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No Title . 1. INTRODUCTION 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. W - Work Condition I - Implications For Lifestyle. N - Nature Of Work N - Need By Society And Community E - Entry, Training And Prospects R - Related Occupations S - Succesful Personal Attributes

Page 3-4 5 6 7 8 9-14 15-20 21-22 23-28 29-34 35



What is an Accountant?
An accountant is an individual who performs accounting tasks for individuals or companies. The exact material that an accountant handles varies depending on the size of the company and the accountant's specialization, but generally includes financial records, taxes, and responsibility for the issuing of financial reports. An accountant is one of the primary figures in a business that he or she works for, whether it is a multinational corporation or a small family owned business. Requirements to become an accountant vary upon specialization and nation, but generally include certification through a professional agency and a basic college degree in accounting and finance. In a small firm, an accountant may be responsible for keeping all financial records. These records include payroll information, accounts payable, accounts receivable, retail sales, and information regarding investments held by the company. These accounts are kept organized in ledgers which are used to access the financial health of a company. Ledgers are always kept up to date, and may be consulted by managers and high ranking members of a company when they are making major business decisions.


Who is an Accountant ?
In larger firms, accountants also perform internal audits, to ensure that the financial records of the company are accurate. Because of bias concerns, an internal audit cannot be handled by an accountant who regularly handles the material concerned, and many companies hire outside accounting firms to perform audits. When this is the case, the company should not be contracted to handle any of the company's other financial material, as this may represent a conflict of interest. In most cases, an accountant will choose to specialize in a particular field such as audits, book keeping, or taxes. In other instances, an accountant may acquire a wide range of skills to better serve his or her clients. This is common with certified public accountants who handle the books for several small businesses at once. In both instances, the accountant must have strong math skills, as well as an education in accounting. Depending on the type of accounting being performed, certification by the state may be required. State certification is usually required for accountants who perform audits and other sensitive accounting tasks, while it is not as vitally necessary for accounting clerks who work under certified accountants. Commonly, an accountant is also a member of a professional organization of accountants, and takes advantage of meetings and seminars to keep up with advances in the field.

W Work Conditions
Working accounting seldom learn the and is same, adapt so to in very you new are

challenging. No two days are constantly have to continue to situations. Accountants

required to use a great deal of professional judgment to make appropriate decisions. Accountants are held to very high standards and have many outside entities reviewing their work to help ensure reliability. Accountants tend to work in a fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment. Accounting information is very time sensitive and needs to be processed in a timely fashion. Also, much accounting work requires individuals to work as a team. This helps in the completion of projects as well as the spreading of knowledge between team members. With accounting constantly changing and since it covers such a wide array of complex topics, there is no way one person can know everything there is to know about the subject. Thus, teamwork makes projects more attainable. Accountant hours can range from the traditional 40 hours a week to more strenuous hours. Some, especially in public accounting, work 45 hours a week and anywhere from 55 to 80 hours a week during the three-month busy season. Dress in at an

accounting firm is normally business casual.

I Implications for Lifestyle

This study examines whether Lifestyle Preferences affect attrition or influence career attitudes of early-career The public research accountants.

follows an initial sample of 253 newly-hired, entry-level public accountants (133 male accountants and 120 female accountants). Analysis of data on career attitudes and Lifestyle Preference collected after three-years indicates an association for female accountants' data but not for male accountants. The research also finds that career attitudes have higher explanatory power for intentions to remain in public accounting for female accountants than male accountants. While job satisfaction, liking one's job, and intentions to remain in public accounting were all associated with female accountants' level of effort to be successful, there was no association between effort and these variables for male accountants. The level of effort to be successful was significantly lower at the three-year point than for the same individuals at the entry point across the sample. Finally, the data indicate that, after two years of career experience, Lifestyle Preference and attrition were associated for female accountants.

N Nature of Works
A Systems Control Accountant II, comptroller is the full performance level of work ensuring appropriate and consistent interpretation of and compliance with statutory and generally principles accepted [GAAP]. accounting

Employees in this

classification provide technical accounting direction and guidance to accounting staff of State agencies by formulating Statewide accounting objectives and policies, reconciling agency financial reports and developing, modifying and maintaining the Statewide accounting system. Employees in this classification receive general supervision from a Systems Control Accountant Supervisor, Comptroller. The work may require travel throughout Maryland to perform on-site visits at State agencies.

