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CBSE Notes 2011-2012 IX-English The Bishop's Candlesticks I offered to take her in here for a day or two, but

t she seemed to think it might distress you. (a) ... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question I offered to take her in here for a day or two, but she seemed to think it might distress you. (a) The Bishop wanted to take Mere Gringoire in because . (i) she was sick (ii) she had no money (iii) she was unable to pay the rent of her house (iv) she was a close friend of Persome (b) Persome would be distressed on Mere Gringoire's being taken in because . (i) she did not want to help anyone (ii) she felt that Mere Gringoire was taking undue advantage of the Bishop (iii) she was a self-centered person (iv) she would be put to a great deal of inconvenience Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) Ah, thanks, thanks Monseigneur i-i (He sobs) Ah, i'm a fool, a child to cry, but somehow you have made me feel that-that\ it is just as if something had come into meas if i were a man again and not a wild beast.' (a) Who is speaking these lines and to whom ?

(i) the convict to the Bishop (ii) the Bishop to the convict (iii) the police personnel to the convict (iv) the convict to the police authorities (b) Why is the speaker crying ? (i) Because he is full of gratitude and love for the Bishop. (ii) Because he has been shown love by the Bishop. (iii) Because no one has treated him so kindly, (iv) (i) and (iii) (c) What change has come into the speaker ? (i) He has become a real human being, (ii) The Bishop's care has changed him a lot. (iii) The speaker wants to go to jail, (iv) none Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct op... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57

The Bishop's Candlesticks

Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct options : (CBSE Textbook) (A) Monseigneur, the Bishop is a ... a hem ! (a) Why does Persome not complete the sentence ? (i) She used to stammer while speaking. (ii) She was about to praise the Bishop. (iii) She did not wish to criticise the Bishop in front of Marie. (iv) She had a habit of passing such remarks. (b) Why is she angry with the Bishop ? (i) The Bishop has sold her salt-cellars. (ii) The Bishop has gone to visit Mere Gringoire. (iii) He showed extra concern for Marie. (iv) She disliked the Bishop. She sent little Jean to Monseigneur to ask for help. (a) Who sent little Jean to the Bishop ? (i) M... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57

The Bishop's Candlesticks

Multiple choice question She sent little Jean to Monseigneur to ask for help. (a) Who sent little Jean to the Bishop ? (i) Mere Gringoire (ii) Marie (iii) Persome (iv) Marie's mother (b) Why did she send Jean to the Bishop ? (i) So that he could pray for her. (ii) As she knew that he was a generous person. (iii) As she was a greedy woman. (iv) As she was a poor woman. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) ifes to starve. They feed you in Hell but\ when you escape from it you starve.' (a) Who is the speaker ? (i) the Bishop (ii) the convict (iii) Persome (iv) Mere Gringoire (b) What is the mental state of the convict in the stanza ? (i) He is disturbed mentally due to long suffering. (ii) He is also hungry due to starving for days. (iii) He has been convicted for a minor crime. (iv) (i) and (ii) (c) What is the Hell ?

(i) a prison (ii) the prison where the convict had been treated like a wild beast (iii) a place full of chaos and disorder (iv) (ii) and (iii) Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) 'And have him sent back to prison, sent back to Hell. No Persome. it is a just punishment for me ; i set too great store by them. it was a sin. My punishment is just, but oh God it is hard, it is very hard.' (a) Who is the speaker ? (i) the Bishop (ii) the convict (iii) Marie (iv) Police personnel (b) Whom does the speaker not want to be sent back to prison ? (i) the convict (ii) the Bishop (iii) Marie (iv) Mere Gringoire (c) it was a sin. What sin has the speaker committed ? (i) a sin of hoarding the candlesticks (ii) thus tempting the convict to steal them. (iii) this sin provoked for another sin. (iv) all of the above CBSE Notes 2011-2012 IX-English The Bishop's Candlesticks

Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) 'They caught me. i pleaded to them, i told them why i stole, but they laughed at me, and i was sentenced to ten years in the prison hulks, ten years in Hell.' (a) Who is the speaker ? (i) the convict (ii) the Bishop (iii) Persome (iv) Mere Gringoir (b) Whom did the speaker plead to and why ? (i) He pleaded to the police personnel to let him go. (ii) He pleaded to the Bishop not to get him arrested again. (iii) He pleaded to the Bishop to give him some food and clothing. (iv) He pleaded to the police personnel to release him from jail as he was innocent. (c) What had the speaker stolen and why ? (i) He had stolen some money to buy food for her starving wife. (ii) He had stolen some money to fulfil his personal needs. (iii) He had stolen some food for his hungry wife. (iv) He had stolen nothing but was caught unfortunately. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks)

