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Shedding some light on UFOlogy and UFOs

Dr. Richard Feynman

Volume 1 Number 1 May-June 2009

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I want to thank the authors for their work

in this issue. If no author is listed, then it
is my own opinion and writing. If you dis-
agree with an article, the e-mails to the
editor is a place to comment. Opinions
are always welcome but keep it clean
and constructive. I request emails be
short and to the point. I retain the right
to “shorten” lengthy diatribes. I also don’t
care about how you feel about me per-
sonally. Personal attacks are not welcome
and refrain from name-calling/profanity.
It is a sign of a limited vocabulary.

I hope everyone enjoys the first issue and

I hope to receive more contributions in

Filling a void Tim Printy

the future. Deadline for article submis-
sions is two weeks before “publishing”
date, which is the first day of the month
the issue begins. The next issue will be

SUN’s bastard child? posted on July 1, which means the sub-

mission deadline is June 15th.

When Phil Klass stopped publishing his would be just another entry in the mass
Skeptics UFO Newsletter in 2003, some- of Blogs that already exist. I don’t have
thing disappeared from the skeptical the time to enter something once a Filling a void......................................................1
community. The last issue, titled “SUN- week. Therefore, I decided to step in with The Phil Klass almost nobody knew........2
set”, was his farewell and he passed away this newsletter and call it SUNLite. It is
Who’s blogging UFOs?...............................3-4
in 2005. I had a chance to communicate a lighter version of SUN simply because
with Phil over his later years and I am Phil is no longer with us and I intend it to The Roswell corner......................................5-7
sorry I missed him in his prime. I always be a bit different. However, I do expect to The Big Sur UFO lives again..........................7
enjoyed his friendly exchanges and inter- see this follow in Phil’s legacy of present-
The Arizona UFOs: Twelve years later.......7
esting humor. This newsletter is a tribute ing skeptical information and opinions
to his efforts and will attempt to fill the about UFO news. Jesse Marcel - The evolution of a Ro-
void left after his passing. swell witness..............................................8-10
It is my desire to make this a newsletter The greatest secret never told --------------10
My interest in UFOs began in 1997 during for skeptical examination of UFO cases
The ISS is causing UFO reports...................11
the Hale-Bopp UFO nonsense. As I read as well as skeptical opinions. I am more
more I guess I became obsessed with than willing to entertain articles written Whatever happened to..............................11
how ridiculous some of the UFO claims from “the other side of the aisle” on a case Another UFO Chase.....................................11
were. This was also about the same time by case basis. I have read some that have
Bill Birnes and Peter Davenport taken in
the Arizona UFOs and the 50th Roswell been interesting to say the least. How- by UFO hoax....................................................12
anniversary occurred. I became interest- ever, in keeping with the newsletters for-
ed in each and discovered that most of mat, I expect that the articles be written Just the facts...................................................13
what was being described in the media objectively without a need for conspiracy The illusionists...............................................13
was not as accurate as it should be. This theories and wild claims being displayed E-mails to the editor......................................14
led me to create my web site dedicated as facts. Feel free to do that in some UFO
to my opinions about UFOs. I added to publication. What has 60 years of UFO research a
it as I learned more about each UFO case ccomplished?.................................15
and developed my opinions about UFOl- While SUN was a mass mailing of a photo- UFOs on the tube - UFO Hunters...............16
ogy and UFOlogists. Today, I add to the copied newsletter, I think today’s modern Book reviews: Buy it, borrow it, bin it......16
site occasionally but not often enough. I internet can get past the idea of clogging
wanted to move in another direction. up the post office with a lot of wasted pa-
per. The electronic age makes it easy to
I originally thought of a Blog but that create a newsletter and put it into pdf
The Phil Klass Almost Nobody Knew The Last will and
Gary P. Posner testament of
I assume that most readers of this news- knew. Phil continued, “The reader could Philip J. Klass
letter know that Philip J. Klass, who died hardly guess that I put you up in my apart-
in 2005 at age 85, was widely considered ment for several days (as well as supply- To UFOlogists who publicly criti-
the world’s premier UFO skeptic. Not ing many of your meals, as I recall), that cize me...or who even think un-
only did he write a cutting-edge newslet- I pulled out any file that you requested,
kind thoughts about me in private,
ter from December 1989 to the summer and gave you permission to make Xerox
of 2003 (76 issues, of which I copy-edited copies of essentially everything you re- I do hereby leave and bequeath
many), but of his six UFO-related books, quested. Further, that you were alone THE UFO CURSE: No matter
UFOs Explained (1974) is still considered in my apartment for several days [while how long you live, you will nev-
by many as the best ever in the field. I was at work] and could go through my er know any more about UFOs
complete files.”
than you know today. You will
In his heyday, Klass, who lived in Wash-
ington, D.C., was a contemporary of Two more paragraphs followed, in which never know any more about what
Senator Bob Dole. Like Klass, Dole had Klass corrected the record (though too UFOs really are, or where they
a razor-sharp sense of humor that had late for McCartthy’s readers) regarding a come from. You will never know
a tendency to rub many the wrong way, related matter. Yet despite being stung any more about what the U.S.
and a penchant for occasionally doing by an ungrateful hornet, Klass concluded,
Government really knows about
so intentionally. Yet upon his retirement “But aside from this, as far as I have read
from the Senate, I read, for the first time, [so far], I compliment you for a very pen- UFOs than you know today. As
that of all 100 Senators, Dole was consis- etrating work which, on the whole, main- you lie on your own death-bed
tently voted (I think by the lower-echelon tains a semblance of balance far better you will be as mystified about
employees such as the cooks, doormen, than should be expected from an author UFOs as you are today. And
etc., but I don’t recall for certain) the most with a strong bias on a very controversial
you will remember this curse.
courteous and likeable of the lot. subject.”
(Philip J. Klass - SUN #72)
Klass was not merely likeable, but lovable Talk about class. Not enough knew it, but
the way another contemporary of his, Klass had it.
Howard Cosell, was lovable (and perhaps
a bit like Rush Limbaugh): you either loved
him, or you hated him. And like Bob Dole,
despite an often abrasive public persona,
Klass extended courtesies above and be-
yond and not just to his friends and like-
minded UFO skeptics.

Shortly after I met him, Klass began to of-

ten send me photocopies of his extensive
correspondences with UFOlogists and the
like. One of the very first was a four-page
letter written in 1976 to Paul McCarthy, a
young man who had recently completed
his doctoral thesis on Dr. James McDon-
ald’s UFO-related career and had just sent
a copy to Phil. After praising some parts
and quibbling with others, in the middle
The idea of wondrous spaceships from a distant civilization really is
of page 4, Klass expressed disappoint-
ment at the suggestion, in the thesis’s In- a fairy story that is tailored to the adult mentality--a fairy story in
troduction, that he had been “as uncoop- which anyone can become a first hand participant simply by keeping
erative as [Dr. James] Harder who refused an alert eye peeled toward the skies. The myth of extraterrestrial vis-
to meet with you. And you also hint that itors will persist--this book not withstanding--if only because there
I held back information from you, when
are so many natural and man-made “UFOs” to be seen, and because
you wrote (p. xiii): ‘As it was, I think I ac-
quired only the tip of the iceberg.’” so many people want to believe. (UFOs Explained p. 360)

