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To Market Your Event Online With

Table of Contents
Introduc=on3 Adding Video To YouTube.4 YouTube Video Manager5 Embed on Your Website6 Sharing Your Video7 Comments & Likes.8 Tracking Your Impact9 Adver=sing Your Video11 Conclusion16

Online Marke=ng With YouTube


YouTube is #1 service for video on the internet. It boasts more than 1 billion unique users every single month. This guide will cover - Adding video to YouTube - Managing your videos - How to embed on your website - Tracking your impact and - How to adver=se on YouTube Event Commercials is the easiest way to do online marke=ng with video by automa=cally adding your online commercial to our YouTube Channel. This simplies the process to share and embed on your exis=ng website and to share to a number of other services like Facebook, TwiYer & LinkedIn.

How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube

Adding Video To YouTube

To add video to your YouTube page Log in to your YouTube account Choose the "Upload" buYon
This buYon is located in the top middle of the screen next to the search bar

Select the video le you want to upload

Once selected, the le will begin to upload

Add details about your video

How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube 4

YouTube Video Manager

The Video Manager page will allow you to track and manage your uploaded videos. Two things you should always do are - Add tags to your video and - Select a category for your video Doing these two things will improve your marke=ng eorts by exposing your video to a larger, targeted audience.

How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube

Embed On Your Website

YouTube makes it easy to embed your video on your on website or blog

Click the "Share" link below the video and Choose the "Embed" op=on Choose your preferred video dimensions Copy the code Paste this code into your website's HTML

How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube

Sharing Your Video

An added benet of uploading your video to YouTube is that it allows for fast sharing to

To share your video to any of these social networks

Click the Share link below the video Choose a social network Follow the on screen instruc=ons
How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube

Facebook, TwiYer, LinkedIn, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, Blogger, StumbleUpon, My Space and Reddit

Comments & Likes

One way to improve your response and engagement rates is to encourage YouTube comments and likes

An easy way to drive comments and likes is to post the rst comment asking a ques=on about what your poten=al aYendees are looking forward to at your event
How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube

YouTube comments and likes increase the virality of your marke=ng campaign They also serve to increase the exposure to your poten=al audience

Tracking Your Impact

YouTube has one of the best analy=cs dashboards for tracking your users' engagement with your specic videos and your impact overall. With YouTube's Analy=cs Dashboard, you can track:
Total number of video views Es=mated minutes watched Your number of subscribers Video likes & dislikes Number of comments Viewer demographics
How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube 9

Tracking Your Impact (contd)

To access your YouTube Analy=cs Dashboard

Sign in to your YouTube account Choose the drop-down arrow next to the Upload buYon Select Analy=cs to take you to the analy=cs for your YouTube channel Select the video you want to view the analy=cs of

How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube


Adver=sing Your Video

YouTube makes it very easy to adver=se your new video YouTube Adver=sing is usually a cost eec=ve means of increasing your exposure to your poten=al audience and can substan=ally increase your engagement rates
For example, a $30 budget for one week could result in your video being viewed an addi=onal 1,000 to 7,000 =mes and your ad being seen over 100,000+ =mes
How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube 11

Adver=sing Your Video (contd)

To adver=se your video:

Go to your YouTube Video Manager Select the video you want to adver=se Choose the upside down triangle next to the Edit buYon Select Promote Click the "Create A Campaign" buYon Select your budget
How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube 12

Adver=sing Your Video (contd)

To adver=se your video (contd):

Select your campaign dura=on
While you can technically start with as small as one (1) dollar for one (1) day, I recommend at least $10 for over seven days (i.e. one week) and measure your results While the default is Everyone, your video adver=sement will generally be more eec=ve if you focus your adver=sement on users who t your audience prole (e.g. in United States, interested in business educa=on)

Choose your Audience

How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube


Adver=sing Your Video (contd)

To adver=se your video (contd):

Crak your Ad
Target your adver=sement's language to your audience's prole and crak the language to convey the benets of watching your video For example, if you are adver=sing a legal educa=on conference, you might choose your headline to be "AYn: Legal Info Pros!" and the descrip=on as, "The premiere educa=onal & networking event for you
How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube 14

Adver=sing Your Video (contd)

To adver=se your video (contd):

Click the next buYon which will take you to your Google AdWords account Conrm your adver=sing campaign's details Watch the YouTube views come in!
How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube 15

Following these steps will help you take advantage of YouTube Adver=sing as it is a great way to improve your online marke=ng with video

How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube


A Special Oer
Visit hYp:// to get a free promo=onal YouTube video for your next event

How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube


How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube


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How To Market Your Event Online With YouTube


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