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A Special Message - The 1% Solution

This Magic, Little-Known Piece of News Practically Forces a Stock to Go Up Over the Next 3 to 6 Months Following Its Release 86% of the Time.
(and Its NOT Earnings) To: Frustrated Investors Tired of the B.S. Who Just Want A Way to Make Consistent Profits From: Preston James aka Pirate Friday 10:31 a.m.

Dear Fellow Investor, A study was done on all publicly traded companies in 2001. The year of the dot-bomb internet collapse and then 9/11. Do you remember that year? The study revealed that every time a company announced this one, certain thing 86% of the time its stock WENT UP over the following 3-6 months. Pretty remarkable when you consider the market climate in 2001 was very similar to the abnormal economy staring us in the face todaywith the stock market in a state of confusion and freefall. And yet, there were hundreds and hundreds of these magic news announcements made in 2001. How about today? Its a mirror image today right now there are hundreds of these being announced left and right, just like clockwork. In fact, as long as theres a marketplace of willing participants, you can make money with this little-known piece of news Take a look at some of these recent money-making gems from 2012-13: A 48% move in 6 months in the name-your-price online travel agency (PCLN), (for 300% gains in PCLN call options) A 28% move in 5 weeks in orthotic and prosthetic patient-care center operator Hanger Orthopedic Group (HGR), (170% gains in HGR call options) A 93% move in 4 months in the small business specialty printer Vista Print (VPRT), (over 500% gains in VPRT call options) A 20% move in 4 weeks in clinical research services firm Parexel International (PRXL) for over 100% gains in PRXL call options (Notice how each company operates in different segments of the economy?) Please understand not every trade does this well. But you can get pretty darn close if you follow the guidelines Im about to tell you. But first Im going to tell you exactly what this little-known piece of news is



A Special Message - The 1% Solution

Ill also reveal what thousands of real trades and a decade of experience has taught me when specifically doing trades based on this little-known piece of news Ill also give you a bonafide reason why you havent heard about this before Now I fully expect theres a percentage of investors and traders out there who will be able to take the free information Im about to reveal on this website and run with it. If thats you, I wish you the best. Consider my message one of goodwill, from one trader to another. Maybe down the road you can return the favor with a gem or two of your own as a way of saying thanks. However, most investors are reeling and shell-shocked, desperate for some answers to help stop the hemorrhaging in their brokerage accounts. According to a recent story from Reuters, the recession of 2008-2009 that clobbered the United States, has resulted in $17-trillion vanishing from investor households combined. The stories are probably similar to Jimswhich recently aired on CNN:
Jim is from Chippewa Falls, MN. Heres the recap of the CNN story (most likely shared by millions of others) Jims an educated, hard-working 64-year old, with several brokerage accounts, a 401K and a SEP-IRA. But Jims given up on the stock market. After the last decade bookended by the internet bubble to start the decade, and the real estate/credit crunch to end it Jims had it with losing money. Even more, hes thrown in the towel trying to play catch up as retirements right around the corner, while at the same time trying to overcome the steep losses the markets handed him. Jims sold completely out of everything, opting instead to stash his lifes savings away in bonds and gold.

The level of pain, fear, anxiety, and sheer loss of self-esteem that investors are experiencing right now is utterly immeasurable. These truly are serious and scary times with even the most level-headed business leaders feeling anxious and scaredwondering when it will all end and get back to normal. Its sobering, but it begs asking these kinds of questions: Can you survive if the stock market doesnt bounce back or if it goes through another Lost Decade? Will your nest egg kick off the income you were planning on even if your nest egg is beyond cracked? How will you invest your money if the recession slogs on for 4 more years complete with back-breaking government debt and chronic unemployment? Are you still not sure what makes a good investment (trusting yourself what to buy, how long to hang on to it and when to sell?) Are you tired of moving your money around from one prediction to another only to end up worse off than when you started? Have you already spent a small fortune on stock market education, only to see it all go nowhere? If some of these same questions have been crossing your mind, you really need to drop everything and find out more about this little-known piece of news and how it can turn things around for you. 2/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

You see, this little-known piece of news is so powerful so compelling it cant help but to attract money and a groundswell of investors instantly. And because its proven to work in ANY type of market environment its something you can put to work RIGHT NOW its an instant solution you can profit from in your investing and trading starting today. Because Before you ever buy a stock, you have to have a very definite, COMPELLING REASON, and a high degree of certainty (BASED ON REALITY) that the stock will MOVE in the right direction, after you get in it. And when you can use the amazing leverage power of options (which simply give you an UNLIMITED upside with a LIMITED, fixed downside) you can turn a 10% stock move into a bundle of cashlike a 100% return instead of 10%! Anyway Im getting ahead of myself already because this isnt even about options and their leverage power. Its really all about being able to know when a stock is going to move in the future due to overwhelming and sudden changes to perceptions(then being able to do this over and over and over again) You say bunk? You say theres no way to know when a stock is going to go up? Well, you havent looked closely enough. What youve got to remember is this: Whenever money leaves a stock like Bear Stearns or one of the hundreds of failed banks, it seeks a BETTER RETURN it seeks a surer thing. And over and over again money seems to magically get attracted to a stock only during certain times . . . certain compelling times when lots of buying emotion takes over due to this one thing . . . GOOD NEWS! Or better said

The Anticipation of GOOD NEWS!

So you want this explained some more do you? Well okay, but you might want to turn off your phone and become unavailable for just a couple minutes. After all, this information can change your financial life and give you a huge mental relief which is the insurance that no matter what happens youll always be able to make money no matter how bad the Dow is or how weird the world gets. By the way, my name is Preston James and several years ago the nickname Pirate seemed to stick due to my some would say uncanny way of finding very profitable trades that seem to be buried or hidden from the crowd. Hence "buried treasure". Trades that are built around

Future Compelling Events 3/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

Instead of trading blindly off some analysts upgrade, or rifling through hundreds of charts to find a good indicator, or buying a stock because you think its undervalued you simply tap into the power of emotions instead. If you take nothing else away from this short message, it should be this you should focus on the immediate future of a stock, NOT on past patterns. I mean its so common sense, its almost laughable. But 99% of whats taught, lectured about and studied is focused on a stocks PAST, not its immediate future or why it should go up AFTER YOU BUY IT. No doubt about it though

Looking at a Stocks PAST Is the Main Reason Why the Majority of Well-Intentioned Investors Are Frustrated
Now before I go any further its important to understand that Im not giving you advice on what to buy, nor am I a registered investment advisor. I am simply revealing what this certain piece of news is and how as if by magic it makes a stock move higher, 86% of the time, 3-6 months down the road. So now that Ive explained things a bit Im now ready to reveal to you this AMAZING SECRET! Are you ready? Here goes. This little-known, almost magic piece of news is

The Pre-Announcement of Better Than Expected Earnings.

