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Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows

in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27

Send to: CornerStone International PO Box 192 Just this past Friday, the Wilmore, KY 40390 in the memo of your check. Donate online at:

Freemans in Ecuador
J U N E 2 0 1 3

3rd Annual Art Show was held at Casa de Fe School. The children did a great job of welcoming guests, singing and dancing,Updates reciting poems and showing off their art work. Ministry Write Freeman-ST Its hard to believe that we have been here an entire year already! On the one hand, it seems like we just got here. On the other hand, it seems like weve been here forever So much has happened since our last newsletter and not all of it is good. It saddens me to share the news that we lost two children in the month of March. We buried both Santiago and Baby Ruth. While it is Baby Ruth heartwrenching to let them go, it is wonderful to know that they are made whole and are in the presence of the Creator. Sweet Santiago At the time of this writing, one of our special needs children is in the hospital here in Shell. Please pray for Rayana. And while youre prayRayana ing for Rayana, please pray for her little sister, Linet, who recently came to live at Casa de Fe. She has the same birth defects as Rayana, and her mother is pregnant again. Please pray for the health of this new baby and for their mother.

Magic Jack US Phone: 601-265-9708 Skype: Freeway23 (We would love to skype with your church or family) Email: Family Blog:

* for Rayana, Linet, their mother and their unborn sibling * for us as we minister to summer teams and volunteers * for our ministry projects to be funded (goats and inventory program) * for the spiritual and physical health of our family * for all of the staff, missionary and Ecuadorian, at Casa de Fe


We now have a total of 74 children to care for at Casa de Fe. The school year is winding down (last day is at the end of June), and volunteer teams are coming more steadily. Please pray for us as we minister to those teams over the next several months.

Just this past Friday, Casa de Fe School held its 3rd Annual Art Show. The kids did a great job welcoming their guests, singing and dancing, reciting poetry and showing off their art work.

Martin poses with the recycled art that his class made

Ministry Projects
We have two projects that we would like to see come to fruition in the very near future. The first should come as no surprise as most of you know that we had goats in the States before we came here. Wed like to purchase two dairy goats for Casa de Fe.

Javier is being eaten by a boa constrictor and he doesnt like it one bit.

They would serve at least three purposes: 1. The goats will help keep the grass and weeds cleaned up. 2. The goats will provide milk which can also be made into yogurt and cheese. 3. The goats will provide the opportunity for the children to learn animal husbandry. Casa de Fe has already received a $100 gift toward the purchase of these goats but we would also need to build a milking stand and a small covered pen. If youd like to give specifically toward this project, simply add goats to the memo on your check. If we receive enough funds, we may even add laying hens. Our second project concerns my primary job here as donations coordinator. We continue to expand buildings and the number of children we serve. We need a better way of keeping up with donations received, stored and distributed and would like to purchase an inventory software program. Weve not decided which program to purchase and are definitely interested in hearing suggestions! The ones weve looked at range in price from $100-$300. If youd like to give toward this project, simply write inventory program in the memo space on your check.

Sponsor a Child!
Enroll online at $45/mo Pics and info for 74 children


Family Update
Thanks to the generous gift of a supporting church, we were able to take a five-day family vacation to the Pacific Coast in April.

We celebrated Ainsleigh Graces 4th birthday in May! We added a new family member to the mix. She has already saved us from what appeared to be some sort of rabid opossum! Meet Chiquita

And we continue to do school around the dining room table! Thank you for your continued support of our ministry here at Casa de Fe! I thank my God with each remembrance of you. Philippians 1:3 Blessings, Jeff, Stephanie, Jesse, Abigail, Ana Claire & Ainsleigh Grace

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