The Systems Control Accountant I and II, Comptroller are differentiated on the basis of the degree of supervisory control exercised by the supervisor over these employees. The Systems Control Accountant I, Comptroller performs duties under close supervision at times and under general supervision at other times depending on the complexity of the specific duty being performed while the Systems Control Accountant II, Comptroller performs the full range of duties under general supervision. The Systems Control Accountant II, Comptroller is differentiated from the Systems Control Accountant Lead, Comptroller in that the Systems Control Accountant Lead, Comptroller assigns, reviews and approves the work and trains lower-level System Control Comptroller performs the full range of duties under general supervision.

Accountants, Comptroller while the Systems Control Accountant II,

N Need by Society and Community Nowadays, job as an accountant is needed and the change to get the job in society is wide. This is because this type of job is teenagers are not interested in in the hard course and of not everybody can master in this career. Moreover, the accountancy. This will provide chances to others to success in accountancy.


E Entry, Training & Prospects

Entry Entry is open to

graduates of all disciplines and, while a large number have business-related degrees, other subjects are strongly represented, including science, maths, languages, arts and social sciences. A Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (CFAB) may also be a useful step between a degree and a training contract. Although entry to the profession without a degree or HND may be possible, accountancy is a highly competitive industry and graduates/diplomats have greater opportunity to enter. Graduates are generally preferred to diplomats by the large employers. However, some employers do train students to do the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) Accounting Qualification as an entry requirement for ICAS.There are three separate professional institutes of chartered accountants in the UK (as well as a number of other bodies awarding other accountancy qualifications).


The three are: Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and

Wales (ICAEW) Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland

(ICAS) Chartered Accountants Ireland (oversees both Ireland

and Northern Ireland).







ICAS requires only a degree or the AAT Accounting Qualification while the ICAEW will accept three GCSEs and two A-levels or a 2:1 or first class honours degree (some employers will accept a 2:2). However, one of the most difficult parts of becoming a chartered accountant is securing a training contract with an employer approved by one of the institutes. Many firms will ask for a minimum of 260 UCAS points, although 300+ are frequently required, as well as a good degree and evidence of mathematical knowledge and ability. Numeracy skills are often tested as part of the selection process.It is very helpful to have relevant pre-entry work experience, e.g. through vacation work, work placements or shadowing.



In addition to academic requirements, candidates will need to show evidence of the following: general business interest and awareness; self-motivation and commitment, in order to combine working

with studying; communication and interpersonal skills; organisational and time management skills; a methodical approach; IT proficiency; strong analytical and problem-solving skills; numeracy; leadership qualities and effective team working skills; motivation and initiative; Integrity and trustworthiness. Competition to enter the profession is tough and the selection process rigorous. It is best to start applying in the autumn term of your final year to ensure access to the widest range of opportunities as some employers have application deadlines at the end of October (although there will be vacancies available later in the year). Many firms attend recruitment fairs and hold presentations on campus. Take the opportunity to find out as much as possible about the job and training before applying, e.g. attend firms' short courses or open days.


TRAINING: Most and accountants need at


least a bachelor's degree in accounting or a related field. Certification within a specific field of accounting improves job prospects. For example, many accountants become Certified Public Accountants (CPAs). Most accountant and auditor positions require at least a bachelor's degree in accounting or a related field. Some employers prefer to hire applicants who have a master's degree, either in accounting or in business administration with a concentration in accounting. A few universities and colleges offer specialized programs, such as a bachelors degree in internal auditing. In some cases, graduates of community colleges, as well as bookkeepers and accounting clerks who meet the education and experience requirements set by their employers, get junior accounting positions and advance to accountant positions by showing their accounting skills on the job. Work experience is important for getting a job, and most

CPA license. Many colleges help students gain practical


states require experience before an accountant can apply for a

experience through summer or part-time internships with public accounting or business firms.

Every accountant filing a report with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is required by law to be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Many other accountants choose to become a CPA to enhance their job prospects or to gain clients.