Not the actual earnings announcement, mind you, but a pre-announcement of better than expected earnings to come. Let me explain Publicly traded companies ARE REQUIRED to formerly announce their earnings results, which in almost all cases happens every quarter (3 months). And the reason a companys earnings are the most widely followed, anticipated and commented-on news item is because earnings determines what investors are willing to pay for a certain stock. Are the earnings improving over last year? Over their competition? Or did the earnings disappoint the crowd versus what was expected? Earnings are the bottom-line, where-the-rubber-meets-the-road figure stocks live and die with earnings! When the right pre-announcement comes along, the good news is SUDDEN and UNEXPECTED. Its also good news coming directly from the COMPANY ITSELF. This is important Why? Because the information is coming from the company NOT through the spin or opinion of some Wall Street analyst (who often has an ulterior motive with the stocks they report about). Think about it in the financial world right now, where corporate fraud and mistrust is EVERYWHERE and CEOs 4/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

are being watched MORE THAN EVER theyre just not going to pull imaginary good news out of thin air

Not On Their Lives!!!

So these pre-announcements are not conjured up by some financial terrorist, er, analyst. They are very different from an upgrade or some other jibberish invented by this cartel. But this is getting off the subject! My point is this: because the news is coming directly from the company, the right pre-announcement can change perceptions instantly which can change the trend of the stock instantly. Its exciting to see a stock undergo a change in sentiment for the perceptions (outlook) to shift to have the question marks removed, and to see money and capital start hitting the stock and rewarding its performance its really a sight to see. There are some downright exciting pre-announcements and they come out ALMOST EVERY SINGLE TRADING DAY! Even right smack in the middle of one of the worst economies in United States history. The BEST PART is you dont need to become some market wizard or sit around hoping your predictions come true or hoping your gutt is right on your next trade

PLUS: You are NOT Predicting Anything!

You do NOT have to be born with the genius gene! Rather, youre being alerted to a situation you didnt create, thats much bigger than me or you which makes the foundation of pre-announcement trading so powerful and compelling. Even better You wont spend a measly minute laying chart over chart over chart. Not a wasted second with Bollinger Bands, RSI, Stochastics, MACD, regression lines, histograms, expensive real-time quote feeds, candlesticks, balance sheets, debt ratios, support levels, pennants, double bottoms, or triple tops Youll just let the power of excitement and intense human curiosity take over, which will allow you to

Have A Life!
(and as long as people and human nature are behind the stock market, there will ALWAYS BE EMOTIONAL EVENTS TO TRADE ON ALWAYS!) Pre-announcements are a great way to trade but Not All Pre-Announcements are Created Equal And unless you know what to look-out for, you can lose your shirt with a positive pre-announcement just as easily as you can with any other way of investing. And that brings up some good questions like: 1. How do you find pre-announcements? 2. How do you pick the best pre-announcements to trade? 3. How long does a pre-announcement trade last? 5/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

4. Whats the best way to make the most profit on a pre-announcement trade? 5. What are the warts and flaws of trading pre-announcements? (Everything has drawbacks even if youre not told about them, you know theyre there!) And these are all great questions. The good news is this: Ive personally done hundreds of these pre-announcement trades over the past 12 years and during that experience Ive discovered and uncovered the answers to all these questions, and a whole lot more. In fact, I recently collected all my thoughts and put together a game plan that walks you through exactly how I trade these pre-announcement opportunities for maximum profit and minimum loss. I call it the 1% Solution in honor of the one percent of investors who make the lions share of the markets profits year-in and year-out. (You wont find this privately printed dossier in stores Ive developed it exclusively for my extended family of readers, and packed it with practical, real-world strategies for coping with financial catastrophe like the one were in right now.) For example, youve never heard the media talking about these pre-announcements right? Nor will you ever get a tip from a stock broker or friend about them which, unfortunately, is the way 99% of all investors go about making a decision to get into a trade. And that is why 99% of all investors NEVER get ahead. And if youre an active stock trader or investor Take a close look at what all youll discover about pre-announcements in your copy of the 1% Solution: 6 Reasons why trading pre-announcements should be your profit-wielding weapon of choice (details found on page 25). My secret weapon: where to find all the pre-announcements of better than expected earnings all in a single spot. Getting to home plate starts at first base why all Pre-announcements are NOT created equal each one has to pass these four, must-have qualifiers, or I wont touch it with a 10-foot pole(page 28 starts some of the most important investing education of your life.) With a properly qualified pre-announcement, the CEO will very often under-state the real results and momentum the company may truly be experiencing. This is GOOD NEWS- and theres a solid reason behind it. Page 27 reveals a tweak Ive found to profit from what I call the Cockroach Theory Why havent you heard about pre-announcements before? Its because they have a sort-of born on date a single ruling by the Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) is responsible for the geyser of preannouncements that come out today. Is this the most powerful stock market discovery of the past decade? (not 9 years, not 11 years, but exactly 10 years, as youll see). Page 27 gives a short history lesson on your newest, best friend. The single reason why youll have more success with positive outlook pre-announcements rather than the negative ones and why it doesnt have anything to do with being a perma-Bull. Youll want to start taking notes on page 28. What a 1960s experiment done on a Manhattan street corner reveals about a universal human trait and how you can profit from this in conjunction with pre-announcements. (Class begins on page 29 take great notes) The 3 key pre-announcement set-up situations and the guidelines of how to take advantage of 6/27


