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Syllabus POS/410 Version 12

College of Information Systems & Technology POS/410 Version 12 SQL for Business
Copyright 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Course Description This course covers Structured Query Language (SQL) that provides a unified language that lets you query, manipulate, or control data in a business applications environment. Policies Students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum.

University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Vieira, R. (2009). Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming . Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc. Software Microsoft SQL Severer 2008 (Virtual Desktop) Supplemental Resource Rob, P., & Coronel, C. (2009). Database systems: Design, implementation, and management (8th ed.). Boston: Course Technology. Article References Barnett, R. (2008, October 13). Anatomy of a SQL-injection attack. Network World, 25(40), 30. Ben-Gan, I. (2009, September). Logged inserts. SQL Server Magazine, 11(9), 21. Campbell, D., & Nori, A. (2007). The Microsoft data platform. International Conference on Management of Data. Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data , 1053-1060. Cerullo, C., & Porta, M. (2007, September). A system for database visual querying and query visualization: Complementing text and graphics to increase expressiveness. 18th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2007), 109-113. Nori, A. (2007). Mobile and embedded databases. International Conference on Management of Data. Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data , 1175-1177. Pathivada, C. S. (2009, June). Avoid referential integrity errors when deleting records from databases. SQL

Syllabus POS/410 Version 12

Server Magazine, 11(6), 15. Raab, D. (2009, October 1). Business intelligence and the new analytical databases; What would BI apps look like if they weren't designed around the constraints of relational databases? Information Management, 19(8), 52. Sellers, M. (2009, November). Pivoting the dynamic way. SQL Server Magazine, 11(11), 35. Weis, R., & Johnston, T. (2007, May). Managing time in relational databases, part 1. DM Review, 17(5), 20. Zhang, C., & Huang, Y. (2007). Cluster by: A new SQL extension for spatial data aggregation. Geographic Information Systems. Proceedings of the 15th Annual ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. All electronic materials are available on the student website.

Week One: SQL Tables

Objectives Course Preparation 1.1 Create tables using SQL. Read the course description and objectives. Make sure you have access to the required software: Microsoft SQL Severer 2008 (Virtual Desktop) NOTE: The Microsoft SQL Severer 2008 Virtual Desktop can be accessed on the left hand side of the Course Materials Page. Review the Learning Team Toolkit. Readings Read Ch. 1, RDBMS Basics: What Makes Up a SQL Server Database? of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Read Ch. 2, Tools of the Trade, of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Read Ch. 5, Creating and Altering Tables, of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Read the Week One Read Me First. Read this weeks Electronic Reserve Readings. Participate in class discussion. Post your bio on Class Bios thread. Respond to each DQ. Create a Learning Team Charter. The Learning Team assignment for this class, due in Week Five, is based upon Service Request SR-kf-009, SQL Accounting Database. A link to the Virtual Organizations can be found on the Course Materials page. On-going 4



Participation, Bio, and DQs Learning Team Instructions

Syllabus POS/410 Version 12

Week Two: Table Queries

Objectives Readings 2.1 Apply single-table queries. 2.2 Apply multiple-table queries. Read Ch. 3, The Foundation Statements of T-SQL, of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Read Ch. 4, JOINs, of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Read Ch. 7, Adding More to Our Queries, of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Read the Week Two Read Me First. Read this weeks Electronic Reserve Readings. Participate in class discussion. Respond to each DQ. Begin work on Service Request SR-kf-009, SQL Accounting Database. Develop a project plan defining all tasks and work assignments for each team member. o Note: there is no requirement to use SQL Servers Reporting Services; you will submit a query that would provide the data for a report Analyze the current Chart of Accounts spreadsheet. Non-graded review of your Project Plan by faculty may be requested. Individual Table Queries Create an SQL server database for the Kudler Fine Foods Virtual Organization. Create the following tables using fields listed below. Note. Supply SQL server data types when creating tables. In the Employee table, create an Employee ID field that generates a unique number for each employee and designate the field as the Primary Key. In the Job_Title table, use a listed field as the tables primary key or create an additional field to use as the primary key. The primary key from the Job Title table appears as the foreign key in the Employee table. Employee o o o o o o Employee ID Last name First name Address City State Day 7 (Monday) 16 On-going 4



Participation/DQs Learning Team Instructions

Syllabus POS/410 Version 12

o o o o o o o o

Telephone area code Telephone number Employer Information Report (EEO-1) classification Hire date Salary Gender Age Foreign key from Job Title table.

