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Why Detox?

Understand how and why detox measures can alleviate symptoms caused by chronic diseases. Who Needs to Detoxify?
Almost anybody can benefit from a detox program. Due to the bio-chemical and genetic make-up of each individual, some may benefit more from a detox program than others. People who suffer from toxic overload may get warning signals from their bodies. Note that when the detox organs are not functioning well, they emit these signals which come as a long list of chronic diseases. Here are some examples (this list is not exhaustive): Skin (skin diseases): acne, eczema, dermatitis, hives, psoriasis Lungs (respiratory problems): asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, sinusitis Colon: bad breath, body odor, constipation, diarrhea, excessive flatulence, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastritis, heartburn, indigestion, stomach ulcer Liver: cirrhosis, jaundice, gall-bladder stones, hepatitis Kidneys: kidney stones, urinary tract disorders Lymphatic system: glandular fever, lymph nodes disease, Hodgkins disease, elephantiasis Overload of toxins spill-over into the bloodstream causes a host of other blood and circulatory problems: Allergies, auto-immune disorders, cholesterol, diabetes, headaches, migraines, low and high blood pressure, toxemia, fibroids, endometriosis, poor memory, insomnia, depression, irritability, chronic fatigue, hair loss, brittle nails, and the list goes on All the above chronic diseases are really just symptoms of toxic overload which cannot be eliminated properly or fast enough by the detoxification organs. The toxins continue to accumulate over time, eventually leading to cancer. Cancer is in the blood. This is why removing an organ because of cancer does not solve the problem. The answer is in detoxification. Juice fasting/feasting is a form of detoxification, done for an extended time for deep cleansing. In this Detox Section, I will discuss other forms of detoxification that can work hand-in-hand with juicing. If you have any of these chronic diseases mentioned above, the problem can be helped by administering proper detoxification measures, then rebuild the tissues with optimum nutrition through proper detox diet and juicing. It is really not difficult if you know how. Ill show you.

Why Detox? A toxin-overloaded organ is like a stagnant pool of water that becomes a nuisance.

I liken a toxin-overloaded organ to a stagnant pool of water that soon begin to breed bacteria and mosquitoes, causing other live organisms like fish and frogs to die. Rubbish starts to collect; stench and toxic fumes begin to be emitted, causing the surrounding area to stink. This is a very unhealthy environment and begins to affect people living in the neighborhood. This is how it is with our toxin-overloaded organ. Our blood cannot flow properly, cells start to die, bacteria starts to breed, and there is bad breath or bad body odor. These are signs of toxicity of blood. Inflammation and pain will follow, and most likely at this stage you may already been experiencing some chronic disease(s). If neglected further cancer.

A good detox program flushes out these toxins and make good the environment again.

A good detox program is like a good flushing system that starts to clear the detox organs of these toxins, cleaning up the surrounding area and get the blood and circulatory system to flow smoothly again. After a proper detoxification program and sufficient intake of optimum nutrition, the sick organ can begin to restore back to health and function as normal again. One of the most popular methods for detoxifying the body is tocleanse the colon using a herbal fiber supplement. Fiber makes a great cleanse because of its ability to expand within the colon. This expansion allows fiber supplements to act like a sponge, collecting and sweeping excess waste and toxins from the colon without disrupting daily life. When done correctly, a good detox program, followed by a continuous supply of optimum nutrition (including from juicing) will keep diseases at bay, slow down degeneration and prolong a life full of vitality. Your choice.


Value your health, know WHAT foods to avoid, and understand WHY. Just think, each time you consume any of these harmful foods, you slash a few hours off your life. What Are We Eating?

Todays modern diet is so desperately lacking in nutrient compared to those of our ancestors days. How so? With the advancement of technology, most of our foods are manufactured, genetically re-engineered, and processed. Being busy people, we start to rely heavily on instant meals. We spend lesser time preparing fresh foods. Even the foods that we do prepare in our kitchen with all the sophisticated equipments, kill and destroy the nutrients and enzymes that our bodies so crave. Just what are we doing to our bodies? As I did my own research, I was shocked with the findings about the foods that I have been consuming in my first thirty years of life. By knowing the damages these foods are doing to my body, I started making conscious efforts to gradually change my eating habits. It doesnt happen overnight but it can be done. Read also: Chemicals in our Foods.

Reduce on Eating Acid-Forming Foods

When we eat foods that are acid-forming, they cause our blood to become acidic. Acidic blood means thick blood, means slow-moving blood that reduces the effective function of carrying nutrients to every part of our body. Thick blood hosts a myriad of harmful organisms (bacteria, virus, parasites, yeast, etc.). Over time, it begins to clog up the detox organs and cause other health issues. See this page for illustration on what happens when your liver gets clogged up.

What Are The Acid-Forming Foods?

So what are acid-forming foods? Some examples: Animal protein, dairy products, deep-fried foods, cooked foods, junk/processed foods, oily foods, medication, flour and sugar products (e.g. pastries, cakes, biscuits, doughnuts, etc.), artificial food additives(e.g. emulsifiers, coloring, flavoring, preservatives, stabilizers), soft drinks and alcohol. Plant proteins are also acid-forming but are more easily assimilated when compared to animal proteins. Im not saying dont eat these foods, I say eat them if you must, but in smaller amounts, and eat the alkaline-forming foods more (fruits, vegetables, plant based foods). If you know that you have thick blood, youll do well to reduce your intake of acid-forming foods and increase on alkaline-forming foods to begin to reverse your health problems. I may not be able to cover everything here but I want to share with you, some of the basic common foods we all take without thinking of the damaging impact they have on our health. Some of which we have even regarded as healthy. Read the truth: Pasteurized Milk and Dairy Products

