Kirklees, UK

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ca 2011 may 20 1
Kirklees, UK
An area-based approach
to energy efficiency,
housing affordability,
and jobs
By Mike Lewis
The metropolitan borough of Kirklees, West Yorkshire
encloses 13 settlements, the largest of which is Huddersfield.
Photocredit: Darren Beaumont,
aree lth [ell 8u|ln ana nan ether peak ell e\perts. \e
natter he nuch e nlht lanent the lne\era|le lncrease ln
luel prlces, e hae net seen anthln et. ve can leek lerara
te prlces hlch peak ana then take a lla ana unsta|le rlae aen
lnte a recesslenar alle. Jhen the pattern lll repeat. Jhe alllerence
lll |e that each tlne, |eth the alle |etten ana the neuntaln peak
lll |e hlher than these preleus.
/ae/, e///c/eac, oeesa/es cao|/ae4 a//| 4ecea//e//:e4
eae/e//aa a/ /eaeae|/e /aae/ caa/4 caa///|a/e s/a///cea//,
/a /e4ac//aas /a ce/|aa eo/ss/aas ea4 /a /|e //acess
c/ee/e |ee//| /a| ea4 caooaa//, ecaaao/c |eae///s
0aa e/e sac| /eoe/|e|/e s,ae//es /a |e ec|/ere4?
/ac|//, /|e l/ |es saoe c/aes /a a//e/
2011 may 20 2
le-cest ae|t. \eertheless, lt ceula hae a hue lnpact. ln !008 appre\l-
natel !7 el all car|en ale\lae enlsslens ln the l.K. cane lren the
reslaentlal heusln secter. Lner elllclenc neasures cen|lnea lth
aecentralliea eneratlen el renea|le peer ceula centrl|ute slnlllcantl
te reauctlens ln car|en enlsslens ana ln the precess create health, je|s,
ana cennunlt ecenenlc |enellts.
ue are such renarka|le snerles te |e achleea? luckll the l.K. has
sene clues te eller us en that scere tee. Ke ls a cennunlt-|asea strate
that |lenas the capacltles el the pu|llc ana prlate secters ana clll seclet
te create an lnteratea serlce packae. lt seens e neea a prett
sephlstlcatea ssten, lecatea here e lle, ll e are te et results!
Klrklees ln the J)80s ana J))0s as tplcal el nan nealun-sliea cltles ln
the l.K. ana elsehere. \ lare steck el peerl lnsulatea heusln aralnea
cash lren luel-peer heusehelas hlle enlttln ast aneunts el car|en.
Jrue, a cenple\ el asslstance prerans as aalla|le, createa eer the
ears | a plethera el natlenal eernnent aepartnents. 0eea lntentlens,
heeer, ere net eneuh. 0eslnea ana lnplenentea ln slles, ana ltheut
rellance en an lecal capaclt te ne|lllie ana ce-eralnate reseurces, these
prerans haa llttle lnpact.
ln !000 the Klrklees Metrepelltan teuncll naae a aeclslen te translern
thelr relatlenshlp te ener. \n ener elllclenc preran launchea | the
Lurepean lnlen (Ll) ln J))8 |ecane the ehlcle el chane. 0ne plank ln
thls preran ls te pllet ener nanaenent aencles at the lecal leel. ln
llht el lts car|en reauctlen tarets unaer Kete, the Ll censlaers lecal
capaclt ler actlen te |e ltal. lnaeea, the aeclslens el prlate cltliens are
alrectl respensl|le ler eer hall el all llnal ener censunptlen ln the Ll.
:e lt ls crltlcal te hae lecal ener aencles that alssenlnate te censuners
eea practlces ln aenana-slae nanaenent.
Klrklees Lner :erlces (KL:) as esta|llshea ln !000 | the
Metrepelltan teuncll as a separate leal entlt, a net-ler-prellt seclal
enterprlse. vlthln three ears, KL: prerannln ena|lea a tetal el !,080
ener-saln neasures te |e taken ln J,+55 heusehelas: ener-elllclent
heatln ana lnsulatlen, lleer, calt all, ana lelt lnsulatlen, arauht
Kirklees: Conserving Energy
to Generate Community Wealth
leeple he are alreaa en the llnanclal |rlnk are eln te leel lt |l
tlne. Man alreaa are - transpert, heatln luel, leea, ana a hue sath el
nanulacturea eeas ln hlch ell ls lntlnatel lnpllcatea are escalatln ln
prlce. Jhe prlce el that ell ls a ke lacter.