Job_Title o o o o EEO-1 classification Job title Job description Exempt/non-exempt status

Use the Human Resources pages in the Kudler Fine Foods Virtual Organization to create SQL INSERT statement(s). Using the information found in the employee files for the La Jolla and Encinitas stores, enter records into the Employee table for the following employees: Glenn Edelman Eric McMullen Raj Slentz Erin Broun Donald Carpenter David Esquivez Nancy Sharp

Use the information from the job classifications and descriptions to enter records into the Job Title table for the following titles: Accounting clerk Assistant manager Bagger Cashier Computer support specialist Director of finance and accounting Retail assistant bakery and pastry Retail assistant butchers and seafood specialists Stocker

Check results by creating queries to select all columns from each table. Non-exempt employees at Kudler Fine Foods are paid an hourly wage and must track their working hours.

Syllabus POS/410 Version 12

Team Participation

Participate in team discussion related to Learning Team Instructions above.


Week Three: Data Changes

Objectives Readings 3.1 Apply changes to data. 3.2 Apply changes to tables. Read Ch. 5, Creating and Altering Tables, of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Read Ch. 6, Constraints, of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Read Ch. 9, SQL Server Storage and Index Structures, of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming . Read Ch. 10, Views, of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Read the Week Three Read Me First. Read this weeks Electronic Reserve Readings. Participate in class discussion. Respond to each DQ. Continue work on the Learning Team Project. Define the SQL database. Load the SQL database with data from the chart of accounts spreadsheet. Prepare test data and load it into the SQL database. Use the database and tables from last weeks assignment to write SQL statements and enter records into the Employee table for workers identified in the employee files for the administrative offices and the Del Mar store. Check results by creating queries to select all columns from each table. Use the database and tables from last weeks assignment to write SQL queries using Between and Like. Write an SQL query for each of the following: Join the two tables in the example database and use BETWEEN to restrict record selection. Use salary to restrict data. Join the two tables in the example database and use BETWEEN to restrict record selection. Use hire date to restrict data. Join the two tables in the example database and use LIKE to restrict record selection. Use telephone area code to restrict Day 7 (Monday) 18 On-going 4



Participation/DQs Learning Team Instructions

Individual Data Changes and SQL Statements

Syllabus POS/410 Version 12

data. Joins the two tables in the example database and use LIKE to restrict record selection. Use age to restrict data. Use the updated database to write the following queries, using the GROUP BY clause: Select employees last names and group them by EEO-1 classification. Select employees last names and group them by salary. Select employees last names and group them by salary in their EEO-1 classification. Select employees last names and group them by salary in job titles, grouped into exempt and non-exempt. Team Participation Participate in team discussion related to Learning Team Instructions above. On-going 2

Week Four: Reports

Objectives Readings 4.1 Apply reporting in SQL. Read Ch. 11, Writing Scripts and Batches, of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Read Ch. 12, Stored Procedures, of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Read Ch. 17, Reporting for Duty, Sir!: A Look At Reporting Services, of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Read the Week Four Read Me First. Read this weeks Electronic Reserve Readings. Participate in class discussion. Respond to each DQ. Continue work on the Learning Team Project. Create account number query that will provide data for the specified report. o HINT: use COMPUTE, or GROUP BY with ROLLUP Test query. Use the database and tables from last weeks assignment to Write a single, non-compound SQL DML statement to perform each of the following: Increase all employees salaries with a selected EEO-1 classification by 10 percent. Day 7 (Monday) 16 On-going 4



