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magickal floor washes To make the wash itself: Boil all the ingredients for 20 minutes in 1 quart of water.

Allow the liquid to cool. Add 1 cup of ammonia to the spiritual liquid. Add one large bottle of Florida water. Add one large cup of holy water. Add 3 heaping tablespoons of Cascarilla (powered eggshell). Pour the liquid into a jar or plastic storage bottle. Allow the mixture to remain in the bottle for 7 days before using. To use, add two cups floor wash to one gallon of water. The water should come from a natural source, but to many of us in the city, the tap is the only natural source, so you can use that too. If you have bottled spring water, use that. This floor wash is used as your general spiritual house cleaning: 1 cup of Rue 1 cup of lime juice 2 cups Kosher rock salt The water of 1 coconut Kolonia 1800 This wash is used to bring success, protection, luck and money: 1 cup of Abre Camiono herb 1 cup of Gardenia flowers 1 cup of Violets 1 cup of Rosemary 1 cup of Peppermint Kolonia 1800 This is a good general floor wash used to banish negativity and witchcraft: 1 cup of Sage 1 cup of Rosemary 1 cup of lime juice I cup of Rue 1 cup Kosher rock salt This floor wash brings prosperity and wealth: 1 cup Guayaba leaves 1 cup Abre Caminio herb 1 cup of Cinnamon sticks 1 bottle of Violet water This is another floor wash to bring prosperity, luck, love and protection: 1 cup of Roses 1 cup of Lilacs 1 cup of Mint 1 cup of Cinnamon sticks This floor wash will bring peace and protection to a troubled home: 1 cup of chrysanthemum flowers 1 cup Palo Dulce 1 cup of Sea salt

1 tablespoon of Anil This a great floor wash to purify a ritual area: 1 cup of Sunflower petals 1 cup of Passion flowers 1 cup of White carnations 1 cup of Kosher rock salt 1 large bottle Rose water This floor wash brings love to a home or attraction to a person: 1 cup of Yellow roses 2 cups of Cinnamon sticks 2 cups of Patchouly roots 1 large bottle of Rose water 1 large bottle of Orange water This was protects against attacks of enemies and witchcraft: 1 cup Palo Verce Batalla 1 cup of Heather flowers 1 cup of Lavender flowers 1 cup of Peppermint 1 cup Siete Machos Cologne This floor wash is used to remove the spirit of sickness: 1 cup of Shredded coconut 1 cup of Eucalyptus leaves 1 cup of Rue 1 cup of Rosemary This floor wash is used for protection, success and prosperity: 2 cups High John the Conqueror Root 1 cup of Five finger grass 1 cup of Lemon grass Siete Machos Cologne This floor wash brings prosperity and luck: 1 cup of Cloves 1 cup of Rosemary 1 cup of Lilac flowers 1 cup of Marigold flowers 1 large bottle of Orange water This floor wash is used to reverse the evil eye or witchcraft: 1 cup Palo Caballero 1 cup Palo Amarago 1 cup of Rue 1 cup of Rosemary 1 cup of Kosher rock salt This floor wash opens the doors to success and prosperity: 1 cup Abre Camino herb 1 cup of Cinnamon sticks 1 cup of Bay leaves 1 cup Guayaba leaves Kolonia 1800 This floor wash brings fast money and prosperity: 1 cup of Romaine lettuce 1 cup Rose of Jerico 1 cup High John the Conqueror the Root

1 cup of Cinnimon sticks 1 large bottle of Violet water This floor wash keeps the law away from a business or home: 1 cup Palo Espanta Policia 1 cup of Licorice stick herb 1 cup of Anise 1 tablespoon Deerhorn powder This floor wash is used to draw in customers and money to a business: 1 cup Brown mustard seeds 1 cup Anise 1 cup Palo Ven A Mi 1 cup of Cinnamon sticks 1 bottle of Lavender water This floor wash is used to get rid of an evil spirit: 2 cups Palo Espanta Muerto 1 cup of Lime juice 1 cup Kosher rock salt 1 cup of Rue This floor wash is used to attract a person to you: 1 cup Camino herb 1 cup Palo Ven A Mi 1 cup of Cinnamon sticks 1 cup Palo Amansa Guapo This floor wash is used to give gamblers fast luck: 1 cup of Pine needles 1 cup of Patchouly root 1 cup of Peppermint leaves 1 cup Baton De Oro herb 1 cup of Basil This floor wash is used to banish negativity and evil spirits: 1 cup of Pine needles 1/2 cup of Cloves 1/2 cup of Cinnamon sticks 1 cup of Sage 1 tablespoon powdered Quartz crystal 1 large bottle of Violet water This wash is used to bring peace and tranquility to a home: 1 cup of Gardenia flowers 1 cup of Violet flowers 1 cup of Lilac flowers 1 cup of Sea salt This floor wash is used to give gamblers fast luck: 1 cup of Pine needles 1 cup of Patchouly root 1 cup of Peppermint leaves 1 cup Bottom De Oro herb 1 cup of Basil This floor wash is used to win a court battle: 1 cup of Tabacco leaves 1 cup of Sage 1 cup of Sassafras

1 cup of Anise 1 tablespoon Deerhorn powder Siete Machos Colonge This floor wash is used to attract a person to you: 1 cup Abre Camino herb 1 cup Palo Ven a Mi 1 cup of Cinnamon sticks 1 cup Palo Amansa Guapo This floor wash opens the doors to a job and career opportunities: 1 cup of Nutmeg 1 cup Abre Camino herb 1 cup Amansa Guapo herb 1 cup Rose petals 1 bottle of Orange water This floor wash is used to banish negativity and evil spirits: 1 cup of Pine needles 1/2 cup of Cloves 1/2 cup of Cinnimon sticks 1 cup of Sage 1 tablespoon of powdered Quartz crystals 1 bottle of Violet water This floor wash id used to banish evil spirits and anger directed at you: 1 cup Dragon's blood powder 1 cup High John the Conqueror Root 1 cup Quinta Maldicion herb 1 cup of Kosher rock salt 1 cup Espanta Muerto herb This floor wash is used to bring your guardian angle closer to you: 1 cup White Geranium flowers 1 cup of Violet flowers 1 cup of Carnation flowers 1 cup of Cinnamon sticks This floor wash will banish negativity from a room or home: 1 cup of Gardenia flowers 1 cup Sandalwood 1 cup of Heather flowers 1/4 cup of Sage Kolonia 1800 This floor wash is used to 1 tablespoon powdered Palo 1 tablespoon powdered Palo 1 tablespoon powdered Palo 1 cup of Rue 1 cup of Rosemary Kolonia 1800 Siete Machos Cologne conquer your enemies: Vence Batalla Caballero Negro

This floor wash is used to bring prosperity and protection: 1 cup Boton De Oro 1 cup of Mint leaves 1 cup of Cinnamon sticks 1 cup of Parsiao herb

1 cup of Rue 1 cup Abre Camino herb Kolonia 1800 1 bottle of Orange water This last floor wash is a powerful wash used to bring protection from the spirits. I hope by posting this, I do not offend anyone. 1 cup Guayaba leaves 1 tablespoon powdered Palo Ramon 1 tablespoon powdered Palo Guasimo 1 tablespoon powdered Palo Malambo 1 tablespoon powdered Palo Clavo 1 cup of Rue 1 cup of Rosemary 1 tablespoon powdered bones from the skull and legs from a black dog. Urine Kolonia 1800 These washed can also be used as a bath omitting the ammonia and using 1 part mixture to every 3 parts water.

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