0l the nan as that heusehelas use ell, heatln luel ls paraneunt. \s
prlces e up se lll eur aareness el a tern celnea ln the l.K., luel
ueusehelas are censlaerea | the l.K. 0eernnent te |e ln luel peert
ll the hae te spena nere than J0 el thelr lncene en luel te keep the
hene aaeuatel arn. \ nun|er el lacters aeternlne hether er net a
heusehela ls ln luel peert, |ut the leur nest e|leus are:
Jhe cest el ener
Jhe slie el the heuse
ueusehela lncene
Jhe ener elllclenc el the heuse (ana therelere, the ener reulrea te
heat ana peer lt)
Jhe lnteractlen el these lacters currentl renaers nere than lle nllllen
rltlsh heusehelas luel peer. ll 8u|ln ls rlht a|eut ell prlces, thlns are
a|eut te et a hele let erse. lt ls estlnatea that ler eer J lncrease ln
the prlce el ener, +0,000 l.K. heusehelas jeln the ranks el the luel peer.
vhat then nlht the l.K. ae ln the ne\t J5 ears te hela |ack an aalanche
el llnanclall-strappea heusehelas lren sllaln lnte luel peert?
leret a|eut centrellln the prlce el lessll luels, le eernnents can
allera te su|slalie a le|al cennealt. eslaes, te ae se eula enceurae
aste ana enlt a hele let el car|en. \er can e chane the prellle el the
e\lstln heusln steck, theuh ll nere el us ceula shake eur e|sesslen lth
prlac ana aenlnlen, e eula et a let nere eut el the steck that e
hae, at lar less cest ln terns el ener ana car|en. lnlertunatel, that
cultural reelutlen na |e a len tlne cenln. (:ee the artlcle,
:teppln 0ll the ueusln Jreaanlll.)
ue a|eut ralsln lncene leels? le||ln ler a llln ae nakes
perlect sense |ut ls huel allllcult te achlee. Len ln eea tlnes the alue
el the nlnlnun ae has lallen ln real terns.
Jhat leaes eptlen leur, lncreasln the ener elllclenc el heuses.
\ltheuh lt ls ne nere a sller |ullet than the ethers, lt aees eller sene
aaaltlenal |enellts. 8etrellttln apartnents, tenheuses ana heusln can
sae cests, reauce car|en, ana create je|s. lt can alse |e llnancea threuh

/a /|/ee ,ee/s /e//ae//a a//| /a//c, /|e/ 4/are a//////es

ea4 oaa/c//e////es e//|e /a /a/ |aoea ea4 //aeac/e/
/esaa/ces aa /|e /e|/e ///|/ees oe4e e |/ 4///e/eace /a /|e
eae/, e///c/eac, a/ )I000 |aase|a/4s (|0 a/ /|e /a/e/)
preelln el aeers ana lnaes, as heatln centrels, het-ater tank jackets,
ana cenaensln |ellers. lernanent car|en reauctlens acress Klrklees ere
slnlllcant, een at thls earl stae - ]+,]0+ tens.
Jhe taretln el heusehelas llln ln luel peert aaaea seclal alue te
these earl ellerts. ler e\anple, KL: as a|le te eranlie partnershlps that
ellerea lree lnsulatlen ana heat-receer entllatlen unlts te heusehelaers
hese resplrater lllnesses eula |e nltlatea | a arner hene. ln
anether e\anple, KL: erkea lth :cettlsh leer te cenert peer heuse-
helas that ere stlll relln nalnl en ceal te as ana lull central heatln.
\part lren sene lnltlal set|acks aue te unprelesslenal lnstallers, KL:
nalntalnea a steaa recera el success. \alce, pre-uallllea ana relsterea
lnstallers, ll\ea alsceunt prlcln, prelerrea crealt, ana up te !5 re|ates
ena|lea heusehelaers te reallie slnlllcant ener salns cenenlentl ana
alleraa|l. ln aaaltlen, | !007, KL: haa lnlernea ],000 heusehelaers
a|eut the ellect that thelr ne-leuna ener elllclenc as haln en lecal
car|en enlsslens. 0lerse prenetlen ana aaertlsln schenes lncreasea
lnterest ln KL: prerans stlll lurther.
