Night Out for 2012 will be'in August. Tuesday, August 7,2012. Looking at quotes to get a website for the Town'
No money isilotted in the budget for that. Emergency Preparedness, there was a workshop tentatively scheduled, there was a conflict. Councilmember Dodson Attended Senio Club, I'm the Vice President, on Monday a Social Worker spoke on Professional'Women's Month and Awareness for Senior Abuse,
03/2U2012 PAGE 6 OF 9

neglect, scams and housing safety checklist for them' Generation for Attended Upward Bound for Youth, also attended First Higher Education Attended Sustainable Communities meeting meetings' Attended Civic Association Prayer Breakfast and their dance, it will be Attended civic Association Dance - there will be another held on March 30 fiom a council perspective' Attended MML meeting, with mediations' Working with First Baptist Church

Councilmember Wilson
He is out sick. Report on file. Read by Mayor Marlin' about the Councilmember Downing - met with Tangie from Beckford 2locat\ons for the cameras' speed cameras, we rode around Town to find Kolb Street & 61't is another option' like to get the Met with contractor for economic development. I would Fairmount Heights as Town involved with what we can do for the future of far as develoPing a Master Plan Attended African American Heritage Workshop in consultation with Working on getting an updated water heater, been PEPCO. Councilmember Saxon the 3'd Thursday My main focus is on the community Block Grant. on we have a needs Mr. Brown from Housing, we really need the grant, unless for Block Grant money' assessment. They want me to testiff at Budget going to Largo' If Sustainable communities focusing n Central Avenue at Landover Mall' you don't know Prince George's llospital is to be built to someone else' Glover's Garagewas donated to ,rr, , we have to donate ihr". grants - for Pittman House, Grace Methodist Church and Veterans because Memorial. Petro they want to up the money for Grace Methodist there was moneY left over.




Fairmount Heights LrWary was the first Library for us. In June they are going to redo the Library. Newborn Church have gotten the house next to them, owner sold it to them for $40,000. Ms. Bryant - questions about process for Grace Methodist Church trash pick-up and fee. iVfuyoi Martin - you can speak with the Town Manager, she will give you that information. Guests - from First Baptist church of Fairmount Heights Anne Ramey would like signs for direction, street signs at L street and Addison Road u" gut,"^ e.58th Avenue. She annunced it's the 100th Anniversary, for First Baptist church of Fairmount Heights. Mr. Jordan - Mr. Joseph Barr's son passed. I hope the Town prepared a proclamation for him. ihe original fire department was located at Mr. ioseph Barr's Veterinary building, he rented building to Fire Department for S1.00. He uses it as a kennel now.

Mrs. {Jkkundo'Oohwaka Is everyon e aware of the chain of command? There should be no decisions
made without the approval of the Mayor and Council'

Mr. Ukkundo'Oowaka

Thank you for getting the stop sign up. The alleyways in Fairmount Heights need to be cleaned of weeds and trees, from Easterr Avenue alley to L Street. I'm glad you have a new code enforcement officer. We have been around Town, I've shown him all the violations' sean wilson -you have a supervisor of public wolks, he should give a report, to the citizens. Cuncilmember Saxon - last night I saw Calvin Hawkins, Emergency Preparedness Class is coming up. Those interested need to notiff me today'


03t2U2012 PAGE 8 OF 9

Motion made by councilmember saunders second by councilmember Wilson.

nir Tucker, Town Clerk






Prayer - Mrs. Daisy Capers Flag Salute Mayor Martin - May 15 at 6:30 pm Public Hearing for Grace United Methodist church, for Historic Resource Evaluation Police Department Report -Chief Brooks Stats Report, we had a site visit from the Governor's Office of Crime and Prevention last month. The person that came out informed me basically of our needs and she want to work closer *lth me. She stated several grants that we should be eligible for. We will try to use one ofthose grants for tag readers. Speed cameraprogram - received an e-mail from Beckford, they made some personnel changes that's causing our speed camera'program to be held up. Kevin O'Neill - I contacted him about fingerprinting he stated the line cannot be used for anything else, only fingerprinting. Complaints came in about Seat Pleasant police officer, former officer working at Seat Pleasant still have a certification card stating Fairmount Heights. Get car number if you are approached, by an officer and you have a complaint' Mr. Jordan - I thank you Chief Brooks and Sgt. Morris for what you are doing' Off,rcer Morris is seen all around Town. Sgt. Morris - I use the loud speakers when I go through the first time and the gentleman afthe Flea Market also announce that the police will be giving out tickets, so that they can move their cars, off the street. Motion made by Councilmember Saxon to approve Police Department Repofi, second by Councilmember Wilson.
Resolution FHR 01-12 A Resolution of the Town of Fairmount Heights Removing Inoperable Public Works Vehicle

Truck ID #






OF 4

Mayor Marlin-Aye, Councilmember Saunders-Sustaiir, Councilmember Leftwich-Aye, Councilmember Wilson-Aye, Councilmember Downing-Aye, Councilmember Saxon-

Councilmember Dodson was not resent


Resolution FHR 02-12 Resolution of the Council of the Town of Fairmount Heights Maryland for the Purposes of Approving and Consenting to the Ninth Amended and Restatecl Trust Agreement Mayor Martin-Aye, Councilmember Saunders- Aye, Councilmember Leftwich-Aye, Councilmember Wilson-Aye, Councilmember Downing-Aye, Councilmember
Saxon-Aye ) Councilmember Dodson was not present - sick

Ordinance FHO 05-12 Tax Rate Increase

Ordinance to increase constant yield rate from .42 to .46.

Mayor Martin-Aye, Councilmember Saunders- Aye, Councilmember Leftwich-Aye, Councilmember Wilson-Aye, Councilmember Downing-Aye, Councilmember
Saxon-Aye ) Councilmember Dodson was not present - sick

Councilmember Downing made the motion to approve Ordinance FHO 05-12, second by Councilmember Saxon

Treasurer's Report - Mrs. Report on file


Motion made by Councilmember Wilson, second by Councilmember Saunders. All Ayes Treasurer's report was been accepted.


Town Manager's Report - Mrs' Gaffney 59th and L St - tree down referred to DPW 5908 H - Chain link fence denied permit 5406 Addison Road - stoP work order 801 Jefferson Heights- violation 1011 60th Avenue - Bulk trash on side of house 5462 Addison Road - dumPing rubble Would like to reporl the Mayor and I rocle the bus around Town and took
photos. 610i Lee Place

- hole on sidewalk 602 sgth Avenue - complaint

Renewing Comcast Mary Antony -Wednesday April 25tt'- 7:00 PM Come out and bring forth any questions that you or Town would like to discuss with

Motion made by Councilmember Saxon to accept the Town Manager's report with changes, second by councilmember wilson Mrs. Waiters need t bring forth other information so the problem can be solved, conceming whether tree should be removed by her or the Town.

Oath of Office swearing in of stephanie Hayes on Election Board committee Andina Keith - resigned from Election Board to run for a seat as a Councilmember. Councilmember Downing Upgrades for comPuters Estimates for duct work
Economic development Councilmember Saxon Waiting for permit for Veterans Momunent Grace United Methodist, Historic Resource Evaluation Pittman House, talked about making it a Museum


04/18/2012 PAGE 3 OF 4

Councilmember Wilson Historic Preservation Committee Meeting, and Gardening Committee scheduled for May 3. 7:00 pm On29"'April, graduation at l0:00 AM, at Sligo, Washington Adventist University, will be getting a Bachelor's Degree. Councilmember Leftwich Worked with Council on the Budget Received 3 quotes for Websites Councilmember Leftwich stated she will not be running this year. Newsletter should be coming out at the end of month. Councilmember Saunders Stated he did look at Mrs. Waiters tree to access the damage, he stated hopefully they can get together to discuss Public'Works Business For The Record Mrs. Capers - Letter Aprll 17,2012 From Civic Association, a vote to ask Mayor and Council asked to give ns a key. We would like for you to respond by April 25,2012. Mayor Martin I would like a motion to adjourn Motion made by Councilmember Saunders to adjourn, second by Councilmember Leftwich.
Meeting adjourned


9:58 PM


04/18/2012 PAGE 4 OF 4

Correction on April 1'8,2072 Minutes

Resolution FHR


A Resolution of the Town of Fairmount Heights removing inoperable Public Works Vehicle Motion made by Councilmember Saxon, second by Councilmember Leftwich
Martin Martin Aye, Councilmember Saunders Sustain, Councilmember Leftwich Aye, Councilmember V/ilson Aye, Councilmember Aye, Councilmember Saxon Aye. Motion Approved' Councilmember Dodson was not present - sick

Resolution FHR 02-L2 R"rol"tirt th" Council of the Town of Fairmount Heights Maryland for the Purposes "f and Consenting to the Ninth amended and Restated Trust Agreement of Approving

Motion made by Counciimember Wilson, second by Councilmember Saxon Mayor Martin Aye, Councilmember saunders Aye, councilmember Leftwich Aye, Councilmember'Wilson Aye, Councilmember D owning Aye, Councilmember Saxon Aye. Motion approved' Councilrnember Dodson was not present - sick'

Ordinance FHO 05-1-2 Tax Rate Increase Ordinance to increase constant yield rate from .42 to '46 Motion made by Councilmember Downing, second by Councilmember Saxon Mayor Martin Aye, Councilmember Saunders Aye, Councilmember Leftwich Aye, Councilmember Wilson Aye, Councilmember Downing Aye, Councilmember Saxon Aye. Motion approved.
Councilmember Dodson was not present


TOWN OF FAIRMOLINT FIEIGHTS Mayor and Town Council Meeting TuesdaY, llillaY 8,2072 WORKSESSION
saxon' councnmembet Dodson

Present: Mayor Matin,




Pastor Charlie Cummings

Mayor's Opening Remarks days On hursd ly , May 1 0 and Thursday, May 17 - 2 Free bulk trash a ucAp presentation will be at worksession, they will be having program on June 2,


10:00 am

surrounding community, Fairmount Heights. Seat PEPCO - Mr. Baker will be coming to the Town Meeting' held up Library Renovation - They had a pretfy nice presentation, Andrea l{arrison was at her litigation meeting, with the County Council' Police Department Report - Sgt. Morris 7 ca]Is for service, 7 rcports geierated,l arrest for trespassing,20 citations, report. 9 warnings, 26 parking violatiosn, 5 impounds and 1 assault sb* and Veterans Monument place, they have started work on the i" Monument.

would like to help people in - 11:30 am at Doewood Lane. UCAP Pleasant and Capitol Heights'



Councilmember Wilson
a more accurate reading'

Pepco is in the neighborhood installing smart meters

it gives

chief Brooks - we are still waiting to get a response from Beckford. g"ckford, Mrs. Gaffrrey have information from Mayor Martin - we did get a lettJr rrom
Beckford. councilmember Downing - would like a report with written gas mileage' Treasurer's RePort - Mrs. Walker We are operating with a surplus. Bond bitl has been paid' I do need to get Mrs. Shelton's final expenses from the election yesterday' I gave information requested by lvfr. Jordan to Cogncilmember Saunders' on Snt $100.00 additional payment for one person to MML, for Convention Jrne24 - 27. year' Fairmount Heights Community Day will be held in the next fiscal Guest - Ms. Michelle Barnes - Alchitecture Designer, Pastor Cummings into a Property located at 5406 Addison Road, Asking for a perrnit to convert building church. Building was built inlg{S,remodeled in 2005'


Q5/pB/2012 1 OF 4

of Historical Councilmember Saxon - due to the fact we are on the National Register (Historic Commission) to sites, you have to go to the Historical side and then So"fo-HBC g",.r-ir. Yorinee d a certainform, get from the_4lh floor, ltzlr. Berger' The lady in hgc -il tell you what you can have in Fairmount Heights or what you can't have' Road and Sheriff Next Tuesdy; i, tfr" freiing. The building on corner of Addison Road used to be a Library and Cleaners there once' 'Wilson - suggested the Town notify Mr. Wyncoop by letter w'heri Councilmember the Town to also ;"*t. come to pick rrp count! permits to tell them they have to come to

{.r. bornes - the county should have told me when I went there. ask them to please Are we in agreement that the Town send a letter to the county to
reference the Town as they give out their permits' Mayoq and Council Agreed by Common Consent

get a permit.