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each. (One of them is my absolute fav) How to hit pay-dirt with this gem on page 30. Since 99.97% of all pre-announcements come in either before or after regular market hours this serves up a burning hot pipeline of opportunity to filter each Pre through my One-Hour Morning Evaluation discover what sets apart the compelling opportunities vs. the duds its all on page 29. How I factor in the present market conditions and how to make money with Pre-announcements even if it goes against how you feel or what the media or pundits might be saying this most important tweak is revealed on page 21. (The market cycle affects 3 out of 4 stocks in the entire market, this is a proven fact backed up by many decades of market studies you MUST incorporate whats already in motion out there when you trade or invest! Pre-announcements are no exception) Ill show you my screaming, hands-down favorite pre-announcement set-up starting on page 36. (You could be reading it within minutes from now) Remember the old Reeses Peanut Butter Cup commercial the one where the peanut butter ran into the chocolate and WHAM it worked? Find out why its another good thing when a qualified preannouncement runs into this mammoth market force! (see page 28 for this sweet treat). My favorite way to leverage the emotion of a pre-announcement with unlimited upside and limited downside risk. How much of your time and attention does it take to make some real money with pre-announcements? I expose the trap-door thinking that you have to be watching the market every minute of every day (doing this will result in the exact opposite of what you think it will!) Discover how getting out of the way will be the best thing you ever did. Page 33 will remove your blinders. How this well-known brokerage firm used the power of pre-announcements to shellack the competition in a 5year long, behind-the-scenes competition among peer brokerage firms. (monitored by Zacks Research, see how the traders of this brokerage firm TRIPLED the results of the 2nd place finisher and obliterated the rest of the field.) Page 34 shows the compelling proof in the pudding. Thats just the tip of the iceberg of all youre going to be sinking your teeth into once you get your hands on a copy of the 1% Solution. After all, pre-announcements are only ONE of the ways the 1%ers pull fortunes out of the market. ORDER YOUR COPY OF THE 1% SOLUTION NOW AND GET A FREE GIFT In it, I uncover the nitty-gritty details of how I trade these pre-announcements, I also cover many more ways the 1%ers use to amass their wealth no matter what the economy does next or how much people complain about the market. More importantly

The 1% Solution Reveals How You Can Move Yourself Out of the 99% of All Investors Who Limp Along Losing Money, and Get Into That 7/27


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Exclusive Group the 1% of Investors Who Make Money

The 1% Solution reveals exactly HOW those of us in the 1% invest what the strategies are what the thinking is and much, much more. And I am convinced that if you dont seriously re-consider how youre investing your money, you will NEVER get yourself out of that group of people the 99% who never make serious money in the market. Why? Because the games been rigged from the beginning its been rigged to make you think that, in order to succeed, you have to become a market wizard you have to become a master of all this:

This is the Minefield the 99% Slog Through An Anxious, Painful, Everyday Reality Most aspiring investors see the You in the center of this picture above and say, Thats me! And chances are if youre reading this right now, youve been scammed into believing that in order to succeed, you have to master this 8/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

complex, confusing universe. Whats worse: inside this gaggle of information overload are crafty best interest agendas that have trapped independent investors like you into certain, limited ways of thinking. And you dont even know it. How do I know this? Because the evidence is clear:

Most Investors Dont Make Much (if Any) Money!

They DO spend a lot of time burning up their precious trading capital trying to master all the stuff they think they have to master in order to make money (see the YOU in the illustration above). And thats sad especially considering we live in the greatest capitalistic country on the face of Gods green earth. But guess what? The top, independent investors (the people in the 1%) dont deal with becoming market wizards! They simply bypass all the BS and deception thats being dealt up. And thats exactly what you need to do get your head OUT of the technical analysis books and software and get your eyes OFF the TV screen listening to the talking heads Because the fact is, if you think you can pleasantly go about investing like business as usual, then its time to wakeup. With all the massive government spending, government debt, lingering recession and inevitable increase in interest rates the climate for stocks is only going to get worse! But guess what

There Was No Lost Decade For the 1%!

During the past lost decade did all stocks go down? No! Did stocks stop moving? No! There was massive opportunity because of many market cycle trends, many explosive stocks (think about Apples resurgence as one gleaming example) and the top 1% were busy making money, building fortunes, and mopping up most of the market profits leaving only scraps behind for the 99%. And it all happens because they see things differently! They see opportunity WITHIN the chaos. But trust me these arent hair-brained day traders, screen-addicted forex nuts, or cut-throat commodity scalpers. Not at all These are the independent investors who make most of the trading profits out there. 9/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

And the 1%ers I know ALL started with extremely small trading accounts. They were NOT born into it. None of them inherited a big bank roll, have the right family name, or were blessed with a genius gene. They are all ordinary men who have become extraordinary investors.

Who are These 1%ers

Ive traded with or been mentored by each of these people. Youll get to know them and the way they invest really well inside the 1% Solution. For now, heres a quick rundown of what these people are like: Mr. F sends out his annual Christmas party invitations via armored truck. Why? Because each one is custom engraved on a gold ingot. (His girlfriend is so hot, shes one of those women who walks in a room and sends everyone into a panic.) Mr. M is one of the top energy traders in New York City. In a given year hell pull down between $30 and $50 million in trading profits without ever setting a foot on the trading floor. Iceman started out by taking a $20,000 cash advance on a credit card on a hunch he could profit with a certain edge. In about 12 years, he turned his cash-advance money into a $50 million fortune. Built entirely by trading stocks. Mr. N was an international dancer who traveled the world in the 1950s getting his quotes delivered by cable once a week at various hotels and airports. Starting with less than $10,000 he made $2 million in 1950s dollars in just over two years. Then theres the California pool contractor Mr. R who turned $11,000 into $22.5 million. He was featured in Fortune magazine with a stack of confirmation slips verified by 3rd party auditors. He bought 2 mansions: one in Beverly Hills and one on Lake Washington, on the same side of the lake as Bill Gates. And there are others and youll learn all about these guys inside your copy of the 1% Solution. But what you need to understand about all of them is this

They Dont Just Excel a Little Bit Beyond the Norm Their Results Are WAY Off the Charts
Ive either met them firsthand, interviewed them or been mentored by them. In fact, their guidance has made me an independently wealthy investor. It didnt happen overnight but it happened. What they have in common is the following They are all insatiably curious They are fast to accept blame (instead of quick to blame others or the situation), They are all over-the-top-teachable (this is MOST important: they dont think they have it all figured out.) If this describes you theres a good chance you can immediately start down their path and walk in their shoes, after all what one man can do, another man can do. And your own, personal copy of the 1% Solution will get you started.