Pasteurized milk (UHT ultra-heat temperature) is the heating of milk to temperatures of 160 degrees or higher. This changes the milk protein (casein) content to an inorganic form, which cannot be assimilated by the body. When this protein cannot be broken down, it weakens the immune system, causing allergies and many other problems, like asthma, nasal congestion, skin rash, chest infections, higher blood cholesterol, increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Crib deaths have even been attributed to cows milk allergy. You are better off pouring the milk down the drain than feed it to your baby. Do you realize that when you consume cows milk, it causes excessive mucus to be formed in your lungs, sinuses and intestines. The mucus also hardens to form a coating on the inner wall of the intestines that leads to poor absorption of nutrients. It causes constipation and can lead to many ill problems. Imagine then, what havoc cows milk does to an infant. No wonder asthma and bronchitis are so rampant in our young children! Oh, the mucus that form in the little lungs! Sally Fallon of the Weston Price Foundation in the States said it like this: Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamin B12 and vitamin B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer. God has designed mothers to feed babies with breast milk. But in these modern days, mothers are too busy that we have resorted to cows milk, bringing up a generation of sickly children who have weak immune systems. If we are going to cows milk for calcium, we are mistaken. Cows milk is not a good source of this mineral. Milk (and dairy products) are acid-forming in our body. When it gets acidic, our bodies try to balance the pH by drawing more calcium (alkaline) from our bones. Over time, more and more calcium are actually drawn out from your bones and eventually lead to osteoporosis. For alternative sources of calcium, choose seeds, nuts, and crunchy vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, carrots and cauliflower. For infants, if breast milk is not available, substitute with goats milk instead, or rice milk, or almond milk. Soda/Carbonated Drinks

If you drink soda/carbonated drinks regularly, you would do yourself a great favor to gradually eliminate them from your dietthe sooner the better. A can of soda/carbonated drink contains up to 15 teaspoons of sugar, 150 empty calories, 30 to 55 mg of caffeine and is loaded with harmful artificial food colors, flavorings and preservatives. All these but with zero nutritional value. Some soda drinks are disguised as diet soda where dangerous sweeteners like aspartame are added. Numerous health side effects are associated with aspartame ingestion, including brain damage, diabetes, emotional disorders, decreased vision, ringing in the ears, memory loss, heart palpitations, shortness of breath and many more. This short list should be enough to show you the danger of this ingredient in diet sodas. Another way soda drinks are disguised, is in so-called energy drinks. Energy drinks may give you a boost of energy upon consumption, but it does not last. In fact, when the effect wears off you will feel your energy dwindle and you will start to crave another can. It becomes a vicious cycle and eventually gets you hooked. The sugar content level in sodas are way too high and will lead to many health problems. Moreover, when you consume too much sugar, your appetite will be suppressed for the nutritious foods. This results in nutritional deficiency. Read also: Soft drinks: What you dont know can kill you. Prescription Drugs

Yes, unfortunately, if you are on any medication, it is acid-forming and causes your blood to thicken. Then you will be prescribed another medication to thin your blood but would cause you to have stomach ulcer. Then, you will

be prescribed yet another medication to counter your ulcer but may cause you constipation. And when you have constipation, it will cause you a host of many other health problems as it indirectly also weaken your liver functions. Your immunity system is compromised. Other diseases that may surface: diabetes, high blood pressure, poor blood circulation, high cholesterol, yeast infection, etc. Then you keep getting prescribed more and more medication for each of this problem. Do you see the vicious cycle? Talk to your physician to reduce your medication intake, although some physicians may not, as they dont understand natural healing. Take control of your own body and your own health! Begin by taking more alkaline-forming foods. Sugar

Human bodies are designed to fuel on carbohydrates, which is the source of our energy. We fulfill this need by consuming complex carbohydrates from whole foods like whole grains, vegetables, beans or lentils; or simpler carbohydrates such as from fruits. However, with technology, man has extracted sweetness but leaving behind the nutrients. Refined sugar is lethal for human consumption because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals, rendering it empty. Concentrated sugarin the forms of white sugar, brown sugar, glucose, honey and syrup releases sugar fast, causing a rapid increase in our blood sugar levels when consumed. If this sugar is not required by the body, it is deposited in storage as fats. These concentrated sugars are almost totally devoid of useful nutrients. When the blood sugar level rises, the pancreas releases insulin into the blood stream. Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate the level of blood sugar. When we consume food that releases sugar fast (high glycemic index), our body overreacts to the increase in blood glucose by producing more insulin than necessary. As a result, blood glucose falls too much within a short time, causing you to feel hungry again. When you respond to that hunger by eating another high glycemic meal, it sets off another cycle of swing in the insulin level. Over time, these exaggerated increases and falls in the insulin level will lead to a reduction in the bodys ability to respond to insulin, the development of a condition called insulin resistance.

When this happens, the glucose level in the blood system remains constantly high. The pancreas respond by producing more and more insulin to try to maintain the sugar blood level, until it can no longer keep up anymore. This condition is directly damaging to the cells and can cause very severe long-term damage to the body. Some of the common health problems known that are related to this condition are insomnia, obesity, type-II diabetes, polycystic ovary disease, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and hormone related cancers. Do not be deceived and use artificial sweetener. They mostly contain aspartame that are even deadlier than your table sugar. A plant-based sugar called stevia is a much healthier alternative. Salt The salt Im referring to here is table salt (sodium chloride). It creates untold physical problems and suffering. Yes, the body needs salt (sodium), but it must be in an organic form in order to be useful to the body. Table salt, sodium chloride, is an inorganic sodium compound that combines with chloride.. It is extremely toxic to the body and causes the body to retain fluid. High intake of this substance thickens and stiffens arteries and increases the risks of strokes, and cardiac failure. It accelerates the rate of renal functional deterioration. Sodium chloride draws calcium from your bones, which is excreted in your urine. This leads to early and painful osteoporosis, or the thinning and fracturing of your bones. Read: The healthier alternative to table salt that our body craves. Read also: The deadly hidden salt in your food. White Flour Products

All the good substances (bran and germ) is removed from flour during processing. Then it is bleached with a deadly chemical called alloxan, a bleaching agent similar to Clorox. This compound destroys the beta-cells of the pancreas, leading to type 2 diabetes.