Town Manager

-Fairmount ltiigtrts WWII Monument they started work to.day. Act -'we need to do an ordinance to implement Maryland Public Information City Hall' Greenbelt at 9 May -Mary Anthony - date reschedule lZrOOpm Wednesday -Speed Camera - contact Maurice Nelson -Tire police department have aneed for a fingerprint scan' -Ideniify someone that could provide IT service for us' -We need an end router and we also need to hard wire' -NCI - Nation Crime Information a Downing had an IT person come in, he was supposed to give me

- Mrs. GaffireY


proposal. -Concilmember

Chief Brooks to do live scan. A. You can do live scan for arrests and get - no revenue B. You can scan arrest victims and do finger printing where we can get

Wilson - we need to get 3 bids' this is important for thTown. It can generate income' There are2ways

Councilmember'Wilson - motion to submitted to the town treasurer


agree to proceed

with bidding process to



May 22 we may finalize' Today is the 8th , Deadline Tuesday' Consent luyt and Council Agreed by Common Wehave 30 daYs to advertise Remove Previous motion' to get IT services for Town of Fairmount Motion made by councilmember wilson Agreed by Common Consent Saxon Heights, Second by Councilmember

Mrs. Gaffney

walker' since we will pass t"gu'dl"g K Street and 56fr Avenue I will Informatiot Charter. the by proceeding be repair , iur"q".ftio t"gutd to last vehicle along to Mrs. walker. i6i, i, the final because ihey had to replace emission' along with the Coe Enfofcer's vehicle go to United Methodist Church' It should We do not have a letter of support f* 9;; in the form of a resolution' Park and Planning * i' ttto"i be spaying for Council of Department of Agriculture n"*lnd to,. Spraying -orfrrfti"t i' u"2" rvl uy it, You need to make a decision by mosquitoes n"" to't uu" th" ord",

stated she


pass the information over to lv{rs'

June 1, 2072,the cost is $1200'00'

Councilmemberuo*oi"g-only$250.00aliocatedinlineitem. item it's coming from Saxon - you have tt t;; *ht;h line

so you won't Councilmember get in trouble' T)eoartment of ^-^^ rn bring Maryland Departme to r-.-ina'l\fqrwlanrl to agree councilmember Downing made a motion to agree' second by Councilmember Saxon T9*"' i,,-ud Agriculture to 'p'uy 11" for spraying' "o*. Common Consent to approve funding rvry_io andThursday, May 17' Mrs. Gaffnry - urrit tn auy is Thursdaf about trash behind Ebony Inn' he "B'oud*ut"r to talked Downing Councilmember u""v mentlolgi maybe we need to put a fence said he would help clean the mess ,rp say' t" take picfures and go to LGIT to see what they up. Nancy said we "." Councilmemberl)odson_treesarecoveringallthelightsonourside. ownel requesting a variance we Mrs. Gaffn ey - zontngissue at 523 EastetnAvenue *:ltt-:::l, Vtrr- Sypt u* is the complinant There asked them to hold open the record, the prevrous because properry' A variance is required be a2 r/z foofclearance behind the a permit owners in 2006 built an addition without




Mayor Martin - 523 Eastem Avenue there is some paperwork that property was actually deeded over in 2007 . It said they could take a certain section of the easement. Councilmember Downing - whatever happened was in the pass and we should let legal stuffgo on that's under our administration. Counilmember Dodson - this has been brought back out because Sylvia wanted apart of the alley as well, because of water damage and things that have gone on it's rekindled
itself from something that came out recently Mrs. Gaffney - The owner is in court now because the owrrer of properly can't sale because it's not permitted properly, and so now he's trying to get the right permit. It's not the Town's concelrr. Mrs. Gaffney - what is the pleasure of the Council? Councilmember Saxon - the law say since we aTe a historic town we have those easements, you need to get the book and read up on it. Councilmember Saxon - you need to do a needs assessment. Mayor Martin - there was a letter generated by the Town Manager Mr. Morris, at that time saying they had access to that easement. It's on Record'
Councilmember Wilson made a motion that no variance be given to 523 Eastem Avenue in reference to issue of the easement, motion second by Councilmember Saxon. Approved by common consent. All Ayes. Councilmember Downing - made a motion to require them to pay to utllize alleyway, also motion that we don't allow zonngchanges for that, motion second by Councilmember Saxon. Common consent' Councilmember Wilson made a motion to adjourn and Councilmember Dodson second
the motion. Proceed to Executive Session




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TOWN OF FAIRMOUNT HEIGHTS Mayor and Town Council Town Meeting

WednesdaY, MaY 1612012

councilmember saunderst Present: Mayor Martin, councilmember Dodson, councilmember Downing,

Councilmember Leftwich' Councilmember Wilson

Opening Remarks - Mayor Lillie Thompson Martin Prayer - Senator JoAnne Benson Flag Salute oath of office - Andina Keith, Patricia M. waiters and Jacqueline wood-Dodson Approval of Minutes - March and April Worksession and Town Meeting
and April Worksession Councilmember Dodson made the motion for approval of March second the motion' and Town Meeting Minutes and Councilmember Downing been approved' March and April Worksession and Town Meeting Minutes have Police Department - Chief Brooks report for month of April' Chief Brooks congratulated new councilmembers. Read Statistics D'C' calle and gave their acculates for helping capture a car from ;;* vehicle off' As a the cut and joine in the chase There was a chase from D.c. and sgt Morris were committing result we wefe instructmental in the capture of the car. They job done' We will make sure he well a serious crimes. I want to recognize Sgi Morris for get due recognition.
are heating up, there is some {uyo. MarIin - there are about three locations where things you the addresses later' give reaistrange activity going on at these locations. I will so along with the Mrs. Stephanie Haies -"thir week is National Police Recognition Week, soldiers, ihis week say thank you to our Police Off,rcers.

Report' Motion made by Councilmember Dodson for approval of Police Department councilmember Saunders, councilmember Downing second the motion. ouncilmember Keith, Councilmember Waiters' Mayor Martin, Councilmember Dodson, Councilmember Downing, Councihnember Wilson All Ayes. Police Department report has been approved'


0s/1612012 PAGE I OF

Treasurer's Report - Mrs. Walker Report on file Received $9,000 from PEPCO Grant Need to check on the credit card fees, it look like they doubled up or tripled.
Councilmember Saunders, Councilmember Keith, Councilmember Wilson, Mayor Mayor, Councilmember Dodson, Councilmember Downing, Councilmember Waiters Ayes have it. Treasurer's Report has been accepted. Councilmember Downing made motion to approve Treasurer's report, Councilmember Dodson second the motion. Ayes have it. Mayor Martin - the treasurer's report has been approved' Code Enforcement Report Report on file

Mr. Sylvester Vaughn

Councilmember Downing - Sheriff Road and K Street Vacant lot, grass about 4 feettall, need to be addressed. Councilmmber Dodson - on 58th and 59'h Avenue the easements and alleys, something need to be done. Snakes are coming from the easements, they are hanging
in trees at night. Mr. Jordan - my question is about subcontractors coming in Town tearing our streets and sidewalks up, and during substandard wolk. Mrs. Gafffney - subcontractors sent a letter. We asked them to come to the Town, asking for detiled work they are during and the county will sign off on it. Former Mayor Mines - Certificate of service Is the Town posting the property? Once you give notice of service you can put an abatement on property. Councilmember Saunders made a motion to accept the Code Enforcetment report and Councilmember Downing second the motion. Ayes have it.


051t6/2012 PAGE 2 OF

Code Enforcement report has been approved.

Town Manager's Report - Mrs. Gaffney The Monument park liopefully, will be finished in the next two weeks. You all worked very had to obtain that grant. It is f,rnally here. back' The gentleman that worked on getting the Monument grant did get his $500'00 having some personnel Beckford, the company *" .orrtlucte for the speed cameras have been limit signs' spee-d put up can issues. I will be meet-ing with them this Thursday so we Town's Code' Itls a bad 523 EastemAvenue pro"prrty, the problem is, it's not up to the Town, then coming back business building wiiirout up'"r^ii,building without consulting the saying we already did it, does not make it right' Lee Street - there was a hole in the street' Bids for asphalt - 57rh and.K - the treasurer will be addressing that.
report Councilmember Downing made a motion to approve the Town Manager's and Councilmember Dodson second the motion'

All Ayes, Town Manager's report

has been approved'

Guest - Mr. Baker, PEPCO Representative 12 hours on 12 hours off' street light program - burning during the day, regulated by lights on Normal life expectancy of light - 5 yeat relamping' PG County - relamping now started, it began 2011 through2}Iz. High pressure sodium lights better than mercury pBiO have 15 days to respond to light outage complaints' hours. Mr. Baker - stated we are on a flat rate basis, if tights on24 hours we pay for only 12 power line from the Another questions that was asked, the answer is that someone ran a I did not see a building, that municipai center to the building to get electric service to codes' meter box or a circuit breaker, ioday the wiring has to be based on Counties

Councilmember Saunders

stafted Public Works Committee, we meet on Thursday

6:00 pm. Members are Mr. Jordan, Mrs' Downing and Mr Martin' Councilmember Wilson - received a call and he had to leave meeting early.



VFW 3626 - we received

a letter fi'om Mr. Parker, with the VFW, with information about Memorial Day Service on May 28,2012 at 10:00 AM. He would like 2 tables, 20 chairs and a podium to be set up by 9:00 AM.

Mayor Martin - Monday, I was invited to a luncheon with Steny Hoyer at Sir Walter Raleigh Inn. He invited all the Mayors, he wanted to dialogue about needs of municipalities and he want to help with Economic Development. Birthday Celebration - for former Senator Tommie Broadwater on June 9th at the Broadwater Manion. Grace United Methodist Church - letter went out conceming the hearing with Historic Preservation Committee.
Councilmember Dodson
-Attended seniors meeting they followed up on trip to Sight and Sound. -Attended program at the Llbrary, they will be renovating. Mr. Jordan - question about lighting for Veterans Monument since it's the focus point of the community. Mr. Baker - stated that we need to start dialoging what we want.

Councilmember Downing - attended. meeting for renovations to the Library, they said they are going to hold offrenovations for now --went to UCAP, have Senior Services, Computer Services and GED services --Open House June2, at 10:00 AM --attended unveiling of quilt --Comcast meeting what we want to see in Town, process going before attorney --Historic tour cookout Easle Halbor Dav

Councilmember Waiters with everyone.

- thanked everyone, and stated she's looking

forward to working

stated the Organizational meeting will be held Monday,May 27, and the Budget Meeting will be held Wednesday, }y'ray 23'd.

Mayor Martin



Civic Association - will meet May 23'o at 7:30 pm.

Mayor Martin

asked for a motion to adjoum.

Councilmember Downing made the motion to adjourn, Councilmember Dodson second the motion.

Meeting adjourned 9:30 PM





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Town of Fairmount Heights 6100 Jost Street Fairmount f{eights, Maryland 20743 Code Enforcement Office RePort MaY l5,20LZ

basic aIIy tallgrass violation on May 1't' 30 properties were inspected for violations of

by o]ilnes' 5 violation notices were Re-inspection on MayT-;violations were coffscted returned as not deliverable

notices have not been sent'


13 properties scheduled for re-inspections on

1 application






for building pennit at 5917 J St' expected' out' 21 letters for business license renewal letters mailed Bus Co') one letter to unlicensed business sent. (Deadwyler clean-up' Property at 5425 Addison Road posted for forced to discuss maintenance of county Letter sent to PG County DPW&T to meet with me properties in the townproperties' One day next week special effort on vacant



Page 1 of2


fai rmounthei ghts@comcast.nej

+ Font Size -

Response to Pepco Issues Raised During the Council Meeting on May L6t 2OL2
From : ejbaker@pepco.com
Mon, Jun

Ll,2012 t2:07




to Pepco Issues Raised During the Council Meeting on May 16, 2012

To : fairmountHeights@comcast.net
Cc : jpasternak@pepco.com, glkeeler@pepco.com, swalexander@pepco'com, djwaters@pepco.com/ apvougioukles@pepco.com, bjzellmer@pepco'com, rachilcoat@pePco.com
Ms. Tucker, please forward the message below

to the Mayor and Council of Fairmount Heights Maryland on my behalf.

Honorable lulayor and Council,

I would frst like to thank you for allowing me to present and address your town at the May 16,20L2 meeting. I documented several questions and issues that were discussed to varying degrees during that meetng, Many of the issues were initially presented by Mr. Jordan but appeared to be shared n sentiment by the Council. I took time to research each to provide specific information to you as it relates to status or policy as applicable. Please note the information provided below,
Day burning street lights. Mr. Jordan stated that he and others report street lights that burn 24 hours a day. Further, he stated that pepco comes olt to repair them and they go back to 24 hour burn shortly after repairs. Mr. Jordan speculated that Pepco does this to foice the City to spend more money on energy for the day burning street lights. I am reiterating what I said in the meeting' Pepco's street light program is regulated by the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC). This means that the scope of the Street Light program and any charges for related products and services are established by the PSC with direct oversight via performance repofts. pepio charges a flat fee for street light service which includes energy services at an average rate of 12 hours burn time per day. If a street light burns for 24 hours per day, the customer siill only pays for 12 hours per day. Why does Pepco not routinely drive around to look for street light outages and repair them when they are found to be out. As stated in ltem 1, the stieet light program scope and charges are regulated by the PSC. If the PSc were to allow Pepco to drive around looking outage, ttre cst for this service would be included in the street light service rate which would be significantly more for streef light -pepco rlies on its customers to repoft street light outages. To ensure that charges for street light services are reasonable, expensive. palrolling for street light outages is not included in the scope of service as defined by the PSC. The street light tariff is a public document -by the PSC if any of you are interested. There were questions about street light relamping. Relamping is and is aailable to the public mandated every fve years by the PSC. In 2009, all lights in Fairmount Heights were upgraded from Mercury Vapor to High Pressure Sodium. The next relamping will occur in 2014.



aligment with the other poles along 59th Ave. which means at a minimum, 3 poles will require additional support - anchors in other peple,s yards (requiring easements from them) and new lines (prmary & secondary) in front of peoples homes where there are currently none. This will'also require new lines and anchors for telephone & Cable TV. The estimated cost for the Pepco alone is not less than

Request for pepco to relocate pole in front of the Veteran's Memorial at Pepco's expense in honor of the Veterans of Fairmount Heights. The pole in question support electric lines, a streetlight, telephone lines, and cable TV lines. This pole is also in a straight

$19,000.00-notincludinganadditional L7.60/ointaxes. Inaddition,Verizon&cableTVwill havetheircostsaswell, Ourpastpractice has been that we try not to engage in these types of relocations because to move from one side of the street to another will like present problems for those who will now have a pole in their yard. Those affected could be your neighbors and certainly your constituents' Anyone may request undergrounding, but with that the costs will likely be hundreds ofthousands of dollars' Just a note about Pepco donations. Pepco does not provide donations in the form of new service connections or pay bills related to it's services. building. I walked through the building with Mayor Martn and piior would have been approved in accordance with electrical standards connection that service of a was no evidene found that there dating back several decades. Pepco would not have and cannot install service to that building wthout the required certification(s) needed prior to installing a meter. If there is a desire to install a new service on this building, please contact Pepco at www.pepco'com and complete a form for new servce or call 202-833-7500'


Electrc Service to an existing building on the site of a prior municipal

What is the status of work related to the Reliability Enhancement Plan? Tree trimming is being planned now and is estimated to start in August. Replacement/upgrade of selected wires, poles, transformers, switches and fuses are in process and expected to be completed



Page2 of2

2072. The work locations include: Old central Avenue; Central Avenue; Addison Road; 61st avenue; Greig Street; by September Jefferson Heights Drive; Balsamtree Drive; Birchleaf Avenue; Baltic Street; G Street and 65th Avenue. Please note that not all of the areas specified are in the Town of Fairmount Heights but represent work on a feeder that could affect the reliability in Fairmount Heights.