A Special Message - The 1% Solution

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The 1% Solution will introduce you to

The Astonishing Secrets of the Worlds Wealthiest Self-Made Investors

This is your chance to learn what these ultra successful traders and investors know about making money that most people never discover in their lifetimes. This information is dramatically changing peoples lives literally overnight just take a look at some of what youll discover: The trade opportunity I get involved with 10 out of 10 times it sets up (no matter what mood Im in, no matter what mood the overall market is inwithout fail) This ones so clear, its amazing its not the most popular trading strategy among investors today but truth is no one has a clue about it! By using cheap, strategic options, a quick double, triple OR MORE is commonplace with this monster. (This trading rut-buster revealed on page 43.) The single tweak you can make RIGHT NOW to immediately STOP you chasing after money(and get it chasing you instead). 11/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

If you want to break away from being average and forever possess a compelling edge page 16 reveals this astonishingly powerful secret right there in plain sight. Thisll put you weeks ahead of the Wall Street media knowing just this will help you forever more as an investor guaranteed. Why one of the most analyzed and quoted theories (the darling of all supposed sophisticated traders) is a complete waste of time and what to do instead! This 8-letter word is bar-none the most compelling, shake-the-profit-tree word of them all. If I were limited to giving only one single word of advice about investing and trading, this would be it as its head and shoulders above the rest. It worked in 1950, itll work in 2050, and its an especially compelling edge in 2013. Discover this all-powerful 8letter word on page 26! (And its NOT the word earnings). More and more people these days obsess to stay informed. Ironically, the time, energy and attention SPENT on being informed is wildly counter-productive and HARMFUL! There are 3 reasons for this one of which Ill tell you right now: Financial media (like CNBC) is extremely addictive think: electronic cocaine. Whats more, they are routinely 912 months behind the real trends emerging out there (Why? Because the media is too busy reporting on the here and now). See page 89 and save your sanity plus, discover the details on all three reasons. The market moves in cycles whether you pay attention to it or not. You can choose to use this powerful background force to make money without much effort , or ignore it and unnecessarily torture yourself. Learn how the worlds best traders use the market cycle to their advantage page 20 gives you the insights you need to profit from these cycles. The trading opportunity you will NEVER make any money with! Dont assign yourself a living hell of never being right, never getting what you want, and never cashing in! Sidestep this pain-in-the-rear on page 14. The Me Effect is the haunting phenomenon when you ruin a 6-month, 1-year, or multi-year trend that everyone else was making money withup until YOU got in(the Me effect)

The Trend Is Your Friend Until YOU Get In!

The unadulterated truth you need to know about charts and technical analysis before you ever make another trade. With stock charts, its essential to only pay attention to a few certain thingsand theres a million things YOU DONT NEED TO PAY ATTENTION TO! Pages 86-88 will set you free on this subject and bring instant relief, peace and confidence. How being too smart and sophisticated made this already-rich, 1% trader miss out on the trade of a lifetime costing him over 800% in missed profits (all told: many millions of dollars) all because some sophistication got in the way. He decided to remind himself of this error with a sticky note placed by his computer screen, rubbing it in to make sure he never makes this same mistake again! This true story explainedso you can avoid making this costly and sophisticated mistake of omission in the future. This one little piece of wisdom is worth a Kings Ransom. (revealed on page 53) The new rules a CEO MUST adhere to that hardly any investors know about and HOW he can subtly communicate how earnings are shaping up IF you know WHERE to look and WHAT to listen for. Youll be in heaven with an easy-to-implement way to profit on these EXPLOSIVE moves (way before the media, and before 99.8% of other investors!) get the scoop on page 44

Its Like Stepping In Front of the Crowd 12/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

Time and Time Again With This Simple, Powerful 1-2 Combo.
How to use a Dilbert desk calendar and a simple bar chart on your screen to make uncanny money using a little-known list of stocks that are silently begging to be traded. (page 45 reveals the details) How to steer clear of the 3 most common ways investors lose moneyI call these losses of submission (see page 96). Take your profit making to the next level with professional loss taking. This sounds crazy to the average trader, yet learning this cold, insures you of amassing hordes of cash and treasure! (page 109 has all the details) If I was forced by gunpoint to make money in the stock market, and was only given a single page of any financial newspaper to work with every morning this is the page I would request hands down. Find out why this is so compelling and why its rarely talked about by reading page 43 of 1% Solution. How and when to profit from S-Curve Explosions: this is the never-to-be-repeated phase a company goes through that makes the stock price explode never again to be repeated or witnessed. Thanks to lightening fast information and communications, the pace of this S-Curve growth phase blows away anything you learned in crusty, old business class textbooks. Discover how to harness this path of least resistance starting on page 46. These 3 triggers will plant you in a sweet spot smack dab in front of these explosive phenomenons (often enough to put a smirk on your face) as certain perceptions get suddenly formed about a companys immediate future. (see pages 46 & 51) The two most expensive words in the English language for any investor or trader. How to avoid their money-draining effect and never get snookered by them again the lesson begins on page 28. One of the surest, year-round ways to get your hands on some treasure Ill show you the Jumper Cable set-up (sure to rev up a lifeless and listless brokerage account) that takes advantage as everyone files out the exit in a sheer panic. Then When you follow these 4 critical (but simple) guidelines youll be stepping right in front of a massive new flood of money and actually get paid up-front . On page 47, discover why In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king!

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The Buried Treasure Compounding Formula youve never been told about. All the world-class 1%ers count on this and use its power to their advantage and its not about your normal compounding theories (see page 66). One danger of improper position sizing is Eating like a bird and shitting like an elephant Heres what the 1% do so they dont move 2 steps forward, then 5 steps back. (devour page 112). Discover a one-of-a-kind, 100% FREE website that even 20-year veteran traders DONT KNOW ABOUT. About 25% of the time, this website keeps me from blowing precious trading capital on unworthy trades regardless if the set-up is near perfect!! (and this website has nothing to do with charts or tracking insider selling)

Find Out What This Website Is BEFORE 13/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

Checking In to any Roach Motels!