Finally, some coal-tar-derived (carcinogenic cancer causing) vitamins are added and sold to the unsuspecting public as enriched. White flour makes your blood sugar rise almost as much as refined sugar. Intestinal infections are a direct outcome of white flour consumption. It is hard to chew, puts pressure on the digestive system and is extremely low on fiber. Mixed with lowquality rice flour, it has no nutrient a growing child requires. Be wary of things made from flour, e.g. bread, cakes, pancakes, pasta, etc. If you must eat them, eat them sparingly. Things made of flour has no nutritional value at all, and cause more harm to your body than any good. Combine this with sugar and high heat baking, you have the perfect combination to all kinds of degenerative diseases. Wheat bread has recently been introduced as the healthier option. Do not be deceived. Studies have shown that wheat is contaminated with a germ called mycotoxin. When consumed in high amount, this germ can be lethal and has been reported to cause rheumatoid arthritis, miscarriages, headaches, infertility, slow growth development in children and irritable bowel. Moreover, wheat converts to sugar rapidly and accelerates aging in people with low metabolic rate. Meat Products

We are taught that meat is high in protein and iron, and is good for us. However, most meat today, whether chicken, beef, pork or lamb, have received hormone treatments of one kind of another. Besides making the meat tender, these hormones are used to escalate the animals growth and increase their milk or production yields. These hormones which are estrogen-dominant, have been found to be linked to breast cancer, fibroids, ovarian and cervical cancer, and endometriosis in women. In men, the common symptoms are prostate and testicular cancer, loss of libido, impotence and breast enlargement, just to name a few. Antibiotics are also used widely on these animals to prevent infection and to enhance growthall in the name of higher profits in shorter time. Diseases of the digestive system have directly been linked to meat consumption. And more critically, the risk of heart disease and cancer of the stomach and colon.

If you must take meat, try to avoid beef and pork, or consume no more than three times a week. A better choice for protein in substituting meat would be fish, beans, lentils, bean curd or whole grains. Try to eat organic whenever possible. But remember, most of us are in more danger of too much protein intake than too little. Excess protein is a contributor to osteoporosis, overadicity and many other common health problems. Studies on low-carb/high protein diet have shown a marked increase in acidity overload to the kidney, increases the risk for stone formation, and decreases calcium, increasing risk for bone loss. Another reason why we should avoid meat is the stress that it puts upon our digestive system. Read about it here. Vegetable Oils Polyunsaturated oils, which include vegetable oils like corn, soy, linola and canola are beneficial on their own. However, by making them into cooking oils, they are heavily refined and processed, rendering them rancid and toxic. For a long time now, these cooking oils have been mistakenly regarded as the healthier choice, but experts have now pointed out that this is a fatal mistake. After refining and processing, these beneficial oils become oxidized as they get exposed to heat from the processing, resulting in the formation of trans-fat and damaging free radicals (this is a process called hydrogenation). The truth is, coconut oil which have been regarded as unhealthy is the better choice for cooking. Unlike most unsaturated oils, coconut oil does not turn toxic when cooked. Other alternatives are virgin (or extra virgin) olive oil for light cooking or sauteing, or grapeseed oil for high heat cooking. Important read: Types of fats to avoid, and the Essential fats our body needs. Fast (Fried) Foods

While many of us know that fast foods are bad, we dont know just how bad they are, to stop taking them. We spend our hard-earned money on the very things that are killing us. We think that the main danger of frying was that fats cooked at high temperatures produce oxidants that cause cancer. But I have news for you.

Scientific research has found another cancer-causing substance called acrylamide, in foods cooked at high temperatures, whether with or without fats. While the safe limit set for acrylamide in food is ten parts per billion (ppb), French fries and potato chips are found to contain more than a hundred times this amount! Acrylamide is produced when foods are browned or burnt, or cooked or processed using high heat. These methods include frying, barbecuing, baking, and even by microwaving. If you must cook your foods, choose to steam, fry or boil your foods instead. This way, the foods would not contain oxidants as you do not burn your food.

Health Robbers
You will be shocked with the amount and types of toxins you are exposed to every day. You may not be able to avoid these toxins, but you can help your body detoxify them. How Do We Get Exposed to Toxins?
I often hear people say, I dont eat processed foods and I eat healthy, why do I get sick? What does it mean exactly to eat healthy? Eating healthy is not just what you eat, but also what you DONT eat! What about other factors around you that rob you of your health? To be healthy takes more than just eating healthy. If you look at the list below, you will realize that you cannot really escape toxins. We live in such a toxic world that we need to help our own bodies with detoxification measures. See how toxins (poisonous substances) find their way into our body as follows:

Toxins From External

External toxins refer to those derived from our environment which get into our bodies. Some sources: Foods: Additives, preservatives, artificial flavorings and colorings, food stabilizers, food emulsifiers, agricultural chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, etc. Air: Stale and stagnant air, perfumes, tobacco smoke, cleaning supplies, toxic fumes, polluted air, dust mites, pollens, household sprays, etc. Water: Water contaminated with inorganic minerals, bacteria, chlorine, heavy metals, rusts, chemicals, industrial pollution, etc. Medical treatments: Prescription drugs, chemotherapy, anti-biotics, artificial hormones, vaccinations, jabs, low quality supplements, etc. Dental treatments: Mercury amalgam fillings, root canals, acrylic dentures, implants, braces, fluoride treatments, etc.

