Discussing Issues

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Discussing issues
Political interviews
lntervierver: Despite the fact that you gave repeated assurances that you would not raise taxes, you seem to have broken your promise and raised five different taxes. Can you ofier an explanation for why this happenedl Haven't you betrayed the trust ol the voters? iolitician: I reject that charge completelp We have kept our mani{esto promise and not raised the basic rate of income tax at all. Interviewer Yes, but you've raised indirect taxes instead, so, in e{Iect, you'"e gone back onr yow promise of no tax increases, have you not? Politician: No. \(e made a comminnent with regard to the basic rate of income rax. And I'm happy to rea{firm2 that commitment now The ba.ie rate will rernain unchanged ...



Discussing communication Tutor: Right. I want to put the following question to you: do you think tle
communication between politicians and the people are adequatel



(fhe students e silent.) Tutor: \0e1l,let me framel the question di{ferently. Do politicians genuinely commu.icatc directly with rhe public! Zoe, what do you think? 206: Not realLy. It's just soundbites on TV, isn't it? They hardly ever meet ordinary people face-to-face. They don't mind fielding2 questions from journalists, they're used to that, bur that's not the same as confronting the issues directly r,r'ith real people. Turor: Weli, that\ a fair comment. But rlhat about politicians who have websites and write biogs? Are rhese better ways of establishing communication with people? Young people don't watch TV; they're on the web all the time. Paul: ll4th all due respect3, I think you're missing the pointa, if you dor't mind me saying so. The poliricians car stillkeep their distance. They don't have to {ace a grillingi from journalists or anyone if they just have a web page or a blog In some
wavs it's worse than media intervrews. Tutor: Fine. I take your point6. But no politiciar can meet everyone face to face, so communicating vrith as many people as possible using rechnology could be seea as more genuinely democratic, couidn't itl Imelda: Yes, but they hecome less accountable. If there's a scandal, rhey just issue a denial, and when did you last hear a politican give a full apology for gening things rvrong? They enter into a contract with tbe people and if they breachT thar contact they should be direcdy accountable, and not just at election time. "l"utor: Right. Okay then. Get into groups and disctss rvays in which politicians can be rnade more directly accountable. Okay? About ten minutes.


Ehgtish Ca ocations






14u1"L *o.61 Lom each box to form collocations and use them in the appropriate fornr complete the sentences below.


'1 Hesaid he

for what had happened to ............ any ... to your scheme to help poorer families nry ...... 3Iwantto ......... . . and denied he had misled the public .the ..... 4 The Ministcr. .... . . . and never gru.:n 5 Why do politicians always ... .... ...... the

wouldnt tell anvone of my plans but he and drared everithing n'ith his wife.
She was unable

. .. . .



honest answer? The Prime Minister


.. . .. .. ..


. .

of those rvho elected her


Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence using the words in brackets in the appropriate

lo.m in a collocarion lrom rhe oppo'ire pagc. 1 The school's Director reassured evervone over and over aq4i! that the school was not going io close, despiie reports in the press. (cIvF RETEAT) 2 Hcnry broke his prqqisg to take part in our charity football match. (rr.cr) 3 Politicinns rarely respqirsldileetlllladlggEsdl to a question (srRArcHr) 4 Philip said verv firmly that hc wonld suppor. us. (coNlMIr) 5 Thanlt you for doinejd4! va! plqlrjled la. (xrrp) 6 The team managr qaf-quic jk!ful4!s$& a number of hostile qurestions from reporters after the march. (lrtrD) 7 We ed befter wavs of communicaling with our customers. (CHANNTL) 8 I accept ftat vou have a strong argumenr but ir's a very complex problem. (r,trr) 9 H said he $as 100 per cent sorrv for hjs behaviour (.rIvE tl[t)
Read thcse remarks by different people, and then answer the questions.


Simon: I didn't quite know the best wa,v to ask him what I \\''anted to know Arlene: I took more days off than I rvas ofiicially allowed and was 1lred from my job Alex: I had to answer almost an hour of rea11y difflcult questions at the inter\ie$. Finn: I couldn't sign an agreement with the builder because I didn't get the bank loan Brona: 1 didn't see what \tas important in t'hat rhe lecturer rvas saying, did you?

Who fa(ed

a Snll


2 Who

missed the point of somethinti

3 Who had problems framing a qustionl

4 Who

breached a contract? a contract with someone?

5 Who didnt entr into



Make sir collocations from these words and write a setrtence using each.

confront due fair issue put


commert communicatlon dnial issue qustlon respect

Engtsh Cotlocotians




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