Prospect CPAs are licensed by their states Board of Accountancy. Becoming a CPA requires passing a national exam and meeting other state requirements. As of 2012, 46 states and the District of Columbia required CPA candidates to complete 150 semester hours of college coursework, which is 30 hours more than the usual 4-year bachelor's degree. Many schools offer a 5-year combined bachelor's and master's degree to meet the 150-hour requirement, but a master's degree is not required. A few states allow a number of years of public accounting experience to substitute for a college degree. All states use the four-part Uniform CPA Examination from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Candidates do not have to pass all four parts at once, but most states require that they pass all four parts within 18 months of passing their first part. Almost all states require CPAs to take continuing education to keep their license. Certification provides an advantage in the job market because it shows professional competence in a specialized field of accounting and auditing. Accountants and auditors seek certifications from a variety of professional societies.



R Related Occupations
Careers Related to Accounting If you are considering accounting but want to keep your options open, a master's in business administration with a concentration in accounting can be a better alternative to getting a master's in accounting. An MBA will give you transferable skills that will give you more flexibility in choosing different careers that are related to accounting. There are also a number of careers that use the skills taught in accounting classes that are not strictly limited to crunching numbers or auditing financial documents.

Financial Analyst o for A financial analyst works increasing the through analysts profits potential and for study

for a company and is responsible minimizing losses Financial


potential new markets for products as well as other investment opportunities, including investing in other companies to try to maximize profits. Financial analysts can also work on special projects involving multinational companies to determine how best to pay for company growth.



Investment Bankers o Investment manage bankers their help

clients wealthy

money. or on

Their clients can be extremely individuals seeking advice companies

managing their cash flow or raising money for expansion. The investment bankers work to bring companies that need funds for growth together with investors through stock or bond offerings. You can get a job as an associate at an investment banking company with an undergraduate degree. However, to rise in the company you will usually need an MBA.

Corporate Controllers

Corporate information

controllers about a


company's finances and put the information together in a report showing how the company is doing. The controller will also prepare any reports required by regulatory agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Financial Planners

Financial planners work

with individuals to determine how to protect and increase the wealth that they have. Financial planners can help people plan for future expenses like college tuition for kids and retirement planning options. Financial planners also help people to determine how to minimize their tax liability, especially in later years of customers' lives, so they can pass on as much wealth to their children as possible.



Careers related to Accounting and Finance Accountancy The majority of

graduates entering professional accountancy careers will train as chartered accountants. Most of these will train in public practice, offering audit and business tax advice services (including

advice) to clients. There are also numerous opportunities to train within industry and commerce, normally through CIMA or ACCA. Local authorities and other public bodies often recruit public finance accountants who train for the CIPFA qualification. The boundaries between different types of qualification and employer are becoming increasingly flexible. Some of the Big 5 chartered accountancy firms offer CIMA, ACCA and CIPFA training alongside the ICAEW or ICAS qualification; some public sector employers (such as the Civil Service) train their accountancy staff for the CIMA qualification and it is possible to qualify as a chartered accountant outside public practice.



Banking Retail banking (the provision of financial services to individuals and small businesses) covers not only the traditional high-street banks and building societies but also supermarkets, insurance companies (e.g. Prudentials Egg) and other companies such as Virgin. Corporate and investment banking involves advising major organisations on mergers & acquisitions, flotation and financial strategy. Graduates are recruited into areas such as analysis, customer liaison and dealing. Entry at graduate level is relatively small and highly competitive opportunities may be greater for qualified accountants.

Insurance Large composite insurance companies are growing ever larger through mergers and takeovers, often on an international scale. Graduates are recruited into areas such as actuarial work, customer services, accounting, broking,

investment management, underwriting and claims work. Other


graduates enter via clerical or call centre positions which may get them onto the first rung of the ladder to move up within the organisation

Other finance-related careers These may include stockbroking, corporate treasury

management, tax work, IT in the financial sector, company secretary, solicitor, financial information services and pensions management.

Alternative careers There are many other occupations which Accounting and Finance graduates can enter: over 40% of graduate vacancies are open to graduates in any degree discipline. A further 10% may specify a numerate or business-related degree, increasing your opportunities still further.



S Successful Personal Attributes

People planning a career in accounting and auditing should have an aptitude for mathematics and be able to analyse, compare, and interpret facts and figures quickly. They must be able to clearly communicate the results of their work to clients and managers both verbally and in writing. Accountants and auditors must be good at working with people, business systems, and computers. At a minimum, accountants and auditors should be familiar with basic accounting and computer software packages. Because financial decisions are made on the basis of their statements and services, accountants and auditors should have high standards of integrity. These occupations require a strong aptitude for

mathematics, as well as the ability to analyse and interpret statistical data and facts quickly. Many business decisions are based on financial information and profitability. For this reason, accounting professionals should have high standards of integrity as well as the ability to provide accuracy of financial data. Because these professionals often work with customers, vendors and all levels of internal employees, excellent communication


skills are required.

