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LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD TRAIN TICKET TAKER punches tickets of loud Weston State University students. RYAN TIERNEY (18, thoroughly unremarkable) and SHANDI WARREN (18, dressed to stand out in a crowd) sit together. Shandi stares out the window while Ryan sleeps on her arm. As the train comes to a stop Shandi wakes Ryan and they grab their bags. EXT. REEDSPORT TRAIN STATION - CONTINUOUS Ryan and Shandi step off of the train into the sun and drag their suitcases down the platform. Shandi Thank God, were finally here! Ryan (faking enthusiasm) Yay. I cant wait to start High School: The Sequel. That happy ending with the pigs blood and the burning gymnasium from the original was a classic. SHANDI That was Carrie and the prom. RYAN Right, thats just how I wish high school ended. SHANDI Shut up. Everything here will be better. Its a new day, its a new life-RYAN (singing) --and Im feeling good. Shandi glares at Ryan as he laughs. Moments later Casanova barrels into him and continues walking as if nothing happened. Shandi helps Ryan back to his feet. SHANDI Damn townie. Are you okay? RYAN Did you see him? He can plow--


SHANDI Ryan! RYAN --into me anytime he wants. Though maybe next time hell be a little more gentle. Ryan and Shandi meet AARON TIERNEY (21, Ryans basketball player brother) and VANESSA GOUVEIA (21, Aarons Brazilianborn girlfriend of almost two years) at a waiting car. AARON (too positive) Welcome to the beginning of the best time of your life. Right. RYAN How have you been Nessie?

VANESSA Ive told you not to call me that. Im not a Scottish dinosaur. SHANDI And Im not being properly introduced. RYAN Shandi, this is Vanessa the future ex-Mrs. Aaron Tierney. And Vanessa, this is Shandi, my hag. Shandi and Aaron both slap Ryan on the back of the head. SHANDI I prefer uncompensated sexual life coach. AARON Lets get your do moved in. Angeloll meet us there and help you Shandi. INT. BRINK TOWER - DAY Shandi swims upstream through the chaotic hallways. She is surrounded on all sides as she fights to get to her room. INT. BRINK TOWER (SHANDIS ROOM) - CONTINUOUS Shandi is the first to arrive at her sparse dorm room. She wilts as she takes it in. The room smells used, lived in, abused. She drops her suitcase.


SHANDI Well fuThe suitcase slams to the floor. SMASH CUT TO: INT. FELTON TOWER - MOMENTS LATER Ryans move-in is decidedly less stressful. Theres no pushing or shoving. People fill the halls but move calmly. INT. FELTON TOWER (RYANS ROOM) - CONTINUOUS One side of the room has a made bed and a desk with supplies, while the other half is empty. Ryan smiles slightly, taking an opportunity for the first time to enjoy the fact that hes in college now. It doesnt last. AARON (O.S.) Yo, Ryan, Im not your damn porter, come get your crap. RYAN Sorry. INT. FELTON TOWER - CONTINUOUS Ryan returns to Aaron. As he reaches for his bag he sees Casanova round a corner further down the hall. RYAN Just a sec. Ryan hurries down the hall, speeding up as he goes. He rounds a corner and collides with RICHIE PEARL (21), his Resident Advisor, who drops a box and lamp on the floor. END OF TEASER


ACT I INT. FELTON TOWER - DAY Ryan helps Richie pick up his books and put them back in the box. A broken lamp is on the ground. RYAN I am so sorry. No harm. RICHIE It was a cheap lamp.

RYAN Sorry, I thought I saw someone. RICHIE You did. Just not in time to not run into me. So, which one are you? RYAN Huh? RICHIE Im the RA. Richie Pearl. assume youre fresh meat. Oh, Yeah. RYAN Ryan. Tierney. I

RICHIE Aarons little brother? RYAN You know-RICHIE --yeah, hes told me a lot about you. AARON Ryan, where the hell did you...hey Richie. Whats good today? RICHIE Just saying hey to the last of the Tierney clan. AARON Were heading to Mohawks tomorrow night. Youre welcome to come. (insisting) Ryanll be there.


RICHIE Ill try and make it. into you Ryan. RYAN Yeah.

Nice running

Richie heads off to his room while Aaron and Ryan finish the move-in. AARON Whyd you run off? RYAN Its not important. Ryan looks behind him again, hopeful and yet disappointed. Richie smiles and waves at him. Ryan forces a smile. EXT. STUDENT CENTER - LATER Aaron, Ryan and Vanessa approach the Student Center together. They spot Shandi and ANGELO GALLO (20, a lean Italian with strong features) coming from the other direction. Shandi trails Angelo while staring at his ass. RYAN Smooth D. SHANDI Stop acting like you dont do it. The five sit at a stone table near the side of the building. SHANDI (CONTD) Im starving. (shameless flirting) What are you gonna buy me Angelo? AARON Gelo, just go grab some sandwiches. Aaron gives Angelo a handful of cash before he goes inside. VANESSA Did you guys meet any new friends while you were here for the orientation week last month? Ryan gives her a noncommittal shrug and grunt. SHANDI Really Ryan? Youre not gonna tell them? Fine. (MORE)

