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Masterpeace Club Nigeria



An initiative to involve the business community in fostering sustainable peace in Nigeria

ABOUT MASTERPEACE CLUB Masterpeace is an international grassroots peace movement with the objective to inspire everyone to use his or her talent and energy for building peace and togetherness. We believe this will lead to a more sustainable world with less conflict. The key messages of the Masterpeace movement are as follows: Music above Fighting Dialogue above Judgment Bread above Bombs Creation above Destruction

Masterpeace is present in thirty (30) countries and has over 8,180 members working for the cause of peace in these countries. All persons who have worked on peace in all these countries are rewarded with free access to attend a grand Peace Concert featuring world renowned musicians on World Peace Day, September 21, 2014 at Istanbul, Turkey.

ABOUT BREAD ABOVE BOMBS CAMPAIGN In order to address the present spate of insecurity in our country, MasterPeace Nigeria is launching the Bread above Bombs campaign. The campaign is primarily targeted at Almajiris, street children and kids living in poor communities. It involves engaging the children meaningfully by feeding them and giving them a medium of expression on what Peace means to them through art (painting and/or drawing). We are reaching out to help organize the business community to work for sustainable peace in Nigeria. We will like you to help the Almajiris and other less privileged children by forming a Masterpeace club in your office. Members of staff that join the club will contribute money only to run the clubs projects and other functions that they agree to. We have developed the guideline on how the clubs will operate and how the pilot campaign will be implemented successfully. Please come on board and join Masterpeace in preaching Bread above Bombs!

HOW TO SET UP YOUR CLUB - Select MasterPeace Club officials o Club Leader: He/She will be responsible for -

Planning and managing the projects and the team. Ensuring proper execution of the projects. Close mentoring and supporting for all of the units to ensure the enthusiasm and energy inside the Club. Communicating MasterPeace key messages and core value. o Asst Club Leader: He/She will be responsible for Helping in motivating and encouraging the existing team. Ensuring smooth and effective transition through elections. Working as a support backbone to both of the Club leaders and all of the project peace builders. o Events Planner: He/She will be responsible for Defining the projects scope, goals and deliverables. Developing full-scale project plans that follow reasonable deadlines and scheduled milestones. Estimating the resources and participants or volunteers needed to achieve the project goals. Drafting and presenting budget proposal for each project. Implementing the projects milestones and deliverables, making sure the project is on schedule o Fundraiser: He/She will be responsible for Approaching individuals, schools, universities, local authorities, shops and commercial organizations for sponsorship and donations. Establishing new Partnerships with relevant groups, organizations, artists and civil society. Organizing fundraising events. o Secretary General: He/She will be responsible for Coverage of club activities through texts, pictures and videos Uploading all the clubs projects on the MasterPeace Platform via the clubs profile. Contacting different media (press, radio or TV) to promote the Clubs activities and make them visible. Developing online social media campaigns around the different projects (facebook, twitter... etc)

Help ensure good visibility of the MasterPeace logo on any banners, T-shirts or other promotional materials. Preparing pre-event inspirational and inviting campaigns through various means (social media, blog posts, guerrilla marketing, flyers, etc.). Establishing and maintaining media partnerships.

PREPARING FOR YOUR FIRST CAMPAIGN o o Get your beautifully branded MasterPeace Tee Shirts Produce a banner that boldly reads the name of the campaign (Bread above Bombs) and bears the Masterpeace logo. You can call Femi Oni on 08033190618 for the production of Tee shirts and Banner. o Decide on the Campaign location (Any place where there is a congregation of less privileged children such as Almajiris e.g. markets, streets or slums) o o o Agree on a specific date to launch your campaign Agree on the number of children you will like to cater for Decide on the art materials to purchase for the children e.g. drawing paper, color crayons and pencils. o Decide on the food vendor and method of serving (either disposable or reuseable plastic plates). We would however recommend reuseable plastic plates because MasterPeace seeks to bring Peace the Green way and reuseable plastic plates will greatly help reduce litter in the city. o o o o Develop a budget. It should comprise of at least the below listed items T Shirts Banner Food Plates Transportation Make contributions to cover the estimated budget Visit the location prior to campaign day and decide on a setup spot Its the event day! Go out, have fun and change lives with the Bread above Bombs campaign!

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