Because of technological advances, most accounting processes are automated. Along with education and personal attributes, accounting occupations require the ability to use related spread sheets, financial database software and systems. Many of these professionals obtain additional credentials related to their accounting discipline, such as certification and licensing. Some states require a license to practice in several accounting occupations, which is overseen by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy. For example, Texas requires those who wish to practice as a public accountant to pass an exam, which is administered by the Texas State Boards of Accountancy. To be eligible for the exam, candidates must complete at least 150 hours of college coursework, which is 30 hours more than a typical bachelor degree. The license can be renewed each year, which requires several hours of continuing education each year.



Accountancy in Malaysia

Accounting in Malaysia : The is accountancy by the

profession in Malaysia regulated Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) through the powers conferred by the Accountants Act, 1967. The MIA is an agency under the Ministry of Finance and reports directly to the Accountant General Office. As at 30 June 2008, MIA has 24,719 members of which 65% are involved in commerce and industry, 27% in public practice and 7% in government and other sectors. Selangor and the Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory have the largest concentration of MIA membership with 9,697 and 6,118 members respectively.MIA sets the By-Laws (On Professional Conduct & Ethics) and auditing standards for the accountancy profession in Malaysia, which are in line with the standards issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)



Other Accountancy Bodies in Malaysia The Institute Public of Malaysian Certified Accountants

(MICPA), which was established in 1958, is another accountancy body that is involved in the training and development of accountants in Malaysia. Apart from that, accountancy bodies from the Commonwealth countries such as the Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA), Chartered Institute of Management the training Accountants of (CIMA), Chartered Malaysians the Institute of in Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), Institute and Accountants towards Australia(ICAA) andCPA Australia are also active in developing attaining professional accountancy qualifications.



Accountancy Education Accounting courses are offered both by the public and private higher education institutions in Malaysia. Presently, accountancy degrees from 11 institutions of higher learning are recognised for the purpose of admission to the membership of MIA.Some of the institution of higher learning also offers programmes leading towards attaining professional accountancy qualifications such as ACCA, CIMA, ICAEW and MICPA.



Accounting Standards Accounting standards are issued by the Malaysian Accounting Standards Board (MASB) by virtue of the power by conferred

theFinancial Reporting Act, 1997. The Financial Reporting Act also establishes the Financial Reporting Foundation, which is the body that is responsible to oversee MASB's performance and financial arrangement. The MASB had announced the effort to bring Malaysia to be in full convergence with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by 2012.



Accounting Firms in Malaysia As at 30 June 2008, there are 1,348 firms which are offering auditing services and another 650 firms providing other accountancy related services. firms such as Ernst & Most of the global accounting Young, Deloitte, KMPG,

PricewaterhouseCoopers, BDO, Howarth, Baker Tilly, Urbach Hacker Young and Grant Thornton have their presence in Malaysia. Accounting firms have to be registered with MIA and members of MIA who wish to offer public practice services should also possess practising certificate issue by MIA. However, specific approvals should be obtained to provide the following services: Audit of limited companies; approval to be obtained from the Ministry of Finance and firms should be registered with the Companies Commission Malaysia Audit of co-operative societies; approval to be obtained from the Malaysia Co-operative Society Commission Audit of banks and financial institutions; approval to be obtained from Bank Negara Malaysia Tax agent services, approval to be obtained from the Inland Revenue Board Receivership and liquidation services; approval to be


obtained from the Ministry of Finance

Financial planning; approval to be obtained from the Securities Commission Malaysia