If the Town would like to meet for discussion of tree trimming or other Reliability Enhancement Plan work, please let me know and I will work to schedule such a meeting. I am also extending an offer to attend future Council meetings for further discussion of any Pepco issue that you deem appropriate. I am also available to meet with or discuss via phone any issue for any member of the Council or staff.

Thanks, Ernie Baker

Prnce George's County Public Affairs Representative

Phone: 202-438-1066

Ths Emal message and any attachment may contain information that is proprietary, legally privileged, confdential and/or subject to copyright belonging to Pepco Holdings, Inc. or its affliates ("PHI"). This Email is intended solely for the use of the person(s) to which it is addressed. If you are not an intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsble for delivery of this Email to the intended recipient (s), you are hereby notifed that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this Email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notiff the sender and permanently delete this Email and any copies. PHI policies expressly prohibit employees from making defamatory or offensive statements and infringing any copyright or any other legal right by Email communication. PHI will not accept any liability in respect of such communications,

http:/lsz}lT4.wc.mail.comcast.net lzimbralVprintmessage?id:1 31640&tz:AmericaAtrew


TOWN OF FAIRMOUNT HEIGHTS MaYor and Town Council [own Worksession TuesdaY, June1*2,2012
Keith' present: Mayor Martn, Councilmember Downing, Councilmember Dodson, councilmember waiters, Councilmember


- Councilmember

United Communities against Poverty youth Non-profit organization ,3oL-322-5700 ext 103, 25 bed shelter, 14-18 Heights' MD' Fairmount Avenue, Eastern Guest-Jack Porat, in reference to property at 523 you don't have an is concerned We need approval from the Town to say as far as Fairmount Heights objection to us being approved for the varience' respond to you' Mayor Martin -l know this is a time sensitive issue and we will be getting back to

Downing UCAP, Mr. Williams, Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Mrs.Gaffney-thehearngiscomingup onJune20th. lsentalettertoyourattorney,Mrs.Syphax attorneyandtothezoningboard. lfyouarewillingyoucanmakeaproposalregardingpropertywhere

the driveway is. to go to the county Mrs. Syphax - stated she spent $8,000 with an attorney working on this. We need property. to affirm permit was done in error and recogniz4e the driveway is not a part of any bodies you all the Information. The owner went to the county and got the permit. The Realty agent didn't tell a dividing line' have alleys The ownership should be established of who own that alley. Normally
proposal. Mrs. Carlisa ST-John-Brooks and Ms. Diana McCown, here with a Every Need is Met, Inc. 301'-535-4749 www.enim kids'org p.o.B. 785 Temple Hills, MD 2o757 Non-Profit program for MD and DC from 9:00 Saturdays. We are asking for Pro-Bono space. Treasurer's RePort - Mrs. Walker Talked with someone from Bank of America concerning bank fees. Guest

3:00 PM on

Cash-Pro Program - 51-00.00 a month Cash-Pro Express - $50.00 a month They are sending us a package to compare credit card fees' Councilmember Downing - do you have to go to the bank to do transfers? go inside the bank Mrs. Walker - account transfers can be done on the on-line service, it cost 520.00 to a to make transfers and there is a $3.00 fee for each account on-line. I will check on information about paypal account. lt is cheaPer.



I have 2 proposals

for an lT person and no response from the third company.

I received confirmation they finished year 2010, report sent to Legislative Service. I requested they come out to complete 2011-. lt is completed and l'm in preparatio n of 2Ol2 .

Mrs. Gaffney -received requests from Former Councilmember Saxon , concerning repayment of her money from going to MML Convention . Mayor Martin - in response to her requests, they were going to furlough worker's and they could not justify reimbursing or paying for Mayor and councilto attend MML. Mrs. Walker - Mrs. Saxon has asked to bring it forward to this administration about her getting reimbursed for MML Convention. We voted no for reimbursement in 2009 -2010 to attend MML, due to a budget shortfall. Mrs. Ukkundo'Oohwaka - former Councilwoman Saxon gave me copies of her requests for reim.bursement for MML also. Mayor Martin - we reviewed this any number of times Councilmember Waiters - it was confirmed that no one was to go to MML because of budget restraints. Mrs. Walker - Councilmember Downing requested a copy of checks wrote every month. So I have provided a copy of ths report for each of you. Mr. Jordan - what Councilmember do you report to? Mrs. Walker - | report to Councilmember Andina Keith. Mr. Jordan - approximately 2 months ago I presented a check to the Mayor and Council in the amount of $500.00 to purchase that truck, I gave the check to the Town Manager. I would like to know the status of the letter. Mrs. Gaffney- stated the status of the check is it is on my dest in my office in my envelope because hadn't finished all the correspondence I have to do. You know the Council had already passed the resolution and I can't change a resolution. What I am planning to tell you right now and give you back you check is that the resolution went through and the truck is down at the County. You should probably take that check and go to the County and see if you can buy it back from them.

Mr.Jordan-aftertheresolutionwassigned,thenextmorninglgaveherthecheckandaletter. lhad
asked that the resolution be revised because of wording. Councilmember Dodson - can we see the letter and the check?



a copy of the check and letter Councilmember Waiters - Councilmember wood-Dodson has asked for you have not looked at it? and you said it was on your desk? From that time to now, days later' at Mrs. Gaffney - at the time he gave it to me I didn't look it. lt was several Councilmember Waiters - have you responded to hm? Mrs. Gaffney - replied no, I have not responded to him' point. That should not have Councilmember Dodson - regardless of how, this is transparency to this happened. lf you accept something from someone you are assuming the responsibility'

Police Department Report - Chief Brooks Statistics RePort on file We're in our warning period for the speed cameras' the trial period but before July 1st' Sgt. Morris - stated he was told the signage did not have to be up for

councilmember Downing

how much are you encaged in the speed cameras?

Chief Brooks - For The Record Town Manager' some of the questions, you can say, the dead ball was handed to the She ' lf she has not shared the information with me then I won't have that information' be involved, for approval of may have that information. This is the point where the police need to

citations. councilmember waiters - do the t*%ffigm8t., cars going in both directions? Sgt Morris - only cars going in direction of Seat Pleasant' Live Scan - need to deal with lT point of it' go to training' sgt. Morris - and myself as soon as we get the component avail we will Chief Brooks - we should have access of a lab top' bushing go bad in that year car' The car sgt Morris is driving now need front end. we found out the There is a problem with the lower control arm' Councilmember Waiters - didn't we talk about preventive rlaintenance' Mayor Martin - replied yes we did talk about preventive maintenance' chief Brooks - our last Reserve officer has gone he was hired by Morningside' get 2 structural engineers' She stated Mrs. Gaffney - stated she had asked Councilmember Downing to she had been in contact with Bea Tignor and Mr' Hilmer' VFW monument' He Mr. Jordan - questioned the $35,000 and what was done on the project at the

askedforacopyofthecontract. TheotherprojectistoputMrs'Robinson'snameonaplagueor
something to acknowledge her.



Mrs. Gaffney - returned to state she was unable to find the letter or check at this time. Mayor Martin - is everyone in agreement of Sgt. Morris getting a diagnostic on car?
Everyone agreed.

Councilmember Waiters - there should be a letter sent out to various entities concerning a person, when the Council changes. Mrs. Syphax-the Town should send a letter showing a change has been made or the Town has
reo rga n ized.

Mrs. Gaffney- in doing an assessment of the building, Public Works has been working really hard. Hopefully, you received notice about Prince George's County cable Television, Comcast renewal. Me and Mr. Downing had talked about getting 2 structural engineers. I talked to one but he has not gotten
back with me.

Gouncilmember Downing - a contractor was here'yesterday, he said we may only need insulation. I tried to get some information about some grants but it was locked. Someone has established a code. Councilmember Waiters - sometimes you have to call them to reset the code. Mrs. Gaffney - suggested we do the insulation before the duct work because of cost. Councilmember Dodson - with reinsulating, is that going to do anything with what's housed around the top. Councilmember Downing - the whole point is I don't want to spend 510,000 to replace duct work, rather take the easiest path and get it insulated first. Mrs. Syphax - maybe Bea Tignor can send out some of the County experts to talk to you. Mayor Martin - we can request t. Mayor Martin I will accept a motion to go into Executive Session.

Motion made by Councilmember Dodson to go into Executive Session and second by Councilmember Waiters. Meeting adjourned 10:33 P.M,

n Tucker, Town Cle



Councilmember Sarnders' Present: Mayor Martin, Councilmember Downing, Councilmember Dodson, waiters councilrnember wilson, councilmember Keith, councilmember

Prayer - Councilmember Dodson Flag Salute Minutes - Approval of Minutes forMay 2012 Motion made by Councilmember Downing to accept minutes for May 8 and l1ray 16,2012 and second by Councilmember Dodson in yet' Councilmember Keith - refrain from voting on May 8 minutes, was not swom in yet' Councilmember Waiters- fefrain from voting on May 8 minutes, was not sworn Mayor. Martin - Aye, Councilmember Downing-Aye, councilmember Dodson-Aye, waitefscouncilmember saunders-Aye, councilmember'wilson-Aye, Councilmember Aye, Councilmember Keith-AYe Niuyot Martin - Minutes approved for May 8 and May 16 2012' I have a few things I want to mention, you can go to lunch. stl-yJr-gqps.public.|ovd, to get information about freefree services that about front is out We received some ny*r and other information
are being offered. Seniors can get free service to get air conditioners checked. pepco has a iecycling program]they will pick up old appliances and you


get a 550.00

rebate credited to your bill. the FH Ordinan ce 02-12 An Ordinance Adopting the Budget presented to the Council by Mayor and Treasurer for Fiscal Yeat 2013 Motion made to approve FH Ordinance 02-12 by Councilmember Saunders and

il;:lI,t"i:iffi iJffi f rowningAye,counc*memberDodsonAve, Keith Aye, Councilmember Saunders

Councilmember Waiters Aye, Councilmember All Ayes ( Councilmember'Wilson had to leave) Mayor Martin - FH Ordinance 02-12 has been approved'

Police Department Report - Chief Brooks the Statistics ieport on file. Total we had87 calls for service. Some were picked up by now person third a county. I,ve been trying to work on the speed camela. we have that the infornration had been passed on to him.


everl'thing is in place as soon as we get an IT person' with top' the lab top you can turn the cameras on. It is critical to get the lab doing Mr. Jordan - my question concerning fingerprinting, will the person that will be Heights th finge{prinling getabackground checki Wh"ttwe advertisethatFairmount have LiveScan, it won't be sitting any more? paying fines' I Chief Brooks - the police department will be handling people who are able to advertise' We can asked Cogent if we could use Livescan for purposesof,bging to S75'00' use Livescan to generate revenue. Cost start from $55-00 a technician that has gone be can It that. does It does not have to be a police offlrcer that technician job' through training and has been cleared, they can do fingerprinting Sgt. Morris - fingerprinting is not for citations' laser goes by chief Brooks - with Livescan you put fingers or thumb on screen, the red or roll your hands on put ink and read your prints, it's a new way, ,o yo.t don't have to just sitting' firg"r, i inL.'O.r"" we advertise i-ivescan the equipment will not be Aye, Martin Mayor Aye, Coiurcilmember Sarxrders Aye, Councilmember Keith powning Aye, Councilmember Waiters Aye' All Ayes

chief Brooks - Live



Mr. Jordan - individuals that are hired are they to do background check' Mayor Martin - introduced Attorney Jason Deloach,

we have an IT person that come in an wire the building? Councilmember Keith - do 'Walker is accepting bids for-an IT person' Mayor Martin - No, Mrs. report' Mayor Martin - will accept a motion to approve Police Department

report, Motion made by councilmember Saunders to approve the Police Department motion second by Councilmember Keith' All Ayes' Mayor Martin - Police Department report has been approved' Code Enforcement Repoit - Mr. Vaughns Report on file Prsentation of Certificate of Appreciation - Mr. McKinley Hill to schedule a time Councilmember Dodson - behind 59rH Avenue, have you been able to clean our alleYwaY? Mr. Vaughns - replied he had not scheduled a time to clean alley on 59th Avenue' Mr. Jordan - questioned if part-time position \/as advertised.




we will answer you in a few days. Need a motion to accept Code Enforcer's report. Motion made by Councilmember Saunders to approve the Code Enforcer's Report for the month of June, second by Councilmember Keith. All Ayes' Mayor Martin -the Police Department's report has been approved. Treasurer's Report - Read by Mayor Martin

Mayor Martin

Motion made by Councilmember Downing to accept treasurer's report and second by Councilmember Saunders. All Ayes
Economic Development - $ 1 1,284.1,9 Town Manager Report -Mrs. GaffneY The Code Enforcer car cost 56594.23 - Blue Police Cruiser Received a Darcar Diagnostic Officer Morris Car - Problem is lower control arm. Finished the last workshop for PGC Design Neighborhood Workshop Mr. Jordan - What are the policies and procedrnes put in place? I gave a check and, aletter for $500.00 to Town Manager. I still have not heard from her. Mrs. Gaffney - I found the letter and I sent the check and letter in the mail. Mr. Jordan - I am interested in purchasing the truck' Councilmember Saunders - at ihe time of the ordinance we voted on and decided what ever we got offthe ttuck, we would get a spreader. Motion t accept the Town Manager's report made by Councilmember Downing and second by Councilmember Saunders Mayor lriartin - Aye, Councilmember Saunders - Aye, Councilmember Downing - Ay", Cogncilmember Keith - Nye, Councilmember Dodson - Nye Councilmember Waiters Nye Not passed

Mrs. Ukkundo'Oohw aka - I made a verbal request to see minutes concerning payment to go to MML Convention in year 2009 and 2010. Received another request from Former Councilmember Saxon dated Monday, June I2,20I2, under the Freedom of
Information Act.

Mayor Martin
know that, too.