Jhe ke te the utlllt`s success la ln lts capaclt te jeln teether ana ce-
eralnate partners lren the pu|llc ana prlate secters ana lren clll seclet
ln eraer te prelae serlces ana prerans tallerea te the neeas el a lae
rane el heusehelas. Jhree crealt unlens ellerea prelerentlal leans te
heusehelaers. \ cen|lnatlen el lecal autherltles ana peer utllltles lunaea
the re|ates. KL: charea lts slate el appreea prlate centracters a J0
relerral lee ler lnsulatlen lnstallatlens ana a 5 relerral lee ler heatln
neasures. Jhese lees ceerea the aanlnlstratlen cests el the schene.
(:ee 0laran.)
Structure ...
Free insulation, gas
connection, solar thermal,
ground source.
Free loft and/or
cavity insulation.
Free central heating for
households in fuel poverty,
free gas connection.
Interest-free loans for
energy efficiency
Hard to
Project management
Advice centre
Information maps
Energy surveys
Energy certificates

Services (KES)
West Yorkshire
2011 may 20 3
View from Castle Hill towards Newsome, Metropolitan Borough
of Kirklees. Photocredit: Darren Beaumont,
/a 6eae4e /|e /ca-/ae/, kes/4ea//e/ ke//a/// //a/eo
4eeoe4 aa/ |es/ e//a// /a 4e/e` |es caa///|a/e4 /a /|e
eae/, e///c/eac, a/ aa/, 8)000 |aoes a/ /ess /|ea I a/
6eae4es I2) o////aa |aase|a/4s I|/a| e|aa/ //
!00+ seeral lessens haa |een learnea. \ |l ene as that the aesln
el the serlce as a ene-step-shep ler prenetln ana nanaln heusehela
ener elllclenc ellnlnatea tlne, cest, ana hassle ler heusehelaers. lt alse
reaucea the rlsks lnelea ln llnaln a uallt lnstaller. uere are sene ether
earl lessens:
J. ulla a tean el relsterea ana reputa|le lnstallers he eller superler
custener serlce ana hae an lnterest ln ener elllclenc. Jhls ls cruclal
ler custener satlslactlen ana thus te the eneln success el the schene.
!. :pecll strlnent stanaaras el custener care ln the tenaer te lnstallers.
Jhls ls essentlal te |ullaln the trust el cennunlt nen|ers te use the
]. Jhe settln up el a lean schene that ellers lle\l|le crlterla ls nere
accessl|le ler heusehelaers ana thus enerates nere lnplenentatlen el
+. treate su|stantlal re|ates te et heusehelaers enaea. Jhat alse neans
cenlncln eranliatlens er cenpanles that the sheula luna the
re|ates. ln KL:` case, re|ates ere an lnpertant a ler lecal autherltles
te neet thelr cennltnents unaer the uene Lner tenseratlen \ct
ana ler utllltles te achlee thelr prescrl|ea ener elllclenc tarets.
5. thare centracters relerral lees ln eraer te create a neanlnlul lncene
strean. vhen the 5 relerral lee ler heatln neasures preea
lnsulllclent, KL: ralsea lt te J0.
A 5th Option: Renewable Energy
A fifth way to reduce household energy costs
(including the households environmental
footprint) is to rely less on fossil fuels and more on
renewable energy sources: principally, electricity
generated by solar, water, wind, and various types
of biomass. The upfront costs put this option well
beyond the means of low and many middle-
income households. Over the long term, however,
as fossil fuels rise in price, a growing market for
renewables is bound to make these costs more
bearable. Accelerating that trend will be the
volume of renewables that householders or
businesses themselves can generate.
