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The Tri-County’s Premier Publication For the Young and Active After 50

Serving Berkeley, Dorchester

and Charleston Counties

Volume 8, No 5 May, 2009

Angela Mack
and the Art of the
Gibbes Museum
By Bill Farley career,” she said, “is that starting from
Night Writer Services the ground up there isn’t anything any-
one can tell me about the Gibbes that
If you’ve ever felt that the world I haven’t already heard.” At the same
of art is just a bit intimidating to the time, she admitted with a smile, “I’ve
uninitiated, or that people who choose always been doing basically the same
to forge a career in somewhat arcane job. Only the titles have changed.”
fields such as curating might be, well, Appropriately for a museum that
just a bit stuffy and stiff – sipping has been a South Carolina institution
Chardonnay, nibbling pate and maybe since 1858 and open to the public since
looking down their noses just a bit 1905, Angela Mack is a true native
at the common folk – if you’ve ever daughter. She was born Angela De-
felt this way, take a few moments to mopolous and reared in Spartanburg,
sit down with Angela Mack, who this which she recalled as being “typically
month celebrates her first anniversary small town.” Her father ran a success-
as Executive Director and Chief Cura- ful vending machine business serving
tor for Charleston’s esteemed Gibbes many of the state’s major textile man-
Museum of Art. ufacturers and her mother was a stay at
Far from a dusty aesthete, the home Mom.
sophisticated and well turned-out Ms. As a child, Angela was not at all
Mack is a three-dimensional human a sheltered houseplant girl who pored
being with a love of life, a passion for over books of art. In fact, she was what Julia Lynn Photography

art and a hearty laugh, even when the was then called a “tomboy,” climbing Angela finds time to ride and instruct whenever she has the time.
joke might be at her own expense. trees, riding horses and playing sports. her siblings matriculated at Harvard, could attend a co-educational college,
Associated with the Gibbes since Of course, this was before the federal Wellesley and Randolph-Macon. but only if it were in the South. She
1981, Angela Mack has climbed the Title IX, so organized sports were rare As for herself, she bucked her chose Vanderbilt and was accepted.
institution’s ladder step by step, from for girls. But she owned her own horse Greek father’s belief that women In her sophomore year, she took
assistant curator to associate curator, and received what she believes was “a should attend only all-female colleges. an upper level course in the art of In-
to chief curator, to deputy director to great education” in the Spartanburg “I didn’t like that idea one bit!” They dia, even though she had not taken
her current post. school system. As witness to the qual- compromised. He agreed that she any of the basic survey courses in art
“One of the nice things about my ity of that education, she noted that
See Angela page 5
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2 • May 2009 • • MAY 2009 • 3
focuses on the women. That’s your peroga- sional world.” be chopped liver either. Lu-
trials and re- tive. You may consider such He’s seeking a matrimo- ann – not bad. Lara Croft
wards of Mor- unions a crime against na- nial army of at least one mil- from “Tomb Raiders,” a
mon plural ture or a sin. But, face it, the lion people who will petition definite hottie but probably
marriage. winds of change are blowing. the government to pass a law hard to handle. Going back
Luckily for Adam and Eve may soon be- allowing marriages between a ways, how about Dai-
the institution people who exist sie Mae from “L’il Abner.”
of matrimony, on this planet and How could a country boy go
In light of the economic there seems to be an endless those who are cre- wrong with her???
woes, several issues that stream of people who seek ated by pen strokes But, at the end of the day,
were once center stage on to tie the knot, augmented and computer im- what right-thinking Ameri-
the American political scene in recent years by folks aging. can cartoon-marrying dude
have taken a back seat to a who, shall we say, share One of his could pass up… Blond-
new debate. That debate is the same equipment. supporters has stat- ie Bumstead??? She’s an
the definition of marriage. That’s right, same sex ed that “For a long even tempered curvaceous
If you’re married, or if marriage. It’s become time. I have only blonde, who has a flourish-
you’ve ever been married, a hot button issue for a been able to fall in love with ing catering business, and
you know what a significant wide variety of interest two dimensional people and dotes on a husband who nev-
life decision this can be. In groups, some strongly currently I have someone I er seems to get ahead in life
theory, marriage is “until in favor thereof, others really love. Even if she is fic- and thinks that the pinnacle
death do us part.” Unfortu- equally strongly op- tional, it is still loving some- of pleasure is making him-
nately, in 21st century Amer- posed. Several states, one. I would like to have le- self a really, really big sand-
ica, marriage is more likely the most recent being gal approval for this system wich. She’s never angry with
“until one of us is bored Iowa and Vermont, at any cost.” Dagwood, she loves her kids
or tired or more interested have endorsed same Well, I began thinking and her dogs, and only occa-
in someone other than our sex marriage. It seems about that idea and, while sionally indulges herself in a
spouse.” Statistics vary, but inevitable that the idea I’m not about to think of shopping spree at the local
most estimates place divorce will eventually be ac- abandoning my real-life hap- department store. And she
at between 40 and 50 percent cepted if not embraced py marriage, I can at least hasn’t aged a day in nearly
of all marriages – and that’s nationwide. hypothesize about where I 80 years!!!
first marriages. Meanwhile, Now, you may agree might turn should cartoon Ozzie and Harriet may
one of the most popular and or disagree with men marriage become the norm have had it good, but the
critically acclaimed series marrying other men in the U.S. of A. Woodley’s next door neigh-
on television, “Big Love”, and women marrying other come Adam and Steve, and First, the rejects: Helga, bors in whatever-town-USA
there’s not much any of us nah. Broomhilda, not like- may have it better. If Dag
can do to stem that tide. ly. Mrs. Andy Capp, not on ever gets antsy and divorces
Meanwhile, word reach- your life, ducks! Mary Worth Blondie, I’m betting that the
es us from Asia that even would be a disaster, like liv- number of red-blooded guys
stranger currents may be ing with Dr. Phil in a frumpy chasing after her will be le-
Active Day Nursing Services of Charleston flowing. According to the dress and with hair. Cathy gion! If I didn’t have a better
news service Agence France might have been acceptable deal, I’d be one of them!!!
Nurses • Personal Care • Aides • Homemakers Presse, a man in Japan has a few years ago when she
Rita Wagoner, LPN
Respite Care • Medical Adult Day Care rallied a large number of fol- was merely neurotic. These Bill Farley never fell in
Tel: 843.553.1665 Fax: 843.553.6246 lowers to support his cam- days, she’s a sane man’s love with a cartoon char-
paign to allow marriages be- worst nightmare.
Serving Chas, Berkley
and Dorchester counties acter. However, he admits
tween humans and cartoon On the positive side, to once having a crush on
The Tri-County’s Premier Publication for the Young and Active After 50 characters. The leader of this there’s Jessica Rabbit from Sheena Queen of the Jungle.
movement is quoted as say- the movie “Who Framed Contact him at: superfight-
ing that he “feels more com- Roger Rabbit.” She’s a real
fortable in the two dimen- babe. “Catwoman” wouldn’t
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4 • MAY 2009 •

