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seeks to bring to light what is hidden in that ordinary manifestation, comes to the fore in H eideggers thinking. A s B eing speaks itself through language , the role of individual Dasein as actively bringing the Being of beings to disclosure is diminished. Being is active, and subjectivity, that is, D asein , if present at all, is largely passive. In this move to poetic thinking, Heidegger has gone beyond the descriptions of experience and of the responsible agent of disclosure that characterize phenomenology to an account of Beings own self-disclosures and self-concealments. See also CATEG ORIAL INTUITION; EIDET IC INT U IT ION ; EIDET IC P H E N O M E N O L O G Y; E ID E T I C R E D U C T IO N ; I M M A N E N C E ; TRANSCENDENCE. H ERBART, JO H ANN FRIEDRICH (17761841). Johann Friedrich H e rb a r t w a s o ne o f th o se p h ilo s o p h e rs w ho m H u sse rl c re d ite d a s preparing the way against psychologism . In particular Husserl credited H erb art with d istin guis hing p u re lo g ic fro m psyc hology and with recognizing the ideal objectivity of concepts, by which Herbart understood the presentation in the logical sense. H erbart insisted that the concept was neither a real object in the world nor a real act of thinking. Nevertheless, according to H usserl, Herbart failed to clarify the distinctions among different senses of terms such as presentation, content , and the like, and thereby failed to clarify fully these important logical concepts. On Husserls view, Herbart reduced the ideality of a logical co ncept to its no rm ality by claim ing that the unifie d me aning of a concept-term was to be found in its normal use rather than in a genuinely ideal meaning instantiated in different uses of the linguistic sign expressing the concept. See also BOLZANO, BERNARD; FREGE, GOTTLOB; IR-REAL CONTENTS; TWARDOW SKI, KASIMIR. HRING, JEAN (18901966). Jean Hring was one of the members of the Gttingen Philosophical Society . Hring was a New Testament scholar who taught in Strasbourg, but before that he was an important interpreter of phenomenology to the French-speaking world. His own phenomenological work was in phenomenological ontology , and he devoted special attention to the issue of essences , including individual essences. HERM ENEUTIC-AS. This is a Heideggerian term that captures well what Husserl aimed at disclosing in his analysis of the perceptual noema . In the full noem a , H usserl distinguishes the noematic sense and the thetic characteristic . W ithin the noematic sense he further distinguishes the d e te rm in ab le X , which is the b e a re r o f no e m a tic p ro p e rtie s, specifically, the noematically (that is, reflectively) modified properties of

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