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23. Define collocation using your own words. What does it mean meaning by collocation?

Collocations of a given word are statements of the habitual or customary places of that word the company that words keep. A frequent co-occurrence of two lexical items in the language It is among the linguistic concepts which have benefited most from advances in corpus linguistics. One of the meaning of night it is the collocability with dark. Collocations is part of the word meaning Complete description of the meaning of a word would have to include the other word or words that collocate with it. There is frequently so high a degree of interdependence between lexemes which tend to occur in texts in collocation with one another that their potentiality for collocations is reasonably described as being part of their meaning. You shall know a word by the company it keeps 24. Explain and give examples of the two types of collocations Two types: Coherence collocation: collocates associated with a word. Lexical items that are in some way associated with others, because they tend to occur in similar environments. Difficult to measure using a statistical formula i.e. letter stamp, post office Neighborhood collocation: collocation in corpus linguistics, words which do actually co-occur with the word i.e. my/this/a letter. Structure of collocation collocation window Node: an item whose collocations we are studying Span: the number of lexical items on each side of a node that we consider relevant to that node. Collocates: items in the environment set by the span.

25. When is a collocation significant? CASUAL vs. SIGNIFICANT collocation

Significant collocation: collocation that occurs more frequently that would be expected (in a statistical sense) 26. Give reasons why intuition is often a poor guide to collocation

On elicitation experiments, people disagree on collocations Intuition is often a poor guide to collocation because: Each of us has only a partial knowledge of the language We have prejudices and preferences Our memory is weak / our imagination powerful (we can conceive of possible contexts for the most implausible utterances) We tend to notice unusual words or structures but often overlook ordinary ones

Although collocation can be observed informally on the basis of intuitions, it is more reliable to measure it statistically and for this a corpus is essential. Collocation can be measured on the basis of co-occurrence statistics. 27. Explain the difference btw. collocation and colligation. Give an example of each. COLLOCATION: relationship between a lexical item and other lexical items. Relationship between words at the lexical level. i.e. very collocates with good COLLIGATION: relationship between a lexical item and a grammatical category. Relationship between words at the grammatical level. i.e. very colligates with ADj

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