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CBR (California Bearing Ratio) Tests Explained

An easy to use guide to CBR tests

CBR (California Bearing Ratio) Tests Explained Originally developed by the California Division of Highways in the 1930s, this test has been developed and adapted to form the basis of most testing for subgrade quality and compaction.

Why would I need to do this test?

If you have excavated virgin land that you wish to construct on, and have found clay or sand and want to know if its strong enough to bear weight, a sample can be taken and used in a CBR test. What National Standards does this test cover? It is covered by various National Standards including BS1377.

What is the process for this test?

Laboratory CBR Test

A sample of the material that needs testing is loaded into our mould, either on site or in our laboratory. Then a 3sq inch (approx. 50mm dia) plunger is loaded against the sample and the penetration into the sample is measured at various increments.

What will we find out?

The results are expressed in relative terms, as a percentage of the determined value of 3000lbf to penetrate 0.1inch (2.5mm at 13.3KN in todays terms) in the originals tests. In modern construction, the required CBR value is specified for soils and fill from formation level up through granular fills to the sub-base immediately below a concrete slab or asphalt road .

How do I know what results I need?

The actual requirements will be determined by the Design Engineer but typical values might be 3-5% for clay formation or 15-30% for Type 1 sub-base.


The tests are relatively quick and inexpensive. They can be performed in the laboratory or on site on undisturbed or re-compacted samples. Results can be obtained within a day. We can perform these tests on a self-contained basis (although the assistance of an excavator on site is often helpful).

Testcrete Construction Testing Ltd

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The actual CBR test uses only a small diameter plunger of approx. 50mm diameter. This is clearly of little practical use on 6F2 containing half bricks! These true CBR test is thus limited to the fine grained materials such as clays, sands, pulverised fuel ash etc or finely crushed stone.

I need to test a much coarser material, what do I do?

If you need CBR values for coarse granulated materials, these can easily be obtained by calculation from the results of a PLATE BEARING TESTS Or if youre still not sure, use the following needs analysis flow chart or please contact us and ask the question If you would like to arrange for a CBR tests or enquire further, please follow the link below, email us at or call us on 01405 860905.

CBR Test Enquiry Form

Testcrete Construction Testing Ltd

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