Radiation: Radiotherapy, radio waves, television waves,microwave ovens, some electromagnetic gadgets, cell phones, x-rays, gamma rays, ultra-sound scan, MRI scan, CAT scan, UV radiation, etc. Household: New paints, varnishes, new carpets, new asbestos ceiling, heating system, cleaning agents, all kinds of sprays, moth balls, gas stoves, aluminium pots, laundry supplies, etc. Personal care: Perfumes, soaps, shampoos, deodorants, toothpaste, nail polish, cosmetics (some contain lead), permanent and hair colorings, etc.

Dont underestimate the degree of toxicity from the items listed above, as constant exposure to these are slow poisons that we dont realize.

Toxins From Internal

Internal body toxins refer to those derived from external sources but once in the body, they begin producing internal toxins. Micro-organisms: Bacteria, viruses, yeasts, mold, fungi, parasites Old toxins stored in the body. The presence of various kinds of chemicals may cause chemical reactions among them, causing severe symptoms Dental works: Materials used contain metals, mercury, acrylic, binders, cements, resins, etc. Some of these can leach into our body when eating food Medical implants: Silicone breast implants, implants in cosmetic surgeries, joint replacements, pacemakers; surgical aids such as screws, plates, staples and other materials.

Toxins Produced By Our Body

Apart from external and internal toxins, our bodies also get burdened with toxins produced by our body. These are by-products of our cellular metabolisms. Like all body toxins, if these are not eliminated properly, the build-up may cause health problems later on. Most of the symptoms created by these toxins affect our brain and mind, like confusion, irritability, memory loss, headache, insomnia, fatigue. Other symptoms include dysfunctional endocrine and immune system. Below is just a short list of toxins that are daily being produced by our body:

Bilirubin: A toxin that results when the liver breaks down old red blood cells. These are usually eliminated from the body through the stool that is normal brown in color. When bilirubin is not eliminated efficiently, it causes the skin and white of the eyes to turn yellow. This is a condition called jaundice. Urea: A product that results when the liver breaks down protein or amino acids. Urea is being excreted in the urine by the kidneys. If the kidneys are not functioning efficiently, the urea level in the blood increases causing a condition known as uremia. Uric acid: A product that results when the body breaks down a substance called purine. Purines are found in high concentration in meat and meat products, especially in animals internal organs such as liver and kidneys. Excess uric acid that dont get excreted can crystalize in the kidneys, joints and toes (gout) resulting in severe pain. Creatinine: A product that results from muscle metabolism. It is filtered in the kidneys for excretion at a fairly constant daily rate. Therefore, when kidneys become inefficient for whatever reason, the creatinine level will rise due to poor clearance. This when detected in the urine, warns of possible kidney malfunction or failure. Hormone imbalance: Hormones are chemical messengers that are released from the glands into the bloodstream. When secretion of hormones is too low or too high, or the liver is not able to detoxify them, excess hormones become internal body toxins. Free radicals: Although oxygen (O2) is necessary for life, there is also the dark side of it. When oxygen reacts with toxins from external sources, it becomes a free radical. This is a process known as oxidation. An unhealthy diet largely contributes to this process of oxidation and does a lot of damage to the body.

When you go to the doctor with a certain symptom that he cannot identify, you will most likely be sent home with a diagnosis of viral infection or sometimes you may be told that there was nothing wrong with you. When this happens, you should suspect that it could be high toxicity levels in the body that are the trouble-causers. Within this site, I will attempt to help you understand why you fall sick, and how you can restore yourself back to health again, the natural way.

Detox Sequence
Just as you spring-clean your house, there should be a systematical ORDER to uncover every room and every corner for a thorough job well done.

Total Cleanse in the Right Sequence

Many people I talk to seem to think that detoxification means drinking some fiber drinks or some detox drink products that they can buy off the health-store shelves. While these products may help a little, they are really just scraping the surface of what it means to do a thorough detoxification. To reverse a nagging health issue, detoxification means a total cleanse of the entire internal body system, step-by-step and in theright sequence. One of the reasons to do it in this order is to enhance the efficacy of the detox, not to mention to reduce the healing crisis trouble. Ideally, a thorough detox should be done in the following sequence. Although there is no hard and fast rules, this sequence is just to make life easier for you.

Gastrointestinal Detox / Colon Cleanse Liver / Gallbladder Detox Kidney Detox Lungs Detox Lymphatic System / Skin Detox concurrently

Gastrointestinal Detox / Colon Cleanse Upper Intestines

You may have heard that death begins in the gut. This refers to theupper and lower intestinal system (from esophagus, to the stomach, to the small intestines, the colon and the bowel system). Due to many years of faulty eatingpoor choices of food, poor eating habits and wrong food combinationthe small intestines have become somewhat inefficient due to the foods clogging the internal wall lining. This happens to most people whose dietary is lacking in fiber (from eating flour-products, meat, processed foods, prolonged medication, alcohol, etc.) Over the years, these leftover (undigested) foods begin to rot and form encrustation in the intestines. This is one of the causes of bad breathit is the odor from this rotting encrustation. One of the functions of the small intestines is to absorb nutrients. But as the internal wall is now lined with encrustation, absorption has become inefficient. Many health problems follow when the intestines functions are compromised.

It is for this reason that a gastrointestinal detox is recommended before any other detox so that absorption of nutrients/supplements are increased as you work on the other detox organs.