6. SHANDI (CONT'D) (ready to gossip) Ryan found himself a little Italian sausage to drool over.

RYAN D! What? And? SHANDI And nothing. After staring at him for what felt like days, he blew it, like always. RYAN Just kill me now. SHANDI The guy could have been Angelos little brother. It was adorable. VANESSA Another Gallo? Just what the world needs. SHANDI But like I said, it didnt go anywhere. Ryan talked to him a couple times, but mostly just rambled about absolutely nothing. RYAN Jesus D, shut your damn mouth! How many times do I have to say I dont want to talk about it? SHANDI Whatever. Youre so friggin sensitive. RYAN Maybe because its a little embarrassing. AARON Why? SHANDI She asked. VANESSA


RYAN You two have your perfect relationship, D can talk to anyone as if shes known them for years, and Angelos probably had more sex than Ill have in my entire life. ANGELO (O.S.) Oh, I definitely have. VANESSA Charming. RYAN See! Angelo returns with four sandwiches and two protein bars. AARON Well, I think hes got us all beat, to be honest. ANGELO Whatd I miss? VANESSA Shandi was just telling us about how Ryan tried to hook up with your mini-me during orientation. ANGELO Aww, Ryan, Im flattered. know you cared so much. Ryan gives Angelo the finger. RYAN Can we move on? This is not fun. I didnt

SHANDI Oh crap, I forgot were supposed to have a floor meeting. I gotta go. Dont wanna piss off my RA on day one. Thanks for the sandwich hun. Shandi collects her things then gives Angelo a kiss on the cheek as she starts to head out. Ryan scowls at Angelo but relaxes before anyone notices his momentary anger. RYAN If you want to come by later and watch Drag Race or something you know you can. Maybe Ill get to meet my roommate finally. (MORE)

8. RYAN (CONT'D) I want to decide whether Ill hate him or just quietly resent his presence.

SHANDI Theres the bright, shiny boy we all love. Shandi leaves the other four to finish eating. AARON Well, we should probably get going too. One of our neighbors is throwing himself a moving party. You still coming tomorrow Ryan? RYAN Ill make an appearance. ANGELO Wait for me. I got a workout I need to get to. Angelo messes up Ryans hair as he leaves. Ryan drops his head in his hands and fails to notice Casanova walk by in front of him. INT. BRINK HALL (SHANDIS ROOM) - NIGHT Shandi opens the door to her room and finds TABITHA POINTER (18, an arty type) sitting alone in the dark. The only light comes from a small candle on the windowsill. Shandi quickly turns on the lights. SHANDI Hey, Vampira, we arent supposed to have candles. (after being ignored) Put it out! Shandi goes to extinguish it. Tabitha quickly rises and responds in a poorly affected British accent similar to Madonna in the early 2000s. TABITHA I was attempting to access my emotional core so I could create. SHANDI Well Id rather not catch fire in my sleep, so dont light it again!


Tabitha is more upset by Shandis actions than someone should be. INT. FELTON TOWER (RYANS ROOM) - NIGHT Ryan sets up his part of the room, folding and putting away clothes and arranging his desk. A Hip Hop/Rap radio station that seems out of character for him plays as he sings and dances before being interrupted by NATHAN GELLER(18, average height, nerdy but not unattractive) entering the room. NATHAN Oh, hey. Ryan suddenly stops dancing and turns off the music as Nathan stifles a laugh. RYAN Hi. Im...err...I mean, yeah hi. Im Ryan Tierney. And-NATHAN Nathan Geller. Dont mind me if the rhythm has a hold of you. Ryan reddens with embarrassment. RYAN Ill be fine. NATHAN How long have you been here? RYAN I moved in this morning. You? NATHAN My parents helped me unload last night before heading back to Yonkers. RYAN Oh, you live nearby. Kind of.

NATHAN Yeah. I went back today to pick up a few things that couldnt fit in the car on the first trip. Nathan unpacks a small flat-screen TV and a video game console.


RYAN Cool. So, you know what youre majors gonna be? NATHAN Astronomical Physics. I want to work for NASA one day. RYAN Wow, that doesnt make me feel inadequate at all. NATHAN Oh, Communications then? RYAN Please, I have some dignity. English, with a minor in Drama. NATHAN Well that RYAN There are moments. Ryans phone lets out a chirp as he receives a text from Shandi, stdnt cntr 911!!! RYAN (CONTD) Oy, I gotta run. It was nice to finally meet you. INT. STUDENT CENTER BOOK STORE - LATER Ryan and Shandi wander through the Student Center Book Store picking up what they need for their classes. They walk the aisles as they talk. RYAN I cant believe you 911d me to go book shopping. We could do this tomorrow. Hell, we could do it after classes start. SHANDI I just couldnt stay in that room any longer. Shes awful. I may suffocate her before the end of the week. RYAN Dont we have a flair for the dramatic?