Now for the Klass that almost nobody

Blogs are quite the rage over the inter- Who’s blogging “Western white house” without a tran-
net. It seems like anybody who wants
to voice his or her opinion has one. I UFOs? sponder during the Stephenville UFO
event. I think if somebody did their
have attempted one blog as an astron- homework, they would discover that
omy journal with AOL for a few years. It this is not as unusual as claimed. The
was my way of documenting my obser- Hot topics and varied opinions research conducted by MUFON was in-
vations and astrophotography efforts. adequate with the radar data they had
When AOL stopped their service, I de- presented and was poorly analyzed.
cided I did not want to run Cox is a UFO promoter and
a journal or blog anymore not much of an investigative
since I really did not have reporter. He appears to just
a lot of time to devote to blindly repeat everything he
the matter. Therefore, for reads about UFOs without
those that run blogs on a even thinking.
very regular basis, I have
a respect for their devo- Magonia’s blog has risen
tion. With that being said, from the ashes. I am glad to
let’s take a look what has see the Pelican is out flying
been happening on the again. I look forward to his
blog front over the last few wisdom. There are plenty of
months. good book reviews and links
to various commentaries
Kevin Randle’s “Differ- here. It is well worth a visit.
ent Perspective” blog
continues to ramble on Kentaro Mori’s “Forgeto-
about Roswell. I will comment on quite the collection. Frank definitely mori” blog looks at a lot of paranor-
that issue in the Roswell corner. One has his finger on the pulse of modern mal stories with a focus on UFOs.
of Kevin’s other great issues has to do UFOlogy. His site takes just about any Probably the most interesting thing he
with commentary by Phil Plait, the bad story and puts it on the site even if it placed on his blog was a eerie video
astronomer. Because Phil seems to can not be confirmed. Frank even has a with music showing a classic “flying tri-
miss how the UFOlogist mind thinks, UFO news ticker on the blog as well as a angle” over Santiago, Chile on Decem-
he gets easily misunderstood. Phil host of guest writers. The biggest news ber 10, 2008. Kentaro looked further
made the statement that if UFOs were recently is that Robert Bigelow gave all and stated the lights had appeared in
so common more astronomers would sorts of money to MUFON in order to years past about the same time. It did
report them. Reading this, Randle be- prove the reality of UFOs. MUFON is sup- not take long for him to figure out the
gan to list astronomers who have re- posed to provide training for a special triangle of lights was a formation of air-
ported UFOs, as I knew he would. He group of investigators, who will deploy craft with lights. The aircraft were part
even made the statement that “many” rapidly to any UFO event. I have to won- of the Chilean Air Force aviation school
of these UFO reports are alien space- der what they will accomplish when they and they were training for the gradu-
craft! Phil actually meant (and he ex- get there? Most people can tell their story ation ceremony, which happened at
plained this in his comments section of via email or live chat via webcam. Unless night. The video looked very similar to
his blog) was that if UFOs were a real there was physical evidence to gather, what witnesses described in the 1997
phenomena, then astronomers would the team will be just replicating the work Arizona UFO event.
report them more frequently than the at a higher cost! Bigelow promises scien-
general public. It is always interesting tific assistance to analyze any space sam- The Bad Astronomer, Phil Plait
how UFOlogists go after scientists who ples that can be found. Hmmm.....I have keeps talking mostly about scien-
question the UFO phenomena. Phil’s heard this story before. Wasn’t it called tific events and discoveries. His few
contributions to science and spreading the Condon study? Nahhh.....they used posts about UFOs recently mostly had
it to the general public are well known real scientists and not amateurs pretend- to do with media coverage of a video
and should be commended. It does not ing to be scientific. clip that looked a lot like Venus. There
give Phil a “free pass” when it comes to was also a brief mention of the Morris-
factual errors but Randle needs to un- Billy Cox is a writer for the Sarasota, town UFO hoax (discussed later in this
derstand what Plait is talking about be- Florida Herald tribune and runs the issue).
fore he comments. Especially when he “De Void” blog from their paper’s web-
makes the claim that “many” of these site. Cox, like most UFO writers, only The Other side of the truth by Paul
UFO reports by amateur astronomers gives one point of view. He has his own Kimball. Paul retired from the UFO
ARE alien spaceships! personal crusade on his blog for people field but he does post some clips from
to call the USAF and wonder why an his documentaries he created. I miss
Frank Warren’s “UFO Chronicles” is unknown object was flying around the Paul because he was pretty level-head-
Who’s blogging UFOs? (Cont’d) Foundation’s (JREF) Blog. Not much
in the way of UFO cases here. However,
there was an interesting blog entry on
ed in his entries. He wasn’t a skeptic but ported massive UFOs hovering or passing one UFO video. The interesting part
he was definitely not a blind believer. over their observing sites. I agree with Phil about the entry was the video clip on
that if “true” UFOs were being seen in the how to construct a solar powered bal-
UFOFU is a blog in french by several numbers reported, amateur astronomers loon with some garbage bags and scotch
UFO proponents. Kentaro Mori posted would definitely report more of them and tape. From a distance, it probably would
an interesting link for 21 March 2009. On they could not miss something that was look pretty odd and there would be no
that date, somebody namedOdin57 post- hundreds of feet across hovering over evidence of the UFOs presence when it
ed an article about the Rex Heflin photo- their observing site at low altitude. Chris’s simply disappeared. After all, who would
graphs. Using a pole, fishing line, and a effort to cherry pick one amateur who equate some old garbage bags lying on
small model, he took some convincing uses a computer controlled telescope to the ground with some UFO reports in the
photographs with the same type of cam- take pictures was not being accurate of area?
era and film. I examined the scanned im- how many amateur astronomers conduct
age he posted on his website that was their hobby. The Anomalist is an interesting Blog
5466X4314 pixels and could not see any and there are plenty of UFO stories
evidence of the fishing line. Small details Dr. David Clarke has a blog now. Clarke here. My favorite was a link from another
were visible on the model but the line is one of Britain’s best UFO historians. His blog The UFO Examiner. He reports that
was not. Perhaps I missed it but it defi- latest blog entries have to do with release MUFON received a report of an actual
nitely is an eye opener. It demonstrates of MOD files. They are extremely inter- UFO landing in Texas! The witness and
how easy it might be to fool people with esting. His video on Youtube was an out- his wife made some interesting obser-
a simple photograph done right. It also standing summary of what was there. Of vations. To them it looked like the UFO
means that just because there are no course, there are no “smoking guns” but was the shape of a livestock feeder. That
signs of a hoax, does not mean it can not what else is new. I found the story about is, until it opened up and three “men”
be a hoax. the Tornado pilots who reported being walked out into the field. The UFO left a
overtaken by a UFO they thought was a few minutes later. It did not appear the
Ufology Research is Chris Rutkowski’s US stealth aircraft the most interesting. It “men” got back into the craft but, instead,
blog. Chris is an amateur astronomer but was debris from a re-entering soviet rock- they appeared to have walked towards a
has an opposite opinion about UFOs that et booster. Just another replay of Zond IV rest stop near the highway. Maybe the
I do. I like Chris’s efforts but I thought he from the Condon study but this time, we toilet on the ship was clogged or they
pulled a sleight of hand in his blog when had “expert” observers (pilots) making the had a strong desire for a pepsi, coke, or
he went after Phil Plait’s commentary same mistakes! maybe a snickers bar. And people won-
about astronomers and UFOs. To demon- der why I am so skeptical about UFOs......
strate that amateur astronomers would Skepticblog is a collection of commen-
miss UFOs, he describes talking to an taries from the Skeptologists. They cov- Reality uncovered is something that
astronomer friend of his that does astro- er just about everything and not just UFOs. is worth noting. Here one can read nu-
photography. According to Chris, this Phil Plait is one of the authors. However, merous well-written articles about UFOs.
guy is pretty experienced but he does Brian Dunning, who is the producer of the The recurring theme in the articles is
not spend much time looking at the sky skeptoid podcasts is now, according to what they call the “core story”. That “core
since he allows his computer to do most Stanton Friedman, in the running for “Top story”, according to their blog, is defined
of the work. It is implied that all amateur UFO debunker”. Apparently, Brian stated as:
astronomers are just like this guy, who is the evidence for the Betty and Barney Hill
extremely experienced. The problem is, story was not very good for proving an its most basic level is about the “real-
a majority of amateurs are NOT like this alien abduction occurred. Friedman ba- ity” of alien contact. The reality behind the
gentleman. Every new moon period, sically stated “Buy my book to learn the Core Story however, is very different. The
amateur astronomers gather somewhere truth about the event” instead of present- Core Story was created by a small group of
to observe the sky in groups. Sometimes ing the key elements that prove the case. people, intent on perpetuating a belief in
groups of a half-dozen or so and some- The problem is that there is no good evi- the alien contact myth in order to achieve
times in the hundreds. Have any UFOs dence to prove there was an actual alien their own, distinctly human, objectives.
that have a significant size and shape (not abduction of the Hills. This was Dunning’s
just “nocturnal lights”) been observed by point, which Friedman obviously missed. You need to go to their site to read more
these large star party gatherings? What I like Dunning’s comment about evidence, about it. It is far too complex to summa-
about small group get togethers? What As I often say, you can stack cowpies as high rize in a paragraph.
about star parties that occur in the cit- as you want, they won’t turn into a bar of
ies for the general public? Then there gold. Good evidence is composed of good These are just a sample of blogs avail-
are those dedicated meteor observers evidence, not lots of bad evidence. UFOlo- able. I apologize if I missed yours but
who monitor the sky visually for dozens gists need to remember this. there is only so much space available.
of hours each month. I have never read
about any of them seeing these often re- SWIFT is the James Randi Education And the beat goes on..............
The Roswell without any fact checking. I can hazard
a guess to his source but we will just let
that person enjoy the fact that Randle
peat the same lines over and over again
like a religious mantra. For instance, I
have seen Randle keep repeating over