Lower Intestines
Another major area of concern with the gastrointestinal is the colon. This is where the feces are collected waiting to be eliminated. However, due to lack of fibrous foods, they cannot be eliminated at will and become compacted in the colon. The longer it stays in the colon, the harder it becomes and the more difficult for elimination. And the longer it stays and rot in the colon (not to mention bacteria and parasites multiplying by the millions every day!), it produces toxic fumes that are in contact with the colon wall lining. This is the beginning of an endless list of health problems, and eventually colon cancer. A gastrointestinal cleanse (which include the colon) is not difficult. Its just that most people dont even know that there is such a thing as gastrointestinal detox! Learn what to do and do it regularly to maintain a clear internal sewage piping system. It greatly reduces health risk and over time, with proper maintenance, many health issues will also clear up. Regularly drinking juices is helpful to move the bowels along. Going on regular and extended juice fast/feast do further good to detoxify the colon as the juices work like a natural broom that help sweeps out the gastrointestinal tract of old fecal matters. There are other methods of colon cleansing for people who cannot go on extended fasts. These will be discussed in this section. (Pages are still being written.) Read more about the health issues that arise from a poor gastrointestinal health.

Liver and Gallbladder Detox

After a good and proper gastrointestinal/colon detox, it will much lessen blood contamination. This helps lighten the liver burden. With a cleaner gastrointestinal system, elimination of further toxins during a liver detox will be so much easier. This is important as inability to eliminate toxins through the bowel will cause further toxins to be reabsorbed into the system. This will be counter-productive. Our liver is the largest and one of the most important organs in our body. It has so many functions that helps us to live healthily, that is why it is called the live-r. The liver and the gallbladder are considered the accessory organs that contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive system. When we do a liver cleanse, we also want to do the gallbladder flush. Stones can be formed not only in the gallbladder but also in the liver. There are a couple methods of doing an effective liver detox which I like to use. They will be covered later on this site (these pages are still being written). Most health problems begin when the liver is not functioning properly. In other words, people with any chronic disease usually has a poor-functioning liver. A cleansed liver allows your blood to flow properly again. This alone can help reverse many health problems.

Kidney Detox
One who has a damaged/diseased kidney or kidney failure is most likely to also have a liver problem. The kidney has been so overloaded with undigested protein (especially from meat products) that protein should be immediately eliminated from the diet. The allopathic healthcare will tell a patient with diseased kidneys not to drink water, not to drink juices and not to exercise. THINK! If you tell a healthy person NOT to do these three things, what do you think will happen to him/her? Would not their health deteriorate? What more to one whos already weak? Arent these three our basic needs to stay healthy? For an effective kidney detox, it would help to start with a gastro/colon and then liver detox. When that is done, together with a diet that is mostly fresh plant-based foods, the kidneys will also gradually clean-up by themselves, thence making a kidney detox more effective and meaningful. Meat products contain large quantities of purines that cannot be broken down properly by the kidneys and thus form uric acid that causes gout and kidney stones. Just by eliminating meat protein, there will be some relief. Avoid meat products until you have rebuilt your kidney.

Lungs Detox
Mild lungs infection with a generally healthy person can easily be helped with a change of diet and taking supplements that will help clear it up. But damaged lungs due to many years of smoking or inhaling industrial pollution will have to go through the whole detox process of cleaning out the gastro/colon and liver. Can you reverse blackened, damaged lungs due to smoking? Possible, but it takes time and determination. If youve been smoking for over 20 years, dont expect to heal with one month or two months detoxification. It may be reversed because our body cells will keep multiplying new ones when we feed our body with the right nutrition. So there is hope! But there is a need to stop smoking; or a change to a cleaner environment to stop inhaling industrial pollution. Then, embark on a full-body detox, to begin healing. A change of lifestyle is required if you value your life.

Lymphatic/Skin Detox
Like the colon, the lymphatic system accumulates old waste materials for years of poor choices of foods and a sedentary lifestyle. With improper drainage, it begins to become stagnant and causing obstruction and inflammation of lymph nodes. In many cases of back pain, the cause is due to inflamed or swollen lymph sacks (a.k.a. cysterna chyli) that is located at the end of the lumbar vertebrae. When wastes/toxins are

not being eliminated properly, over the years, they get congested in these lymph sacks, causing middle to lower back pain or even abdominal swelling. The lymphatic system is our internal drainage system that have minute vessels that have one-way (upward) valves. There are some things that you can do externally to help these valves open up and begin draining, like with the right kind of exercise and massages (some suggestion of the methods will be covered later on this site.) Skin brushing, clay baths, saunas are some other methods that can be used to help drain the lymphatic system. For more serious lymphatic conditions, a whole-body detox in the above sequence is required to achieve best results.

Toxins Susceptibility
Understand your bodys response to toxins, so that you can minimize the effects of toxin-overload with appropriate detox measures. What is a Toxin?

Whenever an inorganic substance gets into our body that causes harm, it can be considered atoxin. By inorganic it means it is alien to our body and that our body cannot assimilate or use it, but instead it harms. How a body respond to a toxin depends on both the individual AND the nature of the toxin.