SHANDI (indignant) She studies poetry. Thats like the lowest form of writing. The people who script pornography have more dignity. I think she actually started crying when I yelled at her about the candle. Ugh, I cant talk about her anymore, its making me sick. What about yours? RYAN He seems nice enough. astronomy major. And hes an

SHANDI Is he as boring as that makes him sound? Rude. girl. RYAN Especially for a Poli. Sci. Thats oh so interesting. SHANDI Eat me. RYAN Classy. Ryan and Shandi wander through the stacks. Ryan stops every few feet and grabs a string of increasingly thicker books. SHANDI Why are you taking high level classes your first semester? I know you have some AP credits but why dont you try having a little fun? Or at least take it easy. Im not gonna let myself be overw-Oh God! RYAN Thats him.

SHANDI Yeah, thats okay, I wasnt talking. RYAN Shandi, shut up. Hes over there.

SHANDI Who the hell are you-Shandi finally notices him.


SHANDI (CONTD) Oh, that piece of trash from the train station? You want me to kick his ass? RYAN As funny as that might be, no. I have a feeling you trying to kill him may ruin my chances. SHANDI Chances for what? RYAN Come on Shandi, dont make me-SHANDI --say it! RYAN (exaggerated) It might ruin my chances to rub up against him naked, repeatedly. Over and over. Naked. SHANDI Ew, vom! Can we be serious for a second? Just one, then you can go back to your disgusting fantasies. Hes a townie, and hes straight. RYAN Hes not a townie. If he were, why would he be here in the school bookstore, carrying books and supplies. And look, there he goes to pay. SHANDI Point taken. But hes still not compatible with RYAN You dont know that. SHANDI So go find out. RYAN Stop pushing me. We already had one violent interaction, Id like the next one to be more peaceful.


SHANDI Just get in line behind him. RYAN And-SHANDI --say, hello. Christ, do I have to do this for you? No! Fine. RYAN Wait for me outside.

Ryan gets in line behind Casanova. He clears his throat several times in an attempt to draw attention. INT. STUDENT CENTER - CONTINUOUS Shandi watches as Casanova pays and walks out. later Ryan does the same looking sullen. RYAN Well that was a bust. SHANDI What? I saw you talking, and him laughing. RYAN No, I was talking to her. Ryan points out a NERDY GIRL exiting the store. RYAN (CONTD) She wanted me to sign a petition to get more vegan options in the cafeteria. SHANDI What about him? RYAN Bluetooth earpiece. Welcome to the future...of my misery. SHANDI Forget him. No moping. Were doing a movie night. Right now. Ill grab the ice cream and come to your room. Ooh, and bonus, I can meet your boring roommate. END OF ACT. A few seconds


ACT II INT. FELTON TOWER (RYANS ROOM) - NIGHT Shandi, Ryan and Nathan watch as credits roll on the TV. SHANDI Youve never seen that before? NATHAN It was pretty good. RYAN That is the best Sci-Fi movie of the 90s that didnt lead to more Keanu Reeves acting travesties or include murderous cyborgs from the future. Its got everything a classic should have; Bruce Willis kicking ass, explosions, camp, and a blue woman singing opera. NATHAN Like I said, pretty good. SHANDI So, Nathan, tell us about yourself. Any relatives with mob ties? NATHAN Nothing that interesting. My uncle is the reason I want to work for NASA. Its a funny story. We were watching a shuttle launch and-SHANDI Yeah Im sure it is. RYAN I should apologize for her, cause God knows shell never do it. NATHAN Physics can be boring to those who cant understand it. SHANDI And sex can be scary for those whove never had it. RYAN Oh Christ.


NATHAN You certainly have a lot to say. Whats your story? SHANDI Im the descendant of a long line of French Royalty who were sadly stripped of their titles and exiled to Africa in the 15th Century. NATHAN And Im Spartacus. How about something real? Like your first kiss or you most embarrassing moment or if youd like to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior? SHANDI Boring and a religious nut, you hit the jackpot Ryan. RYAN Rude! NATHAN Im just kidding. Plus Im Jewish. Jesus was a great guy, just not the Messiah. SHANDI I guess it could be worse. could be a Muslim. D! He

RYAN Shes joking, I promise.

SHANDI Oh stop it Ryan, he knows. They are an historically funny people after all. NATHAN Shes right. Which is why if I dont make it at NASA I plan on using stand up as a fall back. SHANDI See. Shandi finally relaxes and laughs with Nathan instead of at him. Nathan notices and smiles.


NATHAN What about you Ryan? I let your friend make inappropriate jokes. think that earns me something. RYAN Um, I once met Steven Segal. SHANDI You lead with Segal? RYAN The hell Shandi? NATHAN Its okay Ryan, I already knew. RYAN How?

Ryans gay.

NATHAN You were dancing when we first met. The music was hard, but the moves werent. SHANDI Yeah, those hips definitely dont lie. Neither does that shirt. RYAN How dare you! SHANDI So, I really dont want to go back to my room. RYAN Youre gonna have to try a lot harder if you want to sleep with me. NATHAN Theres plenty of room in my bed. SHANDI Pervert. Please Ryan. I cant guarantee shell survive the night if I go back. RYAN Okay, but if your cold feet touch me, Im cutting them off. Nathan laughs quietly as Shandi and Ryan crawl into bed.


