Youth Beats Vol 2 Issue 1

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Delhi Syro-Malabar Youth Movement

[Department of Youth Apostolate, Diocese of Faridabad]

For the Church and Nation

ePaper Vol. 2 Issue. 1

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Newly Elected

Holy Father Pope

SYM expresses its heartfelt best wishes to our newly elected Holy Father -Pope Francis. We are pleased and filled with immense joy to have you, Papa Francis ! Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who has become the Catholic Church's 266th pope, is the choice of humility, who has by his own acts, put forward a model to be humble to others and be young at heart. Following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, on 13 March 2013 the papal conclave elected


Bergoglio, who chose the papal name Francis in honour of Saint Francis of Assisi. He is the first Jesuit pope, the first from Latin America. We also thank Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI for his tender heart of a pastor, the incisive mind of a scholar and the confidence of a soul united with his God in all he did. The resignation is but another sign of his great care for the Church after his eight years of selfless leadership as successor of St. Peter.



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The role of Youth in

Nation Building
Julia Joseph

"Youth is the joy, the little bird that has broken out of the eggs and is eagerly waiting to spread out its wings in the open sky of freedom and hope." he role of youth is of most importance in today's time. It has underplayed itself in the field of politics. It should become aspiring entrepreneur rather than mere workers. It can play a vital role in the elimination of terrorism. Young participation is important because youth are the country's power. Youth recognize problems and can solve them. Youth are strong forces in social movements. They educate children about their rights. They help other young people attain a higher level of Intellectual ability and to become qualified adults. Unfortunately no one is bothered to dream any vision. Martin Luther said, "I have a Dream" and the dream came largely true. If he had not thought of that dream he would have accomplished nothing in his life. Another problem is the youths indifferent attitude towards things, situations and politics. The new cool formula of "let the things be" is proving fatal to development at personal and social level. Lack of unity and spirit is a major setback. Its time the youth, the student, realize their power, their role,

their duties and their responsibility and stand up for their rights. Do Christian youth have a role to play in nation building? The answer is a resounding yes! At times, this may seem a daunting task as there are numerous issues to grapple with. This is especially so when the system seems like an overwhelming barrier, but these should then be broken down into achievable bite- size goals that can be strategically targeted. For example, looking at the institutions that make up society and targeting which of those that are the highest priority: Parliament? Corruption in the private sector? Building up national identity through enhanced religious conversations? There are multiple ways in which a young person can get involved in charting a direction for his and her own future. Young Christian leaders should see it within their reach, and ability to impact society and make a tremendous difference in their countries, starting small with communities that are close to their hearts first, and based on kingdom values that can clearly be observed in the Bible. Age should be no barrier. The youth hopes for a world free of poverty, unemployment, inequality and exploitation of man by man and a world free of discrimination on the grounds of race, color, language and gender, a world full of creative challenges and opportunities to conquer them. Come, let us convert these hopes into reality.
Editor in Chief Editor


Delhi Syro-Malabar Youth Movement

Department of Youth Apostolate, Diocese of Faridabad

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Fr. Denny Kattayil

Associate Editors

Julia Joseph

Joseph K. Antony Alphy Sony Deepa Sebastian

Royalthotz, New Delhi 9971072326

8A/13, WEA, Karolbagh, New Delhi-110005 Ph: +91-9990326246, +91-11-25759162, 60 E-mail:, Visit Us:

Y b Message from Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara

My dear DSYM members, Young People,
I am well pleased to hear that DSYM, the Youth Apostolate of our Diocese is launching an ePaper in tune with the instructions of the Second Vatican Council. On this auspicious occasion I appreciate and thank all the youth involved in this laudable initiative. The Second Vatican Council in its Decree on COMMUNIO ET PROGRESSIO states: The Church sees the media as "Gift of God", which, in accordance with His providential design, unite men in brotherhood and so help them to cooperate with His plan for their salvation. The channels of social communication, even though they are addressed to individuals, reach and affect the whole of society. They inform a vast public about what goes on in the world and about contemporary attitudes and they do it swiftly. That is why they are indispensable to the smooth functioning of modern society with its complex and ever changing needs. This exactly coincides with the Christian conception of how men should live together. These technical advances have a high purpose of bringing men into closer contact with one another. By passing on knowledge of their common fears and hopes they help men to resolve them. A Christian estimate of the contribution that the media make to the well-being of mankind is rooted in this fundamental principle. It is truly fitting to begin an ePaper in this era of Communication revolution. This new venture will help the society to know the great things done by the youth of our Diocese. Through an ePaper, the communication will be very fast and it will reach the ends of the earth. May YOUTH BEATS be a light to the whole world and a witness to the entire humanity. May this fill the society with positive attitudes and values. And may the charitable activities of DSYM be proclaimed to the whole people.

