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Dachclbel Johann

(over a bassoOstinato)
flor Piano o1o


rrang,ed byDeneS $ay

bryn Mawr, Dennsylvania 19O1O

(1653-1706), JohannPachelbel outstanding SouthGermancomposer-organist of the pre-Bachera, composed this canonfor threeviolins with keyboardaccompaniment. As was the generalpracticeof the period the accompaniment wasnotatedonly with a bassline (bossocontinuo). This continually recurring eight-notebasspart (basso ostinato) also indicatedthe harmonic texture which the performer filled in in a freely improvisedmanner. In this piano versionall the thematicmaterialsare from the original, the accompaniment patterns(broken chords, etc.) are by the transcriber.Dynamic and phrasing marks are also editorial additions.All this is well within the boundaries of stylistic practices baroqueperformance which allowedthe performerconsiderable latitudes. One final suggestion for the player of today. Contrapuntalforms and texturesare not incompatible with expressive interpretation. Romantic sentimentalityis, of question, course,out of the but deepfeeling, evenpassionare not.


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