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Illustrating the band wagon of the Social Networks; When paparazzi eyesights jump on the in the shadows of a war

r field of friendship Band Wagon of the Social Networks to pilfer at gun point, only good for LIKE's, pictures and Identities at promulgating industry. Too late a sign of infiltrated commercial ads the bulldozer fueled for a thriving industrial anesthetized by saturated statistics on individuals greed brining down to rubble the Social to reaped off a system however meager in Networks. benefits. Blind to the individual in retrieve, and to the indicator across the mass, by the decline in a system confusing participation and that, I experience since the onset of Personal Computers which I restored from the cobwebs of the electronic catacombs. while proper to oneself and moving away with squints over one's shoulder taking into count of one's wall emersed by messages, and shying-away from the treacherous bad nature of its industrious flooding of one's space. At heart one's dreams; born to bring to flourishing our hope through friendships by the 'LIKE' of a system that's fine as one expects at every occasion the thumbs up. even off course and hearty intelligent; one tends to accept the pip of a brain behind our display. on screen streams visual flyers with anecdotes colonizing one's proper wall. No offense so far from friends' perpetual littering, rather sustain the growing fever over their lack of an open minded disposition; with deep convictions, infantile existence through the soul of the author from who the words get quoted.
expressed as "another way of thinking."

by the same token, one is intolerable by the sprawling of a remark through the Social Networks, when not in tempo with one's intrigue and unique-directional frame of mind. It is by an impression of structure and direction a robotic communication readily understandable since cubic schooling boxed our thinking alike. Which, so unlike 'human,' unpredictable and chubby, bubbly chaotic, wild and animal, windy and light, impulsive and authentic to the moment spilling remarks from the storm of one's moods. Until, that one word impairs a friend to discord. A word that from the shadows seems to perpetrate misunderstanding a mischief by the point of a gun to feel the cold barrel pressed in one's neck. One isn't ready in quietness of dormant air in the room we occupy facing silent images slipping down the screen for a claws swipe of words. the torture these words a 'friend' inflict, are no more than a drop falling from the ceiling. They are deranging at an unusual moment by the surprise when nothing is moving in the air than one's thoughts. the splash of a water drop on the keyboard that surprises one's wits by electronic frying out the screen the fever of the offense spreads through one's body. the language of people proximity auto-regulates to resolve a conflict Proud about my apartment wall; From a maternal scribble, after all these years I am still intrigue by the image of the posters dabbing a story plastering my wall, about my daughter growing up. before flinching an eye, or the twitch of a pupil. One reads opponents before a grimaces becomes fatal, instinctive, a gauging mentalistic tool, and gift at birth. however banal the animal interlocutor's skills, this Sixth Sense needn't wait to grasps a fistful of words. One is heir of a motherly body language, of which learning the written tongue is as abstract as the seat of the school bench is to nature. In the abstract, one's existence feels ideal afloat in a soap bubble in assimilating a reality with a glass bubble impression of driving a car. A seat from where one discern at will, panning out the view while keeping one's emotions cool in one's controlled atmosphere. A state of autohypnosis, splitting one's personality, no more than thrusting one's view with Outer Body Experience effect through the cycloramic glazing at a spot of the scape to virtually enter another period in timei. One's existence behind the undulated glazing leaves a senses of indirect involvement, of what happens on the exterior by the degree of transparency. The bubble becomes a curtain wall which, in broad sunlight reflects a Two Way Mirrorii effects challenging one's conscious off against its unconsciousness. In the bright sun, light reflects from the glaze like a scare from the dark interior of the capsule. Yet, gazing across the circumferential lip of a dashboardiii and driving that cycloramic glazing with a divided view on the outside world. One bears little attention for the spatial blister bubbling up an atmosphere Unique to our Identity. One doesn't step outside, our bubble pops integrating an entertaining nightlife group of people. We focus on that one

person which is going to make the difference in one's life. We withdraw from the group and in the aftermath, wishes for the phantasmagoric life to rollover through the next day, stepping into one's screen, seeking that emotion ongoing into perpetuity. in the abstract the bubble is trundling through time, and one is riding thoughtlessly, while the footwell cup part raking sensitive sensors through the roots of the earth'siv crust. The path one follows disappears through the shade cast by a barrel vault the screen of change is striking, leaving a flood of sunlight behind. in no time the drastic luminescent change has dissipated through the deep jungle returning an indirect light balancing and unifying the interior. The glazing has vanished seemingly nonexistence, and brining forth an open air view, the mood and sense of freedom, and a moment of sanity. With the fall of the night the haunted friend's shadow reflecting in the glass disappears in a metamorphosing interior light, taking along a phantasmagoric outside world, while the driver falls prey of a narcissistic hallucination. It is a moment S/He ceased to seek, having found proper and undivided attention at the touch of the glass. liberating a mind crossing thought, to a transcendent fever. S/He exerted in a silent voice; 'For once.' thinking to win over the unbearable, in words and pictures on screen, and let out a sick joke to run on the loose. aware S/He transgressed reality, S/He allowed himself to drift by envy to close a widening fissure in His/Her existence. Which emotional gap targeted at a friendship, supposed to fill a friend S/He perceived no more than a plastic molded Barby doll, robotic, integrated in a senseless world of avatars. At heart the storm is cruel with a convoluted sense of possession confronted by despise. While bearing out a ride churning on a vertigoes friendship that no sooner intuitive of the wild dark claws and wide jaws, S/He hunts down the friend fatally hurt, instead found in the aftermath a domain in derelict.

i ii

For more details; the symbol of the Atomium as corridors and bubbles of destiny effect seated behind a screen, challenging our existence, changing dimension by the content to feel smaller or, larger than reality. iii No to mention the effects of an Hovercraft, iv Elsewhere, the soap bubble effect, that know no matter and zodiacal oasis of one's soul!

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