corner threw him under the bus. Didn’t that

happen before?
and over that flight number four was
“canceled” and that it is “mythical”. Chris-
topher Allen correctly pointed out to him
New Fireman witness Patrick Saunders: Roswell hero that even if flight number four was “can-
or Roswell joker? celed” , Crary’s journal mentions a “cluster
Roswell investigators and authors con- of balloons” was eventually launched on
tinue to look for more story tellers to the fourth of June, 1947. One can call this
make it seem like everybody in town Kevin Randle continues to peddle more “Flight no. 4” without being wrong since
knew about the greatest secret ever Roswell stories in his blog. Another ef- it was sent up with a sonobouy to test
kept. Now we are told that an aging old fort I noticed involved painting Patrick reception. Randle’s exercise is just a way
fireman “proves” that Frankie Rowe’s sto- Saunders as a Roswell hero. Saunders to reinforce the idea that there were no
ry is true! After all the other pretenders had written some little cryptic notes in balloons trains launched that were never
that have turned up over the years, it is various Roswell books before he died. found, which would eliminate MOGUL as
nice to hear about another “reliable” and Randle had acquired one of these books the source of the Foster Ranch debris.
“credible” witness. He is so credible that about ten years ago. He discovered that
his name is to remain secret so skeptics in the flyleaf of The truth about the UFO Proponents continue this little charade
and debunkers won’t bother him with crash at Roswell, Saunders had written with the ML-307 radar reflectors used by
difficult questions. Call me skeptical but that this was the truth and he hadn’t told the NYU team. They attempt to tell every-
this sounds a lot like Randle/Bragalia are anybody. Most of this book was based body that the flight did not have ML-307s
trying to avoid anybody talking to the on the lies of Frank Kaufmann, Jim Rags- because Crary’s entry does not mention
guy and getting a completely different dale, and Glenn Dennis. How could this them. Again, Allen has correctly noted
story. This “proves” nothing since Rowe’s be the “truth”? that the journal was not an accurate/offi-
story has been public for over a decade. cial record of what was being flown. The
Ignoring the possibility that his testimo- In Randle’s newest revelation, he pro- team had used the reflectors on flight no.
ny is tainted by what has been in the me- duced a copy of UFO Crash at Roswell 2 only two months prior so the possibility
dia over the years is ignoring the lessons with the hand written note to his daugh- exists they were attached. It is not unrea-
of past discredited witnesses. Randle ter state “You were there”. Who is “you”? sonable to suggest that this flight, even
also wrote that Kaufmann’s story was Is he addressing his daughter? If so, how it were not an official NYU flight, might
true because of all the other supporting could she be there? The key to this mys- include the reflectors to see how well
testimony. How did that work out? tery appears to be at the bottom of the they performed in conjunction with the
page where he listed page numbers radar at Alamogordo. The repetition ex-
News Alert: Kevin Randle calls where his name was mentioned. The ercise performed by proponents is used
Professor Charles Moore a liar note is apparently a joke and he wanted to reinforce the idea that ML-307s could
everyone to see where he was men- not have been attached to the “cluster of
with bad information. tioned. In this context it appears to be balloons”.
a little humor involved and indicates the
The idea that Professor Charles Moore other statement in The truth about the David Rudiak has also taken great effort
has lied and deceived everyone has be- UFO crash at Roswell was probably also to repeat the same idea over and over
come part of Roswell mania. Kevin Ran- a joke. When you think about it, if he re- that Moore’s calculations were incorrect
dle, among others, has jumped onto the ally wanted to tell the “truth”, wouldn’t and then produced what he believes is
bandwagon to produce items that make he have just left us a book/document/ the correct path of the flight that day.
it appear that Moore has gone out of his diary outlining everything that would What is missed in all of this is that Moore’s
way to fabricate data and information. be released after he died? Instead, Ro- effort was trying to show how the flight
Randle recently attempted to call Moore swell aficionados scan every fragment could have made it to the ranch. Ru-
a liar by stating he invented numbers for and innuendo as if they were the holy diak is trying to imply that Moore’s flight
the range of the SCR-584 radar at White grail. Is this anything new? It has been could NEVER have reached the ranch.
Sands in 1947. Well, Randle had gotten over 60 years and we are still waiting for This is another exercise to eliminate the
all his facts about this wrong. Did he get one piece of verifiable evidence that can June 4th flight as a source of the materi-
corrected by the throng of idolizing well- demonstrate the “crash” really happened als described by Brazel. Despite Rudiak’s
wishers on his blog? Amazingly, nobody as claimed. protestations, there remains a possibility
said a word and, instead, they apparently that the flight could have made it to the
accepted what he wrote as factual. I fi- Repeat after me....... ranch. Rudiaks’ work has been effective. I
nally had to step in and point out that have seen several proponents parrot that
his accusation about the number being Moving on, I noticed something in Ran- the flight COULD NEVER have made it to
“invented” was completely false. Randle dle’s blog as well as the other various the ranch based on what he has written.
would later state that he had accepted commentaries about the greatest secret
the information from a “rabid believer” ever kept. Roswell proponents like to re- You won’t read on any of the proponents
The Roswell corner (Cont’d) also the comments made in the Fort
Worth paper and Roswell Daily Dispatch,
which also described his arrival on the
7th. Jesse Marcel Sr. even stated in The
web sites or blogs that there is the possi- mention demonstrates Balthasar is try- Roswell Incident that Brazel had come in
bility this “cluster of balloons” could have ing really hard to paint a certain picture. on a Monday! As for the debris that sup-
had ML-307s attached and might have posedly came into town with him, no-
made it to Foster Ranch. To suggest it is When Balthasar did attack the points body seems to report seeing that debris
possible is...well...sacrilegious. raised by Thomas he repeated two of the in any if the articles from 1947. Bill Brazel
standard mantra lines already discussed: even stated in 1997 that his father did
UFO Truthseeker gets his FACTS not bring any material into town. Even
wrong but takes skeptics to task 1. Flight number 4 was canceled though it is part of the accepted story
anyway. that he brought the debris into town
2. David Rudiak has demonstrated that does not make it a FACT.
Dave Thomas, the president of the New the balloons launched on 4 June could
Mexicans for Science and Reasoning never have made it to the ranch. In an unrelated argument he twists
(NMSR), has written numerous skepti- FACTS around when he states the Sovi-
cal articles about Roswell. One of the As I have stated previously, neither of ets did not start any nuclear testing until
most significant was his 1995 article for these statements are exactly accurate, 1949 in order to make it sound like proj-
the Skeptical Inquirer describing project which means he got his FACTS about this ect MOGUL was not needed to detect
MOGUL. Recently, UFO truthseeker Den- wrong as well. Soviet explosions in 1947! 1949 is when
nis Balthasar discovered this article next the Soviets performed their first success-
to another in the “X” Chronicle Newspa- The “Truthseeker” then spent time try- ful nuclear explosion but not when they
per. Apparently, Balthasar never read ei- ing to point out that there is no MOGUL began their nuclear program. The US was
ther article before and he decided to go debris in the photographs other than quite aware that the Soviets could con-
after Thomas. However, the first article weather balloons and radar reflector. To struct a bomb and they did not want to
had come from Robert Carroll’s Skeptic Balthasar, this apparently meant the de- be unaware of it’s development. MOGUL
dictionary website and had not been bris could not have come from a project was one of the programs under develop-
written by Thomas at all. Therefore, Bal- MOGUL balloon train. Balthasar can’t ment in 1947 to detect such an explo-
thasar had got a FACT wrong (the author get his FACTS regarding this right either. sion. It would be stupid to develop such
of the article) before he even started his It is well known that Marcel stated that a program after they already executed a
diatribe about skeptics getting FACTS the media did not see all the debris and test.
wrong. complained a great more debris was
still on the plane! Additionally, Balthasar Balthasar’s motto appears to be always
The “Truthseeker” starts off his rebuttal wonders what is in an unopened box in to tell the truth so you don’t have to
by defining what a FACT is. FACTS are the photographs? Maybe, just maybe, it remember anything. Maybe Balthasar
things that actually exist or are known might just contain some of those parts should start looking some information
to have happened. Balthasar’s argument from the MOGUL balloon train. up and not relying upon memory to
is that skeptics never get their FACTS write articles. Many of the items that
right before writing about Roswell. He Balthasar also gets some more FACTS Balthasar considers to be FACTS are not.
found some points that, in some cases wrong when he repeats the standard It may be a FACT that somebody stated
were erroneous (i.e. Dee Proctor being Roswell crashed spaceship time line. Ac- something. However, it does not make
listed as a girl) or were out of date (One cording to him, the only time the 14th of what they state is true. They are just sto-
of the town’s UFO museums has now June recovery date was mentioned was ries that are blindly accepted as FACTS.
closed). However, Balthasar seemed to in the Roswell Daily Record interview. He
“pad” the amount of errors he could list missed the Frank Joyce teletypes where Dave Thomas has his own commentary
by mentioning that Carroll did not spell Wilcox stated Brazel had found it three about this on the NMSR website. He
“Mac” Brazel’s nickname correctly! It is in- weeks ago. He also had not read the Fort mirrors my comments here and adds
teresting to note that the recent Roswell Worth newspaper, where Jesse Marcel Sr that Stanton Friedman, who verified all
dig diaries (Doleman, Schmitt and Car- is quoted repeating the same time pe- the FACTS in Balthasar’s piece, failed to
ey) and Roswell Encyclopedia (Randle) riod. Balthasar choice of FACTS seems conduct an adequate review. Thomas
spelled it as “Mack” . Even more amusing highly selective. notes, “Sadly, things like this happen all
is that Balthasar spelled it as “Mack” in his too often in the world of UFOlogy.”
August 1st, 2003 editorial on his web- Another mistake was the “Truthseeker’s”
site! If the UFOlogists are going to spell conviction that Mac Brazel came into
it wrong, I can’t see why it is important to town on the 6th of July with debris in
note that a skeptic misspelled it. Maybe hand. Apparently, he ignored the tele-
there is a double standard in UFOlogy types presented by Frank Joyce where
when it comes to misspelling nicknames. it stated he came in on the 7th and that
To feel this was important enough to nobody had seen the debris. There was
The Big Sur UFO lives again! rected him to stop posting excerpts from
his book and defend his claims. To me, it
The Big Sur UFO case appeared to be ex- many in the forum are skeptics and de- appeared that Hastings was unable or un-
posed long ago as a case of misinterpre- sire some substance to the claim. What willing to defend his research. When he
tation and/or exaggeration when Kings- followed was an example of how well posted another irrelevant excerpt from
ton George had written his article for The Hastings could defend his work. his book, he was banned from the forum
Skeptical Inquirer in 1993. Needless to say, for spamming his book.
no good UFO story can ever be explained, Among the things I wondered about
especially by a “debunker”. Therefore, was how well he researched his article. I Prior to being banned, I had made an of-
Robert Hastings was able to resurrect the began to suggest possible projects that fer to him that if he could demonstrate
case by writing an article for The Interna- might have produced an event that Ja- that George was lying about the events
tional UFO reporter. In the article, Hast- cobs might have seen interfere with an he described for “buzzing bee”, I would
ings pretty much rehashes the same stuff Atlas launch other than an alien space- gladly remove the article from my web
that has been known about the case for ship. He seemed ignorant of these proj- site and post a new web page about how
years. A few minor points were raised to ects even existing, which meant he had George had falsely written his article. I
make it appear that this is news and to not researched it. I then asked if he had also suggested that if he could not show
indicate the case is not explained. Hast- any supporting documentation to con- George was lying that he should post an
ings also spent some of his article space firm Jacobs story and if he examined article on his web site stating that there
implying Kingston George, Phil Klass, and certain records to see if there is evidence was nothing incorrect about George’s
Kendrick Frazier are government stoog- there. He did provide me copies of let- recollections. Hastings refused to take
es. He also decided that he was going ters between Jacobs and Mansmann but me up on the offer.
to state that George’s article was flawed. nothing else. His answers to most ques-
How flawed was it? Well, Hastings big tions were evasive or non-responsive. At Kingston George has since published an-
argument is that George misinterpreted first I thought he needed more time and other article about the Big Sur UFO for
what Bob Jacobs wrote concerning la- I privately discussed this with another The Skeptical Inquirer While refraining
sers and the term sub-orbital. Other than member that we were probably over- from the kind of personal innuendo and
these red herrings, there was nothing loading him with too many questions. attacks employed by Hastings, George
wrong with George’s recollections about Hastings proved me wrong when he addressed most of the arguments that
“Buzzing Bee”. began to post several irrelevant sections Hastings had presented. Hastings now
from his book. promises a rebuttal which exposes the
While discussing the Big Sur case on “distortions” and “falsehoods” of George
the Bad Astronomy and Universe Today The BAUT forum is unique in that it ex- and CSI. Yawn....I have seen this before
(BAUT), Hastings made an appearance in pects its participants to answer ques- and I doubt this rebuttal will be any bet-
order to “educate” everyone in the forum. tions (“I don’t know” is satisfactory) and ter.
The problem with this approach was that defend claims made. The moderators di-

