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Communication Engine

(As a part of Object Oriented Analysis and Design)

MBA IT (2012 2014)

Submitted to: SACHIN NAIK

Prepared By, Pratikshya Meher (12030141067) Anubhav Kumar Mishra (12030141055)

Introduction A communication engine is a tool that sends user requests to several other communication protocols and/or databases and aggregates the results into a single list or displays them according to their source. Communication engines enable users to enter communication account authorization once and access several communication avenues simultaneously. Communication engines operate on the premise that the internet is too large for any one engine to index it all and that more productive results can be obtained by combining the results from several engines dynamically. This may save the user from having to use multiple engines separately. The Client Communication Engine enables the client side web control to send control signals to its server side. If the signal changes any web control, the server responds with one or more change objects. The Client Communication Engine updates the client UI accordingly. Communication Engine allows marketing managers to communicate with customers based on a given campaign, coordinated across multiple communication channels such as Email and SMS, and tracks the response rates once a campaign is executed including control opt-in and opt-out lists. The communication engine is also used to send messages based on schemes in the transaction engine. An example is to automatically send a message or an email with the new point balance after a member purchase.

Here we have basically shown how the communication engine distribute electronic newsletters and reach a global audience instantly export data record in multiple ways for further external processing

This whitepaper introduces the Unified Modeling Language (UML), version 1.1. It reviews the diagrams that comprise UML, and offers a Use-Case-driven approach on how these diagrams are used to model systems. The paper also discusses UML's built-in extensibility mechanisms, which enable its notation and semantics to be extended. Open source Argo UML is used of all sort of modeling. Static and dynamic modeling has being done. Behavioral and structural modeling has also

being taken into consideration and hence all aspects of modeling has been covered for full implementation. What Is UML? The Unified Modeling Language prescribes a standard set of diagrams and notations for modeling object-oriented systems, and describes the underlying semantics of what these diagrams and symbols mean. Whereas there has been to this point many notations and methods used for object-oriented design, now there is a single notation for modelers to learn. UML can be used to model different kinds of systems: software systems, hardware systems, and real-world organizations. UML offers nine diagrams in which to model systems: Use Case diagram for modeling the business processes Sequence diagram for modeling message passing between objects Collaboration diagram for modeling object interactions State diagram for modeling the behavior of objects in the system Activity diagram for modeling the behavior of Use Cases, objects, or operations Class diagram for modeling the static structure of classes in the system Object diagram for modeling the static structure of objects in the system Component diagram for modeling components Deployment diagram for modeling distribution of the system.

Requirements It is possible to visualize the structure of a large system as a set of component units based on different functional aspects. The list of requirements for the communication engine is given below. These requirements correspond to some use cases which we do not describe in detail for conciseness. There are several actors here namely, o Admin o Privileged User o 3rd party

o Customer, and o Communication Engineer Here the privileged user gets the privilege to create template after it gets the privilege from admin. The 3rd party receives the order from customer and takes the token and sends the same to communication engine. For doing this it has to have the privilege from admin. Then the communication engine receives the template and the token from 3rd party, assimilated them and sends the mails to customer of all the details are right and the transaction is processed correctly. Either a success mail or a fail mail is sent according to what will be decided by the communication engine.

Inception The case study basically deals how the automated mails are sent to the users. This happens based on the information that is filled by the user during online shopping and they get a confirmation mail. The sending of acknowledgement mail to the customer is decided by commutation engine as to what all information needs to be embedded and the mail has to be send. As most of the mail sent after the order is placed is not manual and is automated. Hence this is of utmost use as it reduces manual work. Thus saving labor cost and reducing the time. All the calculations done by communication engine are done in few seconds and the mail is sent thereafter.

Use Case
A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction with the system and depicting the specifications of a use case. A use case diagram can portray the different types of users of a system and the various ways that they interact with the system. There are several actors here namely, o o o o o Admin Privileged User 3rd party Customer, and Communication Engineer

Below the use case is demonstrated.

State Diagram
Modeling Class Behavior with State Diagram While interaction and collaboration diagrams model dynamic sequences of action between groups of objects in a system, the state diagram is used to model the dynamic behavior of a particular object, or class of objects. A state diagram is modeled for all classes deemed to have significant dynamic behavior. In it, you model the sequence of states that an object of the class goes through during its life in response to received stimuli, together with its own responses and actions. For example, an objects behavior is modeled in terms of what state it is in initially, and what state it transitions to when a particular event is received. You also model what actions an object performs while in a certain state. States represent the conditions of objects at certain points in time. Events represent incidents that cause objects to move from one state to another. Transition lines depict the movement from one state to another. Each transition line is labeled with the event that causes the transition. Actions occur when an object arrives in a state.

Modeling Dynamic Behavior of Communication Engine Object with State Diagram

Modeling Dynamic Behavior of Customer Object with State Diagram

Activity Diagrams
The Activity Diagram is a multi-purpose process flow diagram that is used to model behavior of the system. Activity diagrams can be used to model a Use Case, or a class, or a complicated method. An Activity Diagram is similar to a flow chart; the one key difference is that activity diagrams can show parallel processing. This is important when using activity diagrams to model business processes, some of which can be performed in parallel, and for modeling multiple threads in concurrent programs.

Using Activity Diagrams to Model Use Cases Activity Diagrams provide a graphical tool to model the process of a Use Case. They can be used in addition to, or in place of, a textual description of the Use Case, or a listing of the steps of the Use Case. A textual description, code, or another activity diagram can detail the activity further.

Using Activity Diagrams to Model Classes When modeling the behavior of a class, a UML State Diagram is normally used to model situations where asynchronous events occur. The Activity Diagram is used when all or most of the events represent the completion of internally generated actions. You should assign activities to classes before you are done with the activity diagram.

Deployment Diagram for Communication Engine

Modeling Distribution and Implementation Deployment diagrams are used to model the configuration of run-time processing elements and the software components, processes, and objects that live on them. In the deployment diagram, you start by modeling the physical nodes and the communication associations that exist between them. For each node, you can indicate what component instances live or run on the node. You can also model the objects that are contained within the component. Deployment diagrams are used to model only components that exist as run-time entities; they are not used to model compile-time only or link-time only components. You can also model components that migrate from node to node or objects that migrate from component to component using a dependency relationship with the becomes stereotype.

Component Diagram for Communication Engine

The component diagram is used to model the structure of the software, including dependencies among software components, binary code components, and executable components. In the component diagram you model system components, sometimes grouped by package, and the dependencies that exist between components (and packages of components). Now the question is what are these physical aspects? Physical aspects are the elements like executables, libraries, files, documents etc which resides in a node. So component diagrams are used to visualize the organization and relationships among components in a system. These diagrams are also used to make executable system. Component Diagram

Collaboration Diagram for Communication Engine

The Collaboration Diagram presents an alternate to the Sequence Diagram for modeling interactions between objects in the system. Whereas in the Sequence Diagram the focus is on the chronological sequence of the scenario being modeled, in the Collaboration Diagram the focus is on understanding all of the effects on a given object during a scenario.

Objects are connected by links, each link representing an instance of an association between the respective classes involved. The link shows messages sent between the objects, the type of message passed (synchronous, asynchronous, simple, balking, and time-out), and the visibility of objects to each other.

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