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Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara

Bishop of Faridabad

ur very dear Fr. Vakkachan Kumpail, after 5 years of commendable service for the youth, stepped down from the post of Director of DSYM. He has been appointed as the Spiritual Director of the International Pilgrimage centre, at Malayatoor. It was his sincere dedication and perseverance that made DSYM reach the heights it now holds. He was the guiding light of the youth, who easily mixed among them and became one among them. Fr. Vakkachan, or simply Fr. Vaku (as he was popularly known) was a source of inspiration to most of us at all times, no matter what the situation was. We thank him for all the wonders he has done for us and through us, and wish him all the best for his future life. A farewell get-together was organized for him on 16th of September at St. Alphonsa Bhawan by the Executive committee members.

Farewell to Fr. Vakkachan Kumpail

Bid Adieu to our dearest

(Former Director - DSYM, Department of youth Apostolate, Diocese of Faridabad)

Rev. Fr.Vakkachan Kumpail

bphlrZbfn Fspw X\natbmsS...RfpsS h\... Hcp bm{XmsamgnbpsS kvt\lkvacWbvmbv We really salute and honour you
DSYM - Central Executive Committee



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Message from National Youth Director, Icym

Fr. Philip Franky DSouza (Fr. Franklin)
National Youth Director, ICYM

Transformed by faith-transforming the world Dear young friends, greet you from ICYM National office New Delhi. Wishing you Happy Easter. I would like to share some reflections on faith & youth life. God says, If you will not take your stand on me, you will not stand firm Isaiah 7:9, in other words if you do not stand firm in faith you will not stand at all. We are a faith based young people. We boldly and convincingly profess and live our faith in Lord Jesus. He is our Lord and Savior as well as our role model. We also witness Gospel values which are taught by Jesus himself: Love, Peace and Service. This inspires us to love and to serve one another without any discrimination. St. Paul writes to Romans Faith comes from hearing; that means hearing the word of Christ.10:17. Hence faith in Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest gift from God the Father for all of us. God invites especially young people to Live in Faith also to witness that faith in their day today lives. We read in Hebrew 11 the exemplary faith of our ancestors. It says Only faith can guarantee the blessings that we hope for, or prove the existence of realities that are unseen. It is for their faith our ancestors are acknowledged. (11:1- 2)

Having faith in Jesus means building our lives on Truth. Its very much needed in the world where abortion, homosexuality, lesbianism, euthanasia, terrorism, communalism, fundamentalism, hatred, racism, materialism and caste system is dominating. Being youth you too are also tempted to build your lives on lies. It will not last long. You will suffer very badly and the end will be disastrous. Bible teaches us to be truthful. All you need to say is yes if you mean yes, No if you mean no; anything more than this comes from the Evil One Mat 5:37. This means you mean what you speak; you do what you are convinced of. Then only its possible for you to become saints of the Third Millennium. Every Easter is a special grace of God which brings joy and healing, and gives hope for your youth life. It also imparts knowledge. Jesus teaches us to take a firm stand in our lives. Its possible only if you have firm faith in Jesus. His Words inspire our lives. As Youth of Faridabad Diocese, make a decision that you will build your youth life upon the Word of God. When you start reading the word your world will definitely change/transform. It will bring transformation among you; in turn you will transform the Society with positive frame of mind. Pray for the success of IX National Youth Convention which will be held in the Northern Region HAPPY EASTER 2013, May Risen lord bless you all.