The Arizona UFOs - Twelve the 8 PM event as a formation of jet air- nobody wants the real answer. A mys-
years later craft flying high over Arizona about 300- tery is easier to believe than to actually
400 mph. It is often ignored. Witness perform some analysis.
Mike Fortson once told me I was wrong
The Arizona UFO story has continued because he and others knew the object
to mystify witnesses and the media. was flying low and not at high altitude!
Most people, except diehard believers, This claim is based on seat of the pants
accept the videos taken at 10PM are of estimates and no hard data. In fact, his re-
flares dropped over the Barry Goldwater port was key in establishing the fact they
test range. However, I have seen people were at high altitude! Fortson is also one
claim that it was done on purpose to of those claiming that the flare drop at
take attention away from the 8-9PM fly 10PM was done on purpose. After read-
over by a V-shaped formation of lights ing this, I have arrived at the conclusion
over the state of Arizona. This conspiracy that the witnesses and investigators will
theory is interesting and assumes people not accept the aircraft formation expla-
would have been videotaping the south- nation no matter what evidence is pre-
ern horizon that night at the exact few sented. If I were to publish the names of
minutes the flares were dropped. I guess the pilots of the aircraft, they would sim-
this means the videographers were part ply state these guys were flying over in
of the conspiracy! The will to believe just order to hide the presence of the real V-
about anything blinds people from the shaped object the witnesses claim they
obvious. saw that night.

My website describes the likely answer to The evidence has always been there but
Jesse Marcel- The Evolution of a Roswell Witness
Bruce Hutchinson

