Grade 11 Math Final Exam Review 2012

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MCR3U Exam Review

s r e n d r a G . r M

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Definitive MCR3U Exam Review 2012

r e n d r a G . r M

If you can get perfect on this should be good to go! * Indicates that we will go over these questions in June.

Functions and Quadratic Functions, Rational Expressions and Algebra

1. For the function f (x) = 8 4x, evaluate (b) x, if f (x) = -16 (a) f (4) 2. For the function g (x) = 2x 2 8x + 1, determine (a) g (-2) (b) x, if g (x) = 11 (d) Is g -1 (x) a function, or not? If not, what restriction on the domain will make it a function? (c) f


(d) f



(c) g



(e) x, if g

(x) = 1

3. What is the inverse function of h (x) = -3x 2 +6x + 4, if the domain of h (x) is x > 1? * 4. Simplify each in exact form, using imaginary numbers where required. (b) 121 (a) 32 (d)

(c) (f)

6 + 24 4

4 12 2

3 27 3 (e)

5. Simplify each expression and State the restrictions. 3x + 9 3x + 9 x 2 + 5 x + 6 2 4 4x 2 (a) x 2x 15 (b) 2x

x 2
(c) x

+ 6x + 9

x +4 x2 9

6. Complete the table. Express your answers in exact form. Degrees Radian measure
Related Acute Angle



7 4

11 6

One more co terminal angle

7. If cos =

3 , what are the possibilities for csc ? Hint: Use Pythagorean theorem! 10

8. Sketch each angle, state its related acute angle, and determine its exact ratios of each. (Hint: CAST rule!) (a) sin 315o (b) cos 11 6 (c) tan

5 3

(d) sec 135 o

Mr. Gardners MCR3U Exam Review

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9. Solve the following equations for , where 0 < 360o, or 0 < 2 . Express each answer as stated.

(Remember that there will be two answers for each!)

(a) cos = 0.8547 , in degrees rounded to one decimal place. (c) cot = 3 , in exact degrees and radian measure. (b) sin =

1 2

, in exact degrees and radian measure.

(d) csc = 3.741 , in degrees rounded to one decimal place.

10. Solve for the variable in degrees, rounded to 1 decimal place. (Look out for the Ambiguous Case!) (a) 13 15 (b) 25o 6 (c) 9 45


65o 20




11. To an observer at A, the angle of elevation of the highest point C is 31o. To an observer at B, the angle of elevation is 35o. If the observers are 220 m apart with C directly between them, what is the height of point C?
31 35

220 m

* 12.

From the top of the CN Tower A, the angle of depression to the base of the Royal Bank building, C, is 53 degrees, and the angle of depression to the Crown Life building, D, is 51 degrees. The angle between the two buildings is 100 degrees, and the height of your position in the CN Tower, A, is 500 m. (a) Which building is closer to the CN Tower? (b) How far apart are the two buildings?

53o 51o


100o 13. Prove the following identities. (a) cos =

(b) csc 2 x 1 = csc 2 x cos 2 x

1 sin tan cos csc x cot x = csc x (c) 1 cos x

14. Complete the table, and sketch the function of y = 3 cos 2 1 , on the interval 0 2 4 Maximum Minimum Range Domain Amplitude Vertical Phase Shift Displacement


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15. What is the equation of each function, g and h, in the graph below? The angle is in degrees.

Exponential Functions
16. For the function f (x ) = 2 (x 1) 4 , determine the following (a) The domain (d) The horizontal asymptote (b) The range (c) The y-intercept

(e) State the transformations which must be applied to f (x ) = 2 x to obtain f (x ) = 2 (x 1) 4 .

(f) Sketch f (x ) = 2 x and f (x ) = 2 (x 1) 4 the function as accurately as you can.

17. Simplify the following (a) (-5)




(c) 16

3 4

(d) 81x 2 y 6

1 4

* 18 Solve the following equations: (a) 32 x = 81 (b) 2 3 x 5 = 1024

2 1 (c) 4 x 4 x 3 = 16

19. A strain of bacteria grows at a rate of 15% per day. If a culture has 300 cells, how many will it have after seven days? Round to the nearest cell.

20. Carbon-14 has a half-life of 30 minutes. What will be the mass of a 300 mg sample after 6 hours? Round your answer to two decimal places.

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Sequence and Series

21. A sequence begins with

3 3 , , 3, 6, ... . 4 2 (a) What is the general term of the (b) What 10th term. sequence?

(c) What is the sum of the first 10 terms of this sequence?

22. The first term of an arithmetic sequence is 27, and the common difference is -5 (a) What is the tenth term of the sequence? (b) What is the simplified general term of the sequence? (c) What is the sum of the first 25 terms of the sequence?

23. What is the sum of the series 3 + 10 + 17 + + 94

24. A sequence is defined by t n = t n 1 + 2 . If t 1 = 57 , write the next three terms and use sequence and series formulae to calculate the sum of the first 15 terms.