Under the Freedom of Information Act, it's been researched and she


06/20/2012 PAGE 3 OF 4

- I did get the request. I did try to call her to get her here, under the Freedom of Information Act we now have a process and a form. Mr. Jordan - Fairmount Heights Alumni Picnic is Sunday August 12,2072, at Watkins Park. The Citizens Association will be inviting the Fairmount Heights High School Principal and Board of Education representative Carolyn Boston. I provided 3 people with scholarships from Fairmount Heights. There is something wrong with the school system, it could not readily identiff the kids that live in our Town. We provided you with 2 letters, we asked for keys to the basement for the Civic Association. Councilmember Downing - informed Mr. Jordan his request had been denied. Mr. Jordan - I'll say this For the Record, as far as citizens in this Town, that pay the salaries in this Town, we let employees come in this building and give them the key no questions asked. But when it's the most importarfi orgatization in this Town and when the Civic Association want to meet they have to ask somebody to open the door for them. But when an employee come in they come in and go whenever they want to whether parttime or full-time, that's discrimatory to me, especially being ataxpayer and citizen.
Mrs. Gaffney Councilmember'Waiters Report - June 10 writing workshop $20, still excepting applications -PNC Wish List -Received information from an e-mail about a Mini grafit, to

Save the Bay $5,000

-US Department of Labor grant -Mayor and Town Council presented a Proclamation for Chuck Brown's Funeral -the summer youth progam didn't have enough funding this year -looking into Community Service hours Councilmember Dodson - nO report. Councilmember Saunders - no report. Motion made by Councilmember Saunders to adjourn Town Meeting, second by Councilmember Dodson Councilmember Downing made a motion to go into Executive Session and Councilmember Keith second the motion.

Adjoum 9:45 pm


06/20/2012 PAGE 4 OF 4

Town Meeting July 18,2012 Financial Summary as ofJune 30,2012

103,225.64 207.25 20,340.47 975.63 11,284.38 1,447.97 200.00 2.25 3,302.47 452.00 (15,436.00) 126.002.06

Acct No

1000 Checking 1002 LLEB Grant 1004 PaYroll 1005 Police Seizure 1 006 Economic DeveloPment 1010 ScholarshiP 1099 PettY Cash 1035 OMS DeveloPment 1040 PNC Bank (MLGIP lnvestment) 1098 UndePosited Funds 1200 Accounts Receivable

Total Assets

---:-----------Profit & Loss (June I - 30, 20121

lncome Expense Other Inc/ExP Net Income
54,479.43 64,340.78 0.00 (9,861.35)

Budget vs Actual (July 1,2011 - June 30,2012)

lncome Expense Net Ordinary lncome

712.496.00 628.182.96 84,313.O4

632.462.78 20,584.69


59,448.53 4,279.82 63,728.35

Other lnc/ExP Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income/Loss

0.00 4,500.00 (4,500.CI0)

(3,948.23) 1,200.00 (5,148.23)

3,948.23 3,300.00 648,23

Code Enforcment Officer's Report




We have continued to do follow-up and re-inspect tall grass and weeds

violations thought out the town. We have prepared work orders for the Dept. of Public Works f'or (3) propefiies and expect at least three (3) more during
this month.

2. 3. 4.


have established a filling system that so far allows us to identif,i

properties by addresses.
We have had a camera purchased by the town manager which allows us to
process force clean-ups without delay.

We sent out business licenses renewal letters and have had (6) renewals to
date and (1) one day license for a block party.

5. We continue to get complaints about town owned alley ways and Dept. of
Public 'Works have cleaned those that
are accessible.


We have been able to concentraTe only on tall grass and weeds and to respond to complaints.

7:' 'We have provided work orders to have Dept. of Public Wor&s cut grass on
(6) properties.

B. The retention of Michael Humphrey is very helpful to my office and is much


9" The

aLley ways that are the

responsibility of the town continues to be alarge

number of the complaints that we receive. It is recorrunended that we seek a method of resolvins these.

U, /' (

n il

.r,t/ .u-*'"fn7



MaYor and Town Council Worksession TuesdaY, JulY 10,2012
wilson' councilmember present: Mayor Martin, councilmember Downing, councilmember Dodson, councilmember


Coonilmember Waiters, Councilmember Saunders


- Councilmember Wilson Brooks Police Department Report - Chief


an it,s under investigation. asked p"t. on Live Sc received email said they want equipment gutF I IT person' I asked for a u couple of extensions. while we wait to get an

was; shooting in town


30 day extension'

what was going on had not Speed Cameras - Emailed Beckford to find out ,"r, uny signs. Received an email from them last Thursday. about 3 or 4 times' Mayor iuin - they have changed representatives putting up some signs' Councilmember Downing - They were out this week on ifr.y are inconsistent. Cntract is out this year in July' It will continue bring them in to we make changes. We may need to get contract and


discuss these issues' Mayor Martin - we may need to have them come in' generated about 350 Chief Brooks - doing te trial period we would have


ha put some slgnsrllp but I have not been thev said they thev have Mayor Martin - they back to check. you pass sheriff Road sgt. Morris - coming from Eastern Avenue when by Addison Road by Carryout on right urr ru.tn"r down another sign, down to* Seat Pleasant there should be a sign on the right the park und "o-i"g thet s11 had to special order more signs' ,i". fn"V said Treasurer RePort - Mrs. Walker and I have not received the bank statements yet. spoke with Lindsey Associates they have finished 20L0, finally' being I disagreed wiih some of the statements. They said the responsibility since that isn't mine when I don't collect unpaid real taxes' They agreed disagreed that something we do in the Town. The County does that' I also out but he agreed he received our information late. He didn't take statement to change it. My next point was when are you going to get started.
0'/11012012 1 OF 4

FY 2011 - when are you going to get started, we don't have an engagement letter I got them to confirm they are going to come out on August I or August 8th. I said we would Itke 2012 done by the November deadline. I wuld like to know if the Mayor and council had a chance to review the companies? Proprosal date is July i 5 for IT companies and asphalt companies. Information I received fiom Bank of America about credit card fee usage - it's not that much less than the current fee. The most alway is the Paypal account, it's much lower- You have to lease ""orrori" for 3 years, if you chose to break lease it would cost $500.00' Easy check pay rghtthen and it's automatically cleared and you return it. Councilmember Downing - what is Paypal fee? 'Walker you can Mrs. - I think it is $2.00 for each time transaction is done' pass on to the individual. councilmember Downing - the auditors, what did you agreed and disagree with auditors on? by ntr. wrker -They mentioned we did not have time cards always signed 2 signers. I didn't greed with them saying material founding' But I agreed were there were not always 2 signatures on time cards. In 2010, 20ll they that not always signed by 2 people and the employee. I agreed with them on but in 20I2they should have 2 signatures on them' Mayor Martin - update on church on Addison Road' councilmember sunders - stated the county nor the state had an issue with them nraking a church there. Update on Rev' Cummings, we needto have them come back and present wht information the Historical Committee and
the County said. Mrs. Tucker - Michelle Barnes called today and said she had been trying to reach us and she didn't know they were suppose to be coming to the meeting tonight. If you need to please call her. Mrs. syphax - we need to get the input from the neightborhood. Counciimember Waiters - all we have to say is they don't have adequate 'What are the restrictions? They have to have a certain parking spaces. amount on the ProPertY. Mayor Martin - Acording to lay out they are going to have I47 peoplenArs. Syphax - one parking space pet 4 occupants, will need about 38 parking spaces. ilAuyot-Vttin - I counted about 10 in the front, and about 15 cars can park in the back and that is someone else's yard.


Brooks, I councilmember waiters - I talked to ivlrs. McCown and Mrs' get back with me' I asked them to come in today and they said they would did not getacall back from them' in the Mayor artin - we have a serious problem with water running Proctor gave me a basment. Had 3 estimates. It was an emergency. Mr. top IrvAC Unit' copy of his proposal, the cost would be $2,100.00, for roof 1vlis. Syphax -Lo* would the church affect our revenue? Mayor Martin - they don't pay taxes' with this issue for Councilmember Downing )mud"a motion to go forward roof repair. PVC valve up there' Councilmember Dodson - not yet have any one put a Question on the motion? I see PVC b:i"g councilmember waiters - I see repairs for duct work and that another issue? ran, what about ceiling tiles here with holes in it. Is , Mayor Martin - stated Yes. motion' the second Waiters Concilmember Councilmember Downing - Table motion Mayor Martin - motion is tabled' The lady has been Muyol. Martin -iOl60th Avenue - tree in back in alley' lady, said he and coming by because of the tree. A friend of the get some other prices' "utiirrg would cut the tre.town for $3,000. I'm trying to to be a stop sign near the J and Jost Street - need to be cut and there need

if that is Town properfv? Concilmember Dodson - replied yes it is' and no one identiff lr4r. Jordan - I noticed that we talhabout a lot of issues "n-;:n'ftin-asked on it' or take the lead to follow-uP j on the C!y"l Councilmember Saunders said he would follow-up the MML Mrs. Syphax - sent bill over for the event for one night at
Convention. Mayor Marlin Excellance.

- we put an email in your box from the Academy


didn't councilmember Dodson - they need to go back to 2005, they recosnize the time we attended'




Mrs. Capers - First thing I want to talk about is, I go to Tenth Street Baptist Church, it's I29 years old, we were told we couldn't park on the street any more on Sundays, in front of certain folks homes. They put a no parking sign up and we had to find other parking. Second thing, I thought there was a law that said the auditing company couldn't be your auditor no more then 5 years. And it was required by state law to get another one. The other thing, in your budget you had money set aside for a scholarship? How do you apply for that scholarship? Mayor Martin - It's been awhile. Mrs. Capers - why don't you create a scholarship, so if someone want to apply they can. 'We want to do The Civic Association had it's meeting last Tuesday. 'We want to do a Back-tosomething for the Youth in our neighborhood. 'We will write a letter to the Town to ask the Town if we can School project. use the parking lot on August 23'o. Councilmember Keith - ational Night Out - August 7. We have $100.00 budgeted for National Night Out. I have sent letters out to 'Wegman, PopEyes, Home Depot, Safeway and6 others. Got a commitmetrt from PopEyes and Home Depots will donate some flash lights. Waiting to see if Wegman can donate some food. Want to use the $100.00 for the moon bounce. Cost of moon bounce is $135.00. Mr. Ukkundo'Oohwaka- stated he would like to make a suggestion for Mayor and Council to serve a 4 yeat tern. Mayor Martin- that went out for referendum,before, it could possibly pass' Councilmember Downing - said he learned in class you don't need a referendum. The Mayor and Council have to agree that is what we want to

Mayor Martin - discussion about the bill received for one night in Ocean city from Mrs. syphax, and information that was received from the Academy of Exceilence.

Meeting adjoumed.

own Clerk

07/rcn012 PAGE 4OF4



present Mayor Martin, councilmember saunders, councilmember Keith, councilmember Downing,
Wilson sick Councilmem-ber Waiters absent, Councilmember Dodson sick Councilmember

Prayer Flag Salute Apf,roval of minutes - June 12th 2012 Worksession June 20,2012 Town Meeting with corrections for June 20. Minutes approved for June 12th 2012 and June 20, 2012 with corrections.
Motion made to accept the minutes with corrections by councilmember waiters seconded by Councilmember Saunders. Councilmember Saunders Aye, councilmember Keith Aye, Mayor Martin Aye, councilmember Downing Aye and Councilmember Waiters AYe.

Police epartment Report - Chief Brooks warnings. Cameras - was able to ut in place procedures, there have been over 400 process of There In regard to Live ..un, still trying to get that up and running still in securing a lT Person. with the Nationaj Nighi out - we will do a presentation and I have been in contact We had a Department. Police governor's .u on how to get more funding for the out by worked teenager or young man that was shot on Jot Street the details are being told the p couty Hmicide Deparlment. Last Sunday there was another situation, I the media that was not in our Town. Councilmember Downing Stated he gave an update on the lT person. He will be here Friday. Mrs. Saxo-n - we hae one full time police officer, why don't he have a car? power was Why no officer was here covering the town when we had a blackout and the

Ghief Brooks - you said it, we have one full time police officer and once his shift ends,
he have covered his shift. Sherri Downing - question is there a shift that an officer is here? Chief Brooks - answered we like to rotate the shift anonymously.


Gouncilmember Downing - how are we doing with recruiting officers? How close are we to getting someone? Ghief Brooks - August 1st, is the date that I have to submit the letter I just received for the recent candidate. Motion made to approve Chief Brooks report motion second by Councilmember Keith. Councilmember Saunders Aye, Councilmember Keith Aye, Mayor Maftin Aye, Councilmember Downing Aye, Councilmember Waiters Aye. Mayor Martin - Police report has been approved. Treasures report - Mrs. Walker
Report is on file

Mrs. Walker - stated the proposals that were put out for RFP's for aphalt companies and RFP's for lT vendors was given to Mayor and Council for approval. Councilmember Saunders made the motion to approve the Treasurer's report and Councilmember Waiters second the Treasurer's report AllAyes the treasurer's report has been approved' Gode Enforcers Report - Mr. Vaughns Report on file Hand carried notices to 15 businesses, Big Boy's Towing no longer in business. Councilmember Waiters - stated between L and K Street on left side of lot some one left a Jiffy John there. Mrs. Saxon - we are getting a lot of group homes in Fairmount Heights, 1 109 60th Avenue must be a rooming house, I think the health department need to go in there. On 60tl Ave there is a garage, they are towing cars all day long, towing cars all night long and working on cars alldaY, Councilmember Downing - do you cite people in town that their grass need cutting? Could you give me the approximate number of how many violations have been cited? Mr. Vaughs -no I cann't, most of them have been corrected and some haven't been cited. You want the numbers not the names. Will get some of the numbers. Mr. Baker - complaint about property need cutting on J Street, safety issue. Councilmember Keith - if it's a public safety issue I will send the Chief to take a look at it and we can give a citation. Motion made by Councilmember Waiters to approve the Code Enforcers report seconded by Councilmember Saunders. AllAyes. Code Enforcers report has been approved.

