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News That Is As Fresh As Our Produce June 14th 2013



Peruvian sizing is running small, as a result, larger sizes are tight.


Markets are steady.

Markets are higher due to the recent tropical storm.

Super Select markets are strong.

Recent rain has impacted Squash quality and markets have rmed up.

Brix Avg

Peruvian sizing is running small and as a result, larger sizes are tight. Markets are steady. California and Washington are winding down and production may be volatile. White Asparagus supplies are extremely tight.

Weather is less of an issue affecting volumes from California and Mexico. Quality and supplies are good and demand has slowed.

Markets are steady with moderate demand from the Salinas/ Watsonville growing areas. Fruit size is running medium to large with occasional white shoulder and green tip noted. Quality is good.

avocado hass
Mexican demand is exceeding supply. Supplies from California are running small and volume is increasing. Demand is strong and quality is good. Markets are easing on premium sizes.

bean, green
Markets are higher as the recent tropical storm has impacted Florida and Georgia areas. Supplies are limited and quality is fair.

broccoli & cauliflower

Broccoli markets are starting to soften. Cauliower supplies are light and markets are expected to remain strong until next week.

Markets are strong as volume is limited from Mexico, quality is good. Production is limited from Guatemala.

Markets are a bit stronger from Santa Maria, and the Salinas area is expected to start soon. Quality is fair, with seeder and bolting still present but not prevalent.

Markets have eased as most volume is now from Georgia. Quality and volume are fair.

News That Is As Fresh As Our Produce June 14th 2013

Markets are up slightly and quality is good with larger sizes tight. Expect this throughout the summer.

melonhoneydew & cantaloupe

Cantaloupe and Honeydew markets are stable as the desert area is in full swing. Good sizing and supplies for both.

Reality Check


Markets are expected to remain stable over the next few weeks. Overall quality is good on all sizes, with larger sized supplies improving.

Asparagus Beans Broccoli Cabbage Cauliower Celery Cucumbers LettuceIceberg LettuceLeaf LettuceRomaine LettuceSpring Mix OnionsRed Onions<ellow PeppersGreen PeppersRed PotatoesRusset Squash<ellow SquashZucchini TomatoCherry TomatoGrape
Tomato Mature Green Tomato Roma Tomato V/Ripe

Texas is winding down. New Mexico and California are in full swing and markets are steady. Good quality is being reported and expect sizing to improve.

<ou may nd pockets of Navel supplies out there, but the season has basically wrapped up. Valencia Oranges are stable with good availability on all sizes and grades.

green peppers & squash

Florida Green Pepper markets are strong and holding. Fields are transitioning from Northern Florida to Georgia and sizes are trending large (crown picks). Recent rain has impacted Squash quality and markets have rmed up. This is expected to ease as new areas start production.

cucumber & eggplants

Cucumber markets are stable. Supplies are good from north Florida and Georgia with mostly Select shipping and scarring noted; Super Select markets are strong. This time of year, it is important to keep your inventories tight. North Florida/Georgia Eggplant markets are stable.

red & yellow peppers

Red Peppers are rm and <ellow Pepper markets have eased. Overall quality is fair to good.

Avocado Berry- Blackberry Berry- Blueberry Berry- Raspberry Berry- Strawberry Grape- Red Grape- Green Kiwifruit Lemons Limes MelonCantaloupe MelonHoneydew MelonWatermelon Oranges Pineapple

Volume is increasing from Coachella, and the Chilean deal has wrapped up. Mexican Perlettes are nished and we are now into and Sugar Ones; new crop Globe Grapes will be starting soon. Red Grape markets are stable as Mexico volume is strong.

Russet Potato demand is strong in ,daho with Norkotas nished and Burbanks shipping until August. A gradual increase is expected until the new crop ships. Florida Red, <ellow and White Potato volume is decreasing and supplies are spotty as we transition into the Carolinas.

Iceberg markets are strong as elds pull from Salinas; quality continues to improve and volumes are stable. Romaine markets have moved up with supplies plenty; limited quality issues noted as a result of previous weather. Green Leaf Lettuce markets are up slightly, and Red Leaf markets are at.

Round markets are off as we transinsition from the northern Florida growowing areas and into Georgia and the Carolinas. The Round market t is slightly weaker; Romas are stable; e; and Grape/Cherries are stronger r due to rain.

Melon y r a n a C Juan
Perfect P f tF For Sli Slicing! i !

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Executive Chef, General Manager, Kitchen Manager, Purchasing Manager, F&B Manager

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