Message from George Kallivayalil

George Kallivayalil
Asoociate Editor and Chief of Bureau Deepika daily

Dear DSYM leaders, am very happy to learn that DSYM is bringing out a new ePaper, Youth Beats. DSYM has always been a torch-bearer of so many innovative projects. I am personally impressed with your service projects like giving blankets to the poor and needy during winter. Continue this good work. I wish you all the best for this ePaper. May God bless you.


young people, because you are strong, and the Word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one.1Jn. 2:14

we can, with CHRIST


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n 26th August 2012 India Gate was witness to the colorful festival of Onam. The program was conducted from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm. This was the 5th consecutive year that DSYM celebrated Onam in full splendor at India Gate. The event was inaugurated by His Grace Most Rev. Vincent M Concessao, the then Archbishop of Delhi Archdiocese, along with other prominent guests. The keynote address was delivered by Shri TKA Nair, Adviser to the PM of India. Dr. Cyriac Thomas, Member, Minority Commission for Educational Institutions, shared the Onam message. The other prominent guests who

ONAM at India Gate


blessed the function with their presence were Shri K Satish Nambudiripad, PS to MOS for CA, Food and PD; Shri George Kallivayalil (Bureau Chief, Deepika, New Delhi); V.Rev.Fr. Paul Madassery, Pro Vicar General, Diocese of Faridabad and Ms. Olima Minj, National President-ICYM. The event was a colorful one with the participation of various DSYM units with their cultural activities. Onapattu, Thiruvathirakali, pulikali, oppana, vanjipattu, and an onam skit with a message depicting the Onam spirit were presented. The program was highly appreciated by the audience.

World Food Day on 16th October

o commemorate the World Food Day, 16th October, DSYM planned to disseminate its message and essence through a simple initiative. The main aim of this initiative was to sensitize the youth on the critical issues of hunger and engage them in activities to support the underprivileged in the society through humble sacrifices. The idea was to skip a meal and to feed the needy or to collect the amount which will be the ones meal cost and set up a bhandara in parish areas.

DSYM Dwarka Unit distributing food to the poor


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For The Church & The Nation

I felt happy when I saw my friends sacrificing their time, money and energy for their neighbour.
Jose James
Then the righteous will answer him, Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? ( Mathew 25 : 35 to 39) Once I was silent OBSERVER with DSYM and later a silent FOLLOWER of DSYM and I felt happy when I saw my friends sacrificing their time, money and energy for their neighbour, I found myself ONE WITH DSYM. I am really proud of my friends who are doing a wonderful job which I was once a part of. May you people grow in Humanism and see your brother or sister in each and everybody you meet every day.
Social Worker - Ontario, Canada

n offer to rethink to reinvent HUMANISM is the greatest challenge that every youth is facing today. The Church, the largest organized human group rediscovers it through the committed and value based youth groups all over the world. DSYM propagates it through the value - based community interventions. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

Protest to condemn on the rape incident

n behalf of the Diocese of Faridabad, its Department of Youth Apostolate, DSYM condemned the brutal attack on women of our society and the Munirka incident during the protest staged at India Gate on 21st December 2012. Sr. Jessy Kurian (Advocate, Supreme Court and former member, National Minority Commission) said in a speach that the society that provides respect and dignity to women flourishes with nobility and prosperity. And a society that does not put women on such a high pedestal has to face miseries and failures regardless of how many noble deeds they perform otherwise. During the protest youth members urged the people to ensure the safety of the women and respect the freedom of women to live.


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Great Lent, Holy Week & Easter

Good Friday
Joseph K. Antony

Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday marks the start of Holy Week. It reminds Christians of the journey Jesus made into Jerusalem, on a donkey, to celebrate the Jewish festival of Passover (Pesaha). Jesus chose a donkey to show that he had come in peace. Many people welcomed Jesus by shouting, waving and throwing palm branches down in the path of the donkey. They hoped that Jesus was the Saviour whom the Bible had promised. Palm Sunday is both a happy and sad day.