Our Susceptibility to Toxins

There are many factors that can affect the susceptibility of our bodys response to toxins. We can control some of these factors, but some are beyond our control: Age: Young children and the elderly are more susceptible than healthy adults are. Health status: People with low immune defenses and with liver problem are particularly affected by toxins. Low immune system is caused by other factors that follow below. Gender: Women tend to respond more sensitively to toxins compared to men. Women have higher levels of hormones that are particularly sensitive to certain toxins. Genetic make-up: Due to our genetic make-up, some people may have less detox enzymes, causing them to be more susceptible. Enzymatic defects: Although rare, people with enzymatic defects may suffer more adverse effects from toxins than others. Lack of nutrition: In order to work the existing detox enzymes in the body, optimum nutrition is required to activate them. A body will be more susceptible if lacking in the necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, etc. Contaminated food: Constant consumption of nutrient-deficient foods, and foods contaminated with additives, food flavorings, preservatives, chemicals, hormones, etc., make a body more susceptible. Drugs: Most prescription drugs are synthetic (man-made); they are inorganic and cannot be assimilated by our body. They get stored in our body and cannot be absorbed nor eliminated. This category includes anesthetic jabs administered during a surgery, and vaccinations. Alcohol consumption and smoking also contributes to the accumulation of drugs that will lead to a host of other health issues. Lack of exercise/sedentary lifestyle: Our skin is one of the biggest detoxification organ. Perspiration helps eliminate toxins through the skin. Without perspiration, our body has one less outlet for detoxifying. Regular exercise also helps the heart to pump the blood for good circulation. Nature of the toxins: External chemicals are man-made and are toxic for our body by nature. The degree of exposure to the toxins and the toxicity of the toxins determine how badly affected we get. Due to any or all of the factors above, we are exposed to a wide variety of toxins that stay in our bodies for a long time. When we do not take measures to detoxify, our bodies become overloaded. Toxins get stored in our body fats, in the brain, our cell membranes, in the liver, kidneys, lungs, etc. When new toxins continue to enter the body, they cannot get metabolized because the body is already overloaded. This backlogged toxins then cause damage to the detoxification organs and also attack the endocrine, nervous and immune systems. It is also during this time when new toxins enter our body, there cause allergic reactions, skin breakouts, or chronic pains are felt.

There is Hope and Help

There is a long list of chronic diseases (a.k.a. degenerative diseases) that are direct results of overloaded toxins in our bodies. Take this fact as a piece of GOOD NEWS because chronic diseases can be helped and will respond positively with proper detoxification and nutrition. Just remember: There is no drug in this world that can heal a chronic disease , but instead only add on to your misery. Drugs (medication) can only suppress symptoms but they cannot heal you.Your body was made to self-heal. You need to give your body a chance to heal by itself by holding on to this formula:


All is not lost. There is HOPE and there is HELP. Come with me, and learn: How to minimize your exposure to toxins Detoxifying by cleansing, balancing or prevention Nourish your cells back to health with proper nutrition

Toxins Overload Checklist

Do You Need To Detoxify? Frequent attacks of headaches or migraines are the beginning signs of ill-health. Are You Suffering From Toxins Overload?
Print out this page and tick off questions that are true. If you answer yes to at least 5 questions, you are likely to benefit from a detox. The more yes you answer to, the more and longer you will need to go on a detox program. This is not a comprehensive list but is a good start to check if you might benefit from a detox. It is not meant to diagnose. Always check with your doctor before you go on any detox program, especially if you are suffering from any health conditions or are on some kind of medication. Also look up the chart on this page that shows where you are with your health.

Toxins Overload Checklist:

YES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Do you have difficulty sleeping? Do you have difficulty waking up in the morning? Do you have a weight problem? Do you usually feel tired and lethargic? Do you frequently suffer from headaches and migraine attacks? Do you suffer from bloating or gas in the stomach? Do you suffer from clenched muscles and muscles cramps in the calves? Do you have difficulty to concentrate and maintaining concentration? Do you suffer from sinus or nasal congestion? Do you suffer from chronic constipation or diarrhea? Do you suffer from frequent mood swings, anxiety, bouts of depression or a sense of hopelessness? Are you frequently stressed and feel irritable? Do you have aches and pains in your joints that are constant or that keep recurring? Does your skin look dull; or do you suffer from skin problems such as acne, eczema or psoriasis? Do you catch a cold or fall sick easily? Do you smoke, live with a smoker, or work in a polluted/toxic environment? Do you drink more than two servings of coffee, soft drinks or alcohol daily? Do you have amalgam/mercury fillings in your teeth? Do you have any food sensitivities/allergies/intolerance? Do you eat micro-waved foods frequently? Do your foods consist of mostly meat and very little fruits and vegetables? Have you done any surgery before; or are you on any long-term medication? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

NO ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

. Chronic

Take a hard look at your own health, and see where you are right now. The fewer symptoms you have the better. How Healthy Are You?

Heres a little graph to show you the stage you are at with your health. Most diseases start from a simple inflammation or a discharge that you would ignore (see Stage 1 in chart below). Then you start feeling fatigue, constipated, have a headache, or lower backache or even simple skin blemishes. These are all signs of the beginning of poor health (see Stage 2 in chart below). If at this stage, you start to realize and take action and start eating and living healthy, there might yet be hope that your problem may be reversed. When the doctor declares that you have high-blood pressure or cholesterol, or you have asthma or worse, serious joint pains or even tumors, you would know that you are at Stage 3 where you chronically encounter very poor and weak health. Dont wait till you reach Stage 3 or 4 before you start doing anything. It might then be too late. Help is now available. The answer is in proper detoxification and optimum nutrition. Restore your health now! Check where you are right now You might also want to look at this checklist to see if you have toxins overload.

What is a Chronic Disease?

Lets see what Orthodox Healthcare (modern medicine) says about chronic diseases. Heres a definition by Chronic disease: A disease that persists for a long time. A chronic disease is one lasting 3 months or more, by the definition of the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics. Chronic diseases generally cannot be prevented by vaccines or cured by medication, nor do they just disappear. Eighty-eight percent of Americans over 65 years of age have at least one chronic health condition (as of 1998). Health damaging behaviors particularly