Mantissa College, Malaysia 3 Accounting courses

Bachelor in Accounting [Hons] Qualification: Undergraduate Study mode: Full Time Duration: 4 Year Course summary This course provide opportunities to have a practical training in different areas of the accounting profession, i.e. accounting, auditor, tax consultant, accountings manager, financial controller, accounts executive, government officer, financial analysis, and so forth. Entry gate to obtain a professional qualification to ACCA, CIMA, MACPA, ICSA, etc. Learning aspirations in career startup with direct application of concept learnt in working environment, including public accounting, private accounting or governmental accounting. Entry requirement for international students Students should have completed SPM (O-Level)- 1 year foundation plus 3 years Degree; STPM / UEC (A-Level)- 3 years Degree. Qualification Bachelor Degree Awarding body Twintech University Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accountancy Qualification: Undergraduate Study mode: Full Time Start date: from OCT-2012 Course summary This course provide students with high quality teaching and learning experiences that are relevant to accounting career. Learning aspirations in career startup with direct application of concept learnt in working environment, including public accounting, private accounting or governmental accounting. Opportunities to have a practical training in different areas of the accounting profession, i.e. accounting, auditor, tax consultant, accountings manager, financial controller, accounts executive, government officer, financial analysis, and so forth. Graduates of this programme would gain exemption for 9 ACCA subjects from the total of 14 of them. Graduates are exceptionally well suited to positions in which accounting analysis and reflecting are applied towards making strategic and operational contributions to the functioning, improvement and renewal of commercial and non-commercial organizations. Graduates can seek various career opportunities at executive levels as; Tax Consultant, Auditor, Accounts



Manager, Financial Controller, Professional Accountant, Senior Tax Manager, Senior Chartered Accountant, Project Accountant. Entry requirement for international students Students should have completed SPM (O-Level)- 1 year foundation plus 3 years Degree; STPM / UEC (A-Level)- 3 years Degree. Qualification Bachelor Degree Awarding body Bolton University, UK Twintech Bachelor of Accounting (Hons) Qualification: Undergraduate Study mode: Full Time Duration: 4 Year Start date: 07-SEP Course summary This program aims at producing a class of professional equipped with the ideal opportunity for students who have interests in understanding the fundamental elements of how a business operates. Students of Bachelor in Accounting program at Mantissa College will be trained to be an all-rounder in having equipped with holistic and comprehensive perspective of the business conducts and will be desired in business enterprises as a valued member of a business. Learning aspirations in career startup with direct application of concept learnt in working environment, including public accounting, private accounting or governmental accounting. Opportunities to have a practical training in different areas of the accounting profession, i.e. accounting, auditor, tax consultant, accountings manager, financial controller, accounts executive, government officer, financial analysis, and so forth. It is an entry gate to obtain a professional qualification to ACCA, CIMA, MACPA, ICSA, etc. Entry requirement for international students For IFA qualification: students should have two principles in UEC; two principles in STPM; two principles in A level and two to three principles in SMU. Qualification Bachelor Degree Awarding body Twintech University There are 6 scholarships Business and Management offered at Mantissa College Mantissa Mantissa Mantissa Mantissa Mantissa Mantissa Chinese Independent High School's Awards 2012 Developing Towns Study Grants 2012 East Malaysian Special Scholarship High Achiever's Scholarship Scholarship Awards 2012 Special Needy Scholarship



Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia 5 Accounting courses

PhD - Doctor of Philosophy (Finance) By Thesis Qualification: Postgrad/Graduate | Doctoral degree - PhD Study mode: Full Time | Part Time Start date: 02-JUL Course summary This course gives a breadth and depth of the knowledge expected for graduates, for example, are reflective of commitment to excellence and quality, as well as for relevance and rigor, with a flexible curriculum offering options to pursue special interest areas within business, management and finance fields. Entry requirement for international students Students should have an excellent academic records with good Master's and Bachelor's Degrees related to Economics, Business/ Commerce discipline, recommendations from 2 academic referees, high proficiency in English. Applicants whose native language is not English, and local applicants intending to write their theses in the English language, should demonstrate a strong command of the English language, with either TOEFL score of minimum 550 (paper based)/ 213 (computer based), or IELTS - band 6.5. Qualification Doctoral Degree Awarding body Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) - Finance (By Coursework and Dissertation) Qualification: Postgrad/Graduate | Doctoral degree - PhD Study mode: Full Time | Part Time Start date: 02-JUL Course summary This course gives a breadth and depth of the knowledge expected for DBA graduates, for example, are reflective of our commitment to excellence and quality, as well as for relevance and rigor, with a flexible curriculum offering options to pursue special interest areas within business, management and finance fields.