On Good Friday Christians remember the day on which Jesus was crucified. It is known as Good Friday because Christians believe that Jesus gave up his life for the good of everyone. The Crucifixion is remembered in Jerusalem even today. Large crowds of Christians take the same path as Jesus in remembrance of the Way of the Cross. In some countries people act out the story of Jesus' last day while others watch and think about the events which happened long ago.

Easter Sunday
Easter is the greatest feast in the Christian calendar. On this Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Easter Sunday is a happy day for Christians because they believe that Jesus rose from the dead on this day. They believe that Jesus' resurrection or coming alive shows that death is not the end of everything. Many go to church to thank God for Jesus' life. Church bells are rung and churches are decorated with flowers. I hope that you imbibe the real meaning, significance and essence of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a wonderful time to reflect upon your spiritual bonding with the Almighty and also to give thanks to the Lord for the wonders he has worked in this world. May you have a wonderful year ahead, and may the Lord Almighty shower his abundant blessings on you.

Maundy Thursday
On the night before his death Jesus had a final meal with his disciples. Before this festival meal for Passover, Jesus surprised his disciples by washing their feet, a task that was normally done by a servant. He wanted to show his followers that they should love one another in humble ways. Later during the meal, which is known to Christians as 'The Last Supper', Jesus passed around bread and wine. He said the bread was his body broken for them and the wine his blood shed for them. He was telling them that he was going to die and that when they share bread and wine they should remember him.


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Emblem Design Competition

nordertodecideanappropriateEmblemorLogo for the Diocese of Faridabad, Archbishop Mar Kuriakose Bharanikulangara put forward a suggestion of hosting an Emblem Design Competition so that participation of the members of the Diocese of Faridabad could be ensured and that they get a feeling of responsibility and care towards their Diocese and thus DSYM was entrusted with the responsibility to conduct the competition. Fr. Denny Kattayil (Director- in-Charge -DSYM) was made the convener of the organizing committee assisted by Savi Wilson, Julia Joseph and Joseph K Antony. The response towards such an initiative was impeccable. We received a total of 77 entries from across different parishes of the Diocese. The contribution of Burari parish is commendable as the largest number of participation was recorded from their side. The winner of the Competition was Miss. Kavya Jose from St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Dilshad Garden. Archbishop Mar Kuriakose Bharanikulangara handed over the cash prize of Rs. 3001 to the winner on the occasion of the Syro Malabar Convention held in Dwarka. The cash prize was generously sponsored by Mr. Cyriac Chazhikaden, Former President of DSYM.

Kavya Jose -Winner St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Dilshad Garden

Welcome to New Director Fr. Denny Kattayil


Denny Kattayil, Assistant Director of DSYM was announced as the Director In charge of DSYM after Fr. Vakkachan Kumpails transfer. A warm hearted welcome was given to father by the central committee in the Executive Committee meeting and ensured him of their full support and co-operation. Being a very co-operative personality we are sure with his help well be able to achieve new heights and fulfill our duties with the same vigor.

Everyday at 10am / 10pm pray one Memorare- Prayer of St. Bernard with the intention for the Youth in the Diocese of Faridabad

Need of The Hour

he best time to make a pot is when the clay is wet, and the best time to make a true citizen is when he is in his youth. This is the where time where both the Holy See and the government is giving a top most interest in the development of

Freddy Mathew

resources for providing suitable opportunities for them to excel in different fields. But are they being used optimally? Are they fully made aware of the facilities that are provided for them? What we need now is not plans, but awareness to utilize the already existing resources. This can be done by different media of communication like advertisement and performances; only when you know the path can you take it so it should be the duty of all people who avail of these facilities that they spread the information on so that people make full use of it.