Of course, the main period in Jesse’s life we there was Jim Ragsdale’s story of his tryst Security effort to recover what they
are interested in is the second week of July, in the desert with Trudy Truelove that led left behind, nor did he mention any
1947. When he was sent out to meet Mac to his discovery of the crashed saucer, sev- additional “plane loads” of debris
Brazel in Roswell, he obviously had no way eral aliens, and massive recovery teams. flown out of the base-- all of which
of knowing that his name would be forever These two became the focus of the book are now accepted by the Storytellers
etched in the annals of UFO history. But as “UFO Crash at Roswell” (Randle/Schmitt). as “facts”. As the Group Intelligence
important as that week would later prove to Then special agent Frank Kaufmann be- Officer, these are activities that he
be for Jesse, it is certain elements of his biog- came the primary witness in “The Truth would have been very aware of.
raphy he later related to UFO investigators About the UFO Crash at Roswell” (Randle/
that have become so interesting. Schmitt), because of his heroic tale of • Marcel’s early assertions that the
tracking the UFO by Radar, seeing the ship pictures of him taken in General
“explode” on the radar screen, and his role Ramey’s office showed the real de-
When Jesse Marcel Sr. was interviewed in the recovery of the ship and its alien bris that he brought in, were ignored
about his recovery of the “crashed fly- crew. And, of course, we have Gerald An- in favor of the claims made by other
ing disk” by Bill Moore (who co-authored derson’s memories as a 6 year old finding witnesses that the real wreckage was
“The Roswell Incident”) and then by Bob a saucer and its alien crew and the third- switched out as part of the cover-up
Pratt (who was at the time a reporter for hand tales of Barney Barnett providing conspiracy. “UFOs Are Real” -- Televi-
the National Enquirer), he was also asked most the excitement in “Crash at Corona” sion Documentary, 1981
about his personal accomplishments and (Friedman).
his wartime experiences. Questions like • Marcel never mentioned any aliens--
these are common—not only to provide In all of these books, Marcel’s story was dead or alive. Not at the crash site
a background of the interviewee, but to not only relegated to the “back bench”, OR on the base. Yet the Storytellers,
establish his credibility. but many of his descriptions of events based on accounts from others, are
and the debris were flatly contradicted by all in agreement that bodies were
Jesse’s bio, as he told it, was pretty impres- others. Even more interesting is that the recovered, autopsied on base, and
sive: Well educated with a degree in Phys- Storytellers all clearly preferred the other eventually shipped to …. some-
ics, a certified, decorated war hero who versions over Marcel’s: where else.
shot down 5 enemy planes, a former per-
sonal aide to General Hap Arnold, a pilot • Marcel’s clearly described wooden • Jesse never mentioned or gave any
(with 3000 hours behind the stick)… Jes- “members” became metal beams, hint that the base was under any
se was indeed a “highly credible” witness. then “ Metal I-Beams”. (“...but it didn’t kind of unusual security alert. But
Moore and Charles Berlitz, co-authors of look like metal. It looked more like the prevailing story, as related by
“The Roswell Incident”, naturally treated wood.” --Pratt Interview) other witnesses, is that the entire
Marcel as a hero in the first book to be base was under locked-down Very
published about the case. • Marcel’s observation that it was clear Highest Security.
that the craft must have “exploded in
However, over the next fifteen years, the air” because there were no signs The authors of the Roswell books in the
Jesse’s testimony gradually became one on the ground of any impact, has now ‘90s clearly preferred these new, more
of the more curious facets of the Roswell been supplanted by a “huge gouge” exciting tales over Marcel’s. So without
Saga. On one hand, he and his story were, made by the craft as it crashed. (“One explicitly saying that Marcel’s story and
in some sense, revered, as it was his ac- thing I did notice – nothing actually hit descriptions were suspect, they simply
count of the recovery of debris he de- the ground bounced on the ground. related, then ignored many of the details
scribed as “not of this world” that first put It was something that must have ex- of his story, thus relegating Jesse to more
the Roswell Incident on the UFO map. His ploded above ground and fell.” --Pratt of a historical footnote than a pivotal wit-
credibility at the time was not questioned, Interview) ness.
but as other witnesses stepped forward
with their far more exciting versions of • Jesse related that he and Sheridan Jesse Marcel’s Military Records
events, it became clear that for many of Cavitt picked up what they could fit
the Storytellers, Jesse Marcel’s tale was into their vehicles, and claimed that In 1995, not long after publication of the
starting to lose its luster. they left behind a lot more. What they Randle/Schmitt book “The Truth about
brought back was the debris that was the UFO Crash at Roswell”, another re-
There was Glenn Dennis, and his story of a sent to Ft. Worth to be inspected by searcher—Robert Todd—successfully
request for child-sized coffins, a red-head- General Ramey. However, he never acquired Jesse Marcel’s military records
ed Captain and what “the Nurse” saw. Next mentioned any kind of massive, High via a Freedom Of Information Act re-
quest, and suddenly the appellation of became desperate for a new headliner. agreement that Jesse was of value to the
“a highly credible witness” was brought So despite the obvious problems deal- military, recommending that the Army
into question. Many began to ask; If Jes- ing with Marcel’s discredited stories of Air Force retain his services and advance
se was inclined to embellish the reality of his military service, and because they ap- him in rank and duties. It is worth noting
his wartime “heroics” and his education, parently have no one better, they have here that none of his wartime efficiency
was he equally cavalier with his story of gone back to the witness that started the reports gave him an overall rating as “ex-
the “flying disk”? whole saga. Today, Jesse is once again ceptional” or “superior”.
being promoted as a Key Witness.
Marcel’s records showed that contrary His post-war Efficiency Ratings through
to the background he gave to the early However, this resurrection effort contin- 1948 followed the same pattern— lack-
researchers, he was not and never had ues to ignore the very real problems that ing in leadership, personal appearance
been a pilot, nor was he a college gradu- have plagued Marcel’s testimony since and initiative, but skilled in his job with
ate, and he never served as an aide to 1989. There are still these enormous a good work ethic. He received written
General Hap Arnold. He did receive two discrepancies between Marcel’s com- commendations for his work during “Op-
Air Medals, but not five, and they were paratively sedate tale, and the far more eration Crossroads” and recommenda-
not awarded for shooting down enemy exciting stories of massive clean up op- tions for advancement. Interestingly, in
airplanes-- there is no indication that erations, a huge gouge, alien bodies, a two Efficiency Reports completed during
he shot down even one. In the eyes of base locked down on high security alert, his time with the 509th, Jesse was ranked
many, Marcel’s tale of the Flying Disk that plane-loads (or truck-loads) of alien ship last or second-to-last by the report author
was “not of this world” started to look a debris, specialists being flown in from (Col. Blanchard was one) when asked to
little suspect. Washington DC, Colorado, California… compare him to the other officers in his
all of which have to be addressed by any- command.
Meanwhile, disaster was falling on all one who seriously wants to try and un-
of the most coveted Roswell witnesses. derstand Roswell. It wasn’t until his period with SAC that
Gerry Anderson was caught fabricating deficiencies in personal appearance
documents and a diary, and lying about Jesse’s War: stopped appearing in the reports- ap-
the “archaeologist”… Jim Ragsdale, parently it had been explained to him
whose stories were suspiciously increas- So if Jesse’s tale of his war-time exploits just how important it was to be “squared
ing in dramatic content with each retell- and education got a little “enhancement” away” when you worked at the Penta-
ing, abruptly changed the location of his 35 years later, just what is the reality of gon.
crash site some 70 miles away... The di- his time in service?
ary of Barney Barnett’s wife showed con- Overall, Jesse’s record with the Army (and
clusively that he was nowhere near the His service records indicate the Jesse the post-split Air Force) could be rated
Plains of San Agustin during that critical fought the war well, but not exception- as Good to Very Good, but not Superior.
week… Glenn Dennis’s mysterious nurse ally well. Every indication is that Jesse He was never in trouble, did his job well,
apparently never existed, and many of performed his wartime duties compe- and generally pleased his superiors, but
his details were found to be misplaced tently and was not shy about taking showed little in the way of Leadership
memories from other times. some risks—while in the Pacific Theater, abilities. The Army thought enough of
he was promoted twice, and awarded him that he was not let go during the
Then finally, Frank Kaufmann’s widow al- two Air Medals and the Bronze Star. The post war demobilization that saw a huge
lowed researchers access to his papers records make absolutely no mention proportion of the troops sent home, and
after his death. These papers convinc- of him taking over a gun and shooting until his mother’s illness intervened, he
ingly showed that Frank had forged the down a plane (let alone five planes!). Nor seemed to be well on his way to a com-
documentation he had shown to the sto- is there any mention what-so-ever of him fortable career as a military bureaucrat.
rytellers, and that he was nothing more as a pilot--which, considering the branch
than an accomplished fabricator of his of service he was in, would be a decid- Today:
role in the Roswell Saga. edly noteworthy item. Gen. Ramey even
noted in an evaluation of Marcel that Ever since Marcel’s military records were
The Storytellers now found themselves his lack of pilot credentials would hurt acquired, there have been periodic “dis-
without all of their best Witnesses. Huge his chances of advancement in the Air cussions” between crash advocates and
holes had been ripped from their pub- Force. skeptics over the validity and the impor-
lished stories, and it became clear that tance of what Marcel said in those inter-
a renewed effort was required to try and The common criticism voiced in his Ef- views. A tape of Bill Moore’s interview
resurrect the Saga from certain ruin. ficiency Evaluations for ’43-‘45 was that has never surfaced, and neither has any
he lacked in leadership and was deficient from Stanton Friedman’s sessions. How-
Re-enter Major Jesse Marcel. in his “personal appearance”. However, ever, Bob Pratt did give copy of his inter-
praises for his abilities as an Intelligence view tape to Karl Pflock, who published a
With the loss of their most exciting wit- Officer, his attention to detail and his transcription. It is from this transcription,
nesses, long time crash advocates and work ethic, overshadowed those short- and the quotes Moore published in “The
Roswell researchers like Kevin Randle comings. His rating officers were all in Roswell Incident”, that we get Jesse’s
enhanced version of how he fought the THE GREATEST SECRET NEVER KEPT

As I write this (February 2009), there is It has always been part of UFOlogy’s be- Easley’s and the governments reach appar-
a renewed battle being waged on the lief that the proof of alien visitation ex- ently did not extend into Louisianna. There,
Internet and in a book by Jesse Marcel isted and the government was conceal- Jesse Marcel Sr. told all of his friends about
Jr., to again try to resurrect Maj. Marcel’s ing this great secret. By the 1970s, it had how he helped recover a crashed UFO back
Credibility from the disaster wrought by become commonly accepted that the in 1947. Apparently, he either forgot his se-
the reality of his military records. Tactics government was concealing all sorts of curity oath or felt that nobody was going to
such as excusing his grandiose tales as secrets. So when the Roswell story broke, harm him or his family. The greatest secret
“résumé building”, or “kill the messenger” it was not unexpected that part of the ever kept was going to be revealed through
(in this case, Bob Todd), and “please cut story would include a cabal that would casual conversation with friends who could
him some slack” are being used to try go to enormous lengths to cover-up what spread the word to anyone they met. This
and elevate Jesse’s story from the quag- transpired. For some reason, their ability is how the Roswell story broke and the rest
mire his fanciful exaggerations created. to silence people failed when it came to is history.
Jesse Marcel.
At the same time, The Storytellers seem
loathe to give up the exciting stories of The special group designated for keep-
alien bodies, high security alerts and Jesse Marcel stated that he first heard ing the greatest secret apparently became
the plane loads of debris that their now about it when he got a phone call from complacent. Otherwise, they would have
discredited witnesses had brought to the sheriff’s office. One would think if been paying close attention to Jesse Mar-
the Saga. As a result, the argument over there had been a crashed spaceship found cel. The secret could have been kept had
Jesse’s credibility continues to ignore the prior to this and base activity significantly they simply jetted down to Louisianna and
huge gulf between his version of The In- increased, Jesse would have known be- forced Jesse to keep quiet the instant he
cident, and the versions that The Story- cause of his position. Instead, he reports began to tell his story to friends who did
tellers are actually selling. that Colonel Blanchard sent only Sheridan not need to know. Instead, the greatest
Cavitt and himself out to the ranch. What secret ever kept was allowed to appear in
Thanks to Bruce Hutchinson for sharing he discovered there was so secret that print without even a hint of concern. It was
this article with everyone. You can find it at Jesse stopped by his home on the way almost as if nobody really cared.
the new website, the Aerial Anomalies Re- back so his wife and son could examine
search Exchange. It looks like it is website it. He did not seemed to be concerned for
worth watching for new and informative security until a day later, when he would As the years passed, a parade of witnesses
articles about researching UFOs. then tell his son not to talk about it. Jesse appeared to talk about the events of that
would later add that he never received di- July. Easley’s stranglehold on the town of
rection about how secret the event really Roswell had been released. The cabal, who
was but he knew he was not supposed to dropped the ball by not eliminating the
The Roswell Incident has emerged as a talk about it. threat Marcel posed, now had to go into
myth of such power and allure that it is damage control. They would plant infor-
no longer in anybody’s best interests to mation in the archives that others could
seek - or admit - the truth. The town of This is the way things were for thirty years. find indicating a more mundane solution.
Roswell profits from increased tourism. Most people in the world knew nothing They would secretly encourage or pay in-
The supposed Roswell ‘witnesses’ get about a crashed spaceship recovery. Even dividuals to hide the greatest secret never
their two hours of fame, and immor- Presidents were kept in the dark about it. kept. The greatest secret never kept would
tality in the history books. The Roswell Meanwhile, the people in Roswell were be allowed to appear as nothing more than
‘investigators’ garner the adulation of scared into silence by the gestapo-like a balloon project run by a bunch idiot col-
their peers (assuming they have any), tactics employed by the Military Police lege boys, who would later try and claim
and the royalties from book and movie of Roswell Army Air Field under the com- they were the cause of the Roswell debris.
deals. The UFO ‘organizations’ enjoy mand of Major Edwin Easley. Easley, ac-
a new respectability they otherwise cording to the story told today, ensured
haven’t been able to achieve after near- that nobody was going to talk by select- The greatest secret never kept can now be
ly fifty years of worthless ‘research’... Is ing brutish MPs that could intimidate told thanks to Jesse Marcel Sr. In 1947, he
it any wonder the truth has been lost in children and their parents as well as the was just a bumbling Major, who goofed.
this hodgepodge of vested interests? - men in town. By threatening their fami- By the 1970s, while others cowered, Jesse
lies, they assured nobody was ever going stood tall and told the real story about Ro-
Robert Todd to talk. Major Edwin Easley’s diabolical swell. Today, he is almost like a demi-god,
actions ensured the greatest secret ever who is incapable of fault. The shrine in Ro-
Kowflop Quarterly December 8, 1995. kept would not be revealed by anybody swell is a testament to Jesse Marcel’s cour-
who was there. age in exposing “the greatest secret never
Big surprise: Whatever Another UFO
The ISS causes “chase”
UFO reports
happened Going through Peter Davenport’s Na-