INT. AARONS APARTMENT (BEDROOM) - NIGHT Vanessa puts clean laundry away. As she does she notices a small, black ring box and reaches for it. AARON (O.S.) V, I cant find my black leather belt. Did you move it? She jumps and quickly shuts the drawer. VANESSA Its on a hook in the closet babe. Aaron enters and kisses Vanessa on the cheek. AARON Thats why I love you. INT. FELTON TOWER (RYANS ROOM) - THE NEXT DAY Nathan tries to dress quietly but trips over his shoes and bangs into the door, startling Shandi who accidentally slaps Ryan as she wakes. RYAN (still in a dream) Dont eat my feet! SHANDI Ew! Ugh, these clothes are disgusting. Get up, I need to shower. RYAN Yeah, you definitely do. Ow! Dont hit me cause you smell. SHANDI Im gonna head back, hopefully the cave troll wont be there. RYAN Dont forget about later. I wont. SHANDI Bye babe. Shes distant.

NATHAN Bye Shandi. SHANDI See ya Christ killer.


Shandi leaves as Nathan laughs and shakes his head. RYAN I promise shes not evil. NATHAN Oh I know. Ive dealt with real anti-Semites before, I can tell the difference. RYAN Good, cause once you get past the almost constant inappropriate humor shes a great person. NATHAN Well, at least she has her looks to off-set that abrasive personality. RYAN This should be funny. NATHAN What? RYAN The best three weeks of my life was watching the last guy that tried to match wits with her in an attempt to woo. NATHAN Oh Im not-RYAN --look I love her, and shes beautiful, truly, but no one who wasnt really interested would think she was pretty enough to make up what for you called abrasive and most call bitch monster. Nathan smiles but doesnt respond to Ryans comment. EXT. WESTON STATE UNIVERSITY - EVENING Shandi and Ryan meet on a sunny quad late in the late afternoon. The two make there away across the beautifully green campus. RYAN Youre not covered in blood, thats got to be a good sign.


SHANDI She lives, for now. You ready for tonight? RYAN I guess. You know Im only going for you right? SHANDI And to cruise shamelessly. RYAN Theres not going to be anyone for me to be shameless with. SHANDI You could always just hang out in the bathroom and-RYAN Could you be more vulgar? SHANDI Yes, I think we both know I could. The two stop briefly to ogle shirtless soccer players. RYAN Okay, maybe this will be better than high school was. SHANDI I told you. You just got to find something that makes you smile...and then keep finding it. INT. AARONS APARTMENT - LATER Aaron and Vanessa prepare for a night out. Vanessa finishes putting on her make up. She enjoys getting dressed up. Vanessa sneaks up behind Aaron and embraces him. He turns around to look at her. AARON You always look so beautiful. Though youre a little overdressed for Mohawks. I mean, this is the place where Angelo puked on the bouncer. VANESSA Why do they still let him in?


AARON I know you dont like him, but-VANESSA --I promise to tolerate him. They laugh and kiss but are interrupted by knocking. VANESSA (CONTD) Our guests have arrived. Vanessa answers the door and her mood immediately sours. Angelo enters carrying an open bottle of whiskey. ANGELO Whos ready to drank? VANESSA You, apparently. ANGELO A delight as always Vanessa. AARON You two behave. Tonight is about making sure Ryan has fun. ANGELO No worries, hell have a blast, and if he doesnt Ill drug him. VANESSA You two are wonderful role models. ANGELO And youre a frigid bitch. AARON Not okay Angelo. ANGELO Youre right. Sorry Vanessa, youre not frigid. Vanessa rips the bottle out of Angelos hand. AARON Tonights off to a great start. ANGELO Ooh, pizza. Yum.


AARON Save some for Ryan and Shandi, theyre-Theres a knock at the door. AARON (CONTD) --here. VANESSA Ill get it. Vanessa scurries to the door, thankful to have someone other than Angelo to talk to. VANESSA (CONTD) Welcome you two. Drinks and pizza are in the kitchen. ANGELO Aaron made Margaritas and I brought whiskey. SHANDI Both please. RYAN Im not carrying your ass home, again. Ryan? AARON Theres soda in the fridge. RYAN Thanks. SHANDI Having fun wont kill you. RYAN You know my family is full of alcoholics Shandi. SHANDI Youre pathetic. RYAN And youre a drunk. SHANDI Come toast with me Angelo, since this queen wont.


ANGELO Gladly. Ryan approaches Angelo but is intercepted by Vanessa. VANESSA Ryan, I need you for a second. RYAN Sure. INT. AARONS APARTMENT (BEDROOM) - CONTINUOUS Ryan and Vanessa step into the bedroom. and Ryan can tell something is wrong. RYAN Whats up? VANESSA I found something. RYAN What? A lipstick stain, phone numbers, strange panties? VANESSA Top drawer. Ryan notices the ring box. He reaches for it. She sits on the bed

VANESSA (CONTD) No! Dont. Hell know I saw it if its moved. RYAN Good Lord Vanessa, warn a guy! I thought you caught Aaron cheating or something. Wait, are you worried about him proposing? VANESSA Well, were only 21. RYAN Lots of people marry young. VANESSA And they usually dont last. RYAN Have you talked to him about it?