Councilmember Saunders Aye, Councilmember Keith Aye, Mayor Martin Aye, Councilmember Downing and councilmember waiters payers money Frmer Councilmember Saxon stated the elected officials used her tax to buy tickets for Tommy Broadwater's party. I always Formr Councilmembei Saxon stated one thing I did for Fairmount Heights, grants, they need did find out about different grants if there was any money for different money to do a needs assessment. Historical site Ms. Osbourne is the chair. Received to fix the Monument . Grace Methodist church historical site will be getting the money. We have 33 historical sites. Yesterday I came pass here and the scep person was up on the roof painting, I called Public works. 2005' Got a call on Town houses you haven't paid your state taxes since You going down there getting permits you have to go.to HPC. meeting law' Upshr huse - whethr sne is gone or not you need to look at your opeh Baptist Church Property at 5406 they want to put the Old Ship of Zion Missionary Incorporated there. New Business in reference to Budget ordinance FHO 02 - 12' should read $300, on p"g" 2 , FHO 02 - 12 correction needed for Bail bondsman is now $75 lmpouno fee was $75 it is now $100 the recovery fee was $50 it FHO 02-12the Motion made by councilmember Downing to approve with correction motion second by Councilmember Waiters Cor.ft"tn"t aunders Aye, Councilmember Keith Aye, Mayor Martin Aye' councilmember Downing Aye, councilmember waiters Aye. Motion approved with correction on FHO 02 - 12 for the Jocelyn Harris spoke concerning house on Addison Road she is a representative spoke about passive housing initiative project, (HlP), for moderate to low income. she 50 horr",nergy efficient, mmunity Legacy. Ms. Harris said they have done about houses in the CountY.




will get back to you with more information' Couclmembei Downing asked about funding for rehabilitate Mayor Martin's RePort as far as networking, MML conference in ocean city, this year it was very interesting Tucker got Mrs' ppf"*ure really out talking nd passing around information' they had quite a infoimation about the clerk's osition. Mr. Vaughns, the code'enforcer effectively with few issues about code enforcement. They ha one class about working the Police DePartment'

we were-really well Thanks to councilmember Downing, he carried our Town flag. of our seal' i"prrunt"d this time. We had a b beautiful flag with the actual color
it was beneficial in a Mayor Marlin -thanked the Civic Association for.the ride along time of postiuu light. the ride along was handing out water and ice to residents in people really really appreciated it' "r"rg"nies yesterday we had a visit irom Donna smith from Gloria Lala's office, theDepartment of talked abou t 3 major I strowed her the building where the senior's meet. we I mentioned was to "gngitems, Nutrient program three dys out of the week's, one thing lower level' *p;il flooring on toit"t level and io change the tile floor on one for the Monument signs' Jackie mentioned about the need for two pooper scooper Park and the other one for the circle. The signs have been ordered'

Councilmember Saunders - no report Councilmember Keith - no rePo councilmember Downing take 9 classes' I met with I also enjoyed myself at the MMA conference I was abl e to County Council UCAp a month ago about rehab homes, Mr. Williams informed me the approved additioal homes for rehab in Fairmount Heights Gouncilmember Waiters college, did research on now to catagorize three different areas, students for community university colleges and vocational in school' I liked it so nr*. caers - tanked Mrs. waiters for information about the scholarship, much I'm sending You an e-mail' the Civic Mrs. Capers also thanked Councilmember Kevin Downing for assisting town' the in Associaiion in delivering water and ice to residents


There will be flyers going out about the Back-to-school night August 18,2012 3:00 to 6:00 pm. lf iirainl, the rain date will be September 1, same time'

Mrs. Tucker - stated she e-mailed the Gazette about us not getting the Gazette the Town of anymore and they responded by saying they're not delivering the paper in Fairmount Heights anymore' Councilmemblr Waiiers - said they were actually supposed to deliver to the houses. them to deliver They say because we don't complain, or flood them with calls to demand them. ttrey oon't. we need to really spread the word to tell everyone to call of Onitre other hand there nae io be some control because they lay in the driveways the empty houses and no one picks them up' Mrs. Sirerry Downing - asked when were we going to get lettering for the bulletin board? Mayor Martin - asked Sherry if she would underlake volunteering to get lettering? Mr. Sherry Downing - replied yes she would' was voted Mr. Martin's - complant about the police not being able to take cars home, it Dodson, she on as an incentive io take the cars home I want to tatk to Councilmember was one that voted against it' I don't think that's right' councilmember waiters - it was changed due to citizens concerns about broken down was not this calls, cars being in springdale. councilmember saxon was here too. lt and Council. prior Mayor Mayor and Council, ihe Iake-home policy was changed with Chief Brooks - beore I got this postion when I was coming to the Council meetings parked in front of there were concerns abo-ut vehicles being other places. Being I am businesses being in other municipalities but that have not been on my watch. on the vehicles. I got the i"rO to say *""huuu been keeping up the maintenance get the maintenance done to vehicles' unding trom lsapp) state aid polic protection to counlmember (eith - I was one of the citizens who voted against the take home vehicles. lt should be suspended because police wasn't doing their work. I ran a record of what is actually being done in the Town as I do now'
second Motion made by Councilmember Saunders to go into executive session motion by Councilmember Downing





at 9:50


nn Tucker, Town Clerk




Prince George's County Planning Department Countywide Plan ning Division Historic Preservation Section
(3O1) s52-3680



July 17,2012

Michelle Bames Diamond Enterprises 12700 Live OakPlace Upper Marlboro, I\/ID 20772

Dear Ms. Barnes: }y'rD,20743 is identified as Lot 429 Bloclc The properfy located at 5406Addison Road, capitol Heights, Heights Nationar Register Histo'ic M, syrva' vista subdivision. The properry ir *ithin the ai'nou't rest'ictions for construction or uses within a istrict, However, there are no fedra or iocal guidelines or please leferio the Prince George's County Zoning ordinance to see if blational Register Historio District. the proposed churcli is a permitted use for this properfy'





Cecelia GarciaMoore Principal Planning Tehlician 301-952-37s6

H:\Fairmourit Fleights NRHD Letter.docx

Office of the Code Enforcement Monthly Report Julv 18.2012

We have received large numbers of complaints of fallen trees as a result of the recent storms, mostly from the town owned alleys and adjoining properties. We hand delivered a second notice to (15) businesses which had not responded to the two notices to renew their business licenses. We added Deadwyler Bus Co. with buses parked in the rear of 525 EastenAve. Big Boys Towing Co. advised us that they ale no longer in business. To date we have renewals to account for $5,400'00' We are continuing to cite owners for failure to cut their grass and we are continuing to issue work orders for the Dept. of Public Works to correct any violations' We have complaints about trash cans being left out front of homes on non-trash days we have developed a flyer to be distributed to homes in all areas.

Sylvester Vaughns
Code Enforcement Officer

Town Meeting August 15,2012 Financial Summary as of July 31 ,2012

Acct No


000 Checking 1002 LLEB Grant 1004 Payroll 24,657,.93 1 005 Police Seizure 975.63 1 006 Economic Development 11,284.49 1010 Scholarship 1,448.29 1 099 Petty Cash 200.00 1 035 OMS Development 2.25 1040 PNC Bank (MLGIP Investment) 3,302.47 , 1 098 Undeposited Funds 452.00 1200 Accounts Receivable (13,556.CI0) Total Assets _____9I99q.62_

Balance 62,689.48 207.25

Profit & Loss (July 1-31,2012)

Income Expense Other lnc/Exp Net Income 7,680.72 39,102.74 (135.00)


Budget vs Actual (July 1,2012 - July Z1, ZO12)

lncome Expense Net Ordinary Income

706,027.84 669.843.44 36,184.40

7,680.72 39,102.74 (31,422.A21

$Over/Under 698.347.12 630.740.70 67,606.42

Other Inc/Exp Net Other Income Net Income/Loss


135.00 (135.00)

4,365.00 (4,365.CIt) 63,241.42


Town of Fairmount Heights

MaYor and Town Council Town Worksession TuesdaY, August 14, 2012

Prayer - Councilmember Wilson received, 75th anniversary for Mayor Martin - rt on information pcnn. 60th place garage need painting Greenbelt Mayor'is new head of street sweeper' We and repairing, contacted Seat Pleasant concerning a prie for a recorder and we also need a new recording system. We have of the minutes' we want to need to have something to record the taping move forward on that. Treasurer's RePort - Mrs' Walker able to meet our expenses' We are one month into our fiscal year, We are

incomewas$T6s0.Wealsohaverecommendationsforan|Tandasphalt finar decision about vendors. companies. wting for coun.it to make the

from Bank of America Update on bank fee"s, talked with a representative lower than what we have' lf merchant, purchasing procet=ingi"" are not should buy it' The price to we are going to contiue using e[uipment we month' The cheapest option buy would be cheaper than-payn rent ea-ch a month to $49 a is paypal that *ouid lower fees th most, from $100 lt referenced in the of your 2010 audit' -W" month. You have receiveo a copy ar" treading on bringing revenue letter they have fiscal year 2011' rncrease in property down. Now we are moving into a positive direction. live scan is another Source of revenue' The taxes, the speeJ to get field work done' ""t"rusnd auditors came ugust 1. lt took them one week


License and Mrs' Councilmember Waiters asked question about-Traders the County that is the portion Walker replied tfrat we received b.f Z from that is sent to the Town' out about the fees for PayPal councirmember Downing - asked did you find transaction's' Councilmember Ms. Walker reptid $.33r $.35 for each but is there another fee to Waiters - statedh"r" is a fee for PayPal transfer into our account ? our attorney is here tonight Mayor Martin - *l"oted Mr. Deloach, had copy of the proposals? councilmember Downing - "rkuJ ir"u"ryone everyone a copy' Mrs. Walker replied yes she had gave Police Deparlment Report - Chief Brooks $275 per person to get Things we have spent money on toget certifications the rve scan. I was asked who is certifications. To cut costs *" r giting They also asked the name of the company. that are being processed' Applications for positions, we.have t*o lu1-"s until I PM' now live, the camera is on from 6 AM speed cameras'*"


Therewasaprob|emwiththenetwork,itisstraightnow. in revenue'


Looking atZ)A citations put us around $9000 to thank everyone for coming out Chief Brooks - National Night out, i want everyone who parlicipated' to supporl us. There will b cedifcates for be vote done for rr person? councirmember Dodson - ast<eo if there wiil is there a contract? Mayor Martin . t.o We decided to get Someone, CouncilmemberDowning-saidthe.costwas$300. was four lT companies met, it Mrs. walkerrs - stated the bid process was and three bids were for asphalt companies.' of paying 9n9,t9 do live scan councilmember saunders - stated instead can't one do both? and another to do lT for the building why for the entire project? Attorney peloaclr - asked if the RF ws
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Councilmember Waiters - asked if we are in a contractor agreement? Mayor Martin - we can't be in a contractor agreement, we have not put anything in writing. Councilmember Downing- stated the mayor agreed with him that we could get this done. Councilmember Wilson - said if agreement was made verbally would that be a binding agreement? Attorney Deloach - you want to know whether we are obligated for the RFP the way it was written or whether it covers the entire project. Usually the way RFPs are written, you deal with one vendor. Councilmember Downing - it was an emergency situatlon' Chief Brooks - we received a SAPP grant of $3000 we only used $127.00 out of the $3000. Code enforcement car need to be looked at. The air-conditioner on the police side of building is not working again. We will discuss the lT and asphalt issue later. Kellian Kennedy - representative from AXA Equitable. Discussed 457 plan for town, tax-deferred retirement plan, there are two different options the tax-deferred retirement plan and a guaranteed interest plan. Mayor Martin - received letters from First Baptist Church requesting way finding signage be placed at the corner of Addison Road and L Street. Also t niersection at Eastern Avenue and 58th . Councilmember Dodson - in the event we don't put signage up, do First Baptist Church need approval from the Mayor? Mayor Martin - consensus is needed that they can put signs up.


bring back a written lease councilmember Downing. - I'm suggesting they long the parking agreemnt is agreement from property o*n"itt"uing nw
for. Mayor Martin - we can take a consensus' with additionar information. Mayor Martin _ *" wiil wait for the paperwork on 'parking issue' Councilmember Wilson- said wait ior'written solution go out' Councilmember Downing - wait for letter to the church and a letter to councilmember Keith- said I desire for them have go out go out' ouncilmember Waiters - will decide when letter Councilmember Dodson - not present' go out' councilmember saunders - will decide when letter of repair' Mayor Martin- the code enforcement car is in need with the Gar' we chief Brooks - stated we need to review what's wrong car' would have to get an estimate for the code enforcement get repairs, on that a Councilmember Saunders - | thought we agreed to while ago. put one car in when it's ouncilmember waiters- we said we would repaired we would Put another car' for the police car chief Brooks - | wanted to wait to get the sAPP money repairs. getting the repairs done for Mayor Martin- asked the chief if he could act on the code enforcement car. job description for town manager ttltuyo, Martin - stated we could discuss now or retire to executive session' discuss in executive councilmember waiters - | thought we decided to session. Night, the civic councirmember waiters- asked about the Back-to-school purchasing Back-to-School Associaton ,"qr"ti"O u $500 donation for supplies and a moon bounce'
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Councilmember Downing - stated that he think that was fully understood. Councilmember Waiters- do we need to rewrite it to exclude line scan and resubmit requests for the rest of it? Attorney Deloach - | don't think we need to go to advertisement and getting more bidders we may have to exclude work that's already been done. Mayor Martin : hed the balance of lT information. councilmember Downing - asked can we let Mrs. walker make that decision. Mayor Martin - said yes the chafter say she can do it. We can make a motion to designate Ms. Walker as the person to make the decision to select the contractor. Motion made by Councilmember Saunders to agree to let Mrs. Walker makes selection for potholes and lT person and the council will review the final contract. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Waiters. Ayes have it. Mrs. walker - stated she recommended company c but he have not responded yet. The Owner is Mr. Thompson, the other companies didn't give any background information. I have another company, should the bidding process be started over? Mrs. Walker stated she would try to contact company C tomorrow. Councilmember Waiters - stated that the quote may be more money since it's over 30 days. But you could shoften the duration to maybe three days if you put it in again. Attorney Deloach - stated that those are proposals that was put in before but the final contract would have to be reviewed by the Council. Mrs. Walker - stated the proposal that she had was to repair one pothole. Councilmember Downing made a motion that Mrs. Walker will make a whole new selection and the Council will review the contract motion seconded by Councilmember Waiters. Mayor Martin Aye, Councilmember Wilson Aye, Councilmember Waiters



Mayor and Council Work session September 11, 2012
pRESENT: Mayor Martin, Councilmember Downing, Councilmember Dodson, CouncilmemberWaiters, Councilmember Saunders,
Councilmember Keith

