The Asfari Fellowship Scheme at Chatham House: Application Form 2013

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The Asfari Fellowship Scheme at Chatham House

Application Form 2013

Deadline for applications: 31 May 2013


Please submit this form in PDF format if sending via email. If submitting by post, please use black ink. If you have any questions please email:

Please underline which type of Fellowship are you applying for:

Asfari FellowshipAsfari Senior Fellowship

For details of each type,please refer to the information pack and the Chatham House website.

The Asfari Fellowship will run from September 2013 August 2014. If applying for one of the Asfari Senior Fellowship positions, please indicate which timing is preferable: September 2013 March 2014 March 2014 August 2014

Surname/Family Name: Other Names (in Full): Marital Status: Date, City and Country of Birth: Sex (F/M): Nationality:

Passport Number, Date and Place of Issue: Current Occupation: Work Address: Street: City: Region: Country: Postal code: Home Address: Street: City: Region: Country: Postal code:

Tel. No.: Email:

Tel. No.: Email:

Will you need to return to your home country regularly during the Fellowship for employment or family reasons?If yes, please provide details:

Do you have family financial responsibilities? If so, please describe them:

Will your family accompany you? If yes, please provide details of their immigration status and how they will be supported financially during their stay: Please note: Chatham House cannot sponsor visas for any dependents


Please indicate which research topic you would work on during the Asfari Fellowship / Asfari Senior Fellowship (see information pack for details): Regional issues 1. Political economy in the Arab world and the drivers for change 2. New developments in civil society and security in the Middle East 3. The impact of youth and generational change in the Middle East 4. Security cultures in the Middle East 5. Gender and security in the Middle East 6. Human security challenges in the Middle East Global issues 7. The interlinkages between energy, food and water security 8. Prospects for widespread systemic disruption caused by water stress or shock 9. Water-related technology risks and opportunities 10. Transboundary water agreements and environmental change

Please provide a short summary of your research proposal and the types of activity you plan to undertake at Chatham House, including the outputs you plan to produce duringtheAsfari Fellowship / Asfari Senior Fellowship. (Maximum 200 words)

Where did you hear about the Fellowships?

How will you benefit from the Asfari Fellowship / Asfari Senior Fellowship? (Maximum 400 words)

How do you think Chatham House might benefit from your time here? (For example, what new perspectives will you bring, do you have any ideas for activities you would like to arrange?) (Maximum 400 words)

Please provide the names, work address, email address and telephone numbers of two referees and indicate your relationship to them: 1.


Applicant signature: Date of submission:

PLEASE SEND THIS APPLICATION FORMBY EMAIL IN PDF FORMAT,TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS LISTED BELOW, TO ALL DOCUMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ENGLISH Please check you have enclosed the following, to be sent in PDF format by email to Chatham House: Completed application form; Curriculum vitae (maximum two sides); Fellowship research project proposal (maximum 1000 words); Post-fellowship plan to outline why the Fellowship will be useful to career goals and how you will utilise the experience for strengthening civil society in your home country or region (maximum 600 words); Two writing samples in English: Asfari Fellowship candidates please include at least one unpublished sample; IELTS or TOEFL certificate.

The research proposal should outline the topic to be investigated, the likely methodology and must explain the projects importance and policy-relevance to the Arab region. It should also describe any necessary fieldwork, and provide a timeline of activities, to indicate how the proposed work would be completed during the Fellowship. Two letters of reference, with at least one academic, should be sent directly to Chatham House by referees before the application deadline. The application deadline is 17:00 GMT, Friday, 31 May 2013. Incomplete or late applications, and applications which do not adhere to the criteria outlined above, will not be considered. Thank you for your interest in the Asfari Fellowship Scheme at Chatham House.

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