financial challenges!”
Angela from page 1 Asked for an overview
of her accomplishments at
history and “fell in love with the Gibbes, Angela Mack was
it. In a way it was wonderful at first reticent to take credit
because we learn about Euro- for her accomplishments.
pean art in this country almost Pressed, she focused on some
by osmosis. The art of India is projects that have had special
quite different. I was hooked.” significance for her.
She declared her major First is the renovation of
in art history and continued Charleston’s City Hall. The
on but received a surprise as city administration came to
she entered her senior year. the realization that it needed
The university required her to to have some expertise in
have successfully completed terms of how they were go-
the 101 and 102 level art his- ing to handle Charleston’s
tory courses she had skipped art collection. According to
before she could be graduat- Mack, the city’s history of
ed! “So, during my senior year public commissions dates
I was back with the freshmen. back to the 1700s and this was
It made for a fun senior year!” the first time that the artwork
When she received her was going to be displayed in a
diploma, she took it straight way that made sense. She was
to Washington, D.C. where named principal art advisor
she secured a position with for the re-installation of this
the National Endowment for important collection at City
the Humanities. The NEH Hall. Angela with Alice and Lance Wyatt at the Gibbes Museum of Art.
and the National Endowment As an aside, Ms. Mack
for the Arts had recently been debunked one of the best- been “Landscape of Slavery: is not intimidating. Anyone timidating we’re not doing
formed and her job was to en- known stories about one par- The Plantation in American who thinks art is intimidating our job.”
courage and review grant ap- ticular piece of Charleston art, Art,” a traveling exhibition hasn’t really thought about it. Angela Mack clearly is
plications from museums in John Trumbull’s depiction of that examined plantation- Art is the most unintimidat- doing her job. Very well.
the New England region. Her George Washington. Legend related works of art from the ing aspect of life. It’s only art
work required her to travel has it that after the city re- 18th century to the present. historians who tend to make it
to the Northeast from time jected the artist’s first effort She also co-edited a book intimidating. To Advertise
to time and she enjoyed the (which now hangs at Yale which supplemented the exhi- “The great thing about Call Torrey Monroe
geographical diversity. “It’s University) Trumbull painted bition. museums such as the Gibbes 843-345-1314
a great place,” she quipped, a second portrait of the Gen- “We wanted to show all is that we serve as a conduit
“except for the weather.” eral beside his horse from a sides of the story so we in- between the public and the Visit us online at
She also completed post- perspective that insinuates corporated many images that scholars. If we make art in-
graduate work at the Uni- that the steed is about to un- relate to the understanding of
versity of Virginia, Tulane load some road apples onto the land by the slaves. It was
University and New York the Charleston skyline. a great journey. This was one
University. When her parents “The story is apocry- of those shows that was very
fell ill, she and her new hus- phal,” she said, “In reality, controversial. There were oc-
band, Ben, moved back to the second Trumbull is a tra- casions when this could have Kathy Comar Bustos
South Carolina. Ben had fin- ditional portrait of a leader at gone awry very seriously be- Special Event
ished law school and took the rest or repose after a battle, cause as we are a Southern in- Travel Planner
bar in-state. They both found which calls for the horse to be stitution by nature, Northern
new jobs on the same day in facing away from the viewer institutions are a little suspi- Retirements • Anniversaries • Family Reunions
1981, he with the Solicitor’s and bending down to graze. cious of how we might handle
office, she with the Gibbes The Mayor continues to tell sensitive material. In the end, Mt Pleasant’s Vacation Center
Museum of Art. the more popular story.” they all came through for us.
Best Rates/Payment Plans
The Macks made a con- She is also proud of the But some Southern institu- 843.856.0027
scious decision to live close exhibition, “In Pursuit of tions were often scared and a
to their work, so they found
a home on the peninsula in
Refinement: Charlestonians few simply said, ‘Nope. We A BETTER HEARING SOLUTION
Abroad 1740-1860” which don’t want to touch this.’”
downtown Charleston. Al- received international rec- While the Gibbes Mu-
though Ben now has offices
in Summerville, Angela still
ognition for its insightful
exploration of cultural ex-
seum of Art consumes most
of her time, Angela Mack re-
East Cooper
commutes to the Gibbes by bi-
cycle. Over the years, they had
three children, all of whom
change between Europe and
South Carolina. This exhibi-
mains active in her church,
St. Stephen’s. She is still an Hearing Centers
tion also spotlighted South- equestrienne and with her
are in aspects of the journal- ern art, which has often been daughters has been an in- Specializing in Noise Induced
ism profession. Daughter overlooked in American art volved member of the clas-
Alexandra lives in New York sically-oriented Charleston
Hearing Loss
courses that feature the Hud-
City where she is Managing son River school and then Pony Club. She also works
Editor of “Interview” maga-
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leap west to highlight artists with Charleston Area Thera-
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Richmond, working for the Ansel Adams. “There are a lot individuals with a variety of
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of reasons for that,” Mack be- physical and mental disabili-
“Wired.” Youngest child lieves, “not the least of which ties and conditions. • Musicians Earplugs
Anna, a sophomore at Porter- is that we lost the war and And, as for art per se be-
Gaud School, contributes to history is written by the win- ing a bit off-putting to some JOSEPH GILLESPIE, AUDIOLOGIST
the Post & Courier. “They ners.” folks who have not grown up Mt. Pleasant • Downtown • Goose Creek • Moncks Corner • Kiawah Island
are all good writers,” Angela Perhaps her most signifi- exposed to that world, Angela
said, “But as long as they stay
in journalism, they will have
cant if problematic project has Mack stated forcefully, “Art Call 843-881-8666 • MAY 2009 • 5
Baby Boomers Can Survive Layoffs Late in the Game
With the economy strug- job market. Work on your interview skills.
gling to regain stability, many For the majority of Baby
Baby Boomers are finding Don’t hide your layoff or Boomers, it’s likely been a
themselves in a place they pending layoff from others. long time since their last job
never thought they would be There’s no shame in being interview. While performing
at this stage in the game: the laid off. In fact, with unem- well in an interview can be
unemployment line. Accord- ployment rates rising, chances like riding a bike, you’ll still
ing to a much anticipated are you already know some- need to work hard to prepare
forecast from UCLA’s Ander- one beside yourself who has yourself for prospective job
son School of Management either been laid off or is fac- interviews. For one thing,
released in late 2008, the ing the possibility of a layoff. your marketable skills now
country is expected to lose 2 That said, in addition to are likely much different than
million jobs in 2009. the moral support you may they were the last time you in-
If January, when 598,000 receive, letting others know terviewed. In addition, the in-
jobs were lost as the unem- you’ve been laid off could terview process has probably
ployment rate hit 7.6 percent also result in others helping changed since you last inter-
nationally, is any indication, you with your job search. If viewed for a job. Brush up on
the 2009 projection might your company has announced your skills, including what it
prove to be an understate- future layoffs but not yet de- is you have to offer and re-
ment. For Baby Boomers, the termined who will be staying searching questions you’re
specter of unemployment is and who will be going, let oth- likely to be asked.
especially daunting, as many ers know you could possibly
Boomers have fallen victim to be let go. Sharing your situ- Try new things. Don’t pi-
a crashing stock market that ation with others could open geonhole yourself into the
has left many reeling from doors you would otherwise field you just left. Nearly
retirement savings lost in in- never know about if you kept every job teaches skills that
vestments. For those fearing your situation to yourself. extend beyond a given title’s
their next step could be to- job description. For example,
Ready your resume. Most think of how much you had
ward the unemployment line Baby Boomers have been
or for Boomers who have al-
Search the want ads but also seek support from others or try new things. to multi-task at your previ-
working at their current jobs ous job, and how much that
ready been laid off, consider for many years. While that’s means you’ll need to give throughout 2009, so job open-
the following tips to ready multi-tasking often veered off
great from a stability stand- your resume a makeover. Re- ings will likely yield more
yourself for reentry into the course from your actual job
point, it almost certainly vamp your resume even if you responses than ever before.
description. These skills are
haven’t been laid off. Empha- Baby Boomers should use
marketable but not instantly
size your versatility on your their experience and versatil-
recognizable as a product of
resume. As previously men- ity to their advantage in such
working in a given field.Re-
tioned, unemployment rates a competitive job market.
member these skills as you
are expected to continue rising
cast a wider net and empha-
size this multi-tasking when
seeking jobs outside of your
✔ Redecorating?

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✔ Moving?
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✔ Downsizing?
❏ market might not be where
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10 years ago. But an essen-
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6 • may 2009 •
Five Recession Solutions 4) Take a deep breath and
either buying or selling, so try
to stay calm.

for Your 401(k) Plan

don’t panic!
The financial markets 5) Think about retirement
are scary right now, which is income rather than a retire-
exactly why you shouldn’t ment nest egg.
panic. Most experts believe Many people forget that
Do you cringe every time tributing to your workplace- future financial health. Ad-
that the markets will recover, the whole point of retirement
you open your 401(k) state- provided retirement plan. ditionally, you might be sub-
over time, and if you panic savings is to create a stream
ment? If you’re feeling the Yes times are tough and ject to additional taxes and/or
and sell the stocks or stock of income to live on during
temptation of pulling your money is tight. But an impor- penalties. The best plan is to
mutual funds in your retire- retirement, when you will no
money, you’re not alone. But tant driver of human behavior look elsewhere for immediate
ment plan, you could well be longer receive a paycheck
before you do so, you need to is “inertia.” Once you’re in sources of emergency cash.
selling at the low point of the from your employer. Take ad-
think strategically. the plan, you tend to stay in it, You will thank yourself dur-
market. Retirement plans are vantage of web-based tools to
“A successful 401(k) is a and once you leave it, it will ing your retirement years.
no place for hasty decisions -- to help calculate income.
tactical plan that takes time,” be tough to restart. Do your-
says Jamie Kalamarides, se- self a favor and stay the
nior vice president of Pru-
dential Financial. “People are
living longer, meaning that
retirements are lasting longer
course and reap the benefits
when the economy recovers.

