Drumasonic Quick Start Guide

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Quick Start Guide

In this quick start guide you will be presented, briey on two pages, all the important functions of DRUMASONIC. For more in-depth information, please look up the corresponding topics in the user manual.

1 Start
Usage Load the KONTAKT (PLAYER) version 4.2.3 or higher either standalone or as a plugin within a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). Outputs Congure your own outputs in KONTAKT (Output button) or load the provided Multi 8 Stereo Outputs. . . nkm which solely contains an output conguration (no actual instruments). If necessary, save as default, restart KONTAKT and activate the output channels (sometimes referred to as Aux channels) in your DAW. Sampling rate and room Go for one of the available sampling rates as well as for one of the two recording rooms Damped Room or Large Room and open the corresponding .nki instrument in KONTAKT.

2 Overview
Main page DRUMASONICs main page reects with its channel strips the actual instrument which you can select at the bottom. Every channel can be soloed separately by clicking on its name. You can route each channel to an individual audio output via the drop-down menu at the bottom of each channel. In order to save memory, deactivate the channels you do not need with the button at the top of each channel. Options (accessible via the arrow button:) On eight di erent options pages, you can set: Velocity (tweakable, global dynamic curve), Mapping (among other things, you can save and load presets), HiHatCtrl (triggering the HiHats openness via MIDI controllers), WiresCtrl (switching the snare wires on or o ; available for all the drums: Bass Drum, Snare Drum 1 and Toms), Panning (individual panning of the grouped

By courtesy of Music Services Meyer & Scholz GbR, www.drumasonic.com

close mics), Pitch (constant or random tuning of each instrument), Decay (adjustable volume decay time per instrument and microphone category), and MIDI CC (assignable MIDI CC#s for controlling superordinate volume and panning).

3 Special Functions
All instruments mode (accessible via the All button or via ALT+click on any instrument:) Every action in the channel strips a ects all instruments simultaneously. Channel load buttons, x button ALT+click has the same e ect as a normal click within the All instruments mode. Volume faders Fine adjust: hold SHIFT while dragging. Set to -6 dB: CMD+click (CTRL+click on Windows). Change a mics volume absolutely: ALT-drag while in the All instruments mode. Control dials Reset via CMD+click (CTRL+click on Windows). Learn buttons Unlearn via ALT+click (value -1, meaning no controller assignment).

4 Utilizing DRUMASONIC e ectively

Soloing an instrument Select the instrument and click the solo button on the upper right. Soloing a microphone Activate the All instruments mode and click on the microphones name. Changing an instruments volume Select the instrument, activate the link-Mode and move one of the volume faders. Changing a microphones volume relatively [absolutely] Switch to the All instruments mode and move the fader of the corresponding channel [while holding the ALT key]. Assigning a specic output to a specic microphone Switch to the All instruments mode, click on the output drop-down menu and choose an output. Switching a microphone on/o globally ALT+click on the corresponding load button above the channel name or simple click while the All instruments mode is engaged. Un-loading an instrument [all instruments] Click on the upper-right x-button [while holding the ALT key or while the All instruments mode is activated]. Combining presets Mixer presets only apply for the selected instrument [in the All instruments mode for all instruments at once]. Presets per microphone Activate the All instruments mode and load mixer presets of the category Specic Channels one after the other. If necessary, adjust the volumes.

By courtesy of Music Services Meyer & Scholz GbR, www.drumasonic.com

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