VANESSA How do you talk to someone about that? Hi honey. I love you. Lets not get married. RYAN Good point. If it helps any, I want to be part of the family. Aaron walks in and sees Vanessa and Ryan hugging. AARON Hands off the merchandise, bub. VANESSA You are such a dork. RYAN Vanessa was just telling me about a guy from one of her classes last spring she thought I should meet. AARON Aww, V trying to assist with the booty call. RYAN I hate you. Ryan returns to the living room, blushing. INT. AARONS APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS RYAN (to Angelo) You, now. Ryan takes Angelo down the hall to the bathroom. INT. AARONS APARTMENT (BATHROOM) - CONTINUOUS RYAN (Accusatory) Whats going on? ANGELO What? RYAN Yesterday, Shandi-ANGELO --Shandi what?


RYAN Im not stupid Angelo, dont talk to me like I am. I know you guys flirt, but-Angelo starts to go back into the hallway when Ryan obstructs his movement. ANGELO You really doing this? Not only is it none of your business, but youre in no position to stop me. RYAN I want you to stay away from her. ANGELO Shes a big girl Ryan. AARON (O.S.) Come on guys, the pizzas getting cold. RYAN I love you Angelo but dont cross me on this. If she gets hurt youre done. Were done. Angelo shows his physical dominance by pushing Ryan up against the door and holding him there. ANGELO Just because youre like my brother doesnt mean you can talk to me like that. Im not afraid of you. Angelo knocks Ryan against the wall and walks out of the bathroom. END OF ACT II


ACT III EXT. WESTON STATE UNIVERSITY - NIGHT Ryan, Aaron, Vanessa, Shandi and Angelo walk down the street just off campus. Angelo grabs Shandi and the two trail slightly behind the others while talking. ANGELO Whats up with Ryan? SHANDI Im sorry, I dont think youre being nearly vague enough. ANGELO He threatened me. Said I should, stay away from you. And? SHANDI Did the princess scare you?

ANGELO Talk to him. SHANDI Hell no. If hes pissed at you hes gonna be even more mad at me. Im not throwing myself on that grenade. This is your problem. AARON Would you two hurry up. SHANDI Yeah. Shandi walks up to Ryan, punches him on the shoulder and whispers to him. SHANDI (CONTD) Mind your god damn business. Shandis confirmation of his suspicions sours his mood further. INT. MOHAWKS - NIGHT Ryan, Shandi, Aaron, Vanessa and Angelo stand around a tall table inside Mohawks, the most popular of several bars just off the Weston State University campus. A DJ plays popular music, people dance on a small dance floor. Angelo flirts with girls as they pass.


AARON Could you at least fake like youre having fun? Im not trying to get you to shoot up, just have a couple drinks. Let loose a little. RYAN I just dont feel comfortable-Richie enters Mohawks and makes his way to his friends. AARON You made it.


RICHIE Thanks for the invite. Move-in weekend is really stressful. RYAN Yeah, I bet. If youll excuse me for a minute. Ryan grabs Shandi by the arm and drags her off to a corner. Ow! SHANDI What the hell is your problem? RYAN Be honest. SHANDI When arent I? RYAN Did you have sex with Angelo? SHANDI I-RYAN --dont. Dont you dare act like Im blind or stupid. SHANDI Yes. RYAN That has to be the dumbest thing in a long line of stupid shit that youve done.


SHANDI Im sorry, when did you give birth to me? Cause I dont remember you being my mother. RYAN Well thats the mature response. SHANDI I shouldnt have even indulged your question. Its not any concern of yours. But yes, we hooked up a few times this summer. You might wanna try it. Maybe if you had your own sex friend you wouldnt be so god damned uptight and nosy. By the way, dont ever grab me like that again. Shandi pushes past Ryan and heads back over to the table where she forces Angelo to join her on the dance floor. Ryan returns to the table. RICHIE You okay? RYAN (distracted) Huh? RICHIE You just look like youre having the least fun of anyone, ever. VANESSA Im gonna go get another beer. three want anything? Yes. AARON Thanks. RICHIE Ill get my own in a VANESSA Ryan? RYAN Shot of 151 and a beer. Tonight sucks! Two. You

Im okay. bit.


AARON Damn! Someones looking to grow hair in a few places. Vanessa stands there shocked for a few seconds before Aaron nods at her to go ahead and get it. As Ryan watches her walk away he notices someone familiar across the room. He stares. RICHIE Hes got his eye on someone. AARON You have a new friend we dont know about? RYAN Thats him. The guy from the train station. RICHIE Guy from the train station? AARON Ryan got body checked by a stranger on the platform and apparently fell in love. So, which one is he? RYAN The black guy. AARON Real nice Ryan. Very progressive of you. RYAN What? Its not a diverse crowd. He and Vanessa are really the only ones darker than white. AARON Man, you are so easy to mess with its almost not fun. Almost. Huh, I think I actually recognize him. RYAN Really? RICHIE You know, so do I. RYAN Am I the only one who hasnt talked to him?


AARON Yeah, he was at the team meeting. RYAN Whats his name? AARON Calvin? Carlton? I dont know. Something with a c. RYAN Go find out. And maybe drop my name a couple times. AARON This is a new low. You owe me. Even for you.