Expanding Binomials using Pascals Triangle (The Binomial Theorem)

* 25. Expand and Simplify. (a)
y )6



(2a + b )4

(c) a 3 + 2b



Financial Mathematics
26. Explain the differences between simple interest and compound interest. 27. A $300 investment is made at 2% annual interest, compounded monthly for 10 years. How much money will you earn in interest? 28. In seven years, you want to have $10 000 to help you buy a car. You found a seven-year bond which offers 4% interest compounded monthly. How much should you invest now to mean your goal of $10 000 in seven years? 29. To help pay for your university education, your parents deposit $250 at the end of every month into an account that earns 3% annual interest compounded monthly. (a) After ten years, how much money is in this account? (b) How much interest will have been earned over the ten years? 30. While you are at university, you set up an annuity which will give you $250 at the end of every two weeks, for four years. Your financial advisor has found an annual interest rate of 3.54%, compounded biweekly. (a) How much money do you need to invest now so that you can make these regular biweekly withdrawals? (b) What is the amount you will earn in interest over the four years? 31. You take out a $15 000 car loan at an annual interest rate of 4%, compounded bi-weekly. You plan to pay back the car loan with regular bi-weekly payments, starting two weeks from now, and you will have the loan paid off in five years. (a) What will be your regular loan payment? (b) What will be the total amount of money you will have to pay out? (c) What is the cost of the loan due to interest?

The End! You can check your answers on my web sites exam outline page.

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Mr. Gardners Definitive MCR3U Exam Review 2012 ANSWERS

(If you see a typo, please tell me or email me ASAP!)
1. (a) -8 (b) x = 6 (c) y =

1 x +2 4


13 4

2. (a) 17 (b) x = 1, 5

(d) Not a function. To make it a function, set the domain of the 2 original function to x 2 or x 2 (or you could use x > 2 or x < 2 ). (e) x = 0, 4
7x 3

(c) y = 2

x +7

3. y = 1 + 4. (a) 4 2 5. (a) 6. Degrees

if x>1. Note, if x < 1 then y = 1 7 x would be the answer.


(b) 11 i

(c) 4 3i (b)

(d) 2 3

(e) 1 3i

x 5

, x 3, 2


+ 2)

, x 3, 2, 0
450o 5 2 90o 810o

3 + 6i 2 6(2x 1) (c) , x 3, 3 ( x + 3) 2 ( x 3)

Radian measure Related Acute Angle One more co terminal angle 7. csc =

270o 3 2 90o 630o

-315o 7 4 45o 405o

330o 11 6 30o 690o

Note: 90o is not really an acute angle, but I have applied it to this situation.

10 91

8. (a) (b)

1 2


3 2

(c) 3

(d) 2

9. (a) 31.3o, 328.7 o, 10. (a) 53.1 o

3 7 , (c) , 4 4 6 6 (b) 30.5 o and 149.5 o (c) 6.6 o

(d) 195.5 o, 344.5 o (e) 20.9 o (b) 599.1 m 11. 71.14 m

12. (a) BC = 3768 m, DB = 404.9 m, BC is closer

13. (a) Change left side tan and add (b) switch everything to sinx and cosx. Work both sides. (c) Switch everything to sinx and cosx, work left side using common denominators. 14. Max 2, Min -4, Range 4 y 2 , Domain R , Amp = 3, Vertical , Period . GRAPH 4 15. g (x) = 3 cos x + 2 , h (x) = 2 sin 2(x 45) 3 16. (a) all real numbers (b) y>-4 (c) -3.5 (d) y=-4 (e) right 1 down 4 (f) GRAPH Displacement = -1, Phase Shift

1 17. (a) 625

1 (b) -3 (c) 8



3 2

3 n 1 (2) 4 23. 679

18. (a) x=2 (b) x=5 19. 798 cells 22 (a) -18

(c) x= 2 5 21. (a) t n = (c) -825 (b) 384 (c) 767.25 24. sum is 1065

20. 0.07 mg (b) t n = 32 5n

25. (a) x 6 6 x 5 y + 15x 4 y 2 20x 3 y 3 + 15x 2 y (b) 16a 4 + 32a 3b + 24a 2b 2 + 8ab 3 + b 4

5xy 5 + y 6

(c) a 15 + 10a 12b + 40a 9b 2 + 80a 6 b 3 + 80a 3b 4 + 32ab 5 (d) x 10 15x 8 + 90 x 6 270 x 4 + 405x 2 243

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26. Compound interest is modeled with an exponential function, where as simple interest is modeled with a linear function. The interest you earn is deposited directly back into your account, and becomes part of the principal for the next time interest is calculated. Because of this, your interest earns interest and your money grows faster (exponentially) when compared to simple interest. Most of the financial world uses compound interest these days. A graph will show the difference between compound and simple interest. On page 1, the lighter line shows a linear simple interest model and the darker exponential curve shows the exact same investment but with a compound interest model. As you can see, the compound model earns more interest at a faster rate then the simple interest model. The more the compound periods per year, the more interest is calculated and paid to you, and the more interest you will earn. 27. $66.36 28. $7561.36 29. $34,935.35, $4,935.35 30. $24, 227.75, $1, 772.25

31. $127.40, $16, 561.46, $1,561.46

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