Hebrew High Graduation Program

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to explore their personal approaches to Judaism as they pursue a quality Jewish high school education. Students have the opportunity to select courses and participate in informal educational experiences, choosing the level of their involvement according to their graduation goals. Credits are applied to diploma or certificate programs.

Diplomas and Certificates Graduation from Beit Midrash Hebrew High requires attendance through the 12 th grade. Diplomas with honors and some certificate programs may have distribution requirements (courses in specific areas). To receive a diploma with highest honors requires Confirmation, or completion of an equivalent synagogue program, and 3 hours a week of course study for two years in grades 9 10.
BMHHS Diploma with Highest Honors

The highest credential awarded, represents distinguished academic excellence in Jewish studies and commitment to Jewish community. 65 credits
BMHHS Diploma with Honors

Represents superior scholastic standing and diverse participation in informal Jewish education. 50 credits
BMHHS Certificates of Merit

Represent distinguished academic pursuit in specific areas of study: Hebrew Language Leadership and Community Service Bible and Rabbinics 40 credits (10 credits must be in concentrated area of study)
BMHHS Certificate of Achievement

Represents completion of a program of Jewish studies and a demonstration of commitment to Jewish learning. 30 credits
BMHHS Certificate of Completion

Represents completion of required core classes and attendance through the senior year. 20 credits

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Course Credits All candidates for diploma or certificate programs must take courses in each of the following areas: History Torah & Text Hebrew Language & Literature Jewish Living Arts & Culture Tfillah & Ritual

Each semester course is worth 1 credit; each year-long course is worth 2 credits - unless otherwise indicated. (See Curriculum Guide.) Students must attend at least 75% of the scheduled classes to earn course credits. Students arriving more than 15 minutes late for classes, or leaving more than 15 minutes early, will not receive credit for that session. Criteria for awarding credits include: attendance, class participation, completion of assigned projects, positive attitude, and appropriate conduct. Independent Study: a total of 3 credits Independent study is offered to those students in grades 10 12 who have demonstrated maturity, responsibility, and a desire to learn in a specialized area of Jewish study and/or practice. A student seeking to earn credits this way must submit an independent study contract to the Beit Midrash director before the semester begins. The contract must describe: 1) which teacher will supervise the independent study; 2) what the content of the work will be; 3) how the work will be evaluated; 4) the reason for the independent study; and 5) the credit value of the course. Students may take a given course only once for credit. Exception: Hebrew courses may be repeated as recommended by the instructor and as approved by the schools director. Different courses may be offered from year to year. Core courses for grades 8 and 9 are required. Informal Education Credits Beit Midrash students can earn credits while participating in a wide range of informal educational programs. Community Service: a total of 20 credits Includes: service to Jewish community agencies, synagogues, religious schools, Jewish day schools, and Jewish organizations

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Credit is awarded to participants in Jewish day school mitzvah programs and madrichim programs Jewish Educational Summer Camp (as camper or counselor): a total of 4 credits Resident camps: .5 credit per 4-week session Day camps: .5 credit per summer Youth Group Shabbatonim, Conventions/Retreats: .5 credit per year Leadership Kallot: 1 credit per year Israel Trips (with educational components): a total of 6 credits 3 credits per trip of 10 or more days Transfer Credits Students seeking enrollment who are new to the community, or new to Beit Midrash, may transfer credits from previously attended institutions of Jewish learning. Equivalencies are determined by, and at the discretion of, the director of BMHHS. Incentives Attending a Hebrew High School through the 12 th grade demonstrates a commitment to learning and ones heritage. Graduating seniors may request letters of recommendation to be included with college applications. Graduation Awards: Once the graduation program becomes operative, an endowment fund could be created for scholarships, monetary awards and prizes, such as: Scholarship for superior scholastic standing (distinguished academic performance) Scholarship for excellence in Hebrew language Scholarship for excellence in Torah and rabbinics Award for service to the Jewish community Principals leadership award Award for demonstration of commitment to Jewish values Sabra award for passion towards Israel Prize for original Jewish music composition Scholarship for the study of Judaic fine arts

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