Aaron heads over toward Casanova who is standing with a group of friends. RYAN Why did you recognize him? AARON I saw him in Felton during the movein. I havent met everyone on our floor so he may be your neighbor. Shandi and Angelo return from the dance floor as Vanessa returns from the bar with drinks. ANGELO Wheres your brother? RYAN Talking to the guy from the train station for me. ANGELO Aww, does Ryan have his first college crush? RYAN Shut up. Ryan turns and spills his second beer on a MEATHEAD FRAT DUDE. MEATHEAD FRAT DUDE Watch what youre doing faggot.


MFD lightly shoves Ryan, he stumbles against the table and falls. MFD laughs and starts to walk away when Ryan suddenly tackles him at the knees and tries to punch him. END OF ACT III


ACT IV INT. MOHAWKS - NIGHT Ryan is on top of MFD, swinging wildly but not really connecting with his punches. Aaron notices the commotion and with Angelo pulls Ryan away. As MFD gets to his feet Ryan breaks free and charges at him but MFD grabs Ryan by the neck and punches him. Aaron and Angelo jump in between the two. AARON Get him out of here. Richie picks Ryan up and helps him to the door. followed by Shandi and Vanessa. EXT. MOHAWKS - CONTINUOUS Shandi and Vanessa stand with Ryan as Richie helps him keep his balance. Ryan is obviously disoriented having never been in a real fight in his life, Vanessa has gone into mother mode trying to help him, and Shandi is exhilarated. VANESSA Ryan, can you hear me? How many fingers am I holding up? RYAN Did I pass out? little. SHANDI Now were even. RYAN What? SHANDI Im gonna have a bruise on my arm from you dragging me off in there. And now youre gonna have a black eye. Shandi laughs and hugs Ryan as Angelo and Aaron find their way to the four outside the bar. AARON Please tell me youre okay. Mom and dad will kill me if youre not okay. RYAN Ill be fine. I think I peed a The two are


ANGELO You keep getting hit like that youll never be a model. RYAN Ow. My head hurts. doesnt help. And laughing

AARON Lets get you back to our place and get some ice on that. RICHIE I can take care of him for tonight. AARON You sure? RICHIE Yeah, I got a good first aid kit in the room and I know your couch isnt very comfortable. ANGELO Thats gonna be a great shiner. dudes dig black eyes as much as chicks? RYAN I hope so. Cause if they do, totally worth it. The six head down the street into the night. INT. FELTON TOWER (RICHIES ROOM) - LATER Richie helps Ryan through the door and sits him down on the bed. RICHIE Do you want some water? to eat? Anything Do

RYAN (groggily) No, I just want to sleep. RICHIE You may have a concussion. Im not letting you go to sleep right now. Here, take some aspirin. Richie gives Ryan a bottle of water and two aspirin then sits on the bed and puts an arm around him to keep him upright.


Richie asks him simple questions to try and keep him awake but its a losing battle. INT. FELTON TOWER (RICHIES ROOM) - THE NEXT DAY Ryan and Richie share Richies bed. Ryan slowly wakes up, unsure of what to make of his unusual surroundings and the unknown arm around him. What? RYAN Where am I? Youre okay.

RICHIE Hey, its just me. Richie?

RYAN Why am I here?

RICHIE Whats the last thing you remember? RYAN Sending Aaron to talk to that guy. RICHIE Yeah, you kind of got into a fight. You tackled a guy after he bumped into you. RYAN Thats it? I wouldnt attack someone over that. RICHIE Well, he also called you a faggot and shoved you. Oh. RYAN Okay, but why am I here?

RICHIE I was worried you had a concussion. I didnt want you to be alone and I have a first aid kit. RYAN Thanks, I guess. I should really--

RICHIE You dont have to go. RYAN Why would I stay?


RICHIE Well, weve already slept together, we might as well get to know each other. RYAN Wait, did we-No. RICHIE We really did just sleep.

RYAN Right, cause for us to have...well, youd have to be gay too. RICHIE Exactly. RYAN Okay, thanks for looking out for me. RICHIE Hopefully youll be looking out for me from now on. Sure. RYAN Umm, Ill see you later.

Ryan opens the door and starts to leave. RICHIE You really dont get it do you? RYAN What? RICHIE Im flirting. Richie grabs Ryan gently and kisses him. Ryan hesitates at first before kissing him back briefly. Ryan suddenly pulls away, banging into the open door. RYAN (breaking away) I...I have to...reading. my room. Ryan backs into the hall hurriedly.


EXT. WESTON STATE UNIVERSITY - DAY Ryan sprints across the campus in the morning sunlight, dodging other students going to and from class. INT. AARONS APARTMENT - DAY There is a knocking at the door. Aaron, not ready to do anything for the day, shuffles to answer. As he opens the door Ryan bursts through, out of breath but in a tizzy. RYAN You are an unmitigated douchebag. AARON Good morning to you as well. RYAN What the hell are you trying to do to me? AARON Can I use a lifeline? Cause I have no clue what youre talking about. RYAN Richie! AARON He offered to look after you last night after the shortest fist fight Ive ever seen. It was actually really nice of him. RYAN Yeah, about that. This friend of yours, who just happens to be my RA and who you insisted come out with us last night volunteers to take care of my concussed ass despite not knowing me at all. AARON Hes good people. RYAN Do you really expect me to believe you had nothing to do with his being my RA, and his coming last night, and his kissing me this morning? AARON He didnt?


