Ethics Ah Sung

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Should the women have known of the problems when they agreed to work at Hooters? What bearing should such knowledge have on their right to allege harassment? Women should known the problems when they agreed to work at the Hooters like the women must know they might be getting the sexual harassment from the male customers. Because their wears look like so sexy, normally this situation will attract the male customers have some bad thinking like want give them sexual harassment. When the women agreed to work at Hooters that mean they will allow the sexual harassment happen on themselves because this is the Hooters basic condition for attract the customers come to their shop. The tight shirts and very short shorts are the strategy that Hooters use for maintain their business. If they cancel this types of strategy, they might be lose some customers on theirs business. The women who works at the Hooters should know some knowledge on their right to allege harassment such as they must think rational about what they can do and what they cannot do. They must know the males will have the respond when they see the sexy girls.

Women should reject the sexual harassment happen to them. When the women get the sexual harassment, they should take correct action to protect them. Besides that, they can complaint to manager about to change the rules about must wear tight shirts and very short shorts when working. Lastly, the women can resign if this situation is continues in environment of the job because women still have a lot of choice to have the good jobs.


What ethical obligations does an employer such as Hooters owe its employees in the creation of its atmosphere? The important thing that the owner need to do is Hooters need changes the manager become female. This is very important because if all the managers of Hooters are male, the employees will difficult communicate with the managers. Sometimes the employees have problems of their jobs or personals thing they cannot get the help from the managers because they dont know how to tell the male managers. Beside that, the owner also can through the anti-harassment policies to reduce this problem. Policies will tell the employees not to be tolerated and set the way to solve the harassment. Although the policies is cannot totally solve the sexual harassment problem but at least the female employees can get the consolation when they work at Hooters. Training also can let the employees to prevent the sexual harassment happen. The training can include the ways how they can avoid the sexual harassment from the customers and if they get the sexual harassment, they can tell their friends or dont go serve the customers again. The owner should announce and explain to every manager and supervisor about the policies because they need to know this all. The employer should maintain a way for employees to report harassment to more than one person. This ensures that immediate supervisors cannot use their power to silence alleged victims. If a direct employer is making the advances, victims are encouraged to call the police and find a lawyer. Lastly, the most important is the owner must give the fully support for the male employees so they can do the jobs in good and relieved situation.


What role should managers play in minimizing customer harassment? Managers can minimize customer harassment in their business. First, the managers can get the power from the top management to make all decision without permission so managers can reduce the harassment. Besides that, the managers can make policies for Hooters and the policies are about the prevent sexual harassment. This policies make by managers can let the female workers can get the consolation when they work at Hooters. Managers also can give the training for the female worker so they can reduce the case harassment happened on them. The training can let the female worker become more professional so although they get the harassment from customer but they still can stabilization and finish their services. The managers need to provide the policy and rules to the staff so they can know what right they have in the workplace. Apart from this, the managers also can change the workplaces situation. Example: managers can create a good atmosphere at workplace, improve the brightness at the workplace, and create a good environment at the workplace. From the first point, managers can play some romantic music when they run their business so the customers will feel this place is a romantic place and bring their girl friend or wife come to use dinner. Second point is managers can increase the brightness so the customers might be no brave to harassment the female employees. Last point is about the good environment, that mean is managers can arrange the table so the distance between tables is no near. Because of big space for the employees move so they would not easy touched by the customers. Finally the managers is an important role for minimize customer harassment to the female employees.


Would you work for and or patronize Hooters? I would not work for Hooters because that has a lot of reasons. First reason is I cannot accept the sexual harassment happened on me. The sexual harassment is cannot accept for every women because that kind actions are no respect the women. If sexual harassment happened on the women, the women look like a doll let the other people play and the person who get the sexual harassment cannot make any complain about that. Because I cannot make any complain and cannot accept this kind problem so I would not work for Hooters. Second point of me not work for Hooters is about the basic condition. I cannot accept that condition because the wear style is no good for the women. If my wear like so sexy, then me also same with the prostitute but I will no give the service. Apart from this, if I wear the tight shirts and very short shorts, my family members will scold me every day. Because of my family always scold, that will let our affection become estrangement. In order to let the relationship between familys members to become more close so I will choose not work for the Hooters. Lastly, I will not work for the Hooters although they provide high salary and welfare for me because if I work for the Hooters, I just can get the money and at the same time I will lose every thing.


In your own words, what is the meaning of sexual harassment? The meaning of sexual harassment is bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. Harassment can include sexual harassment or unwelcome sexual, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual natural. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individuals employment, or submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. The sexual harassment can be divided into two types which are verbal and non-verbal. Verbal harassment is in oral form and includes uncomfortable and offensive teasing, joking, questioning, jesting or making suggestive remarks or sounds, or verbal repartee. Non-verbal harassment is a leer with indecent overtone, sexual activity or desire denoted by hand signal, lips licking or food eating and persistent flirting. The example of the verbal sexual harassment has referring to an adult as a girl, hunk, doll, babe, or honey, whistling at someone, making sexual comments or innuendos, turning work discussions to sexual topics, telling sexual jokes or stories, ask personal questions about social or sexual life and others. The example of the non-verbal sexual harassment have looking a person up and down (elevator eyes), staring at someone, blocking a persons path, following the person, giving personal gifs, making facial expressions such as winking, throwing kisses, or licking lips and others.

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