'Ah, you are good, sister, to think of that ; but-but i don't want to sell them. You see, dear, my mother gave them to me on-on her death - bed just after you were born, and and she asked me to keep them in remembrance of her, so i would like to keep them; but perhaps it is a sin to set such store by them.' (a) Who is the speaker of these lines ? (i) the Bishop (ii) the convict (iii) Mere Gringoire (iv) Persome (b) The speaker's sister is right in thinking that (i) the Bishop would soon sell the given candlesticks. (ii) nothing will remain at home one day. (iii) the Bishop wants money. (iv) none (c) Explain the line : But perhaps it is a sin to set such store by them. (i) One should not hoard materialistic things. (ii) One should use them to help the needy. (iii) that helping the needy is better than hoarding things. (iv) all of the above Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) 'Humph ! i'll risk it. (Bishop, going to door R). But mind! Play me false and as sure as there are devils in hell, i'll drive my knife through your heart. i have nothing to lose.' (a) Who is the speaker of these lines ? (i) the convict (ii) the Bishop

(iii) Persome (iv) Mere Gringoire (b) Who can play false to the speaker and how ? (i) the Bishop by raising an alarm (ii) also by alerting others in the house about the convict (iii) by getting him arrested (iv) (i) and (ii) (c) Why does the speaker say, "i have nothing to lose ?" (i) Because he is poor and starving. (ii) A poor man has nothing to lose. (iii) He is not afraid of being sent back to jail. (iv) all of the above Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) 'Oh, Mon Diu i it is hopeless, hopeless. We shall have nothing left. His estate is sold, his savings have gone. His furniture, everything. Were it not for my little dot we should starve ! And now my beautiful- beautiful (sob) salt-cella?*s. Ah it is too much, too much. (She breaks down crying) (a) Who is the speaker ? (i) Persome (ii) the Bishop (iii) the convict (iv) Mere Gringoire (b) Why shall they have nothing left ? (i) The Bishop was kind and benevolent. (ii) He used to sell belongings to help others. (iii) She was afraid lest the Bishop should sell everything out of

charity. (iv) all of the above (c) Why does the speaker break down ? (i) She breaks down as the silver saltcellars had been sold. (ii) She is against the Bishop selling all his belongings. (iii) She is afraid lest they should be pauper one day. (iv) (i), (ii) and (iii) Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) 'Brother, i have no patience with you. There, sit down and take your soup, it has been waiting ever so long. And if it is spoilt, it serves you right.' (a) Who has no patience with her brother ? (i) Persome (ii) Marie (iii) Mere Gringoire (iv) none (b) Explain the last line. (i) She had been awaiting the Bishop for long at the dinner table. (ii) The soup was getting spoilt. (iii) if the soup would be spoilt, he would be happy. (iv) none (c) Make an adjective from patience. (i) patiently (ii) patient (iii) patent (iv) none Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57

The Bishop's Candlesticks

Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) 'Mere Gringoire indeed ! Mere Gringoire ! What, the old witch who lives at the top of the hill, and who says she is bedridden because she is too lazy to do any work ? And what did Mere Gringoire want with the money, pray (a) Who is the speaker ? (i) Persome, the Bishop's sister (ii) the Bishop (iii) Marie (iv) the convict (b) Why is the speaker angry with Mere Gringoire ? (i) Because the Bishop had sold the silver salt-cellars to help Mere Gringoire. (ii) She believes that Mere Gringoire was not ill but acting only. (iii) She did not want anything to be sold. (iv) all of the above (c) Why did Mere need money ? (i) She needed money to pay her rent. (ii) She was starving. (iii) She needed clothing. (iv) she needed money for the medicines. CBSE Notes 2011-2012 IX-English The Bishop's Candlesticks Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question

Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) i offered to take her in here for a day or two, but she seemed to think it might distress you. (a) These lines are being spoken to by about . (i) Bishop, Persome, convict (ii) Bishop, Persome, Mere Gringoire (iii) Persome, Mere Gringoire, the Bishop (iv) Mere Gringoire, Bishop, the convict (b) The speaker wants to bring someone home because he/she (i) is sick and needs help. (ii) is in need of financial assistance. (iii) has escaped from the prison and wants shelter. (iv) needs some useful employment. (c) ...she seemed to think it might distress you... shows that (i) there is cordial relationship between the two persons. (ii) the presence of one person annoys the second one. (iii) one of them is really against the idea of living togther. (iv) she knows that her presence will not be liked in the house. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57

The Bishop's Candlesticks

Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) 'Sold ! (With horror) Sold! Are you mad ? Who sold them ? Why were they sold V (a) Who is the speaker talking to ? (i) Persome, the Bishop's sister, talking to Marie (ii) Marie talking to Persome (iii) the Bishop talking to the convict (iv) the convict talking to the Bishop (b) What has been sold ?

