Plan de Recuperacion Grado 9 II Periodo

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Pautas y temas para la preparacin del examen de refuerzo


INDICACIONES: los estudiantes de grado 9 que presentan desempeo bajo en la asignatura de ingles deben estudiar los temas que se encuentran a continuacin y que fueron vistos y evaluados durante este segundo periodo, de igual manera tomar este taller como repaso, el cual le servir para la prctica para el afianzamiento de algunas dudas, pero no tendr ninguna valoracin. Se sugiere al estudiante, si presenta alguna duda acercarse donde el docente correspondiente y aclarar esta. Para la practica online se deben tener en cuenta los siguientes link,:

igualmente practicar en casa off line con las paginas del libro manejado en clase american big picture las unidades para practicar son: unidad 8 y 9 pginas

se anexa taller para practica

Fill the gaps with can /could

1. 2. 3. 4. Ben________ not help his little brother with his homework yesterday. ________ I call you later tonight? _______ Tony run long distances when he was a boy? ______ you please call a tow truck for me? My car broke down. (polite)

5. ______ you teach me how to fix my computer? Youre so good at it. Fill the gaps witrh may / may not / might / might not 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

_______ I sit here?

They ______ finish the project on time. The main engineer is ill. You _____ want to stop by the museum gift shop on your way out. _____ I have your autograph? He _______ visit the Louvre. Hes in Paris anyway. You ______ park your car here. Its reserved for guests of the hotel only. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. might not might May may as well may not

fill the gaps with: must/must not/ have has to/ dont have to/doesnt have to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ou ______ tell Anna about the party tomorrow night. Its a surprise! Tina _______ register for her classes on Monday, otherwise she wont get a place in them. You ________ send that fax. Ive already sent it. A dog ______ get special training in order to be a guide dog. Jeremy _______ get up early tomorrow. His class was cancelled.

Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. must not has to dont have to must doesnt have to

EXPLANATION If you mention the person who hears the words, use tell (told). Otherwise, use say (said). the person who hears the words is not mentioned. say is used.

After explanation fill the gaps with say (told) or tell (told)

1. I _________ John the truth. 2. He ________ me the truth last saturday. 3. Did Mary _______ the news? 4. I will ______ them that I cannot attend the meeting. 5. Joseph did not ________ anyone that he was feeling ill. 6. Helen told her parents that Jane would be late. 7. Don't _________ the answer! 8. The teacher will __________ the class how to do these problems. 9. Can you ________ us what happened last night. 10. Have you _________ everyone the address that they must use? 11. Who did you _________? 12. Peter ________ that he needs a new job.

I. 1. 2. 3. 4.

First Conditional. If the weather _____ better, we _____ ________ for a walk. A. Gets, will go. B. get, will go. C. gets, will goes. If I _______ very hard, I ______ ________ the exam. A. Study, will win. B. studies, will win. C. studied, will win. If they ______ around the world, they _____ _______ many places. A. Traveled, will know. B. travels, will know. C. travel, will know. We _____ _______ the exam, If we ______ hard. A. Will pass, studied. B. will passed, study. C. will pass, study.

choose the best answer to fill the gaps


If people __too much, they ___ fat.

a. b. c.

Eat - get Ate - got Eaten - gets


If you ___ a fire, you ___ burned. Touchs gets Touch get Touched - got

a. b. c.


People ____ if they ____-.

a. b. c.

Died didnt eat Diez doesnt eat Die dont eat


You ____- water if you ____ hydrogen and oxygen. Gets mixes Get mixes Get - mix

a. b. c.


Snakes ____ if they _______ scared Bite are Bites is Bite - were

a. b. c.

10. If babies _____ hungry, they _______

a. b. c.

Is . cries Are cry Is - cry

11. If it _____, I ______ to the park. Rains wont go Rain go Rains would go

a. b. c.

12. If I ______ today, I'_____ to the party tonight. Study would go Studies will go Study will go

a. b. c.

13. If I _____enough money, I_____ some new shoes. Has will buy Have will buy

a. b.


Had will buy

14. She____ late if the train _____ delayed. Will be is Will be are Will be - were

a. b. c.

15. She____ the bus if she _____ soon. Will miss dont leave Doesnt miss will leave Will miss doesnt leave

a. b. c.

16. I didnt feel very well yesterday. I ..... eat anything.

cannot couldnt mustnt

17. You really ..... be late again. must not dont have to be

18. Which sign are you more likely to see at an airport: Bags..... not be left unattended.

can must may

19. You can come to the meeting if you want but you ......

have to dont have to mustnt

20. I was using my pencil a minute ago. It ..... be here somewhere!

can could must would

21.If you dont start working harder, you ..... repeat the course next year

have to must will have to

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