tional UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC)
website, I stumbled across an interest-
The National UFO reporting center (NU- ing UFO report. Back on November 28,
FORC) reports for Mid-March 2009 had 2008 a gentleman in Pennsylvania was
several interesting reports that appear going to pickup his girlfriend from work.
to be sightings of the ISS. On the 17th 1. The Trindade research project? Around 7PM, he noticed two lights in the
there were two sightings, one in Chica- sky that were not normally there and, by
go and one in Ohio. Another sighting in In 2003, Brad Sparks described the work his estimate, were only a few hundred
Utah on the 14th also appears to be an of his “Trindade Research Project” on UFO feet off the ground. He decided it would
ISS pass. There were several in CaliforniaUpdates. It was meant to analyze the case be interesting to see what they were.
that appeared to be the ISS as well but again and verify it was not a hoax. This
their times did not quite match. How- would silence the “debunkers” once and for The little trip took longer than he thought.
ever, other than the times, their descrip-all. Maybe it is still an on going investiga- He drove roughly 25 miles from Jefferson
tions appear to match a bright ISS pass tion but the lack of any substantial report Hills to Washington before he lost sight of
in their sky that night. indicates that nothing conclusive has been the two objects. He was convinced they
discovered after six years. Sounds like an- were not stars because of their brilliance.
One of the witnesses stated the “UFO” other one of those projects that is not go-
was so bright it was hard to look at and ing anywhere fast. Where have I heard that The solution was very easy for this. Pe-
that it accelerated so fast they had a story before? ter Davenport wrote that he suspects the
hard to maintain their binoculars on it lights were Venus and Jupiter. I don’t think
(The ISS moves about a degree a sec- 2. The independent study of the “Ramey there is any doubt about it. He drove in a
ond, which means it only takes 5-10 memo”? southwest direction, which is the direc-
seconds to pass through a typical bin- tion where the two planets were located.
oculars field of view). The witness, who In 2002, Kevin Randle and James Houran Venus and Jupiter set before 8PM, which
stated that he had seen numerous craft wrote an article in the International UFO explains the disappearance of the two
like this over the years, appears to have Reporter about the “Ramey memo”. They UFOs when they got to Washington. The
been confusing satellites for UFOs. stated the next step would to have three mystery is solved.
independent laboratories investigate the
Another witness proclaimed they document that General Ramey holds in his This is just another example in the long
looked up the ISS to see if that was what hand. Surely, somebody who was interest- history of people who claimed to have
they saw. Apparently, they did not look ed in the truth would donate the money chased or were followed by bright plan-
at “Heaven’s -above” because it listed a to have the project completed. The lack ets. This gentleman was not stupid. He
pass at the same time they described. of any further news on this front indicates was just curious about what he had seen
UFOlogy does not want such a study to oc- in the night sky. Too bad he did not check
In one of the potential ISS pass ob- cur. Is it any wonder why Roswell remains an astronomy web site like Spaceweather
servations in California, the witnesses a “mystery” to UFOlogists? or call an amateur astronomy club for a
seemed distressed over what they saw better answer.
and desired answers. They stated they
even called 911! One can only hope that
Peter called them back and help them
recover from the anxiety.