(Corrected Copy)

Prayer - Mrs. Capers Guest - Pastor Matthews Representative - Mrs. Goines, from Workforce would like to have a training session for the workforce devetopment for the State of Maryland, she want to have pro bono space for a meeting here, near the end of the month' Councilmember Waiters - asked would this be a recurring event? Mayor Martin - stated she is not sure, she would like to get more information from Mrs. Goines. Mayor Martin - Updates Pet control - Problem with nat's and ants in the building' Received estimates from H & S Pest Control in Landover Hills, Economy Pest _Gontrol Pest in Annapolis want $S70 for initial service and Mr. Hamilton's nephew also has a Control Company. -Dodson them and use Councilmember - said the nat's are in the drans, if we clean problems. any have industrial bleach consistently when we clean, we wouldn't CouncilmemberWaiters - rV question is with the ants and nat's are we not allowed to set off a misting bomb? $500.00 verses a $7.00 can of spray. Mayor Martin - | think we can use the bombs. City of Greenbelt is having their 75th anniversary soon. Their Mayor is the President or ccnR will be I will check my budget fund, I would like to attend, tickets are $65.00. Event held at Martin's Cross Winds. Barbecue party - with the attorneys on September 2}th from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM at their Fort Washington address. Other updates nVi Martin mentioned were: lssue with 62nd Avenue property. Councilmember Waiters - Question about issue with 62nd Avenue and the decision, you gave a report that the young lady's father was an attorney, not to pursue it' Dd anyone check on that? Myor Martin - stated yes, the Town Attorney did, he talked back to Mr' Williams in the Maryland Attorney Geeral's office. I need to get another update on that. That house will nas For Sale sign on it. There will be a fair increase for The Bus it will be $1 .25. lt Prince at Thursday this go into effect Novmber 5,2012. CDBG workshop will be held "org"', Ballroom from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. The phone number is 301-883- 5540 or 301-883-5570. There will be a HIV and AIDS event September 21,2012


from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM at Gethsernanie Methodist Church on Addison Road. First

BpRtist Church of Fairmount Heights is celebrating their 1OOth Anniversary on October 7"' at 9:00 AM. They want to start marching at 9:00 AM. They want a proclamation and they want permission to march. On October 14th there will be a banquet at La Fontaine Bleu. Storm Water Management - Opt in, it need to be done, they are waiting for an answer. Need to know if we want to participate w/county SWRP&C or if we want to get our own program. PNC Bank - Authorization, they need us to sign off on this form, from LGIT. Seat Pleasant 's New Center - will have have a groundbreaking ceremony on September29, from 10:004M until2:00 PM. RSVP at wurw.seatpleasant md.gov. Mayor Martin - Mrs. Harris, housing initiative project (HlP) own property on Addison Road. They are asking for approval for the project. Councilmember Waiters - we need proof of concept, presentation, what type of house, and how many people it will house. Mayor Martin - put information in your boxes about the African American Cultural Museum event , the price of tickets are $150 per person. Police Department Report - Chief Brooks we did a task force initiative operation on August 24 and August 25,2012. Major Nader sent the results of the initiative. sERo vehicle stopped. Live Scan - we are waiting for one piece of equipment and then we will be up and running. Speed cameras - we need to do a calibration shot in the morning and evening. Sgt. Morris - received training on Monday with Beckford, he can do mobile dispatch. Tickets come in blocks of 100s. There was only two Fairmount Heights addressees that received tickets. Chief Brooks - between 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM we received about g00 warnings in 60 days. we have two officers that are being processed, it look pretty good. K&C Contractor - asphalt 56th and Kolb, we have two potholes. Mrs. Walker -l asked vendors to come out and look at the site. The proposals for asphalt need to be in on the 19th. I asked for specs but the companies didn't want to give me the specs CR 6. Storm water management opt in or out . We have until October 22to make a decision, this was just voted on around July. Councilmember Keith - | can do some research on storm water management if you like. Clean up, Green up Saturday, October 20th. Plants to be planted at 59th Avenue to L Street. Hopefully, we can hook up with the Civic Association. Councilmember Waiters - | guess I got that in my box. l'm not necessarily confused but we never really discussed what was to be done, if we were going to take the opportunity or whatever, it is what it is. But my question is and to add to that there was an option to contact Jane Townshend, for landscaping assistance. was that done? Mayor Martin - | think I checked that and we wanted assistance.

Councilmember Dodson - they have a planning workshop that I plan to attend. Gouncilmember Waiters - because I didn't hear of anyone doing anything I fonryarded an e-mail to Jan Townshend. Did you fonryard something to her? | can back off and provide you any information, if she does reply. Councilmember Dodson - | was given this application to send back to her. Councilmember Downing - want flowers or Sheriff Road at top of hill. Councilmember Dodson - said also on 59th Avenue, we will pass out papers to the school for community service hours. Mayor Martin - last year when we made the selection of plants we had what was left over, we need to go earlier this year. Guest - Two Ministers from Eastern Avenue. The code enforcer saw you working on 953 Eastern Avenue, it used to be a church. Councilmember Downing - asked how many parking spaces do they have? They replied, they have nine parking spaces and about six members. Councilmember Keith - stated right now it's zoned for commercial and one parking space for four people. One of the ministers from the church said he was checking for alternate locations, he's checking for some information about building capacity, parking and commercialfor the business. Mrs. Capers - said thank you for everything you dd, when we wrote a letter to you about a key I thought it would be a joint venture. Meetngs are supposed to be the first Tuesday of the month. Councilmember Keith - will take October 2 at7:30 PM to 9:00 PM. Mayor Martin will take November 6 and Councilmember Saunders December 4th. Mayor Martin - Cathedral of Christ - leasing lot up on Sheriff Road, so they can use it for parking for the Fleamarket. They were to go the County to see what process it would take. Councilmember Waiters - when I was there Saturday looking it crossed my mind when Fairmount Gardens and the lodge was there , when that land was cleared off , that property belongs to Town/HUD , right. I don't know who came through and put the new side walk in, but when they put the new sidewalk in they ddn't take into consideration that there was an existing one there, so it should have been put back. The County owes us to put that driveway back in. The option is to callthe County and tell them we can't access. Mayor Martin - it was a driveway, address was 5345 Sheriff Road. Someone from the Fleamarket got 3 estimates. One was $34,000, one was $36,000 and the other was $20,000. The lowest estimate was $20,000. Councilmember Keith - stated for who to pay? Councilmember Waiters - we need to find out who is going to incur the cost, of them during the parking lot? Why can't we pursue getting the driveway back? Mayor Martin - you know we have a Covernant. Gouncilmember Keith - where is the information about the HUD Covenant. do we have a copy? Mayor Martin - | think we do, it should be in the building.


We are advertising for a vacant council position. I talked to Mrs.Shelton, a flyer can be generated by next week. Councilmember Saunders - also we should be making a decision about the snow. councilmember Downing - stated he wanted to talk about the snow. Councilmember Saunders - check information for snow pfan, what is the year of the truck. Councilmember Keith - we have a budget and we start with that. Mayor Martin - stated the truck was returned because we don't have the correct VIN number. Councilmember Downing - stated he have to get together with Mike, the code enforcer and Carlton. Mr. Vaughns was to go back and take pictures. Public works - $800 is in the budget for uniforms. Mr. Jordan - announced information for the homeless veterans. We have another activity coming up. Mr. Jordan presented bags and scas with phone numbers and email addresses for the homeless veterans. He said his offer for the truck still stands. Meeting adjourned.

nn Tucker, Town



TOWN OF FAIRMOUNTHEIGHTS Mayor and Town Gouncil Town Meeting Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Present: Mayor Martin, Councilmember Downing, Councilmember Waiters, Councilmember Keith

Prayer - Mrs. Walker Flag Salute Minutes - July 10,2012 Worksession, July 18,2012 Town Meeting and August 14, 2012 Worksession Motion made by Councilmember Downing to approve minutes for July 10, Worksession, July 18, Town Meeting and August 14, 2012 Worksession motion second by Councilmember Keith. Mayor Martin Aye, Councilmember Downing Aye, Councilmember Waiters Aye, Councilmember Keith Aye Councilmember Dodson not present. Councilmember Saunders not present. Treasures Report - Mrs. Walker Report on file Expenses exceeded our income we have money in the bank to pay our expenses, everything is paid, everything is current. We reeeived the Police Aid money. We received two payments. This will be it for asphalt bids it will be officially closed today. We have not received anything as far as bids yet. Mrs. Walker - stated we would have to talk to the attorney to see if we have to put this out again. Councilmember Downing - asked did you contact the person that applied the first time? Mrs. Walker - replied yes, but I have not received a response from them. The name of that company was Seal-Pro. Councilmember Waiters - you can send it back to them, they can bid again but your quote may change if it's over 30 days. Mrs. Walker - stated they responded to me verbally but they haven't mailed in a response. Mayor Martin -asked for a motion for approval of the Treasure's Report for the month of August. Councilmember Downing made a motion to approve the Treasurer's report for the month of August and motion second by Councilmember Waiters.


Mrs. Sherrry Downing - the business at Ebony lnn can affect the value of our homes. Five years ago, my home was valued at $255,000 and now the appraisal value is $104,000 for 2012. Councilmember Waiters - you cannot go to him for repasts and events and turn around and ask to shut him down. Mrs. Ukkundo'Oohwaka - in reference to speed tickets and violations, have they given you a format? Chief Brooks - replied it's the same as State Law. For the Record Mrs. Sherry Downing - stated for the second month she has asked about parking on Sheriff Road. lt seems the parking on Sheriff Road during the yard sale is getting worst. Now they are beginning to park on both sides by the Bail Bondsmen (Mr. Hamilton) and now they are parking on K Street. Eventually someone is going to get hit. What are we doing as a Town, not to enforce the no parking signs but to gain some of the revenue from people who are illegally parking. Sgt. Morris - replied they are not just starting to park on both sides at one time it was Thursday and Saturday. Somehow, on Thursday's they tend not to park on Sheriff Road. I write tickets every Saturday. Mayor Martin - concerning the parking, when the County came through they blocked out the driveway to get to the lot across from the flea market we need someone to talk to the County to open the driveway back up. Councilmember Waiters - business license for parking, we need to found out what they are allowed to do as far as the businesses are concerned within the establishments. lt may be required they may need to purchase or adjust their business licenses. Sgt. Morris - they are parking on our side, the establishments are lettng them park. There is no driveway for people to drive to get on the empty lot across from the fleamarket. Councilmember Keith made the motion to accept the Police Department Report for the month of August and motion second by Gouncilmember Downing. Roll Call Mayor Martin Aye, Councilmember Keith Aye, Councilmember Downing Aye, Councilmember Waiters Aye. Ayes have it. Mayor Martin - stated that the Police Department report has been approved for the month of August.



Councilmember Keith's RePort I have noticed citizens have brought to my attention that the prostitutes are back really heavy. We have Prince Georges County Police in Fairmount Heights from 10:00 PM until 6:00 AM in the morning. I am on the advisory board with Chief Magaw. He is setting up a meeting in the next two weeks with Chief Lanier to see if they can double the effect on Eastern Avenue. With the prostitution coming back so are the drugs and people loitering through the streets. Councilmember Downng - stated he had no report. Councilmember Waiters - stated she worked with Mayor Martin on a job description for a town manager's position and created the advertisement. On 20th October Gouncilmember Wood Dodson submitted a request application for us to receive various different shrubbery, trees and plants. She has spearheaded a cleanup day and I have assisted her by contacting Natalie, news reporter from the Gazette to put the article in the community section and to solicit volunteers for community service hours. I contacted Park and Planning to get ideas for our youth to take part in. Park and Planning could assist us with the resources they have. Mayor Martin - on August 30 information went out concerning Councilmember Wilson's lasi day. We sent flyers out in the community to see who else wanted to finish his term, the last date is next Friday to apply. Guest - Mr. Hopkins from the VFW 3626 he is the Quartermaster and author of a book called "Young Man in a Hurry" he made a donation to the Town of $100. Public Participation Mrs. Ukkundo'Oohwaka - discussed getting everyone involved in getting people to vote' Mayor Martin - our election board hasn't said anything about doing an election drive. Itrs. Walter - stated there is some confusion about registering and reregistering. Councilmember Downing - stated he went on a bus to Fairfax Virginia and if people would like to get involved they can go to 1 101 Mercantile Lane Suite 220.They are in need of phone bank individuals. Every Saturday they go to Virginia to canvass. Mrs. Downing -concerns about progress on getting the potholes repaired. Mrs. Walker - said she put it out to bid the first time, for the asphalt company, then we put it out a second time, there was no response, per the Charter, the Mayor and Council can make a decision. They wilf decide on a company on Tuesday' Mrs. Ukkundo'Oohwaka - asked about the carry out on Sheriff Road, is there a certain permit -Don't on how businesses can adveftise? they need to have additional license to sell beer and wine?



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Mayor and Town Gouncil Town Meeting Wednesd aY, 17 October 2012
present: Mayor Martin, Councilmember Downing, Councilmember Dodson, Councilmember Saunders,
Councilmember Waiters, Councilmember Keith

Mr. Vaughns Flag Salute Min-utes of September 11, and September 19, 2012 tabled until November Town Meeting, due to lack of review and need for corrections. Septemb er 14, corrections needed on first page concerning 62nd Avenue, on second page Clean Up Green Up project and correction on page 3 concerning the driveway that was at Fairmount Gardens.' Councilmember Waiters made the motion to table minutes for Town Meeting September 19th and Worksession September 11th until November Town Meeting concernng lack of review and errors that need correcting. Motion second by Councilmember Saunders. Ayes have it. _ Mayor Martin - minutes are tabled for September 11n and September 1gth until the November Town Meeting. Treasures Report - Mrs. Walker -Attended tax differential meeting. -Met with lWlF representative, there are 157 municipalities, lWlF cover 117 of them. lf we have any incidents try to report the first day, or at least by the third day. -Received a $3500.00 credit from lWlF -Total assets at end of September $ 95,477.00. -Net income $26,487.00 -Available funds in checking account $69,553.00 -Received our property tax payment $147'000. -police Aid report was-due one day last week, should be getting our SAPP money. -Speed camera is in oPeration. - scal year 11 and 12 are done. We will be in compliance by November 1. -Can come in to meet with the Mayor and Council, if they have any questions.