(unveiled on page 73) This is like having the key to Ft. Knox with all the guards being drugged-up: when a stock gets exactly this far away from its 200 day moving average its not only time to lock in the gains but also to unleash this 1, 2 combo that has the potential to pay off 100, 200, 300% in gains over and above what you already put in your pocket . But dont do this like normal traders would do it. Starting on page 57, youll see why this is a hidden gem and an elegant solution. 6 Street Smarts when it comes to earnings announcements. These gems are not contained in any book and not taught in any stock investment seminar. Just one of these street smarts can make or save you thousands all 6 revealed on page 92. The Bumper Crop Breakthrough these dont come along that often but when they do, get ready to harvest thousands (even tens of thousands) of dollars in profits with this real life setup hardly ANYONE knows about. Youll find this bumper-crop info on page 46. Why the most repeated conventional wisdom of how to profit in the stock market is done all wrong keeping even smart people held back in a constant state of frustration (and makes them think the grass is greener over in the Forex market or commodities) Page 47 contains one of the surest downside money-making opportunities in existence. Its the perfect storm that enrages any and all institutional head honchos involved with the stock. In this circumstance, above all others they punish the company EXTRA HARD by dumping the stock like a bad habit. What being effective has in common with this lesson learned inside a Las Vegas perfume store. This secret will turn a setback into triumph in your trading, or in life. (see what this is on page 29.) How to defuse the House Money Time Bomb rationalizing its the markets money or house money you are playing with is a fatal flaw. Time to start having a smugglers hold on your new found booty. Its YOUR money! And page 94 removes the blinders that trip up even seasoned and experienced traders! Where to get your charts on todays internet, and how to set them up in under 2 minutes for maximum effectiveness. A few years ago this cost $250 per monthand now its free and better on this website! Surprisingly, this is still news to even experienced investorssee page 90. Ever wonder why some hedge funds blew-up and why others prospered during the last 2 tumultuous years? Discover the number one strategy used by the top hedge fund managers (yes, there ARE SOME profitable hedge funds out there!) and the twist I put on it to make it doable for the normal Joe. Plus, it thumbs its nose to literally any market environment! Find out why the best things come in pairs on pages 84-86. When a stock suddenly has two or more of these reasons stacked on top of each other, I often double up for extra, insane profits. Some fun you never knew you could have is revealed on page 68. Whether you know it or not, what happened on June 10, 1985 is the day that changed everything. What happened on that date no doubt affects how you think and it exerts a hidden control of the investing decisions you make TODAY. Discover exactly what this is and how to free yourself from its vice-like grip. What do the world-class 1% do with their money on the side? Learn how they ensure an everincreasing pay raise on their sock-it-away money. The details on page 62 may surprise even those with years of experience under their belt. How to repair a damaged stock back to your cost basis even if its fallen out of favor by 20, 30, even 40% all without any additional fundsand without the stock price itself having to ever physically trade 14/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

at the price you bought in at! Dive into every last detail about this starting on page 74! How to make smart profits when it turns out you were plum wrong (no, the tooth fairy isnt involved here). Knowing how and when to deploy this stealth hedge edge will separate you from the teeming crowds. (see page 27 for the answer.) Real world rules to manage your loot. Your account can end up on the dung heap NO MATTER WHAT STOCKS YOU TRADE unless you pay close attention to these simple, but often overlooked steps.

More Simple Tweaks For Out-Sized Gains Only the 1% know!

How to know with the precision of a Swiss watch when the market is shifting into its next up or down cycle. (CNBC and the other media outlets will be 6 weeks behind you!) Discover a stock that right now for the past 7 out of 9, has run-up an average of 23% over the 30 day period leading up to its earnings announcements including one zinger that happens once every year, almost like clockwork! And the simple tweak thatll have you cashing in like ants at an un-attended picnic turning this into a 200% gusher in that same 30-days of time. Every boat on the bottom of the sea is full of charts! A stock chart is only so useful Heres the technical analysis voo-doo you can forever discard (and why all this efficiency from charting software/systems is getting in the way of you making big money!) Page 86 The trick revealed on page 89 will SAVE you $5,000, $10,000, $15,000 (even more) guaranteed. And its A-B-C easy. How to make massive returns on no-name, Virgin stocks right as theyre beginning to boom How to cash-in on these little-known buggers and watch lazy, copycat analysts trip over themselves to join in the upgrade chorus but only after youre already in the trade, of course. Page 51 tells all The 11-Word Question You MUST REMEMBER Before Entering ANY Trade. 7 reasons why option trading is perfect for todays markets. Discover the simple figure the 1% check out before buying or shorting any stock (or option). Its not volume, price action or some kind of secret pattern. And you wont find this in any book, or taught in any seminar discover what this is on page 97. Why 75% of stocks move in the same direction as the overall market and where to simply and easily find the markets pulse before ever making a trading decision! (without driving yourself crazy) Why one of the most analyzed and quoted theories (the darling of all supposed sophisticated traders) is a complete waste of time and what to do instead.

Click Here to Order the "1% Solution" Now and get it for HALF-OFF the published price
The worst time of the day to make trades in the market if you dont pay attention to this, your odds of getting off to a good start in a new trade are very low. Do this, on page 7 instead. 15/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

Stop doing this RIGHT NOW and start enjoying more success immediately! This is an innocent flaw most people get in the habit of doing. Yet, its so easy to change even right this very moment, with no therapy required! Just read page 41. The 4 kinds of stocks I avoid like the plague. Thats right, no matter how good the news or set-up is, stocks in these four groups are barely ever trade-able. I wont touch these four kinds of stocks with a 10foot pole. The answer is found on page 91 How to de-lemming yourself from the morning mob. This gem will literally save you tens of thousands AND MAKE you tens of thousands of extra dollars every single year. Stop going with the crowd and start anticipating it with this powerful secret. This lesson revealed on page 90 What can your daily routine look like? You may be pleasantly surprised whats revealed on page 43. Financial Rocketships - How to turn a 10% stock move into an 80-100% bundle of cashall with a contained downside, and unlimited upside. Find out why risking a fraction of your investment capital for untold gains can be one of the smartest things you do as a trader. The 3 iron-clad truths you MUST understand about the market cycle in order to experience serious breakthroughs in your trading results. Turn to page 18 for details. (Hint: one of these is this the market cycle is often detached and very different from the actual economy! Theres a bona fide reason for this which is explained in detail!) As you can see, the 1% Solution is jammed with cutting edge, money-making information youve never seen revealed anywhere else. It truly reveals the secrets of the 1%ers. And the reality is you simply can NOT continue to do what youve done and expect to get stellar results. This is information that can get you on the right path. It cuts through the clutter and gets you making money. Youre no dummy youve followed a plan and it just hasnt worked for you. You cant do this the way the system says youre supposed to. You were supposed to be able to hire a financial planner and watch your wealth grow. Or hire a money manager or trust the analysts and their unbiased advise or simply invest in mutual funds until youre 59 or 65. And it was supposed to all work-out peachy-keen for you. But in the real world this stuffs just not working. You need answers and you need them now especially if youre over 50. Times a tickin and it is NOT on your side. And what Im revealing in the 1% Solution can put time ON YOUR SIDE AGAIN. It gives you the RIGHT information with your copy of the1% Solutionyoull learn practical, real-world strategies you can put into place right now that will more than help you get through the worst financial catastrophe to strike America in its history. And guess what? Armed with the 1% Solution you can start small. What money you have left is all you need and theres never been a better time to be an online investor. Think about it 1. commissions have never been lower 2. wireless access gives you more freedom to operate from anywhere 3. computers are dirt-cheap and the internet is lightening fast, and 16/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