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Irene Maria
ur grandparents' era was a time where goddesses were worshiped to the core. They were considered holy and pure; fresh marigold garlands were made as ornaments for them. People used to fall on their feet, seeking blessings and forgiveness. Then comes our parents' time, where women were equally capable of doing anything and everything. Women were supported by educated and sensible men. But unfortunately, comes our time where two situations prevail. One is the continued of equality of women and the other is where women are made to fall on others' feet, where the latter is being more prevalent than the former. They are mostly considered worthless and unimportant. Women are made to go through unbearable pain both physically and mentally. The biggest example we have is the recent Delhi rape incident. Here comes our role as a Christian and as youth


of a dynamic nation. The bible clearly tell us that Jesus Christ, is considered to be pure, forgiving and beautifully loving. He always considered women more human than men. He never wanted to see tears in their eyes. During his painful journey to Calvary, he consoles the women, who are crying for him, and says that they shouldn't cry as he is dying for their children. The church teaches us that Mother Mary is our mother. She is the holy mother who bore our Saviour. She is pure and chaste. Make a difference, be a Christian and stand out in a crowd. Help our nation come out of social evils like female foeticide, domestic violence, prostitution, gender inequality, dowry system and be a patriotic human who gives the nation freedom from the bonds of these evils. While we are zealously performing the duties of a good citizen and soldier, we certainly are not supposed to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion, the church. To the distinguished character of a patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of a Christian. And be a savior to the nation as our Lord Jesus Christ is.

A day with the Children at Deepti Ashram - Bl. Kunjachan Parish, Geeta Colony

o share the joy of Christmas and New Year, the youth members of Bl. Kunjachan Parish, Geeta Colony, Laxmi Nagar went to spend a day at Deepti Ashram (Home for Children affected with HIV AIDS), Najafgarh on the 13th January, 2013. They began with the Holy mass celebrated by Fr. Santhosh & Fr. Lijo (MST). Thereafter they had a qualitative time with the kids, distributed gifts, had lunch with them and donated a small amount which they had collected through Carol Singing in their parish. They also distributed the Winter Kit collected from DSYM Centre.


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LORIA 2012 Mega Christmas Celebration of DSYM was conducted at Mater Dei School on 9th December 2012. The program started at 1pm with the English Carol Singing Competition followed by Malayalam Carol Singing Competition. The public meeting started at 4:30pm with Santa Claus presenting a cap and gift to the dignitaries followed by a welcome dance by the Sanjoepuram children, proceeding onto a welcome speech by Ms. Deepa Sebastian, Vice President, DSYM, Introductory remarks by Fr. Denny Kattayil, Director, DSYM and Presidential address by Mr. Shinu Joseph, President, DSYM. The Inaugural Address was delivered by Shri T.K.A Nair, Advisor to Prime Minister of India, Keynote address by Dr. Cyriac Thomas, Member, National Minorities Commission and Christmas message was given by Msgr. Dr. Sebastian Vadakumpadan, Vicar General, Diocese of Faridabad. The other guests


of honour were Shri George Kallivayalil, Chief of Bureau, Deepika New Delhi, Shri K.S. Jamestin, Director-Human Resources, ONGC. The meeting was interspersed with carol singing by Kristuraja Cathedral, Faridabad and Infant Jesus Syro Malabar Church, Palam and band performance by DSYM Music Ministry Ecclesia, cake cutting and releasing of the DSYM calendar and a beautiful musical skit by St. Ephrems Church, Vikaspuri. Fr. Denny Kattayil announced the winners of the carol singing competition. In the English section First prize was won by St. Judes Parish, Sahibabad, Second prize by Church of Our Lady of Fatima, Okhla and Third Prize by Kristuraja Cathedral, Faridabad. In Malayalam section First prize was won by Sacred Heart Church, Gurgaon Team B, Second Prize by Sacred Heart Church, Gurgaon Team A and the third prize by St. Thomas Syro Malabar Catholic Church, Janakpuri.

First Prize Winners Malayalam Section Gurgaon Sacred Heart Church

First Prize Winners English Section Sahidabad St. Jude Church

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Farewell to Rev. Fr. Jose Edaserry

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t was a joyful moment when DSYM got a chance to show a sign of love and respect to our former patron and a key person in the growth of the Syro Malabar Community in Delhi NCR, Fr. Jose Edaserry during his official farewell during the Syro Malabar Convention held at Dwarka in November 2012. Fr. Denny Kattayil (Director) along with Shinu Jospeh (President) presented him with a personalized photo Album, covering his life and experiences during his tenure in Delhi. It was indeed very beautifully knitted and designed by our ePaper designer Thomas Mampilly. We thank Fr. Edaserry for all the help, guidance and care that he bestowed over DSYM and wish him all the best for his future achievements and assignments.