RYAN Yes, we kissed but-AARON --we kissed? RYAN Stop changing the subject. What did you do? Do you think Im so pathetic you have to trick your friends into making out with me? AARON I didnt trick him. Yes, I know someone in the housing office who owed me a favor and made sure hed be your RA, but thats it. I just told him about you. Im tired of seeing you sad and alone. RYAN I dont need any help. Especially from you. Maybe you should be focusing on your own relationship problems. AARON What the hell does that mean? RYAN Vanessa found the ring box. doesnt want to marry you. Ryan slams the door as he leaves. END OF ACT She


ACT V INT. FELTON TOWER (RYANS ROOM) - DAY Ryan sits on his bed reading Chaucer while listening to showtunes. He drinks water from a mug. Knocking migrates down the hall. The knocking reaches Ryans door. At first he doesnt notice. There is more knocking. CASANOVA (O.S.) Excuse me! (more urgently) Is there anyone in there? I need some help. RYAN Hold on. He opens the door to find CASANOVA MOORE (18 AfricanAmerican, fit, basketball player) wearing nothing but a towel and dripping wet. Ryan quickly realizes its the same boy from the train station. RYAN (CONTD) Oh God! Ryans mug smashes to the floor and breaks. He stands in stunned silence, the pieces of his broken mug and a small puddle of water are at his feet. Casanova stands in the doorway waiting for Ryan to do anything. Just as he is going to stop waiting Ryan finally regains the ability to speak. RYAN (CONTD) You...this is a weird day. CASANOVA Thats cool, but Im cold. RYAN What? Oh, uh, come in. Watch youre step, Ill clean that up. Casanova hops over the broken shards of the mug before Ryan grabs a rag to soak up the water. RYAN (CONTD) Sit down if you want. CASANOVA Thanks man. Its freezing in the hall.


RYAN Being wet and naked probably doesnt help that. CASANOVA Yeah, I told my roommate I was going to shower and asked him not to lock the door when he left, but clearly hes a douche. RYAN That sucks. I guess you wanna call Public Safety so they can open it? The phones over there. You want some clothes to put on? They may not fit great but I have some shorts and a shirt you can wear while you wait, you know, so youre not uncomfortable. Sure. CASANOVA Thanks

As Casanova calls for help, Ryan roots through his drawers for a pair of shorts and a shirt that might fit Casanova. CASANOVA (CONTD) Yeah, this is Cass Moore. I live in Felton 1207. Yeah, I locked myself out when I went to use the shower. Im waiting in my neighbors room, just a sec-- Hey, whats your name? RYAN Ryan...Tierney. CASANOVA And-RYAN 1204. CASANOVA Yeah, Im waiting in 1204 with Ryan Tierney, could you just knock on his door when you get here? Thanks. RYAN Here, I found something. Casanova turns around to take the clothes from Ryan when his towel slips off and hits the floor.


Both of them stand in silence for a beat. Casanova grabs the clothes from him and dresses without turning away. Ryan continues to stare, in shock. CASANOVA You okay? Ground control to Ryan. Come in Ryan. RYAN Huh? CASANOVA Youre back. I thought wed lost you. Ryan sits down on his bed and Casanova sits back down in the chair he was in before. CASANOVA (CONTD) What happened to your...? (Points at Ryans face) RYAN I fell and hit the doorknob. CASANOVA Really? RYAN No, what am I, in a Lifetime movie? I got in a fight. CASANOVA You dont seem the type. RYAN I assure you I am a bad ass motherCASANOVA --Okay, definitely not the type. RYAN He said something that I couldnt let go. CASANOVA (Full of understanding) Yeah...So what was that about the dropped glass? RYAN Its been a stressful couple of days.


CASANOVA Oh? RYAN You knocked me on my ass at the train station a couple days ago then I fought with my best friend for being a whore, I got into an actual fight with a jackass at a bar, possibly ruined my brothers relationship, then this morning youre half-naked and wet at my door. And then completely naked in my room. And clearly Im a crazy person who just keeps ranting. You should probably walk away since its obvious Im severely unstable. CASANOVA Sorry about knocking you down. And dont worry about the rant. We all need to vent sometimes. Anyway were even now that youve seen me naked. RYAN We are? CASANOVA You are gay right? Its not a secret is it? I mean you and Richie were kissing earlier. RYAN (embarrassed) just... CASANOVA Take a breath. RYAN Its not what you think. CASANOVA So you arent gay and you two werent making out? RYAN No thats exactly what it is. CASANOVA Good for you.