2) Keep your focus on the

-- sometimes 20 or 30 years. long term.
Smart people will invest in Retirement plans are
their 401(k) now for the long long-term vehicles, so keep
term so they have plenty of your eyes on the prize: saving
money accumulated when re- as much as possible for your
tirement time comes.” future retirement and invest-
Because most people ing for the long-term. Do not
have some type of 401(k) try to time the markets’ vola-
offering at work, it’s a great tility because you are likely to
opportunity to take charge of miss out on upturns you can’t
your financial future. If your predict.
workplace offers any type of
matching program, be sure to 3) Don’t take a loan or a
take advantage. Especially in withdrawal.
this economy, don’t leave free While many workplace-
money on the table. sponsored retirement plans
Here are some tips from permit loans and withdraw-
the financial advisors at Pru- als, they are almost always a
dential so you can position bad idea, primarily because
yourself for 401(k) success:
1) Resist the urge to stop con-
you are depleting your sav-
ings and you jeopardize your Now you can
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Lifetime Learning a Growing College of Charleston for
about 8 years now,” Jollow
60 in 1993. She now has de-
grees in Sociology, History,
that allow you to indulge your
love for learning from the
said. “At this point, I’ve mas- Urban Studies, and Historic comfort of your own home.
Trend in South Carolina tered French and I’m working Preservation. In May, she will Trident Technical College, for
Madelyne Adams on Spanish.” receive her 5th degree from example, offers classrooms
Special to the Lowcountry Sun Jollow says that she has the College of Charleston, this online and course-in-a-bag
College is not only for kids just out of high school. There’s a grow- received wonderful treatment one in Art History. classes tuition free for those
ing movement in South Carolina colleges where retirees are invited to from the faculty and students, She, too, values the treat- who qualify under the law.
come back and show those kids how it’s done. If you fondly refer to but she is especially impressed ment she receives from the Continuing your educa-
your time in college as the good old days, or never got a chance to go, by her fellow non-traditional faculty. “The instructors are tion is not just a way to keep
SC universities are calling you. students. all nice and very helpful,” Mc- busy, it’s actually good for
Since the 1970’s there has Each college has its own you! Studies show that your
been a law on the SC books requirements, but most oper- brain, which is a like a mus-
that allows public colleges ate on the same principals. cle, needs ‘exercise’ to stay
to offer free tuition to retired First, you have to meet the fit. Physicians recommend
residents over the age of 60. basic requirements of age keeping your brain active to
This means any retired person and residency. Second, non- help fight off memory loss
need only show a SC drivers paying students must register and dementia. What could be
license to enjoy a quality edu- after paying students to ensure better intellectual exercise for
cation at any state sponsored that enough space is available. your brain than learning a new
college. Students can work toward language or just polishing up
According to the U.S. earning a degree or simply au- your English by learning to
Census Bureau, there are dit classes of interest. write poetry and prose?
more than a half million South Margaret Jollow, 71, is a Going back to college is
Carolinians over the age of retired teacher. She has de- easier than you think, and
60, yet less than 2000 of you grees in literature and biology, Learning for a lifetime means having fun and learning something new! more and more retired people
are enrolled in South Carolina but now takes language class- are taking advantage of the
colleges. What are you wait- es just for fun. “All the people in the se- Connell said. ”They are very
program every year. For more
ing for? “I’ve been going to the nior program are impressive,” accommodating to seniors’ is- information on this program
she said. ”They all have a sues, like health problems.”
wonderful love of learning.” If roaming the hallowed you can contact the admis-
Maree McConnell, 76, started halls of your local university sions office at any state funded
taking classes in 1951, but is not for you, consider online school or call the South Caro-
didn’t get serious about earn- courses. Many accredited uni- lina Commission on Higher
ing a degree until she turned versities offer classes online Education at (803) 737-2260.

Easy Steps to Keep Seniors Safe

According to Harvard improve strength and balance. 2. Rearrange the home if
University Medical School, For seniors, exercise can help necessary: While this should
home accidents are among the strengthen bones and decrease include the help of children or
leading causes of injury and the risk of fractures. As bones movers, rearranging a home
death in the United States. For get older, they tend to get can be a good way to reduce
that reason, it’s imperative se- weaker. A few light strength the risk of injury. Seniors who
niors take certain precautions exercises combined with ex- find themselves frequently
to ensure their safety. ercises to increase balance walking up and down stairs
can make sure a fall doesn’t to do things should consider
1. Exercise: Exercise helps to end up being far worse. moving rooms where they
spend the bulk of their time
onto the same floor. Seniors
who spend much of their time
in their entertainment rooms
and home offices should
consider combining the two
rooms. This will lessen the
risk of tripping on the stair-
case or growing fatigued due
to frequent trips up and down
the stairs.
3. Keep rooms well lit: Poorly

Home Improvements ESTATE PLANNING lit areas around the home can
be very dangerous to seniors.
(WILLS AND TRUSTS) It’s far easier to trip on rugs
Handyman Services ELDER LAW • PROBATE or other hazards in dim ar-
eas. Keep the supply of light
Pressure Washing Sophisticated Estate Planning
Protecting & Caring for You and Your Loved Ones
bulbs fully stocked and in a
convenient location. In addi-
Licensed & Insured The Finest Handyman in the Lowcountry! tion, use lamps in areas where
light fixtures are attached to

Quality, Timely Work CUTCHIN LAW FIRM the ceiling to avoid having to
climb up on chairs or stools to
change bulbs. Keep hand tow-
1473 Stuart Engals Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 els and sponges on hand as
Charles Benci 843-216-0809 well to ensure any spills can
be cleaned up before risking
Owner injury. Courtesy MS
8 • MAY 2009 •
Are You Predisposed To Cancer? May is
“Older American’s
Many Americans are make sure your doctor is send- Month”
turning to new technologies ing your tests to labs with both A time to celebrate the
to learn if they are at risk for accurate and fast turnarounds. past and the future.
cancer, as medical researchers With this in mind, NeoGe-
have concluded that the risk nomics has initiated diagnos- Americans are living
of developing certain types of tic services that cut test result longer and longer. The av-
cancer runs in families. turnaround time in half. The erage life expectancy has
almost doubled in the last
New types of genetic tests company’s labs specialize in
one hundred years. The
that simply require a blood or genetic and molecular test-
challenge for the future is to
urine sample can help deter- ing that combines advanced improve the quality of those
mine if you are predisposed to equipment with innovative additional years.
such cancers as breast cancer, analytic algorithms that return The 2 biggest threats to
leukemia, lymphoma, bladder test results to the doctor faster. quality of life for older Amer-
cancer, prostate cancer and “Quality is expected in a icans have been defined as
others. high-complexity cancer-test- dementia, such as Alzheim-
Once armed with the If you are predisposed to cancer, see your doctor for regular screenings.
ing laboratory. Turnaround er’s, and obesity. Obesity
knowledge of whether or not time becomes the single most leads to so many other
you are predisposed to certain develop that cancer,” stresses ing is even more important important factor when a doc- disabling diseases such as
cancers, you can work closely Gasparini. when a patient already has tor orders a test for a patient heart disease, diabetes and
with your doctor to plan for Indeed, a number of med- developed suspicious symp- who has a symptom of can- osteoarthritis.
regular screenings and to low- ical experts believe many can- toms. And once symptoms cer,” Gasparini emphasizes. Who wouldn’t want a
cers require patients to have a have appeared, speed is criti- longer life, if that life could
er risks by modifying diet or
cal,” says Gasparini. For more information on cancer be healthy and productive
behavior. predisposition -- such as an
and testing, visit the National also. As we celebrate this
“Some kinds of cancer inherited genetic mutation -- Nearly everyone has had
Cancer Institute at www.cancer. month, remember... the first
run in families, in genes that and then a trigger mechanism this experience: The doctor gov. step - following a healthy
are the blueprints of our bod- must come into play for can- spots something suspicious Courtesy of StatePoint lifestyle begins with you.
ies. Genetic tests look for in- cer to develop. Triggers can and orders additional tests.
herited alterations in genes include poor diet, smoking, Now comes the hard part:
that may increase your risk drinking in excess, or even waiting days or weeks for re-
for a certain cancer,” says such factors as where you
live, with some research indi-
sults that can bring a sigh of
relief or massive life upheav-
Robert Gasparini, President :DVKLQJWRQ'&)5((5(3257KDVMXVWEHHQ
and Chief Scientific Officer cating that living in polluted als. Each day lost waiting can
of NeoGenomics Laboratories areas, near high power lines make a difference in treatment
which specializes in cancer or radiation can trigger cancer. effectiveness and outcome.
Learning if you are pre- Put simply: for many can- 7KLVUHSRUWDOVRUHYHDOVPDQ\VHFUHWVRIWKHKHDULQJDLG
genetics testing.
In the case of breast can- disposed to certain types of cers, the faster you are diag- LQGXVWU\,WKDVEHHQVXJJHVWHGWKDWEHIRUHDQ\RQHHYHQ
cer, for instance, up to ten per- cancer can help you and your nosed and begin treatment the KDVWKHLUKHDULQJWHVWHGWKLVUHSRUWVKRXOGEHUHDG7R
cent of all breast cancer suf- doctor plan for how often you better chance of survival. UHFHLYH\RXUIUHHFRS\&DOO7ROO)UHH
ferers have an inherited form should be screened, what life- This is why you should  +U)UHH5HFRUGHG0HVVDJH 
of the disease, according to style modifications you should
the National Cancer Institute. make, and even can provide
“But having an inherited you with information about
mutation in a gene that predis- cancer risk for other family
poses you to a cancer doesn’t members and your children.
necessarily mean you will “Of course, accurate test- • MAY 2009 • 9

