Assignment - 3: Continuity (Contd.), Differentiation

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Assignment - 3 : Continuity (contd.

), Dierentiation
1. (66/114) Suppose f is an even function of x. Does knowing that limx2 f (x) = 7 tell you anything about limx2+ f (x)? Give reasons. Ans: No. 2. Let f (x) = sin x (1 x) cos x. f (0) = 1 and f (1) = sin 1 > 0. By the intermediate value property, there exists x0 (0, 1) such that f (x0 ) = 0. 3. Prove that the equation (1 x) cos x = sin x has at least one solution in (0, 1). Ans: Let f (x) = sin x (1 x) cos x. f (0) = 1 and f (1) = sin 1 > 0. By the intermediate value property, there exists x0 (0, 1) such that f (x0 ) = 0. 4. Let p(x) be the polynomial p(x) = an xn + an1 xn1 + + a1 x + a0 , an = 0. Prove that (a) if n is odd, then p(x) has at least one real root. (b) if an and a0 have opposite signs, then p(x) has at least one positive root, and in addition, if n is even, n = 0, then p(x) has a negative root as well. Ans: Let n be odd. p(x) = xn (an +
an1 x a1 + . . . xn 1 + a0 ). xn

If an > 0, then p(x) as x and p(x) as x . Thus by the intermediate value property, there exists x0 such that p(x0 ) = 0. Similar argument for an < 0. If an > 0 and a0 < 0, then p(x) as x and p(0) = a0 < 0. Therefore there exists c (0, ) such that p(c) = 0. If an < 0 and a0 > 0 then p(x) as x and p(0) = a0 > 0. Therefore there exists c (0, ) such that p(c) = 0. If n is even and n = 0, then consider the behaviour of p(x) as x as well. 5. Does any function dierentiable on (, ) have y = [x], the greatest integer function, as its derivative? Give reasons for your answer. Ans: Derivatives satisfy intermediate value property, so the greatest integer function is not derivative of any function. 6. Suppose f is continuous on [a, b], dierentiable on (a, b), and satises f 2 (a) f 2 (b) = a2 b2 . The show that the equation f (x)f (x) = x has at least one root in (a, b). Ans: Let h(x) = f (x)2 x2 . Use Rolles Theorem. Supplementary problems

1. (19/145) Antipodal Points Is there a reason to believe that there is always a pair of antipodal (diametrically opposite) points on Earths equator where the temperatures are same? Explain. Ans: Understanding is that on equator, the temperature dierences happen because on dierent points the time of the day is dierent. Also that temperature is given by a continuous function. Further, assume that temperature at night is less than the temperature at day. Problem is solved if we bear in mind that antipodal points will correspond to a 12 hour dierence. Fix a time. If a point is marked where it is noon(12th hour) which corresponds to point t0 on the circle, then at antipodal point given by t0 + it is midnight. So if T (t) is the temperature function, then T (t0 ) T (t0 + ) > 0. Also there will be another point corresponding to s, where it is close to midnight but then at the point s + it is close to midday and therefore T (s) T (s + ) < 0. By IVP for continuous functions, it follows that there must be some point on the equator given by say t1 such that T (t1 ) = T (t1 + ). 2. (27/140) Objects dropped from a tower An object is dropped from the top of a 100m high tower. Its height above ground after t sec is 100 4.9t2 m. How fast is it falling 2 sec after it is dropped ? Ans: Easy. 3. (28/140)Speed of a rocket At t sec after lifto, the height of a rocket is 3t2 ft. How fast is the rocket climbing 10 sec after lifto ? Ans: Easy. 4. (9/180) Free fall on Mars and Jupiter The equations for free fall at the surfaces of Mars and Jupiter (s in meters, t in seconds) are s = 1.86t2 on Mars and s = 11.44t2 on Jupiter. How long does it take a rock falling from rest to reach a velocity of 27.8 m/sec on each planet? Ans: Easy. 5. (12/180) Speeding bullet A 45-caliber bullet red straight up from the surface of the moon would reach a height of s = 832t 2.6t2 feet after t seconds. On Earth, in absence of air, its height would be s = 832t 16t2 feet after t seconds. How long will the bullet be aloft in each case? How high will the bullet go? Ans: Easy. 6. (17/181)Launching a rocket When a model rocket is launched, the propellant burns for a few seconds, accelerating the rocket upward. After burnout, the rocket coasts upward for a while and then begins to fall. A small explosive charge pops out a parachute shortly after the rocket starts down. The parachute lows the rocket to keep it from breaking when it lands. The gure here shows velocity data from the ight of the model rocket. Using the data answer the following: (a.) How fast was the rocket climbing when the engine stopped? (b.) For how many seconds did the engine burn? (c.) When did the rocket reached its highest point?

What was its velocity then? (d.) When did the parachute pop out? How fast was the rocket falling then? (e.) How long did the rocket fall before the parachute opened? (f.) When was the rockets acceleration greatest? (g.) When was the acceleration constant? What was its value then (to the nearest integer)? Ans:( Note: Answers could vary if the graph is not very clear in the booklet.) (a)190 ft/sec (b) 2sec (c) at 8 sec, zero ft/sec (d) 10.98 sec, 90 ft/sec (e) from time t=8 to time t=10.8 sec (f) at t=2 sec, (derivative is increasing from t=0 to t=2). (g) constant from t=2 to t=10.8, accel= slope of the line in the graph which joins point (2, 190) and (10.8, 90) so about 31f t/sec.

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