Light To Man
Manju Philip
Into the darkness comes a great light Of peace, hope, love and life. But where was it before this time? Where had it hidden its rays in time? Was it seeking refuge in the poorest of poor? Or lurking away from the dandys door? Maybe it was buried beneath the sands of time. Waiting to make its appearance on time. Could it be that it was here, All along waiting for us to hear Its clarion call to all mankind, To live in peace and to be kind. We all do see the guiding light, But we put it out with hate and fight. So dont you think its time to see? And mend the ways we often overlook. Its never too late to spread the light Of peace, hope, love and life.


Rhea Jose

As we walk in pure obedience With confidence in you, Our faith begins to grow and flourish Bearing more abundant fruit! We need to be reminded, Lord, Of the small mustard seed And how the same amount of faith Moves mountains if we believe! Increase our faith so we may see What youre doing in our lives And all that well accomplish in you So our faith begins to rise! We must go beyond the limits Of our comfort zones, Our faith is activated at those times When we walk into the unknown! For its when the safety net is gone, We realize we need our Lord, When theres nothing left to fall back on, We must lean on God much more And faith is released in our hearts As we bend our knee to pray; We shall be strengthened as we walk And commit to Him each day!

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Release of Dsym e Paper Youth Beats

he ePaper Youth Beats, an initiative of DSYM to reach out to its youth in the Diocese of Faridabad, was released on 15th September 2012 by Honble CM of Delhi Smt. Sheila Dikshit at her official residence. The first copy was received by Fr. Mathew Moothasseril, Pro-Vicar General, Diocese of Faridabad. The ePaper is updated on the DSYM website, Facebook and Scribd Profile of DSYM (/dsymdelhi).

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Youth Beats released by Hon ble Chief Minister of Delhi Vaishali on 17th February 2013. Fr. Denny Kattayil offered Holy Mass for all the youth members of the parish. Fr. Shijo Konuparapmbil - Vicar & Director, DSYM unit, Mr.Elwin- President and Mr. Arun General Secretary welcomed the central members and introduced to the members. There was an interactive session by members of the unit. A new initiative of managing Catering Service by DSYM members were lauded by the Central team and assured all the possible support to them. DSYM Central Committee earnestly wishes to reach out to the youth at the unit levels. We solicit your co-operation for this and assure you of central representation in the activities you conduct if provided with prior information. You can contact: - Fr. Denny Kattayil, Director (09990326246), Mr. Shinu Joseph, President (09868637128), Ms. Julia Joseph, Acting General Secretary (09711812486).

Central Committees initiative to reach out to all DSYM units

s part of DSYM Central Committees initiative to reach out to all units and visit the youth members, Rev. Fr. Denny Kattayil-Director, DSYM and Mr.Shinu Joseph, President visited the DSYM unit of newly erected Blessed John Paul II Church,

Mile Stone in the Epoch of DSYM

ile Stone in the Epoch of DSYM: After many years of longing and many requests, DSYM has been given affiliation to Northern Region of Indian Catholic Youth Movement(DSYM). Official welcome by Bishop Franco Mulakkal(Chairman, Northern Region-ICYM & Auxiliary Bishop-Arch Diocese of Delhi). Now , we are also with other 4 Dioceses of region.

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Youth - Future of the Church

outh are the future of the Church you may have heard this being said by many people but I would like to say this that the youth are not just the future of the Church they are also the Present of the Church. Youth bring in their vitality, enthusiasm, creativity which the Church and also the Nation cannot do without. But can the youth live without the Church and Nation? Certainly not. A survey was conducted where youth were asked about the top 5 Goals or priorities in their lives. Many of the youth said they dont have a goal some said career, marriage, House, Family etc. Only a very few who said Spirituality is also an important priority in their life and emancipating up the marginalized of their society. I would like to suggest 3 Key principles for a healthy growth in the lives of our youth which will invariably build the Church and our Nation at large. 1. Purpose Driven Life : The reason God created us is to have a loving relationship with Him. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that we are created to Know Him, Love Him and Serve Him and this is taught to us right from our childhood in catechism classes. But sadly we have forgot and make the other things of our life more important. Please dont misunderstand me, Im not saying career & marriage or all the other things are not important, yes they are but should only flow from our relationship with Jesus. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Therefore the number one priority of our life is to have a personal relationship with Him who will guide us and lead us on our path. Proverbs 3: 5 6 says; Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. 2. Values-Driven-Life : Roy Disney, Walt Disney's Elder Brother once said It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.