Butterflies are delicate a chrysalis, the pupa stage yellow tickets flutter like the
insects with a short lifes- of development. Eventually wings of butterflies.
pan that can add beauty and an adult butterfly will break
whimsy to a garden. through and emerge from the
Many gardening enthusiasts chrysalis. He will fly off in Both of these insects
want to learn more about how search of food. come from the same fam-
to attract these winged crea- ily of insects, “lepidoptera,”
tures to their yards so they can meaning that they have wings
enjoy them as much as pos- Adult butterflies are nec- covered with scales. How-
sible. tar drinkers and will seek ever, butterflies are usually
To attract butterflies to your out flowers that provide ample bright, while moths are drab.
yard, first you should under- quantities of the sweet stuff. Apart from color, you can tell
stand the life cycle of the but- To attract adult butterflies a moth from a butterfly by the
terfly and provide an environ- back to your garden, provide antennae.
ment that is conducive to the a variety of flowers that offer Butterfly antennae are
insect at all stages of develop- nectar, such as asters, azalea, The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is the state butterfly of South Carolina. shaped a little like golf clubs
ment. butterfly weed, goldenrod, with a bulb at the end. Most
impatiens, and marigolds. The average life span butterfly was the yellow moths have either simple fila-
Butterflies are near-sighted, of butterflies is 2 to 14 days, brimstone butterfly. When ments tapering to a point, or
so a large planting of similarly though there are some rare the English culture and lan- complicated affairs with many
Butterflies begin life as
colored flowers will better at- butterflies, like the Mourning guage was brought to the new cross-filaments.
tiny eggs that are laid upon
tract the insect for a meal. Cloak, that can live for 10 to world, people claimed that at
plant leaves. Upon hatching
Because they also enjoy 12 months. Females generally night witches would turn into
into tiny larvae, they dine
live longer than males. Butter- winged creatures and steal
Allergy Season
voraciously on most green- abundant sunshine for warm-
ing their wings and enjoying flies that hibernate or go into butter. In some other languag-
ery that comes in their path,
reproductive diapause also es the butterfly’s name means
is Here
growing into caterpillars. To a brief respite from flying, al-
low for some areas of bright tend to live longer. “licker of milk” and “milk
ensure that caterpillars will
sunshine in your garden and thief.”
hatch and grow, you’ll need
For other cultures the Many of us look forward
food sources that they enjoy. roost spots, such as stones or What’s in a Butterfly name “butterfly” was not used. to the warmer, breezy, sunny
Milkweed, fennel, parsley, sticks. The insects will also Name? People have often days of spring, but the season
need a place to hang out in The Sioux Indians called them
hollyhocks, carrots, and wild wondered where the name also brings with it the dreaded
windy conditions, so a shel- “fluttering wings.” The French
lilac plants are all appropri- “butterfly” came from. It’s a itchy eyes, scratchy ears and
tered nook is ideal. At night or call butterflies “papillon,” also
ate food sources for different worthy question, considering throat, and sneezing for allergy
during bad weather, butterflies the name of a large-eared dog.
types of butterfly caterpillars. butterflies don’t eat or look sufferers.
will usually hang from the un- Interestingly enough, park-
Once caterpillars are well much like butter. “Tree pollen blown
dersides of leaves, or crawl ing tickets in France are also
fed and have molted their skin The Anglo-Saxons used around by the wind is the al-
into crevices between rocks or called papillon because when
several times, they will find the word “butterfloege” be- lergen people will react to first
other objects, and sleep. placed on car windshields the
an undisturbed place to form cause their most common this season, sometimes before
you see the buds,” explains Dr.
Catherine Monteleone, an as-
sociate professor of medicine
at the UMDNJ-Robert Wood
Johnson Medical School and
a board-certified allergist. “Pa-
tients already are complaining
about symptoms, including
runny nose, nasal congestion,
sneezing, itchy eyes, ears and
throat, wheezing and shortness
of breath.”
People may continue to
experience such symptoms
into June, a reaction to grass
pollen, not blooming flowers.
“But how much grass pollen
is produced will depend upon
the weather this spring. Dry,
windy days cause pollen to
spread and result in more se-
vere allergy symptoms,” she
‡3HUVRQDOL]HG6HUYLFH Those beginning to expe-
6HQLRU rience symptoms should turn
0HPEHUVKLSV$YDLODEOH 6DYLQJV to appropriate medications be-
'D\ fore symptoms become severe.
Try over-the-counter sprays
and medications and, if those
10DLQ6WUHHW‡6XPPHUYLOOH6& don’t work, see your doctor,
,QWKH0DLQ0DUNHW&HQWHUEHWZHHQ/RZHVDQG%HON who can prescribe medication
0RQ6DWDPSP‡6XQ1RRQSP that may be more helpful.

 Don’t give up on treat-

ment because there is some-
thing out there that will help.
Courtesy Statepoint Media
10 • MAY 2009 •
Here we are in May, the perennials that are out on the way to provide year-round col- ensure that the new flowers
start of our warm season in the market that can provide good or is in annual flowers. In May, get water. This is vital because
Low country. A common prac- color, but often fall prey to lo- we will start our spring plant- they have such a small root
tice is to add colorful flowers cal wildlife or can not sustain ing of annual flowers. When system at this stage. These an-
in order to make the yard more themselves in too wet or too choosing a place for annuals nual flowers can also be incor-
appealing. There are a few dif- it should be in a high visibil- porated into pots and baskets
ferent ways to do this. ity area. A common area is the around the house to provide
One is by adding flow- front steps of the home or out the same year-round color.
ering shrubs & trees to your by the entrance of the drive- As I write this article, it
garden or yard. While you can way where you enter the yard. appears that we have began a
often get a bright burst of col- Out in the Yard They should be planted some- warm dry period. While no one
By James Parker
or from our local shrubs and where that you will be able to can really predict the future, I
trees, they are usually short color. enjoy the color on a daily ba- would recommend increasing
lived in their blooming sea- A third way is by adding sis. the water to your lawn by a
sons, the average being about perennial flowers. While pe- Preparation for annual day or two to ensure a healthy
2 weeks. This leaves approxi- rennials often have a longer flowers often includes: remov- & lush garden. If you have any
mately 50 weeks a year where bloom time and return year ing the winter annuals from questions, as always, feel free
there is only green foliage. So after year, they still will not the location where they were to send me an email- I will re-
unless you have a big yard, it provide year round color as is planted the previous fall, rotor spond as soon as possible.
is very hard to get year-round often desired in nicer landscap- tilling the area to provide good
color using trees and shrubs ing. There are some varieties cultivation, and incorporat-
Isle of Palms 843-886-9314
only. such as Lantana & Society ing some compost, fertilizer, Summerville 843-851-8008
A second way is to add Garlic which bloom most of and a granular fungicide in John’s Island 843-768-6808
variegated plants to your land- the summer, are deer resistant, Begonias are a popular and hardy wet areas. We then install the Daniel Island 843-216-4796
scape. While 75% of the plants and require little to no water-
flower here in the lowcountry. flower plugs in patterns that
are green, some varieties can ing. are appealing to the design of To Advertise
be obtained that have yellow Verbena is also one of my dry of a soil. They may also that yard. In general, the taller Call Torrey Monroe
or white leaves on them. This favorite perennials, but I have only bloom from 30-60 days- growing flowers go along the 843-345-1314
makes a nice contrast to the noticed over the years that they still leaving 8 to 10 months back and the shorter versions
dark green foliage and often seem to fizzle out at around 3-5 of a non-flowering plant. The go in the front. After planting, Visit us online at
gives shade or the look of extra years. There are many other last, and in my opinion, best we check the water system to