The ISS can reach Venus brightness or

greater when it makes a favorable pass
in the sky. I have seen it through thin
clouds at night and it appeared to illu-
minate the clouds like it was in them.
The effect can be eerie. What also is
fascinating is seeing it disappear into
the earth’s shadow. The station basically
“disappears”. One needs to seriously
consider the ISS as a progenitor of UFO
reports. I recommend the “Heavens- Venus, Jupiter and the moon on December 2, 2008
above” website to check out ISS events.
Bill Birnes and Peter The “Daily Grail” implied that all hoaxers Why didn’t MUFON’s Illinois state director
were “creative jackasses”. DeVoid’s Billy Sam Maranto know about the MUFON re-
Davenport taken in Cox complained about the media’s cov- port stating it was a hoax? This is proba-
erage, Bill Birnes, and the hoaxers. It was bly because Maranto is a big supporter of
by UFO hoax the news report that the hoaxers would the Tinley park videos which look remark-
be prosecuted for “disorderly conduct” ably similar to the Morristown, N. J. vid-
In early March, I read Peter Davenport’s that brought the greatest cheers from eos. Is it possible that Tinley park was a
highlights about a sighting in New Jer- UFO proponents. To the proponents it hoax as well? There have been many UFO
sey last January, which included videos. made the hoaxers look stupid. These are cases in the past that look like the Morris-
When I examined the video on Daven- the same proponents who would pro- town UFO videos. There are the Carteret,
port’s website, I was unimpressed. It ap- claim a UFO event could not be a hoax N. J. UFOs of 2001 and quite a few videos
peared to look like radio tower lighting. because nobody has come forward to shot at Gulf Breeze during the Ed Walters
I could not say what it was but it cer- claim credit. Rudy and Russo made some nonsense. Do you think MUFON might
tainly did not look exotic or unearthly. I errors in their experiment and their video conclude these were probably hoaxes as
shrugged and thought it not worthy of about their hoax appeared to anger the well? I doubt it. MUFON is not going to
noticing. It was just some lights in the authorities as well as UFOlogists. remove them from their lists of top UFO
sky. That is until I saw the eskeptic news- cases.
letter posted on April 1. Kevin Randle tried to spin the story by
stating the witnesses were accurate in To be honest, I think the present crop
The story was about Joe Rudy and Chris what they reported. I think he was be- of UFO investigators are more gullible
Russo, who came forward and explained ing selective because several of the because of the Internet and the media.
that they were the source of the UFO re- witnesses (not Rudy and Russo) made Back in the 1960s, if this experiment were
port. Their objective appeared to be to some rather interesting claims. For in- conducted, Davenport and Birnes would
test the UFOlogists, who would investi- stance, witness Ogden told a newspaper never have been so easily duped. Today,
gate the case and to document the re- the lights moved against the wind and when witnesses rapidly appear on televi-
sponse of witnesses and the media. They could not be flares on balloons. Some sion and the lure of documenting a “great
took road flares, tied them to helium bal- witnesses made observations that really UFO case” appears, a UFO investigator is
loons, and launched them from an iso- indicated they were flares but this did hard pressed to suggest a solution. They
lated wooded area. It appears the police not explain why Peter Davenport and Bill do not want to be branded a “debunker”
department figured out the prank and Birnes were supporting this case. Weren’t or doubting “highly credible” witnesses.
told the media that they were balloons they aware of these reports? They are more than likely to exaggerate
with flares attached. This was apparently the claims by the witnesses, declare the
ignored by some UFOlogists. Russo and Randle also made mention of an analy- lights are connected to some sort of “mas-
Rudy supplied videos of their hoax to sis by MUFON that indicated it was a sive triangular shaped craft”, label it as a
various websites (including the one I saw hoax. Roger Marsh, the UFO examiner, classic case, and place themselves in the
on the NUFORC website) and even claim stated the same thing. When I found the forefront so as to be the “go to guy” when
that their video was shown at an Illinois report, I noticed that it was dated Janu- the media talks about the case. This is ex-
MUFON symposium. They stepped over ary 8th! The funny thing about this is actly what Bill Birnes appeared to do. This
the line, when they decided to go on that nobody seemed to talk about this attitude has been displayed in almost ev-
television as eyewitnesses. It biased the wonderful report until the hoax was re- ery UFO case that has received significant
experiment, which they should have only vealed. Peter Davenport had the event media attention in the past twenty years
observed and recorded. listed in his headlines on the NUFORC and it is no surprise that at least one UFO
website the day the hoax was revealed “investigator” would fall for a hoax.
When UFO Hunters came into town, with no indication that it was probably a
Bill Birnes canvassed the witnesses and hoax. Bill Birnes seemed just as oblivious Rudy and Russo pretty much duplicated
made quite a production of the story. to the report. Marsh never discussed the the efforts of the past (Ex:Time Magazine
According to the “special report” they report after it had been released even April 8, 1966). They demonstrated that
found the flare explanation “implausible”. though he did list the sightings in his some UFOlogists can still be blinded by
Additionally, Birnes was trying to dem- January UFO sightings report. It seems relying heavily on what witnesses believe
onstrate that the triangle of lights in the that nobody knew the report existed in and not taking a critical look at the actu-
video was actually a huge triangular craft early January. If they did, they were not al reports, which can give an indication of
with lights near or on the edges. There telling everyone because the hoaxers the source as long as the exaggerations
also was a hint of some sort of video were still launching their balloons in the are ignored. I only wish that Rudy and
analysis. The rest of their “report” was not weeks after producing more reports. Russo would have waited to see it appear
available but I think it was a tease for one as another the prize case on a UFO Hunt-
of their upcoming shows. According to Russo and Rudy, they had ers episode. Now it probably will end on
their video shown at an Illinois MUFON the cutting room floor and Birnes will de-
The response by UFOlogists in their symposium. This was probably the one clare he knew it was a hoax all along!
blogs was what I would expect. Many held on February 21 at Harper college
were indignant about the “experiment”. but details about that event are limited.
Just the facts The Illusionists
Recently, I have seen numerous UFOlo-
gists state the word “fact” when it comes Matthew Graeber
to UFO events. Statements like, “debunk-
ers never address all the facts of a case” - with the exception being, real illusion-
or “skeptics ignore this fact about UFOs” ists’ do not particularly care if you know
are stated as if these particulars are in- they are playing a trick of hand, eye and
disputable. The problem is, I don’t think perception on you - Whereas, the UFO ex-
many UFO proponents even understand perts very survival is dependant upon his
what a fact truly is. or her self-appointed status in UFOlogy
NOT being identified for what it truly is.
A fact is something that every reasonably
intelligent person can agree upon and So, when two New Jersey men launched
not dispute. For instance, we can say it is a number of helium-filled balloons with
a fact that Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt burning road flares attached to them,
wrote in their book, The truth about the and there were follow up press reports
UFO crash at Roswell, that Kevin Randle of UFO investigators being on the scene
handled a piece of debris that was picked - this too, is simply part of the grand illu-
up at the crash site and it seemed to be sion - and shows that some people (like
exotic in nature. However, it is not a fact the hoaxers, who posted their ‘test’ of
that it was a piece of alien debris. Just the UFOLogists on the internet), actually
because it is a fact that somebody claims know the illusionists are in fact, UFOOLo-
something happen does not make it a The sixty-two year old, continuously run- gists and that they will readily take the
fact that it actually did! ning, dog and pony show (commonly hoax bait (hook, line and saucer) when in
known as the UFO enigma), has man- fact, there never was a saucer involved in
In the case of Randle’s exotic pumice, it aged to captivate the imaginations of the the illusion at all.
was only mentioned once that it existed. young, the gullible and the unsuspecting
This piece of debris could be considered here in the America (which as you know) This is known as “Turn About is Fair Play”
evidence for an alien spaceship crash. is the land of science fiction and fantasy. in most other instances - but the UFO ex-
Unfortunately, it seems to have van- But, the infestation of the myth has even perts will feign being angry, befuddled
ished the way Frank Kaufmann’s claims spread abroad. and bewildered at just what these men
vanished after he died and was exposed were trying to prove. They have written
for being a hoaxer. We don’t even know The credit for this show’s success goes to long-winded excuses, blamed others and
if Randle even handled the debris as the tireless and over-zealous antics of the skirted issues, even to the point of turn-
claimed. We only know that he says he GRAND ILLUSIONISTS who never once ing on the very media that helped make
did. produced a real dog or a single pony in them appear to be serious adult research-
the center ring of the UFO controversy. ers and scientific-types. Need I say more?
Proof is when the evidence is used to (Hmmm come to think of it, they haven’t
establish facts. Again, in the example of produced a saucer, saucer fragment or, On the up side of this sad story, UFOlogy
Kevin Randle’s exotic pumice, had Randle an alien creature either.) is destined NOT to produce much of a
taken the material for testing, he would big bang or, quantum leap of science as
be taking a step to establish proof for his Instead of offering their imaginary per- anticipated. Rather, it will simply sput-
claim. If the testing revealed something forming dogs treats and dangling a tasty ter and fizzle-out much like a spent road
truly alien in nature, then it would be very carrot in front of some invisible pony’s flare - Now, that the dreaded W.W.W. is ex-
good evidence to establish proof, which nose, it’s the saucer buffs whom were posing the illusionists, the so-called UFO
would result in establishing a fact. It is endlessly led around the rings of expec- enigma and the media mechanics of the
unfortunate for Roswell proponents that tation, anticipation, mystery and illusion- myth. All this, thanks to the fine efforts of
such claims usually fall flat and prove induced awe for decades two men from New Jersey who proved
nothing. a point (beyond a shadow of a doubt)
With the assistance of the media (which for the benefit of the common man and
Many in UFOlogy have confused the used to be dedicated to journalism) and common sense…. Illusionists are not al-
meaning of facts, evidence, and proof. the ratings hungry TV cable channels, ways recognizable at first glance.
For most UFO reports/stories, the anec- the illusionists have dazzled audiences
dotal testimony of witnesses is consid- around the world with sensational sto- The two hoaxers have recently been
ered evidence. However, all it does is ries of gleaming scout ship visitations, sentenced to fifty hours of community
establish that witness X states they saw crashed saucers in the desert and gov- service for their pranks… The release of
Y. This the only thing that everyone can ernment cover ups of the alien presence the balloons was believed a threat to low-
agree upon. That is a fact. amongst us. This is ALL SMOKE AND MIR- flying aircraft in the Morristown area.
RORS, the very trappings of magic shows
E-mails to the editor
Note: these are not real email’s since
this is the first issue. However, they are
the type of emails I have received in
the past and emails that I might expect
from some individuals in the UFO field.
Contact the editor at tprinty@comcast.
net. All emails are subject to publish-
ing unless specifically requested by the


Your take on Roswell is all wrong. I should

know because I was in the Army for two
years. I learned all about cover-ups while
I was a Corporal. I believe a spaceship
crashed at Roswell.

—Rabid believer

They weren’t flares!

Exaggeration Project Mogul......pfffffttt
I can’t believe you accept that cock and bull
story about flares being the source for the I must have told debunkers a billion times You demonstrate your ignorance about Ro-
10 PM videos over Phoenix. I have seen the not to exaggerate. Our UFO database has swell. I have been researching the case since
videos hundreds of times and flares don’t millions of good unsolved UFO the beginning and there is no doubt that
look like that cases. there is a grand conspiracy. I have person-
ally selected the testimony that is pertinent
—Lost in Phoenix —Angry old UFOlogist and published it. Ignore whatever else these
people said. Just focus on the part where
Missing time they talk about alien bodies.
USAF =liars
I have been abducted numerous times and As for Project Mogul, flight #4 was canceled
they put a buzzer in my head. I even took I used to be in the USAF and I know they and any balloons launched by the Mogul
pictures of their spaceships. Do you want are all a bunch of liars. They taught team could NEVER have made it to the Fos-
to read my book? me how to lie and I often use that abil- ter ranch . It was physically impossible. There
ity to trick debunkers like you into re- was a “no-fly” zone over the Foster ranch,
—Florida Funster vealing they are just plain stupid. which is why only UFOs could crash there.

—Sky hawk 123 —Myth maker

CSI Lover!
Lack of respect
I can’t believe you think that Kingston MJ-12
George is being honest when he wrote that I saw a UFO once and it was not venus,
article about Big Sur. It was so factually You are naive and are ignoring the massive swamp gas, or a weather balloon. I know
flawed. After all he does not know the dif- UFO cover-up the government has created what I saw and it was immense and really
ference between orbital and sub-orbital. since Roswell. The MJ-12 documents prove close. I think I even experienced some miss-
it. Come to my lecture and find out. P.S. ing time. The whole event lasted hours.
—Banned by BAUT Bring money! When I left, the UFO was still there, just hov-
ering. The best part about the whole thing
—Washed up scientist was our team won that night. I can’t believe
that the thousands of people who were
there missed it!