Accordingly, early in 2010 YES launched YES
Renewables to specialize in the installation of solar
photovoltaic (PV) panel systems for residences,
businesses, and communities. The launch was
2011 may 20 4
vlth seen ears el e\perlence ana capaclt unaer lts |elt, KL:
|ecane a prelaer unaer the l.K. varn /enes preran ln !008. varn
/enes ce-eralnates the aeller el lnlernatlen, aalce, rants, ana
lnstallatlen serlces te le-lncene ana ulnera|le heusehelas ln
aeslnatea ur|an ana rural areas. le-lncene heusehelas ualll ler
t;!,850 ln luel elllclenc neasures. Jhese lth senler nen|ers ln
recelpt el lncene-relatea |enellts are elll|le ler a rant el up te ;5,550.
(;),5J0, ll ell central heatln ls recennenaea |ecause the hene ls net
en the as neterk.) 0rants aalla|le unaer thls schene enlare the
rane el neasures stlll lurther. ln !00) the lnsulatlen erk that KL: ce-
eralnatea ln lts earl staes e\panaea te lncluae suppert ler nlcre-
renea|les, lnclualn selar thernal heatln ana alr seurce heat punps.
KL: shet te the lerelrent ln plletln thls ne preran ana e\panaea
lts reach te the relen surreunaln Klrklees, ler a tetal pepulatlen el
500,000. lecal autherltles lthln thls relen cennlttea ;!0.] nllllen
eer the three ears, natchea | lunas lren the varn /ene preran.
lts track recera te that tlne haa |een te leerae ;+ ler eer ;J el
pu|llc lnestnent. ln shert, KL: as pesltlenea te help channel ana
aeller serlces erth eer ;Jo0 nllllen (+ \ ;+0.o nllllen) lnte ener
censeratlen ana reauctlen el car|en enlsslens. \s the preran as
launchea the lunaln structure chanea - ;J+.J nllllen lren lecal
eernnents ana ;J7.] nllllen lren :cettlsh leer. ueeer, lurther
ealuatlen reealea that the leerae ratle haa rlsen te 5:J. Len lth
0aase|a/4 ser/as aa4e/ /|e we/o /aaes //a/eo /a/e/ e/aaa4 6;I6
o////aa /e/ ,ee/ oaae, /|e/ /s ere//e|/e /a s/ea4 /a /|e /e/aa aa a/|e/
/|/as 0ae |aa4/e4 4//ec/ /a|s ae/e c/ee/e4 ea4 eaa/|e/ 60 /a4//ec/
/a|s !/ /ees/ I000 |aase|a/4s |ere |eea /eoare4 //ao /ae/ /are//,
timed to take advantage of the markets response
to the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) instituted that year by
the U.K. Government. Under the FIT, electrical
utility companies pay property owners a tariff for
all the electricity they generate by renewable
means (barring biomass) plus a fee for any
electricity they export to the power grid. The
tariffs and fees are adjusted to the retail price
index, and payable for 20 years after installation
(25 years in the case of PV systems).
The YES Renewables calculator estimates that
a house with six PV panels on its roof, generating
925 kilowatt hours per annum, could expect to
earn $658 a year in tariffs and export fees, and
$27,766 over the next 25 years (given 4.1%
inflation and 4% rise in electricity rates). It would
also save the household $89 annually on its
electricity bills, and $3,668 in 25 years, if half the
generated electricity is used in the home.
Installation, using only accredited installers and
equipment, would run the household about
$11,500, an investment that would be paid down in
13 years. The total of carbon the environment
would be spared annually: half a tonne.
To help build the renewable market still faster,
YES has also gone into partnership with Good
Energy, a dedicated renewable electricity supplier.
Its network currently comprises close to 2,000
independent generators across the U.K. By designing
generation systems that comply with FIT standards,
and working with installers like YES Renewables,
Good Energy enables would-be generators to get
the exchange of electricity for tariffs and export fees
happening swiftly and smoothly.
(photos, left to right): In Kirklees, a door-step advisor
offers home energy advice and determines a propertys
suitability for insulation upgrades; a certified contractor
inserts wall cavity insulation; a YES Renewables
contractor installs solar panels on a rooftop. All photos
courtesy of Yorkshire Energy Services CIC (Community
Interest Company) Newsletter.
the reaucea lunaln the preran eula stlll stlnulate a tetal lnestnent
el a|eut ;J57 nllllen. tar|en reauctlen ls estlnatea te hae reachea
55,000 tennes per ear | the ena el !0J0.