) U D Q N H  DW  6 H D V L G H

g n o s e d w ith a life
e dia
If you wer e d i c a l condition
g m
threatenin t a second opinion.
t e v e n t s , doesn’t a
Given rec a l s o m a ke sense
second op ell-being?
n a n c i a l w
for your fi



12 • MAY 2009 • •MAY 2009 • 13
Theory 3: aside. Form the beef into 8 lime wedges. Adjust with ad-
Charlie Nagreen of Sey- equal patties. Toss the cheese ditional water, if needed
mour, Wisconsin invented it and crumbled bacon together Recipe courtesy of
in 1885 and introduced it at and place an equal amount on
the Outagamie County Fair. four of the patties.
A lifelong foodie, Schu has worked in the
Theory 4: Place the remaining pat- food and beverage industry since the age
7% of Americans eat at I don’t really care who ties over the cheese and bacon of 15. From dishwasher to general man-
McDonalds on any given day invented the hamburger. I just and pinch the edges to seal. ager, from mom & pop joints to hotels and
McDonald’s goal is to have want to bite into one every Generously pat each burger national chains, Schu has also written for
no American more than 4 once in awhile and feel the with the reserved spice mix- various publications and hosted a weekly
minutes away from one of its radio show dedicated to food.
juice run down my chin. ture. Grill about 5 minutes per
By Schu restaurants side for medium.
Okay enough with sta- Glazed Bacon and Recipe courtesy of
“You can find your way tistics. Can you guess who is Cheese Filled Burgers
across this country credited with inventing the
using burger joint(s) the way good ol’ burger? Well it’s Ingredients: (serves 4) Of course, no burger would
a navigator uses stars....” not really that easy. You re- 3 tablespoons dark be complete without a nice
Charles Kuralt ally didn’t think something as brown sugar cold beer or maybe even an
journalist (1934-1997)
important as the all American 1 1/2 teaspoons ice cold margarita. Better
burger would have just one paprika yet, how about both!
I know most of you simple and straightforward 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
are wondering what Charles origin, did you? 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin Beer Margaritas
Kuralt and a hamburger have Theory 1: 1/4 teaspoons
to do with the month of May? Louis Lassen  of New chipotle powder Ingredients (serves 6)
You guessed that May is Na- Haven, Connecticut ground 1/4 teaspoons salt 1 (12 fluid ounce) can
tional Hamburger Month! up some scraps of beef and 1/4 teaspoons fresh frozen limeade concentrate
To most red blooded served it as a sandwich to a ground pepper 12 fluid ounces tequila
(no pun intended) Americans, customer who was in a hurry 1 pounds ground beef 12 fluid ounces water Mother May I?
there are few food items that in 1900 (by the way the sand- 1/2 cups shredded 12 fluid ounces beer
ice 5/4 - National Herb Week
evoke such emotion as a thick, wich counter is still open to sharp cheddar cheese
1 lime, cut into wedges 5/5 - National Hoagie Day
juicy piled high hamburger. this day!). 6 slices bacon, cooked
and Cinco de Mayo
Don’t believe me? Chew Theory 2: and crumbled
Directions 5/9 - Dagwood’s Birthday
on this: Fletcher Davis fried a 4 rolls
Pour limeade, tequila, water, (eat a Dagwood)
The average American beef patty and put it between
Directions and beer into a large pitcher. 5/10 - Mother’s Day
consumes 100 hamburgers per two slices of bread as a sand-
Heat grill to medium. Com- Stir until well-blended, and 5/25 - Memorial Day
year wich in the late 1880’s and
bine the sugar, spices, salt and limeade has melted. Add 5/27 - Pop-up toaster
3 new McDonald’s come then later, took one to the 1904
pepper in a small bowl and set plenty of ice, and garnish with patented (1919)
online everyday World’s Fair in St. Louis. 

14 • MAY 2009 •

29. Adult male sheep 9. Ancient Dead Sea kingdom
32. Tsetung or Zedong 10. Socks, stockings and tights
33. Code for Information 11. River that flows into the Baltic
Interchange 14. A cardinal number
35. Santa ___, 92701 15. 2nd month (abbr.)
36. Helps little firms 21. Atomic #33
37. Cher’s singing partner 23. A nucleic acid
39. State in S.W. India 24. Crime fighter Eliot
40. Old world, new 25. Metal currency
41. Heathen 26. Sword with a curved blade
43. Auricle 27. Act together, as of organisms
44. Cathode-ray tube 29. Finger millet
45. Myriagram 30. Dwarf buffalos
46. Pink wines 31. Picasso’s mistress
48. Be apathetic or dazed 32. Millisecond
49. Banned insecticide 34. Printer material
50. Circular building with a dome 38. Equals 3 feet
54. Swiss river 42. The land of sleep
57. Currently fashionable 45. Most frequent value
58. Keep up 47. It houses horses
62. Support or hold up 48. Manganese
64. Tropical Asian starlings 50. Canadian law enforcers
65. Labrador tea genus 51. A Mississippi tributary
66. Wolf (Spanish) 52. ____ Turner, rock singer 53.
67. Grantor’s legal agent (abbr.) Fiddler crabs
68. A coral ridge 55. Longest division of geological
69. 73701 OK time
56. Isidor ____, Am. Nobel physi-
1. Swedish krona 59. Fruit drink
CLUES ACROSS 17. One Wise Man’s gift 2. Coconut husk fiber 60. A billiard stick
1. Simba’s uncle 18. Freedom from difficulty 3. One baby apron 61. Electromotive force
5. Small residue amount 19. Corpuscle count (abbr.) 4. Save from danger 63. A long, thin implement
9. Reciprocal ohm 20. More colorless 5. Dekametre
12. NBA player Bryant 22. A large vessel or vase 6. A sun beam Crossword
13. Gold measure 25. C C C 7. Make a mistake
15. Nourishment 26. Subdivision of an act of a play 8. Horticulture Answers on page 19
16. Journalist Jacob 1849-1914 28. Characterized by unity • MAY 2009 • 15

All Dogs Might Go to Heaven, But Not All Are the Same
When a family decides to welcome a dog into their home, it Temperament fits into a family. However, a given environment. Fami-
can be a day to remember for all involved. Dogs not only make Like people, dogs come certain breeds are more lies with young children
great pets, but they make great friends as well, renowned for in all shapes and sizes, and costly than others over the often make the mistake of
their unconditional loyalty. all different temperaments, long haul. If money is tight, choosing a dog that is very
too. A dog’s temperament the dog may be the first to small, the theory being that
But how successful a lies head to the shelter or is arguably the most impor- have to do without, and this a smaller dog poses less of
dog will adapt to its new nearby breeder, it’s impor- tant thing for a family to could lead to physical and a threat to the child. While
family rests on a variety of tant to consider the follow- consider when shopping for temperamental problems that might be true, it doesn’t
factors beyond the dog’s ing factors to ensure that a dog. While take into con-
control. Choosing the right both the family and the dog certain breeds sideration the
dog involves more than just will prove a good match have become threat the child
picking out that doggy in for each other and provide known for ex- or children can
the window. Before fami- years of companionship. hibiting cer- pose to the dog.
tain behaviors, Particularly for
oftentimes the toddlers and
science is less younger grade
exact. For ex- school children,
ample, while small dogs such
pit bulls are as shih tzus or
Licensed and Insured • Child and Pet Safe
widely con- chihuahuas are
sidered ag- often seen as
• Full Service Termite gressive dogs, English bulldogs are tempermental and not always a perfect fit. toys. This can
many pit bull be very harmful
and Pest Control owners would say that’s a with the dog down the road. to the dog, which needs to
• Termite Damage generalization. Many have A prime example is the be treated gently.
Repair Warranties stated that their dogs, while English bulldog. While a Another thing to con-
Daniel Garrett active and fun-loving, popular and desirable breed sider is the lifestyles of all
aren’t aggressive toward to many, it’s very common family members. Dogs are
Roaches, Ants, Spiders, humans or other dogs. for bulldogs to come with known for their loyalty, and
Fleas, Rats and Mice, etc. The best way to judge a host of physical ailments, often feel they need to pro-
a dog’s temperament is to including respiratory prob- tect the family’s turf. For