4. things like trade executions (filling, cancelling and replacing orders) have never been faster, smoother, or more accurate 5. Theres more movement and more compelling action more diverse opportunities and an alchemy of wealth, ideas and its like one of those crazier fireworks on the 4th of July that explode off it all directions, colors, sparks and showers! All This Spells a Level of Opportunity Thats Endless But in spite of all this you still struggle to pull down the money you thought you would when you first started investing. And thats frustrating. Its because hardly anyone knows what to really do But it sounded so easy in the beginning right? I mean hell all you have to do is buy low, then sell high right? So why has it been so damn hard?! I think one reason is because we live in such an explosive era of information. Information is great but the sheer quantity hitting you between the eyes everyday is madness. And it hits online investors and traders extra hard because what the internet opened up (in addition to bottomless reams of information) is the first opportunity investors had to transfer their money away from their full-service brokers so they could have a go at it alone. This created an explosion of seminar companies, subscription services, trading software, etc. And now investors are more confused than ever thinking they have to be that blasted Market Wizard in order to make serious money. You need to get away from that sort of thinking. And the 1% Solution will set you on that path and get you back to simpler methods methods that will actually make you money. One of the HUGE KEYS to this level of 1% success is uncovered in great detail its something almost every independent investor struggles with. And its the ONE THING that can absolutely make or break you. And its this

You Get Out of Your Trades At the Wrong Time EVERY Time
Am I right? How many times have you kicked yourself because you nervously placed a stop too tight, or you outright quit on opportunities WAY TO EARLY before your stock even had a chance to get going?! You know the feeling

Theres Nothing More Un-Nerving Than Being RIGHT on Your Entry, Yet WRONG On Your Exit! 17/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

The good news is there are specific, very powerful exit triggers the 1%ers use like clockwork. Unfortunately, most investors are utterly BLIND to them. I call these exit triggers. A big reason why the 1% make all the money directly relates to when they EXIT their trades (thats ALL trades, from the profitable ones all the way to the doozies). Unless you master the other side the exit as in when, why and how to get out of an investmentyoull stay mired in frustration and wont move ahead much. Take a look at what youll discover in the 1% Solution about how the 1% make their exits (class begins on pages 92-101): The Cadillac of exit triggers nope its not a trailing stop and has nothing to do with bailing on a loser. Once you see this ingenious form of an exit youll think youve discovered the Hope Diamond of exits. (Dont worry if this sounds weird or new fact is, this didnt even exist in your Dads stock market!) (see page 104) The biggest mistake that almost all traders even the savvy ones are making with their Investors Business Daily sell rules. Find out where 1% traders place their stops instead break the conventional wisdom rules and watch your profits soar. (see why IBDs 8% stop loss rules are complete bunk get the scoop on page 94). The last-ditch, abandon ship, nail-in-the-coffin, line in the sand exit trigger youve never heard about and how this one easy-to-find, easy-as-pie trigger will help you guard your gains like a junkyard watchdog (read all about it on page 99). Selling out of a big winner? You just press the sell buttonright? Wrong! Ill show you 3 killer exit strategies Ill bet youve never even heard of much less done! one of these will likely grow on you like a rash! You simply wont believe whats possible on page 105. You never want to exit a long trade the way you exit a short trade. This simple concept is KEY to understand and bottom line is you will make more money because of this. (Page 29 tells you all about it) Countless students have credited a particular exit I use as THE KEY to their now consistent success many saying they cant believe how they ever operated without it.

5 Trender-Benders
These 5 newsy inconveniences can stop a trend dead in its tracks. Once you discover what these are youll start to see them all over the place from now on. (Think: you just bought a new car and all of a sudden you start seeing that car all over the place.) My cardinal, number one rule when it comes to getting out of a trade and why it needs to be firmly rooted before you even bother getting in. Otherwise your brain will turn to MUSH and youll end-up riding it up, and then watch it drop back down while you drench yourself in worthless hope I hope it goes back up it should go back up until finally you take the loss and bask in the pain of more money down the drain. How to milk a stock that decides to rocket into outer space on a megatrend *Warning* ONLY use this exit trigger which is specifically designed for this kind of situation! When a trade acts right and doesnt give you any trouble right from the beginning chances are thats an exit youll need to worry less about and treat differently compared to a problem trade that right out 18/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