Entry requirement for international students Students should have an excellent academic records with good Master's and Bachelor's Degrees related to Economics, Business/ Commerce discipline, recommendations from 2 academic referees, high proficiency in English. Qualification Doctoral Degree Awarding body Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Qualification: Postgrad/Graduate | Doctoral degree - PhD Study mode: Full Time | Part Time Start date: 02-JUL Course summary This course offers students the opportunity to gain wider academic and research knowledge in accounting as well as carry out scientific research. The award for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting takes into account the comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of the students and their ability to carry out independent research in their respective areas. The School of Accounting is able to offer supervision in the area of corporate reporting, corporate governance, auditing, accounting information systems, public sector accounting, management accounting and law. At the end of this program, graduates should be able to: show a systematic and deep understanding of the accounting field and have skills and research methods related to research area; produce, develop, implement and adopt most of the research process wisely; conduct and contribute original research which extend the boundaries of knowledge through thesis writing being presented and defended based on international standards, and writing in refereed publication; conduct a critical analysis, synthesised and evaluate new and complex ideas; communicate with friends, peer community and public in the field of expertise, and promote accounting research findings in the unique social context and managerial culture to the knowledgeable community. The aim of the program is to: produce graduates who are competent with a sound knowledge and skills in the field of accounting; produce graduates with professional attitude and ethical in meeting the responsibilities to God and society; develop competencies and research expertise among academicians in the field of accounting including the main thrust of Corporate Reporting and Governance. It consists of the following concentrations: Corporate Reporting, Management Accounting, Auditing, Accounting Information Entry requirement for international students



Systems, Public Sector Accounting, Corporate Governance, Taxation.

Students must have Master of Accounting degree from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia or any institution of higher learning recognized by the Senate or Master's Degree with specialization in accounting or other equivalent qualification recognized by the Senate. Proficiency in the English language is required. Foreign applicants whose native language is not English, and locals applicants intending to write their thesis/dissertation in English language should demonstrate good command of English (either TOEFL score of minimum 550 (paper based), 213 (computer based), or IELTS band 6.0 (or its equivalent). Qualification Doctoral Degree Awarding body Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Master of Accounting Qualification: Postgrad/Graduate Study mode: Full Time | Part Time Start date: 02-JUL Course summary This programme is a coursework program with a dissertation. The program offers students the opportunity to gain academic and research knowledge. The mode of study, which requires students to follow and pass the courses and academic writing, reflects the emphasis placed on strong theoretical foundations. The School of Accounting has expertise in the area of corporate reporting, corporate governance, auditing, accounting information systems, taxation, public sector accounting, management accounting and law. The aim of the program is to produce graduates: having advanced level skills related to theory, principles and practices of accounting; having skills in accounting research; able to acquire knowledge and skills on their own through self learning, courses and research; having ethical and professional attitude in meeting the responsibilities to God and the society. At the end of this program, graduates should be able to: demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding beyond what is offered at the undergraduate level and able to form or utilize ideas in accounting research; use knowledge and understanding to solve problems related to the field of accounting in the context of new situation and cross-disciplines; integrate and synthesize knowledge through readings and critical literature reviews; identify issues and search for solutions through research based on limited information and in uncertain situations taking into consideration responsibilities for social and ethical values; clearly deliver conclusions, knowledge and rationality of research findings; display the skills of lifelong learning and self learning. Entry requirement for international students Students must have Bachelor of Accounting degree with high cumulative grade point average from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia or any institution of higher learning



recognized by the Senate or Bachelor degree specialization in Accounting or other equivalent qualification recognized by the Senate, other fully professional qualification equivalent to a Bachelor Degree recognised by the Senate. Qualification Masters Degree Awarding body Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Applied Finance and Investment Qualification: Postgrad/Graduate | MBA Study mode: Full Time | Part Time Start date: SEP Course summary This course aims at providing an integrated and relevant knowledge of business and management. This programme is designed for those seeking to advance their careers in business and management. For those who have already embarked on their careers, this programme offers the opportunity to reflect on their managerial experiences and extend their knowledge into new areas. Thus, the programme is expected to increase students abilities to think critically about management theory and practice, and to be able to solve a wide range of managerial problems. Qualification MBA Awarding body Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)



Here Are The Monthly Salaries For Accountant.

Position Level Senior Manager Manager Senior Executive Junior Executive Fresh / Entry Level Non-Executive

Min (RM) * 6 800 4 900 3 600 2 012 1 200 1 200

Average (RM) * 8 000 5 9650 4 400 2 800 1 800 1 500

Max (RM) * 9 470 7 135 5 300 3 500 2 400 2 381



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