843.452.1133 observe the dog itself be- lems and problems with families with very social
fore buying it. Also observe their hips that could require lifestyles that often include
the behavior of the dog’s surgery. Families with mul- inviting friends over to the parents, as just like hu- tiple children might want to house, a dog that is less pro-
mans dogs get a lot of their avoid such a breed in order tective and more friendly to
behavioral patterns from to keep money saved for strangers would be the best

DENTURES mom and dad. Of course, the unforeseen problems match.

such observation is typi- and expenses that typically
cally only available if fami- arise. A dog that has needs
Before even consider-
Same Day Service lies go to a breeder, which that aren’t met will most
will be more expensive. If likely develop problems, be
you must go to a kennel, it physical, temperamental,
ing which dog to get, have
all members of the house-
hold tested for dog aller-
Dentures from $305 Set observe how a dog behaves or both, so families need to
gies. Many people are al-
around other dogs, and see get a grasp of the long-term
lergic to dogs, which can
Serving Insurance how a dog you might adopt financial commitments that
make for a miserable home
South Carolina Claims reacts to different members accompany certain breeds
Since 1974 Accepted life. There are inoculations
of your family, particularly before choosing a dog.
available that can negate a
Partials from $210 Current Family Members pet allergy, but be sure to
Financial Commitment The makeup of a fam- visit an allergist first and
Simple Extractions $43 How much a dog ini- ily and the lives that family see just what you may or
tially costs won’t necessar- leads will also determine may not be allergic to.
Relines and Repairs ily impact how well the dog how well a dog will adapt to Courtesy MS
While You Wait!

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The Lowcountry Sun wants to post your companionship every day. We
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know you are still chasing those
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beloved pet on our Pets Memorial page. them just once.

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your family, Jill & Cella

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our hearts from the very first moment we saw him, jumping in the
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came into our lives. Thank you, boy.

16 • MAY 2009 •



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Politically Incorrect Movie Reviews
Monsters voted for the Stimu-pork
package. Monsters vs. Aliens
physically stronger and made
to survive the day. Women
oddball alien leader looks a lot
like Barack Obama. No kid-

vs. Aliens
attempts to entertain the kid- are biologically stronger and ding. That’s not an insult; it’s
dies through pratfalls, sight made to survive the species. just a coincidence – I think.
gags and butt jokes, while at Then again there is that whole
Cast of voices: the same time trying to re- Rocky D’s Rating System missing birth certificate issue
Reese Witherspoon (Susan) – tain the adult’s attention with Basically, I don’t think any movie … hmm.
taking “bimbo” to a new height. dozens of quick-witted refer- is worth more than 5 bucks, so Another thing to consider
I’ll rate them that way:
Seth Rogan (B.O.B) – brainless, ences to well-known space is why the President is a white
clueless, gelatinous; your typical movies. The Real 3D doesn’t $$$$$ = Great! You gotta take guy. The current President
Obama voter. hurt either, but about halfway Radio Free your friends! Bring is black. Imagine the cater-
Rocky D Momma next time!
Hugh Laurie (Dr. Cockroach) – through MvA it seems like the $$$$ = Good. Worth the trip, if
wauling from the left if the
and you thought palmetto bugs writers ran out of ideas. Hey Evil Bush-Monster has been the trip is not too far. President was portrayed by a
were annoying. wait a minute … maybe these ousted and their Messiah has $$$ = Okay. Eh … I can live bumbling, incompetent black
Will Arnet (Missing Link) – he’s are the same writers who with it. character. Say … a skinny
been installed in the Oval Of-
missing a few links all right. cooked up Pelosi’s Stimu- $$ = Not good. I want my black guy with big floppy ears,
Stephen Colbert (The President)
fice. Up until recently there money back.
pork package. Monsters vs. were lots of liberal messages who cannot speak without
– yeah, like a guy that inept $ = What the #*#@ were
Aliens could easily be re- inserted into Hollyweird kid- they thinking? I want my a teleprompter. The liberals
could ever get elected President
titled “Attack of the 50-Foot flicks. money back AND I want would have a snit-fit and howl
–oh yeah … hmm.
Woman meets Mars Attacks There is one bit of notice- revenge. for the film to be yanked off
Not since the Land Of The meets Toy Story.” able PC’ness. That would be Rocky D can be heard every day on the shelves. After all, despite
Misfit Toys, has a collection There’s not a lot of politi- the whole skinny girls kick The Big Talker, 1250-AM, WTMA, all their marches and protests,
from noon to 3 p.m. Contact Rocky
of cartoon losers united to- cal correctness in Monsters butt genre; somewhat like from his web site,
liberals do not believe in the
gether on such a disastrous vs. Aliens, but as I’ve men- Lara Croft, Silk Spectre (see First Amendment.
mission – that is unless you tioned before, Hollyweird is last month’s review) or Buffy Remember, this is a kid-
count the Congressmen who a lot happier these days. The The Vampire Slayer. Then Women are more human, flick, so the PC references
again Susan gets radiated after if you will. Men are talking take a back seat to some good
getting clonked with a meteor apes. Heck, I even eat a ba- ol’ fashioned product market-
and does grow to be about 50 nana every morning and then ing (typical hypocrisy of the
feet tall, so one would expect go chase red meat. Hollyweird left), so look for
An 80-year-old man went for his annual checkup her to increase her strength. I The other PC pap is Monsters vs. Aliens charac-
and the doctor said, “Friend, for your age, you’re in the wonder if we could pair her the whole idea of seeecret ters at Toys R Us sometime
best shape I’ve ever seen.” The old fella replied, “Yep. It up with the Big Nekkid Blue guv’mint operations with soon. Not that any kid would
comes from clean living. Why, I know I live a good, clean, Guy from The Watchmen. seeecret military hi-tech ware- actually want any of these
spiritual life.” Now there’s a video that might houses full of seeecret gadgets characters, but tossing B.O.B
The doctor asked, “What makes you say that?” eclipse even Susan Boyle. and seeecret creepy beings. against the wall to see if he
The old man replied, “If I didn’t live a good, clean life, the Nevertheless, Monsters vs. Kind of like a boy-toy party sticks might be kind of fun.
Lord wouldn’t turn the bathroom lights on for me every
Aliens’ Susan only discovers at Bawney Fwank’s house. The Bachelor B’s – Blood
time I get up in the middle of the night.” The Doc was When Susan begins to grow Breasts, Beasts, Bashes and
concerned, “You mean, when you get up in the night to go
her purpose in life after she
rids herself of her selfish man. tall, Alice in Wonderland Bombs – don’t even apply
to the bathroom, the Lord, himself, turns the light on for style, in fly the Feds with their here. Let’s face it, if you’re
you?” Women are just as strong
“Yep.” the old man said. “Whenever I get up to as men. There is no strength black suits, sunglasses and a bachelor sitting in a theatre
go to the bathroom, the Lord turns the light on for me.” difference between the sexes. briefcases with a “?” insignia watching Monsters vs. Aliens,
Well, the doctor didn’t say anything else, but when the old There is no difference be- on them. They whisk Susan you really are a lonely guy.
man’s wife came in for her checkup, he felt he had to let tween the sexes. I know this, away and toss her in a bland Sneak in with a family. It’ll be
her know what her husband said. “Your husband is in fine because Hollyweird tells me cell, surrounded by other mu- less embarrassing.
physical shape, but I’m worried about his mental condi- so. tants. Naturally, the black-ops I give Monsters vs. Aliens
tion. He told me that every night when he gets up to go to Listen Hollyweird, I’ll troops are all evil whiteys. three Capitalist Dollar Signs
the bathroom, the Lord turns the light on for him.” lay it out for you: men and Bad spooky military white (out of 5)
guys! Bad bad bad!
“AHA!” She exclaimed. “So he’s the one who’s
women are different. Men are
been peeing in the fridge!” One interesting thing is the