Mayor Martin - need a motion to open a Special Account to just handle speed camera revenue. Mrs. Walker - funds from speed camera has to be for public safety' My recommendation was to have an account labeled public safety. Checks that are used should say public safety. Chief Brooks shared with me that there is a provision the way the law is written we can only keep a certain percentage at end of year. Mayor Martin - would like to put a motion for approval of opening a new account that would be a spring off from our Bank of America account it would be labeled Public Safety account dedicated to revenue from the speed cameras. Motion made by Councilmember Downing to open a new account for Public Safety, for speed cameras so that we can categorize funding for public safety for speed cameras, motion second by Councilmember Dodson' Mayor Martin - it's been properly moved and second that we open a special account under the auspices of Bank of America so that we can handle just the speed camera revenue. Counciimember Saunders Aye, Councilmember Keith Aye, Mayor Martin Aye, Coucilmember Downing Aye, Councilmember Dodson Aye, Councilmember Waiters Aye. Ayes have it. Motion to approve the Treasurer's report for the month of September made by Councilmember Saunders, second by Councilmember Dodson. Mayor Martin Treasurer's report for the month of September has been approved. Ayes have it. Chief Brooks - had an emergency he will give his report in November. Code Enforcement - Mr. Vaughns Report on file Mayor Martin - what is happening with 62th Avenue property? Mr. Vaughns -county put a sticker on that propefty, stating unfix. They will be handling it. Mrs. Clark - question about free bulk trash pickup days. Mrs. Tucker - informed her of the 2 days tequ"sted, ovember 7 and 14th. Waiting for permits to be sent out approving those days. Mayor Martin - organizations calling for names for Thanksgiving baskets, w tried to generate information in our NewsletterTOWN OF FAIRMOUNT HEIGHTS


Mrs. Clark - | tive on J Street a heat pump was stolen out of a neighbor's house. The alleys need to be addressed. Mayor Martin- the alleys need to be addressed we may need a committee to work on solutions. Mrs. Clark - | have a solution you can give the front half to one person and the last half to another Person. Motion made by Councilmember Saunders to accept the Code Enforcers report and second by Councilmember Downing. Ayes have_it. Guest - Mr. Alvin MiNeal - Special Assistant to the Director of Parks and Recreation. Modernization of new facilities, Master Plan for Parks and Recreation and open space. Select year 2040 to get a long range plal' Recommend programsthat are different. 80,000 square feet center . End of January Zcjl3 wll finish the draft. Encourage participation of views for it's recreaion programs. Park and Planning Headquarters Building, 6600 Kenilworth Avenue. Wednesday from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm, we are meeting with municipalities. Opportunity to give feedback. Mrs. Cpers - thanked Mr. McNeal for coming, said our kids need someplace to go. Mr. McNeal - tateO they have also done focus groups for kids' Councilmember Waiters - asked question, why Mr. McNeal came to us? Mr. McNeal - said the reason he's here is because our Town has not been to the meetings, so we came to You. Mayor Martin Reolution FHR 06 - 12 Housing Initiative Project (HlP) (will read the resolution in November ) -passive House, the majority of the Council agreed to |et them build the house, they need the resolution from the Town. - issue on storm water restoration project Mayor Martin's RePort - Seat Pleasant Gioundbreaking, had a wonderful time with our neighbor. -75th Anniversary Dinner for Greenbelt - Mayor Martin attended Martin's crosswinds - UnOle to attend Flrst Baptist of Fairmount Heights 100th Anniversary celebration, a letter was sent on my behalf to congratulate them. - live scan equipment will be returned November 12


Councilmember Saunders - hopefully will have a new truck by the snow. Councilmember Keith - l'm on the citizens Advisory Board -discussed how the patrols on Eastern Avenue will continue for another year. - met with Asst. Chief and Commander from District 3 and Commanders of Sxth District asked for a little more assistance from D.C. in them patrolling' We did get approval in the budget for patrols for Fairmount Heights next year. Councilmember Downing - attended groundbreaking for Seat Pleasant -worked with Public Works, got most of the alleys done' - issue with one of the citizens that two citizens didn't want alley cleaned -met with citizen, we agreed to disagreedwent forward to clean alley . -gave a survey to some residents and got their opinions on wh_ether they apreciate the alleys being cleaned and kept clean. Results from the survey was they appreciated the alleys being cleaned. Ur. Cilclrrist - asked which Street was that, that the citizen didn't want alley cleaned? Couneilmember Downing - was 60th Avenue. Councilmember Dodson -Also attended Seat Pleasant's Day ,opening NBA Building, where NBA Basketball will be able to be played. - lean--up Green- Up Oay, Saturday will be here. The Council and myself are supposed to be here, The kids can do community service. Will start at 9.00 AM. A flyer will be going out to the community' -on the 31st we will have a Masquerade Ball from 6-00 - 8.30 pm if someone would like to volunteer you are welcome. Councilmember Waiters -worked with Councilmember Dodson the Clean- Up Green- Up day -Contacted Natalie with the Gazette Newspaper to put information in the Community Section, about the Clean-Up Green- Up Day' - volunteered with MML for the Emergency Preparedness Committee will meet on the 3'd to receive training for emergency preparedness and incident respond.


Emergency preparedness Committee will meet on the 3'd I will receive training for community preparedness -met *tfr Ur. Herman'Carter from Park and Planning, working to create different calendar events for our youth in the community' Mayor Martin - guest from the church at 953 Eastern Avenue' Gust - He was here last month. Asking Council to authorize temporary use of space. Mr. Vaughns - May I suggest that the Mayor and council look at what authoritf and resp'onsibiity you have when a church come to you' I or l.eco*mend you meet with someone with knowledge of what you should should not ask. the Mayor Martin - work stafted on potholes. They have staed marking potholes
did Councilmember Waiters - notified mayor and council the electrician come in to access lighting over side door' Civic Association - Mrs. CaPers On Friday night, the27th we will have another event to have some fun' her' Mrs. Cap-ers-- thanked everyone who have come forward to help a sometime ago, she heard in a prior meeting that if you didn't come to agenda? meeting we could see it televisd. She asked if it was still on the be tyt"yo, ilartin - will revisit that and the issue about a website, it would nice if we could be televisedTV. Councilmember Waiters - there are costs associated with televised Ms. Capers- stated there was a Fios agreement for us to be televised. Councimember Waiters - the equipment was never hooked up' Mrs. Ukkundo'Oohwaka - would you consider hiring a grant writer instead of a Town Manager? it would Councilmember-Downing - could have a part-time grant writer and pay for itself Mayor Martin - need a motion to adjourn

Motion to adjourn made by Councilmember Dodson second by Cou ncilmernber Waiters

nn Tuckei, Town


OF' F'AIRMOT]NT HEIGHTS Mayor and Town Council WORKSESSION Tuesday, October 9, 2012

present: Mayor Martin, Councilmember Downing, Councilmember Waiters, Councilmember Keith, Councilmember Saunders

Prayer - Councilmember'Waiters Treasurer's Report - Mrs. V/alker Report for the first quarter, of the Fiscal Year, July, August and September.
Under Expenditures -Acct 5210 - Retirement Benefits $10,000 reflect money for employees lastyear,2 employees were not included. ICMA because we were not on line, they sent money back. -Representative came in to talk to employees about another 457 Plan. One employee signed uP for that. -Account 5110 -received audit from Workers Comp, received next bill. The bill has gone down S400.00. We have a $400.00 savings. The next audit will be in around November for the next cycle. Highlight under Public SafetY -Account 6005- not what it say. It is a personnel issue will explain later. -Received fiscal year 20!1 and 2012 draft financial statement from auditors. -Updates for anything in yellow. There was nothing in yellow. Report show we have a positive fund balance for fiscal year 20L1 and fiscal year 2012. -Trending in a positive direction. FY 20lL there are two vendors we still have outstanding debt with, Prince George's County and Old Line. My understanding was that Old Line was charged off, from what the auditors got back from there confirmations it had been charged off-It's showing \Me owe $64,000, for 3 vehicles, will have to check to see if we still owe this. If we still o\rye we can begin to make payments, ffidhopefully they won't negotiate a lump sum payoff. We could get it caught up so \/e won't be in arrears. -Attended County tax differential workshop today. The Counties budget have a shortfall, of L27 million dollar gap for 2013. Mayor Martin - thought that was a debt that was written off we will have to let the attorney get involved, so \Me can get this resolved..


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Pastor Palmer - we brought it as a normal residence. Councilmember Waiters - you brought house with purpose of having meetings? Councilmember Saunders - have there been a fire chief come through there to see what the maximum number of occupancy is? Pastor Palmer -replied no. Councilmember Waiters - they are meeting as afatthbased group, don't have an organization established with a defined name. The County has not told them we are a municipality andthey are to come to us first, after they do a purchase. Councilmember Downing - if you expand my concern is about zoning. Councilmember Keith - church is non-exempt property, the county can't tell you to use it. Councilmember Downing - if you grow you are looking at expanding that properly. When you filled out paperwork did you tell them you wanted to turn it into a church. Pastor Palmer -No, we had someone living there until 2 weeks ago. Councilmember Keith -we have our own laws and it's zoned for residence and it's not zoned for a church. Pastor Palmer We did it under the umbrella of another company, Seven Day Adventist. Mrs. Harris - (filP) Housing Initiative Parhrership, asking for a Resolution from the Municipality. $250,000 in grant money to build this house. Have a $50,000 loan that they are paying on. Passive House only use about lYo of energy. They will release funds around 20t3. Everyone is in agreement for the Passive House. Emergency Lights - Councilmember Dodson called about this. Contacted at least 3 electricians and 3 plumbers. Councilmember Waiters and Councilmember Keith have names of bonded electricians. Councilmember Waiters - need to review Resolution for HIP, Passive House. Mayor Martin - need to know if everyone is in agreement for the Stormwater Project that the county is offering. Mayor Martin - yos, Councilmember Downing -ys, Councilmember Keith - yes, Councilmember Waiters - yes. Council in agreement.

Mrs. Walker -Pothole repairs, for the asphalt, Mayor I sent you a copy of the proposal.
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Mayor Martin -only 2 candidates for vacant councilmember seat Councilmember Saunders - pictures of the truck -Truck have a spreader and plyer, Ierry will do the day to day operation of 'We the truck. had $4300.00 reimbursed from the insurance company. Councilmember Keith and Councilmember Downing think we need a certified mechanic to look at it. Need a truck for the snow and the dav to
day operations.

Mayor Martin - Need a truck for the snow and the day to day operations, $3500.00. Mayor Martin Would like to make a recofirmendation to move on truck that was allocated. Mayor Martin Ay., Councilmember Waiters Ay., Councilmember Saunders Ay., Councilmember Keith Ay", Councilmember Downing Nye Council in agreement to getting the truck
-Special meeting, T:30 PM on24h Octoberto go overresumes forthe Town Manager position -have 2 people for Councilmember position , Mrs. Ukkundo'Oohwaka and Mr. Hester. Motion made to adjourn by Courcilmember Saunders, second by Councilmember Downing All Ayes.

Meeting adjourned atIT:Ol PM

Executive Session

Ann Tucker, Town Clerk


TOWN OF FAIRMOUNT HEIGHTS Mayor and Town Council Worksession Tuesday, November t3, 2Ot2
Present: Mayor Martin, Councilmember Downing, Councilmember Saunders, Councilmember Waiters, Councilmember Keith Absent: Councilmember Dodson

Councilmember Saunders Beckford Representative - was unable to attend Representative - Mrs. Shirley Lue, Executive Chairman, First Financial Security, Broker, Financial Planner Guest - Carolyn Conway Branch, part of Love Temple 255 Daughter to W. Bruce Evans Lodge 380. Mr. Thomas Blake and Mr. Smallwood Freeman - Brothers of W. Bruce Evans. 'We initially contacted the Mayor for 2 reasons: (1) Requesting a liquor license to sell alcoholto members (21 Need approval letter to park Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights, occasionally on Sundays This Saturday we are having Thanksgiving Dinner from L:00 - 5:00 pm. You can stop by, the dinner will be free. Councilmember Downing -what is size of Organization membership ? Brothers of W. Bruce Evans -answered they have about 25 brothers Ms. Conway (Financialsecretary)- answered they have 23 daughters at Love Temple 255, we will be waiting for the Mayor and Council's decision and support letter. Councilmember Waiters - what is fire marshall capacity? Brothers of W. Bruce Evans - most of the time our events are in the summertime, everything is outside in the yard the only thing inside is Thanksgiving we have dinner inside. lt hold about 25 people inside. Mrs. Walker - report through end of October. We made our interest payment on the Packer \oan,2 weeks early this time. Received an email today because we haven't billed for Washington Gas. We get to tax utilities, such as Washington Gas, Pepco and Verizon. Waiting for the County to confirm what the operating property tax rate is, nothing has come in

pay pal fees, 530.00 per month fee to be charged . 3% up to L2% of our transactions, lease is for 5 years. We are in year 2 of our lease. We would have to be penalized for breaking the lease on the credit card and check processing equipment. Tax differential report - we did submit report, we got a confirmation that they received it. The Chief submitted the police aid report. lt was hand delivered. The Fiscal Year Ll- and Fiscal Year
Councif member Downing



(Housing lnitiative Project) Resolution FHR 06-L2 - changes and corrections to be made by Council, will be ready for approval at the Town Meeting. Councilmember Downing - water heating and air conditioning unit. Gave everyone copies of first proposal given L6th of October. Two units on rooftop, one unit is out not working at all, second unit giving off gas smell fumes, that's a major problem a health issue. Have not had any one look at that to get a proposal, need to be done asap. The water heater in the basement, it has been leaking for quite a while, we turned the

electricity off on the water heater. Otd water heater was 119 gallons, priced LL9 gallon water heater it was priced at 5L700.00. We're in need of another water heater to replace the one that is leaking. We can replace it with a smaller water heater, 80 gallons the cost would be 5630.00. Mayor Martin - what company was that? Councilmember Downing - it was Nolan Councilmember Saunders - how many gallons is the one you are replacing? Councilmember Downing - the LL9 gallon water heater. Councilmember Saunders - Replacing both or one? Councilmember Downing -replacing LL9 gallon with a 80 gallon water heater. Will have two 80 gaon water heaters. We have 2 sinks that's out of order, 3 bathrooms stalls out of order and L bathroom in the back by kitchen area that's out of order. Mayor Martin - could you give us an estimate of repairs. Councilmember Downing - Estimate approximately S4,OO0, will update if there are changes. Mayor Martin - we need a consensus to get water heater and air conditioning unit repaired. ls everyone in agreement? Council answered yes. Council is in agreement. Councilmember Downing - we need to get this done under an emergency plan, than we can work on getting something to maintain it. Mayor Martin -Old Ship of Zion on Addison Road Councilmember Keith - spoke with Park and Planning on the phone for three days, getting zoning information. 5406 and 5408 Addison Rd- is zoned for mixed use. 953 Eastern Avenue - is zoned for mixed use. 602 59th Avenue - is zoned for residency only. (Seven Day Adventist) ln order to have a church you need l acre of land, they are under L acre of land. They need to go to a speciat public hearing to address that. They are not in compliance. They have not applied for a permit from the County. lnspectors will go out to inspect and they will notify them they are not in compliance. They are registered under Seven Day Adventist. Motion made by Councitmember Saunders to approve Old Ship of Zion Church at 5406 and 5408 Addison Road, motion second by Councilmember Waiters.


