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English Lesson Plan Class Enrolment Time Theme Topic Main Skill : Year 3 : 35 pupils : 8.30am-9.

30am (1 hour) : World of knowledge : My Home : Reading

Integrated skills: Writing Proficiency level: Intermediate Curriculum Specifications: Learning Outcomes 3.2 Acquire key words at various stages of development. 4.4 Construct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. Specifications Level 1 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. Level 1 4.4.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.

Learning outcomes/objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: i. ii. match the situation created to the right word. arrange the words to form the simple sentences correctly and match it to the correct picture.

Previous knowledge: Students might have seen a few different types of houses before. Language focus: Vocabulary bedroom, washroom, kitchen, living room, garage, dining room Teaching aids: LCD, laptop, pictures of types of houses, pictures of parts of a house, model house, dice, work sheets. Moral value(s): Appreciate every parts of a house and keep them clean and tidy. Educational emphasis: Thinking skills problem solving, matching

Stage/time Stage 1 Set induction (3 minutes)

Content Pictures of a few different types of houses Appendix A

Stage 2 Pre-reading (17 minutes)

Teaching/learning activities Teacher shows pictures of different types of houses in Malaysia. Eg: Longhouse, Terrace house, Malay house, etc. As the pictures showing, teacher asks students whether they have seen those houses. Teacher tells students if they do not know any of the houses. Then the teacher shares the learning focus with students. Eg: Today, we are going to look at parts that make a house. House model Teacher shows a small house model to the whole class. He/she puts it on the lap while sitting on the chair. On the other hand, students are asked to sit close to the teacher and look at the house model. Vocabulary: While students are - bedroom looking at the model - kitchen house, the teacher goes - bathroom through (including its - living room explanation) each word - garage (of parts of a house) with - dining students. room The next activity for pre- toilet reading is a shared reading activity. For this particular Appendix B activity, the teacher reads Chobbys House aloud the text while students become active listeners. Appendix B The teacher reads the

Remarks/rationale *To stimulate pupils interest.

*Aims to ensure all students get to see the house model clearly.

*Aims to prepare and teach students words they are going to learn in the following activities. *Shared reading is one approach can be used to teach in context.

Stage 3 While-reading (25 minutes)

Group work

Appendix C Short text

Appendix D Where should Billy go?

story with intonations to make it more interesting. Pupils will be divided into 6 groups. Teacher will determine who will be in each group it is based on students level of proficiency. The teacher places one short text (written in an enlarged text) about parts of a house in 6 stations inside the classroom. Each group is required to go to each station and spend approximately 2 minutes in each station to read the text given together with their group members. After 2 minutes, the teacher will ring a bell and pupils need to go to the next station. Students are encouraged to make full use of the 2 minutes time to read the text. The teacher walks around in order to assist students should they encounter any problem especially with the meaning of words in the text. After they finish with all stations, the teacher will give each group a packet (Appendix D). Each packet contains 6 pictures and six situations. The students need to match these two items based on their understanding on the text they have read at every station. When they have

*So that students with higher proficiency level could help students with lower proficiency level.

*Time is given to avoid pupils from playing around and wasting their time.

*Students will be tested on their understanding of each key words they will need to think in order to solve this problem. Their thinking is based

Stage 4 Post-reading (10 minutes)

For more details, refer to Appendix E Arrange Me Correctly.

completed the task, students are asked to present their answers to the class. Teacher observes and checks the answers. Students will do the Arrange Me Correctly activity. Students are doing this activity in pair. For this activity, students need to rearrange simple sentences that have been jumbled up. After they get to rearrange the sentence correctly, students need to match the correct picture to the correct sentences. *Teacher goes through the instructions with students before they begin the activity.

on what they have learnt in the previous activities.

*Students will learn the integrated skill here, which is writing.

Stage 5 Closure (5 minutes)

Teacher concludes the lesson by asking pupils on what have they learned from the lesson. Teacher gives feedback on what pupils have done great and what can be improved in the next lesson.

*Enables pupils to know what are their strengths and what they can improve on their reflection.

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