tobacco use, lack of physical activity, and poor eating habits are major contributors to the leading chronic diseases. Chronic diseases tend to become more common with age. The leading chronic diseases in developed countries include (in alphabetical order) arthritis, cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks and stroke, cancer such as breast and colon cancer, diabetes, epilepsy and seizures, obesity, and oral health problems. Each of these conditions plague older adults in the US (and other developed nations). A similar definition of chronic diseases from the WHO website: Chronic diseases are diseases of long duration and generally slow progression. Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes, are by far the leading cause of mortality in the world, representing 60% of all deaths. Out of the 35 million people who died from chronic disease in 2005, half were under 70 and half were women. . Lets break these definitions down in bite-sizes to better understand what this chronic disease really is, according to interpretations byOrthodox Healthcare (OH) vs. Natural Healthcare (NH). Notice that OH just cannot see how accumulation of toxins are the cause of chronic diseases. The OH approach is to prescribe a drug for every symptom and/or, more aggressively, removal of defective organs through surgeries. Orthodox says: A disease that persists for a long time; disease of long duration and generally slow progression . Natural says: Its a disease of long duration because of the continuous accumulation of toxins that are slow poisons in our body system. *** Orthodox: Chronic diseases generally cannot be prevented by vaccines or cured by medication, nor do they just disappear. Natural: Orthodox healthcare is always in search of a certain drug to attack, treat, or kill a disease. Therefore, in their search for that pill that cures all, they have overlooked the possibility of allowing our bodies to self-heal through proper detoxification and optimum nutrition. Orthodox Healing recognizes that chronic diseases do not just disappear. Rightly so. As long as the toxins stay in the body, the diseases would not disappear. Only when detoxification measures are appropriated, can we hope for the diseases to be reversed and to disappear. *** Orthodox: Chronic diseases tend to become more common with age . Natural: Chronic diseases used to be found only among the aged, but in recent years, more and more young children and even babies are even found to have a chronic disease. Because of this very toxic world we live in, parents are now even transferring their highly toxic blood to their offsprings.

Healthcare Approach to Chronic Diseases

As I mentioned above, Orthodox Healthcare is always in search of a certain drug to cure a certain disease. They are organ-specific, hence there is a long list of specialists like the cardiologists, neurologists, nephrologists, pulmonologists, etc. Chronic diseases are really just toxins build-up and overload in our body system, due to daily exposures to toxins in our toxic environment. Coupled with lack of nutrition, our cells degenerate/die or are mutilated and they cannot be salvaged unless these toxins are removed quickly and our cells fed with optimum nutrition to nourish it back to health. .

An Obvious Example:
For example, you hear a diabetes sufferer being sentenced to a lifetime of medication. These medications can only control the blood sugar level but dont really heal. The direct/indirect side effects of these long-term medications are eye disorders, nerves degeneration, poor blood circulation, high cholesterol, high-blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, heart diseases, yeast infections, stomach ulcers, gastritis, kidney failures, etc. But the doctor will tell you that they are all related. Do you realize that these all come about really because of the side effects from the medications from treating diabetes in the first place? Is the long-term medication to control blood sugar level worth it after all? Consider this other scenario with Natural Healing . In a diabetes type II patient, the problem is that the insulin is not able to reach the relevant receptors within the cells because they are blocked by excess cholesterol. An intensive liver detox program is being administered for a few weeks, in conjunction with optimum nutrition. During this time, the liver is cleansed and the blood cleaned up, cholesterol level is brought to normal. Now the natural insulin is able to reach its destination in the cells, and the excess sugar in the bloodstream is normalized. After this detox program, the ex-diabetes sufferer now needs only to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and continue to take her optimum nutrition. She will be mostly free from all other health problems that were supposed to be related to diabetes. Which approach to a chronic disease is more desirable? The answer is obvious!! The natural healing approach to chronic diseases by eating fresh plant foods are so simple that the average mind is not impressed with its simplicity and cannot accept that it is the most unobtrusive method to help our body with its self-healing. Remember, our bodies are created by our Maker to be intelligent enough for tough survival and programmed to heal by itself when fed the right food. We would feed our cars with the right fuel, why are we not feeding our body with the right fuel?

8 stepsto RadicalunbelievableamazingHealth!
Don't wait till you reach Stage 3 or 4 before you start doing anything. It might then be too late. Help is now available. The answer is by feeding your cells with nutrition. More on this below ... Development of Chronic and Degenerative Diseases Acute Stage of Elimination Sub-Acute (Poor Health) Chronic Extreme Chemical Deficiency Degeneration Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 * Inflammation * Discharge * Low Immunity * Fever * Colds * Fatigue * Blocked Nose * Overweight * Headaches * Lower Back Pain * Skin Blemishes * Piles * Constipation * Digestive Disorders * Hormonal Imbalance * Migraine * Arthritis * High Blood Pressure * High Cholesterol * Skin Problems * Serious Back Pain * Ulcers * Asthma * Weak Sexual Impulses * Sinusitis * Tumors/Cysts/ Fibroids * Endometriosis * Infertility * Heart Disease * Stroke * Diabetes * Kidney Disease * Liver Problems * Gall Bladder Disease * Serious Arthritis and Gout * Serious Skin Problems * Impotence * Lymphatic & Cellular Dysfunction * Cancer Note: Information extracted from "You Can Regain Youth & Health Through Detoxification and Rejuvenation" by Dr Lynn Tan.

Steps to rejuvenate and begin to heal the body from the inside out

Start with your nutrition

8 steps written out below~ The below eight step program takes you through a full mental and spiritual body cleanse. It clears the digestion and cleanses the body of any metals or toxins. Eight Steps to high vibe health:

1. DivineConsciousnessinto your life andyour eating Eating great is not enough, meditation is not enough, exercise is not enough, it is all of these things that produce extreme health and wellness and a lifetime of anti-aging and a world without illness. How are your thoughts, words, actions lining up? Are your spiritual principles being active in all you do each day? 2. Re-bootyour biologicalintegrity Kicking all anti-nutrients or non-nutrients out of your eating style completely. Lets start with alcohol, drugs, tobacco, caffeine, sugars, white carbohydrates, processed foods, non-organic meat. Then we will look at things like mag sterite, synthetic vitimins expecially bitamin B-12, absorbic dioxide. Synthetic supplements are not simply undesirable because they supply inferior nutrition that the body then uses inefficiently. Prolonged use or misuse of vitamins and mineral supplements may actually hurt us more than help us The Juicing Book Stephen Blauer Mag-sterite Blows up t-cells clocks nutrient uptake makes no difference what you put into your body because it blocks it. It accumulates at cellular level it builds up. But when you stop taking mag sterite you then become receptive to nutrients and this happens quickly.