TOWN OF FAIRMOUNT HEIGHTS MaYor and Town Council Town Meeting Wed nesda Novemb er 21, 2Ot2

present: Mayor Martin. Councilmember Keith, Councilmember Downing, Councilmember Waiters

7:40 P.M.
Kevn Downing Minutes to be adopted - september 1-1-, Worksession, septemb er L9,Zet?Town Meeting, October L3, Worksession, October 2L,2OL2 Town Meeting Motion made by Councilmmeber Downing to adopt minutes for September Ll, Worksession, motion September L9, Town Meeting, October L3, Worksession and October 2L Town Meeting, second by Councilmember Waiters. Prayer

Mayor Martin Aye, Councilmember Keith Aye, Councilmember Downing Aye, Councilmember Waiters Aye. AllAYes Mayor Martin - minutes for September and October have been approved' Code Enforcement Report - Mr. Vaughns Report On File Mayor Martin - the code enforcer's vehicle is still inoperable because of repairs needed. codes counciJmember Downing - once a month we have been going around town to update and violations. We will continue until we address the issues. up Mayor Martin - day before yesterday the county was going around giving tickets to build their revenue for the CountY' Motion made by Councilmember Downing to approve the Code Enforcer's report for the month of October, motion second by Councilmember Waiters. Code Enforcer report has been approved for the month of October. Mayor Martin Aye, Councilmember Keith Aye, Councilmember Downing Aye, Councilmember

Waiters Aye. Treasurer's Report Mrs. Walker asked to be excused tonight. Report on file Audits are done for FY 2OtI and FY 2Ot2. are Mayor Martin - we already took a vote on our new account. We have 2 speed cameras that operational. We have already taken a vote to open up a public safety account. lt's in the process of being opened. By the worksession account should be finalized and opened. The money from speed cameras will be going into the account around the L5th of every month. Mayor Martin - Motion for approval of Treasurer's report



Harvest Day Ball was successful about 60 to 65 kids came out Attended Lodge with the Seniors for Thanksgiving Dinner at Bruce Evans Seniors went to Teppanyaki for Thanksgiving Zumba Civic Association had a dance, lfound someone who is willing to teach hand dancing and Assisted with the Seniors and citizens getting Thanksgiving baskets. Mayor Martin Information will be in your boxes about the Red and Gold Ball on December 7th Councilmember Dodson - the problem we always have is there will have to be a panel to work with because each person has to call. L person can callfor 2 people. We wll have to get back way in the loop. Getting ours in like Seat Pleasant and Cedar Heights. Something happened back that got us disconnected. Councilmember Keith George's Received a bit of good news for our Town as far as patrols that are provided by Prince parts all from County. t set on the advisory board, we meet once a month. lt's about L5 of us of prince George's County. They were talking about the budget for 20L3 and how they will but in June have to cut back on a lot they are doing for different communities. lt's 1- cop now to committed they are thinking about going back to 2 cops. Think it's good news they are

Fairmount Heights. year and Chief Magaw assured me that Fairmount Heights is in their budget. lt's going on a half with these patrols in this Town' Councilmember Downing Clean up- Green Up, we planted some trees Read to Kids at Robert Gray Elementary School Proposalfor water heater, we are operating on L water heater Had someone here they did work on the air conditioner, need more work on the insulation l'm trying to take care of the Town Hall as best as possible Did Ride Along with Public Works to identify violations in the Town Another pet peeve s recyclable, we don't do enough recycling, it's cost the Town money.
Chief Brooks Do you want us to take care of the Code vehicle? The Code Enforcer asked about it. Mayor Martin We will discuss later.

Councilmember Waiters Received a quote from the electrician for light out back year it's Collecting coats for Homeless Veterans, we offered them clothes last year, but this limited to coats - 12th Janua ry 2012



Mayor Martin - lt have not been brought up recently. Think it would be part of the Economic Development Plan, the same as Glover;s Garage. Councilmember Downing - that house is in foreclosure. Sgt. Morris - we have had several calls on that house. The County had posted sign stating the house as uninhabited. Councilmember Ukkundo'Oohwaka We should find out if this house is bank owned property, and if so they should be fined.

Motion made to adjourn by Councilmember Waiters, motion second by Councilmember


Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.


11./21./2Ot2 PAGE 5 OF 5

Town of Fairmount Heights Code Enforcement Office Monthly RePort November

21,2012 /

were General survey of the to\ in was conducted onNovember l5 and 28 violations revealed including 9 vehicles without tags.

property o\ilners' 2. Four properties were cleaned by DPW, and are to be billed to
One property to be cleaned by contractor.

repairs. 4. The code enforcement vehicle is still inoperable because of needed

TOWN OF FAIRMOUNT HEIGHTS Mayor and Town Council Tuesday, December I1.,, 2Ot2 Worksession

Present: Mayor Martin, Councilmember Waters, Councilmember Keith, Councilmember Ukkundo'Oohwaka Not Present: Councilmember Downing, Councilmember Dodson, Councilmember Saunders

Prayer - Former Councilmember Wilson Treasurer's Report - Mrs. Susan Walker

Report on File Report through the end of November S1600.00 in vehicle violatons. Line item 5040 -- We budgeted for $tO,O00 for one audit, we spent 513,000 for two audits. Line ltem 5779 - lnter-County Broadband Network. Received the first invoice from them, this is the new account for the Town. Recommending vendors fill out a form W-9 since we have had more contractors this year, Have a new form I would like to present to the Mayor and Council. They would get a 1099 form when fees are over $600.00 they would be responsible for filing income taxes for Federal and State Government. Submitted speed camera report SMS1, the treasurer's were responsible for submitting the

form. Report was submitted on time.

Mayor Martin - received information from the bank for the Public Safety Account. They will be sending me the new account number in a couple of days. Received a letter from Stephanie Brown, referred her to speak with Mrs. Walker. Would like Mrs. Walker to see the letter. Her concern is about a lot that she was charged extra money for on her tax bill. Mayor Martin - need to discuss Christmas Bonuses. Mrs. Walker - stated there are two ways she can do the bonuses, she can call it in to payroll tomorrow or she can do a manual check from here once the amount is decided, and she is informed. Received a call from Councilmember Saunders about a truck, if you all vote on it, I can come back in tomorrow. Councilmember Keith - stated Councilmember Saunders was to fax a copy of the estimate, asked Mrs. Tucker if she had received it. Mrs. Tucker- replied he had faxed an estimate in today. Mayor Martin - we will have to look at the estimate and discuss it. Councilmember Waiters - Public Works contractor $0O.OO, what was that for? Mrs. Walker - a contractor came in and drove the truck, he worked 4 hours driving the trash truck because Mr. Campbell had to go to Florida forJury Duty. Had to make a line item for him.



-Discussed some of the estimates that were e-mailed and faxed in, still waiting for a couple

more estimates.

-Tractor- in garage it's still in pieces. They charged a 51000.00 to break it down and they didn't put it back together. The hourly rate would cost 51t0.00 to take a look at it. They said they couldn't fix it or that it would cost 5l-0,000.00. We will wait until Councilmember Downing
return. Mayor Martin - bringing information forward concerning a truck for the snow. Estimate on truck L996 Dodge Ram 3500 pickup. lt has 90,000 miles on it. Suggested we need to keep

to purchase surplus county property because it was sent as a certified letter, I attorney. I haven't had an opportunity to talk back with him. They are getting rid of surplus property on Eastern Avenue. This came by certified mailfrom the Office of CentralService. Property was acquired in a tax sale, 5260.00 assessment amount. They have to offer to the Municipal First. Monica Johnson's name is listed. We have 30 days from date of receiptofthislettertogivenoticeofourintenttopurchasethisproperty. Theattorneywill be able to find out where it is and everything else. They also want to know what we are planning on doing with the property. Former Mayor Saxton - they could sell it to the neighbor on each side of them and make it
taxable. -Announcement about Andrea Harrison's Event at the Glen Arden Gold Room, flyers were put in your boxes. Former Councilmember Wilson - discussion about making changes to the Charter, it will need to go to Council for approval. He's interested in being on a Committee to make changes to the Charter. Former Mayor Saxton - | know there were other amendments put in place to bring the Charter up to date but I don't have a copy of it. We can review the Charter to see if anything else was done. Councilmember Waiters - suggested one thing you left off, when you redid, in my opinion when you walk someone offthe Councilthey should never be able to return. Former Mayor Saxton - it was put in place. Mayor Martin - asked former Mayor Saxton if he would like to work on a committee with former Councilmember Wilson? Former Mayor Saxton - said he would like to work on committee to make changes to the Charter.

searching. -Last item, intent did send it to the

Meeting Adjourned

n Tucker, Town Clerk




present: Mayor Martin, Councilmember Downing, Councilmember Waiters, Councilmember Saunders, Councilmember Keith,
Councilmember Ukkundo'Oohwaka

Mayor Lillie Thompson Martin Prayer - Councilmember Downing Flag Salute Motion to table Minutes to January 2013 meeting due to no quorum. Police Department Report - Sgt. Morris Monthly statistics report on file Live Scan is up we have to go through CJIS training. White charger - brakes were done last Wednesday. Repaired 4 rotors, 4 brake pads and the oil was changed. Cost of repairs was 5204.90. Checking prices to purchasing a tag reader. Capitol Heights tag reader average between 4 and Meeting
6 impounds a day. Mayor Martin - Need to finish research on the tag reader. Motion to accept the Police Department's report made by Councilmember Downing and second by Counclmember Keith. Mayor Martin Aye, Councilmember Saunders Aye, Councilmember Keith Aye, Councilmember Ukkundo'Oohwaka, Councilmember Downing Aye, Councilmember Waiters Aye. AllAYes. Mayor Martin - lt's been propefly moved and second that we accept the Police Department'


Treasurer's Report - Mrs. Susan Walker Report on file Receved October and November tax payments. Received Highway User's check for StZgZ.OO :Received 2 checks from-Brg[lJor the speed camera. Checks will go into a separate account for Public Safety. The biggest thing we did was to replace tires on trash truck. When Sgt. Morris and the Chief go to training they can do fingerprinting. Would like to access all vehicles to see what

work need !o be done, so we can budget for repairs. Received a discount on Worker's Compensation. This is the first year since l've been here that Public works have purchased uniforms. Normally in mid January we can discuss what need to be done for the budget. Mrs. Walker - Mayor Martin gave me an email from a citizen, about taxes she paid on property that adjourn her current piece of property. The county deal with that on a case by case basis. We can't do a blanket resolution that would relate to everyone.


truck. Councilmember Saunders - | have been out sick, but I have still been working to find a Need to find out results on the truck. Mayor Martin - that is not something we will discuss tonight. I will fill you in on that maybe after the meeting tonight. Dix Councilmember Keith - was invited to speak at the Northeast Boundary Civic Association on Street. They are partners with the Town on this side with cleaning up the drugs and prostitution. I gave them an update on what we have done and I let them know that we still have prince George's County patrolling at night. I invited them to come here in January to see what we are doing. They are committed to cleaning up Eastern Avenue. The house that caught fire, the gentlemen that was staying there was actually charging people SZO.OO to do their business in the house. I will be working on how quickly we can get the house boarded up and getting it torn down. I'm going to ask for help from the County, because it is a safety issue. Mr. Ukkundo'Oohwaka - the County have a 60 day demolition, I will e-mail you the procedure. Councilmember Keith - the County has money to do that through a grant, but people don't know that. Money was awarded to Prince George's County for demolition. Councilmember Ukkundo'oohwaka - | introduced myself to a new resident at 700 59th Avenue. Took the opportunity to have Mrs. Tucker put together a Welcome Package for new resident. lt included Ordinances and things of that nature. I do have other things to come. Councilmember Downing - just got back from vacation. Before I left I got an energy efficient water heater. There should be an improvement in our water bill.
Councilmember Waiters -replaced lighting on rear side of building -working on proposal for youth recreation -putting together a Youth advisory board I will be presenting to you. -asked Mayor and Council about a Resolution for Fairmount Heights Day -attended Emergency Preparedness Meeting -attended PGCMA a Senator came in to speak about monies that was available and frozen for

education and other things -Soliciting for Veterans Coat Drive on January 12 will be collecting until January we are putting everything in the cleaners as part of the partnership. Mr. Jordan - is this a droP off Point? Councilmember Waiters- Yes, this is a drop off point.


Public Participation Mrs. Grace Lashley - | would like to thank Councilmember Downing for assisting me today. demanded him to come to my home with me to see clean up. l'm so gratefulto him. Mr. Ukkundo'Oohwaka -what is status on 4 year terms for Mayor and Council -we could sale property in the circle, it could help repair building on the corner -what's going on with property behind Tommy Broadwater



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