RYAN Please dont tell anyone. I dont want to get him in trouble. CASANOVA Why would I-RYAN Please promise me you wont. CASANOVA Do you think Im a 14 year-old girl thats gonna run off and tell all my friends I saw you kissing someone? I dont even know you, and Im pretty sure no one would give a damn about it. Are you really trying to sad puppy dog me? RYAN (pleading) Please. CASANOVA My name is Casanova. RYAN What does that have to do with anything? CASANOVA Now we each know something embarrassing about the other. RYAN How is that embarrassing? Thats an awesome name. Certainly better than Ryan, Ive met like 9 other Ryans since I got here. CASANOVA Im named after historys greatest lover. Theres nothing about that which doesnt create impossible to meet expectations. RYAN (teasing) So youre saying you cant live up to your name? CASANOVA Really, youre making fun of me now? (MORE)

42. CASANOVA (CONT'D) Maybe I should go knock on some more doors. Im sure I can find someone to tell about your sexcapades.

RYAN No, Im sorry. CASANOVA I was only kidding. I already told you Im not a 14 year old girl. There is a knock on the door. CASANOVA (CONTD) Thats probably for me. See you around. RYAN Come back anytime. CASANOVA Thanks? RYAN I mean, you have to come back at least once to take off my clothes. (beat) Drop! Oh my God, I mean drop off my clothes. CASANOVA (laughing as he leaves) You really need to relax or youre gonna get an ulcer. And remember to keep the doors closed. Ryan makes a gun with his fingers and puts it in his mouth. INT. AARONS APARTMENT - DAY Aaron sits in the living room with the ring box in front of him on the coffee table. Vanessa returns from class in a good mood that disappears when she sees Aaron and the box. VANESSA Whats that? AARON You know. VANESSA What?


AARON Ryan told me. A little revenge for setting him up to meet Richie. VANESSA Oh. AARON Is it true? You dont want to marry me? VANESSA No! Its not that I dont want to marry you. I love you. More than anything. I just dont want to get married. AARON Ever? VANESSA Ive seen so many of them fail. My parents became different people when they got divorced. It hasnt been a positive thing in my life. AARON I cant-VANESSA --Im sorry Aaron. I love you. I want to be with you. But I cant stand here and tell you with certainty that Ill ever be ready to marry you. Or anyone. Vanessa sits next to him and puts an arm around him but he shrugs her off and stands. AARON I cant right now. VANESSA Honey-Aaron grabs his sweatshirt before leaving the apartment. Vanessa is upset, but composed until she picks up the box and opens it. She sees its just a pair of earrings and begins to sob loudly. INT. WESTON STATE UNIVERSITY CLASSROOM - DAY Shandi sits in her first class as the teacher drones on. phone vibrates on the desk. Her


She fights the urge to excuse herself and answer it as she sees its Ryan calling. A few seconds later it vibrates again with a text message from Ryan that reads, Call me. IMMEDIATELY. 911 As Shandi rises to leave the professor notices the time and excuses everyone. Shandi calls Ryan. SHANDI Whats the emergency? RYAN (O.S.) He was here. In my room. meet me for lunch? Can you

SHANDI Sure. Im headed that way now. This should be hilarious. RYAN (O.S.) You have no idea. INT. STUDENT CENTER CAFETERIA - LATER Ryan and Shandi sit across from each other at a table, partially eaten sandwiches in front of them. SHANDI So let me get this straight. Your RA kisses you and the guy youre crushing on winds up naked in your room on the same day? Ryan nods. RYAN Within an hour of each other. But before any of that I need to talk to you about last night. SHANDI Oh God, not again. RYAN No, Im sorry. I was wrong. SHANDI Thats for damn sure. RYAN Im not taking back what I said. Just how I said it. I love you D. And I just worry. (MORE)

45. RYAN (CONT'D) I dont want you to do something we both know is stupid and is going to get you hurt.

SHANDI You shouldnt worry. It was just sex, Ryan. Meaningless, fun, sex. RYAN I need you to-SHANDI --I dont have feelings for Angelo. You just have to trust me. If it happens again it wont mean anything. RYAN I just worr-SHANDI --can we please talk about your thing? Its so much more interesting. And hilariously embarrassing. RYAN Fine. He was just standing there, naked. Eighteen inches away. I froze. It was like the best bad dream ever. SHANDI You didnt even try to flirt? RYAN Im lucky I remembered how to inhale. SHANDI You poor child. By the way, eye is totally hot. Damn, I get to my next class. Well this later. Maybe you can introduce me to him since he on your floor. the gotta finish lives

RYAN Oh my God. I didnt even think about that. Ill probably have to see him again, often. That wont be awkward or embarrassing.


The two of them gather their things and get up. As Ryan scoots his chair back he hears the crash and thud of a tray of food and a person hitting the floor. Without looking he senses whats just happen and goes pale with dread. Ryan turns to find just what he expected, Casanova lying on the floor face down, his lunch scattered around. He resists the overwhelming urge to run away and hide forever. Shandi starts to laugh uncontrollably as she realizes who it is. SHANDI Nope, I think youve got awkward and embarrassing covered pretty well. Casanova turns over aggressively, ready to fight, but stops when he sees Ryan. He cant help but laugh. CASANOVA Now this is just stalking. Shandi and Casanova both laugh. Ryan tries with all his might to disappear from reality. END OF EPISODE

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