Lenny Soares

Youth are faced with the most important choices and decisions which they need to make in their life all the time. The choices we make in our life are mainly based from our core values that we have inculcated, the values will also determine our destination. And hence Values play a vital role in the development of ones life which will eventually determine the countrys life at large. A person with Values will communicate what is important, embrace positive change, influence his overall behaviour, inspire people to action and contribute selflessly. 3. Service-Driven-Life : Jesus himself tells us in Mark 10:45 For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve . Our world would never survive if people did not help one another. Where would this world be without good Samaritans? What would have happened to the robbed, beaten, and half- dead man if the Good Samaritan hadn't stopped to help? Where would we be without the Mother Teresa's of the world, who help the dying, poor, sick and afflicted children. "It is more blessed to give than to receive" is not just an expression but the very words of Jesus. The giving way is the Christian way of life. As a disciple, you give your life to Him as a vehicle for His service. In His portrayal of the Last Judgment in Matthew 25, Jesus describes those who are the blessed of my Father as those who fed the hungry, gave drink to the thirsty, clothed the naked, ministered to the sick, and visited those in prison. The Christian life is the way of giving.
A poet said: Giving is living, the angel said, Go feed to the hungry sweet charitys bread. And must I keep giving and giving again? My selfish and querulous answer ran Oh, no, said the angel, her eyes piercing me through, Just give till the Master stops giving to you.

By applying these 3 principles of life the youth will not only have a healthy growth but also experience real meaning and significance in all they do and make a difference in the Church and our Nation at large.

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Suraksha- 2012 -Winter Kit Project

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ike the previous years, this year too, DSYM central committee arranged for the winter kits to be distributed to homeless on the streets of Delhi as a part of the project SURAKSHA 2012 partially funded by ONGC; support offered by Prof.K V Thomas (Honorable Minister of State for

Agriculture and Consumer Affairs) and also winter kits donated by Smt. Sheila Dikshit (Chief Minister, Government of Delhi). Around 30 DSYM units participated in winter kit distribution and we successfully managed to reach out to a large number of underprivileged in the society.

Changing Times, Shifting Roles

n contemporary times the dynamic youth changing a faster pace than the church is lagging being able to cope up with or struggling to acclimatize its new roles. The revolution in information communication technology (ICT) and the severe brain drain to professional education sectors caused huge reduction in the participation of youth in ecclesiastical activities. The sweep of professional education wave and the influence of ICT changed the orientation of the younger generation from a more social, political and moral towards self oriented, individualistic and economic person. What is important here? What is needed to be taken care of? It is imperative to inculcate the social, political, moral and spiritual values for the above mentioned problems. It is necessary to pro actively encourage students

Georgekutty M. V.

to learn social science and humanities subjects to revive the fading intellectual power of the community. The lack of encouragement to study social science subjects will cause longterm deterioration and the backwardness of the intellectual power of the community. The church has a huge role to play in reviving the damages caused by the professional boom which emptied the college and university benches. The trend is especially high among Christians, which can cause near future backlash to the achieved status. It is necessary to shift the roles of Church according to the changing circumstances to meet the emerging trends. The Christians became more and more money oriented rather than community oriented. This harmful signs are already causing fissures and gaps which need to be addressed through long term strategies rather than short sighted adventures. It is important to use the ICT positively to reach out to the youths, address their difficulties, and spread the word of God.