of the gate cant get anything right. Get your exit trigger for this kind of situation on page 100. Even savvy traders miss this one: The Run-For-The-Door Trigger when you see this newsy red flag shoot up the pole (in a stock you own) its time to take your well-earned booty and run! (Nope its not a bad earnings announcement or a cartel downgrade its something much more subtle) Exit Aikido This concept may sound confusing to some but its object is to pump out up to 400% profits even if youre wrong on the stocks direction. Do what the 1% of traders do class begins on pages 74-76. The number one trip-up when it comes to exiting trades at the right times and places and this simple, 2-minute elegant solution will rev up your confidence and be the aspirin for the when do I get out? headache. What you need to know about exit triggers when it comes to Directional trades vs. non-directional trades The dirt-cheap twist I add to an exit trigger that can turn a stock thats skidding the wrong way into an all-hulked-up green profit monster on steroids. This sleight-of-hand is 100% legal and above-board (it requires no extra approval or extra margin)! Welcome to the world of making a tidy fortune WHEN YOURE WRONG! Page 104 will floor you. When a stock does this, its just a matter of time until the roof caves in. It would be an outright SIN to be ignorant of this one even for one more day! And an even bigger sin to not bank FAT and FAST PROFITS on this cave in! See page 105. Investors Business Daily claims you should sell after a 7-8% drop in the stock no matter what. Yetsome of the most explosive movers often violate this rule several times before they pick up and scream. Find out where the 1% place their initial stops in todays crazy climate where anythings possible with a stock. STOP LOSSES ARE FOR ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISE TAKERS Find out why I seldom (if ever) bother with traditional stops and what I do instead on page 33. The easy-to-find exit trigger youve never heard of. It drills down to the stocks core revealing a spot on, no B.S. signal. While the crowd bitches and moans about a stocks ugly new twist youll can use this trigger to put you safely on the sidelines and out of harms way! Revealed on page 97 This illegal-to-hide news story works institutional shareholders up in a sweat. When they get nervous you should get nervous. Layer behind this an already scared stock market, and heres yet another compelling exit trigger youve probably not thought of before. (This news item happens all the time and out of the blue) The Mother-Of-All-Bombs is a gasoline bomb the size of a van that gets dropped out the back of a cargo plane (nicknamed the M.O.A.B.) In your investing and trading, you need to be aware of the Mother-OfAll-Stops CLUE: imagine one gigantic portfolio stop loss. (Nope its not index puts) Youll Be Wondering What You Ever Did Without This One!

Click Here to Order the "1% Solution" Now and get it for HALF-OFF the published price
How to know when to give certain opportunities a little extra wiggle room and when absolutely not to. How to turn an exit trigger into a new found pile of treasure 3 specific set-ups where in addition to the exit you turn the table and go short! 19/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

Youll discover these keys and a whole lot more. But this is just the beginning once you start uncovering the buried treasure revealed in your copy of the 1% Solution, you wont want to stop. Your mind will fly open and youll start to get a sense of Wow I really CAN do this! once you dig in a little further into the these new concepts and ways of thinking. I could go on for pages and pages what youre going to discover but whats important is that you get this in your hands and start reading it as soon as humanly possible. And due to the dire economic circumstances most investors find themselves in right now Im going to do something Ive never done before just to make sure you take action in your own best interest:

You Can Get this Financially Lifesaving Guide Right Now at a Special, Introductory Savings HALF OFF and Grab a SPECIAL FREE GIFT, too!
Because I want to get this urgent information into the hands of as many investors as possible, Ive made arrangements for you to get your own, personal copy of the 1% Solution for only $48.50 HALF off the published price of $97. Thats right. Just $48.50. Even better, if youre one of the first 350 to order your copy of the 1% Solution, youll get a special gift that could possibly be worth over 100 times your investment in the 1% Solution (more on that in a minute) Quite honestly, its possible the tiny investment you make in your 1% Solution package could be paid back 50 or 100 fold with the money you could make using what you learn in the "1% Solution" on your next few trades. Take a look at some of the results and comments Ive gotten from students and customers who love my 1% Solution...

What youll discover in the 1% Solution will change your life! What Preston teaches is so easy, so practical, and so simple youll never think the same way about investing and trading again. Your growing brokerage account balance will say it all! Heres my before and after results trading the 1% way: Before 1% Solution 97 trades 44 winners for $18,772 45 losers for $24,703 Net loss : $5,931 After 1% Solution 23 trades 20 winners for $9,906 3 losers for $1,665 Net GAIN: $8,241 Mike Howell, Tampa/St. Pete, FL 20/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

Using Preston James' (Pirate's) 1% Solution setups and strategies will lead you to stocks that are emotionally charged to move up. They are uncomplicated and use very little technical analysis, keeping the trade setups simple. These compelling approaches to finding profitable trades has given this novice investor confidence and pride. Also, a small trading account that has increased five-fold in only six months. Thank you Preston. Randy Bates Ada, MI

I started with the Pirate in 1998 and let me tell you I am as excited now about trading as I was when I started. I could tell you about all the money I have made but I won't. What I will tell you about is the support that the Pirate gives to you. The Pirate loves to trade and he loves to teach people how to trade to make money. He truly cares if a student is successful and will do anything he can to help you get there as a trader. I have watched the Pirate search the trading world for techniques and methods that are simple and give you the traders edge. I have watched the Pirate help people become financially independent. Have I quit my job and run to sit on a beach somewhere? No, but I could if I wanted to. Listen to the Pirate, you will make money. Boyd West Wyoming

I have known the Pirate since 1998. He has always acted with the utmost integrity, caring for his students, and is very knowledgeable in what he does. And, he just loves OPTIONS! If he makes a promise he keeps it, if he offers a guarantee he stands behind it. I recommend Preston without any hesitation, and his staff, especially Lori, is THE BEST! Thanks Jeff Goodman Ojai, CA

Even though I thought your 1% Solution was too good to be true I have been successful so far. My first trade on FFIV was successful ($400 profit in 1 week). I then got into BCSI and was up $600 the 1st day ended up with a profit of $1500 in 4 days. All of these trades were entered into on the same day during August when the market was so bad. They paid for my 1% Solution program and a whole lot more. Thanks for putting it together and making it available. Sandi & Bruce MacInnes NC



A Special Message - The 1% Solution

I just recently invested in your 1% Solution and was very skeptical. But I have to say that I am impressed. Just two examples of your set up netted me almost a 400% return. And that is on each trade! I really wished I had committed capital to these situations, but as a new client, I was only paper trading them. The bottom line is this simple methodology works! I'm looking forward to trading with this! Barry Boswell Ridgefield Park, NJ

Please let me reiterate These People Are All Just Like You. None of them were amazing in any way when they first got their hands on the 1% Solution. And if they can do it I know you can, too! But dont put this off...

In Order to Get the "1% Solution" for Just $48.50 (Half Off the Published Price of $97) You Need to Order Today
And why not order now, since youre protected with a killer guarantee:

A Lifetime, Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee

Thats right you will absolutely love the 1% Solution and all it opens your eyes to or you get your money back. Order your copy of the 1% Solution today with absolutely ZERO risk. Once you receive it, read and study the information and put the practical strategies you find in this one-of-akind guidebook to work. If youre in anyway dissatisfied, just return the "1% Solution", and youll promptly receive a FULL REFUND. What could be fairer than that?

