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Commercialization of Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells Gennadi Finkelshtain Medis Technologies October 30, 2008

Product Core Technology Extensions to the current product

Medis Power Pack

Medis Power Pack
Consumer Fuel Cell Product based on Medis Direct Liquid Fuel Cell Technology Disposable Commercially available Target Application: Handheld portable devices

Output voltage Output current Nominal Power Protection Charge Indication Power Management 3.6-5.45V up to 220mA 1 Watt Full short circuit LED Medis Proprietary

Height Width Depth Weight 96.6 mm 67.8 mm 36.6 mm 185 gm

Operating Conditions
Temperature 0-40C

Spec: Energy Performance



Energy (Wh)



10 Cells Discharged with 0.47 load Ambient conditions

0 0 5 10 Time (hr) 15 20 25

Product Configuration
Starter Kit
Power Pack Power Management Cable Tips

Next Purchase
Power Pack

How To Operate
Four Easy Steps
1. Remove Tape
Lock tape prevents accidental activation


Fuel enters cell and begins process

Remove Tape



Connect Power Pack

Cable contains all controls, power management


Connect Device
Begins powering device
Connect Power Pack Connect Device

Power Management
Simple Cable with Sophisticated Electronics
Efficient DC/DC converter Short-Circuit Protection Full Battery Disconnection Power Indication

Power Management


84.0% Efficiency




76.0% 0.20










Output Power [W]

Medis Hybrid Power Cable

Same Simple Cable
No change in user operation Same Power Pack for both standard and hybrid cables

Same sophisticated controller in a hybrid configuration

1.4 Ah LiIon battery and controller embedded in the cable end

Why Hybridize?
Short-term power boost
Improve compatibility of certain heavy devices Quick-charge Better management of peak power draw

Improve operation in non-ideal conditions

Low oxygen Low temperature Low fuel Start from dead (device) battery condition

Full reaction
BH4- + 2O2 BO2- + 2H2O

Anodic reactions
BH4- + 8OH- BO2- + 6H2O + 8eBH4- + 4OH- BO2- + 2H2O + 2H2 + 4e2H2 + 4OH- 4H2O + 4e-

Cathodic reaction
O2 + 2H2O + 4e- 4OH-

Medis Technologies Resources

Full in-house R&D
Fuel Development Catalyst Development Electrode Development Specialty Membrane Development Fuel Cell Design & Prototyping

Catalyst Electrodes Membrane materials Fuel Assembly

Medis Operations
Galway, Ireland Site of Fully Automated production line Managed by Celestica Lod, Israel R&D Center Catalyst / Electrode Production Back office facilities

New York, NY Executive Offices Sales & Marketing Brentwood, CA Sales Office

Medis Technology Platform

New Class of Chemistry with technical, cost, and performance advantages Passive
No moving parts, self regulating

Quick to power
Devices can be connected in seconds

Common materials of construction

Cost, availability of supply

Fuel stability
Non-flammable, safe and easier for regulatory approval

High efficiency
Good energy density, little heat generated

No temperature issues
Operates over a wide temperature range

Insensitive to external catalyst poisons

Perfumes, etc, are not an issue

Fuel Cell Design

Cell Core
The engine all electrochemical components
Cathode Electrolyte Chamber Anode Fuel Chamber

Fuel Module
Integrated fuel cartridge Electrolyte cartridge
Part by part details

Power Pack Construction

Cell Core Zone 1

Final Assembly Zone 3

Fuel Module Zone 2

High Volume Assembly

High Volume Line
Three zones
Cell Core Fuel Module Final Assembly

Fourteen distinct machines 310 Operations Approximate floor space (including pack line): 1500 m2 1.5MM per month (2200 units/hour, 1.6 second cycle)

Auxiliary systems
Fuel blending sufficient for 3 lines Packaging sufficient for 2 lines

Mix of operators and engineers Headcount of ~120 at 4 shifts

High Volume Production - Quality

Fully automated: No human element Every operation followed by a confirmation Production process validation: medical grade IQ/OQ/PQ process Online traceability system:
Integrated into the production line Above medical grade Serial number for each unit Product birth certificate to match each serial number Full lot control

Full online SPC Final product testing

Next- Extensions to the current product

Hybrid cable extends support to heavy devices Flashlight accessory Emergency kit

Apply core technology platform to different products

In Select Best Buy Stores

Medis Hybrid Power Cable

Same Simple Cable
No change in user operation Same Power Pack for both standard and hybrid cables

Same sophisticated controller in a hybrid configuration

1.4 Ah LiIon battery and controller embedded in the cable end

Emergency Kit

Novel class of fuel cell technology
Consumer oriented Commercially ready Platform for future products

Available in stores today!

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