(i) the silver salt-cellars (ii) the property (iii) some articles of the Bishop (iv) Nothing has been sold and there is much ado about nothing. (c) Who has sold them and why ? (i) The Bishop has sold them to help Mere Gringoire. (ii) The convict has sold them to get money. (iii) Persome has sold them to compensate the loss caused by selling some articles by the Bishop. (iv) Mere Gringoire has sold them as she needed money Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) Monseigneur, i am glad i didn't get away with them ; curse me, i am. i am glad. (a) These lines have been spoken by to (i) convict; Bishop. (ii) Bishop ; convict. (iii) Persome ; Bishop. (iv) Persome ; the convict. (b) The above statement shows (i) the change in heart of the convict and his repentance. (ii) satisfaction of the Bishop. (iii) a sense of achievement on the part of the Bishop. (iv) happiness of the convict that he was not caught again by the jail authorities. (c) Mark the True statements. 1. The speaker shows human feelings. 2. The speaker undergoes a real transformation from a beast to a human. 3. There is repentance.

4. The speaker is not honest in his admission of guilt, he is just befooling the listener. (i) only 1 (ii) 1, 2 and 3 (iii) 2 and 3 only (iv) 4 only Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by Mrs_Pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) Ah, i'm a fool, a child to cry, but somehow you have made me feel that - that it is just as if something had come into me - as if i were a man again and not a wild beast. (a) The speaker of these lines is (i) Bishop. (ii) the convict. (iii) Persome. (iv) Mere Gringoire. (b) Mark the True statement. The speaker 1. is ashamed of himself that he had completely changed. 2. is grateful to the listener for this change in his life. 3. had always been a wild beast. 4. had never been a wild beast, these were the circumstances which made him so. (i) only 1 (ii) only 2 and 4 (iii) 3 only (iv) 1 and 3 only (c) The listener brought a change in the speaker (i) through compassion and empathy. (ii) through the fear of God.

(iii) through the fear of law of the land. (iv) through a materialistic incentiv Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by mrs_pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) i-i- didn't believe there was any good in the world ; one doesn't when one has been in Hell, but somehow i-i - know you're good, and - and it's a queer thing to ask, but could you, would you bless me before i go ? i -1 think it would help me. i (a) The convict's tone in the above lines (i) is filled with hesitation. (ii) is full of command but respectful. (iii) is full of bitterness for the world and the Bishop. (iv) is full of distrust. (b) The experience of the convict at Bishop's house (i) made it difficult for him to trust the Bishop. (ii) made him a bitter and cruel man. (iii) transformed him from a beast to a human. (iv) did not bring any change in him. (c) The convict asked the Bishop to bless him because (i) he knew that it would save him from the curse of God. (ii) he realised that good people still existed and the Bishop was one of them. (iii) he was just trying to be smart with him. (iv) it was a custom to be blessed by a Bishop before leaving the place. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by mrs_pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question

Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) They chained me up like a wild animal, they lashed, me like a hound. i fed on filth. i was covered with vermin. (a) Who stand for they and me here ? (i) the convict and the prison authorities respectively (ii) the prison authorities and the convict respectively (iii) the family members of the convict and the convict respectively (iv) Persome and Mere Gringoire (b) The above dialogues show the (i) bitterness of the speaker. (ii) agonising time of the speaker. (iii) brutality of the authorities on the speaker. (iv) all of the above (c) Mark the True statements. 1. The speaker deserved this treatment. 2. The authorities were right in their approach. 3. The speaker was not cruel or brute enough to meet this treatment. 4. After this treatment in the prison the speaker was reformed. (i) 1 and 2 only (ii) only 3 (iii) only 3 and 4 (iv) all of the above CBSE Notes 2011-2012 IX-English The Bishop's Candlesticks Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by mrs_pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below s (3 Marks)

You have your soul to lose, my son ; it is of more value than my heart. (a) The speaker of these lines is (i) under the threat of someone. (ii) in the church and giving a sermon. (iii) in the prison. (iv) in his house and giving an advice to his servants. (b) The above lines show that he is (i) sympathetic and concerned. (ii) bitter and rude. (iii) clever and cunning. (iv) sentimental. (c) Mark the statement which is True. 1. The speaker has been able to transform the listener. 2. The speaker is cunning and trying to trap the listener. 3. The speaker is kind and concerned. (i) both 1 and 2 (ii) only 1 (iii) only 2 and 3 (iv) 1 and 3 Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appro... Submitted by mrs_pradhan on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 15:57 The Bishop's Candlesticks Multiple choice question Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (3 Marks) Per some : Monseigneur the Bishop is a - ahem ! (a) Persome is talking to (i) the Bishop. (ii) Marie. (iii) Mere Gringoire. (iv) the convict. (b) The speaker does not complete the sentence because

(i) she is angry. (ii) she does not want to be rude to the listener. (iii) she does not want to tell the true facts. (iv) she is in a bad mood. (c) The statement shows that Persome is (i) a stern and practical lady. (ii) a rude and indisciplined lady. (iii) not a polite and concerned lady. (iv) very disrespectful to the Bishop.

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