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18 • MAY 2009 •

“Becaauseee ... silly, you peaches. It wasn’t bad, as I
won’t have to iron them.” recall. The Life and Times of
“Surely you jest,” I replied. As proud as the neighbor- Cappy Hall Rearick
“Babe would sooner lay his hood Unicef chairperson, she
Humor writer, Cappy Hall
pants on the hot pavement announced, “I collected over Rearick, proudly marches in her own
and run over them with the one hundred peach pits and parade to the beat of a different drum-
back tires of his van before put them under every pillow mer and she’s laughing all the way.
Her writing career began soon af-
he’d trust me with a hot iron.” in my house.”
ter moving to Hollywood in 1975. She
Sally’s fascination with I wondered how long she’d thought she might like to act. Fifteen
Heloise was harmless enough. been lacing her coffee with minutes later, she decided that writing
Sally’s princess training
Simply Senior It kept her meals cooked and vodka. was simpler and didn’t require cos-
By Cappy Hall Rearick tume changes.
took place in the sixties when her laundry done and for that “Sally, if I put peach pits With mid-life glaring back at her,
Heloise was the Dr. Spock bit in her mouth. Dan was grateful. He was under my pillow, will it re- she returned to college and learned
of housewifery, aka anointed “Do you use pants creas- more patient with her Kitchen move Plantar’s Warts, nose how to spell Journalism. As a result,
her first column, Alive and Well in
Kitchen Queen. While Sally ers?” Sally was as thrilled Queen devotion than I ever hair or make my ta-ta’s not Hollywood, was born, followed by:
read Heloise aloud, I memo- about them as I would be to was. sag? Give me one good rea- Tidings, Simply Southern, Puttin’ On
rized Peg Bracken’s I Hate have a live-in maid. “My hamburger patties son to think that you and your The Gritz, Simply Senior and Simply

to Housekeep Book. Heloise “My pants don’t need help have no frayed edges,” she peach pits are not hurtling Something.
Cappy has won numerous short
wrote about Bake Day Bliss; getting creased,” I retorted as bragged, then tossed her down the squirrelly highway story awards, many of which can be
Peg’s chapters included: she reached across the kitch- Chicklet smile at me. I peered headed for the Cracker Fac- found in anthologies throughout Cali-
“Dinner Will Be Ready As en table to brush S’mores in closets and under the bed tory.” fornia, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,
Florida and Georgia. In 2003, she was
Soon As I Figure Out What to crumbs from my coffee- for Alan Funt and his Candid “Silly. They’ll freshen your nominated for prestigious Georgia
Cook.” My kind of gal. stained t-shirt. Camera. pillows. Isn’t that enough?” Author of the Year Award.
Sally often quoted Heloise. She sighed. “Well, you “I use a number two and “Uh, Sally? You don’t A member and former president of

No matter how stupid the hint ought to. Be sure to put the a half can to pull my burgers have a hundred pil- the Southeastern Writers Association,
Cappy also holds membership in the
might be, she immediately pants in your dryer for ten into the proper shape.” lows in your house.” National Society of Newspaper Col-
morphed into a human Secre- minutes before putting them Eventually, her attachment She leaned toward me umnists, South Carolina Writers and
tariat, snorting and stomping on the creasers.” to Heloise’s Hints took on a with eyes dancing like Peter Georgia Writers Association.
Southern Belle Cappy and her
at the kitchen door with foam “Why would I do that, Sal- devotion normally associated Pan on crack. As if she were Yankee husband “Babe” live on St.
gathering around the spoon ly?” with Trappist Monks. Mon- about to impart the meaning Simons Island with their two cats, So-
tivani elevator music played of life, she said, “I like to be phie Sorrowful and Igor the Terrible.
She has two sons and six grandchil-
Crossword Puzzle Answes from Page 15 softly while she read her prepared.” dren in Charleston and Walterboro.
housekeeping Bible. Opening Before long, Sally was Cappy’s four published books,
her Heloise book at random, onto another household hint Simply Southern, Simply Southern
Ease, Simply Christmas and the re-
the first hint to jump out at and those peach pits lay aban-
cently published Return to Rocky
her became the message of doned under her guest room Bottom are available at: Amazon.
the day. pillows. She forgot all about com, and at Cappy’s website: www.
“Save those peach pits,” the them until Daniel’s boss, the Her hu-
morous essays may also be enjoyed
Foodie Fountain proclaimed hoo-ha of honchos, visited. in Barbara Jean’s Cookbook.
one morning. “If placed un- Sally and Dan royally
der pillows, your guests will wined and dined the man. She escape, crashed into a table
thank you for sweet smelling pulled out all her recipe stops, holding an heirloom lamp.
dreams.” even pressured him into eat- When the light shattered, it
Sally thought she had hit ing a celery root hors’doerve further terrified him, so by the
the jackpot, the loving cup, claiming it to be an oyster. time Dan and Sally got there,
the mother lode. She dashed When the boss said good- the hoo-ha was huddled in a
down to the Pig and bought night and went upstairs to corner sucking his thumb and
four bushel baskets of peach- turn down his covers, a nest mumbling the ABC’s.
es, and for the next few days of forgotten peach pits stared Sally fired off a nasty letter
was peach nuts. What her back at him. The hoo-ha, a to Heloise claiming her peach
family didn’t eat, she froze. Yankee who despised our pit idea caused it all, includ-
Even ten years later, we were Southern bugs, thought the ing Dan’s unemployment and
drinking spiked punch at peach pits were a cockroach need for therapy.
her daughter’s wedding, fer- family. Heloise replied, “Life is
mented from those very same He screamed, and trying to the pits, Toots. Get over it.”

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Inexpensive Family Vacations
When an economy be- rather than in a costly
gins to suffer, few industries hotel. Even if you need
‘Tis the season to pack a
get hit harder than the tour- to fly, the money you
few supplies, get behind
ism industry. Typically, vaca- save on hotel accom-
tioners choose to stay home modations can make
the wheel and embark on a
during a recession, as money the cost of flying much road trip adventure.
is tight and futures are less easier to handle.
certain than during economic The convenience of setting
boom times. • Do some local sight- your own pace, charting
Considering the current seeing: Though you your own course, choosing
state of the economy, it’s no might not realize it, your destination, and many
surprise many families are the country has his- other benefits to road-trip-
choosing to save money this tory nearly everywhere ping push taking a trip by
year and forgo their annual you look, including in vehicle ahead of other modes of travel.
vacations. However, families your backyard. Appre-
staying home this vacation ciating the country’s Setting your sites on some spring fun?
season don’t have to spend history doesn’t have Follow these guidelines:
that valuable vacation time to be limited to costly
on the couch. The following vacations to tourist at- • Get maps and itineraries ahead of time.
inexpensive ideas can help tractions such as El-
Our many beaches provide days of family fun. • Auto club memberships often have lodging
families make lasting vaca- lis Island or the Liberty Bell. • Visit the local amusement discounts as a perk, so investigate getting
tion memories while protect- Chances are, there’s just as park: For kids, few days on board.
ing their bottom line as well. much local history to explore are better than days spent at • Have your car inspected and do any
and appreciate in your own the amusement park. And it preventa tive maintenance prior to departing
• Visit family: Visiting rela- neck of the woods, and doing doesn’t have to be Disney on your trip.
tives for vacations can be a so won’t force you to break World for kids to have fun. • Check cell phone service areas, because
great way to reconnect with the bank. Day trips to local The local amusement park roaming fees add up fast.
family and save money at the historical sites can be as valu- will suffice for kids and par- • Stock an emergency road kit.
same time. If planned ahead able an experience as travel- ents alike, and it will do so at • Pack drinks and snacks to minimize the num
of time, families can arrange ing far and wide to experience a fraction of the cost of trav- ber of stops you’ll have to make, and to save
to visit their relatives and save the nation’s vast and storied eling to more popular and ex- money.
money by staying with family history. pensive amusement parks. • Remember to have fun!