3. Optimizebiologicalintegrity Human compatible Vit B-12 Human Compatible Vit C- radiant C Human compatible Vit E tototrynal Human compatible MSM These are the building blocks for your home. They are the blue prints and the beams for great health in the body. The are the foundation with which all the other nutrients can be built on.

4. Hydrationand Ph balance This is based on the quanity and the quality of the water and the salt you drink. WOW is this a whole story onto itself. With plastic bottles and water sources misleading the consumer on their bottles this can be more challenging than first glance. My suggestion here, is to do the best you can. Glass water bottles, spring water, highest possible filters. Do not drink tap. The body is a salt water being. Our salt is so important because the salt is how the water absorbs into the skin. So many people are completely dehydrated simply because most salts available on the market are not absorbable by the human body, it is simply not compatible. Then we get processed salts in most of our foods because we crave salt that is missing from our bodies and the processed foods again do not assist us in the salt we need to hydrate the body. Also most salts are ground with nickel grinders which add toxins to the salt. Most salts are pressed and it is hard for the body to use this. If you eat high quality superfoods, buy your veggies from farmers markets you will get a higher level of alkalinity in the body. All disease grows from acid in the body in acidic environments. Food combining causes acidity. Adding greens to your diet in the form of blue green algaes for the brain and eye function, as well as green force like vita green from health force for the bones and joints are also great alkalinizing principles. This is also the process of eating alkalinized foods and letting go of acidic based foods.

5. Rawfooddiet the easyway Eating raw. There are so many studies on all the different diets out there. I am not going to push being a raw foodist entirely. But will say that definitely eating vegetables and fruits is the secret key to longevity and getting the start on the vitamins you need. Some peoples bodies do not respond well to entirely raw food. However, often this is because it is not done right. You have to add the blue green algaes, spirulina, cholorela for protein and watch out for raw food treats and desserts filled with nuts that have not been rinsed and are not raw. If you add raw foods and superfoods to any diet you will watch your health soar. I believe in intuitive guidance letting your body guide you. However, I do recommend experiencing a raw food for a few days so you can feel if it is something that is good for your body. Most raw foodists are extremely healthy and can conquer much illness with just diet. For example raw for 30 days takes 8 diabetics and within the first 5 days they are all off insulin just by eating raw foods. Most said that their doctors did not even discuss that changing their diet was an option. Experiencing the joy of veggies high in ormos is a pure joy. Feel it out for yourself. Know your body, know what works for you. At least add superfoods, juicing and raw to your diet on a daily basis. By utilizing chocolate bliss as a main staple you will find that your cravings go down and desire for raw veggies goes up. Fiesta mole is a wonderful way to zest up your evening meal. Most people go raw for extreme illness or to lose weight. How about for preventive medicine? Easy steps for raw: watch the amount of nuts. Be sure to get lots of green supplements in the form of blue green algae, spirulina, chlorela and green mixes. Increase the amount of Chocolate bliss and eat farmers markets organic veggies. Add sun fire salt and fiesta mole to your veggies for flavor and extra mineral source. 6. Optimizedigestion We all need help with digestion unless you are living on the Hawaian Islands and you are growing your own foods with high levels of minerals in the soils. Digestive enzymes between each meal.

7. Sleep It is so important to be getting long, uninterruptive, restful sleep. This is the time the body rejuevenates itself and heals the tissues. Often times if you are not getting restful sleep it is because of an inbalance in the lymphatic system. Usually the lymphs are clogged, from adrenal exhaustion. You lymphatic system is trying to cleanse it self and releases adrenals while you are trying to sleep but the lymphs are clogged and not penetrating. You must allow yourself time to get restful sleep. 8 hours a night of uninterrupted sleep. If this is a problem for you and you need assistance in cleaning out your lymphatic. David Favor has an amazing product called Vitalize it clears out the lymphs. It breaks down the mucoid valve in the lymphatic system. It will help you catch up on deferred sleep. If you have had many nights of deferred sleep the first night you take it you might just pass out for up to 8-16 hours. This allows the lymphatic system to flush and allows us to sleep. You will take the vitalize 2-3 hours before bed with an 8-10 oz of water this will allow you plenty of time to eliminate the liquids before you sleep. Deep sleep, if you wake up refreshed your lymphatic system is probably in great shape. If you are groggy you might want to do it again until you wake up refreshed. Do these until you finish the bottle; you can use it anytime you feel like sleep will be troublesome for you.

8. Clearout parasites,chemicals,andmetals This is a process to eliminate parasites and chemicals and metals in the body. It is the last step because you need your digestion working well before you begin this elimination otherwise it will go right back into the blood. First you will start by clearing out the nano-bacteria-calcium fosfate bio film in the body. This is the substance that most disease including cancer attaches to. Then you begin the process of dialation so the fluid is flowing, clean out the pipes. For this you will eat things that are warm like tomatoes, camu camu, cayenee pepper. Then you will increase the seaweeds including dulse and other sea veggies. You will then begin the Alsidan and Aluropean which is garlic and olive leaf. Do this for a few weeks. Protese breaks down the membranes and breaks down the structures. Add pure radiance C, then you will begin Chem free and Metal free. If you have any mercury in the teeth or blood you can use this on a regular basis to clean the blood. Use the last three together. Again this is the last step after the lymphatic system and the digestion are working properly. You will be liberating chemicals and metals and you want them out of the body

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