SK B1 Personnel FDR - 3-28-03 Draft Outline For Investigation and Personnel Assignment 519

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3/28/03 draft ^ (jJtfUA •fnnv-. V\/


Total of 53 staff (plus consultants)

Front Office

iX^hilip Zelikow, Executive Director

^Christopher Kojm, Deputy Executive Director
^paniel Marcus, General Counsel
^Al Felzenberg, Deputy for Communications
v Dianna Campagna, Manager of Operations
i/'Tracy Shycoff, Deputy for Administration
John Ivicic, Chief of Security
^Stephanie Kaplan, Special Assistant
, Deputy (or Assistant) General Counsel
, Administrative Assistant
•. , Financial Assistant
f CMT" (^Barbara Johnson, Family Liaison (detail request pending with Justice)
Clarence Martin, Executive Assistant (Senator Cleland)
"''Margaret Edwards (consultant for communications)
i/Garth Wermter (consultant for information technology)
Yerkes (consultant for communications)

Team #1: Al Qaeda and Related Transnational Terrorist Groups, including the
Organization of the 9/11 Attack
Douglas MacEachin, leader for Team 1
Administrative Assistant for Teams 1 and 2
Tom Dowling
*•& Michael Scheuer (detail requested from CIA)
V Sport Fredericksen
l/Yoel Tobin (detail being finalized with Justice)
John Tamm (detail from FBI)
May (consultant)
Levitt (consultant)

Team #2: Intelligence Collection, Analysis, and Management, including

Congressional Oversight and Resource Allocation

Kevin Scheid, leader for Team 2 (detailee from DCI)

l/0ordon Lederman
(y Bruce Berkowitz (consultant)

Team #3: International Counter-Terrorism Policy, including Policy toward States

Harboring Terrorist Groups

Lewis Moon, leader of Team 3

, Administrative Assistant for Teams 3 and 4
t/Scott Allan
^/Warren Bass
ie Jenkins
is Albion (offered)
wpaniel Byman (consultant)
(^Charles Hill (consultant)

Team #4: Terrorist Financing

/ , leader of Team 4
Douglas Greenburg

mily Walker (from Team #9)

Team #5: Border Security and Foreign Visitors

'Betty Swope, leader of Team 5 (detail from State)

, Administrative Assistant for Teams 5 and 6
t&mas Eldridge

Team #6: Law Enforcement and Intelligence Efforts inside the United States
(including information sharing)

I/Barbara Grewe, leader of Team 6 (TBR, would be detail from GAO)

^Michael Jacobsen
J 9 / 1 1 Closed b y S t a t u t e I
^/Peter Rundlet
/Atance Cole (consultant)
Team #7: Commercial Aviation and Transportation Security, including the Four
Flights on 9/11

(^Sam Brinkley, leader of Team 7

/ , Administrative Assistant for Teams 7 and 8
v/William Johnstone
L/JoJin Raidt (TBR)
v/Miles Kara (from Team 8)

Team #8: National Leadership: Immediate Response, Crisis Management, and

Continuity Contingencies

vyMiles Kara
V/Dana Hyde

Team #9 (primarily based in NYC): Emergency Response and Crisis Management:

New York City and the Pentagon

John Farmer, Leader of Team 9

_, Administrative Assistant
Azzarello (offered)
C/Maric Bittinger (in DC and NY)
(yMirtfily Walker
(l^ Sam Casperson (offered)
in Shaeffer (in DC, may also assist Team 8)

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