—UFO “experiencer”
mean the reports are accurate or, in some
What has 60 years of UFO research accomplished? cases, even happened. There is always
room to question each case.
Unless we develop drastically new ideas None of these prove anything other than
and methodologies for the study of the baf- the government is concerned about se- What does UFOlogy expect to do in the
fling UFO cases and the human context in crets that may or may not have anything future? I have read MUFON has gotten a
which they occur, we will watch the next to do with covering up the truth about lot of money to create special teams to
thirty years of UFO report gathering simply UFOs. go to a UFO event and gather evidence. I
mirror the futility and frustration of the last am not certain what this will accomplish
thirty years. (Allan Hendry, UFO Investiga- UFOlogy has also spent time chasing since there are no cases to date that seem
tor’s handbook, p. 285) various crashes of alien spaceships. De- to have produced such evidence. I per-
spite many stories from various locations, sonally think the money will be wasted
It is interesting that we are now just past not once has a scrap of any of these craft and nothing will be accomplished. It was
that thirty year mark Allan Hendry had survived to be examined. That is unless also my impression that MUFON already
commented about in his book. As he you believe the government conspiracy had specially trained groups in each state
predicted, UFOlogy’s process is the same angle. In that case, anything is possible. and they certainly can reach an area with-
and no advancements have been made. You can create something out of noth- in hours of news of a UFO crash or land-
UFOlogists collect UFO reports and con- ing. All it takes is for a bright meteor to ing. Why would another team of “experts”
clude that UFOs must be some form of appear in the sky and have a few people be necessary? Does this mean the present
craft under “intelligent control”. Although state it was a spaceship that was immedi- organization and investigator “training” is
they never state “who” is controlling these ately whisked away by the US military. It completely worthless?
“craft”, there is always the implication that is interesting that this is the only endeav-
they are alien spaceships. What has UFOl- or that the US government seems to be What they should do with the money is
ogy done to demonstrate this is true? good at performing. They hide everything establish all sky video coverage the same
and not one government document that way amateur astronomers are doing with
Peter Sturrock thought the evidence had has surfaced to date demonstrates that meteors. Remember, UFOs are stated to
improved because he invited some scien- anything exotic has ever been recovered. be solid craft which are, in some cases,
tists to examine the best evidence gath- Still, the stories keep coming in and are immense in size. To increase resolution,
ered in the first fifty years of UFOlogy. To readily accepted by UFOlogists multiple cameras (vice one with wide
his dismay, Sturrock discovered that the angle lens) can be used with lenses that
scientists were not overly impressed by Even if no scraps of material have ever only cover a selected section of the sky. If
the presentations or the data. The panel been recovered, UFOlogists trumpet they done properly, the whole sky will still be
actually wrote that there still was no evi- have thousands of cases of “trace evi- covered. Video recordings with low light
dence of anything extraordinary in these dence” from UFO landings. Too bad most cameras from several locations could
reports and suggested other possibilities. of these “traces” are analyzed by ama- produce actual data that can be analyzed
Among their critique were comments teurs and not by any scientific organiza- by everyone! The cost would not be too
about current investigations suffering tions setup for the study of such samples. significant and three stations a few miles
from low standards of research. They also The lack of any scientific results says a lot apart per major city would be a start. Ad-
noted that investigators needed to be about the “trace” evidence. There may be ditionally, they can be made mobile so fo-
more willing to evaluate rival hypothesis some anomalies in the soil but they, like cus can be put on areas of increased UFO
objectively. While Sturrock trumpeted most UFO reports, are not completely in- activity. Even if no UFOs are recorded,
the fact that the panel felt that Condon explicable. one can use the videos to determine the
may have been hasty when he stated that source of UFO reports from that area. Of
science will learn nothing from the study Then there are the abduction stories, course, that means they would be used
of UFOs. It was a hollow victory at best. which can be explained as sleep dis- to debunk UFO sightings. I don’t think
The panel agreed with Condon that noth- orders. When the PBS program NOVA UFOlogists would be interested in that
ing has been learned from studying UFOs, asked for any abduction evidence back kind of research.
which is the biggest issue here. in 1990s, UFOlogists took a pass. They
could have presented implants or other As Hendry noted, UFOlogy needs to fix
The past thirty years of UFOlogy has been items they claim proves their case. In- itself. Attacking the problem the same
wasted chasing grand conspiracies. These stead, they appeared to fear having their old way, will get you the same old results.
are essentially the same conspiracies that evidence tested. This is exactly what UFOlogists continue
were being chased in the first thirty years to do in their quest for evidence. Does
by UFO groups! Has new and reliable This brings us to the various UFO “coin UFOlogy really have the wisdom to pro-
evidence surfaced that clearly demon- collectors”, who collect UFO reports as if duce real data for scientists or are they
strates that a conspiracy exists? So far, they were precious artifacts. The major just interested in perpetuating a mys-
the answer is no. I am sure UFOlogists problem with all these cases is they really tery? Is it easier to sell books, fill conven-
might disagree with me here and point to do not mean much. Sure, some are really tion halls, and appear on Larry King than
some vague statement, produce blacked interesting and may not be satisfacto- it is to gather data that can be quantified
out documents, or even mention MJ-12. rily explainable. However, that does not and measured? The world wonders.....
UFOs on the tube Book Reviews
Buy it! (No UFO library should do
UFO Hunters: without it)
no conclusions. I am sure he was
briefed not to say anything that Allan Hendry - The UFO Investigators
The History channel really needs to be could be used by “debunkers”. handbook.
taken to task here. I am not sure who Bill
Birnes knows there but this is really an Further ridiculous experiments were Without a doubt, this book is at the top
awful show. I even think a few UFOlogists conducted but these stood out. One can of my list for buying. I have two copies
probably shake their heads watching the only take so much uncritical thinking be- in my library simply because the first
shows. To be honest, I can only take the fore your mind glazes over. became so worn out. I scanned that one
show in small spurts and I occasionally into a pdf document and can now access
miss some of each show. The remote is The antics of Bill Birnes demonstrates it at any time. I can find very little to fault
far too tempting and I almost want to that he has to be the most gullible and in this book and I think it should be re-
watch “Family guy” repeats instead. How- ridiculous UFO investigator ever. In the quired reading for anybody wanting to
ever, curiosity keeps me coming back to abduction episode, an ex-marine, who investigate UFOs. It is honest about the
see what ridiculous thing they will say or served for only a few years, recounts all of pitfalls of UFO sightings and is a guide for
do next. his episodes of seeing UFOs and declares many possible sources of UFO events. It
they could not be aircraft because he is an is no longer in print but you can find it
The show seems to take pride in perform- expert! Bill Birnes repeats this nonsense in used book stores. I am also aware that
ing “Scientific experiments” which are ex- by declaring this guy a trained observer. some libraries have it.
periments in name but not very scientific The last time I checked, the Marines train
in nature. Some great examples are: their guys to take beaches and conduct Borrow it. (Worth checking out of
assaults. They receive no training in ob- library or borrowing from a friend)
1. The attempt to simulate the Arizona serving stars, satellites, balloons, planes,
UFO videos by using maritime safety etc. Assuming he was an enlisted man, Don Schmitt and Kevin Randle - UFO
flares shot over a harbor. Not only this guy was, at best, a corporal, during Crash at Roswell.
are the flares different, they are at dif- his service. Corporals are to be respected
ferent altitudes. If they really wanted but their experience is limited. To call this I bet you figured I would bin this one. No,
to conduct a test, why didn’t they guy a “trained” observer was a gross ex- I think it is an important document for
simply observe the Barry Goldwater aggeration. To me the story sounded too the Roswell saga. Flawed as it is, it also
test range for a few weeks with video much like Ed Walters except he did not has some very important statements by
cameras from a distance of about 50 have the skill to take hoax photographs witnesses before contamination had be-
miles? It was a rigged experiment de- like Mr. Ed. come a serious issue. While these inter-
signed to get the desired result. views were being gathered, few people
Even more astounding were the claims outside of UFOlogy knew what Roswell
2. They tested a piece of suspect Ro- made by Bill Birnes in the flying triangles was about and the town was not aware
swell debris somebody found at one episode. He openly boasted that he had of the financial rewards.
of the many spaceship “crash sites”. It documentation that an Army Officer had
was tested in a lab and determined time traveled into the future twenty Bin it! (Not worth the paper it is
to be nothing more than plastic. In years! Not a single person questioned written upon - send to recycle bin)
order to make it sound like there was him or his claim. Can anyone take this
something special found, they point guy seriously? Philip Corso and William Birnes -The day
out that this type of plastic was not after Roswell.
available in 1947. Of course, they ig- The whole show is not investigative jour-
nored the simple fact that something nalism and can not be considered “his- The book is full of wild stories about how
picked up off the ground does not tory” unless it is about twisting history. In Corso used the Roswell debris to change
have to be from the 1947 time frame. my opinion, each show should have the the course of human history by examin-
It could have been dropped there in following ending. ing the debris from the crashed saucer at
1997 or even 2008! Roswell. Thanks to Corso, modern elec-
tronics and all other technologies were
3. They tested the blood of two po- created because of him.
tential abductees and found similar
blood chemistry results. No blind Corso is a modern day “Walter Mitty”. I
experiments were done to see if can never understand why ex-military
other people who have not been ab- officers need to inflate their resumes and
ducted also had the same traces in tell wild stories. Too many John Wayne
their chemistry. The doctor seemed movies, I guess..
to take a neutral position and drew
An Iridium flare makes a brief appearance in the night sky. Iridium flares
can generate UFO reports

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