Dont Lose Any More Of Your Precious Capital! Discover My Simple Real-World Strategies for Building (and Rebuilding) Your Wealth In Spite of the Ongoing Economic Turmoil 22/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

The 1% Solution is chock-full of proven strategies, techniques and information that can make all the difference for you in this hostile economy. And my goodness if were lucky enough to sidestep some of the catastrophes that are coming down the pipe youll be in a prime position to take advantage of the abundance of opportunities. Thats because the steps you take now, after reading the 1% Solution, youll be financially stronger more independent and more self-reliant than you are now.

Click Here to Order the "1% Solution" Now and get it for HALF-OFF the published price Fast-Action Bonus Worth $197 If You're One of the Next 350 People to Order the "1% Solution"
Now theres one last thing if you're one of the next 350 people to order your copy, Im going to give you a copy of a killer special bonus report that Ive sold in the past for $197. Its called How to Get Started On Less Than $10,000. Can you really get started with less than $10,000? The short answer is yes... but if you want to see what the 1% experts know about this you need to read this one-of-a-kind guide. You are going to love this. In fact, every bona fide 1%er Ive ever met started with a small account. Discover why starting small can make you a better trader! Take a peek at just some of what youll discover in this guidebook on how to get started: Trades & Having an Edge key situations and setups to focus on with a smallsized account for maximum gains in minimum time! The 2 habits you need to adopt QUICKLY with a small account. The 1% ALL DO THIS, yet most people think its silly and not worth the bother How to start with a limited budget: 3 things you MUST DO DIFFERENTLY for your best chance of getting your account balance jump-started. Every bona fide 1%er Ive encountered started small. Heres the 3 reasons WHY you want to start small even if you have several large accounts then build from there. The edge you want to use for a small account thats different from a large account. Why a small account trader almost always turns into a superior trader. The edge you want to use for a small account thats different from a large account. 23/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

Why the Market Cycle is extra important when working a small account. The Business of trading a small account (can taking profits be bad business?). The #1 strategy for exploding your profits this year. How and why your powerful mind CAN LIMIT your results and keep you in a defined box. Your copy of How to Get Started for Less Than $10,000 is waiting for you but only if you're one of the next 350 people to order. If you really want to kick your results into high gear, you wont want to miss out on this. Orders that come in after the 350 person cut-off, will not get the FREE guide... sorry. Understand, this information alone has been sold in the past for $197... and thats a lot of free to be giving out to just anyone. And lets face it

If Your Capital Is Limited, You Need This Guide Before You Place One More Trade
And as an owner of my 1% Solution youre going to be taking giant leaps up the ladder of trading success. You see... I know something that you might not really understand yet only because IVE LIVED IT AND EXPERIENCED IT... and its this: profiting at a consistently high level IS NOT reserved for just a few, special people. You CAN do this... The profits and money flow to you if you choose to do just a few key things: stay in the game, recognize real, non-B.S. opportunities and get your hands on the RIGHT tools you need to seize those opportunities. This is what my 1% Solution offers in spades.

Dont Lose Any More Of Your Precious Capital! Discover My Simple Real-World Strategies for Building (and Rebuilding) Your Wealth In Spite of the Ongoing Economic Turmoil

Click Here to Order the "1% Solution" Now 24/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

and get it for HALF-OFF the published price

Sure, you can sit back and hope the economy recovers or wait for the stimulus package to actually stimulate something. And you can hope and pray that your retirement account doesnt dwindle down any lower. But why put yourself through it all?

A Lifetime, Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee

Thats right you will absolutely love the 1% Solution and all it opens your eyes to or you get your money back. Order your copy of the 1% Solution today with absolutely ZERO risk. Once you receive it, read and study the information and put the practical strategies you find in this one-of-akind guidebook to work. If youre in anyway dissatisfied, just return the "1% Solution", and youll promptly receive a FULL REFUND. What could be fairer than that?

Why not invest in your ability to take control of your profits, in crease your lifestyle, and make more money by getting the 1% Solution in your hands? Why would you still hold onto those old, tired, worn-out ways of investing that just dont work anymore especially when youve got this cutting edge information staring you in the face. With it, youll discover the real secrets of the savviest of all investors. Think about this: $48.50 is a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money youre going to lose over your lifetime without this stock market know-how. Looking at it that way

You Really Cant Afford NOT to Invest In the 1% Solution

Dont you think you owe it to yourself to move on this incredible opportunity by taking action now, while its fresh on your mind. Dont put this off youre worth it. Yours for Bigger Profits, More Often,

Preston Pirate James 25/27


A Special Message - The 1% Solution

P.S. Dont forget you get your copy of the 1% Solution for just $48.50, HALF OFF the published price. And if you're one of the first 350 people to order, youll also get my killer report How to Get Started on Less Than $10,000... a $197 value. P.P.S. Weve covered a lot in this letter... but I want to emphasize one more point: this 1% stuff is real. But unfortunately, its stuff nearly every college finance professor would say You cant do that to. But once you learn this... it becomes knowledge that can never be taken away from you. Put just a fraction of this to work, and see what happens. And you have a lifetime to be the judge and jury. (Whens the last time a college finance professor offered a lifetime guarantee on THEIR advice?) Heres one last thing to consider: I think youd agree. you wouldnt have stuck with me this far if this message wasnt hitting home, even just a little bit. I think its safe to say this message is for you. But, aside from the most generous guarantee I can muster please realize I cant promise youre going to make $5, $10, $20, $30 or $80 million dollars. But what I can promise you is a solid look at real success. Actually, a bunch of chances at success- where one trade can create such a difference in your bottom line, youll never think about trading the same way again. I can also promise you some sanity that youll be spending most of your time being effective by getting into situations and set-ups where the money lines up and waits for you to grab it. You deserve this its time for you to succeed.

If You Really Want to Kick Your Results Into High Gear, You Wont Want to Miss Out on this Killer Information. So Why Not Order Your Risk-Free Copy of the 1% Solution Now?...

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A Special Message - The 1% Solution

Copyright 2013 Traders Edge Network, LLC


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