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Wind Loads and Tower Design

Wind Speeds for tower design are defined to different standards for use with different National Design Standards. Wind speed depends on the time period over which it is averaged. Three common wind speed are: Hourly mean wind speed averaged over one hour. Used in the United Kingdom in BS 8100 and in BS 6399. Peak gust or 3 second gust wind speed is averaged over about 3 seconds. Commonly used elsewhere ASCE 7-95, ASCE 7-02, AS 3995, AS 1170, IS 802. It was used in the UK in the now superseded CP3 Chapter 5. Fastest mile wind speed is averaged over the time it takes for a mile of wind to pass. The averaging period thus varies with its speed. Used in EIA-222-F. Being phased out in favour of 3 second gust wind speeds in America. Approximate relationships between the above are: Fastest mile = (1.25 to 1.33) hourly mean 3 sec gust = 1.52 hourly mean The conversion constants depend on the mathematical model used to describe the wind. A spread sheet Wind Speed.xls is included in the \Documents sub-directory to help in converting wind speed. Codes specify some form of gust factor to bring the averaged wind forces to the peak forces required for design. Load factors or partial safety factors are also applied to the DL and WL components of the forces in members to give an adequate safety margin in member design. The magnitude of these factors depend on whether the member capacities in the design code are based on working stress or ultimate limit state.

It is most important to use the correct wind speed, partial safety factors and load factors with the chosen codes.
The following sections briefly set out basic requirements of various codes. Many effects have been omitted. They are meant to be an overview and do not replace the code. The code itself should be consulted for full details.

BS 8100 Part 1

Wind Load: WL ::: (1 + GB) (GV VB)2 ( ::: = proportional to)

VB hourly mean wind at 10m above ground level (AGL) corrected to mean sea level. GV - partial safety factor on wind speed, 0.96 to 1.3. GB - gust factor = f (Terrain category, tower height) Typical values: 1.2 TC 2 H 10 TC 3 H 45 TC 4 H 200 1.4 TC 3 H 20 TC 4 H 90 TC 5 H 280

Combinations for strength limit state: GDLDL + WL GDL partial safety factor on dead load, 1.0 if DL and WL act together, 0.9 otherwise. Capacity of a stocky compression member: Cap ::: fy/GM Fy yield strength GM partial safety factor on material strength, 1.0 to 1.3.

EIA 222 F

Wind Load WL ::: GHVB2 VB fastest mile wind speed at 10m AGL for a 50 year recurrence interval. GH gust factor, 1.25 for H <= 10m, 1.0 for H > 435m. Combination: DL + WL

Capacity of a stocky compression member: Cap ::: 0.6 Fy . WOS WOS = wind overstress factor 1.33 H <= 213m, 1.00 H > 366m

EIA 222 G

Wind Load: WL ::: GhV2 V 3sec gust wind speed at 10m AGL in exposure condition C for a 50 year mean recurrence interval. Gh gust effect factor, 0.85 for H <= 137m, 1.0 for H > 183m. Combination, strength limit state: 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL

Capacity of a stocky compression member: Cap ::: phi . Fy Phi capacity reduction factor, 0.85 for compression. Fy - yield strength.

ASCE 7-95, 7-02

Wind Load: WL ::: G V2 V 3sec gust wind speed at 10m AGL in exposure condition C for a 50 year mean recurrence interval. G gust effect factor, 0.85.

Combination, strength limit state: 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL

Capacity of a stocky compression member ASCE 10-97: Cap ::: Fy Fy - yield strength.

AS 3995

Wind Load: WL ::: VU2 VU design gust wind speed at 10m AGL in terrain category 2 for a 50 year mean recurrence interval.

Combination, strength limit state: 1.25 DL + WL

Capacity of a stocky compression member: Cap ::: phi . Fy Phi 0.9 Fy - yield strength.

IS 875 Part 3 1987

Wind Load: WL ::: Vb2 Vb peak gust wind speed averaged over about 3 seconds at 10m AGL in terrain category 2 for height class A for a 50 year mean recurrence interval.

Combination, strength limit state: Not known

Capacity of a stocky compression member IS 802: Cap ::: Fy

Bangladesh National Building Code

Wind Load: WL ::: V2 V basic wind speed, fastest mile wind speed at 10m AGL in exposure condition B for a 50 year mean recurrence interval.

Combination, strength limit state: Not known

Capacity of a stocky compression member: Not known

Institution of Lighting Engineers Tech Report 7

Wind Load: WL ::: VB2 VB hourly mean wind at 10m above ground level (AGL) corrected to mean sea level, for 25 year return period, = 0.96 x wind speed for 50 yr. Wind velocity profile uses the methods of BS 6399. A gust peak factor is applied, giving wind forces that are effectively the same as for a 3sec gust wind profile. A size reduction factor and a response factor are applied to the wind loads to take account of the poles height and dynamic characteristics.

Combinations for strength limit state: DL + 1.25 WL

Capacity of a stocky compression member: Cap ::: fy/GM Fy yield strength GM partial safety factor on material strength, 1.15.

BS 5950 : 2000

Wind Load BS 6399: WL ::: VB2 VB hourly mean wind at 10m above ground level (AGL) corrected to mean sea level, for 50 year return period. A gust peak factor is applied, giving wind forces that are effectively the same as for a 3sec gust wind profile.

Combinations for strength limit state: 1.2 DL + 1.4 WL

Capacity of a stocky compression member: Cap ::: fy Fy yield strength

Engineering Systems Sept 2005

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