lnaer the ne preran, eer heusehela acress the alstrlct as
lsltea, ara | ara, street | street. ueusehelas lnltlall learnea |
alrect nall that representatles eula seen |e ln thelr area. \t the sane
tlne, alstrlct lae narketln relnlercea the preran`s |rana recenltlen
ana alllrnea lts |ackln lren the lecal ceuncll. lecal cennunlt ana
eluntar reups helpea te spreaa ke nessaes ana lecal eents ralsea
aareness. Jralnea assessers carrlea eut aeer-te-aeer lslts te check
lnsulatlen status. ll reulrea, a centracter lnstallea nlneral-ll|re
lnsulatlen ln lelts ana calt alls, at ne cest te the heneener. Jhls
area-|asea appreach saea slnlllcantl en the sureers` ana lnstallers`
trael tlne, ana centracter preauctllt ent up 50.
[ul !0J0 all J7J,000 heusehelas haa |een lsltea ana J!7,007
ener assessnents haa |een carrlea eut. +0,!]8 prepertles haa lelt
lnsulatlen ana !0,]!+ haa calt all lnsulatlen lnstallea (eer 5J,000
separate reslaences ln tetal ). :alns te each heusehela lren lnsulatlen
neasures alene hae aeraea ;]J7 per ear.
ueusehela salns are calculatea te tetal areuna ;Jo nllllen per ear,
nene that ls aalla|le te spena ln the relen en ether thlns. 0ne
hunarea alrect je|s ere createa ana anether o0 lnalrect je|s -
lnsulatlen speclallsts, lurnace lnstallers, ener aualters, the llst ees en.
\t least J,000 heusehelas hae |een reneea lren luel peert. \s ell
2011 may 20 5
Rsum : Kirklees, RU
mesure que les prix des combustibles fossiles
augmentent, des millions de mnages sont
menacs par la pauvret du combustible . Nous
pourrions traiter de ceci en contrlant les cots
nergtiques, en augmentant le revenu par mnage
ou en mettant au dfi les notions des personnes par
rapport laccession la proprit. Kirklees,
Angleterre, une initiative centre sur lefficacit
nergtique des mnages a eu un impact significatif
sur la pauvret du combustible ainsi que sur
lemploi et les missions de gaz effet de serre.
En 2000, lOSBL Kirklees Energy Services (KES) a
t cr pour grer lnergie dans la rgion
mtropolitaine. La moiti de ses cots ont t
couverts par SAVE, un programme de lUnion
europenne qui vise la cration de capacit locale
pour rduire les missions de carbone. KES sest
rapidement dvelopp en un guichet unique pour
les propritaires intresss par lisolation, la
rduction de courants dair, la mise niveau de
fournaises, et dautres mesures de conservation
dnergie. Les coopratives financires offraient
des prts taux prfrentiels aux propritaires.
Les autorits locales et les services publics ont
financ de gnreux programmes de rabais. Un
groupe dentrepreneurs qualifis ont ralis les
installations et ont pay KES des frais de
En 2008, KES a pu utiliser tout ce quelle avait
appris au travail travers plusieurs quartiers
faible revenu. En trois ans, la stratgie intgre et
globale de KES a fourni aux mnages 9 10
millions (16 $ CA millions) par anne en conomies
dnergie. Plus de 160 emplois ont t crs. Les
missions de carbone ont diminu denviron
55 000 tonnes par anne. Chaque livre que les
autorits locales et le programme national Warm
Zones ont investi dans le travail de KES a eu un
effet de levier de 5 livres en services defficacit
nergtique. De nouveaux partenariats crent
actuellement le march local pour des sortes
dnergies renouvelables.
Ces rsultats clipsent ceux du programme
canadien vant coNERGIE Rnovation
Maisons. Pouvons-nous apprendre deux?
prlces clln|, heeer, sene el these heusehelas are llkel te sllae |ack
unaer the lre.
\s a seclal enterprlse lth a relenal narket, KL: ls ne knen as
\erkshlre Lner :erlces (\L:). lt runs the Lner :aln Jrust aalce
centre ler seuth ana est \erkshlre, part el the natlenal neterk el aalser
eranliatlens. \L: alse nanaes a lae rane el aara-lnnln prejects ler
pu|llc secter eranliatlens acress nerthern Lnlana. ln !0J0, \L:
esta|llshea a su|slalar te lnstall such renea|le techneleles as :elar l\
ana selar thernal. lt ls ne alersllln lnte the aeelepnent el le-car|en
transpert especlall electrlc ehlcles ana neaal shllt.