Participation/DQs Learning Team Instructions

Individual SQL Reports

Syllabus POS/410 Version 12

Increase all employees salaries by 5 percent. Choose an employee from the Employee table and delete that employee. Calculate the average salary for all employees. Calculate the minimum salary for all employees. Calculate the maximum salary for all employees. Calculate the maximum salaries for exempt and non-exempt employees. o HINT: use GROUP BY clause Calculate the minimum salaries for exempt and non-exempt employees. o HINT: use GROUP BY clause Team Participation Participate in team discussion related to Learning Team Instructions above. On-going 2

Week Five: Embedded SQL

Objectives Readings 5.1 Explain embedded SQL. 5.2 Apply SQL to a business application. Read Ch. 13, User-Defined Functions, of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Read Ch. 15, Triggers, of Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Read the Week Five Read Me First. Read this weeks Electronic Reserve Readings. Participate in class discussion. Respond to each DQ. Complete work on the Learning Team Project. Submit DDL to create and populate database, and DML to query the accounts. Complete and submit Learning Team Evaluation (found on Learning Team Toolkit webpage). On-going Day 7 (Monday) 4 14



Participation/DQs Learning Team Project

Learning Team Evaluation

Day 7 (Monday)


Optional Discussion Questions Week One Discussion Questions In the Campbell & Nori (2007) article, the authors discuss data trends in the marketplace and Microsofts corresponding initiatives to keep their products up-to-date. Discuss one trend and an example of how Microsoft added functionality to the SQL server to keep products aligned with the trend. Based on the Nori (2007) article, discuss one technical requirement for database management systems and SQL in new data environments.

Syllabus POS/410 Version 12

State and explain one advantage of using SQL statements (DDL or DCL) rather than a GUI when defining your database? Week Two Discussion Questions Based on the Sellers (2009) article, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the SQL PIVOT statement. Weis & Johnston (2007) say the dimension of time is inadequately incorporated in database management systems and SQL. Discuss one supporting reason for this assertion and why the authors say it is important. Support your answer with an example from your current or previous workplace. Describe a scenario where it would be necessary and/or appropriate to use a JOIN to retrieve information from a database. Provide an example. Week Three Discussion Questions Based on Ben-Gans (2009) article, what are some ways of improving the performance of SQL inserts?

Based on Pathivadas (2009) article, what is referential integrity and how can a programmer avoid these sorts of problems? What is database encryption, and why is it important to develop database encryption solutions?

After your introduction to the Employee and Job_Title tables in Week 2, what suggestions/recommendations do you have for improving the database design? What is gained by making these changes? Week Four Discussion Questions Based on the Cerullo & Porta (2007) article, what is your opinion of visual approaches? Provide an explanation that supports your opinion. In the Zhang & Huang (2007) article, the authors propose introducing a CLUSTER BY clause into SQL. What functionality does their proposed clause provide? How might your current or previous workplace use it in a SQL query? What makes MYSQL a good database, and what are the potential pitfalls?

You have had an opportunity to use some of the features within SQL to GROUP data in various ways. Describe at least one example of how this could be used in generating reports. Include the SQL statement that would be used in this example. Week Five Discussion Questions Barnett (2008) discusses the security risk of using SQL in e-commerce applications. Describe how criminals can use SQL to steal or destroy customer data, and how organizations can prevent these problems from happening in the first place. Based on the Raab (2009) article, what are the issues with using SQL when accessing the new business intelligence analytical databases?

Syllabus POS/410 Version 12

Explain one way in which you might effectively make use of a database trigger.

In thinking about the distinct parts of a 3-tier application (user interface, middleware, data store), what sorts of basic functionality would be unique to each tier? Copyright
University of Phoenix is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix editorial standards and practices.

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