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Ephpha ha

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hurch of Our Lady of Fatima, Okhla DSYM unit organized the Youth Summit - Ephphatha 2013 on 27 January 2013 at Don Bosco Technical Institute, New Delhi. It was indeed a moment of pride for the DSYM Family that such a great event was being successfully conducted for the 6th consecutive year. The program started with the Holy Mass with Msgr. Dr. Sebastian Vadakkumpadan, Vicar General, Diocese of Faridabad, as the main celebrant. It was followed by inaugural session and a class by Fr. Francis Karthanam. The program concluded with an interactive adoration. As a part

of ensuring cooperation, the central committee office bearers headed by Fr. Denny Kattayil and representatives from various DSYM units had attended the full day program. The wholehearted and sincere dedication and hard-work of Fr. Kuruvila Marottickal, Vicar and Fr. Tijo Painamoottil, Asst. Vicar along with their dedicated team of Okhla DSYM unit members headed by Mr. Aju Louis (Unit President) turned it into a grand success. Ecclesias Gospel music and St. Ephrems Church, Vikaspuri DSYM units Musical Skit were some of the main attractions of the cultural events.

Health Camp -Yuva Kalyan Project of DSYM with ONGC

SYM Central Committee in collaboration with DSYM Unit, Sacred Heart Church, Gurgaon conducted a medical camp in their area on 10th of February 2013 under the DSYM Project YUVA KALYAN, funded by ONGC. The camp was headed by Dr. Pankaj Sahu, MD (Physician), DNB, from Medanta, The Medicity Hospital. A total of thirty two people from the nearby slums benefitted from the camp and were provided with free medicines. The camp had the presence of the Central Committee team headed by Fr. Denny Kattayil and, Fr. Paul Madassery, Parish Priest & Fr. Phinil, Asst. Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Church, Gurgaon.

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Move The Mountains (Mtm), National Youth Retreat

ove the Mountains (MTM), a National Youth retreat was organized by Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) in collaboration with Delhi Charismatic Renewal Services (DCRS) and Youth United For Christ (YU4C), Delhi from 21st October to 24th October 2012 at Jeevan Jyoti Ashram, Burari. Many youth members from the diocese of Faridabad

took part in the retreat and received abundant blessings from the Almighty. It was a moment of honor for DSYM, as Ecclesia, Music Ministry and Gospel band of DSYM was given an opportunity to perform at the retreat and were also given the charge of the choir in the Malayalam mass. Their performance was applauded and appreciated by everyone.

Ecclesias Performance At One Day Youth Camp, Kristuraja Church, Faridabad

usic Ministry - Ecclesia attended and performed at the one day youth camp conducted by DSYM Unit, Kristuraja Cathedral, Faridabad on 31st December 2012. It was a six member team headed by Rev. Fr. Denny Kattayil Director, DSYM, Ms. Julia Joseph -Acting General Secretary - DSYM. Mr. Joseph K Antony-Convener, Music Ministry and Ms. Anu Savior. - 16 -

Ecclesia at Dr. Cyriac Thomas Book Release

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SYM had the honor of singing the national anthem at the release of the book The Mother and the Sister authored by Dr. Cyriac Thomas (Member, National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions) through the courtesy of Shinu Joseph, President , DSYM. Many prominent and key people including the Chief Justice of India had attended the program.

Gloria 2012
cclesia had performed during the cultural event session in Gloria 2012 held at Mater Dei School. A christmas carol medley along with some other songs were performed at the graceful occasion.

Syro-Malabar International Seminar

cclesia had the chance of singing the prayer song and the Mission Year English Anthem at the Syro Malabar International Seminar held at the Constitution Club of India on 17th November 2012. It was highly appreciated by everyone.

SYM Music Ministry Ecclesia performed at the Don Bosco Christmas fete on 15th 2012 December at Don Bosco School, Alaknanda. It was a very good experience and also a day of enjoyment for Ecclesia Team in the blue season of Christmas. The fete seemed to be a grand success with lots of students and parents enjoying their time in the joy rides and the fete stalls.

Ecclesias Performance at Don Bosco Schools Christmas Fete

Ecclesias at Ephphatha, Our Lady of Fatima Church, Okhla

cclesias gospel music performance in the cultural event session of Ephphatha 2013 Youth Summit was lauded with appreciation by everyone. It was indeed a moment of honor that DSYM Okhla unit provided us with a chance to preform at such a great event.

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