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Earthquake-related 3. Have you ever experienced and earthquake? A. yes B. no 4.

To what extent to you feel that you are adequately prepared for an earthquake? A. very much B. somewhat C. not at all 5. Do you know how where to locate and how to turn off your utilities? 9A. Gas ___yes ___no 9B. Water ___yes ___no 9C. Electric ___yes ___no 6. Is you water heater secured to the wall? A. yes B. no C. dont know 7. Do you have an emergency kit that includes: A. 72 hour water supply? ___yes ___no B. 72 hour food supply? ___yes ___no C. First Aid/Safety Kit? ___yes ___no 8. In the event of an emergency does your family: A. Have an evacuation plan? ___yes ___no B. Have an out-of-state emergency contact? ___yes ___no C. a family meeting place? ___yes ___no 9. Have you ever received information on earthquake preparedness? A. yes B. no

10. Does your employer or business have an earthquake preparedness plan? A. yes B. no Have you ever personally experienced an earthquake? How many times have you experienced an earthquake? Would you say: O n c e ,..................................... 1 2-4 times, or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*........ 2 5 or more times'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Which of the following best describes'your own feelings about the possibility of experiencing a damaging earthquake, that is onestrong enough to destroy buildings and cost lives - in the nearfuture? Would you say you are: Very frightened ........................... 1 Somewhat frightened ....................... 2 Not very frightened , or ................... 3 Not at all frightened? .... If you were certain that a damaging earthquake was going to occurat a specific time in a place where you live or work would you: Try to be where the earthquake would occur ,.........,.................... 1 Try to get as far away as possible,......, 2 Try to find a safe place near the earthquake, or............................ 3 Go on as usual and be wherever you are at the time?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 What did you do as soon as the earthquake stopped? TURNED ON THE RADIO.................. 1 WENT OUTSIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*.....* 2 STAYED AND COMFORTED CHILDREN/FAMILY. 3 INSPECTED HOME FOR DAMAGE............ 4 CONTACTED OTHERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

WHO: REMAINED IN SAME ROOM................ 6 OTHER................................ 1 SPECIFY: Do they know what to do during an earthquake to be safe? What could you do now to be better prepared? How would you evaluate the Universitys website in regards to delivering Earthquake-related information? Good Not good Neither Did our annual emergency drills help you feel more prepared on the day of the actual Earthquake? Yes No Neither I have not participated in an emergency drill prior to the Earthquake An earthquake is a complex set of ground motions caused by sudden dislocation of rock along a break in the earth's crust. Such a break along which rock has moved is called a fault. In a single earthquake, the area of rock that moves is generally small, and the amount of fault dislocation may be only on the order of inches, yet a large amount of energy can be released due to the great pressures involved at depth. The energy released at the fault produces a variety of seismic waves that travel out in all directions through the surrounding rock. Some of the seismic waves travel up to the ground surface and travel outward across the countryside. By analyzing the seismic records from each earthquake, seismologists can estimate the depth at which the fault break occurred. The depth at which an earthquake originates is listed as part of the permanent earthquake record. For Maine, earthquakes originate in the outer layer of the

earth called the crust, at depths of a few miles to several miles. Another indication of earthquake depth is that no field studies in Maine have found evidence that any faults have broken the ground surface during the past several thousand years, although geologists have been looking. In other words, the faults responsible for modern earthquakes occur underground and do not extend up to the ground surface. It is true that over the past three centuries there have been a few earthquakes in New England large enough to cause damage to certain types of structures, such as brick chimneys or plaster walls or windows. These sorts of surface effects, which may be the result of a strong earthquake, should not be confused with underground faults that generate earthquakes. BAGUIO EARTHQUAKE Students from the University of Baguio walk out of their respective classrooms after a strong earthquake rocked the city at 3:16 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 04, 2013. All classes were immediately suspended in the city. As of press time, yesterday afternoon there were no reported casualties as a result of the tremor. (Rizaldy Comanda) MANILA, Philippines A magnitude 4.5 earthquake shook Baguio City and La Union on Monday afternoon, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) reported. The earthquake, which was felt at 3:16 p.m., originated at 13 kilometers southeast of Baguio City.

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