20 • MAY 2009 •

Director of the Missions pro- employed. Cheri focuses on til the last borrower leaves
gram. She also volunteered educating seniors about Re- the home. For more infor-
in the community and taught verse Mortgages to help them mation about Reverse Mort-
English to an international determine whether it is a good gages please contact Cheri
she completed post-graduate group of women. option for them. Williams at 843-408-1038, or
Cheri Williams grew up in work in Clinical Psychology Cheri and her family moved A Reverse Mortgage is a email her at HYPERLINK
a small town in the Midwest at the University of Colorado to the Charleston area in 1997. loan that allows seniors to ac- “mailto:cheryl.l.williams@
and always dreamed of travel- in Colorado Springs, Colora- They fell in love with the area cess a portion of their home’s”
ling the world. do. while on vacation and decided equity to use as tax-free in- cheryl.l.williams@banko-
After graduating from the A once in a lifetime oppor- this is where they wanted to come. The senior must be 62
University of Kansas with a tunity became available when make their home. It was while years of age or older, and the
Bachelor of Music Education/ Cheri’s husband Cheri was work- home must be their primary Cheri Williams is a mem-
Music Therapy degree, Cheri was transferred ing as a Property residence. It requires no in- ber of Lowcountry Senior
moved to Atlanta, Georgia, to Europe with and Casualty come or credit score qualifica- Network, a networking or-
where she worked in the At- his company. Insurance Agent tions. They can use the avail- ganization for senior service
lanta Public School System Cheri and her that she learned able funds for anything they providers in the Lowcountry
for 2 years as a Music Thera- husband lived about the Re- choose, such as paying for dedicated to bringing area
pist/Teacher, working with in Germany for verse Mortgage health care, home repairs, an services and resources to-
emotionally disturbed teens 2 years and then program from unexpected expense, or to sup- gether to better serve the com-
and the special education pro- were transferred a former col- plement their monthly income munity. For more information
gram. The Rocky Mountains to Brussels, league. She re- while staying in the comfort about the Lowcountry Senior
of Colorado beckoned and Belgium, where alized that it was of their home. The loan does Network visit www.lowcoun-
so she moved to Colorado they lived for an opportunity not have to be paid back un-
Springs, where she met and 11 years. It was to truly make
Cheri Williams
married her husband, John. during that time a difference in
They lived on 10 acres in the that Cheri’s daughter, Lauren, the lives of seniors. Cheri was
mountains, with a glorious was born. Living in Europe hired and trained to become a
view of Pikes Peak. While was filled with travel and the Reverse Mortgage Specialist
living in Colorado, Cheri opportunity to meet and make with one of the leading lenders
worked at a Residential Facil- friends with people from all in the field. A year ago, Cheri
ity for Developmentally Dis- around the world. During had the opportunity to join
abled Adults as a Counselor those years, Cheri was an ac- Bank of America as the Re-
and later as Coordinator of tive volunteer in her church verse Mortgage Loan Officer
Residential and Therapeutic where she taught Sunday for the Charleston Tri-County
Services. During that time School classes and served as area where she is currently • MAY 2009 • 21

mental floss
Join us on any of our exciting all inclusive *trips planned for this year.
All tours are on a luxury motor coach and led by friendly, professional
escorts. We specialize in excursions that provide travel experiences
that are entertaining, educational, and easy.

40 North Market St.

Charleston, SC 29401 Let Us Do The Driving! 843.722.TOUR
May 5, 2009 June 29 & 30, 2009 December 3, 2009

Join us as we tour the land of

Brookgreen Gardens is known as the Cherokee Nation and the his- Come travel with us slightly south Join us as we take a trip up the
the “floral jewel of South Carolina’s torical Biltmore Estate in the beau- to Savannah, where you’ll experi- coast to the Carolina Opry House
coastal community”. We will visit the tiful mountainous area of North ence southern charm at its finest. for their popular annual Christmas
world famous sculptor gardens as Carolina. The first day will be spent Filled with hospitality, Savannah has show in exciting Myrtle Beach. This
well as the National Historical Land- touring Cherokee Nation along with been called the “Hostess City of the fantastic Christmas show highlights
mark’s formal gardens. The highlight the award winning outdoor drama, South.” Excursion includes carriage the wonderful aspects of the Christ-
of our visit will be the pontoon boat “Unto These Hills”. The next day will tour of historical district, shopping mas season and is the most attended
creek tour where you’ll view rice be spent visiting the historical 8,000 time on River Street, and perfor- holiday tradition in the South. Excur-
fields, alligators, waterfowl, and os- acre Biltmore Estate. Our tour in- mance of “Hooray for Hollywood” at sion includes all you can eat seafood
preys. Lunch included. cludes a tour of the garden, stables, The Savannah Theater. buffet dinner.
and winery.
$75 per $249 per $98 per $95 per
person person person person

Cancellation Policy: In order to receive a full refund, cancellations and /or changes must be made 30 days prior to departure date of trip. Expenses incurred by Bulldog Excursions for prepaid items will be deducted from customers refund. Bulldog Excursions reserves the right to cancel any tour for conditions beyond our
control, including insufficient participation. Bulldog Excursions also reserves the right to change or modify the itinerary as may be necessary for completion of a tour or for the safety of our passengers. Should Bulldog Excursions cancel any tour, a full refund will be made to the customer. CUSTOMER NEEDS: Notify us if you
have any special travel needs, disabilities or meal requests so that we can properly accommodate you. If you have a disability that limits you independence you must be accompanied by a traveling companion to assist you. RESERVATIONS: Please make your resevations as soon as possible. We must confirm reservations
at our destinations at least 30 days in advance. If we don’t have the necessary number of reservations 30 day prior to departure date we may have to cancel the tour. *rates do not include personal snacks or meals where specified in tour descriptions.

22 • MAY 2009 •

Photos by Joan Perry •

Parting Shots is a new feature in the Lowcountry Sun.

Show us where you’ve been, what you have been
doing, what you’ve been celebrating, etc! vo lu nt eers Glenna d
Senior C en te r Simon enjoye
If you would like to submit a picture for the
Lowcountry re en R ya n & Catherine
June issue, please send high resolution images to
Lisa Keenan, recognition events. lu nt ee r Week

Dora Long and Al Dawson relax in the courtyard

at the Charleston Marriott Hotel during Volunteer
Week festivities on 4/18.

Pet Helpers Eight Annual Oyster Roast and Silent

Auction. The roast, hosted by Rosebank Farms
Café, Fatboy’s Lowcountry Cooking and Bowens
Island Restaurant, raised more than $32,000 which
exceeded last years total of $13,000. Carol Ha
the Start! man, Norma Gebo
W ,
Francis H alk at Work day w Jeannette Turner a
alk at Bo
ospital. n Secours t


The Village of Summerville’s Fun Committee Easter egg decorating contest. Staff members in
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Royall Ace Hardware

Ava’s Night” sponsored by the Foundation Building Strength Bonnie Bell and Dia
opening cere nne All
Sweetgrass Ace Hardware for Nemaline Myopathy, held on March 22nd 2009 at Mc- monies for th en cut the ribbon at the
Crady’s Restaurant. Tony Bakker, Jennifer Smith, Andre’ ti on G arden on 4/20. e Roper Hos
4[7SLHZHU[‹‹6WLU4VU:H[ pital Reflec-
Guillet, Linda Bakker, Tim Smith • MAY 2009 • 23

Let your home work for you!
Reverse Mortgages: Quality of Life, Peace of Mind and Financial Independence
Jerry A. Garner
Many senior homeowners are choosing Reverse Mortgages as Sales Manager
a way to access the equity in their homes and generate tax- Reverse Mortgage Specialist
free1 proceeds that allow them to enjoy a more comfortable Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
retirement, while maintaining ownership of their home.2 2470 Mall Drive
N. Charleston, SC 29406
843.202.3383 Tel
What is a reverse mortgage? 843.670.4332 Cell
A Reverse Mortgage enables senior homeowners – age 62 and
843.529.0848 Fax
older – to convert a portion of their equity into additional 800.677.0566 Toll Free
income that can be received in monthly payments, a line of
credit or a lump sum. Senior homeowners can receive payments
instead of making them.

How can the proceeds be used?

The funds received from a Reverse Mortgage can be used
to supplement monthly retirement income, for remodeling
expenses, for travel, to pay healthcare expenses or insurance –
whatever the senior homeowner chooses! These funds allow
senior homeowners a more comfortable lifestyle to fulfill their
needs and desires.

Who is eligible?
There are no income, employment or credit qualifying require-
ments when applying for a Reverse Mortgage.3 To qualify, hom-
eowners must be at least 62 years of age, the home must be the
primary residence and it must be owned free and clear or the debt
must be paid off with Reverse Mortgage proceeds and they must
complete an educational session with a HUD-approved counselor.3

How much can someone borrow?

The maximum loan amount is based on the homeowner’s age,
the appraised value of the home, the current interest rate and
the maximum lending amount for the area – determined by
the government. Please ask your reverse mortgage consultant
about the limited events that trigger payment. With a Reverse
Mortgage you will never owe more than the value of your home.

With the benefits of a Reverse Mortgage, seniors can live independently and comfortably in their
own home by accessing the wealth they have accumulated in their home.

“For a complimentary consultation on the phone or in your home, please call Jerry Garner today!”
1. Consult a tax advisor. 2. Provided all other program requirements have been met. 3. Reverse Mortgage borrowers are required to obtain an eligibility certificate by receiving counseling sessions with a HUD-approved agency. Family members are also strongly encouraged to participate in these informative sessions.
Must be at least 62 years old. Call for more detailed program information. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2007 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Equal Housing Lender. #61982 11/08-2/09

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