0e te the e|slte el the leaeral eernnent`s Lce-Lner 8eslaentlal
8etrellt lreran ana eu are reetea lth a |ela elle nessae that sas ll
eu are net alreaa ln the ueue eu are eut el luck, theuh ln preparatlen
ler the recent natlenal electlen, the tenseratle lart e\tenaea lt ler ene
ear. ll eu are ln the ueue, eu na |e elll|le alter an aualt - |ut the
nene aees net lle te eu untll the erk en eur heuse alse has |een
su|ject te an ealuatlen aualt. \eu et a llst el petentlall cenplenentar
prerans ln each prelnce ana sene utllltles. lt ls up te lnallaual
heusehelaers te appl, assunln the een kne a|eut the prerans. Jhere
ls ne lnalcatlen that le-lncene peeple are |eln taretea. Jhere ls a llst el
cenpanles that ae lnstallatlen |ut lt ls net clear h eu eula net |e
|etter serea | leekln ln the elle paes.
(:ee p. +, \ 5th
0ptlen: 8enea|le Lner.)
And What of Us Languishing Canadians?
\las, eu cene aa lren thls lslt ear el centenplatln a central-
liea, shert-tern preran aanlnlsterea | a alstant |ureaucrac hlch has
nelther the cencern ner the nanaate te ae nuch ler eu.
tentrast thls lth the Ll`s Lner Llllclenc lreran. L\tensle
research satlsllea lts archltects that cennunlt-|asea appreaches ere
essentlal te penetrate aeepl lnte the reslaentlal secters. Jhls ls h the
naae thelr pllet prejects lunaln cenaltlenal en lt |eln an lnteratea,
cennunlt-|asea appreach. lt as threuh thls lnae el eppertunlt that
the preressle Klrklees Metrepelltan teuncll launchea lts |ela lnltlatle.
Lleen ears later e can see the preress |eln naae.
2011 may 20 6
(8anaen ueuse, !00)).
l. tenat, L. te\, L., \. [ehnsen, [. 8an-telllns, ana M. ren, 0ecar|enlsln
lecal ecenenles: a lecal reen ne aeal ler cennunlt actlen en ener, rlelln
paper, \e Lcenenlcs leunaatlen ana 8e|ullaln :eclet \eterk, [ul !00).
:ee the repert el the ueuse el tennens Lnlrennent, leea ana 8ural \llalrs
tennlttee, Lner elllclenc ana luel peert, (lenaen: :tatlener 0lllce, [une
J0, !00)), p. ], accessea ) Ma !0JJ <http://.pu|
:tatlstlcal 8elease - lK tllnate chane sustalna|le 0eelepnent lnalcater: !00)
0reenheuse 0as Lnlsslens, lrelslenal llures, ana !008 0reenheuse 0as
Lnlsslens, llnal llures | luel Jpe ana Lna-lser, 0epartnent el Lner ana
tllnate thane/ 0lllce ler \atlenal :tatlstlcs, March !5, !0J0, p. JJ, accessea Ma
), !0JJ <
Jhe Lurepean lnlen`s :peclllc \ctlens ler \lereus Lner Llllclenc (:\\L) ll
lreran ceula suppl up te 50 el |uaet el lnneatle pllets. \ lecal autherlt ana
ether pu|llc er prlate partners haa te prelae the |alance. :ee lecal Lner
\ctlen: Ll eea practlces (Lurepean tennlsslen, !00+), p. 5, accessea Ma ),
!0JJ <>.
., p. 7.
xJ,800. \ll currencles ln thls artlcle are cenertea te tanaalan aellars at the rate
current en 0ecen|er J, !0J0 (t;J.585J te the leuna :terlln, t;J.]]5) te the
Lure). Jetals less than ;J0,000 are reunaea te the nearest ten aellars.
uelen Lelelh, Jhe luture ls lecal: Lnpeerln cennunltles te lnpree thelr
nelh|eurheeas (:ustalna|le 0eelepnent tennlsslen, [ul !0J0), p. !),
accessea Ma J0, !0JJ <|llcatlens/
lantastlc llnlsh ler varn /ene, Klrklees teuncll 0n-llne \es, [ul J7, !0J0,
accessea Ma J7, !0JJ, <http://!
lullster.asp\?la~!+7J> ana lree hene lnsulatlen stlll aalla|le ln Klrklees,
0ecen|er J!, !0J0, accessea Ma J7, !0JJ <http://!
Klrklees varn /ene - case stua (Klrklees teuncll, [anuar !0J0), p. J,
accessea Ma ), !0JJ <
reen/pal/v/tase:tuavlth[anuarllures.pal> ana uanpshlre-vlae tllnate
thane \lslen & :trate: tella|eratle Measures, p. J!. accessea Ma J7, !0JJ
, eceL\L80\ 8etrellt
lreran tenes Je \ :uaaen Lna, \prll J, !0J0, accessea Ma ), !0JJ
w|, Iaa/ wa//4 /s !|aa/ /a 6e/ e w|a/e /a/ oe//e/ 0// ea4 /|e /a4 a/

I|e 6a///aaaa4 - 8/ae 1aaa/e/a kee/ /s/e/e 8/a

MIKE LEWIS is editor of , Executive Director of the Canadian Centre for Community
Renewal (CCCR), a founding member of the Canadian CED Network (CCEDNet), and lead
investigator in the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA). Contact him at This text is an excerpt from a book by Mike Lewis and
Pat Conaty about how we power down the economy to a local, sustainable level (New
Society, Spring 2012). The article was reissued June 28, 2011 to correct errors on page 5.
is an ejournal about Inspiring, Innovating, Inciting, and Inventing ways of life and
work that permit humanity and the planet to thrive in this century of unprecedented
challenges. is a publication of the Canadian Centre for Community Renewal.
lnalne. ln three ears, partnerln lth pellc that aree utllltles ana
nunlclpalltles allke te put hunan ana llnanclal reseurces en the ta|le,
ana rearaea lecal lnltlatle lth aaaltlenal reseurces, Klrklees naae a |l
alllerence te the ener elllclenc el 5J,000 heusehelas (]0 el the tetal).
\s ler the ]0,000 plus that ala net take up the eppertunlt ler se nuch as
an ener assessnent en the llrst reuna, \L: ls kneckln en thelr aeers
ln tanaaa, the Lce-Lner 8eslaentlal 8etrellt lreran, aeenea eur
|est ellert te aate, has centrl|utea te the ener elllclenc el enl 85,000
henes er less than J el tanaaa`s J!.5 nllllen heusehelas. Jhlnk a|eut
lt: ln a ]-ear perlea, ]0 tlnes the rate el partlclpatlen anen Klrklees
heusehelas as ln the entlre ceuntr el tanaaa.
unnn ... the leaeral ener censeratlen llle leeks pallla, alnest
en|arrassln, especlall hen ene thlnks e are anen the |lest per
caplta car|en enltters en the planet. Jhe hue centrl|utlen that
cennunlt-|asea ener elllclenc neasures ceula nake te reauce luel
peert, lnpree the health el le lncene peeple, reauce car|en
enlsslens, ana enerate lecal ecenenlc actllt ls net en the tanaalan
eernnent`s raaar. \na een ll | sene chance e et leaeral leaaers he
step up te the plate, lll the hae the lereslht te leek elsehere, perhaps
te the netherlana hersell, ler a llttle lslen ana practlcal ulaance? ll the
ae, there na |e a chance e can |ulla sene Klrkleeslan snerles en thls
slae el the pena.
/\/eas/re /esee/c| se//s//e4 /|e e/c|//ec/s a/ /|e /ls
/ae/, ////c/eac, //a/eo /|e/ caooaa//,-|ese4
e///aec|es ae/e essea//e/ /a /eae//e/e /es/4ea//e/
sec/a/s // aes /a /|/s a/a4aa a/ a//a//aa//, /|e/
///|/ees s/e//e4 /a a/4e/ /a /eaac| //s |a/4 /a///e//re
B.C.-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance
Kirklees, U.K. is part of the contents of Housing We Can Afford, an special edition
concerning the role of the social economy in resolving the growing shortage of affordable
housing. It is sponsored by the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance.

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